Dbo Star in Canis Major. par- tiouarlv brilliant in this lati - tude in the Winter *IS &8MIRED BY THOIJSANDS On clear, frasty w'atar evenings, bua mas' see thai rost magnifteut et AU Ilcaestlal Jewels. Siius. tae dog -. tar. ln Canis Major. The greater d iog, ainost inl he wilh the brit o! Xielm Inlathe eastera skyv snd sone 20 taga-ss to the soutbwest 0f II. oUtUtSitIsandutfiubla ights of vanfle colora snd fer autsblues any otlaer star lu the heaveus. As Srus neyer atteins a great helgt abova tise southîru horizon lu coa- latitudes and l, tap addition, ci- ceptioually hrlgbt, its raya are stm05- Is' refracted or braken up ,by hie et- isphere 'abich, exerta ta greateat affect au ba-gt objecta close ta tisa isarli. As a recuit It twtnklesansd flashies fer more consplcuous1y than ans' atisr star. Thia aparkling of Sirius snd Ita fiaalatug of lighs of variait clor maires It a mosi gor- geons obectteovîew lu the telescope. Ut fors me reacon one of tlhe most e a-I n -d-ý.--- Almi8t .vw'-e.y Uudeiu froua view n tise briliant raya ci Sirius, la a falt compalon star wiich re- veale Its prasence hy the maner lu *Wtch it perturba thtie motion of Ita brUitant nelgihor tisa- gravtational attraction, long bfore It a deteet- eM visuails' bs Alvan G. Clark, whle teatlng thse 18-lacis leleecoPe of thse Dearboru pbeervatory lu 1862. ReaveaIn 48 Vea s. Tiec oaniuon *star la about as fer froin Sirius as Neptunets frora tise sun and tise two stars complete a revolutlon about thiaa commu. cen- ter of gravîts' lu 48.8 s'aura. The Uluter star la onea of the most feehie luinans stars known, iavlug onis' the twenty-thnuaandtb part of the lu- nainoslty ofairSius. It would talce 2QCqO stars as brlgit as ibis compas- 1cou star te give as machi lgit as Sr- Jus, Iu spte of its feeble lgit tise falt star la haf as massilve, that la, Jt 'Vould welgb ball as mach as Sir-j lm eThe 1*o stars comblned waighi Liasse snd nue-bal! times as mucis asj q= onn sua. Tise lgisi of Sirius la, equal ta ths combnat lgisi of 49 aunus as brîgisi as aur avu. The a-- traction aofus.eilght of Srius by tbe atmoupiere causes it to flash tise spectral colora, I la iu relIts'oe et the Itausely wiste iydrogeu stars ef great brllllancy. The SIlan systani la t a digtanCe of about lght sud oua half lîgisi yaars f rom, tise asrii sud titere are anis' two stars naser ta us. oua ar those la thae, "Iknovu lpha Cea- Lad sud tha aiSer a fint star cest- a»«*,au LIe2-18&, Oa scale Q.bal ue incis reprasents the dis- tante of the earth farn lthe sun (he SIciau rouît b. paced about eîgit mlles aras'. Sirius beloga ta a mooing cluster et tars ku.'n as tise Urss Major Chuser. 'ahîci consiste o ai least 13 Members, Aive aft'ahlch are stars la thse Bg Dippr and anothea tise bnigisi star Bts, iu Aurîga. Tiese sara"ar ail maviug lu tise sans. Son- etal direction tbraz spaceansu areaxan ru.gad lu tise form of a dlak ef a d9aulaier of about oue hundrait aud yeama.The sun'ilesataipraeset lu theq mIdtiof tisia custer asoth ie va s'baa members aofLthi custer appear ta un ta b. 'aldels' scatterat 01er the i ary. Srius, tise uearaat membar, la bt elght llgit s'aars ditant, 'asIle thea stand ethtie Big DIPPan r e 751 Élit yemn distant sud Bta Auriga la at a distance o! 135 lîgisi years. Tise cluster la naw sle'aly ovrtaklug the sacir syter nd u etise course Fa-arn ime away hack it iras thea b.stern la flaterêmove one's tboes beora enterlsag a builinglug j"s sort. but tise aid-style aics ofn ""apon bae beau dittcarded for thons *et the ccidental, sadit ila n oi se easy to ramea theai. The. lapgunes ow vaghea bis aoe beora Seing lualde a house..Tanks a!l'aster rîthIlong- lanude hrases are ta h. se.. stand- log outside meus' of tbe stores ad tva-alligof tise Japenese ctles. An AiO-fo.th Bird. Srat gaoue-prnabably tua mot loportiug btrd tisat maes--ua uevr beau k-oavuta nesi oulalde tise limita ethe .Brillis laie& This sbird fleur- isbes lu avers' Scottisis county sud la) mesi cexnlas o 1eaxsd a"i Wales.1 *b h Bglani thte grouse ibnires only au tu soutis as Derbyshire, aili ttemptt te, stock mare soucieras districts, aven 'abena pparenti sulactahi fon tise pua-- posa. balg peyed taltres, tiseegi tasns. groune survIvaferas'quite a leut tâ» &ier: sueian experîmant lu the wbetlor d itrict. basWaleuarastea a Hapetea la 1". éaesu&Sea ae o!fra«& W»c peSea m»U t bs iuailod ras le wma v'arnor, tuala a rat, asi am a«BS btu Wgm lw lrIL. f it ne *m - bu ce Oum erbunw a alarm. **a*Mab fl'ttbîSaY cantalste geL tiens rbtgb&ag. i ahiisca» -'the ba, etas- dAbape t atail ee. LeasIng -bIs tannisa te faDer bia. M1 on tise aerbaud,&tera s-usDo saunaitof =ucgligbaenaor, àlarms, ho. couliS poeipiacefulis' niabis'nefarieut r" 5a.Feu ovs mi 00A. o. (n.~ cders' yfolilugfan 'ais lu-. %"e& ea s fl sliai Sa ventîla eaun- ~tiniisa ntastiva e et. he "Isatve Uta' aroim - aila V, thse jjý ls * te; WIIappean Mua Is e thb. sesim ~utiat a-malteath tb CANNIBALISM IN RUSSIA CONFRM FO0R FIRSi' TIME Starvation forces many.to eat cornes and even their own children GUILTY ARE REING SHOT - Mscor, Jan. 31-Via. Berlin, Feb. .--Ghastly tonles of calpibaltam,1 saVaigery and maditesa arîaing f romn siarvallon sud îld oateLou is e Vol- ga fanmine zone rare Iodas' afficîally confirmad for tise fre-t tîme bs tise :Eaiet orga Prayds. Bitherta these taei af barron bave beau danlat. Anu "offical" coraespndent of tise Pravda, wno mate a tour of tise Volga vanyas'dsottisaSanmara district, bth eof'asieh have beeu scouragat by plagiea starvallou, 'atis as fallors: "A ulgisimare of canibalism la tise nereat spectre la tise famine zone. Ilrought ta, utter itespair sud Insan- is' bs' tieir susffenuga. tie people, lu -som'lsstaacas bave beau reducet to eating cops..a6 veu tevaurtus' thaîr cilitreasla secet." isa SibglbandsutAmenîcan Quaker ralifwrkra rio have astabllshet foot and luadical tations ibrougsasut thse ravaget areasa. report that tisa lo- cal gutisonltles are trylng iard ta check tise spraad o! cefnuibalîsai. Wiau s man.or roman la faunit to have eateu isuan uflash, lha or se le dtalaet for axarnnatiOn. If the prin- oter la mounit insane, hae or sise la conflnai!ttanauItstitution. If a maIe prsonar la founit ratianal i. la3sisal. Tise 'arir lu tisa Pravita atds: «In tise village et Audreyefka.a roman named Natalla Semea Ina Wa tiscovere atuing tix fIa-ah nr & daad . elgshas-. Ychie! of tise foonthM district o! Bauzook reporteit tisot casesaf cmnwte.lilsa. "u tise village af Louharnlka. 9 man teais front a grave the corps. cf a 14-yeaaolt girl ricacuhoaaeut Up lu- te places sud placait la CoCing 'pGalF- Whu dseavere thtie girls hast as partis' coakt-Li Cannihalisiaia qute generailu nme villges thse caahats lu,-i dlgiag la theîr hîdealis mealls Of humea lia-eh esPeclallY aiter nigist- fa' -Ulie militars' storeiouSsu intise village of Andreyefka, a isuman iseai ait s fewr iba rare foaut. Tise 1501 le"s atreitei a mas nait Pdirogef Whiseconfesseait sila his dreadful ,astess eo! bosser. h. ha"teatei, Masi o! tisec-pas Or a 60-yer.ol roman. Heatatempte t ta prevent 1 tise soldiers frein taldng awaY tise bead for prover hurlai-"1 Wltis amillons af persans lu tite centrai Part of RussaSfacinag deatis farn siarvailon. pestilence aut ex., poai etier. la avery lIndicatiOn tisai thls natIonal tragats' r ie hts most appalling 1lu ce.unles. 'litasa suds '01 Irexl-onni ..it [tata-power _,e 11- arss but t i ef- torts,, arabupia-titby tisbitter, 'aeatls.r asuithii e ft"mon', la usas' Dlamee ra mis canflal Pm tkronagh tise drIlla. Dr. Naisse. IMi arthe liernatiouaal rlla! orgmknieasideo *and at Liat ibthe ale eif Lisamars Istrct. knoaru&àahe i arau a Europe, 'ail eSe OipWity depmùUlta- ed UIsulasEurope ai anas roseau- traai la flunil iaItance- " WMILUOU g NtRVING. PtailadeIpbila. P4 . Pai. -"File mmuil or a cf ae s at inl Ru" amasitise combiait relmefauap' ,ijme on baud et prament are sum- cI i ta feat ouls' 3,0000e»,,»Wsaia staternent lueit by te Amesuela t*ua uxaiv*o e omsaz.ae today." In » i llaffl tié se atS rate le Wliti-RS G3LAUZSACAN8 BREAKAOK AAIS Tire. Doctors TWa Itour sarvke 109 aSeuil0"aSey L 111 N. Genoues et.Wauk.ga, i.1 " l" ts p t Pepe Ben la tak iug off riiole villages. Iug. 0 Wbere a fer-maullis a go, Col. Ha- P. N. Tomlnson of Ninteentis St. kelI of tise Hoover rriea nRuasls rwse bas beau puite sertaualy 111 ai bIs reportat Russlaua dylug lss' iudret bhoni.for tise paI reek remaIus lhey are nr ilylng by tbausa»s.eSs." Ibout tise sae. (North Chicao Thse North Chicago Clu et Iat eviug lin regular aes8slc À the club roomas Md made teatve arauge- ments for an entertalument to he glv- onn luthe flear future, for aembera and thair friands. T. IL McKluuey af Sa. làneela St. la able to be back In the. store againi afler a bref Ilnea at his horne. Misa Gerldine Jliey w'bo lsa a teuding seh3ol at the RéUIsisUniver. sits' at Chanspalgu la spauig the week wtb ber parents, Du. and SIrs. U. B. âltes' et Eght.euth Street. Students are ejoylag a short vaca- t4on between semesters. The Presbyterlan Churelr members will haIt theîr mld-week Prayer Meet- ing thls aveung at the horne of Mra. John Gartley of South Lncoln Street. Strs. Edward Vlaack la able to b. arounit agalu sitar blng confluied to ber borne on Sxteeêth Street with la grippa. The Methodiat Ladies' Aid Society wil meattiornorrow oterncoan ut 2:30 p.-ns at tisehorne at Mrs. Roy' Shoup of 1El1abteenLis Street. AU, menibers Ford-son New Price! $395= Dettaeo thet mmuy boums buit osily for sale shows .,need of inspector ' FLEECE HOME OWNEftS uinere are maniy hougs being hut ln Waukegan and North Chicago which ara bialIt ouly to sal Md. th* person bu> ing them ifor a bonae. pay- lng fanc'y urteýsIes 49Dicq 0 tesier appenrance geté et ý Mfinetlffle0ut of ten. This la t" of lut 118J. May, Witukegoa buUatg Contracter who advocatee thse euaj»s'ex « fa building luapeetor t to A bsýop ta the ltractices oai unri&olenutractors. Suecl eutdre do xnt eip04t to butta moe ,titanoue or t'a0 I4lais or groupae0ooses la ina'aWaab&YWlSt andt ther«e er. t issiderb[i rellable coatracte» a 5. theamah" ap the dit- f crenca by wuel> ébaser anIS l msas- tertal, bas*eo e"plaviag uakllI la- bar, ha sa79, aa wba a persa who lis not, senthe buildas nder cou- struction buys It hea &satuns'. Sheaply haut houasesa» raquire a great a arut Of fuel te Iceep them warm and thi, additioaal Pmatty to, thse haome ewaar, declars Mr. MaY. snd if a buklIdng Inspeeter 'atre ein- ployedasystar contractes ,would soosi have te sae8 otiser fielda. Loc-al coutracters 'aho bolk for per inanauce beewmsethey lutand ta re- main in business ln the commumity have a s&em agalust the fly-bs' uight contraclars becasa they cannt meet the latter', figures. Tractor F.0. B.. Detroit Reed From $625 - Agahi Hemr Ford shws lis great interest in the Anxericai IFarmer hy reduelng the price of his tractor to a littie moe than the cost of a go.d tes"' of herSes,1 which the tractor wiIl eiminate on anY f arm. This is what the tractor will do for you, Mr. Farmef wecan prove every stateent: It wllemable you. to DO YOV~R WORK AT THE RIGIIT TUIME. It wifl exable you to PLOW D)EEPER. It wfll enable you to DO ]3ETTEIR CUILTIVATION OF SOI[L. If Will enable you, teo EkM31NATE Most of the lIARD WORK. It wif enable you te Eld3MINATE HOR8fES. If wu euihie yo uto EILTMINATEB Most f clthe BARI} WORK. If wZIiexiabie yeu te INTF1REST YOUR BOY IN FARMING. If wMf enable you fo WORK MORE LAND, beSause the tractor wiil do nearly thre imee the amouat of work a teani of ktwSes wiIl do. lu 1 fthe ahove ~tiamn mone profit to you. In fuet, thle F0RDlSON TRÂOOEme=& naking fazmMg ptotab)e TOThAY f«r if uti eCsta asud enableu yeu to produce moere 'T J)IXLT ORDIBINO OUR TBM&C- TOR beeam.e we will never be able tosupply the derniamifs priee wMl create. Plows anddisc harrows have been greatly reduced aise WILSON &OHM IWAUKEGAN--.LIBERTY VILLE For fumaitr.M~ JK. Y., was taken in 19M lAaa g m r. Pioem pF'- m'seredioim' in Pennsvlîani sud wus known ar sud vde yfor bis gpea rcem inla afoist- insease. Ie early moud to a3uflo And p ut up ii remdy4-to ýmfori, hla "Golden Medfal M covery,"thowell knowntonia lith lood. This ategth- builder's mode fro a formula which Dr. Pierce feund most Leffective in diseam o i tliblood. It centains; noa aohol and la a extraèt af native roots with the ingrédients plIRly etated on the wrapper. Good red blood, Vimi, vigor and vitality arn aure tO toUow il yen taire this ÀIlteratlve Extract. Beauty àe but akin Ibidod is beneath bath, for a beautUiu skin folows DPierce', Golden Meical Disoovery eun av * $rple , eat eand tend$ to keep the cieionnw a ulek sbmmeh, aids digestion, acte as a toni anmd purifles th& Wood. Whmn di i doe, away go the diseases that aeud ulr etomaeb. If yon ane igging yaur grave with y'u eethà. p td. Correct pour stomach disorders right naw with Glolden MedicL Diseomey, sud henceforth eat for your bealth's sake. If ou don't ko what fo*~ are best for you, write DrrPierce, Pmo. Lv Hda otel, Buffalo, N. Y., and rmcive onefidential médiol advieu without obang Druggite sell the "Discavery" la hotà Iiquid and tablet fermn. Send. r.Perce iofor a trial nke. sd m foeyoaur.-,i how goodit is. Ril.it now L What là*"caHav,.Do"fia uUbcrty. 2bÎJ4' bat bW.k1 bavedoeers libeet > n id dwys et tbe struggje jw ftwornmanMY k graad speech, megt dit away witin othe.'aie wbere it in" nttered; isow by the &ahiof lb, mpitng pros, reverberated tbrouzh »w ail the nations, it mes' go tbrlllmgi and ubiinis ticrough tjte world, and mome rollini bak te ths 4peakelu mIllonS ofecetofl. The spoken n ord ma*y reah two or tiree thoummi; lb.e prlnted pae n ay be r,.4 by ibra. hundred milliono en on d WOaILu- beau Farrar. ------------------ zu z, r: Rumbi tr-Oe~.Je~w i "-'i i Though It Doesn't Look It, the Inner Sole ofz Dr. Kahiler ShoesI is twice as wide across the bail as it is at the 'heel. It inakes youùr feet look smaller and it d4)eqn't tire you out. "Sanity in Gomnfort Footwea" That a shoe to be coinfortabJe does not require a twisted, il-looking shoe, a heavy rigid shoe, to encase the foot like a plaster of Paris east, or a soft shoe -ivithout a backbone that cannot give the gentlest support required. DR. KABLER'S SCIENTLFIC SHOIES are sold exclusiveiy in Waukcgan at this store. ,TWO DOLLARS FOR ONE lIn Bufldn Material from footig PaperWaII Board, P p ,V alv es, El c r Supp lies R=dito& zdMany,(>ther Items., Corne Tody Prepared to Buy! YOU WÙILSAVE ýQ@tà75% ON EVEYTING BYRON E VEATCH, Trustee' Great Lakba, 111. Phone North Chicago 2658. Wrecking 22nd Régiment BIdgs, Camp Lawrence. -s a WAUKEGAN EGAN SATUIMAY '1922y M. 11 th 1922 a waen me coLLece met in tu