Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 19 Jan 1922, p. 3

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MLYVtIIAm 9.M Sion W««#vruto - ylnl 4sru» to MWd e ý4 m1iai !. -1« *44 ard *wt lau uuIU .0gm osant' mmffl lava of =1t!ca *COINTY lKtAN!n da Mr. J, Pfander, National secretar ilimore Btheettrassoatin eegua I iofe Benettwas 'H.tK.liDurfxakeoia wf eri ,afdFarm ers, scienti sts and edu- ndofW.L.Farmer, ai Wzn.. Dillon, Saturday. get cator s to have meetinq SWaukeÏan Phii...Peier;on of Huntl(. ' n 'znt &d gong vriUing bad its Mr. sud lira. jFOse 'Votepter- A confer ence of farmers. scien. tg te eariy dais, and tainedt tbfty friandsWenedY. eve'-: tina andi educatters in agriculture to IMOr e nnett Pioneer of 1mgn, Jais 11,,in boror f their daughter : secure Informat ion andi tacts thai will Y, andi educateti at ite la 5thltnth birtliday. AIl pre- help deterutine thte attricullurai pal- cademî. eul.hor of "Tihe alt 1.5 a tory good time anid d Icyorlinsfo heDi utr bison Behe arans dWabiis Mr ma Osflhpp Ir.- n ury will ha held at the state un- beau~~ ecoI rut ie~versI y on Thur.eday andi Prlday. Jan greatiY pleaset whanever The Vola Ladies' Aid wil give a clarY 26 and 27. - van ublshod bisi verse, S4thaY Pati st tihe M. E. church on laicnrniglt whih b neer ira pad rWa e'ëzdg, anury20. A birtb- Iaing queotiorixtcnfotn h which1 hnee apad dayev- tania gin a the 0ouest farine' oday will be dlacuaaed i>y the tett wh wubar inPatuon t tie Pa heevenngsconference which vias callei by Dr. attwhovasbon hieasr nt viii conalat of '"AFois'David Kinley, presideni of the uni- ln 18U, virusaclose raft bu"Ibis ng atu the nX; veraity. IIlIaM L Farmer, assist naigihoar byRbac Sparks Pears, 'Aterican agriculture probably et- of W&egan, and in eaat leïen. TlrY.five pr wn v -iracheti a Point vithin te Past dt- an to.-the Waukeain W ùaPart in chia feature. = 8ii't isé cadie ai wlsich IL vas ta assume a dit 1 beloe bis daath. whis tihe tan, for fun tises viii h a plenty, feront ctsaracate ram vitlIl bai Ric1imoIId, M, Sosaie 2, l * rOtrh Costumesthégants been in te past ganaratign", 55.1 atly roferred to bis Iack anIldiaia- ettldg togarthai,. i'sesident Kinly in lssntng thei Cali. "Tiere la ground for the bellef tisat »«Wsa'emrkable pom 9#0000O0000000000000 mucit Cf aur cliivated lafiti under gt, vittmeby blm cenit- o, UR RAY BILL *0 prevaient Practicm and 84 iotlzng Z.41 anti Mce hy lites*- knowietige. bas rouad the point 0f a«t4,vhmn the Wg cab- 0000 9096 000 00 iminisising rators. IBMr sigbt Mlr. larme' "W aDe dto. - 'Whtler lar»olsgle agronomie P"hbA ffly « IbiS poion yxEtbéerioua.Auna Dellzanti L:: tarmlng, as hib"ato mticed. vili ibook tom m my .yinsDot wreabiitf bach alt uie cceasu«tW in thefuture as in the Mt thc a overai adi- stitool la t ulfUly ama sba bcons. a proit- lem. Weztylnirous ofa!popula. Brockvay. ribOrdar o1 Those who wer. perfeet ln attend,- tion, cbant9g la qo oscrêlations tru elark cf Laka cou- nc. for tise pilastit Oiere: SaiPIt of agricukilttagroupl And 4classes, Ra Sivet Bye and Blye» de d r.Fis*lin fou, Sophie as wvailuist éther mSc10 , iii be ýka eM ne. ln publie. Prims, Vicia Bedereeke, KatIIyU -*M factors t hi dinè t it eWlut. «a.' failli ved t Lk &ir ifl Or4tWrjigtd a pkiceou(ie ijJ W ares&0 enjoying fkating o 'a n t d"O g eogttle.b Uyi Mduafrc'hasi homeLn he utee l volil t w an reus.calaitaseti gAmgahclas dev a o hi- s.ta home wu & a I_ i oda oc sirîe.ptrposeea ev yeers ago ame no long. Jay Bennatt, a brother Titoee vio b&th ie hast diean lootir er avIlebWe Old fermliagpratices »;o eaisn as" record 4er &»«e, Anna, Mjaria andi vieliter la larg*scae or asiall-scaie ý4 Èm, t . în- lhra Abset Delta, Viola andi Raipit Deder- agriculture. are cbs.nglog andti vii un- : la tiouiee nriy sais. - doubtadly chante more." -y i tLî.uLc -tOI tic. Mss Bansonvw&aaWaukegan caller N appeareti hics one lmi- iast Seturday.. 0 0 0 09 0 0 0 0 Ila v.snn ertinse. tha,- Mr. anti Un. George Fasse aind ilti0 H àAL F DAY 1*!- '>11'-' It c w in ud Walter vigtedat -hohome of o,,o ,,o e érbiis rapt -3 ' hrs< 1airke Eflfr n an ai~.tirnn Game No. 162L 10-15 23-19. By A. Il. Barlis, 3252 Wallace S,., Chticago. 10 15 7 11 4 8 3 7 12 16 23 19 22 17 25 22 32 28 19 12 6 10 11 16 8 11 711l 23 26 22 17 292U 2318e 30 26 12 8 1 6 16 23 9 1» i1116 26 30 17 13 211i 18,9 25 22 8 3 1 16 e1 5 54 16 23 a3025 25 22 24 19 31 27 24 19 3 8 16 23 15 24 11 15 15 24 25 18 26 19 281le 27 24 28 19 Drawn a--S, 13-4, 2-9, 17.18 dravn-A.H.13. b--3'7d, 17 14, 10 17, 21 14, 6 10e, 13 &. 2 $, 81 2M, 10 17, 19 15. il le, 15 il, 7 10, 18 14, 9 18, 26 22, 17 26. go 7-Chas. MoCueu vs. A. Hi. B. c-FIorces thinge. ti-Il 16- 31 26, 16 23, 26 19, 3 7, 80 29,? 11, 17 14, 10 17, 21 14, W. vins. -A . H.B. e-il1 le, 19 15, If 19, s1 26, 12 16, 80 25, 18 40, 26 22--Pal Witelan A.H.B. Problem No. 22IL ni W. J. Wood. Bisnk-4 14 17 27.1 whte-5 Il u$ White to play and draev Proi>lesn No. M. niW. J.Wood, r à- . wuu vi#tti ta c fugl Meyer Jr..attanded the bas- "Hoorty!" utitr nevme tert AIpglm ubra lvawu o tougit. kat bail game at lÀbertyvUle Tituraday Our1 SiXday Siol u ii in h CAO Coulti gather enougit prairie it.CaeRolgsIeinrs. va *bie*dM #M sny Urne for breakfast ibtAuatat îhCdiHo gisteiree. î'a- la thue gpftag et the yer.-Clor3e, Henry. AçitadEi baby boy ait the home of Mn. anti Mm. Mr. emaonat'a earîy efforts e F asse saî,en ussay evoantnq vit Mr Bet amn.lHa arriveti Mandai ave- ý-iî*b4I5hed la te Wauegan Gazete. and Mlis. Henry Hapise. nint. Moher anti son doing veli. Con. Natan . Gerwboe cti- Misa Laie Hapise vas a Waucontia giCtiSatlOfls. "-dgvas terd by te mid man- caler 7Taumdta>'. --()-ARSat.SuV.. lira. J. G. Cok. »«« eéuot. ho founti. bovaver, a bai charge af Our Suasday Scitool lutI .gM gosu aCcu th foreman of ***O*O,@OOOSSSoo@o SUflday. Fty-seven wvan pressni, the âtatag*ho an thb bougt 10 FOMM CEN o vhlch ta very gooti. alitoughIth ougitt 4beintat sh p antiibm, rougbtt PRO T ta be bettar. as titane are quite a few tw& 10 0000000000000 0ciildren the. oughtto attend. "Corne. to8 7 5 92. 1 ir. Dannet settieti ln Elkitora Oral Obarlin bas resumed iei duties îe AtiuUl," let's niaise iltthe Banner ht-02. -Wb. tuA 1840 anti hecame editor at as teacher of te public scitool. after Clasa. . White te pay anti draw. ladepentieut. ReaigNWist~ a tw veeks' vacation, spent ai bis On Lait friday evanlng a group otf i~u o 8.B .J od ha. atèed the 40MhWiaconstn home ln lad'-na. rinnda gatheredt lgetherarnsd surpris- rbleuxiNo 2306il. .J od ~~e ertbecoposr.saret viitlitz» Misa Mary Matel bas returnet traeti te *"Honarweia" and *Asnms" Wist-12 14 17 20 23 K 8. Ibva. n, 1 167h. alded Ive l îsît ît .relatives tn Liber. We vantadte h&egelacquainieti vitit ur lctenaaniv. Webser. he cmposr, n pre- tlyvilk Isilc apa dWn 'l'h..Tbe Signet Ring". a Sunday vle. n-v neigbbors andt i tt. We vere Titis problem linds te soin. vasy ;ïîîi thyznn bock 1teviticithe cou- lmasKaUa Staffai of Libertyville antertaineti roaiy andi ail anjoyati fine yiaai vimngive the student infthieti about 100 poems. VTe ispent Salurday anti Sundetia'vti home ltemeelves inimenseiy. espacially gacti Prectce payiug aiU qver thse van- '*W** Bye anti Bye" vas on. of tise flekS.vian lMr. Mr. Honeivail lunneti vater latlonis) f1nÈt orf useetWil Stainuiier and faniily or ci-i mb aabberry julce anti vice versa; -cage visiteti relatives ite itrSof aiso turnetia avi flluof bran ita de0000000i 0000» te eeis. see chocolates, andt iey yene gooti, oe* * ~ ** Thse nany frientis anti scioolmales tOa. «'Sitai0sogui as vo otyn itUy by U I *V OL O of liicbae 1Obenauf tte 10)-yar-old aS.Sitorge Stencllt's." lir. H-onywell * f 4 1 à*"** o oo 'on of Mr. anti Mra. Mise Obenauf, ls aiso an exprt in tae art of pitotog- r. M M -vanisnsof to wvsoperaleti on for appendicitis. raphy anti voulti atvIse you te kaep Wn" IL qfflt p nt v ith tir, anti an Janual-i 7th, sl Vitlory Memoriai hlm in mnd viten you ara going le U I Q m t. J Isltoit. ospital. viii ha gladtie heer ha ta bave titl vdding piclure "took"', or lin 48 tis. ilroii Srokn atigétilig aioiig nicely anti uil return or te piclure aofte baby; anti neman- m. , e4WÎhif g t locausLake, vana Mon- frame te latter part o!ftae veek. ber yhou can bave ik ail tdonc iqx your 1,de vIs t IXt .V. Wait'is. lir. 2'reti Micitel et North Chicago on oce. Give hlm a chance .IghsOrha uaeivs MHnr is caring for bar grantimolter. lira. taetiemonstrala bis akill. *iug~r Sais-dayAgnes Dorfier. Mr. Reititan preacitai a;Ivanitoe o IWM abyPatrso spet te wek-Sunday monning anti Mr. Wertz, pas- Solutian te Probiem No. 225. ily -Md itye tesn gant ttek. o.... o.ooooooooo o ter of the Ivanhoecturch, apoka to ua W. J. Woot. -eedWlk arpreteaIHatl d G RAYA KE in t eenit. Titis seems to ha a BWk42-1 4 6 16 27. Ur. andi trs. Channcey Jepean antiaY L goati idea, as il aboya a spirit o! ce- Wbite-13 24 2529 31. -ffldes of Rlsgvaod, Sundayed vitit 00 O00000 o 0000000 operatian anl't tes asea ima ia in- ta play anti vin. Ur. 4*4m mLue Maman. .Reuben Jones vas calledte t Anlioch tleresling 1w listan tb a stranger once 18 19 4 8 5 9 1 28, 28 32 114Bte attend the,- chleken pie itae firai of te veek ityte sevare in a vitile, "ain't il girls?" Mir. Wertz 24 15 31 24 13 6 26 23 *1tishe home - of lMr. andi Mn. Musne of bis brother. gave us a vary gooti explanalion as te Hicumu ts Ldis'Ai, Mr-. anti Mn. Lee Williamns viii choing thea rigitt aide te pay viti- Solution ta Problem No. 226. By leava tae latier parite!flite yack on a titan play vîit ail yaur mîgisî, anti Ist WM J . Woodi. IWanris spanting Ibis veek riait le bis home in ivanitoe ' Va. On o! ail, play dlean. Titosa ';brea rules Back-1 8 9-14 K s2 wu . lte vay beck 'bey viii visil Waubing- cover an unîatîrd field. ant isl a citai- Wiite-22 26 29 31 K 15. - e Ilsitu e ht>dt Round tise ton, D. C., anti other places on Inter- lange te aayUaod us. rriuecdaiu ndte ake sti teeasl. 32 27 22 6 28 32 3227 27 23 evening. It vas a rare EBd Rovllng andt family moveci lest Wa ara gladtet report taS ira. E. C. 31 24 1 28 22 17 17 14 14 9 1» heur as noteti a speaker Saturtiay te thelr new bomne on West- Hansoi, vitoitan bean vriy aick ltae 14 17 26 22 anti sie gave mmns erfielti Place. Past veek, la improving. anti va pray wotiv fnom Son taIS On Mm. Bd Seauhalîz of Hast Troy, for a speetiy anti fuil redovriy. Solution t0 ProitiensNo. 227. By V*elaanti the Future. Win., visita-i relatives ln 'tii village We vane gladtiel sec quile a fev Wrn. 3. Woodi. - M Ruby PeansOn anti pupils vili tise tint of thesevei. Young folks trom ivanito et Our citurcit Blacis-3 8 9 10 12 15 20 K :Si. -on ceysta supper :.afid muiacal ILI. Ruselu Etvarda of Waukegan Sunday evanlng. May va iseap ex. Witie-14 19 24 25 27 29 30 32. 1 visiteti ber parents.,lMr. andi lra. W. L. citanging visita anti gel ballter se.- Biacks la play and tiiav. - DoolitIle, tae firEt of ltae is. quaintat ivttiOunr sister citurcit anti 9 18 21 22 12 28 20 7 3 10 Te fansily of Elmer Stinkies ta un- i epe 02 91 72 27 2 edes- quarantlun On accouInt eofacarlel lt epe 02 91 72 27 2 '~N laver. Chair practice et te ttSwn bail as 1 1N G T0 N Services el. St. Andrev'a Mission for usuel ai 7:30 P. M. 000000000000000000 Razt SatUrtay wiii b. as follova. San- Suntiay Scitool at 10:30 e. m. Eve- oF OX L AK E 0 day Sceeol at 10 'cloci.. l9venlng ning services ai 8. Sermon aubject, H T E ,,P Prayer vls Sermon et 4: 30 p. mi. Ev- "Pinst 'hings Pirat." This taOtha-c 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 erYn ana nteti. ginning of a sertes lot sermons on lta lins. Gas Lainry antertainedth le "F'untimnlals of ltaeCitristinlen Ha- Knlci-tsoekan Club Mondai. 000090000000 ooeoc liglan." Don't miesa any of tae sen-.lins. John SPicza eflleed ea- M e*i0 0 M M SCRWOL 0 nions, but cama anti lèarn vitl le ding of bar sistar, ln Chicago lest M eu SO I ouancalion of truc religion la. yack. 0009*,00000000ooo 'The Boy Scouts ave cosen their M. ont Basi enlrtainedt Ivlva Mir. anti ins George £irons andt tsar Sannusi nagr play anti lest Salurday ladies e, lunciteon anti urdu Wednes- J daugtter, LOIS Smitht attandedtheiifun»- ltae parts vara assignei, atvans vk iii dae. A , Ni to«saetWWllia m otnint»Chicago 1115111 lnimedietely. Titey expeci 1te VTe HoaantScolîs enterteaedate Il ---- 1luat Tuesday.. givalte play sanie lima te latter prtPartY o! friands Monday on lteocaca- WttUAis rabar badthlie Mistortuna a!f yabt'uay. Plan te attend anti en. Sie» of lMr. Sootsithlday. A iolly te aà n*ý"tise ceflar stepe last Sun- coura. tua boys ln chair vonis. Mdoimea a ejyt h .1 day Sostu i rnsvuey unsday, Jauary 211h, va vii' OW ' -ÉM Robert Anderson lire. Smlit, 41Û R # U MC r. anti Ma. 0180t RoMandMx. anti serve communion. Anyona destring ta' Ma Stgf<od, lira. i», ian, Ena. t> tii~~~A Mls. Wm. tertel, lUr. Slirai. Myron join te churt yul pîns akissanie Beelsmls.U nty, ia apa is ns.Wells, George Smth andi AaÉ Hastricti isno-vn t th. pastrIan t»atvance. Riioxe, lire. 0. Steenamast lis. viitadthlie G. W. (ltod hoane tait ssin- NArt Bunday ai ZxP. nm. lteé affîcers Bîidiison eti iciteon Thuraday. tay. et tise churcit. viii havaeteirm uoitly Ira. Effeat Styles and ti t. Artitur B ari Lohmnnanti Pearl IPohlman business Meeting. Ail officera anti np- Smith iton elactedte0rHltlte racinci S1M SALS we absent a ta-s days- an accouei o! rosetativesot ail organisation% are re-in thte Offices of preslienanti tregaur- AWECIA.w iMasse. *- ,qisetelabc preant te diseuse conti- an O! tb. VOX Lake P. T. A. Lee nti Eleanor Pohlman risiteti aI lions anti suggeaî hsprovarnents. VTe M"- .Rustinora antertaînet aI aujc- ý57 4 7PRC N YST. lte W. Polian home gunday. latter la easy, .BoMcorndtkie 'ed- lion bridge Tuasday. Teitonore went Mr. anti li. Rutiolpit Gruabaun anti vaitage of yeux appantuntlty. 10eMnS. RapiDI1, ins. Bassl, Ens. La»- faly sp aitSuatiay efiernoon vîit Tita Vernion Cemetary Association dry,,anti* Mr. Nagla anti Mr. Basai. tha Wenvatzar famlly et Lake Zurich. viii me«. et te home of Mns. A. Stan- MISaSi. lScotandt "Jarsy" Har- - rrae , f 244 Miss Lytila Kropp visitadth ie Senti-. cli! te et Haif Day on Tituraai Jan- eae vee mariet in Chicago Satuir. 4aRMU.. u..aam@-m --I mn famlly Santiay. uary 26it. day, lanuary Itit. Tgât in matter of tobacco quality We nst c hasu Our honest beliefthat the tobaccos used in Chesterfield are of finer quality (and hencg ofbcîter tastç) titan in iny other cigarette at the price. Liggeti & Me- Tbacoe Cf. f 9%~ *.j Love: Prioe. » Dow lac 10 MW 9c Thae ottag e ittibî lirm.o Baupe andi occeglei by the Banrr famiiy, cagit tntlt rIdai evenl_4g froc» e» overieuateti store.-Te IFax Lske tire- mna du anoppS-tuuity ta lry out ltae nev tire a4paSata and ti l oriset very salisacutSniy. Te damaâge vasu mot- confine t tet root, doons anti vin- dovea. Tite losa vas covered by tn- Surance. Mn. Sheldon, vito vas la uspeak oir "Conneildaltd Seboole" at lte Wom- an'a Claub Tbunstay. misset bis train. Te hnvltetiguasts, itovaver, wvan Ireateti to e vary anjoyabia impromptu pragnani. Te Catitalle Wamna' Club hailtae regular meeting ai lite home of lins. John fîtratton, Ingleuida. luti Weinas- day. At lite close aoflte meeting ne- tnesimenls an resret, andt h. ladies playati auction bridge. Alles Ruabisone viaiteti viitfriands in Chicago Saturday and uday, anti attend the ltaopara Fan mauy yen a gnoup t of Y Luke M tatiInlde vommenmet *" isymî thse gooti old SaMeet feubre dg4ftt te 'titer.- GradueUx lte olti esibre club vas braisen UP byhi tgfet me10, biens movlngcmn a! lh. viclnilY. Luit Fulday a neunlan vas bol the ih ome Of lins. ugane Bid&uaon. lacitre vas playat. anti artos, te carda a banqet vas senveti as oniy Mrs. Blddison su" Miss Daisy, aasisled hi Miss Haipin. isnav boy 10 serve. Te tablaevas preltily decoratedth iliAmericaut Beau- ty roses anti cacit guese recet-at an Litlie Doloras Koatit undervant an operatian for ltae reniovel of har ton- sailest yack in Ciicago. Te Knickerbockern Club enlarlainet severai guansaetthem guest nigiti et« lte borne o!flira. Landry. Carda vans. pieyeil. flua honore vent 10 lin. Bs si, lira. Rusitunra anti lis. Hlpin;si Mn. Negie, Mir. Basai anti Mr. Rushi more. After natneshmanls, lopica Of lte day tollovati andt hen a short mua-i ical pragnam. 0o FOX LAKE SCH-OOL Lloyd Seituix, Edtuor Te P. 'l. A. met Fidai. Te fol- Iovlng offIcers were aicotadt 10 ilt va- canciea:* Preaident, Mns. Seylen; trees- uner, lir. fSmitht. lira. Jensen anti lra. Macla wvan tel- agates toae Wous.»'s Club convention t» Chicago Mantiay, Jan. 16. Tise !oliaving vara pantect it» aS- tandance for tise mantit of Datiamier: Ailes Wtanke, Lillin Tatou-, Norma Baysen, Evelyn Bongsen, Brthta Winklar, Herttert. Lýarsen, Annelle Minaitan. Linnea Borgnian. Leslie Riggs. George Ki-es. Helen Schtmidt. anti Etiit Peterson. Mns. E. Tweedi anti Della G. Sitai-- vend attentat a meeti ng o!fltae WoIni an'a Club et Anliacit January 16. lins. William Schtmitlis apnting lit veek -inChicago. Vu lira. Hess spent Saturdayint Wa- kegan. o Chicago spen lite eek end t a htomeaof Mr. anti lin. John Povoil]ý Mi-. antilir A. C. Scitults ot C cago, riaitdtier tieugitter, lins, Bubbel. Joseph Ki-osan auant i vie relu tram Ftoritia Saturday. Roy Mur-teof Antocit. transactid btines% In Fox,.Lais. Watnesduy. Te Tranqtulllh Club met 'Ias-adoj [vitt Mns.lien». Prisa- van give, thea !olioving: lira. Manning, lins. ICeotit and. Mrs. Sbns. H. Hentircisao! Inigliei spant last Titursaiaiant idnla »Chticago. Te Morris and Consumera Compa- nias are fiiling titeir boeuses vltb Il. Inchiteec. Yks Original&. lA m-aud Ev. 'tie lte firstpeopil. tplt tee maceh confidence in tbt fdiiily trfe. *1 CIGAIT -rk- .a ,pmeiz n sd ACCIIMT REVEULS wO#MAISIIMITO AN IRISII ESTÂTE Receives draft- today frorn Balyshar>non for 49 pounds sterling In prabaling lte asiate of Williamn G. Welker, teceasati, bis tiaugitter. Mns. Isabel Gannant. of Wauisagan, ltrougit ber attorney, Chas. ]EL Jack, tiscovaret litait e vas ltae hein of an antilvitie tlotîf an untivitieti auntit of an asiate In Baity Shannan. caun- il vas not knovn mal bey mach Ithe astale vas raluati, but Atty. Jacis aook up th'lkater iitteauatlian- es in IrelaM, .anti fflday nacaivet a ilraft »x a Ba4lysbgetin ank for 49 pountis sterling. vàiti It wpnemet rat of et eia«eg a sabouxt $310. vilct t3oepolete surPrIse q~atmt. Thea,.»tl,.astate was valueut about $&PM Atti. Jàak, roently etiled acourt matter lu lNqv Ze4iautt, asti bas hast çaaes ICabe anti Engantwi. itc antllesimt terecognition as baving an international pi-actIca, itavlng cases ta lte four. cornera of lte aarlt PRO WSSI V13 DST. NIEIWS IN BRIEF Titare vas no scitool Watinasday itectuse thea teachar anti sona of lte I ils t» $tth, 7tand ti Ibgraduai vIstting scitools. Misa Hess. Cachle Ammasin. Qi Bracissoni.Rutht Hodnt4ge, Naute anti ivelyn Anis s ito 33rd tr îeet Scitool, tise Buadý Scitool anti ln ltae atemsîe. Spauldlng corner. MisSAvis Zoahler - entestU cuuupany Wednestiay aveniug. Mr-. anti lra. Malt Sunas babyb viii ha christaneti nazi Bandar 00 noon. VThose absent trmam citol l veais yen Robeart Amas andi gara, Rame. Mrs. Walter Graggs ha n hic«it<a Harvey Gustefsoii of Grand AI bas gone la Claveant. Ohio. iss Mantita Amen» bas axpee e popitio n et tisaHammenanti À= office in Waukegan. S. C. Bealay of Remet spentI Fn ln Chicago. lira. Hettia Golviliar. o! Qatl laise spant Tuaatay vîitlira. U Amn of Beach. - lin. IL E. Loozuan mnorUdm5d 9 pai aturtiai .ternoaa. - lins. W. Agriole «&U*d ep an X»r. Dooer Wued <a#à '- 1Mise ERuh liulIi ho wo tise çub. fapoter bfuIu*4at Boyard Loonsanxi son spfnt Tuuuadar nibuu 8. C. Arn,laugoin te bOI%-M tara titis veais. 1 NIr. anti lir. Amen» aut tertainad ti mnda IronsmoYItis Suntiay. Nam* Pil1re"my As oket Tise namne "taddy longlega" to pliati in ltae Unitedi Siates t 1* closely retatedtieto ptiaav Wbd ilngland I in l g4n te the es-gA4 riip "JM'" -Y Auto Repair Shop XWEN in need of Automobile Re-. S V pairing try us if you 'uimut the best. Now Iocated in the Duimnd Building on South Milwaukee Avenue. James -B.' Wetinore. Res., I elephçne 3X4-j Shop Telephone 367 UBERTY VILL, il B~ç~T~l Y ar Prime. (WiIi fDot change color) "dlt hitar or Filngo, accarding to site........... .....------ F plates tb*t I guaintefi you ueat com off the cb~..1 % (Accordig to matertal) Treatmýeat, -nerre kieti and root tilled ....... L Anad reme ber, 1 vl flot hurt yoD. 1 use modidine tir«t that awaLythe qaia. TMUS PRICES ARE FO R 38 DÂYS OXLT.' Dr. F. E. CORILISS 130 Wathlnion et Ove> the. TIm.s WAUKEPGAN, 44. THE CHECME-kAR>- Al communications intended for titis collumn should be addressed to William 4. Wood, 202 Clark ave., Waukegan, 11i. ;l n Ir 1

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