Tu- T RARI DISTRICT NEWS - psrry tones fa wagon last OU oideplned is ake ;' aaDry t the borne nt W. Comuell of Kenosha Mrs. lunes, and son are two veeke t Fred Pfleg- s4d 3re. Kaas of KenOsai .95M«~ Sunday eveniug vith the. Jolis- B. raimmnehubas bse n N.ad Mm. W. Conneli of lCeb- w~d th. issesLilian andAgope vîsited àteA. lbuWÀOme ada$' ;W, and r Samuel Jobiesea *M childreu speut SundaY at the home1 o! Spencer Crawford. Mr. anS Mmr. J. Goal, Morris Bennett, Victor Melvilleanad Mr. and Mre. Spencer Crawford and Kendall attended the. FerMera' Iut4 et Rosecreus. lest veek Mrs. . Lsiail ajûl chudreý,called on lhe Willim Scott faulUy uadag atternoon. The Chlcken Vie diseur -giva by the lades o! North Prairie, vasWeil attendeS anS ne& lf ose hundred Sol- lrwuclearZl 'ÏA M Ysciool' jIuRCT .ITEMS Bari Lwn 1 hie dyon accoust 01 fUise. The .foflowlng ppli Srsperfect lu atteudauce for th. a Outh. Elizabeth Edwards, IEdith GlleR- Oher, Rari Lewin, Merrill Levin, Les- lie OHare anS Mary Englar. SMrs. T. 4. Kelly bas been on the slck list for the Put Week. Jo. Eugler bas blueS itie armi. James OHere lias purchased a car. Harold and Fraucis Kelly vlited Antloh Frlday. Mr.wm. Lewin wes a Chicago visitor lest veek. da d O Hare îîslted homte Sun Gorg- nd arld FINE e da rt. CI>ples Davier le very il.110h. N W TR F James g(&,0reVioted Antioch pri. rThe, TownUlle school lias a cla"î day. » gter school trom 3-.30 to 4 30. E T D ELDI W Wf MtlkmArmeiow lt4d in ,J»,hReynold.s bas lied the Wagiswortli Suuiday. mumps. Howard O'Hare, of this district, Leslie Blcxmeut hie liead at school. Lest minute rallies gave Ne won (me of the. Prises lu judjiug stock, The chi ren of Towuine achool ha-izp,liees a double victoi at ttke.p&zrmer's IntittlutlaiFriday. aeeiYrgterrietso h c.Deirîsîd yesterday lu two S Frazk Slame has nioved to the Helen Sweeney brouglît a i~v rec- legue gainas at Wisu.th Owens farm. orS to echool last veel'. Trier leie.les trimmed Deee James and Joa Arasent attendeS to28, o t ittee Mîeth lictor the se o fMr. Crittenden'oe Janua>'r USS1aonLLhe SCIIOOLh leWs IESDISTICT NEWS Sih cr gth 5inZ Boh garnee -vere féatured passîng anSdIAg ranges TO Wâ'lW l Oo is ugenla Turk iru a gui-st dur- -igbtweiglitIlinetp: V TIng the liolidays at thelibone of J. . NEW FlUER (22) Btihî....... Thee !olowiug clb13rei ere neither1 absent or tardy f tl- pat tliree moiSis., Helen O e3m George Fre- tel. Doretout bu l ndHarold Iissa.1 Hol4e Sveeney fell and eut bar baud et ecliocl. Me wasunable te attend ochool thie rest of the day- 11.141 ToVlgld1hilils veek..1 Ge%W Shelly le slck wtt a severe colS..1 Helen Sveeney, Lucille Uqeyle, Charles Sheliy, Docctby Grt, and1 George Fiesel attended the Fermera tustitute et Gurue lst veek. MIss Mary Kerrigan o!ftLake For- est le viing the Mike Sblelly home of TovIline. Dopothy Grt o! Tovihine visteS relatives in Chcago Saturday. Evelyn Sehlossere vWas absent fromn shool beause o!Ilîluese. I I ~V~e Qd oiOnthiVèh SJt Th£~ JANUARY CLEARANÇE of Women' s Apparel AUWinter Stocks must be disposed of and prices are reducedI to a point which makes their exit sure. 0f uni- formly high'quality. AUl items included ini this Sale re- present values worth your most serious consideration. Suits$1 9.75 Suite IJat mesuie up teo is tore's hlgh standards lu every Steilio! quality and styl- Ing. festured ln pleasug variety anS et these ushelieveabiy lmv pricis offer mauy tempting values. Other Suits at $5 Coats$ 19.75 Coats that are vholly desrable fros ever vlevpoit-deeigsi, vorkmesshlp anS materilae The most advautegeous sales o!f rcent yeurs have sot approacbed tiiese values. They mark au event lu shopping exerience. Other Coats $998 to 01',,75 Frocks of Silks and Woolens $1.98- $13e75 Twelve monr.hs of the year these good littie garments wil give emin- çntly satisfying service, 'when needed. Straight, slim Coat Frocks' and chemise frocks, smartly simple and charmi.ngly dressy niodels. .Atogether a notable collection both for beauty and quality values of unprecedented Thne Jarnoar.y Sale of. Fur Coats ýT-neuaedby any Fur selling we have had for soine time. The unsur- tî ùased quality of these peltries is known te you,talso their adroit designing 5"&2d amazing beauty. At these Clearance edtions, they present vffIueg '5'uaxcey encountered once in a decade. ;,ITbe January Sloouér~es $ 1.98 lede of ginghanx these house dresses lookas charmmng as party dress- ef« .they are really becoming and youthful, whieh is ail you eau expect of Blly<~s. The price ($1.98) is flic best inducement to buy now we know of. Chi1drei..s & Junior Coats $9.98 -13.75 -You will find just t4 e~ght Coat for t1iÉe~Çle Miss, at the low est price of many year.aPa1at. .We ca't urge yoù too strongly to takeadvantage of the splendid , values preiented during this sale. Mrs- William Hiouston bas reluî-ned from Chicago, vliere.she spent<Chrit mnas vitli lier mother. Miss Margarêt Povers lias resurned her schoqi dutita et St. Xevier's Acad- emy, Chcago, atter a visit viih the J. H. Kelijifamlly. Mies Francie Newell lies returned from 8: visit et Spring Grove. G-Il Kelly and Margaret Ru!! have heeu IM. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HomDe are the prond parents o! a dsughter. Laura Irene. Mr. anS Mis. J. IR. Cornas announce the arrivai o! a son. Roy Willilam. Mi[ss Rose Nelson o! Union (1rove vas a g lest et the Howard farna. Mrs. Laura Corrne le visiting in Chicago., J. al. Kelly vas a Chicago visilor last veek. Mrs. MilSred Sîver Dilon bas reý torned from Cliforia viih heT flue- band aid daughter, 74ary Janet. Bob Nellis had an interesting ex- perlence vîth oie of lais pet foies not long ago. The foi got aaY. He wss seen toý corne acrose Casterton Blos. fielS anS crawl into a vood Plile, vliere bo remained for orne ilune. 3herman )Merre flnally suared hbm ind relurned i tb the owner. Frank Deusmore sud Leonard Voight won prises ln the chicken judgiug conteet aet the. Farmers lu- titute et Roeecrai5 lest veelo. Miss DeLauy vinees o thauk al viao cotributed s.egeuerously to the baskets fur the poor 4t Chrisimas. The cbuidren of tIia echobl. together vith outsilS frieuds.. jled two large basket' MuRNfiE DUL DISTRICT NEWS Clarence Yeumauu. 'Marion Read, Nfary Becksy.MMryKnznik, Dorothy Clark,. George Reed. Clara liook, Chares e ooiey, Charlotte ldook, EmUy Eeeksy Sad Russell Camionl were perefeet la attendauce durlug- tue montla of !}scimr. Mr. and MMr. t)oley sud sou vere visitera et Beckeyis Monday niaIt. - xr. Tsffl amtl.-WL brsddbig ~ et John XKumrey% Tuesday. Mines Johinson from Gurnee visited Mns. A.E. ReeS ]ast Sunday. Donald Webb la cutting Ice et Druce Lake. AlniA ReaS lies returned lutachool after bsing 111 for three veeks. - b. Sighth grade bas started vork on flair bird bookiete. Mas Core Luder vlsited lier sether one day lest veek,. Mmr. A. E. ReaS anuS dughter Al- ma vlatedl Mrs. Nelson o! Gurus. laut uday. A t Foot Square. Fi,.is nw' -e ln ares or Quentity of sui. between a foot square and e square foot, but there MUN ha a differexîce ln shape. A fout sqilare must ha a reciangular surface havlug four equel aides, each ssur- Ing One foot long. A square foot may ibe alsO a foot equnre, but It may ha Irregulur lu shi siI lches vide and ta-o feet eîîy shape so long sasthe equal to 144 har~olches. ieun 'eý.,r bhoet. Alascenyour aIe s weill hfore pttirg-,them eway. Wipe off every particle o! Sust sud dlrt anS aIm. tbem vlth a good blackhng if neces- aary. If you value the lengtli o! life and good shape o! your footver, hy RIl means use shoe treem. Thet' may ha purchasad et any departrneot store for a smanasura. They are especiaily vaiuaile for keeplng 10w shoes lu shape. tyluere Million@ Are Inter,,.. The Roman catacombe are 5W0 mles lu exteot, and t' le estîrnated (bat sometiîing like 15,000,000 dead ana thpr" -ord ;ew Trierl Tr over Suburban l. New ýeteid, 37 Dry o! the bad te to beat bal and baskets. hy ýin9g shoognlg. 1F PT 0 2 0 Whltaet. c....* .....**.:0 31 Fraser, rg .......... ....12 Wilson, tg ..............O3 DEERFIELD (16) B V P T Ar. Scholz, r! ...........I1 3 0 O Laing, if.... ............2 O 4 O Jolinson. c ............. 1 3 1 3 Keagle. rg ........ .....o0 0 4 0 Maertin, 1ig............... O 2O AI. Scholz,.lf.......... O2 0' Kyall.î. rg ............ ..O O q110 WAtJKGAN LOCALS Robert Dilger. local mail carrier. will néJoy a holiday tornorow and spend the day in Chicago. Mis. F. J. Dietmeyer. 170 N. Park a\tnue. pleagantly enterta.%ied the iiiemberg of the Lady Wahington club ibis afterfloon at cards. Mrs. John Bohn deliglit!uily enter- iajned the Tuesday Evening Sewing club last évenig at ber torne on Counily street and after enjoyllg: a ,.ocial evening daily refreslimrnta ivere served. This eveniiîg et 7:1.70 o'elocif at the Mieihodist cburchl the weekly riaver mue, Vng vil!lite beld. .%ias Pearl Paradise of Chicago la viîiiting vith her slster-in-law. Mrs. sain Paredise of Myrtle street. Mre. James Brenton et Northi ave- nue, bas accepted a poait<èn lu the. alteratioli deyertment at Rubins. Mrs. William Townsend 523 Steele Court retaraed fat evening from a isit. viflirelatives lu Oshkosb, Wls. ticler. ,littî Sson of Mr. sud Mrt. Bdit Thaolsi of Cîcayton Street, ie dei1ousbg;UlB witb diPlitherla. This evenlag et the, regular meet- lug of th giks, the deputy Grand ex Ruler, Z ý. '. obles, viii niake an Inspection., There wIii aise be luit- talion and luncha viil be served. Tomoirrow evenlue the Order ot the Eastern Star yull hold their reg- ular meeting vhlch wHI ibe folloved lit' a social tkne. There viii lie carda and dancing. The bonus ballots have arrlved at the Chamber of Commerce headiquar- ters troiS Washingtonl and yul lie sent toeutembers this weeli. Mrs, . J .Dtr.pleesantly enter- taîned the members of (the220 ç.ub thîs atternoon at her homo on NOJh street and a very enlovable Urne wvie bail. Mrs. Frankt Moxey, MisealMaya Al- len, Mrs. Anna Giesen, litr. Lipsu, Miss Bens Ferry, MIss Dorotby Er- hart, Mrs. Edvard Kirchner, Mrs. KE- ther Cele attended a theatre party Iu Chicago last eveaing and wituessed *'Lightuin"' et the Blackstoue. The. choir of the First Christian churdli vil] haiS a rehearsal tomorrow eveulug et the home o! Mrs. Frank Lameon, 319 Sherman Place. Alex Beaubien les pending the day in Chicago en business. The meeting o! the. Boy Scoute Troope No. 4 and 13, which vas t0 have beeen bld atthe Baptiet claurch l28t evening -vas postooned auS It Probabiy viiili e held on sext Tues- day evening. The Presbyterian GuilS vili moet at the churcli on Friday, Jauuary 20. The Ladiea' Auxiliary or the Jev- lob, Temple heid a very enjoyable and sucde supper at the Temple agd about 100 attended. oiloviug the supper a socialdlie vas liaitand the renîelnedr of! hie eveuing vas sePlt at dancing. Phil Pink and hie vite appeered - lefore Judge Edwerds this moruing on contempt o! court charges -but titeir cases vere continueS ludeffnlte- i y. WE INSURE CL.ASSES AGAtNST BREAKAGE 1Three Doctors Two Hour Service 109 South Geneses, St 111 N. Genese. St. Woukegan, fil. TWQ DOLLARS FOR ONE I Building M7terial frým GOERN'MENTCAMP Lumber, Dooýrs, Windows Roofing Pper, Wall Board, Pie alves, Electric Supplies Radia&tO)ts, and Many Other Items. Cone Today fre ared to -Buy! YOIJ WILL SA'& 50 to 75%, ON EVEIMTHING BYRON E. VEATCH, Trustee Great Laýkesj, Ill. Phone North. Chicago 2658. Wrecking 22nd RegiJnent Bldgs, Camp Lawrenc e. ________IL~ "I A Wonderful hITheI id-Winter C>aranceI IIUNDREDS 0F SILK AND WOOLEN FROCKSPRICED TO MEET All POCKETBOOKS, VALUES THAT EXCEPiD EVEN YOUR OWbT EXPECTATIONS IN TRREE GREAT GROUP$ AT I $ IouI$i5gIl Included Are Dresses For STREET WEAR; IFTERNOON WEAR DINNER WEAIR; BUSINESS WEA~R PARTY WEAR AND GORGEOUS EVENING EROORS The Materials Include Roghanara and Canton Crepeè, Crepe Satins, G1eorgettes, Charmeuse, Duvetynes, Chiffon Velvete .Taffetas,, Poiret Twils and Tricotines. rhe Styles are s0 new and so varied you're.sure to find the very- frock you want at a price you want to paY<-.ý Stunning New Skfrtings and. Coatings. Marked For Clearance- VIELOUR PLAIDS Beautiful plaid Skiings of heavy aR wodl Velour in a variety of color effects. They are 56 inebes wide and seli regularly at U98.1.9 8 il Yery special at yard..............- .s b VELOURS Vert' fine velour Mkriings lni the most wanted sev e!- rects; 54 loches vide anS ex- ceptlonelly good welght.- .43.98 velue ~ 29 for Cleerance $2 9 yard -.--.. BROADOLOTH-, The wanted Ps'unelBe roal-. ciotht Skirtlngs ln spîselhi quaHfty. 64 luches vIS..T'aIs Broadcloth selle regular 4- $5.76 a Cyard.$3.98 et . .. ...... Riehest Coatinp.- Fançy Polo Clotha Velours 66 luches vide.- 1 56 luches vide.- ing patternis et tia iîeavy et I20'98 I 3.69 Mon~.ca - Ver$' popular au erceptloneily bas -56 isch~' vI a.t,. 2 il ,