192Z' wr., ~ i -' I '«~** - SO-41JO PgR YEAft, STNLCTLY I STelephone Nwmme 1, Libertyville Exohange. ________ ditor IWTM.----,------.-----manager ONALLUY - ~L«oal Manager iul 9RE WHiO , MW 15l ON TRIAL pioyod et -the Husse>' Lumber Yards lu Laeo 1ret. Ho vas brought f nom Mivaukee lu ehaclles by Bd- ward Meederer, assistant superlu- tendent of the MilwaukeeO Hauseofa Correction, and Gbus RolatI, a guard. Mr. Maederer deeiared that Rab- - ett bas made sevenl attempta ta SF. -Robinson, chargedafeta al lvry hran bavhlle serving lu the Bideveli titheft, of Henry Vicker- tiuCiîcago, ho sud soveral othor man's automobile pineemd thein escabe. Ho said ho et-yovd the ton menthe there WOUgh Intoatter sbiling Robinson, who vas rgh inothe circuit court nt Proseculod. ta la irons Mande>' mot-ing, Law- Roberts vas ideutltod b>' Shrit! à, Washiugton, alias Raymond Rimer Green, as Lawrence Wesb- uso, 'nogra. vho te serviug ths'ee Ingtau vha vas sont ta Joliet tram g. lu the miiveukee flouse of this caunt>' lu 1912 for burgiar>'. tOtion 'for changing serial nutu- 9 o automobiles, testified that me yeare ega ho saeot Alger P. 0 ,0 IR O gàmon, a! Lake Forest,' ou trial 1$ on a charge of havine tol1 automobile belang taHeur>' TO DIE COML TED hp'mau o! Laie, Forest, and un- JAtir other lndicteunt, for ai- la similar offenses, tram golng 9 T D C M E poisn by telllug the suthorîties N XI i3C M E ,f Robinsonn.lied nothtng ta do! IL -the tbeft o! an automobile.,jCarloeds of stbne being un- t at b>' se doiug h (Wasbing-' vawucoulted and set-yod ton - Ioaded daily for Great Lakes atbs lu the Brideveil, Chicago. improvement loberts tetîfie 1ha1 he sud Rob- o». whom lie se>'s he lias knavn 1Wtli 40 per cent af the vorle au the 1S yeans, are ttîl goati Inonde, $1000.000 herber at Great Laites cotu- tbda> ho f alieti ta came te the pieted lun.1921. it le predlcted that the Ws rescue, sud tetitied thet Dec. 1, one of te suPervisors af the b quday maruing, Juno 13, 1920, building project declareti tode>'. win a me ta hie aparttuet The contraci vas let lest tal sud j mui he lied an automobile hacsfficient tunde nitre appropriatedte t ;fr-nm Lake Forest and ho cauld sart the projec, vlth the promisie ethll the mono>' if he wauid that the test vouid lie torthcoming riea buyer Ho seld ho gaI as the yack progreesed. j *bite mon ou Michigan avenue The fact that the naval training ste- lxmoonu theni tea s hedi at ion personnel bas beon greati>' ne- .$ I»diens avenue, vhere ho sud duced i elce the harbor voile vas bi»son soid it ta the tva mon starled bas resuited luna change lu 4160 au divlded the swag 50-50. the plane for the Improvement. tIso testified that betore the>' An average off a cariaad of atnes is It the>' aitereti the set-l num- arrivittg daily but tbis will have ta ho soýn the niotar o!. tho car. This speeded up ta gel enougli ou the Chine vas the one that was stol- grounds ta complote ta worleb>' the Ir= Vikerman, it Io changod. iret of Dacember. Construction yack anbrit teatlfled ho lbad been em- vili ho resumed the 151h af April. w., _ M FEBRUARY <4'--Biunswick Records NOW ON SALE 1019 SIre4 damssa 6 énsttecyt e IC F)-F,'m Rtgttt, Act 1.00 11, (Verdi) Taer. t li.tt ............... M ari CtiO.iii CONCERT ".90 MiSatdr5 I.e sb.t.kss-Th.yer ept s.r......- Fts-îceEnot' 15511 S'ttFerret Ve ,Bus.-B.1)Ttirfeno------------..Tt.. arO, 1.25 IThe, WoidIn S.W.tinc fi..' th uorlte tLockhart-ileta> Tcno Tinno. K-1., "71 Lr tcte t hMorklng Btrd (Wiener) Strd Votcestby Margîreri tes mal,. K, I ...... . .......... Mgri. Tn'as> --t30Ciiy Hded Baibby (Cutaam) Soprano .... Marie rItrasi INSTRUMENTAL Lu Ct itriei .... .. - - - o l d or-,, r .'< in a n ad Witi-r - Ct ouss, et V'ol, -Cetle 5,, Ptnr Effl 2 Fi,, 'U- 1.00 ,t.<"'--- ,.,ae -Blizt..... essetalia) .,., Iti "71 n,,.t,,, :01 riaxootcrne Seit,...... -. Rnd, Wi-I t'OPULAR 'f,- ir),aTs-istsy.'nne-eit. trs.d Mlt1.,era %t nNt.ntanin -Sthn(-r U'eau- alise Er.-i 1 r173 'es.i-t Tee- useTaI',y rli Tn'g ic..ro .1 -n r ith Cnr etei rhetro 55 tBrother 1-ssDonc ý tinard-1tireci' i-aarwittOrchestra, A;r iSe,,ln I t), C-,r Fetno. Orei aiesBi'ftY Je.. acdt iMal. Te r5- IDaPerDu- r 1 s on11-sr) resor snd Barlofli BIilY tsarsand Eieît Har. FOR DANCING n»72 ar7 i,,, Trot i Aiden t...t ,,Joas. Ochetra 1.00 iIsinafliJoue.' Orct',eîtrn 21«9 osrt-aine rot (tMorritl 'r t ' ,re- nelh Vitnage Fini gries ,, ...... - . l';n" r',1% ,ih Orchestra 'm <orClks 'biecr Yn-tios7Trot 1,hiBaoi cars 4 H_ý enneKcae-Orchetra 55, I B-1'n, SSca-aTrot rrr, etre -Be...ie Kruegers Orctir f Soog -f Lo,,-Wa1ýlt- Ses,"5loîii, iss 2571 -< C~aritFossos rchst-. su i),,, Shtfl We .11,: Ltgain-W,!,a% -*IVhitIrg) Cari]FinOstr',heoira SITU 'Tite & k-Fsa Toi '-T,,i Sainte. I ab Dreken Tor-Pox ira' t 1rataw.-M.gin.) Rody Wtdoft e.:ton.s jK-I,,-A-We Trot teai' i-,, F e, 'oiiMo.l- -sIe O Deagis"............... Cari Fentonsa iiîh,. Bi Nu. MUbe OisFnTran Jer.m.-Ker, tnrd,.iia »e ITddt." freo,"0Mrint. od D.arte * Cari Feotci n Ordre.,- n flame Xe.,W» ha gtUc-Fac ,rot iBuranet' r r ~T? cari Fr t ' I-tir- 'le Ray Furniture and Paint Store PUPILS -Of C0UNi, TV MET SATURI)AY Session held at- LibertyviUfe nroved to be a very interest- ing one The caunty teachere' and PuPils' meeting whlch wee lield at Liber- t> ville auditorium Saturday praved ta lie a ver>' sun',oaisuad entertainin-Z as weil as Instiuctive meeting sud vas atteuded by --,00 puptîs, tetîchers and parents, The maruing pragrem consisted of bird study, O. 3M. Scbantz of Chicago, president af the Ililuois Aduhan so- clety gave a tatk on 'Bird Migtation sud Bird Habits," Williamx 1. Lyon of Waukegan, national eutharlly ou bird bandlng and bird migration, gave a vety iuteresting talk on 'Bird Baud- ing sud Wliat Que Learus lu Bt- Banding." Edmund Hulsbarg, BOY Scout executive ai La Grange, enter- talned th- audience with bird vhist- iing and bird calte. The atternoon coosleted ofaI hleaith progratu. Dr. E. E. Graham off Lake Fat-est spoke on "Oral Hygiene" sud illustrateil with sildes an Teeth Foundatians. Mies Mat, Murphy af the Etizabethi McCormick Nlemnorial, spake on "H'eaitti aud Habita for Children.". Movlig pictures concluded the' pro- gnsm. The next county meeting vtitli e held the tiret veele lu Mardi. SECOND NUMBER 0F COMMUNIT4 ENTERTAINMENT COURSE. The second numbor o! the Commun- it>' Entertainmuont Coure, whlch le be' lug spaueared b>' the Epvortli Leegue, vas recelved b>' an eppreclaive audi- ence Tuesday niglit et the Methodiât churcli. Mc, Lekberg, a pipe organist of no mean abiiity, reudered several nuxu- bers ta the deliglit of those preaqut. Mc. Leleberg viii beave thts epriug te sfudy shroad, - bath pipe organ sud volce. Everett Mitchell, theýbaritone sala- ist, vas encared many ilmues. Ho la s member of the Hayden Choral Club, sud aleItasalitaofBil>' Sonda>'. Mr. Mitchell was accompanied by Mise Be- liudt Steruer.. vliosa abilit>' vas un- quesftioned. The people af Lilierty-vilia hope tî have thé pleasure o! hearing these art- lie sagalu iu the future, et Metz. I191V?1M.'t4e ; iouthsly-iz bis dagh»r roA.LXuet, n Mm- 3AROON:-AN» WRITE IlY heliigi ekly tO&, Editor-inChief-gibanor Waldo AsIstant Editor-Mavle Galloway taklnginluhePan-Amerlean Worid'a SBn«o Manage-John Thits. Exposition. Deck Edtors-Carolyn Butterfleid, Katiiryn Morte and Ethel H'anten. Ho had his tiret severe sekuess last vintor vitile at the home of Mis. Bur. CONDITIONS IN THE NEAR EAST pie if they only liad some onle te lead ,.lit In Minneapolis. The second at- Dr'. Mason, vho has just returued thetu. tack cam'e October 13, 1921, at Wou- tram Russla aud the Near Esut Coun- Di) Mason aise remarked that China couda. Ho vas respoved to the home tries, gave a very interesting talk at wiii become the leading power In the of bis daughter, Mrs. H. J. Hagerty, In L. T. H. S. Tuesday of iast week. HIe Orlut, aithough jan la nov. Due ta Liborty-riile. Here ho regained his began ta travel when the vorld Pyrar Japa's very close snd severe govern-1 health somevhat, but ln November ho broke out, and ho served lu TFrenne, ment, China vIli gradually forge ta began t te D. Fromt this timte ho saule Beigium and (lermany during the vas'. the lead.* sloWIY ountil about -~he l7th of January, According ta Dr. Meson, vo Amen- lun epeakiiag of the herdships of the at vhichs time ho bogan ta tai rapidly. cens thinle that ve are the ouly peo- Bait. ho said that it vas liard for us Mrs. Bdmrett vas et once sent for, ar- ple, but, 'Diere are other people that ta realize-The Intense sufforing oe the rlvng the moriug afohli 19tli. At have suggestions of their ovu. Asido people. We Ainericaus shouid ho seven o'clock thae evoning ho passod tramt the peculiartles af the athor couni- thauktiii that vo livo vhore vo do vith peacefuiiy avay lu the proteouce of tries, vo are ail allke. E.oosoveit'sa ur edvautages of country and govoru- his tva dauglters.' son brought out very cieariy tbeNdea mont vhere evéryonne las an equal Funeraf services were held in the ot the kMode of people lu the vorld. hcance. Catholic churcl i a Wauconda Monday Ho vas PiaYiug vlth a coloraid boy one Maie Boehim '22.1 mornlng at ton o'cloek, aud Mr. Nîtus- day, and a Paaeerby spoke ta hlm about ALUMNI NEWS gearu vas laid ta rest besîdo his vite. It. Ho replledehat bis tather sald that We are aivayg lnterested in knov- who had preceded hlm tventy-tour there vere ouly tva kinde af people- ing vhat the mmbers otfar Alum"l years ago. lu the Weuconda cemetery. the gond and the bed. are doing. Lest Fridey as tuhere vas Ho vili be mtssed. Hie place cannot Russie has 180,000,000 luhehîtants, na achaai, I visited 'ho Higbvoad bo filled, but ho has ieft behlud hie sixty per cent af vhich cen not read or Graminar vith Evelyn Miller, vha 'woridly canes for the joysaI eternal vrlto. The Rusuiang are more lîke toaches the sixth grade. Who couid lite lu the homo beyoud. Anericns than the people ot an>' ath- Imagine Evelyn an auste're school --a-- 1er country. They are ver>' musical ma'amn? Evelyn, by the vey, lias tne MARGARET ELIZABETH BREWER and moat artistic. Tbey are bath cruel reputation lu the Highvood ochool of Saturday mornin, Januer> 22, the and klud, -which lè due i the tact that baviug the moat erderlb' roam !n the augel of doath hovered aven the homo '1hey have been subject ta ait lelude If building. Evelyn lias a vide variey of Mr. snd Mns. Lea Broyer, aud hock- Porsecutions. Thus vhejs ehey vere of chlldreu, ail sizes. species, nation- oued ta the littie deuglter vha came persecutod by -the upper classes and alities aud colons But they are aun ta them Christ~mas morulng, ta gladden the churcli, thoy rose up lu revolutelan. amuelug lot,etiay rate. their homo. Parents, doctor@ and e lu Siberla, elther the sun shinos, or -H. G. P. .'23. nunse tought vallantiy for ber lite, but it stortus. It Le nover hait and hait. Mary Rauoe, '21, te on au extended God chase ta cali Hie ovu ta Hlm The salIle ver>' ricli sud If they could .viitt lu Montana. agaiu., have a ctvillzed govern en'~, Siberia CORR IDOR BREVITIES Funeral services vere conducted et alone couid teed the vorid. It le ai- Work for the second semoster began the home-Manda>' moruing. hy the Rev. moat as large as the tUited States. Mouday morulng, sîthaugli the boys' Mr. Baruott of Grayslake. Intermnt The feuit vith the RtÔssian syetera gysunesiunin classes sud other addl- et Mliburn cemeter>'. la that le e gaiuet aur human inter- tiens ta- the echedule viii net lie star)- The srroviug parents have the este. If eny boys or girls are dlscev- ed unJli next veek. sympathy ot thpir man>'iondsansd eroîd In a school vho are gltted alang Mr. Wlker le bore ta cheer us viti 'relatives. some certain 1Inýes. these boys or girls sang. Wliet metter it the cold wInds - -are sent taeame ther echool ta more blov. the pipes are frozen aud the thoraugbly devalpe tlieir' Iprticular iaI- Grayeleke special deiayed-ail le varu Ch ' cS'e vic onet, but tliey muet rturu ta the place vithln the hears of L. T. H. S. stu- C uTC/Z tlvc6s ram vhicli the>' are sent and vork 1, dents. the' place. nat for the put-pose of mak- RePor. carde wilho re4dy on Thurs ST. LAWRENCES EPISCOI'AL. ing mono>' aud becoming ricli, but for day or Friday, Tbe Hoior Ral"* and Rev. Betty, Pastor. the purpose of heing the community 'Casueit>' Ligt"' witt b, annoiured Fourth Sunda>' atter Epiphany. This part of the Bolslievlsm systern. lte ntdfnie. ena h Chidreu's Eucharis, and Catechizing; It bias otten been eaid that the Rue- vrlting vheher ourt--prteru for bas aet ten o'clocle.1 sinus are very cr-uel ý,o their tamilips. keý hall games aru. on a ,trlke or tem Morning prayer and sermon et Il. bsl atiesaeet.a t-prrlvuaeîae b--is-o * The eubjoct for catechizing l u sle 'The stteen, s h k o 'lv naie .ee.deî am- No Lord's iSupper." , Russian le a gros) home lover: douh tte i-s viii h i,, t 0Io a r Sermon, "The Pentacostal Lau The Russians would be a greet pr-o-p1 a' gumage" pï n 0 The pt-est-lu-charge wiii aisea taell,--- t- somethlng about the Diocesan Conven- tien, sud Mn. Wairond viii makeaaiIlf The third nu4iber viti ho held ou short telle ou lhe speeches at thel Met-ch 7th, sud vilt conelet of a lac- cliitcli club dinner. tut-e b>' Dr. John Thampeon of Chics- Musical program at Il a'clocle. go. Dr. Thotupson la s fonceful speak- Pi-oceseloual, "Chldreh of theHeast or sud voli kuavu In Chicago, vberc eni>' King' Pleyel. hot le pestor ot the Flirst Mthadiat Veite-Robinsan. Epîscopai chut-ch. Lest Sunda>' ho de- Beudctus-Seventh roue. liverati a daring sermon reîaîîng ta Office Hy'mu--- Mother Dear. Jetu- tie divorce question, eaying that saleu." Christ would appt-ove of divorce et the Receasional-O Sav-mr. Ptectou. pt-sent lime. Savior. Axnong 1he statemeuts made b>' Dr. FIItST METHODISU EPISCOPAL Thompean Sanda>' utgbt are: Chatles J. Dlcleey, Pastor. 'The churcli bas piaced ber guardian 10 a. m. Sanda>' Sclîôoi Classes angel et the axit o! the mat-nage Eden for ai ages. but bas alinost forgotton la placa an>' i .mPbi vrbp e-io ai ,'hoenotrance." ch a nder Ilie it-ahat> t Jaermon ,""Me chut-ch lias piaced too mati>'b>'te paster. Good music b>' the prohibitions on the divorce sida vlien tard. Mre. LyeII Morris, organiet. her ueglect te instruct young people 6:30 p. m.-EpvaKlh League deoa- au tha signiticanca of marriage le con- tionai service. Stevart Smith, Lead'r.- sdr"Sudtaptsnsh oieîd 7:30 p. m.-Dr. W. L. WThipple, Es "Shold to peson ho ompeledformer pester, vîli occupy the puflpt. te live logethot- vhen ail theaMtfhton Dr. Whippie represents The WeelIy vhich constitutes ceai niarriago 15 Faundation et the University' of 1111- dead?" noie lu addlian ta maling au atidres "A miarriago certifldte me>' sone-lie viii show sanie vet, in.erosting- tinias mean legalizad vice. Marriaga moving pictures. Lat us great Dr. l irs nautural, thon spiritual. the Whîpple willi a fuîtlliause an Sunday spiritual le the ceai bond. sovening. 'Jeffl did no1 prohibit divorce as ',dedycvnn u73 va nwnov leav 1. If Ho vere bore ta- Wdedyceiga?1~o'eiock, daywhee w lie, ind wie ad ds-mid-wack meeting for prayer. Bible ciminatlng juigee deciding an dames- study sud Christian fallowship. Oui tic intelicittes, Ha miglit recoguizo slogan. "Every Meàiber Out te Prayer more than one grouud for divirce." Meeting aI Least Once Eacli Monîli." "The chanci muet lustruet mat-a sud Next Wednesdey te the firsi of Feira- legilate less if abe le ta command the ary-ýbegIn the moulli riglit respect o ftuIs age. The chut-ch mus,. Choir rehteat-sat Weduasday eveutng do more ta pt-vant divorce than ehe at 8:30. tolaowing the prayer meettng. lias, but s;he muet do it b>' instruction," AIl mambers of lhe choir. past andl pt-sent, are urged taelie ounliand. OBSTUARV -- DIAMONO LAYE Peler A. Nimsgoat-u vas bot-n lu COMMUNITY CRURCH. Cohen, Lorraine (then a province of 2:30 p. m.-Preacblng service, fer. Get-man>', nov a part of France) u lowod b>' Sanda>' Scheel. Ail reetdiug Octaber 16, 1845. Ho caesta Ameride.linboh communit>', o fan>' or no deuom- wllb hie parentesudsettled noar Ivan- Inational pretereuce, are invItodte t hoo, Lake cousit>, Illinois. Hia ouug- camne te these- sot-vices, sud aise ta or lite vas spent near Wautcauda,%at brnug the chuîdren ta the Sanda>' one lime beiug an lustructor lu s Sceeol. vniting school. -- Octoben 23, 1873, ho vas matrtoed ta PIRST PRESBYTERIAN Margaret H. Hsgorty of E township. Rev, Maia- C. Morgan. Pastor. This union vas bbeeeti th tree -- chidren: tva dauglitene, Mns. Matr>' Sabbath Scbool et 9:45 a. m. Wm. J Hageey>, of Libortyvie,,sud Mns. G. Wollo, Supt. Abert L. Muruett a! Minneapolis. Min- Preachiug et il s. tm. Childrou'e set-- neota; as u soneu vo dod lu lu- mon. 'Topic ot the marnlng message. !aucy. Boides t-va daugbtere ho la "What tie World Oves te Foreign survlvod b>' one sisten, Mr#. Mary' Day- Missions." Leader. Robot-t Grand>', lin. fivo -brandchldreu sud a hoat of prealdeal of the C. R. Society. usar relatives and MIonda. Preaching at 7:80 p. mu. En oveuge- Mn. Nîmegeanu itvod lu the contrailIlcsot-vice. Thaugit for the ove- part af Lake conuty ftas the past 76 uing. "The Christi" Assurance." >eans Up -ô 1910 h,.gesliddan thse Caecbtrm close :45 P. tm. Stili fat-m. thon niovedtu taWauoond5a - o<sm tforllier young people vhotMa>' As ho vas baud>' vith tools sud of vieli ta confess Christ the lelnd of e dispositonu vlcb- mai10 ae meigWens.d4,Fbu hlm do things for othere, ueglectg Py-meting Wded>.1'bu hituseif, self. Hebocame "Uncle Poeary lot. Toplc, "Our Wçrld-Wlde Par- la evoryone sud mai1 a bot of frieuds. Ho lied a sttrong beerty physique buIit Chair prectice each fnida>' eveulng. up b>' hunting andt rapping In bis lboy- Mr'e, Etivant Sayre, at-gaulIs. F. J. bond days vhile Lakre Cootie vasIluWtright, cliOrister. ls pioneen stage. Ho lied triveied Communion vii lie obserVod luib-tis somevhat more ibsit bis averageofo!churcb Sabbatb *oranug, Feliruan>' 12. bis tovunoen. Iu »10 ho recrossoti Au>' wbo ieli te unite vith Ont- chut-ch the Atantic ater abri yeers to VISIt viii lindi>' apeal e t any41der or thed hie birthpiace andi rel*tivs o& Asace- pasta'. Dr. CHAS. D. NIXON JOHN. tEMRI, JAIL 4 MONTIIS, IS RELUASIge Waukegan man, convict ed for operatin- t;umblinq house, paid $900 fine John Niemi. a0IfMcAligter Ave.. wh lies set-yod four tMaitths of hie sIx months sentence lu the coupty jeul for convfction'on a charge af condtiet- tng a gambiua house, and wla lst feui vas flned $900 l» addition ta the jeul sentence by Judge C. C. Edward4 tode>' vas released. Nelmi lias pald hie fine. Nelmi received sucli a lieav>- fine beceuse II vas the second I lme lie lied been faund gult>'. Herbert Washburu aiea vas re- leasod Thunsday, bie six monthe' son- terce ou conviction for burfier>' ho Ing commuted by Judge Edwards. 8Washburu vas found guilty of dîaw- l ng of property that lied heesa thien' tramont te St. Paul railnaad campan>'. i-lie wss sentenced ta six monthe lu the cotinty jeul. He begati servlug hie sentence Nov. I sud therefare lied been Il aieutvoand a hait mouths lu 'addition Io ;. m,)n'lllit, vam Inrarcer- *aied peudlng lilst trial. ,Iudge Edwa-ds tukl<maot ier ation the tact that Waoliburni leaa ymarrit'd man and hie vite and chuld me in desitute circumestauces audt Inecîl hie aid. Jacob Kukar. Northi Chicago, Mon- iisv pleaded guilty, ta the charge af haviug sIoiîîtcd the prohibitery law. n hefare Judgo P. h. Persane lu the B' Cunty court, oint] wag eenteucel ta I.60 days lu the catilyJeulunaddition .t ta heiug tintd $16u. Eukai 'vas un alte ta psy the fine, whlclt viii meati jthat, lie viii b.' conipelîrd ta tamain jsin jeul nearly four rnonlts. Fie began ,a-rvlnglis -(-nct nrintiediately. leThe place of Mi- 'Mlnnie Saroci. in outi0 .h,-rldaî: Ilorl. wae raidi il USuud-iy n'eu: h1), t a MiiAun.-,r ilit~'5 !ru -quad d îl 't,.->cî'ui.- istpit aat 'alOtt. toc lt ai- r) eg.ed. -olatt for 8,' , Y'-torî i. 1 .ice Fi t' 5i Couteonu ri inventor WetilResarced. soft, iteii tri(t'i., j. t, t for b'u- n:'-. I-im- Ritin.' î'iu.d a trenaird of fn <C I f,r Dr. A. JANE DAVIS CHIROPRACTORS OFFICE NOW OPEN Newcastle Hotel Hoursl[to-5-P. M. Phone 26 Evenings 6 to 8 P. M* SOME QUESTIONS -ANSWERED 0 We have aften been asked ta state brîefly what we consîdered ta be the reason for the remat-kable success af chirapractic adjust- meute in removing the cause of s0 many diseases, and restat-iug the vuctims thereof ta perfect health. Our reply ie that chiropractors have fouud that the well-spring of health lies lu the great net-vous systemn, sud that a fnee and unin- terrupted flow of nerve energy ta ail parte of the body cau result in nothing less than health. AMain, we have frequently been asked whether ail diseased con- ditions are traceable ta some spinal irregularity, and, if sa, wiIl ad'- justrnents remove the cause so that the patient inay be assured of a return ta perfect health? Iu reply to the qiienies. we would say that chiropractie bas neyer claimed that ail patholagic conditions are due ta spinal subluxations. Thene are uudoubtedly diseased conditions of various at-gans due ta hereditary defects, injuries, aperations, etc.' but by far the greatest numben of humuau ailints are due ta the mal-alignmnent af spinal vetebrae. It is certain also that the competent chinapractar can locate and correct these subluxations. Beyond this he caunot go. This, and this alone, is his work. The restoration to health is, entirely in the bauds af nature. If there je any foundation at ail upon wich nature cdn build the superstructure of health, it wiIl unquestionably be donc. Can chiroP*actic adjustmnents remove the cause of my coinplaint so that I may enjoy the great boon of healthi? This is a periectly legitimrate question. and certainly a more im- portant one could not bc asked by an invalid. Let ns answer it "hi yay: We know what youn ailment is by a searching examinatiopi of the spine, and we know whet chlrapractic cari do for it. We would advise you to visit your local chiropractor at once, and hàve you& spine examined. If there are any deviations- f romthe normal, the chiropractic will be able to 'find them, and if they are faund , it is a very simple matter ta have theni remedied. The cbiropraLctics whole training bas been along the special bne af locat- ing and! adjnstiug spinal subluxations. Just as an oculist le a specialist on diseases affectingthe eye, so ie the chiropractic- a qpccialUst in ail' diseases resulting froar pressure upon nerves as they leave the spinal canal. By gentle and! ekillUul manipulations your spine cari bu restôred to the normal condition. and nature, the great bealer, will certainly restatre yoti to health. r i i i= = E = = i E. il t: b Ni a l