WEW TRAL y-a pUry, ou e w. mmB Ait«,.te tbe' lt te ratIrsai conipsny ig tusett teied a lw r I4lacam on wu vas I Ueald and lu MiaU cul nfl $UllkeUlsiu. SUnln k-a eO. bIB Of SuP. wir e as id & Bloc!, ouise!for dilibM.ileW ifor alleg- tAve atmobU tau a Ik. Mr BtetaS5OtoEtat vu =*ýAt $3,Mtat ri JÂNUARY 12, 1922. OMM"" - c h mater ste, a 'homo. quaran- adtatget a drink of I*iII4belore Justice <I ~ anad reeaa.d unu- Bd er culs. wucou- ~O~ S POé~~ 2b~~:~k 'id bi vwu#, ot North ,' yiWatlhii taWes At- 'Wéérv toted lita the 1"e -seiwiir A. iitwoprobably vill eotultcit todai te show14 . itormatten aInèt lier tOr- uort~ - as. girthtey should net 0 b.d X*h 101* Ohiiel. a r 4mècpt fer vtotingsa c»e ,Abl. î X.s' W~LUWUW~ V- i> 1tAon .utrMS-aii thons 1- f A l ît t.Waîvlu t C lu w#c of their homoe for wooGegl ld se 1. t geek quir et tite h, puimiat ~ sa bINi ut samf pt iiiais àdâe t ý *WUitiat Dam hs-soy»M omualatter the mMltafis lgCoutr go»e at Ms. Ptnk. et the Ur ii e arset31i abbw latien"luEs" fer Christ=a@ B»sUsas ia, Went as Waukeg. vth ba'lntg sou bo w» 01Iiila b.d b iielteved to havP heen derlved, vIth diphuta is lb. b te onime______ phi su Kffla o»fsuidlate1M No U» tgRailluOd. The Pi- 84V..am men leIm , A ",±t1WiummA. re», pnt- un tg bords. te aim eaaY. isuiti la the qldst or thà Greek las the- .fe u t Dw C a. Dlktft- - ' -dtia! Ita~"Bie letter »cd". it vu .ad w! stand hi mà ST. at i e, j' It- op* .e lot f Wooad or- Wilia M MryceleeVigW4 d U cbstaittutttis verstuai se lèed from au ai bfd0iid ilod track. ta ______________ rmiao Wbed for atIssu ten dais. o5nTaict. A veek ister &ho and ber, husmnti Kase TI. vere arrei by the. dry maua, wtt- Lim tes. Tou tffleh mte te thé yosn s »M ija tattby bipur B1efleve yourssifiahapp id yon are boye 700 Met. Pstffsps me dey 0no *hbOët gU iotdUli happy," maya a w$iter. Unfortunaieiy, ortès Mbu ptt-dent of tu ot.vat±dtheb.tu5:1r quar- Oui rate doma't vork viesxa Mau F ~ 'bi~byef ane» IR=t& * tilis. thia hotulie avm, tfe tii..ho.lbother- -Aoovee'orn. d <.C kwad wnedalit- ON aUflm John Wojto, $anfileMoaq and Staf 0',Oietaune $2»0O bonds GRAND LARCENY CHARGE Great Laheft tiea are Investi gating thi tpae of a aI&e cuantity et trnttmat ureNorth Chicago mmn &0 undet arrest on the. charge of grandtagCiuy. The. tare mnare Joba WWJ*oto" S.ley lierai and Stanley Dtna The three mc vté amlagned b.- fore Justice avot C. CtqiieoTueï- day afternnoon ad gfv. bond for #2j- 000 eacb. thelr esue belng set for hou.' ing January 19. Thi Stst of the trio followed Investtgation» bY Lient Cer- LaFrazice o e 1 tiiRegtient, Avi- ation, suter the oMeer fenati furDtUre n Dzleris aplaea et businéss on Vlc tort& treet, wbich, Ih la &ulegeti wu stolon f rom the. naval station. Déeia clama ho. us h e tii urniture The autbhotite bave been nable to find the .ai ft fSS whom Dzleria dlaims t. have p=uree Il.. Tb IAI.MiiUM. Exchange-"Oe a bould siwsyn wesl IL $mite %t breWstY Thst much, At tPhtIp Lvuk u 4oI IMUST APPEAR $TRA twaly appole eletue uibwtni>.umow. C'élmelm only ou Yeom olti sud la tbo Circut Judas SUt Ou Lawti Fambien Knew NO MirOIr. lu the days wheu gui, wlnga 434 breasts were in demand for WOiflfl' bats and when the law affordéd ne protection to the feathered .ttib,5' jthe, were ha&ghtere& 4ytheuiiaaid ait aient the, Cosa. lll4eeey,94"ts freiNew TYorkwould rontiet eXpe- dIttons, accônipented by expert h=>f tiers, to, the breedlnt grounds of the meafowl and lre local guuimen te do ti. kiling. one woman In à slngl# maon brut4ht back 10.00M ter- sk'ia frein Cobbe iIand, VI na-.Mors Itan rcO00tern tains Wére colleteg in one seawnon la he sOuta -OfNort* an Southi Caroftift. Phllip Levanduaky,w*ft i B. Clcagq reieut,.reetep ,ae.g troin Argo Tzs .aythat hlits uoub, vag la a - very' Berl ffl edltloa.. ai ithat ae anti that if bý_W"it*d te> se. ber alite -to hurm to her be4àhde, Xas. Leeandusky starteti at once -la an automobile for Amgoand white bU. rylng thsougb Gien Ve-orsoborb, 0f Chicago, ie wasa blted by a motOrLY* '010 oruer on a charge of «eeemsi tie apeed ibsat. Tii. offcer daeti 19Mt hi takbl i la litocOetr. R. a orderetite apPearnegI Saturday. _.e feond ige m other aom-bhat lut- i0bved -and reîurned borne laut aigh. Thiee were'.twln babies at ldlIths boute, aug I t rtshe wva&R ait ui op vustlbti. -A calter, congratalat- Ip ler. c theMr presence tuer..se- celcd-taa atatlnganaver: -if there oas *mi om eIt wouldn't b. ne bai. ýbgt pou"w heti Me lent crylag the. K anI t'N cr-, es-Y &Il -ý!P' RECORD THE OCCASION TH1E BEST WAY. Tokeep a lasting impression of your wed- ding, graduation, birthday, etc., is with a ~Photograph. iWe are »weJl. equipped to group and photo- graph the largest parties as weill s indiv- iduals. 'WALTERS, town, knows1 the Photographer ini your how to do it. FOR A FEW DAYS IOFFER P#OTOGRAPHS AI PHOT.OGRF"HS MetthePhcýtographerin YouTown P.hotahs do not lie. If ýyou happen to be- detaîined unt9l lat at night or early mornig- at youv clùbcal1 Walter's, he will take a Pi. cture. f you and fellow ,members and produceitii Wfime for you s0 that you hav e acpy with Y04 when.facing the wife. -COME ON -VR AND> GET AC- QUA]NEJ) I THE PHOTO- GAPHER WiY OUR TOWN-ý -BNLARGEP ýygther in hMa Civil War iiniform =n4 son lai Ida World War. uxiform are twc>iLbo gmapbs that should be allowed'a darge ËPhMe in every homer %Wnig them here. charges ax~e very reasonable ~the work, you will b. màore than pleaâ- Ove- Cory's ivarK-et 106 S.- Geneý,ée &aukegan,,111 FACE'- The Photorp m~ii Your Town AND MWgTSEgRT are witing for Y'OuÏ Photo. Do not keep them waitiiig any longer. Corne in i today 1 tWAËTFRS- is at your service daily and Sun- days froni 9 a. mi. to 6 p. nm., or by appoint-, ment any hour of, the day or night. Bring yourfilms to WALT1Er. vW For better pictures and i eré. cehae à L TE$IS do your developiug. weeuy »MY W-AUKEGA&UM (L-