Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 19 Jan 1922, p. 11

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e~ei~ t ein8 m dho "d hà .. 118<., sud tthefoiing 1 cent db*M iSe o Sti and Les ciheroot 4 ~3'owst lu cheifho haîtu1 ùàà etilase!rm 9' evat-n - iîasit ~ o. "Ovhisiey, tud be, l.thtet sutarise reqin-à met s t i idou i t -~c,~1,lye com1te iluS itý X serMu , Sud h. e Oei olnd 81m7kteVIlillhac. vpos,'Y ~>r. B-b ro Dr.-5taBront<0< yistedargo!tud deateu tebu.- A0It sdcme ieut a ! e foIute e tba tst evhdeut!Mrsat. -4kof is venca s fprpa su-* e fotansie cray"=H.cls me M iI- metlu Useanthe. ans!o to Hals!p1diet IaW anyted". r beeMounra e ltintesm Werste tinse Gibse Iuis g"oU irotonrth hasil 1a, utalî a ni-a 91d.aterown r tsos belDsti csons in tas!h ie n ct tt a *i-and sas! uts aIl emiut et leti lb &ma eflnt om Mi-. elr but 1h8cr siale!l. Browns te i-andSotel 8uiîe esc n Àeddîna toutIndrcz. recall- q d Mondat hnwcas kt lu t Whtaoutilownu ell gThrsdame tuu eHlospiaoutheicals!",a buts taiud anO "hs ont te eut sudth a Trwnse rcd a tte Hospt ofli sho low t csieols le a fdrt pallt e ale in tDr.Heepita fett iSept.e2t.e ct.ln7th sud the ceas lIster lii lowtheattention belgivos bIalby Br.Brw adG- Ison u e but isnrStthe licptit e! Cionty y, fsiciwut cîtinathet z>'tai- r ftfcdjayplace gGibsn t fit e tiret ple aakedte ht en cmuteo nursas lilhete 0 Wi. a Ttisteas!ceends!fthe regretabe wuit net loaioatisetuleshow tbep wtntidens ertemln tespita frtheet2ny ue Oct li aouthte «» h*tito lte show thattetiotnl ~,ilcard. orby Boweln ttfticl 51.lttee, but enranthereti 01ba! fr e! Ghycenait!of suergnenden surges s ehe COUD- Ly ae e ¶18 pac Gis i tesubrtilae yau. lu tfne tfair t 1! Cgeuntuy Pitsîd tu Seatvi fi-tude d eetuirer-ettse nehosae uty 18tet uncicos"e udac fin or l por the se!, s h ls Gos!'. najaDy muest iotrabothieo it t itf the ayé s-aleutenu t solOs, orsi Cpro o citures unde hie e huWb at mabef t r. a titafede tof. rasLae sud. atder b George He! he and Iet uit oapîtf La idVila .tprie alase 1sub i>to eu:1 5 imait bas.t t ran thaete haea penaie bas athelpur hes! eod s receasL titi ceii ri-esotantesder t ln knelDaed<msose etbius havme f hr t«I-oof eILt ae e cien titioue sue orsakel n, pour ancas dedidaiSi is prate.sncb&amstan s e.theroc modneinonftthenureand o0< an onl ptIempe!acuirde patibentsonsth sttituce oareeai tot the tiss hal la »Corha tes-a onas s-ailu lauguib. Utsoreta tDr. Broun bu £ deermnsien te t tereppot tltsu ie rssaiotetim sxite kusd eesm futi u ae iotte J. .3. t oanase tSevlrf l ,b"41 ia. tnwa efiatd - 5permitSritrapomeves! DthaBrown tO"Min i' the b. roa nlves an tie ut flve. h ÇP-ci a deupeaiidblersChinVan "y w arntand Commhetice.sbt *oe fiaop ti sronon.ierto ord ats C«pou Id t>', hltiea, uat, fer Uteproeg ReslletflSy s uAid oada ed tJevbôraCte eRas! oned taet La 00158>' lti els te le antnd pA.donMil .oonnDa-s <,00.)c sit theffon e iolutin £003 on Bbr , o SuerviseaUtsLae c fi, tMntta or nnepyableses- , di Eas eviduces ln Ihe Uole atsed te sand Bonds.ofeiak aa4 y isnoi.te ethet ali on0 4P;*1114 Conusihm a T cson o4ta: f neth1clteandCi100y odi QÈ_ ais! bousndsDollars ($10"' 9ohf iur. day20t an( net at the0r0t ouf 0fle4 eut r annb'aabe Sem ' ueienetty the. t-" d.. l 10 d too,id i essu,. nd MLute ay aitIe Co <11000) cou ltb. f et lue>, 19-,1 aunun, paygbl a0esul.anuallyc onthIe tnt day of lansai-y ".d at Joly lu eseitysr, asu ovdenlaib>'anid on prum.aauon and cuntndes- of the interost coupons hereto attaches! as th".' erit> bcondue, bot, prin- cipal aid fiteneat pýa'bslu lactil .1neA U nth. si BudSttes o! Aner- Mas ai thseContinaent a ndCommer- cial Trust a"s Sarluga Bank in ibe Ciy et (2hlçao, tIllnois, And for thtu prompt psyment ofethiis -bond, club lites-eauina stesal, ah mate-lt>'. ihs futl fa181, ci-sit and! ieseurecs ef sald CQeaoy are bereby Irrevecall> This bond Issued by sais! County fte bus-pose e! aldtng'lu. Iliecou- ats-uitlen fl ioais le cals! Conty. puusuatle resoltions duiy adoptesi b>r th Board t SuPerviaor. et saisi Ceuni>', sud lu accordante villi moe thati a matent>' vole et the qualifies! togal votera et sais! County votlug upon the proposition at an electien basle cn als!Ceuni>' on '£UedY thu foui-t day of November, 1919. sud lu &JIl iespStn traiter ans! lau sll somplience dihlIse Stalutes o! Uts State et Ilois, ln sucb case made ans! privdeu. Ans!lt la bereby.certifies! aud i- cite st aiat acte, conditions ans! Ibinge iequired 1>' the Coitilution ans! Lave et the Staîs o! Illilnois te happen san! b. doua ans! pertormes!. precedent te sud lit the. isuaecèr of ibe is bon, bave liappeussd lisa beau perlai-mas! lnregular ans! due ternisand lime as requires! by ise. fIat the total Indebtedness et bald Ceuuty. Igpcluding ibis bond, doesa ct texcees!ans! constitutioieel or latu- 1tory limita tion; ans! duse nxuia lihas beau made fer the tuvy andi col- l ectIon et a udirect annuel tai, in as!- Sditlon te ail other taxes. on sud from aIlit rae properuy in sais! tCeuuty suffîcient te psy the interest bee-ou ac tle semaerailladue ans! aI- se to pa>' and disclarg flic prinipîal iai maturlty.1 IN TESTIMO.NT WIEREDF, thÎ sais! Cuntu>'of!Laite. by île Board D! Supervisera, las caueed iis bond te D le dut>' signes!In tcenanas a! sais! rCeunt> b>' fhe Clai-lias' etsais! 1Boacrd of Superiserasud te lis doue- ttenslgiied assdi atestcd b> tise Cepntir LClark ot sali! Count>'. under the- aeat etfte Cont>' Court ot sels! Coîuty, 1 ans! the sunexed Iinterest routons te tle executas! by tflitacairnile signa- I tureseof cals! effIcera Itule tist day Ao! Jaznar>'. 1920. a HE COUNTY 0F LAKE lne .St. eo! Ilinous. a By ,fbCairmsn ef the Bard et Sulurvs k- ors o! sais! Ceunir Il INTEREST COUPON. 1.No. - Jannary $25."1 L_ On fhe irst dur>-o! Juiy 19 - a i County cf Laite in tii-' SItalsut liii *noie. promses te pjus>'eliehai-et the autnofetTwesontIse liollar * ($25.00) aftri oite>'ofethte t.nIptd 5a States of Amranla ai the Continental à-uad Commrs-cta Trust ans! Sa-,Ingi5 r.Banu the ICity of Cblilago. Illinois. . toc Intecest dite taiday on lus Resu tf Bond. Second taeite, dates! January 1, 1910, Ne. - 3 THE CC1UNTY 0F LAKE lne ti.iate of Illinoie. By- R Clatiumn Seanrdcf Superison, tLake 't Ceunir. Illinois. t Cenutenalgues! anti Attegtes! ýn s- Count l>'Cenk - BE IT F'UR3ýHER RESOLVEI2 cr that for tle purposo! prouidlis t- tan the payint et thes principal and e- inerest er Ute bonds herehy sutbex te uisai!au tIc>' nspcKtutty becoEsu at dus, thoa hciteaith.nd ulere Io becs e b>' levIesi sdirect auai tsi uPor ail lbe taxable propeity lenLait Id Ctunty Ililinois, et thini>' (30) centi nu on each'Ose Muniras! Dollars ($100) if or valuation ton each efthtIe yeaan ut 1921 te 193-8 boui't nelusive. And pi-o ae visions te meel the requiremnente ba hereef @hall le due ima, imauner an- ls mses n ually hareatter bc made. d.Aye and! Na>' rots being had, Su ýn pervisor Vercoe's motion cas canrei eu b>' thesfilleclng vote. ' 1- Thoce vtug Aye ara Supervlaor e Austin. Sali-sf ow Craie, Crapo. Dlt I gsi, Ridhier, Eger, Eflnean Pîike us Hollutein, Kîrecheer. Matien. Met n a. Monaban. Mutplir Martin. Mu nu Cutteugli. Naber Olies. OConnor nt Rlngi!abl. Sarson. Sînsuion. Thomi son. Vendoes.Webb. 27 d. VoIig Ne. noua. ot Super-vsora Brwn, Drac Hotu idge, Hutten, liaurman, Larson. ab us sent ans! net veting, id Superviser Mai-in moves! lIaI Specuat Cemmilles lie appointas! t of luretigats the changes sulmîttes b: as! Superviser Bai-istable. ans! Iai tbe: -d a'#,)s-port the i-st et the Nursee Home ans! ihs nec Tuibeccular ani ty Contagons Hespitle ai the Marc] Ln- meetlug. rOf Superviser Eisrbier mores! tht id Superviser Marsinas motion la tablai 'd Aye aud Nsy vota belng las! Supel os viser Etcher'a motion cas cars-lsd b s! tb. foloclsg vote. m- Tiiese voting Aye ara Supei-viset do Austih, Sis-ec. ,Crie,.Crapo. Dl 1 lier, E>,bles-, Flots. Holielte, li-a .4 »rs MaetIxen. Meyer, Monaban. 0 id Coamnalr, Vertoe.. "' These votiug ne are Superviser nilt Esu-ntable, Eger. Efinger, Munphi o- Mas-un, MeCullougli. Oit,.. Ringual th nsen(, Sti-alisn, ThempcOu, WýbI in- Supervicos*r. owen, Dec, Hel( -A i-ug, Hu T. a-on.- m .. a Minutes ocf proCoding meeting reste! audupoa.elion etof tpenisor Mey- ~uyjn3iardmous vote. thi Circuit Courto' submtted the. foi- l lowing report: Te th Honorable Boaxid o! Sup- ervior of Lakte County, Mlinois. GentlItMon: . -. 1 beg tsavs te submit te your Hion- orable Bod, my report as Probation ot!cer o!. LakesCountY, Illinois, mince In" appintu n uJanuary o! Iis ye.rlbh Ocfober 1, 1921. There ves e tie persona eut on prohation as.ith tinte et My appoint. ment. 1lbats, received reports frein ail of themi. Tbree et theun are malt- ing good clzeus and a succesla lite, One, a coloreit bcy cas sent te the Hous et Correction from Chicago, Mtîle. At March Terni. 1921. tee cases were referred te me, and twe casese at the Siffcial Ju ne Teisfor Investi- gation sud report by tire Hoierabta Claire C. Edearde. Judge efthtle Cir- cuit Court o! Lakte Ceuni>, Illinois. Tiree of theswere ho> a or young men frot Lakte County, the balance were froim outside lthe ceuni). tieme were brought liera by rerson of iiav- ing been enliltedl in the Army or Navy and discharged iu thie vicinlty. Fise o! tIsse rases weîe net paroted. The balatnce wers paroted alter a tiierougli and rai eutinvestigation Of their past. Th'-y have beeu ptaced lu foituei enilotumient or returned te their borna îuwn hesi possible. Ail of thle paroted eues have resorted regulai ly sud the reports show that tIr> aie ail doltag weil and makIng good ritizens, exccpt Oe. One denadent, Vincent DePuscal, eus net eligule on account et break- lng a parole la New YerR. and lie cas returned te New Yenk at thp expira- tien ot a sentence inflicteid in ibis County. Itsspectfuily subeitted. ERNEST S. <SAIl. Pcobation Durier. Dated Highland Park, October 14, 1921. Superviser Samison moved tisat the report ba accepteti and adopteti. Ml- tien carried by a unanimous vote. Superviser Austin, Clairman tof the Resolutiona Cemmittee, eubmltied Ste folowing report. $TATE OF1' ILLINOIS) sa COUNTY 0F LAKE) Soard et Supervisera. December Session. 11,23. Mir. Cliairman and Gentlemen ef the Board e! Supervisera: Your Cemmittea. te ciion the cem- munication ef the Ceuuty Represen- tation LeagiueoetIlilinois, vast- ferred. beg tsars te report that we have 4nvegtigated the matter and tInge contalnied tn saiti communies- tien, sud recoeunend ihat ne action bic taken by tht> Huoard for thie reason pthat we are of the opinion that our ireîreaen tsives, the Honorable Elae r L. Caike of Waukegan. Illineis, sni 3Dr. Frnke S. Whitman, o! Belvîdere, ilîIlinis, are more tboroug)aly censeet Lsat aith the malter and are men aeo ablitiy, capable et iooking ater tlle Intereste o!thue peops tliey rici Sresent. 1, Rüîpetfuily aubnîlîteti. C. E. Austin. Frank. A. Wdbb A. W. Vercee. Hsioliiiioais Commirees. e Superviser Dilger moved tiat the repet t be acceptod and adîpted. Me- tien earrled by s unanimoutsvoie. Superviser Vercoe, Chairman o. the Finance Commuttes. submitted tbe xu-,Iuwii.6 esolulion and moes ita adoption. W2IEREAS, cerîtain resolutions bave beretefete been passet b> thb ,a Beot-rd of Supers isors of the County et ofLakte lIthe Staisetflltinois, antI. ný orizig 8h, tasuance ot Read Bonds ýe o! Lakte Ceunty Illinois, te the taamunet ot $1.000.000.. and il WHVEREAS, a Speclal Election cae rs leld for the purapse o! aubmitting tc . the peeple flic question et aut9jizle tea Bend Issue by Laite Coueiy i fh Ssum e! $1.000.000., and of suthorizIns a ievy et ait atditiensi lai foi'the u.psyment o! h, Interest and principiJ ld et sucli bonds as provided in le reselutiens ot said IBoard o! Stuper rs visera of sald County, aud WIIERI, Il- AS. suç-ht proposition cas carried b) ela substantiel majerity of sat! Specii . Election tun 80w licemes, aud la thE c-duty oethile Board et SUperviaors el ,r. said Couniy te carry emit the Viii el p. flic people as expresse<tl nsaid vsol . by lssuing.. aald bonds. THEREPIORE, BE IT ItESOLVEl l. that tlie Chairman o!flhe Ceuni) b. Board and the. Ceunty Clark snd th( -Finance Committes h. authorizec a sud lntructsd te Issue, advertise anc e cetract fer the salaet and sali the jy sald bouda te the ameuntoet$1000,091 y te the hîgliesi sud hast Mildder, and ýs e rIT FURTHER RESOLVEI d that the Clairman e! the Boardor ub Supervisera e! said Couty of Laki la hereby authorized sud dlracted t at exeMeeilutheienms of aaid Ceuni, ýd. said! bondsanad coupons andthi r-Ceuuiy Clerk ofe salit Ceunty lm bere y by authorlzed aud directed te se test said bonda ans! coupons sud as ,re fix the Corporats Seat ot salid Coun j.- fy te said bonds, and wlian axecut4i b-. ans! atte8ted, te deiirr tha same t y. the perses awarded thea sasse. and [4. BE IT PURTHER RESOLVEI ,ra tirai the Finance Cemmittes o! sel y, Board of Supervisera e! sale] Ceunt h, lie sud uliy araeliereby authorizui b. sud dlrected ta aci lu an advisor 12. capaeity cih ths Chairman o! th id Couuiy Board et Supervisora and th STA1U Or 1 ftL4OM>) ,Caineaçt Wb. hvo t. reoWt"mtlA ý_ - 1 . 'estbey hare t nifi l d pro-»I. C corntimm 07LAKE) sented, boteorathon and rocommolid 3 L f Loy. A. limGee, County ClertL the paymeat of the followlng, ai and CClork of the CoumtY Court lo and that The C1erk be directde 1au fq~~ol1tv liitasherewith erders for the. several amounts. te R FBaflD5 Rffliptsanafd Zpne (Nune Fr Whe Afrnet My officei for and durllag the hait Gienwoed* Manual Training year ending Docember 3, 1921. Scool. catre of cbldrenui Earned." Redeiod Received........................... 1087.49 E Preyioti8Iy LiseIndustrial Ochoot forL Reperteo. girls do.......... ........ 45.00 F Probate Fees ................... Liste Manual Training Sehoot ....$20120 $50. $114669 for 1Baya do ...............0.00 7 Law Feeos..............non State chool and Col-i 1144.25 704.25 330.00 onv ething. etc ..........24.60 J Micetaneous FeU................. Kttier Montai Training .... 6701.03 2883.05 8476.33 Schola for Boysa care of chli- Ma (I en ............ ......... 13000 F - -Cathierina Kagper Jndustrial . ST $988648 $293256 $995102 Sellent for Girls do,....425.0, $393215 Mettîndist Deaceineilà ýOrD4taf- Co age care ef Wisemnfl u ciren .... ý....... ...... .... 150.00 ln filal Recoiv4. ................ak'RidgeSelt colfor Girls Sta .....11........$3s81 57 rcare of children ...........136.00 th8 Hfomne for Detitute Crir- li Expenaes. pied Ohildren do -. ....120.00 t rit Satary.................. ........... We aiso rgeommend that the Clerk Siu .................... i sw a Warrant for $1000 te be paid an( Cierk Hire....................... . lotfi Lake Bluff OrPhanage as Sp- Th .......... ........ popriated at the Septeniber meeting ha( Office 'Expenses ...............s 21. $75I3 ., XI'01of which te respectfnîly 5ubmi- H ..... ......... $63711.-.2 ). A. Hutton. Cliairman. an( Lew A. Hondec. W. 0. Samso. A. STATE OF ILLINOIS. > C. J. Monahan wil es5 tupervisor Webb moved triai.the go COIJNTY OF LAKE) ý_ort lie accepted and adopted. Gut Lew. A. Hendee beiog duly swon .%>, and Nay vote being had Super- ler deposes and Boys that the toreg ,îîig! i-or Webh'a motion w'as carried by wil report la trrue and corr-ect to the hcst c ip ollowiuig vote. sel 1of hie knowledge Information and bce Ihose vottng Aye were Supervisors tii lie!. U u Barnotable, Craie, Crapo, jliii. 10 Lew. A. Hendee rrî, iEger, Elinger, Floke, Hoilstein, nei Subscribed and aworn te before ime Htton. Ktrachner. Maeeher. Nlisw-itr (hie liffth day of December, . A 1> mnXMeyer, Monahan. Murphy. Mar- da: 1921. riis, 'McCullough, Obee. OConnor. ilt 1B. T. Mutn. Depty Clerk. srmýn, Vereôe, Webb. 23. 4ai Supervisor Obse moved that the re- l1 irs oUing Ne. None. vol port lie relerred te th Committe,il Sillrîecisora Balrstow. B;own, Pol Setileinent witb the Ceurity Cl'.rk Pl:rw. Eicher, Heldridge. Larson, 1 Motion carried by unaninous vote ibeir. Riugdald. Stratton and seý Suprerviser Samson, Chairmoi,f oîsn en ben e o ot- Il. the Publie Buildings Committee, s j b i 137.(s mitted the folowing report. Superviser Hutton, Member o! the STATE 0F ILLNOIS) lonmmIttee en Educatton, aubuiltted en ihe fellnt report. mi LAKE COLINTY. ) TATE 0F ILLINOIS. )La e Board or Supervisera se 0 M( 1 Decemuber Terný 1921. F lXKE COUINTY.i Mr. Chairmnuand Gentlemen ut IBoard of Supervisera. th the Beard of Superviser.. DÉcember Term,1521. Your Cemmittee on Publiceflulld . Z Ena W-ou .mi ligs Claima would beg leave Io re- Mr. Chalxnian and Gentlemen of S, port that tsy have examinsd al lie Board 0f Suitervilors: clainie presented before them and Yuur. Coxumittee on Education hA Ifrecommsnd the paymsnt of the fol (lainms wouid beg lease te report lowing. and that the Cierk b. directF that they bave eamained ail dlaims il ied te issue erders ôfr tlie severai iiiesented befere theto and racola- i-amounts te Ithe several claimants tu- mend the .payme4lt of the feollls ( * cit: and that thie Clçrk b. directed te fi * Names For Wliat Amount. Issue orders for thie severýI ainounisthI Il A. & A. Electric. electrician ipiîlrîî to the severai claimants to-wit: s I-A. & A. Eiectric Co. electrir Nantes For What Amnount tl] " supplies ....................7 -,jAbbott Educational Co. sîîp- il "Artesian Water Serv ice plies.......... ........... 37.6 Ir water.................... 6,60 Thonmas Charles Co. do .... 23.16i nJ. Biumberg ftîraiture ...........C. A. Faust do ............. 20.18 A ....... ............ 152.50 W. Il. Dow 'rîfg. Co. do .... 6.00 C , do blankets................ 4.00 ilantniond & Stepbena Ce. r-Basie Products Co. boup do ....................... 13.69 B M................9.2 C. M. Parkter Puli. Co. do .. 8.85 r . ayon Bito prink- Paul Schwartzstrauber ex- ling sîreet................ 90o.00 penses attending Statè Fair Phili.p Bpand insurance .... 29.16 Echool.................... 20.2 Conrad & O'Shea furniture Leslie Worth do........... 21.8 ......... ..... 1 71_~0 T. A. Simpson office ex- Eagle Gtemical Co. supplies penses ................... 319.25 158.35 Roy R. Yeoman repaira;. 12.00 C Griffins Garage oit &stnr- F. A. Ilîidcen services . 22.50 ae age............5900F - Oten IPiora Sîlrings v*ater1 11.25 505.39 f W. E. Green plumbing ...173,61 Ail etftirh Ila resecifulty euh- ýd do do...................... 15.19 nrite ?i Conrad Holltein supplies..20004 Wuu. Hoban & Son repaira D. A. Ilîtton. is *.......... -, 2.70 t. 1U. Crain. .I e Harris Brûsr. Co. çirîrro eic Supeintenileet Nlaether rooved y.............. .............. 38.10 that the report bie accepted and4 li. Higginbotham & Doeuglas adopted. ts. keys, etc....... ........... 2.0 Aye and Nay vota baing hll, Su- 4 .e luecs Dry Gonds Co. supplies pervisora Austin. Baijtable. Brown. **'**"* ...... *"** - 62.40 CrXin, Crapo, Dilger. Eger, Efinger, as M. C. Jlensen hauliing Gui- Picke. Holtatein, Kirachner. Maetlisr, oe bage ..................... 78.00 Mawnian, Meyer, Monahan, Murphy. ig A. S. Kenneady ite........ 82.75 Martin. Moçultougli, Obes, OConnor, le Lberty 011 Ce. gatioline ... 2.46 Samison. Vercoe, Webb. 24. Ig F. H. Miller repails........ 6.15 Voting No. None. e North Shore Fxture Co. eler- Supervisera Bairatow, Drew, Elcli- rtj tric fan........ .......... 37.90 er, Holdiltige, Larson, Naber. IRing- d Public Service Co. elerlîjo dalt Stratton and Thonipson betng r- lîglit & heat ............. 1752.61 abaent and not votlig. E. do bsg for vacuni cîî 3r. .00 The fllos lng Quit Claini and Va- J y Rynkzsi Ceai Co. roui.l 65.40 cation Plat was submlll5d. f ai Standard Oii Ce. gaslite.. .99 Know Ail Men By Thesa Presents,. e do do.................... 1.04 that we, Chartes Spielîr and Anna l of Taylor & Guthrle supprliesa. . 2Z.70 Spiehr. bis wile, Joseph Strausser of Weraier Electric Ce. elerîrie and Gertrudte Strausser. hie wife, An- e lampa.................... 17.50 na M. Simpson. a widow, Williami G. B. Watrous Sons supirîes Thoresen and Sarati Thoresen, hise D, .... . ............ - 8.10 wlfe N. E. Tiioresen. a bachelor, E. y Waukegan Glasis Co. glus. 6.00 H. Thoeseen. a hacheor. Otto Groth lie do do................ 4.50 and Ellien Groth lis wife. Kasa Ho- id Western Union Teiegrrlib Ce. b rg and Almas Hoghsrg. is elfe, id cent of dlock.............. 3.75 R.iietr Petiti and Marie Petl its ielfe, îe Waukegan Lumber & tuai John L Tohias and Anna Teblls, is 0 Co. tomber.......... ..... 5.58 wife. Leonard A. Docetttî snd Editît Wbyte furniture Ce. dces... 87,50 Doolittla is wife, Louis C. Rautb a Et. YaWman & ErbeYltfg Co. wldower. Helgo G. N. aioneson and of cabinet-------------------.59.20 Augnat Gunneson bis wlfe, Thomas- ie Northi Shore Gas Ce. gas . ... 323.97 W. Prodini and Florence Niay te Washington Laundry laiîîdry Proctor lis wife. Josephi Rus- ty werk ..................... 44.18 sell and Mycîle Russellilits wife. ie Chicage Teleplione Co. tale- Mattie Dewey and Frank Dewey hierJ ,- plione Ce. telephone service hueband. al reiding hI Lake County, a- 6 menthea................ 907.31 Illinois, and being, wilh the gîsotees, f-- the ewnecs of ail of the ceai esiate e- Total .................. 4944.1 knowu as Lekeside Subdivision, fer id Ait ef which la respectfuliy *ub- and i conslderation ef ens dollar. te nttsd. sud other gond. and vaînabia con- t W. C. Samson. Chiai tan. siderations le baud paid, receipt :D, Ândrew Bfiger whereot le herdliy acknowtedged, id Edward M. Mawmani. Cony. quit dlaimt, and vacat umie ty 1Supe1rviorMeyer moved tlot the C. Lettisa Thomson, Mary F. Thom- ed report be accopted and adopted. o4ethflat part of Oak Avenuie In ry Âyi and Nay hal, super- Lakeaide Subdivision of part of the ho viser Mpyerla motion carriad by the norilicesf quarter of the nortbwest liefoiowig vte.. qartr e Setio thty four (34)qA ans spx«ur '.. 1-~ >88e Gt*th - i-j us. Tv. nusutia . . -...-- .~ - .,.,.,, luiî Môles-g v~~iug »e are ~ Ki AI El Jc Ai LA El D H Ai T F je m [at F T,- tal lal h; ru( fin nit %c ac lot [ai nd iif ýo ýUr Dr ilf, ell le 0 1 ýau tri ýay l'e ait oli ,OS c ,ea se Ila ,ai 40 E he iel nit 1 Élif fie (lit sel th- thi ori th, Ni zi F. C. F. m 44 -14 44 44 N D L H E. Pl S. F m M J. M B 4.42 ' f the meS nf.d es- >94 Blleu Gi-oth i b Bah-etcc,, B=wsri~ Robert Peth Creae. 9eh1le, tiVgorYcJ Anna Tablas Vertae. Webb. Leesi-ad A. Deolttle IlotinÇeNss. None. EduithDeeitila Sùpetvlaers Di-e. ftHdaldge. Las. Louis C. Rauf h son, Naber. Ringdahl, Macmn, Mon- -lelgo G. N. Gunnesen abatn. Muiphy. MIartin. Sîratton. su" AugusasGunuessue Thompesi being absent snd flot vol-, Thomas W. Procior ing. Florence May Prottr Superviser Obea »Oâmte take a Jesephi Russell recasse nil É ecloc'FP. T«. fer the Syrtle Russell purposa cf making, a tour ef inspee- attie Dewey tien ot tbe Lakte Connut èeial HOs- Frankt Deey pitli. Malien caried by. a unsait- ATE 0F ILLINOIS. eus vote. se At 2 e'clock P. M. the Seard ces 1'NTY OP LAKE. again calles! ta Ortler the u Chair. lR. W. Churchil, Notasy public man- and fer the said! Couat y le the Superviser Meyy murvit tea ad- aie aforesals!, do lieeftV; csrtlfy journ until tomornw tuorulng. De- ai ('harles Spiabr aud Annas Spielsr d5tbere..-6. 1921 ai 10 o'ctock A. M1. i wlfe. josephi Strausaer ansd Gar- Motion was carnies by a unanimot'> ide Strausser is elfe, Anus M. vote. inpson, a sidow. Wiliam Theresen 4Wakegau. Illinois. kd gaea>l'Tborese 41.4bis Ye. N. E., Decembler Itu, 1921. [reseru a bachot-, E. If. Thoresen a Tha 'Boad met pursuant tea &i- tnemi - Otto Grotti aud Blaen Groili jouru euh ihalî-man Paddock pi-s. ,, wif e, Clans W. Holierg ans! AIma sidlng aud ihs folecwing mamIers oirg lits elle. Robert Peili and! pressunt. Supervisors Austin, SsBii-- aite Pell is ita fe, Jolh. LToIlas stow , Brown, Craie. Crapo, Dlger, id Anna Tablas it ette, Leonard Eldîler, 'Egar, Etingen, Ficite. Hall- .Dootttie'and Editti Doolitite bis stelu Hutton. Kirachuer, Larson, re, Louis C. Raulli a cdcr, e Masîlier, '%Iawman, Meyer, Monaban, )G. N. Gtiieson ans! Augusta lluîlhy. Martin, McCuiiougb, Naîsi-. onesen tlrs elie. Thomas W. Proc- OIes, OConnor, Paddock, Rlegdalht, ,r and Florence May Practor bis Samson, Straflon, Tiîompson. Verves, fe, Josephi Russell sud Myrtie Rus- Absent. Ilipersisors Bacnsablil,,.- hi1 big wife, Frank Deeey sud Mai- Dccc. Heldridge. e Dswey bis elfe. persouatiy ltaiwn Minutes oft he prv-cediaig meeting Smel e be tante persans ebose read aud upen motion o! Supervisor uts subscriîrcd te the feregoing lu- Fîcke approcred b> a u4animeus vota. rtuinntppeared lefoca nue this SutueriaesrBillýtîn moses! lIai lu i persan sud acknowtedged that the bill of Dr. itomter E. ý-amIeOn for r-r signes! seuleri suddeliveredthu e flcacre ef Geo. t ocutîs rum lMay Lii insîtmen as their fcee sud 4tiî. 191Z te May 5rih,. 1921 ameuuting lUntaity aet for thie uses aund!ptur- to $220.00 le atiowed. Dses tiecein set tortît. Aye atiuq Nay sots beiug lied, Su- Gis-e undr' m u baud aud Notarial îreivisor Bartoees umot cnwar car- ýa lhis1h tl hy or Seiiiu-îiber, A. viedir i)yte toliowing soi1,. ý1921. Thosa vetug Aye are Supervsleora 4e> R. W.Churcrhillt. lotary Austint, ltulcstow. iBrown, Craie. Cra- -fTuiiic. po, Dilger, Eger. Etînger. Fice, Supet sisor tBrown noves! that lte aw tu a, rI.Me> rrý 11,niair.u. urtuits stier lia réterras!tate aSeamp Martinlcluii, Nabai, Obe, soda Cenumittes for Investigation. OCenioî Ringdahii, Samson, Vercoe, ltion carnies! ly a unasimous vote. WeII. 2f. Superviser OConnoer, Chairmuofe Voting Ne, Nous. e Por CommIttes (except Wau- Supervisera Barrtable, Drew. egan. Shieldsansd Deartild) euh- ichler. Holdridge. Klnacliner, St&%gt. ited the foltocing report ton ans! Thempson bêlug absent and !TATE 0F ILtýINOIS.) net votiug. s9 The foiiocwin& communication cas AKE COUNTY. .)preieutes!. .'Ir. Chairman sud Gentlemen etfXauitagan, 111. use Board et Sopervisors. Dtc. 12t4,l. 921. Your Consmiea on Poor Claima, Mc. Gee. T. MtbCulieugli, excpt Waukegan, Shieldsansd Deer- <Sones. ield. ceuid lieg leave te report that Chairman, Detention Ironte Cent- îey bave examiineti all daims pi-S- stltiee.' enti!lisera thezi sud reaonmend Dear Sir: lie paymeni of the folleclng sud We (lave a reqtaest for ehectie bat the Clark lie diredteil te issue service tb a nec liense huIlt iy the rders foi- tbe several amounis te 060 Pelieca for the wldow et one se seserat claimauts te-cii: of tîcir deceased memliers. aud 8h10 ;unies Fer Wbai Amunut house l cated on Lotý 107 ln LyOIe P. Jensen grocenle . 22.25 Thind Subdivision as ghocu an the Santon 90.00 attached sketch. i. C. Thii&on transporta- lunci-de? ta eascI ths party and tien. e....... ..,22.25' aIse u aitain our polcy cftiteepifli lion Iustitutiones & Industries paes off tIc tresesasd placing M~ milsa, fuel etc ..........., 1411.97 potes in alleys or ouA lot IUnes 'ybOtç- ever possible, ce ileaire 8taom* Total.......... ........ 1524.22 docu tbe lot iinp fi-otuCicytoW Newporti. Street. Tii. ecords show 8ha8t tW F.D.FPoster mass ............24.11 fis-i feun.Lpis, asab oution 1 te #* A. Heydeciter & Ce. mdse taclief sketch, bctong te the Oousair' ............. 26.11 et Laite. ad ce prisanaresi-sail ri-. P. . Lucas & Son tuai .... 109.85 served is Dtentien Home. f. E. Lux mdse............. 24.36 Wê.terefore reapecttulty reott tbst yeu coijeider oui- request fer a Total ...... .............184.49 ight DÉ csy et roui- cbing meottag Autbedli aud if agreeshie. klndl1w-' 441U Dr. IL. F. Beelie sans- tadhes! iglit of esys on the linss 1]> icea.......................700 didates by X and i-tui-a&Il of this, 414 Lester J. Osinons! auto to us et yeur eas-tiet cottvenime&tO lis ery......... ............ 5.08 ,Thankii. ,ou lu adrance for yens- 415 Mrs. Jespiune Winstow cucîeay and repty, ce.renais nuîrsing................... 60.0Tour. very tnttty 1416 Antiocli Lumiber & Ceai 1IL S. Badgen.triet Rua'.. Co. fuel ...................1106 sasr Be I *d h8 malter le je! i efthe Deteg«tlit Totli.................. 10o5.06 Home Cmmilties /tb pecer to-4ti5 Gi-sut. Motliuî cari-led b(.a usaninlous vrotq N. P. hireuilc nîdses..........9.57 Superviser Rlngdaht. Chsaùa or M8ra. Peler Langlein judas the 2siscllxneous Claima Camumit- ..................... 15.18 4li.s. ubaaîttgd te otlocIng report. Di E. F. Shaffer services 40.00 STATE DF ILLIN61S. sa Total.................... 150.Î5 LAKE CDU.NTY. Laite Villa. Board e! Supervisors. LJ. Barnalable mdese....... 17.00 Decequber Tai-m. 1921. Hieey & Webier fuel....... 22.95 Mr. Cliairman sud "Gentlemea o( EJ. Murria ciothlng........47 thtW Board et Supervisora: Peleruon & C~o. ruds........ 121.4 Tour Comnîtteaeon Miscellansus Cleima wouîd beg icave te report that Touai .................. 167.96 tbey have kýxamiued &II ldaims pro. Aven. seutad lietoratet aud regemjussd C. G. Braîneîd mdse........ .61.51 the Payment et tlie folilu ai ad Dr- F. F. Shaffer services that lthe Clerit ha dirccted te issue .......... .......... 23.00 ordera tor taeseveral amounits te S..I Cerfieldi îdse .... 68.11 the saverat clalmants, 8-wt: Names For What Anicunt Total-................... 152.62 Geo. H. Bairsice commît. iiertyvllls. taecoi-k .................. 78.5 F. Il. Corlett mdse......... 56.13 E. A. Brown do............. 6.0 W.. F. Franzes fuel........... 20.3 E, P. Bdinger supplies .... 3» Maex Rolner chothiaig... 9.00 L. 0. Brockcay attending Liliatyvllle Garage service Court..................... 1 M.» - ...... **"'***,*, 9.00 Burroughse Adding Machine Lilienlyville Lunîber Ce. fuel Ce. repaira............... 24.70 ..................... 45.08 e. H. Baixstsoe expanses ta f. B3. Morse & Co. lochiaig Spingfield ............... 100.# .................... 25.26 J. J. Sarnatable commritie %Vrn. IVarond attisea..........76.51 coi-lt.....................19.50 C. E. Sairstoc auto repaira. . 4.65 Total.......... ........ 241.18 Chas. H. Crapo countoitee Waucouda. coi-k.....................$1.0 iliaclhur & Broogliton ne- J. J. Doroey trelgît & Cart- pairs...................... 4.00 age....................... 7.1 John lilder indses.......... 1832 Irsue M. Doyle reportbug tai- R. A. Prin mes............ 35.45 tequesis...... ........... 96 10mai- w>eeteck steve....... 10.00 H. S. Eger committes coik 49.50 Tiliits Cerneaie Lumber Ce. Poley & Belloca autepay ., 25.90 fuel ......................-83.00 do do..................10.03 E. IP. Caris services ..........U5.0 Total...... ............. 90.77 G. R. Green insiiratuce Sli~ Cuba Itr'a auto ............ ..! 198 W. E. Allen, M. D. services de do .................. 671

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