is tbapse ay tn -cwt othngtaor'aluatlIàosb. acceest.1 M tu hie Invimtai-les aulmit- 9- lïï edf. Motion carried by a unani-1 ~' Xr. Oh.&irfli5fandl Genlemen oai 1yb>Baud of supervisai-e: yf'ear iy Comitee t inonithe r atel ! slatiita 400 names front S'i.jury lista til.d etUte September *saiblin 1w1ovssref.r-ed, herevth intwut t» oving Hat ai such 40 ", te roplenah thie jury box. ssp~fuIYmhItted. ~gay ~ch1r.Chai-ian. ST. McCu1000Sh. .Bantou, IL%. O sltet ,Jacob H1{snun PUA Mahàak, Victoi- Emenuelson rW Vai N .làlxsn. Clarence M. 'ftM5W. Clarece Robinson, J. W. F. H. Mocbi.r. J. A. Rir- 4~$iilH. W. Scbletir , UQrge Meulrcy', John Ma4prov, H. Kirk, *a. N. Canner, Arthtur Mdole. Chus L U ILt.M.Nat,.Glafnn W. Crsei, W. w K ssli, H. . Les,,Mari Huti, ~0~O Sb av'Wlter Hughes, H. GsadiIW, Wrn. 0011., Ralpii Brown. jataoIbéhoer. Th.oioi-aTa8e@04C. W, s~ G W Su= A. C. Jacob- 0014, M&Ipwb Eaboe. B. C. Mei lnoDCmw omme . . LSheeer, Gis.. U aina IL C. Palanu. Neviori Chutbes ILDenetan, Harrison lit*- pb B4 ariCrawford. Frank M&, E. Bddy Thousa liga, N'red Leable. Robert Marte. Oleer Patch. Dmniel1 Tonna. Mmrursuse. Iring Paddock, Qu.. Mat1iOýL ILH M. oaprider. Ni-nb IhêlBut BAvardoe, Or"A. Pla prm avktls. LareocoHousa. Aamk 3obnisAgmaxlavage. John îîw ;mbêt aSustGorgeBar- lqu.&Wma .e blaiasJohn To%,Ray, s Xudk.Prou rÀmw. Je. Lbs evilla. tisa Sooheao. Ba eShoeita, W WIUc oea auslPiots, Rbr -»MmRa b. ihéisan. UiaiY Val M& 1 m, . ieW.&.IE Baom&Me BeeSOdiSr, arina Book, A"i- rW Voi. Be.Di. limh T. $bantou, ReleiOti Mu..M. gema., Jar Gi-aam. B. . Watt, Ben eSileier. Davi eu-e $aPtr, r ahému. pte Oendrlck, 12bDOvel. Thi-mmal 0'Doyle, A. Paddock, Ray Wah. Pauli Wtwer, Art moAre.. Don Walhlegtoii, RemisaSumit. Fi-ui Mrtin. Beit JohinsonAnthony Dwqath. L«eeDrue, Rani-y L.umb. IL V. Harvey, 12011 legiman.Ben pelai-hart, Rai-ny lvilsi-. Nta Oui- liva, Tom Mg. Vils Leng, Oliver Book. . . Roetng. .Warren. hou Vle8bAt. Smne Ames. àxm&a»&,H&nyThomas, 1. 1. pdulsi-,Sher-ma spmeburg. Eer W'.rsâ .08" sleBoneer, B. F. Doale>'. Igum nFod, Chris. Hedler. E . E Mai-ah.1 Waaiegim. J. M. Detieune. John Gailsgher, I.esil A. Grememt. Fred Mol! r, C. E.L rester Tom Gri-tileW. EL Gren. V. BL Ds-ao.John Hart. LeO. Tee- Joume Sor, Jeu Le. Mati Haff. C. E. Mait, MMl Adonna, W. C. Porter James Bei-ry, R. bie. Wm. Draper, BA, Ce.rad. Tuas. Kiraellur. Rus- eni Bd*&i-U, Wm. cCamey Jr., Ir. W. Pou. Phil Sherida. Bd. Sciivery, Ray Shunvay, F. A. Webb, YMedPtitelair, D. IL Hall. Johie Taupilea, . H. Jordan, W. . Lied- -,bora. T. J. Baitcox, Oscar Saxdtrçin, John Barka,. R. A. Carr James Cal f san, P. C. Gîbuon, Hlery Boucan. James HaMoili JohantNets. T6biai Jensen, H. Bidinger, J. U Klema. C. C Marquis, C. E. Wall, Wm. Btty, M. BL West. Russell Maitan, J. S. Waltei-, O0. Stanley. Walter Bren toe, H. B. Broadbear, &.. urst, Normai Brady. Raph King, Fred Di fie, E. A. Ot Bruna. Ebeard, '7hos bicCaln,. John Fiaher Chus. Armes e- V. Ftteh Richiard Brentan, Hsrold Y»OdbuiDennis Miurphy. Henry ItOlstot4 Lau Vager, Thomas Rat m to.jas. Salmon, Wm. Hogieve' Saic, Lan Van Enecie, Jas OShea. Ba3ney Wettel, Walter Lai- uon, John Wslden,, Axel Esela. Au- bra Broadbesr, John SlOlP. A. K Bovis,Ed& Ehormuq. Leu . Brad- bury. Arcit Siultis. Ueok. Ceser. Aug mat Shubeni. Bei-i Eddy Andrev Wae net, AI. GOutnle,. 3. enta, Jo, Hoff Axel LiiiAbert, John Hangerbi-atch I..L nA. Wm. Johnson, Whn. John son. Win. Magden, Cao. Jenkino Henr-y MoMannanian. Vic. W. Sam- feu, August Peurs-in, Gea. Long FrMak Reai-dan, Chas. Parue, Charles Rascl. Nick Reardon, Cari Ailerbury, Irvinlg Anderson, John Brodértck, . C. Brry, Heni-y Berk. Wbtltei- Crawford, John Count, Jr., Wilber A. Cmipbell, Walter Cayen- de. A. C. Fisher-, A. Cavender. Shields. E& CL-rl, Carine Carson, Clyde .Adair, Rd. Darney, T. Bhel, Jolin Gatiey, Chas. 'tumanie. Marin H(oyle,Itobt. Shahsz, EaKapheit, Gahm Aiis. Audrev J. Luno. Jas. Dickensori,. £!mer itogan, Wm. Cap:- thoire, Édwai-d Fenil, W. LaFllus Chales E. Mavian. Middleton içl lit W. Kyracit, J. J, Bradey, 144"hl~l Hlmer, James Wall, De- WW ,iheratne. M. Bolger, Wai-ren llwaid »aUqA-an* Joe Tebu Ypank huer, . 18L. Brooks, VI Caiy, Wan LalWey. Wm. ilon.1 Fink, lemMurray, 0tto Phllipsi mon Waton, Frank Itossendeute Cube. -X - red, Beeneti Nincent Envuùn, Eloner, Word Flock. Walter G4i Ruben 2omut, R, B. Hioman.1 Id ;esy, Jo Lyans, Maurice Doal.din Rardon, IHenry8 niaker, Ed. Weslowski. John W4 Jr. William Giaber, John Toautoai beit Hooft, Henry Krapp, Wil H. BUt H. F. Miller, George!F Fred Hagr, Edward 0. Welîà Paul Siiallenkolner. .Vernon. Herbent Barrett. Ben Cook, - 8115er, Rtaymond Haben,N bert Mldeubsut, Loyd Riteentb Wallis Ichar. Fruacis Stanclif!. West Deerfield. Bernard Siegle, George' Beclo Hermon Knigg, William Deum Mari-y Snyder. Mat Zalmie, W Todd. Peter Lest, James D Jamnes 0'Conagr. Deerrield. J. E. Crawley, Chae.s Lemkb H. Nichais, W. . Cuipiinge, Augustinea, Johne jork, Art.I liai-t, A. fibeltin, 'Surt 040, ..4mth.rtQ% ,Nathan, Çavwf b. ag eu.Irving BanaitsL . 1r more, E. IL Lag, T. IL, Pierson., Effge, Ls.NMorse. .. C. Jacobéa t.. Bayd, Jerome. Shook, E. P. 1 WM. D"Ma. ILE.Bragan. B. J.x eli. Stopex uaWorth, Jamtes me IL Lotir, nosn heftae, C. B. soe, Geo. Clark, Mimer ESum Edwarda, Oea. ErnesI. J. W.E se., Oscar L Lu.agre,.8W Cla, loyd I L.rson, C. 8. ville. J. W. Crosby. Superviser Dilger moisd tit reprt bu a*=epied snd sdopted ton carrild by a uuaiious voi The fatiovlaug petition vsupro de. BTATE 0IUIM"OI&. TOWN Or WAREN!) Te thé BouadorSpei Theu m4oemgae& omud Hishwapu of the Tu»m ce W. rese.tUal a Iride u daMte bc tretel uver thé Dos Malause1 vee t1w mmm lua tl I )alshvy hevu s Osai Av., 5. E. I % et th. ILW. % scti a chot dsace WestofaiOum suid toawx, ch la a.ees4ate th@..,psoposed lurovntt be that tb.estinsated couto f smi wiii b. Tws.ty ThmossaDu md Fivo Thousmed Dollars fm approas fi n1eoesltated byv of said relocatioe. Wleftore the. MMidCommisa of Bighways hereby petitions for idsud for an appropr froin th. Couaty Treasnryofa suffiient ta meet one hait th pens af mid bridge or other said lovas bis prepared ta Iu the. ther bao it of he àamu Dates ai G'q)neehhig 35tbh Dember. A. 1992. John Thomas.. Cosemisiansi- of Higivays. STATIE 0F ILLINOS. COUNTY Or LAKE. TOWN 00 WARREN) I tb. undersigned Comission Higbvaylenthe Townorai Côuty aoruma.Id, h.reby state1 bave made a caretul .rtirnae probable cot of th. propoud1 ad fi1, and 1 do stimata the probable comi ofthe. mre I Twent five Thousand Dolars. Witeess my band titis 15thd December, . a .1921. John Thoms. Commiaaioeerofai Mgliwai STATE 0F ILLINOIS.) COUNTY OF LARE. aTOWN 0F WARREN. ) John Thamas, Commisslaner ai vays et nid Aown of Warren, duly swora on aatii ars th& '*Tventy tire Thousand Dollars 1tione luthelb.estimai. ta whicî affidavit ln attaciied la necessar that the smne vii lot b. made expanisive than la needeil for th- apose required. John Thomas. Ccmmisloner ai HWgiialo Snbacribed and swarn ta beio thls 1tliday ei December, A. I. L.v. A. Hendee. *Couniy Clerk. Supervisor Ficke maved th& petilion b. refrred ta the. Roa 9- Bridge Committee. Motione r- by a unanimous vote. r. Suprvisor Monahan, Chairi 1the. Cnerai IHospital Âuditing 1'mlttee, submitted the. iollow port. STATE 0F ILLINOIS.) COUNTIY OF LAKE. ri Mr. Chairman and Board of n visors. Tour Commttee on Lake Genral iHospital Âuditing wval leave ta repart tiiet they have Ined thehooks and accounts Sup.rintendent and Treasurenc le Hospital and find the saie ýn ued bat ince last report the .n oi recelpt and diabursements follows.. I-Sept. 1. Balance .........3 8,Sept. 1. Caah xeceived f ram 1* Lke County. lidg. & Grds.............. *,« _ Unie, land .............49.50 Hermon Se ftller general * Novi 9, do Luke Cauy ..... 3000.00 .age ......eP.... 7. do Mrs. Mîgeot ........10.00 Mary Skublic e do......... ictor 7. do Mr. Sciiunker:... 15.00 E. P. Spauding mtlg,.. Wm. 9. de John Aman..... 21.75 Andrev tiu#d bldg: & grdis a, a- 9. do Bors erJ..Baver 40.00 V. Tommata 'do ......... tcher. 10. do Mr. Monahan ... 37.10 E. H. TarbeÏ Co.. contagions Il. do 1fr,. Robin.. 70.00 & tuberculosis buildings.. Ger - 14. do John Paih... 45.00 TIpjohna Company general ex-, ossel. Ir. dcq lira. Bowers. , 17.20 , pense... ........... . Har- 21. do Joii ilauish.......... 30.00 Alez Ne- aun- general Bme- 28. do jowlItsi.a ....... . 8.60 vages .................. chu- 3. do Elsie larrts ... 15.00 V.tte & Zuncker provisions eleb, .. .. .. . .. . . . $38a80.94 Winona 'EléeetricConatruc- Diabursments Sept. 1, 1921 lion 'contagions & tuber. n, Al. .................. ..... 36267.23 clel buildins_.. Illiam Balance le tresantiiasd Waukegaa Whlcssie Gr6- Fasse, cash au ha" Disec. 1, 1921 $ 3123.71 cery Ca. provisIon.. kopf. DisbursemeteSBeptember 1, 1921 Irving Wagier gainerai va- ta De"eerbe 1, 1921. gea . ................ A. & A. BLnclic Bldg. F. Whiddee bldgai & grds.. J. H. Grdls...........50.70 Waukegai fl ay Sun gei- Math. Dr. A. I.L e nsheis 60.01> eral expense.... .. haler, Ir. Bartow Bldg. & Grils. Wuukegan Rooini a cn 10.40 lugions & Tubercular Fred B'c FProvisiqne......72.25 buildings ........ kman, A. E. Brove general ex- Waukegan id Batr nond, pensez, e pment, provi- Station general expenSe .. N. H. 5%lng........... ........64002 iss Iarriet Wlsb. nurse Duffy, Burke & Wright equipment 8.65 wagea ....A,.......... Peeraisoa bldg. & gi-d... 529.50 wliîthail Ttuw Ca. general Fred tlow contaglous & expence .............. ,, j. Tuboelar building . 9767.08 Whitney & Hoyt lesurance. Wm. Mur7'Cencicli general'vages g. B. Watr-ais Sons ,cuip- Loch- ... ..f:.......1-9 met..................8 en . ... "Ï issitu Day nurse wages 62.92 Joeqplile Zedanik general Geo. ]M. P. DIger generalexpen». '4.20 vage............ Bk1. Iss A B. Dellest nurse.. Jon ages................. 163.3 ~ .Wi. Duulay general o%- Signed. E. J. Manahan. Ch Rilsy, Pn"....................20 abE.Mavm$U. Mucl- U. L. Emersoni do..........12,00 H. C. W. Ifter Lebu. T. C. Esser & Co. bde. & . upervisai- Maehheitmovçdt HD grds ................... 15.16» repat b acceptl Lad adapte s, & Go. Eliart do..... i-....121.00 and Nwvote b*e bad Ou Siick- Funks Book Sliap general Madeem mol cva cued îalter OXp.050.................5»5 folbwing vote. -Nel- CaLi« do ............ 4615 ThuitA»e sre 1lui Miess lV* Farror getiral Anuta,, E.astal, Egevu ri the......................... 45 Crapp9, 12Stc Z h. IMW. 1 L X, ibidGarband do .........1548 NIceo4S Holleto.s, Ilem à S GvynwSil CO. - tp5li, Mavusa, liMe«. 'UMo.a eset- «i-51OcaSO........ .Id. Mrtlo, Mm0i~aliahN" Gm»o Ltiuber Ool & Nuod goseuor, E111u119. 9Sumuson,11 CA. bida. A ari.........2Ut-tg Min. Vésetoa, , I .......... A ....8oit au e," obsume. no 0f o &Elirom". ................... IL BU o pesu ohtmC &enra keU.Wa. A Pd.......... I T JUY UA ) XH doa...........18*t *elIn.............. ce mu «ot Auid 1; ludom- Dotmba, lm 11 Bar~1k Co. ama xxe8* lr. Chotuns»A am Gn te YPiacle odmuh sueral th. Board et Scpevtmu wreof qesu.................. Off? Tour tlemuutt» Smu Pria IW.L A. fHeado i nsranS... 244» 0 Sttmaty *voliboa»"0 vo oustue. Hialathant A Douglas tati" yhava zaod au or the guers expenso..... 44 presented bellore tbam -and IWnals »M4Bell TelephOne C. menA the i. 9tet thelb. do ....................104.6 sud ual lb. clrtbehédire ioer Andrieu Johinson bldg. & isue orders fer tihe seyeralj i gi-As........................50 t.ithe several claimnts ta- WaTiou Agees Jahnson gesera arnes For ,Wbut Ilato ves........180.00 Afred lRarelape Ce. eu- le ex- MTaeeBtE a bd.&vlop es ..............l , reik grAs ...1........I.73 A"ex A Ca. supplies.. furg" MimA=& Kllne Vineal Go. D.Banard & Co. duc- ni ff ........... Z.00 beit eaves ........... ra eumiwae Mrlins do .........22.00 do 'bln4s à indexý...: dey ofa W. --%»l & Co. provi. do record.............. glons.................. 112.55 do records ............. A. 8. Keninedy heageersi do plat boak ........... expiense..........29710 do labels................ Kc J. Lai-soncat4'; do mari-Sage liceeses.. Tubercloil ll b m.ieg 150.00 do record .............. lnk. Wholesale G-oci-y C. do records.............. prowo ....... .... 92.23! do bisuba............... m1er ofai wod n e.Ipueado binder ............ varen, tust 1 epes .......... l19do dacket ............... lAeCouuty Raglater d... L 820 Daly Su supplies (Simpson) ai the Lavis MIa. Co. ig......100M bri-d» Uberty 0OU Co. do......... .00 do do (Hende).......... ýa the oscarLi"I &li - Co. bîdg, -do do (Brucher) .......... UIl W e & ................ 44 do do (Persoa) ........ <..Long contagins do do (Bicway) ... da.o tuberculoabl buildings.... 2503.50 do do (Smitb> .......... Lewis Garage general cet- wvnt ad. (Brown).. penee..........12.00 9e notie(Riissell)... F. GorgeLvi gnriex Funks Book Shop supplies.. peunsa,................... 7.48 D. A. Graay envelopes ... B. MaGowan bîdg. A gi-dm.. 52.50 do do................ # Midlaed Chemlwcai baratoy Illinois Pri-nting Co. tax levy iHh- general expens......... 6.25 blanâs ........... ...... being àmhrlail Jacksoft Ca. do 2.23 Labo Cao. Register letter ai the Miss Mathryn McPb7ei-U t liada.................. 1 Mien- nurse vages............ 105.00 LIbertyville Independent liait ch thiisP. R. Muller Co. general ex lishing supervisers proceed- Lry and pense.................... 1.20 legs ................... s0 more Meinecke & 0o. do ... 2.87 P. F. Pettubone & Co. blanbà le pai-- Jog. B. Backey genersi............. wages................ ... 120.00 do record ..v............. Metiopoltan Hospitali SuP- do record............... Y.- ply Ca. general expense. * 74.20 lr me MmN ele Movers tisnera, D. 1921. wages................. 1290.00 All af " ¶icb la respectiu . 1). Mrchant prov*nses 192.14 mItted. Dr. F. H. Marti 4ue-E. A. Ficke. et the thetîci......... .......... 75.00 Martine Riegdahl. ead sud PFranklin macveagh, & Ca. Supervisai- Mether moved caried provisions................ 236.29 report b.e aeceptcd sud adopt W. F. Lfeuglin-& Ca. do 84.00 anA Nay vote lteing lied, Bu man of Wmo. J. Moley do.......... 78.75 Msetbei-a motion was carrilt gCom- Mandel Bros. gencral ex- follovleg vote.. lng i-e- pense................... 119.40 Thas. voting Aye are Stx A. J. Mrchant do.......... 2.10 Austin, Baznstîble, Broa H. Narvil bldg. & gril-d- 33.00 Diger. Efleger, Ficke,M National Sales Ce. general Maether. Muvma. Manahs expense.................. 110.76 pli>, MUnie, Mccullauglt 1Super- Nrth Shore Fruit & Pro Obee, O'Caenr. Ringdahl, duce Co. provisions ... 38.20 Thampuasl. Veeone, Webb. CountY NortiiShore Da-y A Ice VoIlas No. Mon..- îld beg CreaniCa. do-------------10.00 Supervisora Bai-show, Cral e exani- National Envelope Co. pro er, Holdridge, Iluttan, Lrmc oi the vions ................. 187.0 Meyr, Kirsbehei. Stratton& of*aud Johie Niemai bldg. & gidm 6.J00 bing atse.n sutotvtine correct Peter Oi-e do............ 460 Superviai-Si-attoni, Chi : Items Miss Sofia Oison nurse va- the. Bvml nus Cammit îai-e as ges...... ................. 8303 mitte4 the, falloving report. Josepitine Petkovseel general STATE 0F ILINOIM. ) vages.................... 68.67 .5a5 155.59U H. Prentice & C. bldg, COUNTT OFF LA]CE. ) & gi-de................ 1031.701 -.Cliamn sud Gentl Albiert Pick & Co. equIlp- the ba..rCd a Supervisors. 6000.00 ment..................... 28.25 Tour Committee on ilvam fiad Supervisor' MeYer's Motion was 11.00 crried by the folloiving vote. 145.00 Tfhos. voting Aye are Supervisors j4LW X Austin, Barnaitabie, Brown, Crain, 121.« 'Crapo. Diger. Eger, Efinger, Fiche, 85.00) Holistein, Kîrschuer. Mlaether, Nlaw-. mari, Meyer. Monahan, Murphy, Mo- 200.00 Cullough, Naber, Oiiee, OCo;nnor. Ringdalil, Samson, Thompson, Ver- 18.G9 voe, Webb. 25. Voting No. Nons.. 209.02 Supervisors BatrstOw, Richler. Hol- dridge. Hutton, Larson.. MartiD, Strat- 197.02 ton and DJrer beinc absent and*nat voling. 'lLe folicwingcoOmmlunication War, 1000j)() prese nted. December 14, 1921. 12.85 Lake Caunty Board of County Com- mirs.ionera. 28.92 Mr. Ray Paddock, President. 20.30 Waukegan, 111. Dear Slr. 14.55 Please grant the Illinois Bell Tele- pbione Company permission ta iital a 4" Uile conduit &long the. soutli aide 61.20 of the lHait Day Roai tramaa plate lucated ut weat of the Chicago and 17,North Western Ry. <est for approxi- mateiy 365 Laot, terminatIng ut thie 130.66 present pole on the. south sid-j of 1 bghway. Conduit ta Cc laid uppr.jxl- 1.31 ,mately il It. outh of te center lin, 515go higiiway and have a depth of ap- ploximstely a Il. 37.49 The iLtt&6bed binae print Wiii show more gpecfleally tii. location and 17.73 imetiiod af the.propoed work. _____ The Hall Day being la a part af the, ý35257.23 state Road systoi .IL, la noCeso-y iairman. for tus Company ta 5ecmr8the. cmn sent of the Stte Hlghway Depart- ment before proceedinga wth -ie tuat the work. This pèrmission will b. grat- d. Aye ed upan car presentlng tu the State ipervimar a copy af a tresaiution pumed by or àby tii. honorabW 'body. Truting Itat 7001 viii faver vit »civison vth MaC4 a resolution, ire arc cM5in. VMr truly youi-i winger, ILI«No ZWRL TULaZUONE flO* Morpby, 3Y l..C a. *Obe.. fllvislaPan ueameidin Thogp- 8uJe5'iboB0 airstqw auritted Lthe J7, fooflole swkibom ami moaI elis midrdg,. W 4y em l a vrtting M*a ana s b WtUt b. Coamtr b«gg oeriet ou.vm e gtbà ommy r orte t14 04*u t kelàmatpIo emeh oi the "lmublaç «qihl~Iv. CoM" ta b. hlawaflosim atd lasm roo tng and Soils et, e blstiva te report and té hWï sbth of approimatdp Il ewasthrefoot, M WOVA",atter due considéra- rolovng lion and investlati2B by.samiEoerd ected to of 8upantàarS" theb.COAuty ESa amau.mts perlatteudiet a lHUways of tii. mb. -it: ject matter .ontain.d ln alO tigunoot Antount IT 1S THLREFORE RIDSOLVED that aid permission b. grant.d te 123.50 mid Illinois Bonl Tolephone Company. ,,,9.85 Supervisor Baratovas motion wau > - a imaxlmous votei. *4b.50util Mack liii, 1922 tiê~oc *42.69 A. M. Motion carri.d by a lânanlm- *1#4.88 ous vote. *74.571 STATE OF ILUJNOIB.) 1t te tp or i id fi ie 1t 53.42 147.97 6.10 - 25.69 49.90 158.00 61.00 3.00 - 4.60 -520.00 59.50 .75 4 .60 -209.ri 224.60 S161.90 Vy 8.00 8.00 .. 261.60 ka 59.81 61.00 44.75 2700.41 Pted. Aya Bupervisor ld by the Ipervisons rt, Craie. Hollatein. han, Mur. b4 abEer, ri. lemen. of unp Lande- Deed aud iLaieside wàbulp 46 tcpmmend d' sud Va- A thul hthe Board aud talrrei ta [d by thei n sudd pro m. I liai lb. ated. Mo. us vole. &t lia -li ine tio ai snunti etD &Il bUs 04 tt tbis ,vata COUNTY 0(W LARE. > J, Lew. A, Hende.. County Cleri ln and for 8.14 Gounty. la the Miate of aforesaid, and keeper of the, reo- ords and seul thereof, do hsreby ceS, iy the. faregoing ta b. tUn., Per- feot and complet. copy of the Pro- ceedings of thie Board of Supereis- ors of sua County at their December Session, 1921. In Tieaiimony Whereof. r have her.- unto set my hand and aff:Xed the seal of muid County, et My office la Waukegan, ln sad County. thui 23rd day of December. A. B., 1921. LEW. A. HENDE (SEAL) Cierk. WOMAN WIO LST SON DEDICATES LIFE TO OTIERS Mrs. George Miller heIps pu- pils of Central sohool in North Chicago (B>' Ben Sears.) A very commeuduble example CI public spirileduesesb en braugul ta thieattention aifithe boys sud gil CI the. Motth Chicago Central Srhooc througli the leteresl laien lu tit.t velfnre b>' Mmr. George Miller ofLin. cola St. Mra. Mller lavleg lost her only mom, John, soon aller his graduation Irani elghth grade lasI June 1.11 veC3 unhiiitunate Indeed. Since then, ha. uver, cie ba beconie eluch leeni d la other Moi-lhChilcago boyssnd girls even tt he extent of sPendloi her evexilngs helping nme aifte- vilb Iteir daily lesns. Severel mootits ega ehe presiented thie Central Schaol vith a year's sub scripton to asci aithie foflovia inegazinee: Populer Mechautes, un( mterican Boy for te boys sud Mod et-n Prisilila for th.egils. Site ai* gave last yeai's Issue ai Populan Me chuni-cs and othier mugalues. Il menus much tot have thes, magi zines corne regulari> ta te re4dini tablo and tii.>' sie greatly appreclut cil sud eageily rend by al. Soie are espeçWal>' intereeted li bird study andi lrs. Miller liearingo tus preseuted a vluable bird book. Bee in a tegular attendant ut Paren Teachers meetings and 11e ever readý ha ]eund a helping hand ta teaclier aed pupils aibie. LaiatIy, In remnembrande of ber soi Jolie, vlio qasespeciali>' talented Il art voi-k.csie preelented art matri-li vhlch'itave been very useful In cdu ryhug ou the ai-I vork. To shiov Iheir appi-eciatian oi vht nMr. Miller lias doue ion them th pupils have pui-chaned a beautift pýcture vith A portion aift.e Fa Mdubansd It nov lbaugs lu th asséu bly roon lu emaiy ai John. The aIaei lit t v as proper to do th] because ithe exhibit oi Joitn'svoi-kE thie county fir lielped us greatl>'1 !vinuin thie rank tuaI Ithe sciool wv WAUKEOAN TO R finualtn dtkLb, fiels ai endeavoxr "eà» le db su ad od ushial CITY 0f 10 0 00 Miss Jessie Ros E dvards de greatly ta te aucces.a of ho IN14IASIfScrow&.Mss Edwardsose à_ Sr)enleer at Chamber of Com- 1 tue nombers ver. greauy spipsctal. merce banquet prediots creat M-\. C. TIbbite naloni>' lelmtes future for city contmuulty singiog but alun sang tvo fine tenor solos. Be hu; Dot n~ ' gi-cal abUhty sud a pilait voie,, 400 ATTENbED THE EVENT but Lso hie iaeulty ai selechlng the - - 1 bled af songetat are xmont appi-op. Waukganthe ,caitalof Lke iate. W a u k e g a n, lita e ia p o la tia! n o f T le fin e r pie tra t a n d ith e ve r - a0,f n ak ounty,' vii have atooiseasqurtette added materal>' ta io00 san 14,cou evi havehe pleaMuxoefathe eeaing viii m»V. 20 ,00o n ls l 1 40Masdtu e preilii- c- i n uIM n r , s ud t e ir e n te rta in - lionmmd.Tueia>' ititby teHou, ment vau o!thie highest ai-dem. Samuel M. Hasttngs melon o! Highi- Tii, Rev. Chas. A. Kelley. psster lanA 1ari, tirto. pregident ai the a i.MUoitcbui elee DilaisManfacures'association, the, invocation. and vice prestdent af the Fitli dis- ~ mcesa i vn a u hnlch of te Cliiner of Commer-ce largeiy ta ltéappetislng sud hounti. af tue UnteA ates. ln an addresfidnu evdb i ati' et the Fi-ut Methoiadt cliorcii, thte oa- Aid stiety oai te ehureh. casion heingthie-annat banquet ai the Waukegan-Nortii Chicago Cham- ber -oi Commerce. Mn. Hastings addressed an ud-I.. ence nf 400 persona.te event belu 1rN orth ChicaRo even mare ,ucceessul tan the on, o yean go. eanc e hat insplred ManY te, ahaulden greahen iesposlbillties MIss Florence Murphy ai Chicago for tKte eommunrity, thie couiy, etate foTmeilîaf titis ct lafvisltiltbvr and nation, and gave thorm abroader finda liere yesterday. Tis104 Of how one nontImp-ove candi- 'rie Fo".Pari board met tai-egu- tions for meI by directung aeWn ideu as anseusie. lait evenlag aitlte Coup sud efforts lavi-areahmer sei-vice ttitiy Conter oltice.Atu th. reglar ta thera. businesswu vasinuscted lte eMouaid. Hoelid o y e tlIventai-s of th. jottrred ho te gymnaini herea 'United States baidosue more temaEu&*ves-y ltereutint ganie af voiley bail tis an ffgeorai meru voderau asu 5laetei n l.- &Il the. ailer nationus a of hei ,LaH. Dowe ai MarIe. street lia ani hav lb.eMaCormutairespei- Md iaeccpted a position viti t he MoNta agrlcenuturi tvenitiona have eey-=iarlgicecompa tlehie egin. made- passibU* i'upid deveapuient o! eeingdearLienIt. tkq canasY, sud aiea if the. dertI- Alred Jakolst Of Soult Pari aven. aPen. aI $bus. invetions laishave au- ne Wh hua béezatus ie t lits hoe, -d totube théybave gliven te tre for- ame ip Ueisla able ta bq, arotid variA Uffbtaka ti ht-lgconfort, Rui veuitkuni piogres,, sud bremngj.ltRYoye etaiShianuaren asmra about eoudil aosticanait b. i- 'e M et s- b se a . ne mus ed hie oaigin orses-. lmneinu3oYéd la ttie »vuniton bimali. MI deuume ttirough u -- et Tb*e Muelitl kcokr vIlméat las- e ie Wkiobt bs-ois*, the blalting de-» »hmimi do-eeo g et t» aw 1d eviese tumtdcpaciblo tite batthoup M. Zervuy .vecue. Amltomubera let shysole maSthé* déeesi bto,"sroqU5itOtu "bopiU5t. e tecat terlbitg up Ittiden i-dos- ,Theo iihanl au"ari iel; ui * t aiue, lhe dbqoery of eettly,~i58ir PUnuIt*P~IO eYdi*g 13%» 1ligitIs A"drives t.sbà i ehUaat odc ., jftaiell. te wehon, scRta ains vbo*m$1 setag Açbj.@ueur récolar casa peridetut i.A t ehit. tlenue la desls u t l Mai tho enereda of oahir ihiegi thti ff ffatien iii . van Ld beus» t a5 1 epueres ai t4ou living 1 is sen, l, Sevenàipeople ai tb itis dv steais &a.orofCommerce ban" ita vel Mr. Hasilasdolaned ltai ihi-augit , z.NIatlEn, or Ch, Mo ing, lb.hlocat&=ofai Lob.count>' and W&u. friends le titis city yesterdUm4. betoau, adjacent ta Chicago,- hie Thenrtaintcumte k. I-oxtaiofath. Misusiipaien, W ee g a vnt eeittettis 4-wteh praducem pructieaily 65'0 par web.ey <i gôrvm tutt *Mb et cent of!thie ealthioaite nation,, 1h15 Souh jecbi tireet teboase * plo )comiounlty cannaIt ossily un te.0and theécoat lai-Mn aloertabîmn.t tu P ttdance ihagr a 3Pdtl ed o-be give bî thie voues people «pi ii. il t i t n l li s C i n h r a O rg a n isa tio n leutth . n e a u lu n e mare as active as t.e..onem. r The aRoai Mdgbbo4s sviSi alA aeverythiiepopaletet an ena ei pros- ve-y important meetiag ut lte c.1* kpeity beod tbe imaglttam tio tomaesa lethe Auditurinu bauiil tel Eeventhie Maistibatk a pled, As4 s--uge tes- ukpim a, 1 poplation e 010M'Silla ee u'j aty ïS- M". afopoe4.b ~ lua 18YO yesns enc, ni Piedied -hy MIf. cÏ p.* ueu « Hastings, in lbe resuli af %_remt .Wr iUgitS> oi lfWot aurvey Made by ithe manufaEnurW sud a&bWgtime Mla h#»b.pLManqi vb" ak olaiton itosalmomber M ete. lavite Iheir tamil le docloredtat ather c ales la 1t o steed Shie state houbd nai e.vy Chiceago, X Ir. ReyaldsaIof 208MPari. i' becanie thsetallr la memly vorhing ihed fuiands heve yesterdsZ alés-oo* ta salve ls big Pi-oblemi 1the "sa 5foi-a ashôrt wite. thansele adjacent commueiies are -doing sud ltaithie spi i fgreuteat k co-aperation siould prevail, as oely ýr in tiis =nere anu te greatesi clii- 140w Cedar CtWM sPr-Ost mate benefit came ha ail le th. Miss- Il tlte plenant aroMa Ihat 09*f '- Issippi Valley, lie garden spot aoft&é.the t-ici ai pralailg yael ciaibul avorld. tra othi. Tougmath vos-as. MmBl. Hastings mid ltai people vho cantnai stand Ilie ainel ais-f uiie v on-y aver luxes ahonld reinember nlT ii> nd itldo ual gel. s aiipa to -' that titis la lie burden ai every gov- bf on youi- best suit.. Onsp*gexh -nient. vhich lu aur ee vas bnew cedaz chients vere mothli pu. - tatedl 140 years ago vhou thé Bas.ventems but tt taoi Da»i tomtl et tan heu Party vas helel. .adifitie .Agricurie expert» ta proe tW laxpayers mut .kicb thiey lioild do thei-ai cedai- math defeie o>std l for- te purpose oi brleglng u t rt duto attul #,lser*_e1- btter conditionsnathier tisa keep- te. pu io ot lttIi< ^cedsr. 2 ing thalr posbetbooks fat sud thew d goveroiment loin. Me atmedthie vans ai- larvae.. vlibdo the VO situation up ity soggestlag tuat theai atlef, sud vlilci develap ntao m 9mare onle pts ino tiis gcoenmnth ftei- a satiafylng veat f.ed. am- ~l le thie fori fM ai es, vesitit, indus- miorti>' ater iatcbint by 1h. Odr E« try and rghteousness thie mors edmi- tht fige an gtbbtIv eboséav everybody vili ulîliuately gel out o! chofet. But, athie tM&ii fgtw4 «Ir. - it. petl, tvaorthiree pte.uds « ua wý ,We are Praud ot aur Highland Pleasontt mellog napthaieneé, or-math Park." Mayor Hastings concluded. halls, placed le luit u avdiuas- bso4 "ve are proud of thte alter lavai lUr-protect ciolliuitajusi aU voIl. Lake cat>'. ve areprasd af oui ________ ceunI>' caital-itlei up ta Waukegau Imu a idte vay." 'riTe toasimaster vas Aihy. James Te Taise rulees OuI t P nlotumq it G. Welcli. vua left pathbng unsabd ta Otteutimes lun Movlng furniture it 18maie the. evening a splnited ane, lhe gets biued, lenvlag n dent coruas ýI havin 1he goulus ta brnlg oula thie bale. TW uis t orbii-u m h.a mody Ir progriani 1he b.d aofitunor, philoma. -iaii ha lithe suriace asae i ve by l'phy, propiiecy. itainuny sud spari- lte part viti vas-m alti: doe a uirg congenlulit>'. place c bi-ovn Paves- ftve or six tNi«e yMiss Ethel 'i-oy, new gonerai ec- suak Il le verni vntei-, Led lay lanM t rotaryof theY. W. C.A., Made a iovthe plieaC:plY ontbSt avWarta,h *y reniai-s lu e hbliaifte het, 4tl till 11th tbewlsu*I l- ion. andI vas vcicomed Inte lh. coi- evaRlarted. If tise brit b. net ge.g& A muitî. I repent lte pi-ocun. Ato' Ive ar tis tg Alty. XA. F.Beaubien, eting Pre- Iapplicates thed. det bruo ii.b. MIMent et the.Cliember oi Commet-c, ie i tbe .surfane.. I hitibruiso bo» spohe hulefly uponLte vano! lb. Ilttb vasm war, ýd argwastlià-ndutina t.e psst yet and bold a redisci iem er lihe uer- . and expi-essd hlm apprecitian ai the face keeping the usfac.eer ohiq&Uay 4 0a-operatioe ual oely oet te Mbers Ad Of the board butthie entire îensher wet; et-.rhi-mIs R llsoan dslppeif., d. ablp as "l as the citisous il uaib-J o la lb y.r'eacîlvilles t pleasurel e- sud n succees, vhlch vasr accoopisi- Oa f os cd not thi-augli "vhat Alex Beaubien £ atve of lencushiie, B1egl a si lia doe" 'but by "iwat each persan iemier a aoif a a f t0f ton iflhfa 19 huadons lu a camion cause for the lui- erg AsAr0emti, -t ui te etet0 'tt Lt. belterment oaiths COM.sunity. e!-a Prick by_ a nase thoua. ne dc