LIBFRTYVILLE IDPE«M. TH1JRMAY, JANUARY 26, 1922. ,ted for louse, er Ave. in of bis Dumty jail condtit- Wh.a last an ta tbe Edword45, bias piti it'.i was ro* Onthe, son- r¶7be Companly, nonths ln Prving bis doare hati months ln I Incarcer- 'consider- nUrn la a andi chilti nCes anti lago, Mon- charge of îlt>' law, no lu lthe Ite need ta n addition I waa un. wiil meati ta iernails Fie began diately. lesaroclk. 5- raiiiî O î,'> cî'ntt.- lm t ai- rued. (1 for beuair- Ilrë-ward Real Service % Real service is flot alone a question if equipment. The personal element always enters Satisfaction must be rendered in every transaction. One mnust lie as painstaking and pleasing in inaking change as in accepting a de- posit of many dollars. hIe LAKE COUNT NATIONAL BANK bas always aimed to furnish a real service to its rnany patrons. Deposit your next money in this bank which bas he.hind it so many years of business siuess. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Qauifle Ads. in The independent secure resuits. Give thein a trial and Ion will be convinced and wMf neyer miss the cost. Damp Wash The New Laundry Service is well liked by the large number of famifies who have tnied t. It is being recommended to their friends and neîghbors as a money. time and labor-saver. We want YOU to try our DAMP WASH SERVICE. We know you waiIl ike it. You can alsa cut the cost of washing your DAM? WASH in haif, by recmsnending DAM? WASH to your frierds. For every new patron of our DAMP WASH SERVICE received thrxongh your rec- onoiendation we wiD a&Dow yoa 50 per cent reduction on your neit DAM PWASH. île cost is $1.25 for 25 lbs. or under, and 5 cents per lb. for each additional pound over 25 lb3. No article is m4irked, and each bundie is carefully sorted as to colors, silks. woolens, eec., and washed separately in nets, elimi- nating any chance for shortage and damnage. It cornes back to you in a DAM?, flot WET, condition, wilth near- Iy everything ready to iron. Try Oui Damp Wash Service We know you wsîll lîke it. A large bag to send your wash home in wifl be sold for 50 cents, if you havent one. The Reliable Laundry LALJNDERERS, DRY CLEANERS AND DYERS Highland Park and Libertyvle Phone, Highland Park 178. Phone, Libertyville 67-R Advertise your sales and have your sale bis printed at the ludependeni office. That kind of publicity brings buyers and poil prices. GlendoraEgg Soft Coal ISSS**ppppp*spsSî All eat No A sh; Try it ------------ oe ffl Libertyvile Lumber Co. TELEPHO NE 47 At a meeting ef the Liberty¶<lfle Le-, CARo or- iAt the Auditorium lat Tbursday 1gion l"ld Tflesday nigitt at the Cam- ai night the Libertyville Town basket merdiai Club officers for the ensuing We wish te extend OUa\m a nC a ic >e rhr al ieam won a s-pIri:cd gante frontadmafl tak o S oanBufa lascr f 5t 7.TeIyear were clected asefollows: Com-a, ha4,ttiaka1 -_1_LakeBluff___ascoreof_25_te17._Thefriends and xeighbors rýî rýt hern of _ ap-ecia---Ineres to ibet"ile Peple LIbertyvilie team played like protes-I mander, Frank Kennedy; Vice Comt fui floral trittes n m -4 - Shor hea ofEspciallntrestto .ibetyvlle eope aonals and their opponents had no! mander, Arthtur Mevers; AdJutant,: sYMPaby aud kind ssstanuce _____________________________and_______________ cane ofay tae f ttegae.OnDate Colins; Sergeant-at-Arma, Clar- us during our recent XredMarihoat sd dugber o Lier- Do you like ta get ýhe dirf out of: Satucday nigbt te ligbtweight team ec od hpan ri uiîe .HMI N EL, tyvitie. cratks and cornera--use l4c eDevil 1-t t1,of the Foulds Miling Co. me, defeat e e busi haanesssesin a big ed M AMI N - Flyd ittir ws a acie vtio on he isse-Roabele sd Clra ai the banda of Allendate ligbtweigitts. was served and a amoker aud social ______________ FlydRtte ws acn vs crr n Tyhe lsiRting Mr.asd ClrsaI jthe game blâg played at Allendale. bu a pn.Mctppwai Sundayý erty are visiIng Mr. and NI rs AI:The final score was 32 t0 19. Toight hu a pn.Mc e a n' Hspe i Cicao. iejected imb lthe organisation at thia ý ANNOIJNCYuEN Mrs. tilie Davis is v8itig'friendsiF lalgteglalIeo h eting sud plans were made for an lu Chicago. Mir. sud Mrs. Sumner C. Kimbali Yý M C. C. A. Comrsdea of Waukegan, sîv erNx Wdedyngr Iwith t announo. th"t i cu# lawere in Chicago Sunday t0 sec Mrsthec gamte uo be played a ite Liberty- Feb. lat, the Légion wili give suother rheumat am, headacho., PIM4 Mrs. R. Grand sud family movedatKibl'ftheCFGrnod ;o ville Auditorium. The Foulda heavie l isfosdnes at'OcAdzria,* tsma and noivouu dl-"r week ta Waukegsu. i a patient at the Wsley itospîtai lu will play tie St. obu's of Racine a' and during te latter part of P'ebruary Wtotti s fmdo, ite conclusion of the preliminary'due frnc&ur$o n Friend Bimark was as Wiîmette bus.tibat City'. 1gan , a nip-snortiug minstrel show will bel,*drg.Rfrnofulho Ines vsitr o Tusda. gme.put on. Eti Gsvin, te first commander * I'quest. inasvsia o Teda.The annual banquet given by the * w 1ev. E. J. eatty nas a business 'vsitWomen'a Club will take place Fbu Mmeioflt a socaIno ie ot e e rof thego, * 'fFE of ~~~~~as wel as several mnembr flt AIP'~E or lu Chticago on Tuesday. iy1ti.ab Mtdsiciih I i1 tecue nteLaike Bluff PoBt. Keep your eye on* 208 Chapel s'o.t MissAda eurtvistcd rien~ 0members are kludiy requested iii make, teenth Judicial DiFticI wli ot ieLbrille mgoa hgonfro oPoo , Mià A(a eIIt izied rindsinreéervations as soon as possible, I Woodslock Titursday (todsy> aftë- now on. as the boys are set for doing :1 WAUKEGAN ILINOi Vighlsnd Park over Sunday. 5 l ~ ~ Ai..U,,.. Irnoan where a memorial service will be things.* t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ila Fitzrerld"-as Frid nihel n nridrrir ulers Byrn Poasx ss i Wak~esn ut the sunusl football banqu,,- nf Lake H. Donnelly. wio dicd seversi weeks business, ou Tuesday eveing. Forest University', waa presenîeîi with ThJevcs b eda Miss Ger trude Quentin osut'seveisil a "L. P." sweater lu recognition of his ago. Tesrie .IIh edS day wih fiens i Wacona. work as a meauber 0f thite iaai titis 2: 30 o'clock In tite court bouse al tiss îtt rind i Wuaoua, ypar, iaWoid5tock.There wil he two gen-' Louis .cker of . nIWsdpgsu was the - I ral speakers and cacit cotinty will gucat of relatives bers, Mouday. Mr. Martin of Chicago will de-nons- traie au oven beat regulatoi au ite james Ganuon uf Lake Foret:s a. hili scimoul domestlc science- inî on a Lbertyville visitar WednesdaY. Thursday atternoon, Feb. 2, a, 2:30. l-lsry eye su Trnsa TaloîTe~e public la invited to auttend uhis were Waukegau visitors ou Suday. dmntain Mrs. Maude Clark of Wadswortb vis Gasrrett Wilson, o1'lte ftîrnfni il- ited friendi; n Liberlyville Tucaday. sou t. Ohm, local agents foc tite Fordl Give your skin a chance-you cani - automobile, returuedth ie f irst oftifhe injure il cleaing wiit Bne Devil t itP ak frorn a "hree weeks' vacation rp to Bermuda. He was accompauîed by Davi W. Bilas of Tilden, Nebraska is brother, Robert Wilson. of Ciicago. la itere vsiting is sialer, Mra. Byrcon Colby.Mc. andi M. Chartes Adams and Colby farnily, who bave been resing in the Thomas H. Wilson of Auin vas in0 Lw VWhllney home on Fît-su sireet, t LibertYville oser Sundsy vistîng cela -:riiesday moved to tockford Mr. andu tives , Mca Thomas Cooper will oment e lit Miss Pitilomena Newboce was te - house vacated by the Adams family. gucat of Latte liorest riends a SautdaY MNir and Mca. Ruben E.Thiomas on evenng. Sunday entertaiued at dînnei r.cand Mir. and Mca Thomas Siaydarn s-ni t .T A Spson, and daugiters. ioashow in Waukegan mu Wednesda> 1 ad Mr. andi Mca J. P. Miy and daugit 'r.of Waukegau, andi Nlr, ant Mrs. *-VifliOK Ped Morditorst and daughucr of Liîber- lIai i-ýi's S î; rtine Fias ora oîlui u cake. e i rcaîîî înd pudtlngs, i.nPi Ai ,ii, .T il Lrri e-y stor es A4.mee-ing olite North Shi,iZone ofthte Walthter Leaguei - w lite heldl 1j, 1:-suii,ud Miss IMailoi aute Libertyville 'own hl iFihiuaî y NI -ik.i, u,-ski me-i aui .ry 12. This ite young huî5îîii I iiganiý la-,i Sunday. za, on of te Lutherain 1iiicut.tiele- Tii 1)l()llSuýaw nd-al-es from aIl Lutîteran i-lui-ehes lnu Tic tiu-.i iiriiî, Syda. andh Islitriri wilt b. ect Mia), le îin-oflusuin; -Tuesdaly scnin;.g " i -n XX aukegan TheIi,- beî--vîihile hidi a(-hooi basketg lu-n HIt ,i', -n tlaki r i;'nil at' larn 1oS ai-il fougitl coniest 10 cdaUnion Meetiung -ie- n 0 uic the 'aiu-iiuit,, ighi schioot tast Frtday Tuesta> ccnln. - igiti.te score being 40 Io 19 The Tuesdy eveinggamée was playet inluWauconds, sud leLeiînard liisneY u-ite'taIined M2r. aloi: about thîrty-five Liberty'. illpcooera i-,. Frank lol)inusc)noi lcpaiei companiedth l ocal tesîn o1serthe we'k îend. The Evel-man Stock and hîoultur Chliles Pi-cor iiw as aino11iht-Liii . Fariî. of Gallatin Mi.. li s offerîng as eisville iolk, sslu, aîucnded ilie' i î enîdy foieitecure and tires eniion of iiie. in Caiy Sîioday. tîng choiera, witichit i-lîgitly recoin-i Tliu-h N Lotge ~ uou , < ieënded b> s.ock risisîs titrougitout ThhecounN. Secohee auischtîseaeu baker> .-al.- ai CrlPtts store on Sa'ui 1tecutr.Sc- er detsmn itýafiternoon. Jan 28. -1i naano'her columu -t1lP Quite a numnît, o I,hcrty'.iIi , Po NI- Claude Kniggt was iaken noS-. pie- atended uhie ski iournitonii-t a.F ili liostiltii in Eîanston ast Sal- Car ilino-.ast unday iiidas ,-ce-ethe- Or' t it e w-cik suc ,Car, Ilinoý. .si suiiiiit cd Io an oui razion. Slip il- . Nr andl NI: toc Sluý ,iteî i. :'Ig(it uneauuing nîeely, ani expeiedl to ri- lkki sisiied a; 'ite honte ou 'M" and îiiîn home Suiiniay su' Se wa accmtîî lirs.H. F.Wati-ru, on Sunday nied !o Esanstuin b3 it-î mouier Isý , FEs ilsizor tFred Jeski iormrn-ly coi t loy i-l i n Lîheryi slitenow cesîdinir iCiii ii NIrs.Ailr- l Bu i n iii lias-hi en ii mc wa.- greeiing triends liiiru- iinabWaîikegan wsi lî lieritaugitter, Mci. ,i rhfîid ioîr unien'. lias cci i eil Mlia-iAnnai îraiaii ad NiissiElci, i ~Lhr4stt i i etl-wiutc R icîne O i ut 0 ii5 st nglui1 o-l ýlir daglti N iJullus Treliiow - homeiof M i. ant M -- ,B. n ('t' ttnni-,. Mr. and N iiLa rsenaof Waiike uutFi ' iik w' reinl W.iii l.igan ssere in Litue-ty situe Sundas s tsi' Stinila> jir4aI te C!1a FSmaie home. flotut the Victocy M,-moriali.tospîtat 'i Wiukegan. a iî-i l- lait hî-n taking treaumenl. iheNV. C. T. 1-.wii tiolîl tise nt rifgoler inid-Iing at thlic tonw'-of Mris Edith Herr-tck on Ttîcaîay ,îfuecunOO. Janîlars 31, ai2:1 3) o'ctock WVýillaiii Wilsoin, Ille six u ->, ilii dson of Josepht Wilson. of Bramnasaenue, is ili wiih itdpitîteria. It la reporteti tha' lits condition ia n0Y seîl'ou. The Prcsbyterîan Ladies' Aid Soci- ety il ,uiccl at iiechut-ciiparlors Thursday afleiuoon, Februai> 2. A Pull atendtance o." ic meniiers ta desired. Mr. andi Mca H. Kreuger returued to Gresham, Nebraaka,' Wednesday, afler a two weeks' visit witb William Scitulz and otiter relatives lu Liberty- ville and viinity. Mr. sud Mrs, F. P. Dymnd left ast Friday ou titeir annuat pilgrtrnage t0 I'lorida. Titeir destinatontitis yesr la Tamps, aud expect te renîsin rntili lte warmner tisys corne. Dr. and Mrs. E. H Smnit, Dr. an Mca EL A. Crane, Frank J, Wright Rasa Triggs sud Walter Held at'ndeti lihe ski tauruameul on Snndsy, a i te Fox River Grove Slde. au Caryir ll. Your grocer migit h. asteepi waken hlm wit. a requesi for your sanîîîie of Blue Des il, Cleanser. tiC Mi-a. Chartes Elwell of Highland Park, bpieut Sunday wlth bier parents. Mir aud Mca. E. W Psrkhurat. Tite Earneet Workera' clasa of tite Mehodît Sunda>' Scitool wIli meel at te home of Miss Mary Masota rday a4ternoon, Januar>' 27, Eletion a of-r ficers. Al members are asked ta be reent. urned Io IUi: home in Sacrarn-nto ý'ait.. afiei a N it here with Mr. and Mrs. William \ h'igam. They 'acre on their o ay hon, i rom Wasbington, 1). C.- mbere Mr, anbor. was attendinîg to business in i nec'ion 'aithtbte sur- veü ors-offick- i lie state of Califorrnia AUDITORIUM1 18O1IONPITURES JANUARY 27 and 28: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY &"what Every Woman Know s" Feabuing Nagel Coniad and Lois Wilson. Alto a Splendid 2-Reel Comedy, "Hubby Behaves" 0o- SUNDAY: "Ducks and Drakes" And a Screudoig Comedy, "Pipe Dreamns & Prizes" Aduits, 25c. clalIde1 Oc. he rpresentcd by two speakers. Tlhose front Lake county wili be Attorney A. F. eaubliî of Wauke- gan aod Judge Ben H. Miller of Lîbertyville, presîdent of lthe Lake Couuty Bar Association. Deputv Collector of internai reve nue, A.SN. Tiffany announced F'rIday hat as eoon as the Income tax bîsuks irrive he wIll put ln full urne ln the Wrukegan office. The No. 1040A blanks. for tiiose having an lucaone of less than $5,000, are expected today or tomorrow, but the No. 1040, which are used where one's income la more than $5,000 probably will flot be here until the first of next month. Mr. Tif- fany declared. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our siocere tiîanks and apprecia*0on tao ui* many fricnds for il 'riîroati.,-tance an,] comforts during .,îr ieceni hervave- mlent. Mr. and .Ilrs. H. J anr. d F,îîtliY Mr, sud Mrs. Albeit L Buirne i( PUBLiC NOTICE IS HERIEBY GIVEN tbat the second instailment on Spe- diai Assessemeut Warrant No. 14. Vil-- lage of Libertyvîile, for Storni Watoer Sewers will be diuc January 1, 1922. and payable at 'he Collector's Office LYEYY H. MORRIS, 52-tf Coltector Baver and seller of aillaICds of tive Stock -ma dressed beef . Tel- enhone Libertyville 124-R or 261-W-1. 2-4t Snow's Auto Liverv-Taxi Ser- vice. Phone Libertyville 306-M.~ Smile sway youc troubl fear Fiowers alway£ brîng gooti cheer, FLOWERS conie to ha nIj l911 troI1îhIPieilli o cite cî those who are sad ti Sbearl Titere la ambiionL t0 b- iound in contî-nîîîia- ting thens and inspirsuiorf Cin tiîcir fragrance. ~Ve.1~frle' I.' LET YOUR S AVI'N GS SIX PER CENT IN First Mortgage Farm Loans On Lake Consty Farmi We have a choice assortmnent of High Grade First Mortgage Loan Notes in Denominations of $500 and up- ward, which we recommend for investznent. .. We cordially invite your inquiry in person or by mail Your lumber and building mate Mî requirements can be f iled here b your financial advantage. In other words, we wilI Save you mon4 on these prices. Every price advanttdge that the marke affords w1411 be yours if you trade with M. Worth-while Dry Goodi MSilks, Crepe DeChine, Georgettes, Wash Satii SSplendid Values in Wool Dress Goods. Linen Sheeting, Muslin, Long Cloth, Nainsook SToweling, Towels, Face Clothes, Napkins. =Table Soarfs, Pillow Cases, Pillow Tubing. Sheets, Ticking. Ginghams, and Chambrays Laçiies' and Childrenà' Hosiery, tinderwear, Glevi A vory-large assortment of Handkerchiefs SA Good Isine of Ribbons. W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPANIý Phone 29 Libertyvilh, DL i i i= = = .1 a . . .. . .......... . .. Muq i b JE 6% Uij