Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 19 Jan 1922, p. 7

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T -- - 4' lA Y >9J922~ ___________ I~IY 9 M~ànb~g~o had at-. w qp4Due4for tho, luAth Um .- it vas titthse * u for the state,. 8m Ros- P IfChicago. bai lko ppared berg, vben thse caaeebaine up leét vWekeWcmed f0 o uIl o ii at- too 4b tril, decaring tbat he bati *,péPl'ê attack of appendicitis. Thse lplo'slag day be leri lbis honte-andi bau been mlissins ever ince, andi de- fflies. tise Chicago Police andi 8ber. ."*8 ifmer Green have soughbinl vain Ptoseuberg; Il la cimesi by the pr9oometwm .dlzpq4"eCI &omofathe Ub«tr bnd which bal been stolen fzrt Iiovidiboîtiers aif safety dé- peitb.seà ai the Antioc b ank. Il lsbelleved Ébsat ai leait $10.000 worth 0~.ecuJtis ere stoten, althougb T hénk"Olelbati no W57 of determ- îîîû g ust boy mocis their costomers kat as tise batik keepi no record of 11e contents of these private boxes. The. robera vere imable 10 gelt too thee hnis vauli. Attorneys for 41iimore declare they know notblng coîîcerning thse uhere- * about of Rosenberg. When he elaim- .4 (0 bé l111 Sheriff Green and Dr. NI 1. rayt aw hlm in Chicago. andth ie * doctor vas ai the opinion ihat Rosen- berg real>' vas I. State's Attoi.n>.y Smith ras gr ,af ly dimpleaseu a' the deiay of thse tilai -Whouathse case wje caiied laid wetii a" insiate th ltiRosenberg bé brgfht Into court. The uttoî ne. v W t he detense were granteti a 'jun Wisen the case came up oùi Monday Judge Edwaiîu.i cnnttn.'d Il untit 4,40000000000000000 0 ANTIOCH 0 Mr. asud ira. Lyna of Chicago vis- Mo ' ie unda>' at the home of Mr. andi Umislas. Olearna. Mv .and Mntî George Hockney were Cisicago Passengers Wetinemday MnIi. George Kuliaupi and lira. Jas. Stearni spent Fitiay ln Chicago. Mrs. W. H. Osmondi was a Chicago PAsseengr TrItiay. J. Wilson McGee apeni over Suntiay &U Monda>' vîtisfrienda ln Chicago. &WillIam Ziegler vas ia the clîy on busines Weduesday. Mir».A. B. Johnson spent several 4.» stis epst week vitis r. Rober' TnrieretaINorwooti Park. Elle>' Jones suffemeti a stroke one day lait veek. but ai pre-sent la much botter Mas. Josephl James camne home froni tii. Wesley haspilal in Chicago thse tirst of the veek, visere she liai been for several veek, Ralpis James of Chicago spen; <ver 6ucda>' at bis Jhome lier'. L4est riday when L. A Van lieusen LUDENs mnenthol "hulidrops - CIVE QUICI RELIEF P. y P: L $1 àasl your homse Eketnc Wasliers ajonc .zçepted-on these $5.001 the balance of tb ost heng payable The aricles comprised Itctî ront Toastera &atH«iug Pads Balance 'ofOci c f e v é r>' appliance patyoi4le n osa>' monthi> p a rtsa PUBLIC SERkVICE GO. 0F PNORTMERUj,NLfINOIS tMs oapie 0f the. tân1, fie ilgt aathtloçate a boit. The siuollue aroutu tthe tank A404104G Md en.ieloped b4cn fla lnem.He rolled in the now trYl*g-to put the tire oui, and atthse isMe titue cmled 14W help. RIS vite. vis a a busy ln the, ,hou eard hlm and Immetilatel> vent hie aiset. anc. Neigir Boreelutiielire, called 44a~ tire dffartmont,, viiciresponded at oic. but the fismusvere erdtlai-, e4 before arrivai of thee tlremen. TIre viii ho a meeting of the local àXdtllch Mfle rodaapra Association on. lWMY ay atentaoon, lainai>20. Thse 'ahanai eleton of officers vl ho belLl Tii. Oblidrea of ths prbmury tispart. aBout of tihe M.LI cbtirch are planning on giving an enierwanment sme The'1Antiocb roluateer tire- depart.. ment vas called to Fox lâke Saturtia> atternoon vison tise'nov barn on tise Otto Lehsmatntarin caught fire and w«s burjiedL ta the ground. Tise origla of thse lire la unknova. "ie Thimble Ée. met ai tiseborne 01 lie. W. P. Ziegler Wednesday ai't- ernoon of tis s eek. X« lueBrogaai spent Triday Ia Mise Catherine Scbroeder of Chica- go sPent over Sunda> ait the home of Mis. D. A. Wlllles. Mir. andi lrs. Mason Sibley were Chicago paiseagers Baturday Mir andi Mm. James Stearas autoed to waukegan Monda>'. MNt. Charles Runyarti relurnedti t ber homle Sunday trom thse lcAlister hospîtal lth Waukegan. WBr. William Gray' la apendlng tibis vlth ber siater. lira. Bethindge, la Toledo, Obio. The siection orofficers for the M. JÎ. Suaday Scisool waa belti Monifay eveniag, and the foliovlng vers chas- en for the ensuiag year: Sutp. Chas. Richards; Asst: Supt., Wilson McGee; 8ecirotary, Rilta Ricbards-, Treainrer. "odis Davis; Librarlan, Myrtle Peer- son! $UPt. Home Depi., Mrs. McGee. SuPi. Craie Roll. Ruth Williams; Supt. Beginnera' Depi, lira. W. P. Ziegler; Supt. PrImary Dep, Mrs. Fer- ris; Purchazing_ Agent, Miss Lottie, PLAN Te AVOIO HOB CHOLERA SVNWE #410W QMUQeIM . iMa.. Cta oftm n A rioap Form Bureau at O.Prevented %W Utino lm Wastllngon Pralses Work 1 of, set Congress etaSSS5U A ret'iew Pt thte sivnn eeW sies- ROCMUYmI>'a nstance val bftauglt te sien of cangresa priai to tise holiday thse attention et tisegofl te s i De- recesu b>'tise Wasinlgton office of parq$Mst -«, AWlu~q -viie b»g tise Ametlensarinm Bureau fetiera- ch«W% eal~appgsd mmt imiUltaaeOuFie ln aboysa tisifîve measuresaof ly ff ofe ais<ftl astOfttise eIght bene-fft te agricuiâure. al of them obr f a sreshlng ringY The irponsoivil by>'the Amneican FarnaBu- A*lýtInce&Il Mlx fariavas traceti eau tedoratiofi. vere Passed. These te t -rtaesa ieotieebn blls are* a i."Oing," w o og vwee s 1. Tise approprliion oi $20,00 000o ai 'tise tiltue the tiresbaing vas don. for tise purchaie ai' carn, seeti anti Mu 11etnaaot1 a~grain anti condensed ileIo be sip- ,hW am bou 10 a» reeus* peti ta the siars'lng Rusaliant in tise Tise ovaca of the slck bogs faileil lover Volg:t river reglon. te reoqnLle the nature ofthtie diesse,' 2. Tise appropriation of $75,090,000 andi Inlis agerness te care for bis for rotnd construction tise money ta crop visile thse veatiier vas Isvorable, be matchet b>' the state Ireasurbes. rie tielayeti callîng a veteÉrin uaotil 3. Tise deficlency appropriation ni' afier th1hIr"itie as finîiset. As a $600.000 fer accretilateti berti von anti testing of caille for tuberc ulosis n theiste s. includlng Illnois, la wlulcis hese fonds bave alred%, hein exissuasteti for ibis year's work !. Tise increase la satary 10 $5000 for lie admlnisirator to. .the gýain marketing contrai act. - 5. The Investigation ni te -'read In prices palti farinera for wheat and lise price pelti for expiert. Tise passage of ibese bis marks tiseeantioaiths greatesi yeaî for ag- rIcultural legislation since lthe firat American congress, Bay$ tise Illinois Agricultural AssocilatIon Record. The American Parin Bureau federation bas been baci ot practicallY every ont ni'ftise buils passeti. Jones: Organi, Letisa LaPlani; Asat. Hprinniig mule njction. Organiat', lira. Chalcrafi; Supi. Mis- resoît hus î<eî over uaiT bits boga anti sionar>' Depi., Mary Tiffany; Supi 'ihe Infection vas carrisitef0 is nelgis. Tenaperance Depi., lira. Telter; Char- hî~ erils. jeter. Miss Mary Tiffany. Iîî tas conmnon practice for farmera te borrow and loan fanta Implements 000000oooooooooOO anti exchange tabor wben tise>' are 0 PRAIRIE VIEW 0 tbresblng, ssellng nid corin, fillilng mariet. Farinera are ativiset reati Miss Emeline CoQis anti Haroldi ToI- Farmnera' Bulletin 9 I4, Hog 'baiera, ley vers avaidedth ie honora anti Mr. 'apeclally tise tlqcu'sian of modes of Williams andi Hanriet Tulle>' tise con- infection vilS isng choiera. isolatio aitishe camti Part>' bei t itise "Tireasing rings' are qulte popular C. T. Mason home Tisurada>' nigii. :anti fnoaSot under pissent conditions Quite a nunaber of tise yaung men crops cau Se banutieti speetiui> anti anti soins oet theaid ;risa aitendedth ie economk-ultv ln ibits way, bot tise dan- basket bail gante a, Highslanti Park geî ni' carrylng bing echoiera" freim l- Saîorday nigisi. tecieti iog lotssiitilieokepi ln mmmd Matis Hersciherger purcisaset i anmd irecaullatis taten ta avuild tiIn l piano for tise bail. th(- lustance cited tise Ilreeber was .Mr. anti lir. William& spent Tues- j %et In tise isg lot, altiiougli !t was day eveolag ai tl isellinborne tiiawii lise ra'iliat sule or tise Thse Clasa la tise Canner vas, invited htutgs irere sick. ta spenti Fria>'evening ai tise C. Hans telir iticli sa4fer to îhrî'sisgrain ln bomne. theIfeldtad asod rrtiog Ino tr ii- lira. C. T. liason. Miss Eilîne Cook' ue' tti fdl anti Mac Mason spent Sunday atter- ýni-,tisr.îugjtie tiîg IC l unavuilti noonw1ýhMr. nd Ms. Jhn Rupp. aile, 1th isenbeîi'rs ii' the "ihreshiog Quite a number ai aur Prairie Vit.w 0 s isnre îinýdto itui eusoei seir nelgihaura attendeti tisebunca pattyJln'cea il ds eans uat iiil cr ite r ai'ufl rv Wdeta iii and legs andthe ssî'eels oi' lie wagon Mr. anti lra. Ray Bosch anti daugis wtiste dîsinfecîant liefore returnlng ter spent a4ev tiays last ueek aith Ite their owui remlses, îand especlally ia. Hansen.,viso bas been il] isî glt. Hîg choiera as a igis- GranimaBracxoa isai tur asl ly1>'contagions utsease and iofien lbases ai' uoti teliveredtieta er Saturday. cao lie avoidedi iv usng the simple Tise Joint. installation ni tise R. N. anti easily applesi îireiautions speel- Frldây erening, January 201à. Ernest Luke spent Suntiay bln Wau- kegau 4his pav'ents. PROVIDE SHELTER FOR SHEEP S. W. Degners isorse became irigisi- eneti 4ontia> morning andt hrew lMr. Animait Neeti Protection Agalnmi 4«aa nutn lnaot iebai Dampnam as Weil as Froin CoId Tise Hlai Day Ceineter>' Association Dnn h itr wll rassi aitishe Alfreti Stanclîi'f home For tise benei ni farmera s'b are Thursa>. January 2(fh. wlInterng a flock nof shîep foi tise first tIns ibIs year, tise Nebraka Col- à00000000000 00000 lege of Agriculture offera tis folînu- o S A UG A T UC K o ng suggeslons: A gooti oel-vçnti- 0oaoooooooociaooooo ael heltertso ecessary, nîiîsomucb o rtcinaaoil> oOa Floyd Scbreck, Editor. againsi dampoes. Tise fleece wlIl Robent Thomas was sauing s board a eep tise sbesp warni ifut îli dry. A anti cut a ailinis flager. gond sheti open on the soutis vili serve qaymanti Floodi la on1 the ick liai, tise purpose tîntît îaunîsog Uie, wben Megn Risdemetiibafnl> t au- warm harn Is neceasar> if tise weath- kegan ibs usei.SJ fit aittcoi. Afler itue corn lirsa. Toa s l aZgn ail'uckîed tihe sheep cati runIn tise Tuea TA.stnîka bIngooti veatiser, wiii cao Mi.T .Simapson ai' Waukegan sitagee or alfalfa tfed In iimteti qîan- spent 'I5ursday afiernoon ai' laBt ueek tlties. A ltile foduler nia>'lbe ted in- ultis r. R. E. Thomas. stetîrî tf silage, but sisesîtscellata do Vantisiverifs andi liCormacka have lî' xhr -ert sotime kinut of succulent tise scarlet fever. i fecut. sicli 'asqilaige.,rmots, puumpilons lira W. liack vent ',o Delesan antiarnd tle tgt a part ai thîsîr ration. spent tise w-vend sai vu a trisoti. VerY lutile or [in gratinla neéed nita lira. Brogtiel sapent main aif tise tînîil Ra teti unr t afiei' l5iilg wesi in Waukegan. Afreti Van Htaecke mataredt as- FNS ATEFR M RE cins Tisurada>' of Iast wvesi. FNS EFRMRE Lero>' Rîeleck anti WiiSur liack amrWî itI rttbet vers perfect la attentiance for this Pmractice Find TOtaneroftbern ffonth. rcieFedn' eoeoerg LoretfaDelisysi wao perfect In enfoSa. spelling for tis e esi. cuomryfrtstaeria Siekaessa anti Quarantine causeti 157 bas onfY a few hlisait ai ue fo ssil daya' absence for tise fous-lis nntftis ai isîn te ulocal huyer, ant i ater scisoal. 'tus csiippedt faoanme centlt ipo:tut, We bave Segun tu enjoy varnf luncn anud aftti passlng tliroi)tîseveral again. Tuestiay Martisa Van Haecks:e ulý 11( nij-,: ui".fuud iierveti us cacos; Wednesday vs hadthetuu tarir. of i uuîc;n'1n i 'mho inat:c,, b4~ed poaoie; Thurada>' Abert fDe- feettgs uîu'-.nj; « 1i '9' lilsetl. Meyer serveti us ta-mattasoup, anti on nrzDaît u i't ,f y.vt lîs fai-lui Fiia>' sliaiti steveti beans. er is-Io feuls î more- un on es>' iun In tise lasf examînation ias-tisa Van thue fariner wot ,'.. flot fred. Wbilc liaeke was tiret in sesenth grade.-,tuere are lasses ,onuthue mieration sonts Ioti Albert Delisyei vas second. !i isa' there ur lt" tn'rofis ther yeanî. Lana>y'PRseci v as higisestIn tise'on tise 5v5î-og, rf Y ira tise peral!ptu fith grade. laisprolfile. gym Satturda>'. These core( yes, ltes llete'tI' rue liM 56 toI . ORAMMAR &OHOOL NOTES Bernice Dinsmore Ediltor. ly Damons>', Ass't Mdtor. Mir. H&vard reports seelag a robin in WaUkepm -Saturtiay, aitihe corner of Aab street and Grand avenue. Misa alinwarlng retumnesi irom ber home inRîcisianti Cent .r Suntiay evening. Bbc bati maay intsrestlng sterlet to tell. Berice DInimore vliied George Ht Bernice Dinsmore visties Grange Hall achool Tuesdie> of last veek. T'rank anti Robert Stetima.n atteadeti a brtbday'party ai the home ai' the Diitaca famlly In Wilson liondny eve- ning. Thse seventis and elgistisgrades s ni tendeti the Tarnern' Inutitute Thurs- day atternox. ,Tbe ciltren go skating every day. Great sport. The absence of Josie DeBoer, Gor- don Gillllngs, Kenneti ttubbs anti Paul Blobtu preventeti aur aitentiance of 100 pir cent for the veek. Have you joineti the Parent-Teacb- en'~ Association? Al the worîti dis- lukes alackero anti abirkers. Mr. Simapson calieti ]est Tburstiay afternoon. Thse Scbool Board baàiinstalled maay improvements oi laie. Before maay months Gurnee hopes ta rani among lise standard achoolit. 000000000000000000 o GRIDLEY SCHOOL o 000000000000000000 Mir. anti lir. William Hoffmeler, thse tbree Kie,peler cbiltiren anti Ralpis Poits spent flonda>' ai 'be Ernest Hofîmeler home. , Arthur and Alvin Potts ..5n t Sun- 000000000000000000d 1 n rae 0 ROSECRANS TéW Shr aiyvisiteti at tise 0000000 00000O0000 Mm. anti lrs. George Zimmier spenti Tise Tarmers' Instittite belt bers SBunday ai the Charles Sturmi home. Januar> ltis vas a genersi success. Mr. anti lrs. H. Thsatcher vi8iZed 1 Tise cravil vas large, tis linner deli- ai tise George Thaiviser home Sunday. cloua andthie spa_ es ry inteýrest- Mr. anti lrs. P. Pegelo'w vere visit-j log anti educational ta bear. ors aitishe St. Keller home Sunday. The juting contest oi' lie torenoon Tis e sgstis grade bas Just finisheti a vas a fine IncearleotisebSs.W aP sb)wlog tise Proper ventilaina sOnIt tva boys ta represent oui. scisoal' a tons.moom sciool bouse. anti Etvarti Januz receivedtibrd prize jTise Ryaa i'amily spent Sins~1 for .lutging catie, anti Robert Sisea CiicagO. v as a-wiarded tise fons Ifrize in tise: Our teacher, Miss Keller. visitet int saine claisa. 'Chicago Saiurtiay anti Suntiay. Manlan Winters and Alice Smith Mr. anti lra. H. Kans anti taugister.. versabsnt va iayaIbi ue - i Genevieve, anti Ratella Patta spent laat count of tllacs. Sonda>'aitishe Wmf. Brociman home. Mn. anti Mrs. Lloyd Ritzenthaier.ý are Tisase perfect in aitentiance for tise the prouti parents of a baby girl. fors Monts of scisool vers: Itia Arthsur, Elvin ansi Ralpis Paýtta pent Edwaris, Etivard Januz. Lucile4 mc, aud>moigiPire Vs Namara. Riseatia lorloci, Eser Win-' WilliaymBroin an maieabines ters, Alex Siths and RaoertSiaa. Wiplfam Bnoc nemiuatia>'. Tihe hlasecrans Baaket 1h11 teamis_________ playedth ie Lake Villa teamns Fmiay, 0 il 0) 0t0 QU OOli0 , 0Ic Januar>' ilti. Uniueiy for tise Laie Villa firsi ieam, fer îisey vere siefeat O BIG HOLLOW SCHOOL o eti, vus tise score In a large majoriiy <i 0 O lat 0 t>0t0 t OfO O O t>ti 0.i O 0 for Rosecrans, but iher second team Helen Tanyso, Rari Daîziel, Dorons>' tiefeateti our second team. 50 tise>' ere Daîziel, Vera Larkil anti William Nor- evea la soute measure. ion receiveti a bal' holiday Tuestia>' George Paloter visa had purcisased' for being perfect la attendance during1 tise Page farmn near Russell some feu ie otsa' ee1tr yesrs ago. bas solti lhe tarin for a ver>' Earl Dalizel. Helen Tonyao sud Jer- iigis lunes He bai solti ail bis bouse- ome Tonyao were perfect in 'îutlling balti furnishings, as b> Intenda in go ibis week. ta Florida for tise vinter anti return There bas heen a large nuniber of' ta Chicago isehe ping. pupila absent bis ueek because ou bati There wil e Mik Praducers Meet- colds. In tRosecrana soon. Waicb for tise lraC.akn pongrs ai aedtemetn.Dnt Mr.C aknanti tamily apent Isat posers ten tted isemeein. DntMantiay witis ber cousina in McHenry. sit ai home andi let tise otiser feltow lr.HryDîilaetWtnsa do it, anti kick about tiseprices. vils. bery olzie lira. R. l)aie 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 00 0o lira. William Tonyan sud tiauglitert lira Charles Walbing. speni Frldav In 0 GURNEE O0licHenry. 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i)a000 0 ra. Laura Stedman is sisitintlun Siatin is tise most popular fati St tise neigihorboodt iis week. pissent. A number of ice bouses in tise vicin Tise annuai Farmers' Institute vas ity ama being filleti this week. belti on Thmrday atin Fritiay aI tise I21gb Scisool Ail tise speakers Literai Youîh. brougis real vital messages 'ta ur con- Tise young nian alI% sys ûock es-en'- munty. Mis. Dunlap of tise Univers- îtiîng llteratiy. lie sii. in,.t setrlous 11>' of Illinois hrougist a real message In lis oolîîg. 'Ma>' 1 isa Niu, Jîtos?" about fond anti how ta sat fi prpsrly. heasakeut. 'M9'tller's lun the rati Pif. Pari Cook County Scbools spokecnu'se answereti. "tîli, thaIs ail thursay evening on vital every day rlgisi. Yîuur fatiser cau kîss lier,"' ho probies. H. E. Flonod, Presiasit aof reliliiî. tise Lake Couat>' Fana Bureau. spoke__________________ Piitiay afternoon. Senator Swif t -_______________ apoke abuot Co-aperative Marketing& on Tisurstiay afteraooa. Ail Ia ail tise instituts tff ibis year vas tise best In- stituts iselt i utiin tise paSt few yers Anumiser of Gurnee people Wentla le,.Xue'titute meetings ai Rountin LaieA U jand7 Roscrans an Tuestia> anti Weti- needay. . I Ra>' Dixon anti Han>' Flootivers In Sprngfildt on business on Wstinestiay Havillg lea.sed my faim 1 wil sel antiTisursa>. mer, 3 milessoutheast of Watt lire. Tisonne bas gone ta St. Aug- ustine, liloria to apendtihie rest of the wlater. A atomier of Gui ose Masons attend- u s a sd a Masanle meeting la Wauleegan Saturia>'. Mmr. Jones anti Mrs. R. W. MicClure' 1 pair Bay Geltilngs, 6 anti 7 yré vers Intilted iioa the Royal Nelgis- 1 pair Bay Geldînga, 7 anti 8 yre bora Saturda>' afternoan. 1 pair Heavy Mares, 12 anti 13> Mr. Harr anti lra. Howartiau-e un- i1 i 19 yr otl Mars anti ans Il yr der tise cars a fice tocior. FORTI? HEAD 0F HOME-RAfSEC MissaBamna Studet spent Suntiay HOLSTEIN CATTL vialtlng at tise Hart- anti Stilder isomes, 4 Cous ais Cal-tes; 9 Sprlagera A puzz4e for Gurnes: Just ubere do Pure lireti Bull 19 montba aIr aur yotag smen. Iigis scisool and ti ter- A quan-t.lty ai Timatis> anti Alfalf wise, -" -ie osoonaine? Let'a camp, Crib, la Staini ant inbShock; on tise trait oftise baotcli hounda. 800 bu. Oats, 400 bu: Bans>', 1001 Thet orn tean journeysti to Liber-, USUAL TERMS WILL «~Glý tyvîlle Tisurada>' evening. Libertyvllle' sisavedti ien bast bauta play' basket hall. Score 6 ta ,,5. Saturday evenIng tise basket hall teans vent ta Rasecrans. Hiestise>'E . R . won b>' a score ai 16 to 30. FRED GRASSE. Auctioneer. Tise Gumase Suntia> Scisool p basket hall teata playeti the YT M (t, lW!II A. of Waukegaa aitishe bigh scisa' o l IN COW BARN Ron To5a PÀY IN MIER Sunday, atrpmd* Causes Five Gallons Increase attendesi the paVert ïat 1 Per Day From Samne Herti, hm Bny elg, b Tester Reports themenIng. 'Joh Swnk o Ratd, ~ ~ Mime Cota Qouawiler spent 'Jhn San o Rpis it aisM Suday ubeDSUW lidatalled drink ing cups ini his modem hhe pron barns," 80 states the monthly report ~r.R a.esipuEs Of James C. MeCori'mck, cow tester Mro.]L uh e d o for Rock Island county. 11»- whMumT«y The city chap who has to trainlate 1 Marths @"oir r01lpiei.s MceCormlck'ii rural ruminations lot-) WeM, sfter afffendinga te«« newspaper.,English Of course has relattvei lu psIatIjlj. T visi Oof gass cases hanging on th- Misses ]giam aJkbrenMe a, frmwhjÇh drinkior cuPs a" iBauer and Re3pb and PMup1 be extracted at the bottorm, and -in' I vlaited at the Kelkrenner bu faCed nid cows pressing the but'o-) Sunday atternoon. t0 obtaln sanitaiy cups in a saxitarv iaa ats as Aleam way.s caused a ncrease f frîvr calera at the R. Relmner hoMe8% galloni Of mik day from the same jatron number of cows - he states. i ..ACow wiltake adrink ataboui 000000000060600-0 t1çýnty minute intervals. -.O T HL C I No Sackward Step. o o o o se "Are you forcing your cowis ý, j. without waer for !-' houri, at a timie? 'Phase wb.o vere absent trff m If you feel that you can no; install last veek are bAlla Davis, i#lý cups, at teat use a tank heater." Batimann. Edward and A»ert .0 .M(('oimlck aiready bas Fr,, in a'14 Fred and Howard Converse hsp o i icot ig~ Tuesday in Chicago. ipîting on the finolr. Mise Magdellne Menisel la il 000000 000000 0000ber sister, lira. Brever for a-, OOOO OOOO OOOOooo Mrs. Howard Converse andi 0 LONG G-ROVE 0OEmma Bacon were Waukeiu<t 0 O0 0 0 0 0 a O000o o<oc ooTuesday af!terfldon. Mrs. Charles Goeawiller andi drand- Several fromtiis nelgihbO10 daugbter, andi Mies Conneil vlalted at tended the Wrmèr.s Instittli theHeny Sellng omeMonay ve-Round Lake, WednesdaY evenliý theg H rySelnbrnModye e- Rma Baumabin vAl.ted W ning.sister In Area one day lait va. Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffmejr of L1.w Luai andi Howard, Coi Falrtield, andi Louis Stocke visiteti at visites Fred Converse, wbo aaS ?lie Goelz horne Sunday. sici Satnrtiay aiid Wasao~kn ti George andi Laurence Reimers andi County boapital Sunday. George Stellng callesi 8f the Charles !Heracb.berger. Jr.. home Tburatiay. -si t..ake Cou-:, T Misses Margaret. Marie andi Barbara Lttiertyville floet. Auction Sal 1 wil jol1 at publie auctlen on rny f srm, locatesi tva miles nor(leaNCý Llbôrtyvlile andi thrte miles west of Five Pblntm, on Saturday, January 21, 1922 commenelinq et 1 p. m. sharp, the foliowtn4*: 26---Head 0 f I.ivestock-26 ' 10 Mead f i llgh Brad*a Holstein 1 mgt&Gram 0 Dairy CoWs etoilh omit 4 Heact-Clou. Opringers 1i 7.M0lotitti01à Pure Brod4à« 4l 4New Milkeres 3with 051* by *&Y Bul Il 2 their ide (Tisffl *Lt PDeln Mdg) 2 Head Two-Year Oid Hlostein 1i2. gear Oid Bay Hors@,W fl Heifers 1300 lb. 3 Pure Bresi Hampshire Sow Pius I (1'jj 9 Pige Ten Weeke Oid, Weîgt I <j.) ~~ aboutflO0liso.hi 3 j I ~[ 1Js1 i5-Monts Oid Pure Breti Namp- .8 ~L A~l~isbIre Boar Fig Hay,, Grain, Etc. 150 Bu. Fine Harne-Grown Late Fa. 10 Tons Baled Timotby tay tatotcB*e 800 Lbe. New Crop Medium Red Claver Seesi 5 Tons Baieti Fine Second si 1000 Bu. New Crop Sweet Ciover Cuttlng Aifalfa Hay Seeti 10 Tons Fine Second Outt 300 Bu. 1920 Crap Iowa Goid Mine faIts Ha>' See ti (stan OW (Recleaneti anti Resut>'ta Sauobawn )v 400 Su. FoeeiOas5W Tons Gond Silo Fe"l ail Six acres of standing timber wil hi' sold in SMal T£bRM8 0F SALE-All uma of $10 andi under, cash; oves' tl*t an a credit of 6 menthe wii be gl'uen on, bankabie net"S b.aIs1.1 cent intereat. No Intereat wilil b. charged on notes pald tsv 30 from date of sale. In cime of bisi weather, ae wîll bar hoîs i CARL SCHRECK, Prop JOHN ROUSE, Cierk. FRED GRARDE, AUq T-IO'-0N. SALE ell at public auction on the prenises,'21/2 mies northwest of iconda and four miles north of Lake Zurich, at il o'clock &.. u' rJanuary 24, 1922. the following property: se., vi. 30 s., v-t. 2900 ysars aid r. aid Mare rD HIGi4 GRADE m;18 Millera; a I; and 8 Helfera lfa ia>', Canib Su. Wisoat; 3 Farin Wagons, Single Wagon-, Surrey, alelgs. Ha>' Racks, Gravel Box; Seven-foot licCormici Grain Bintisi, Deeri Harv ester. DeelnÏ-U*er, McormoftIb 3 Cuitivatars, Pianter, 2 Disci. 2 setslu Sulky Pinu. Walila Plowa, DMse Dffli pound Scae. B sais lasPotato Planter, 4 Fana Haraesa, 1 Set Ligiit Hamea, 14 Cano, 60 Grain Sacis; A feu articles af surpluas Hous Prltt Augurae,$lauLi, Wetiges, Spaties,, SbovIé yVEN. NO PROPERTY TO BE REMOVED UNTIL SWETTLgp jm LUNCH AT NOON MOORE, Proprietor il

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