~92L à1 -1tz of po"rfield victin' ý di'altiers. who nab fwat Hotfman, barber htDeerfiehi ny Ibere .-oamsai ý,«'ho apeassa-ce la attractiai 01 attentions tisus e cacaslate e 0, te s the crue] vlclimora I't,,uuty apogge aquai. led hI e4l1e C. A. IBrune. chier of State'î W*ey A. V. Smths "dry bsttery.' %FMi In lbe barber shop cf Matt ~eonsi--g." The marissi man ta D;i-,- 'tisakna'ts marsabout h* e f tise cammuntty than . îqstmater because lis la the W tiimber. Dieîz 'tes la Hoff- i' ee PI". 'iscb boasta on a gu- dgn avec the spiral ced and white ibé tact tisaI Illa the *"Deerfleld W- Sisap.- the anly tonsorial psr ba tise lown. tas gstting bis thrice-a-eek rI 'hen lbe offîcecasateredi rw- v- graal confusion and excite a s the VOUlgeras srrassaisi lis i 0 e aluitise caiiag cre't. ,ý+isan 'tts taresitlatheoffice lbaUS J. EL FrItacis. 'ha ordecet le accmmpaay lbe office"uate âlas . Juil alter tisey baidisW ýed. a boy poinîsi ta Dieti, ans tlct lausaher. The cro'td la the rn Iolla'toi suit. «"Laok,' afltr Iatdiuat gsi W80tot Mr. fileta' face shaved. 94 Iehohd! Il 'tas avent se. 0*009SO00O000E0 DEERFIELD 9 *64000000000 0 Wb Cluter super aid dance given âe Progressi've Club oftIhe Wll. ,>*ot district Salurday nghi s.6at sie and a big flnanclai S.I.Rockenbach and Mrs, IlReybeck ttenisi the Installa- IfOtflOrs of the Rayal Nelgihoni hle1hg Tbacaday aigbt. ,Wient bas soti is garage ce rai ta Peter Jubrend. '*i Mia.'Jacots spent several relatives la Algonqala. Uawa Muilke 'tas the gasat ="Âsruold Keler ef Glencoe lest y mi Thucaday. a,'Qe0MgeGoodmaan visiteil cela- >vDluse Isand ftram Friday untîl i p Rammel entertainei the ~fO5et St. Paal's Lutheran 4l<tiand aiLauh'a Anderson Mn.,are vlitios Mcm.- QMPlaaY uas rePealsi ri . LEILLINOIS. - Tewepho» e33. vVe*.srlnary Surgeon. t eeience Opposite Ree Ilotor Ca. Garage. Phoane 35. 4aTYV1LLE. ILLINOIS. J, E. WALTFR, W)MCIAN AND SURGEON. *-ss of Women and Children a apecialty. WÂUK8GAN tILLINOIS. tW. JÔHNSON. D. D. S. DENTIST OnC 041. 112 Ne. Genesse St. .WÂUXiGAN. ILLINOIS. . .F. BUIERFIELD iNTERIXiARY SURGEON W»iutnt Stats Vetornarian. WMTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. DR. J. L TAYLOR a n tat National Bank Bldg. lrs:-1 te 3:30 and7 te 8 p. m. "-e -n Brodway, opposite Park LlERTY-VILLE, ILLINOIS. RARLFS R WICRFZS uagton-County Sîs. Phone 1892 WAL'KEGAN. ILLINOIS. itS Accuntant and Auditor. WgttagSYstema. Audits, Books téecoiodicaliy foc Flumae'tho Pt rwe4 a Permanent Bookkeeper. Heure 3 ta 8 P. m M&NION & DAVIS ~kumdkPhyuadans 1SaCrrection of Oformities, çaand Chronie Dîssape. IOl-2#41.Nen Caille Hetel. TYVILLE, ILLI.NOIS. FiJ-TURER 0F AM GRAMUI MY WOrk ofEvcry wOurvb*cfrn1 at the P. Tr. A.'meeting at the bigh achool Friday evening. Amanit ackenbaeh retu.rsd ftrain St. Lukea hoogital in Chicago, last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Flady Gunckie plseat (lie week end with Mr and Mca -Ver- REPORTS SHOW non C.unckle, wtio leave toc California next week.. CONSTRUCTION OF HENHOUSE n Tht' teachers of the gratamar achool tîulImo5ntaSur Winter sowing increased 31 .len dM b teacheca' meeting heu eîneGo rang per cent; Sf. Clair Co. main- ait Lihectyville Saturday tains leadershraiageindp Mca. Patrick Watt wbo llved l Mra. AlQht £xposure. tislaesi a . NI Hole's honse during the sntamer. P'OP e b the Unted Star#s DepsXt- Mantalnting ils lead amoag colin ded at ber bore ne aChicago Tuesday. nient of AgTlouitgre.) tiesaof Illinois, Si. Clair county fise Her remaina wece taken ta Kansas, If youc poulcry la ta bie beulty. com 'Yseac bas Plaated 111,363 acres lan'tin- t ber former borne, for Intrmnent. fertable, conteated, t ill Iibe neces- ter 'theat, accocding ta the detatled 'y Mca. and Mrs. Ray Reeds and sons 5517 ta provide a bouse bsvit plenti figures issued by Ferlerai Statisticlani setStinday with Mr. and Mc@. Roy of frsabt ait (but no draft), dryness, S. D. Iiesaenden, aoflths bureau af *ucio InpChnagosunlight. and apace enough ta inove CrOP c iliits Huteinso laChicgo without trouble. No partieu- 1 Greateet lncreiss aver acreage lu Mca. Tibhetts of Lake Forest cald lac style of bouse la adapted ta anr 1920 la foumelin Warren county, ac- on Mca. Smicer Wednesday. section of the country. Oas tilit gives cordiag ta Mr. Fasendens report. n Mi-. aud Mca. Henry' SlljeslrSnmen satisfaction la Maille la Iikely te do ail Warren eounty- bas plantedl 58 per elertained a number of their frienda at right lu Texa or Califurnia, but, qulte ceai more,. 'inter wbeat than Tast r- a card Party Seturday evenîag. naturally. more openly built, and con- Year, arleing its acreage front 7,6581 r- The W. C. T. U. will bhl the nehi sequently tess expenaive bousses wilt ta 12,099. The greateat decrea3e, on e regular meeJing the asat Tuesday eft- servlintbe Soutb. (the aoter band, is la Macoupîn catin ty'there tbe acreage la 8,1 peî cent dernoon la Januacy. the 31st. orthte Goad drainage, sa Ibal the fluor aad of lent yaar-uto a .t home of Mrs. J. A. Johnsan. yard'tîlllie dry, la indispensable, la 1920 ta 63,696 acres tlîls year. k Miss Dorothy Reicheit spent the wihmasfutheie oldie1 Thse total acreage for Illinois is j.week endi St Chicago Heights .1 chassa carefully. Da't set the bouse 2,776,000 as eompared wltb revlsed > Mrs Trelle eedswillente.i a a pocket oir a hoiiow wbece cati air figures sbo'tlng a 1920 total of 2,694, Mc faber o e-e nd eda-tlsntsr;yait- a tleâ 'rry ta remember,to, before 000. an laccease for the state of .1 s nuahro e rsasWiedya yau decide the question of location per cent. Condition orf wiater wbeal ernfiltha the site wilil hve mach ta dot for tbeentire sate, 'Mr. Feasenden Miss Louise Keraten cf Irving Park 'tith convenlence la management. A repots la"94 per cent. l 'tas tbs guest of Miss Vrgila Haggis bouse that lan't easy ta reach la likeiy Ilhhon bJathfata12< B- day ta ceceive tescars aoi attention thon a ttal o f 7078 acres of tand in Lake d ~If il har!been haut with fibis ides ln eOunty 'tere planîsi la wheat. Tbere 000LAKE0 VILLA 1sin. 'as an increase of seven per cent In o L KE ILL * Yon cao keep more birds on aarai the tati af 1921. makiag a total of *It floor airesnter thse cot-oay plan filan 17,573 acres. This le; a better record 1. with the Intensive aystem, 'there the titan la oufnd lat sither Boone or Me- Misa Edna Waltac e bas retursisi ta colonY Plan te ussdinl a mild climats,1 Heary counties la Ibis leglalative dis bier wark la the tliphone of ficeeat andiUse liens bave f ree range moat of tirlt. IKenoslsa. thé, gear. Coloay bouses on cannera,1 à Moyse PrepertY in Lake Villa hasex- holding 30 ta 75 lens, are abut as 00000000001>0000000 pchanged banda durlng tbe past 'tek. large as eau lie moved epally, bul îarg- 0 PRAIRIEV«EW 0 E. A. Wltaa bas purchaaed the T. F. er numbers cauolie keptinlaons flock10 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 Fowle reldee adBen Hamlln the Ln a long bois. ltlocks of 60 ta 1501 R F. Husaey bungalow. Mr. Hansin fiares wsll adapsi ta the average Cadi- 1 The Ladies Aid added a asw ment- now offerlag hls home on the Grays- ionus for lwaiacing eggs. Largen=-1 ber totiheIr flamber aithieir lest maath laite ruad for sale.escsur ls abr e'trfencs vlymeting, andi Mca. Degner gave thie Mr.M OCloukeY iras a Chicago via and a lowec bouse co thfiln amai Aid a real gond limie. BShe proved lber- ber PY<Rldp» -aocSspa.nled bier bus- fiocks, but there la greater chance for slf a very congeala hostesa. Mr. 1band boa. à the svonlng disease, and the Indivîdual lbsn ce- Degner saloodiii bis part. Mr. and bkrm Waner of -Milwtaukee ceivea less attention. Lest Wsdnesay the aies Aid gave moved laut weft 151 the upper rooma TheCoolof bouaing poultry'dependsa ursprtonM.ElOtad e f the Hucker building. Mr. Wagner arpon many coxfldtions, sucb as asupiaspacy a Mrs. FakShlws Eh OIt anprsd bai charge af iebfmilî facory and ta- of lumbher, style ofbouse, atuount of Too bai Mci. Ott could not have heen Ilends ta maire aur village bis home. ËIoor sPaCe aliowed ta snchbIrd, and sapesi any'lnhwssre A considerable amoarnt of ne-w ma- oot uuatnae.tcs nx t h efoce the bunch departed. cbieryta ein inlatsd lite milk -mi or bacis traits, 6 ta 10 loches above 'Miss t)orolhy Ott 'tili he away frota tfactory bers ta accommoiete ,lhe la- uis dropplng boards, wtîlcil should lie home for several 'teeka ta came. Miss cresing buainess. 2 ta 2% test above the flo& Alt he MsleKnedter 'titI beiehe echer of - Mca. William Weber. Jr., spent a few roasts shoutt ibe othIe su.me tevel; - Ibte Junior 4alU~s. Flossie bas becsi 1days test week 'tblber s15er. Mca. srwise tbe binas wil crowd sud 'fight sabsttuting very abely for somne lime. George Mitcbel la Chicego.. ta gel on tieelughesl raost. Scantliog The Rev. C. A. Katea bas been oa 3?edys lesI 'teek. 2 by 3 lacies or 2 by 4 loches,w'tb the gîck Usot foc several 'teeks, bu' 1 Mî-s. Lena Anderson cf Kenosae 't5 the upper sages rouaded off, wll do bas fillîi bis pulpit cegalacly. e gues of Mca. Frank Nadr a couple o! for cooisti 'tti elîber the 'tueelouer- Mc. and Mca. W. Loekheed vtslîed i Mca, Sophie Hall of Chicago spent row surface up. Allow 7 ta 10 loches ai tbe Mason home on Moaiay even- thepat week witb bier iter. Mrs S. rangl $puce ta tbe fawl, accocdlang ta Inig. Sbecwood. - the MsOfethe bîrds, Recsaashould LMc. H. Williams BiltMonday lu 1 Mr. and Mca. Haccy Mitchell of Chi- [le placed 15 Taches spart, but the out-r Chicago. cego 'tere gesats of Mc. and Mra. Peul asde ones nsay bie wllbln j10 tachesof JMc. and Mca. Williams »PetitthIe Avery Wednesday of lest 'teek thse esige efthtie dcopplng boar week end wkth Mr. and Mca. John Herman Meyer 1511 Manisy focru<. Flor-ybeptcdssir tse drap- Tssîîey et Eversît. Ia wbece lhe bas 'tok f lcohswnl Plng boacds, ont Partition watts. or in A number of Prairie 'Vts' people ai- Ida, wlsere bie bas work for tbe 'wlter, any canveient place 'thece tbey do tsndei the dance e:, Long Grave on but Mca. Meyer and the eilirea diii Saturday evenlng. not accornpany bila. The Joint Institution af the M. W. A. Cap';. Bradley, tif Alleniale Paria, and ltie R. N. A. 'te swsll ttleaded. Bilent sevecal days lasI week la the They enjayed a vecy social evenlng City. and auctianed off the Cakes wNhb George Mitchell wss a 'teek end t-la, were left realiziag $12.00. whlcb 'tas' itor ai tise James Kerr bomne.. gîven ta the R. N. A. geaecally. Mca. Madaoa andI sons speni te .- Sorry 'a leacu Ihet Ray Stahl la con- week wiîu ieînds and relatives in fined ta the bouse wilh a sevece coli. ISenosha . ; Sunday scbool next Suaiay ai 10:00 Mc. andi Mca. Irving Pester of Crys- < . : A. M.; treacbing services ai 11:00 aud 1 ai Lake and Mci. and Mca. Geo. Gond- 7:30. Corne, Wacship the Lord wilh lng Of Grayalake speat Sunday at tise us. haine or JOc, Pestci issCars Hoigekias speat tbe weck en nChicago vlsittng frlends andi Mc.s No-hie Ilainîuîr or Hickory tocner'8. wtio tradeil a $10000 fara - etruneit hy way of Ares. liraiWhen Ile snow drifts arc tilgI ad toi a store recenttv, andi againat bmddep 'oneIf hemi v.hom a îîetitton 'tas iled Inlathe 'tul tl aea o iea h C'onntl court ta liste a caevatarkwl mlea od iea h ai'paiuteil.II, beitg csacged ftl.trs he oh mllk train an <uic Soo Line, is iacoaiî'etcoî. lias been fouati ta lie incapable aIi iaaciag lier bustines0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 affairsa nit a îonas'ator ai] be. named. utige P. t. Persans bloay Smasi Colony Houe on Governont 0 A P T A K 1 S 1 C 0 4hed the botîitor rite corRect staor ta Farta ut Boltsvilbo, Md. o0o00o o00o00o0oo0o00o0oo0o0 le appointe(] atiOî0 oflolie op îloar siace, and shoutd ie Gladys Glas la again able tOaltend NameOifscetly ppled. iciangedstiai thie bird ca get ltoe cisoal. Nain DIferetly pplid. lista eaaily. They abouti bie 12 ta 14 E. Gier 'tas invîtet ta e dianer samne- Thenme "daddy tonglega" 18le5all'<lches square an.d 121t016 bielles bigis. 'here in Chicago on Tuesday evening. plsl Ite Unitedl States ta crentuces wlti a strlp about 4 taches blgh an He accepîsi luie invitation aad enjoyesi closel.i relater]ti ti.spiers, wa-ltte lu Ji~gtaiîuh t Sîer taIhi cîîni fl ie oppii suIe tii cetain tbe nestlag il immensely. Saine clasa. £ngandIl .- ive tatir ç-,àtc- ile, îîaîiertat. t'covlîe oas neat for evscy Alice Buatan 'tas absent fi-arn achoal four or rive liens. Traop asufs are es- on Maonday and Tuesiay, asit bai a seniti for any careful brseding 'taric, bai coli. andi you <an tearîu ail about these In Misa Macle Itiebta asat ta Area on l'ariiuers' Biit!etla 682, A $ilmpie Trap Thucaday eveaia ta toieslber muusic Nest toc Poullry, wbtch you can gel leason. ripouî iiptliatioa tti the division af Mrs. A. Huaton 'tas some'thal under lsulii'atloa ot the Uniltedl States Der the 'teather ',le pasi 'teek 'titis a se- paintofiiaiAgrc-ulture. vers case af toasiltts. Hanses iof soli loaccete ama Coet EliOtI t eal ta Chicago Thursday. anti daaîp. bat calîcree blocks ta5y be George Weiiner ai Chicago, apeat îîsed wittî good cesuls. Hotla't lteSaturiay niguit wlth Mc. and Mcs.J. W. iiiskes a vers' gooti poulttcyfbouse, sud Husch, and cetur-xed ta Chicago on Ilfi ('li e tîcuglît In saine sections aI Sunday marning. a pnlce whilicom anpares favorably, dur- James Mato'tsek, Caroline oriel Clar- îîbility coastteced, wtitui tood. This sacs Buschs nolorsi ta Chicago on Set- construction Is welt miapei ta lacer- arîay evenîn. btor ca*tars and broodpr blises, or ta aay buildinîgs requlclng double watls orne ai tise Younsg peoiple of Ibis vi- oai gond Insolation. Ait kinda af cinlty arebecaming greatly lnterested ELHANAN W. COLBY wooî are îîsed, but anythiing user] ;or la basket ball. Attornsy-atLaw ixulsîde coiistcuvtion should be 'telI G. Geest eltenîsi a dance ai Wiseel- Office ai Home, an Cook Avenue, seasoneti. elherwlse the îhrtnkage 'titi ina.g on Seturdey nlghl. Telehone~ cuse cracks In tuie waîts. Mrs. John CargilI la not recaveclng Tas tasl as1berJ.a.. frie .. 'taul--l-k J48. JPîO*iêWolf and dAughtr went U &T1LjW Wa ita' cruic*ù Frldiy. IJIMU YlJ several ot aur yong f-olkBa a'ftend ed the basket ball gaie Thursday nlgbt at Libertyville. 11~LJIYEW r r n r.Max Miller and famiiy, 1V calted ai thse home af Mr. and Mra. J.1 N V M 92 N. Basch on Saturday uttiernoan EiliiGest inatored ta Libertyvilie Sunday to apend the day witllhhe Mujx Total Eclipse of the Moon Sep-* Miller family. Their little boy Ray- tember 21 the Day Before mand. la 111 with a growth on bis neck.' We tope be will soon be well again. te iewish New Year Vernon Glas went, ta Area atter the lecture at Libertyville. ta take bis mia- This year wihi bring fewer holidaya le essn. e lfZthegIrs ad cmeta Waukegan workera thon did 1921 le easn. e lf~ be irl aa caiswhieb wItneaaed double bolidays four back alons.lmes dnring the year. John Bartlett and Herman Torcbis; News Year's .on Sunday. Memnoriai were callera at tbe Crestmore Farm, d4y and Fourtb ar July an MondaP. last Tburaday. ad Obr stinas on Sunday. canseil two We underatand that Mr. Torchis la- Idle daya ln eacb I natance In 1921. tends te i un a milk truck fram bers, WIth ans day moved up on the calen- beglnning February lot. This will be dar, there was a double holiday for truck number 2 from, here Wbere lo News Year 1922 and no daubt wilt be the Sous Lne coming la for 1heIr coin?! for Christmas as Il will came on Mon Peter Selvers and E. Scbly wsnt on day. a flahing trip Wednssday P. M. Memoiiai day and July 4. aceur on Emi Geat a ajantorat ie ohnTu eday tbis year. Thanksgivlng the Emi Gestle jaItr a th Jhn atet Thursday la Navember aloo hap, Cargni realdence while they are away. pells te he the last day la Navember. The ch'ildren are staYlag St ber motb- 1922. er's sînce abc la lU alan. Mrm. CargIll Twa ectipsea are srheduted. occui- atay's there after work. ring March 28 and September 21. the - latter hslng a total eclipse. 0000000000000 0000 The year 922compriss telater Thos'tho 'ters perfect la apellng asat w-o.k 'ers: Frances Tweed, st grade; Lena Nelson. 4tis grade; Ilazel Trweed, Srd grade; Morria Wilkinson, 2nd grade; Clarence (lalîger and Fran- ces Martiale, 2nd grade. There bave been e great mnany ab- sences beesuse af hsd colis, Piday eflernoon 'te maie anaîber Poster. Our rooni looks mare cuiserful na-w than È diii afler we look do-wn the Christmas decocattans. Everyone la busy getting mateclal A new teachers desk lias bQen or- Lillian and Hetien Tetour were ab- Tires new pupuis, Je"ei, Florence dered wItb part of the rnoney earned sent last week. due Ia illnessa and Ruth Humphries were enrolled at 1be basket social. Arthur Wlnkler. Philman Hanna and Mond&y, having nioved ta Wadsworth Ullian Kazlansky vislted mchoal last ro icago. The mnaterial foi-our, new curtains Frlday. Adam Miller won a prize in the hog bas been recelved. Mrs. Halpin and daughte'. Mr'and judging conteirt at the Farmer's In- M titut. Mrs. Landry and daughters, Mr. anda Miss Walsh and Fiances Tweted, Mrs. tushmore. Mrs- Hanna and 'tirs. Mins Cummîingham and several of aur eighth grader, attended the, meet Kebwr hiaovstr the tepupils attended the meeting at in Libertyville Saturda>, Thev ejoyweK. eeCicg IitttepstîLibertyville, Saturday. ed it very much MrnMJon ra îînha anl Robert Radke and Milton Caahmore Mr'were absent Iast week. bathdhaon i J. Sorensen is I('i<Ii hlîmls transacted business in Libertyville last seereaconlda twebt ait recent lînessI Thursday. eeecls Mrms t>ukp Bein entertalned ai a The children are enjoying the hot Mr. and Mrs. W. Aýýel] spent anc bridge î,arty last week lunches served daily. day with thülr son ai Lait, Villa last The Wotaan's Club met at the schoal Friday afternoon the seventh and week. house Trursdav Rt 3:30 p. m. eighth grade started their bird books, Herbert Nelsona~ttended the tuneral In an au'omobles accident Frlday the other boys made toys and the girls of Annie Beanet in Waukegan Wednes- evening about seven o'clock, Joseph se d day of laat 'wek. The deceased was ai Garwood was erusbed to death and j The sixth grade are makiniz produet former reaident of thîs vlctinty. Burr Smith recelvesi serious injuries., mapas of the New England mtates. sacs ut the tUnited States. and cor- r«onoato1 the ycsr 663.) a! the Jul Iah perlai. Jo'tlsh nets yeac'til aeginataIsuni set Septvmber 22, tuile belng 5683. la thse Jewlsb caleudar. 000000000000000000 0 FOX LAKE 0 000000000000000000 S'let Sclehultz. Edîlar. I,ennea Hacgman 'tas perfect la the apellIng Ial 'teek. Evetyn Borgmian w'as tise tiner la The automobile ln wblcb they 'wsfM returanxki; ftr a le t ol. z'hom e" at Grayslake turndtrl its foot uf thse MctNeil llil about ons Mile iom, lagleside. The victims wsre removed f ram un- der the car by Ray Walsh and Law- rence MeNeil. Garwoad was taken ta, the undertaking parlors.at Orayatake and Smitb was taken te Sunnybrook saujtarium. 000000000000000000é, :0 VASEY SCHOOLe The elgbtb grade bave finlsbed. studying Australia and are naw ready ta study Illinois. It la ratber cold for 'hie girls but the bays are sfill enjaying the skating on 01cr spaciaus pond. Last Friday afternoon we bad quite an enjoyable time painting binds. Mra. L. Bedner la spending tbis wesk In Chicaga. Theadace Globia bas the Most hun- dreda la the Star contest. Dorotby, Eleanor and Hazel Dillan. Alvin and Doris Dowell bave flot been absent or tardy dncing the past montis. Some of aur students accompanied by tbeir teacher attended a very Inter- esting meeting for puplis and teachers held at Libertyville. Satucday, Jan. 21. We wtub to exprea aur appreciation ta Mc. Simpson for giving us lthe splen- diii opportunity of liearlng more about Our hslpfui frisnds, "The Binds."ý The lectures on lsealtb subjecis were slu vt'ry benefical. Arihur and Charles Martin atsnded the birtbday social at Vola F'rlday evening. 0000000oOOOoOOoQ 0 WADSWORTH e North Shore Line To Chicagoyd%% The ease and comf art attending a journey over the North Shore Lime have recommended it ta huadreds of menanad womea whose business necessitates frequene trips to Chicage and ather points. No less note- worthy, however' is the "on time" f cature of this coavenient route which has earned foc il an enviable record for reliability. Do you take this handy route? Traias leave Libertyville at thirty-minute inter- vals from 5:48 A. M. to 10:48 A.M., then at 11 :48 A. M. and every half-hour thereafter uniftil 8:48 P. M.; then 9:48 P. M. and every hour thereafter until 12:48 A. M. These trains make connections at Lake Bluff for Chi- Chicago North Shore & MilwaukeeR. R. 1 LIDErTYVLLTan[E OFFIC PASMUGERSTATIO TEPHONE 74. p. JAS.' WelI been t James cresannl morning follo'tin; Mr. Cals honme P ber. De af dises bis cond b igs deat r'yrcons, be camiE iag aim' Warren ed a fa tataS vic »go and became James a cream i Catlhai the misa funeraI 'the Imi "ttisbu ln Waut 0000 0 A Vertu Fresierie Grs, J Ames ana perteci week. Elsie lait Thu Frankl ftlling a 'thicis r aciscol. rnany ' The H been cet' quecanti again ah The t been Soc adde an The pi Mc. Kini received jaige ta ~L We ha foc thse ofthtieom Thee ut osountinI 'titis Wh bai tise W hile s. making i Liii ian paitiý~g 'tere adc, tale and duciag Il 4éd 53