Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 19 Jan 1922, p. 5

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nome AMRAM LDIOLN ONCE SAI»: C l "Ilike t0 see a -man Proud Of m. place in wldl#h. li1(,es.I .U»e to see aman ,uvo In t .30 hm S place wilil be proud <4him." V/e behieve in "hi coeniunity-in the citizen who «.e prud'of livins kher-in sur good achools and clche-m the succesaful farmersand entcrprisin busin e en-and we belive thisbariL with Llb- ertyvllles intees at hert On thes bela we baseoun service«Jidinvite our ac *Mt Lê*e Counity NatioealBak B .IE R T YVY1L L EILLINOIS (.adAd&. in The ladepmde.sécon e rsui. ive. tii. a nwil b. coiiviicd ýd wvaneVer mass be coel Y' Our Reliable Dainp Wash Service A rew service is added to aur laundry deParirnent. We have insUîiuted thlî serviice for those who vant to do away witv th 1e tubs. team and mu5s of vashdlay or of baving ta bohler with smre one coming ta the houses t do the washing. preterring te> dryr and ren It at bomne. We are givlng you a decription o! WHAT OUR RELIABLE DAMP WASH SERVICE M1EANS: OUR RELIAIILE I>AlP WAS}I SERVICE means that your goods. vhen iaundered will be returfled to you lna damp (not .51) condition. *Wheu we saav dmp, mp neun that muer of the goods are n au Ironable condition. Yor goods are weigbed when received at the Laundry. dry --a« wet. Your goode are washed separately by themeselves. « marked. 4 OUX~ RELIABLE DAMàP WASII SEIRVICE meenh that you', cms eud es 26 Ib&.oa, famlly valg for $125. whlch laeMmre landxy than the. average faslly bas. Sbould yau bave more than K Ibo., ve vil then chargp you 5 cents perlb. for each additlonal OUR REILIABLE DAMP WASH SERVICE means that vo WilI do your fsntily waah Iu the arne nianner as you vould do it ymSelf, or bavre a wasbwoman do it, except that we vill demon- atue tt yomm tirt ve .11 do t better and CheaPer and save You tii. ineouvenience as veil as render yoa bete. servlee. OU3V OUR RELIABL DAMP WA$H SERVICE A TRIAL Send us your family amh lu a bag mnade of ticking or trong white materiai about one yard vide and one and one-fourth yards -, long. This bag *111 be weshed each Urne snd yqur laundry re- tumied InIL A L.AUNDRY BAG WtLI. BE FURNIBMED AT GOST. The ReliableLanr BUaimPmRKand IMERTY VLLE Hghtn ark 4biCphoflC 178. Libertyvitie Telephene 67-R A4*iug~s yow saes and Lave your sae b&il printed at the. Independed WE lke. il Ind of publiciy brings Loyers aid go.d prices. GlendoiraEg Socft Coal b-----------UdN~ A Iliea No. A shpTry. .it -s:s:sa,0S00C00: Libertyvilie Lumber'Co,. TELEPHONE 47 "emi It e cMaunand #Dddings, amrpyCMSO I ~ airccua.At il goeer stoes. Jacobr Berzel of Wankeganv is leu yJudge Bon H. Miller vent to Spring- Iing among Lfbertyrlle friend s tnt n the tuftrWW - * ~~~ field Moudey. vhere 1e ijepreeidlngfldaY. ~~bM '0 f EspvasmInteet to Libertyville People eit a sesseion of the court of t'aime this' aiZnd.a1u*e:~ 1,Mr. H. Sella a.nd daugirter, Orpba, VnZnt a&IZ r k.ofWaskegan vere here 8Unda VisIt .Ilg~ ~I~~un~ a> Wskga~ M. e J@4lr .2 ssddamgter, i' .ir.D J isnrfif'talg ie tIoirls granddaugbter Mr 8îs tr dray. Baith, ewect ta go ta Lncolnu,11 ed Sundsy evenlng ta their home ln Art Meyers, and faily. r of Deerfleld relattfvesg Mis Mrln Fshr pet lstSe- rtelay ta apend moierai days WIth 1Strawbtrrry Point, Iowa, il iil t The A. C. Ree borne vas cleared 0f hoenroadvim ey vifti t urday i hcao ah ia. Slel prnt, efre rsvth Mr. Wison's pairente, Mr, the quqffltiqreguoelons lest Thurs-, MahesSol.and Mrs. Josephr Wlsoný dal. afÎter being closed on account of Mrs. T. A. Simpbot aei*0 Mm. Jack Bradford vas the guest of- LrtleEdwn Deitz, the six year 01(1 A force of men have been at vork dptberla. Mrs. Res snd littie son;was tire guet of Libertr'vl1 i* M'nirds tu Weukes5.i Monday. »nof M>r._ an Mns. Rd Deltz, virnrre- this weok cutting le for the Interstatt, ver-e 111 wlth the diseuse. FrIday. W. I. CoUu made a business trip nids on Grnt Cot, dled this (Tirn-Sand and Gravel Conpany et the old airs. M. Heulon. aged about 70 yeers Asollmeigo 4o to Milvaukee today (Thursdey). dgy) sfternoon, atter e short ilnesasgravel pt eeetotblig.A x h ele n(ril vne e-Paofthseialmetin riÀalc Mr,% H& ffti o spndig sver v ith dlphtheWnl.Iis MOrng it vas celent quality of ie about eleven tyvîlie, died this (Thursday) mornlng; bolS et the Comm=ercIal Ob*- Mn.EaryGoti e pedin svealthought the litile boy vas lmProving, luches tick le helug put up. at four o'clock. Mrs. Hanion had beenu next Tuesdey nigit, leeuy day>% vtirrelatives ln Champsigu. rrt hosuffered a relapse efternou. l ehrp -elh o otetmOclc.Teanuemg Dr. Chas. D). Nixon returned M4ouday nrheporhalfomontmeocic.Teanoomms J oy w h b i g fa fy a i nC h i a g o s l e t S u - J , N . B e r n r , p r o p r i e t o r o f t h e L i i f r o m C h i c a g o , h e r e h e h a d b é e s , f o r b t p e m n e v s t r m e i t 1 e m m e s p o i e e I o d 1 ertvile Grae, entto hiagothi ".Ô ,ý hre wcause of erdeth. No arrangements thing, no a gooS atg~Amn 1* - etyvlleGarge vet t Chcac tis :vo thre eeks taklng a Y-O$ have been made for the fanerai. A patec. The club bas tUrued tii1 Mies Edythe Gagilardi hu e n al (Thirsay rniing tu attend a '-on- course et the National Pont, Graduate postin i te Virst National Bik -ven=Ion 0f deleè of the Goodyepar College of Chiropractie. About eevikp- weeobItueyyu e plned lu nit Vrt i~Ps o ib Rubirer Company, belng held at the ty-fîve Chiropractors f rom ail partis.- Svoeeteu your irueband anSd1the vhole' Lexingtoan Ri.el. A banquet vili foi- of the 1tnlted States were members haua.- wlth Blue Devil Cleanser. 't 1 loy the businesii sessions. of h claase. Misa. GratteDl! ers of Hghland Parkl wau a guest t the C. Klepper boite Bunday, Miss Dorothy Doane of SYcamore, la the guosi of Mr. and airs. W. . Colluns Mgi -Wee. at Il fi tb ca da li MMn. Wrak Heven of Wheeling sud Kltty lasser of Highland Park visited Mmr.Peter Moyens severai days last Wee#, and aiec a cee on their- uncie. P. A. Nimigear, o1 Wauconda. vba la very 111 et lb. home af bis daughter. ýMn. H. J. Hegerty._ MiesMarie Rtirbnu, aust Il.f Mr. and Mms. Mike Behm vere vleas nm. Amy Ratirburu, vbo bau beau 11 antly surprrised et their home Sun- recoverlng.j day evenlng 1w about tventy-five cou- Mrg. Auna Luby or Round Lake, vin- ples o!fIbertyvitie friends. A mast ted Tusday Metti Peter Mayers: sujayabie eveaing vas apunt playing lme lu L4hortyvillS. tards sud dancing. after whieh a Miss Marveil FPlairer of Maywood ln~ uciaivssvd eent the. Woei enedvitir ber parepts, 1 The leod TMme Club viii boit] au gr. and Mm. C. Ficher. otb.i dance et Barnsteblç Hll, Laike Villa, Slaturday evening. Jan. 21, 1922. Mns. S. E. Mat.tisan vas iu Chicago !Muaic by Gump's Orchestra; aiea Prof. rueadey visitlug Mn. M. A. Protine,i Nichals sud hie fffteen piecv- baud It te hme f UL prtin. 1wlUentertain Immn 9 to 10 witi, rome Mir. aud Mns. J. C. Dorflen of Anes, peclel selecijes. Came eaii.r sud 3ent Mauday evening et'the home o!fv, ie uh - Kr. anS Mrm George MeDontsid r Paul G. Rayr, of the Ray Furnîture aire. Robert Speliman at11ended the! and Paint Store, la Iu Chicago today ral nio! Francis Glenn Spll li~ (Tburaday) attentiing a school of lu- Isukgan bis Tbueday moring structian lu the science of emhatming. Vaaefl bis Thusda) monin- 1being conducted by the Chicago Cas- Jo. lianlon o! Chicago vas celled ta1 ket Company. Pudertekers f rom ail Libertyville Wednesdey on aceount a!; over :he central vest are in attend- te deaýh o! hie mother, Mno. M. Han- ance. At the reguler meeting of the ýMod- Mns. Mary Shepherd and children, ern Woodmen and Royal Ncighbora wbo bave been living le the flai above a: the Woodmen Hall Frlday Pveuiug. te Langvartiry store, moved ta Ch]- iJsnumry 2Otb, a joint Installatiton of cga Monday.i the nev officens for bath orauizatians Mfr. sud Mrs. Charles Kiepper sud I-iii taire place. AIl Waodmnoeansd eugber Mss Forece, are e HibrRayai Nelgirbars are urgeri l b,-pr-es. laud Park Sundmy visittng M r. andirete hsmeig Mra. William Rudolph.9. Vitorn,- T.,,i,h, ,.,ipe-vorvgveet <of Mrs. George Sturm entertained tbe rare tair, of Chicago. will relider t rettrîug offces of! he Royal Nigb sun organ recitai et the First Methadist bor lodge an e banco party last Mon-:. churh.Ir bertyville, Tueuvlay eveuing, day evening et ber home. * cmmeuciug et 8: 15. Edward G. Mitch-f ell, tenar aoloist, a meusher of the Mns. Aimer Taylor visited Mima Rf fie Hayden Choral Cuaire vel kuovu Or- Butterfield et tire VttarY' Memorill geuleetion a! Chicago, viii rendirrtthe Jiaspital il1 Warikegan Weduesday. 1tliovins prOgraur- 'Suuset." by DuS- Sire reports Miese Btterflid as gett'rleg iey Buick:*, "Repent Ye," by John Pren- Along ulceiy.j der Scot; '"Oier the Blliowy See.*' by b"H arl Smilthr. Miss Belunda Steruer, or Herman Heifer of Lakne Zurich MIrae talent, vîll acf as accompanist. purcbased the Herman Hefor borne; on Lake street. and vil maire ta Lih- Dr. Chas. -D. Nilxan vas maSs a -urem- ertyviiis. They sipecit teks Penses-1 ber o! the "'Out-o-Iack" club oi Fard sien a! their nov home Merch le.. a-veer-s lut Monday uight. bis Initia- W. . Colline, o! tire Llbortyviile1 tien belug stageri lu Chicago. He irad monument firm, vam le Chicago Tues-:. drîven hii couPe'to the Cook Couuty day anS Wednesday attendlng tire'hasPital. aud lefi l ent tire curh, vhIle state convention Qf Illiois monument' he attendeS ta business lu tire irapi- manufactures anS dealers, wbich was tai After about tweuty minutes lu heIri a' Hotel Sher-man. tire hospital, h, round his iaulemobl-t vas goneý The car vas practlcally a The seieuri of the Community Enter new one. and equipped vib ail the' raluments wyul be beid et the Melba-'neceesarv OIxras. Dr. Nixon le pr- dist church next Tuesday nigit. An, tected hy Insur-auce. No trace of the exepiioually iigh dlams musical pro- 1 thieves bai-e been fouud. sud the donr gram le biiied for tis number, anS a tor la nov lu thre rlasof pr-iter-s sud fini bouse shauld greet the artise. other plebaus-aud waiks. j- - I if {. I. I I * ETRA SPECIAL-1 From Saturday, -Jan. 21st, Until Saturday, Jan. 28th, AnyS ho e or Oxford in -Our Widow for. $5.OO air, Tues shees have sold for au lik a $6,00 te $8.06 a pai. Au are higk pati o otwear the spedialpic. of $5. RAY N. SMITH Auv vas1 by m heinq morn happ boy1 and The oftlC4 giver vers -At nighi. gamE cisai vanti a tus impr Thre dowv. to ge t aise on the William Stolzmsu place. knocked dowu and r-un aver n automile driven by E. Schatts- sr, of ZMon City, ibis (Thursday) aing about & o'ciock. The accident seSe near the Adler place. Tire rau directly lu fronE of :he car, thre Jccldent vas unavoidable. lujured lad vas hrought to the ,e of Dr. Martin, vhere he vas in medical attention. lms Injuries epronouuced not serions t bh Lihertyvilie Auditorium te- r(Thursday) twa basket bal es viii be taged. Lovera of goed n sport should net feil ta take aS- tge of this opportunlty of eeeiug ganea for one price of admission. S. Grldley. cashier of the Firqt mal Bank, vbo lbas been having taue wiih pneumoania. continues ta rove. Thie mornlng be telepbaned Independent. saylng he had suid ýthe banisters f rom hie ired room. wua irdecided as te boy hp vas t back lipetairs. Hie fr-tends hope se hlm out soon. Thus sayerh Peter William New- louselu lest weekas issue o! the-GraYs- ake Times. At Lîher'tyville everyane seems ta b happy. The gavenar bas e'rilten e citizen there stgtiug thai the state road viii run straight through Llbertyi-ille and turn veut ai Peter- son's corners. Mauy af the people of Libertyvllle seem ta labor under tht- impression thai Grayslake vas sgalurr tiret route. This le; a mistaken ides. Gr-syslake opposed Liber-tyville only ao fer as their delegation ta tre (Chi caga meeting ou July 29th trieri 10 run the road ,hrough Miliburu. We hope tbey viii stop chewing the rag nov and consider the maoth içho hateur a friend, lef t ln tire vorld" Vi i iCE i Siow's Auto Liverv-Texi Ser- e. Phone Libertyville 306-M, Smile away your trouble fear Flowers erwaye brng good cheer. FLOWERS core to ban- 1mb trouble suni ta cieer, b eart, There is ambition ta b' faund lu contemtrpla- tlng them aud inspi ration In lutheir ftagrance, LET YOUR SAVINGS EAIN SIX PER CENT 1 N Fi rst Mortgage Fârm Loan's On Lake County Faria We have a choice assortment of High Grade First Mortgage Loan Notes in Denominations of $500 and up- ward, which we recommend for investinent. We corlally invite you r nquiry in person or by mail. mR- 1~ -- r r ~/ 1-I Your lumber and building mateA requirements can be filied your financial advantage. In other words, we wilI gave you mo« on these prices. Every price advantage that the nm*- affords will be-yours if you trade Wit* IWorth-whnie SSilks, Crepe DeClilue, Gec SSpkndid Values, tu Wool Di '~Lrneri Sheeting, Muelin, l Stroweling, Towels, Face 010 F=Table Scarfs, Pillow Case%: Sheets, TicIýing. Ginghams, and Chambrays Ladies' and Clifdrens' Hoei EÂ very large assortment of m A Good Uane of Ribbous. SW. Wý.CARROLL & Phon .9 Dry Goo( )rgettes, Wash Sa )ress (*ods.' >ng Cloth, Nainsook ctbes, Napkins. Pilow Tubing. ary, Underwear, Gk Handkerchiefs SONS' COMPM1 Lib.ttyviUe. IL ic 1 1 Wb.-Ma

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