Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jan 1922, p. 7

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L8FI<YVI.E i irwr.TJY .JAIARY 26, 1922. FIAS. CALLAHNt DE1S À4JTER À LONG ILLNESS WeIl known dairyman had been oonfined to home since Iast November JaMea Calahan S. ageti 62, weil kisown Waukagan datryman anti Ice cresj mais. tiledt ibshome 1ritiey mornlng shortly alter eight oclock, 4.fohiowing an Illness of severai monthe. Mc. Calahan hati heen confinedto itbs homte pcacticeily mince asat Novein-i ber. Detb Wes due ta a complication of dîseases. Foc tise iast few tiaysj Il bis condition hati been an critical that bis deetis was looketi' for et any lime. Mr. Calahan was bora i Ccuty Tyrone, leianîi. Fity-anc .eame ago ha came tu the Uniteti States, coin ing almost dlcectlyr to the town of Warren lis Lake County. He purches- ed a !arm. theme anti remnain lis the camne viclnity for thlrty-five yeers. HTe M edto Waukegan about six years a90 andI baillivedt hera citer mince. About two yeacs ega Mr Calaban bacame e patiser with bis two sona, James anti John n the dat-y ant icie creain meîufacturittg business, Mr Callahai Iti unitiveti bu a aidow anti tise abova mentioneti twa situa Tht ftneral waa bald Monday morîing ai 'the Immaulte Concepitin rhurch, Wth bucial in the (aihotir cirime,-y lis Waukegan. 000000000000000000i tic Chicago last Tburuday. M. andI Mrs. Geo. W. Gabrke att eti a party at Diarnonti Lake leutW There were tan achool chiltiren ska on the Ames pond let Sunday. le wus reportedt t be in fine condil Miss E. Morlock attendeti a suri psrty inbhonor of Mises Ha:zel Browi teacler of the Mil's acisool. A surprise party was gien for1 Jones on bier irtisday, laut Wedne evesing. Bunco wus played bis many other gaines, anti refreshe were serveti t mit-negt. Thirty-t yugpeople were praseist aiq lvng -eeryne ibed lber manyi returna cf1tiseday. Vero IHall, Walter Scbwecman, Ba Amann, Pretierick Fredecîck, tra Gross, Lillian Gros, Mae Tarbil. tiseir teaciser, Miss E. Y. Mo attendeti the instituts et Liberty, Saturtiay. The sabool wca coprese by ail the upper grades, except but I'm sure ail wbo went appreci tihe educational lities anti tiespees Miss Alta Hall, wbo la attending Libectyville township igis scisool bomne Wetinestiay evening as s exempt in ail bier subjeete. .ieo. W. Gehrke wassa Libant anti Atsea calier lest week. Walter Kene bas been hireti blper anti Et Joncs anti Joe Ri by Geo W. Gahrkp, A few o! the foks arounti this vie want ta soc the ski jumping et Sutsday aftecnoon. 0000000000000000 o LONG GROVE 0 000 00 00 00 0 PeaDa ams un- 1 Law- iken te uyBleke ybcook 0 0O0 L e 000 lialbed. Sr eadir ris but gkating 1 qulte s wsek St ban- Dillon. )t iseen montie. panleil rInter- tahera rais. 21. clation isplen- aboutn i." Tise ce aise tended Ii'riday I0Q0 e tOOS lorence nrolled sworth tee hog c'a In- scai of .ing at sismore having ha bot tis anti bocks, c girls eroduet LUDENKS menthol cougli drops GIVE QUICK RELIF paid down putb in your bouse amy Electrie Appliance mlectic Washers alone ezcepted-on tiese thse iniial Payment is $5.00 the balance of thse colit being payable $6.50 a montis. The articles comprised itihe $1 first Payment ar e Vacuum Cicaners, Eledtric Irons Toasters Percolatoru, Grills, Curing rons, Heaing Pads and many otisers. Balance of cost of *v e ry appftnce Payable 1 n easy monthly pa rtsa PUBLIC SERVICE CO 0F NORTIIEfN ILLINOIS tise bitrl of a littie sotn. Janeur Mother andi baby are gettiag finac Mr: anti Mm. L. J. Rohmnnatt the ski jumît t Cary, Suntiay noon. Mme. Wnu. Biumei s recovcmtag Paletine hospital (nom an opemati i ppeadictis. Friday evenîng tt Mrs. Weavcrs- Mne. Prouty entertainet ihem ciase, Bunco wee picycti aftem which senti wiches, cuira, cake anti- jello witb whîppeti craam were servedt t the little1 guets.1 Misses Alîce Tonne anti Herron et-1 tentieti a Shakespeae drame in Chicago1 Thurslay evenîag wîîh a aumber of yaung people (nom Harringtoa. Mr. anti Mm. Walter Jollcy anti littie1 son, Haraldi Walter a! Chicago, spentt the week-eadti wth Mrs. Jaliey s parante, M. anti Mm. H. Hlfer. Mm. Wm. Eichmen, Jr., visîtati beri mother, Mrs. 1. Seip, wbo bas been seeiously ill in Irving Park the pet tan deys. Mr. anti Mm. Barman Prehm attend- cd the Untietakers convention i Chicago, Wedneeday. George Hainac of Chicago, visitati is father Suntiay. Mr.Iand Mca. W. Bieknaee anti Mr. anti Mra . W G. Hartinan andi Mcc. Wm. Pcehm, Jr., attentiet the danca et Palatine, Saturtie vaning. Montiay a numbor of friande af Mcc, Wm. Tonne steppuet in anti helpeti ber celabrate ber bctisdey. Progresaive Bunco was playeti. favors bing award- eti ficst, Anta Scisoppe; second,'Verna Gablbeck anti consolation ta Mcc. Sotienberg. Dainty cafrasismeats wcre serveti.anti after tisa iuesta heti pre- senteti Mis. Tonne witb $5 goiti pin tbey depecteti wisbing ber meny returns o! tise day. Mrs. Lawrence of Taxas, je visiting ber unria, George Meyer. Mrs. James Snetaingec receiveti word o! tise serious ilines of ber cousin, Miese Mary Patten t ber home ins Weulegan. Miese Patten bas viited banc many turnes anti ber friands hope e for spetiy recovery. ST. PETERS CHURCH-. 9:30 a. m. Suaday echool. 10:30 . m. Service in Grmen. 8:00 p. mn. Engliis service. Fmday eveîing choir practice. Heroie POem. Tisera 1a noIlte cf e mais faitbfnll recordeti but la a h iséicpoans of Its sor't, rîmeil or unrtmed.-Carlyle. ut.',,. t.tii,-t .tiinii- Bul-t hi i jirîtittri. Il i îuuuî,,tr, -ignat-T) ttfoc litatilit-I iiiittiia i',îcut tP(aiîtiii8Sout!the Il btrds iii. rî'îtîus iviatvru t're r fîîuînî. Of ilie t' ,itr t trêeabarils. aîcb liai ul j('11t, i-ti miiii s ttfct,'ui he b disea,*a. At irsi siglit stinie tf tii,.niemibars thouglit te ut ant bletîtneeules tîtltiortt arituigi mtsutt.s ,how n. But Ale titi il s orttisiteredi thît ittte t ljact i itglit ut t'. ot ittteay Iiierafitlcate tii enctilotit, fit- Itlîtuiti lpi-ireti bui »t iinttct tht' lîrîls îgtliirt î'xpoesure tut tue I-ti'.thitkis pliiîl ta the obJi i sightîgii t iiilt'igaitîcti. REMOVE WARTS FROM CALVES Smail Tumor.Llke Gowths on Varons Parts o! Bodiy Are Not Difficuit to Destnoy. t et ut-tart- freîîîu'ni i r I uîttuîtiitti ,iuîitid i tior-lu i- gnotusi. nthlii'lips, Erlotitil it eth(, un th(, cars. and tt thetilIl hei.itt t siomiiiy ,thter parts ýf the' iotdb tre uttectet aus vli. hVan s iai thetflie rnetîa ilty snip- 1iut ligteit tout! sit i iiit'p scii"sans. A sirnig i trt-attor titirse tut r may be usati in tîteir rei-itttal hy loopîting it wtu-c ieiti antI tht-n by tihe îapplicationi ,f forcsous Ih, sevteriîg ttieiit ttteîr tuase. Afier liiey huit lt-it removeti thse rots shalîttuti tc auteri'zed wiih tirîcture oti ottu, glaial atIiitilt ,citi, or tuner catîstîr. PRODUCING MILK FOR PROFIT Like Real Business Ma Frmen Cen. not Afford 10 Keep Uriprofit- able Producens. 'lhoit uuulttiti iiittutr uetiitif tît îirtiu!tIi.tlit of null kis ta agi t t home. Weed ot un rltftahla proiltr- ars. Noa real hîtaines mari will keep e eço-inn l ids enuîtoy a weelt If ha la an unprofi'tahle producer,-anti tise row la tise dairiymns machine, tise datrynsan's witrkmen. Fred Pepper anti wifc visîteti the1 Gea. Hacghocn 1lieitTueetiay avening. Mervelie KeiIer spent tisa week-anti la Chicago. Schaol wes cli ced ane day Ibis week because of ilInes-i o! aur teachar, Mise H eyford. 000000000000000000, o VOLO 0 Mca, John Brnier ettendeti e meeting foc Suntiay schutl workers et Grays- leke Satucday. Mr. anti Mm. Henry Wagner anti tieugiter visiteti relatives in Chicago e few tisys the pas week,' Mr. anti Mme Fred Dowcll viiteti their daugiter, Bassi at tise Laike rounty hospital, Thursday. Dr. Haba ant i Fîh of Chicago, spent Friday anti Satu Miay t Lawndale f arm. Miss Etine Bas hem of Eveeston, was a very antecteinîutg speaker et tise M. E. churcis lest Suutday. Shais planning on attendiag astriext socilite gt ecquainteti with tisa people in this êommunity. Mr. anti Mrs. Elmer Nicholle o! McHenry, epenu Tuestiay with tise formar's sister, MIrs. Frankt Hironimus. Tise ladies wisb ta tbank ail wbo belpedt 10make fise bictistay pacty a auccese lest F-itimî evening. Tise ladies usd11 givee achisikea pie dinner et. the hortu e of Mr. anti Mcc, Frank Hironimus, Thurstiey. Feis. *2. Tise committe'- ta change, Mesdames ru pil.4very rî,ueh iii writlng theîr book- Etiward Ingalis wae absent Wcdncs- Ruth Hultrirtge bas won $10 itise Cub Reporters departmnrt in the Waukagaa Daily Sun. Mmc. Laurence Amena spent Wcdanes- day in Waukegan. Mr. anti Mrs. Otta Bttgcr entectaineti competty Sunday. Avis Zoehler entertaineti friands Fritiay cvcning. M. anti Mme. Charles Stickney of Beach, have purcheteti a naw car. Howard Loomer spent Saturday in Russell. Mc. Smith o! Grayelake. calleti on L. C. Hesley of Beach, Suatiay after- noon. George Craf t anti son, Afredi are senciing a fcw tisys with is sister, Mca. Leaman Amas of Beach. John Guetafeon of Grand avenue visiteti Mn. anti Mcs. H. E. Loomer. Mary Zoaler o! Beach, i" trying ta win tise slver cup wbirh tis e h.,%~ is giving for gctting aew members. Alfredi Craft visiteti achool Tueetiey. Howardi Loomer ia now sending bis milk te Zion. Leamen Amas of Beach roat,bati ebretiters Fritiay. Mr. anti Mre. Leurance Ameonn an- (rom Waukegan Thurs- day. Mce. Lragteri celebratati ber birtis day Suntiay. Henry Taylor celebrateti hie Iffty- aigisti bitistiy Suridey. thoce who attondeti were: Mn. anti Mcc. Hop anti famîly anti Mr. anti Mrs. R. Thsomas anti family. Mr. Taylor was bora onri bi fatiseres place where ha still lives. Waino Lahti from Waukegan scisool entereti our third grade lest Wednasdey. Miss Florence Knesly bas filleti a vacant place et tise Burgeri lauadry of Waukega. Emil Suhling visîtedth ie Knesly chiltiren for a few days lest week. Lloyd Schceck was absent two days because o! hiea father's sickness. Tise firat anti second grades bava commenceti their aritismetir primera. Our wermm lunches for tise waek were: Montiay, ta . ocacreamu Tliesksy, baketi poates ednesday, chickeis stew; Tusabaketi potatoés; Fritiay, Cocos. Loretta DeMeyer anti Louise Van Haecke were perfect in spelling for tise week. Saveral o! thse ciiltiren are making littie rabiits ant i quirîs out o! the small pieces o! boardi left (rom tise large animaIs. oo0000000000o000O00 0 AREA e q00000000000000000o Mca. Bert Swan was a Chicego visiter Fritlay G. A. vaeey, tes ruson an naci i.. Townseati. Altre cortially invitedt ta eyrwsanAtoh iio dine with us a 12 teok.Dnto Vyt Wethtng Vitout -110à. ,AopsMye ainAtîr iie tise date Fab. 2. cok ontügt Tht-e i ,tr-'tiits.o! the Irishis h Seturtiay evening. Sitotit in'iltti t n(41iy)t1 af svlging 1 Mr. anti Mca. R. J. Lyoas eiittctaiaed o oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo owithîut mSUaies. "TtP5iý eglîa pig,," evealfrie*nds (rom Libertyvilîr on 0 DIA MO ND LAK E o ye itaela Io is totlayea ptank erroas Mis RuthsShadedd-of Ciicago, spent 000000000000000000 e sitwharse, place a big stoate on one Suaday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tise K'ueger ciiltren are absent enîd of te piunk anti the pîg on the Frank Shatdiae. because o! sicktiss. othar, tait shift tise plank mati1 thse 0. C. Jarcett of Round Laike, calieti Miss Dawson and tise pupils of th two tisings balance. Tissa ye gucas on bie parents, Mc. anti Mrs. J. J. 1pprgrades attendedth ie meeting in hewaigist o! the atone anti ye bave Jarrat Monday mort itg. lietsie, Saturday. tise welght o! tise pig."-Boato Trait. Morris Chandier was a Chicago viaitor' As tisera was no hi g b chool Fritiey. script. Saturdity. Russell Townsend and Donald Poulton' Misa Viola WeUs sapant tise week-end visit our scisooi. The INDEPENDENT leads al ri Racine. L I i - î5Fl" .ý gyt1ýi. u lit.usaeq toi tit- '".M!'h.'tr fis ii thti lîatut' -tît titly bornîe ont-i cari, 'i t'.,-tv'tinîtregtard têb. or htr-,utttiri-,tiînd au QI the seul .#À d .h.1s4 oni ayý ,,it liui. C. B .Ta"k AIt fist ip ofhls< txk, lilis-à-9 by i»*. if« Cade. Cssgw Ms l ssd La CIbp&. fS s m ~i teu w ti. "Çulot At5 Ad Pwses. IL m4u Om..â5-mm o s~ oues. _ Those who wcre perfect in attend 0 ÂMES SCHOOL Ol1forcthe week wace: Ethel Ui 0 o;Î0 o0o0o0o0o0o0 o 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0stock, Mebel Hans, ElizabethG Luc11a Hersc5hberger, Mabe, lX -tlo Vema Hali. anti AifreiLaeke, lessie Goseç Vern Hall, Mae Tarbiit. Fmeeicck anti Arthur Reimers. Frederick, Lillian Gross, Franklin1 Those wbo were perfect in spý Grogs, Ediwin Underwood. -Benj amini for tise week werc: Mabl Hans. F Aines anti Ruth Scbw2rman have' been Stelling, Pearl Hcrscbberger,à perfeci in attantience fotr the pet anti Marvin Laseke, Carence week. Katisine Mltenhauer anti Bessie Elaie Gahrka was absent fram echool willer. let Tburaday, bacause tof a beti raId. Tise Enl;lish service for tise co Frankln Cross hait tht. mîsfrtune of Suncay wtl b baseti an "Tise Wî( falling on tise ice rather bard Suntiay O! Canan.' whicis restte intr hie absence from Misses Marvella anti MaybelleE acisool. Probably he tiusd ta dttoc)taitvsiteti et the William himbdeni niany I'e. home Saturdey aftemnaon. Tise H. W. Schwermaa familyh, ase Mr. anti Mmi. John Mayr anti c beets celeaseti front tht-tv utarlet fever tels, Annas, Sarah anti Roa Maci qîeerantînt-. Ruhait atî(rolitne are Paatine, vieiteti t tise Charles He agaîn aile ta corme t, sühIiolberg~er home Sundah,. Tisa blackboarti testgn. wbith bas John liens matie a business tr been éompleteti by flic ltinary grades, Chicago, Tucsiiay. atits an attracttintii the cottes,. 1 Miss Emmai Kalkirenner visite, Thse pirtitres which were taken by ber parents. Re%. anti Mm. Kaikbrî Mr. Kinne mny weeks agît, haue til'a tii-r Sunay. recaîveti antias a grîîup thte htctuce Cas i aeLfetzcleia judtge to ha vamy gantd. Missra Thurt ie o We bava been enjah,îng a naw record for tise Coumtbia phonograpti, whtich Misses Lillie Sauer calleti on ccls wua sent to school by ona of the ladies et l'alatine, Tuesday. of thse neighborhood. It is very inter- George Stelliiia i visioing with estinga well as an cntertaiaing record tîves et Bensenvîlle. «ntiX ' I -ru te G.. -Miss Aima Keinsmitis anti1 Thea apper grade boys have been huay (Cordies ware uniteti in mrarriageS mosnting wooden toys on sitandardsl day a!ternoon et the Kleinsmitb witb wheei made' otf chenker.e. Oaa by. Rev. Kalkbrenner with Miss hasthtis mifortune a! t.hir sligbtty U mbdentock as bridesmaiti anti1 wbile aawing. Nearly averyttre bas Aras to! Park Ritige, as bestinan. their own coping sew. Somne have been maling beare, cuîws, duck«- anti roosters. Lillian Grss ani Ma"Tarbuli wereO O O O O O O O paintig morewaveds lst waek. wbîch LAKE ZU RICH were atdaedt tour colletion. Tht rat-0 tails and puesy-willawe werc gathereti0000000000O 00O 0O during tise noajaboum on the ire. ; M , 1- P-, - went'M A&I t ' UAS 1 Le>Muscliott cf Wank*gân, vsted Tb>~~Mr. and Mrs. V. F.BsP sK t YVAS~ his parents Snay sjj4 MI ~i ter, Jane Audreywobv Led DA I& Y Mr. and Mrs. Goeitz of -aliega~ F ' iV in tb Dean housei bave DE RA D I> O et Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.FB.1Ciao atingT » F A D DOU fn ug"' F R 0 T E D Mrs. Ra p h Rouse and sono ThelM jIE T T Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, Hiram nYI>5uaITi yr auterflSn with hei'r~ FEWOPPSETB RADÇAIO 25000 ES IT Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. Goelity took 1 WIIDU IDELAY;R F zE POET RAIAIN__ in the ski meet at Cary, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Towneend mtj Mnn'Ctl eales WAre Dnflened Caila ohso SrnrAevery enjoyable tinte was had at CnC dlMr. and Ms.HarryMeBride a Co atte eae reWho Do et Favor laJhnonSr rsusthe Arthur Broc km an home, Thur. a grsma n m a at the B ackstone. Cos lleh Mbies for share of estate o e eve2ing. that the supply of seeds isà Wilia Motives.s of .ic th Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Roder anad 0 i5idU-n (?fpathythejuiedsas. isptts.ltWllatEnsa hsbeneîkth imited were Long Grove callers Sunda fenethepad 'ste brother Dpatmntpailt week, ____ fAgricuture.) nin tee 00Wy a fess people are oppogedt 1 Ohrglng that alhe wasde.fraud ed Buddy Kaine is on the sick jst. Residente of Libertyville or Lake Mran Ms.LeadJrti id in ou t of ber ilbare of tle 5000 s Spt. T. A. Simpson vilited aur <'ounty who are desirous of reeelvin Mr.und at th e hlt homeat G u t itetr opoic tiro l0ive 'luhe. wo ded n a inaneavthe iteguv.nîîln hihommeutiebe more reuaigtafeI ueclu ietaie of the baclielor brothr of ber schlo recentiy. free gardenanad flower seetda from lake. tme efetieaMrsvea Gracef a r woWarrenanInan aand t hethC eattoldb teseecie n eracae0fwthout administration and tihat hel Mrs. G. T. Fravdiza spent the week- ter lose no lime in communîicating r.GaeWarnadsn aeythe klnd have been traced by the aunt conceeled the fact ibai sh.- hiai end with ber daughter, Mrs. H. wlb ( onttressman Carl R.(Ihindiblom lef t lest week for Hot Springs, Ark.ý kli ntdSmesDprîet fArc acquired and whlch righiîutlvbe Airch.of Ibis district for the aiîply iis Mca. J. 1. Mitchell was a Milwael orlock ture. However, the depertment bc- longed to lier, Nirs. Camiila .olii...ta Mcr. H. Bar t 1lett celebreate d h ise i gh t intited visitor Thur9day. vile, Ieves het (-aitle deilere who do not Sarner. Chicago, Thursdey ttil in Ibap eighth birthday Friday. In a leler 'o the Independent re- Mrs. Chas. Kuebker, Jr., of G-' ented favor tube re l sîs î'ra'îîeation are in- I.ace County Circuit rOuît a-, Miss Mary Ryen je spending a fcv. centli thie ,tat,-mini u-îtueh ee, le nAe rends A Th t oe uecedlî s.Il~i iîat',.sandtii ntcerv bill in equityin 10 tttfltt _%Ii,,isdeys in Chicago the ranizie.emar a ha h. t, pa liRii' M riatd rpresnt ii iaspirit orf Bite-stock Jennie F. Sharpi uf 2îct 1 Mati,- i-ii cladMr.Gebe f ier le followeti of iending fiee reedsislr. .J yoan. tee". omners and ti it,rs jueresIed IniDlalt D aylon. Ohio, tu ive up t til to atige Mere Snday sitrbr of et tt itrctt le, - i several young pecple at a party int eal> wie Snda viitor attheJohn,,fpant Il wouid n ai Il. , - dof 'day evening. ýg the ter andittitiftritn îe%ti,- animais on propteriy holdings in tht sautiIigh amly Bartiatt home.i(wp( tti cleAeia am.landi addition ilu iiirh' ctit aIk. vear thoe.becau4t tt, ha ii t ge of ,teeti. Several from Ares witnessed the1 e a meienftriwbich the pieintiff rhargýýt... ilau,! Mrs. H. Albert entertaineti ?clatives Tîte"n f00 Ihere- v.r,. so aîanvipeople juri1 t Cary, Sunday. as Athougit tîtuwu sites have suitable uienîiy acquired. from Chicago Sunday. hnertîdteaid-snt emM.adMr.JI.iceletrt IaWS ta oitifarinerg and 1other live-sl a h hievycr ic diîte sicds s~enit t- the fr.mend sister 1. Citcelo, Simdt tYvlle4tOk Ornrs igling trffe i tuerc- lrs. Johnson Seî ner, l;liiîîîuc îo Jean Rohert8on sang a sl nteTi ,a i eipeýiýtpoi h omrssse fCiao uc yvilestok wnîrsttaint rafleb thecu be ihe only daughter oiaiktttk lin Diemond Lake church Sundey.wb wartt govititlraf,.!i eedsin- om1 as a ~~~son, ttornerly o l'eoria. uit', di.-i i n ilrl Abeh wsasntftm unicate wilbhlm. tc1~~~OO*O COO0 ithoe insene asyiumam ti-.tgira iti f school Mondey. In a subsequent iDRUCElilÀ ag(HsOOL tigtiîsen months befoite lititttlirthet those Whowasnî seds voulti1 Mary llyan, dîcti, chaiged i hai lt:--- -etter write as cnan as possible te o0o0o00o009 s o )WIo0oo0O64 cinity., fathers epinter sister. Aia t Si tain ceuse those wshase teittt .-is conte la Cary, s son, inheited the entire t tii, ai 000 OOOOOOCCOO00000 1C000 00frst WINi be thetornc-i 'alire taken Mrs. Bumgardener entertaine&- iher brother, Thomas iJîtiain.)I witî o G RID .E Y S CHO O L o are or firgti The pli-r. tlas ' eing Iladies of Druce Lake asat ThurW diet inl Boston. Mass .iiiî,,,î oliowed by Coniztessic..,-a ( tîntIhioni. afternoon. et n0000000 ~,lt ,iîa OOOO OOOO OOOthie year wii ltmiIntt-iich Of the Russel Wright. Vers Nielaçit, Sod which çîaintiiT ciaints ;. lit i1i tsit Those who reseiveti the highest mark waste. iîle belicvcîi ar.i ai the same 'Plutkis, May Wetge had perject 0Osare0i the 100 word spelling test were: lime people wili gelt ilesicerecut ing lessons the past week. 000lcelhsn ee e ic tlil, Helen Brockxnann and Emma Hoff meier.. -MradMs.eog Kigf dane ~" AnntaS Johnson apt.rotriatuel ie Mr. and Mca. Joseph Keiqier are the O0000000000000 OO O 00O 00 O0 Lake, were Chicago visitors Sat .idance ire eOtMr.ananticeMre.t Fred WriE7bt viiO ibilen- ieelt nictcaîihiIi.~ni parents of a littie deughter,0 M 1 L L B U R N0 Mran r.FeWigtv ibte fart thal site was enltieti oa a n, January 19. Cït Ghall inierest. andi bflintte ami Malim ErrentLuka spent Sunday et the 0o0o0o00o0o0o 00o0o0oo o 0o0o 00o oohom.e otîMr. and Mrs. Charlie GINi larvin receltly îwllr tio av rcevei htPîîhttt ra home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luka Mrs. S. A. Fooks and daughter. aformer suitor. and investi tisoanie of of Waukegan. returneti home f rom Chicago having Miss Shaff er, overseer of tihe AsaiM the estate money in sev~erai pices of h upieprytit a ie tsetawekteewt eaie. tion House camp was a Chicago vis telling IihadPark PropeltY h . agve peta ekthr it eatvs frieda acquireti froin Wiliaim R. ist --the the R. Bristow home viaseviell atterideti Mre Abert Jack spent the pas weekFrdebeand Mabel Oairy Herd Free of Tuberculosis. executirs o! Aslolpb Krau-,ý id i ,AIl enjoyed a gond time. isting in Chicag..Jae s Ntels.were Waul<egannjsý andtilamin D andi Sidney Steint, lthwt Miss Helen Brockman alient thse week- The young people beldi e skating lest week. Goasa-<tit;is aisil. the pîtirii- ttintipl iIlPon ber deeth she tcf i theîî-Tale îo endi et the home o! ber sister, Mrs. perty et Hesting's 'ake.Mr.leisaueofewsA b stite ',-itites Her~ e it i5 'trs, Sharp. The Contirnental & ('ont Aug. Stoerp o! Prairie View. Scbuyler Denman spent Tbursday lin visited ber slister, Mrs. James ,Nl ,oming -ttnit Ilii is actuetse1urebred merce Trust and Sevine- liantk of Mc. and Mcc. Peul PcgeIow ad con, Chicago. c.L t.Lro it edeîng liltiit ttit, tîtueti et $140, waeChicago. alco la namedint l it t5l il ciuratnitits ince et Long Asoilr.vnbyth .a.ndiey Mrs. James.Nîelstn S ny. iispîtîc ofisilt .,areltî-tbtr, lin- b eing alieget iaiet 'trs. Jatlîsan-Saet Grove, Saturday evening. wîll be belti Seturday evening, JNomaan.ehrd 28,aa: Keiler stlttf'itîitîg sltiighlerîii or segrege ner wee Inducedte ts-igna ,t utbt-iomn -phrd hob nstock tl ite 'tis taier s'tt il tcaie righiît 10the prapet-rta itfitedt iti ofA surprise party wes given in hbnor lat the bal-l. Everybody welcome, staying with WmI. Nîilcetirned intiilit tifr t0tTtliv entant titis i -îîîenta;ion Ihal sitew at,t, t o Mr. anti Mca. George Thatcher anti Mica Vivien Honner visited relatives Sunday night. - Thd a arest Wgectesdpreen. Th - deugh. isiit i ttionlol rî-siuu-lY ttnfree -ing $1000 as evidence ai b, n,% tit i Theand fam iy ests edney he f.anti friands in Chicago foc e week. Mc. anti Mrs. Ernest Wells te ie, o!ftif ttir ltIt. l wtt- t-utliglii or. ihe [pa-t o! Mrs. Sharp, andt hat et evening was epent pleying rerds and Mr. and Mca. E. E. Denman anti the dance anti cert perty To lerech- IrotIet i h t, 'tir' liî:î-.u- f iieîw nt- Ile litai she tignedti t,. ic tt t a' fdancing, aftcr which a deinty lunchean children o! Rosecrens. spent Suntiay nigbt et Graysiae. -nulîs, mt,,,,ietru tittt,iris utîtutu' '11c bcd no knowiedge ibýt 'ie-lt-a- was serveti. Alenjoyet a goati lime. with home folks. Miss Falch and thse sixtis, ,eîît lh 1,e-,-it iîset.ît-,itis e lie docutmen!tiertainet tuCelsaniTeuae trest L. ist. Teagebrn uan eveelothrananti iebtb gradesd teweta l..i ittiti tt' itt, rt,,ir ttre!,utii.t il but filait by \xiii cStt ht-n lest Monday et the home a! P. Barre. itieiMlbr udyeeig at Strayt ttn teechr' ritu lni-ritt4e- 5, h er iheu t7SW. ltcu elOc', tif Charleandcr es C - gav et L e aer afdthe ey l chooiing * h hildiren t t i 1w% D a . :1 . h;, h ;,,-( . ( ' i . M iss C h c a g a v ie tta r c o n v n tio n h e lti et B o o m in g to n , I I. w îtb W m . N ie l a n d R o be t H Bi renuer "e 'of \utiji s ,t. t the o twîines- Cicao viithil toa, Ailtt~t'iwl-ttrut lesione t" te ee-ed Mrs. Minnetta Denmen McGuire end lecture on birds wesgitan wQ Heln tf lih-ittiii--- a 1,-. iitticmex -Mies Emma and Clara Haffmeuer William A. Bonner werc marrieti et the showing picturea of birtia and Hee fiîi î iî-ioo OOo oo ooo ooetonititeex-byprti .f their pr age Jan. 14, hy the Rev. S. A. neatis. Mc. Lyoan if Waukegasa, atuvs ~ litt,:rcfl~tiiiîn s H L Tz SC Ho oL <fciend, Devons Thatcher. Potnated oos. Congratulations. lecture on nngratory routes*a oltve e ae rRoy Thatcher anti WillPoinated Miss June Miller of Gurnee, aperit the birds that do herm. Afterad requlrtng iiî~e pregaîi'uiif!renrtors 0 0000000000000000 O Oeti the surprise perty. et thse home of week-end with ber iter, Mrs. Hettie calle wera gîven. h reis- lAft'u t ilt,- iirsit lii'the tpoti- Two o! the directors. W. Steil anti Coca Jone. Panzer. ton tt i a.1 il,-ftrc tlii,- ti-t getticit G. Becghocn visiteti echool. Thureday &rthur Scher ettentiet the skating Rev. Fooks wes uneble ta preach t00 0 0 0 0 0 Henry tîct fr.'uîiîî for Ilcouc titîrtil nti afnernoon. party et Half Day Sundey. Sunday as lie hald tonilitis. %,OOO i Satur- attofota!îittis rîeic lt tue iwtubter- Pupila absent Wetinasday were: Mebel Mc. anti Mre. Haroldi VaBergen anti S. W. LeVoy anti son, John left O FOR T H IL L S CHOO home cinltetr. t ti t til ut- ittpartaneire jKce, Lloyd Cumminge. Elmer family of Libectyville, epent Sunday et Seîurday foc Sycemnore, Ili., ta attend o oo o o o o -, v o aoo a Elsa of ërý(itIui'ig ttittrcii'l.. i' rotm live 1Ecncsting enti Miltireti Ernesting. the home of Nick Potts. the funeral of Mc. LeVoy's brother-in. Louis -tt-k, li,î t.- 1ttttitiiii "f Agrirullur'- Supt. T. A. Simpson celeti et our Joseph I!êisler anti son, Alvin, were larturning home Suntiey. Fred e Converse andtiMrasI. ls !îîrruii,inti taute publl'iefl l In-achool Fritiey. Libertyville visitors lest Sundey. Frank Edwactis anti Warren Hook caturneti honte fromntise IIoqg$i*5 trîsIll ica, rand 1rt1it NNuit getît ti Uf Mira. S. Keiler entertaineti Mca. M. The Oekwood men are husy cutting aeunt a Wuea ody dy ao ut0 i tt.t- -tt ttn mbdenetock and Mrs. Heinsaîn, Wed- ire on the OekC-îod pond. atentonthejur. iE antÎi caWausg 0 i neetiay afternaon. Thece will Ile e communîty socialclesi ietvl, en~ Mr. anti Mrs. W.Husching epent given in the Masonir hall et Miilburn Mise Claca Davis aient Wti 00 0 ACCREDITED-HERD CAMPAIGN e n Saturtiay evening, January 28. eat anti Thursday witb Mrn. V cevecal days et the Berghorn home,. O0000000000000000O OO O 00 8 o'clock. Everyon'e is mont cerdielly Lîbertyville. iry 20. ilutratton cf Manner 'n Which Own. Frd Krueger's have movedt t their o0 RGRSIV CHO 0 inviied ta attend and bing yourfriende. Foec onFoec ncw hamne in Palatike. Xe cen assure you that our chairman,y lang e rs Are Giyen Protection Against 00ani0r00W0000tepafth00O000000 OO O0 CO OOP W. Anderson wîîî ci49w you eav Elma Heuman, Dure ureus Tuberculosis. week-ecdat e Waudegan. !Fruetine Fre-undianti Margaret goadti tme. lRe prescrit anc anti ilier lMer Satendeia metng 1eddRnne hae ereturnedti tt choal eftec _______vllStre.. -- lifter- 'Ilt , I ti va~. in tri, rtP'( Mcs. S. Keiler antisari, Orville went beîng absent a few deys. 0 0 00 ý Margurite t-Eizabet, t.b tionî :jiitî. i, il-totaChicago Fritiah, ta ha gorie a wcek - 00000000000 . ~ ~~ ~daghte . andi Mns. Le» ette iiirut-t -aiu-t'utetlii , it îtîry Louis Kelle bas elmoat recaveret i s es anti îgth rae uof tesiwet, SAUGA T U CK o tiiet Jenuary 21. Funterai servieu at te ii.tate, :i, aspeial-t lt te MiyevHes anti same ofrhe isvietOhelti et the bouse Montiay :n anotr di iittt~t Statels i eptineî,t ,îf from bis long stege oîf ilînesa. tl, Libertyville, Saturday to hear the OO O O O O O O O 03.u itMlhun mty .5,u!r0t0t0tt0i0 0 0t0 it,0 0 000000 0 1t0t3t0pcakînglonbtrds.1itrwîi utcip In 1

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