the fUugr - M8. ClIr 04 *bogeu2Al i fer lh.'- ,rs et.- st tsut t ur p Ii dfflÉ 347 h *aven IO0RTH COUNTY ST. heaen veak at Ibis point. bei::g ituable _j.a.tiou «fat least -tiscee derees Fr00- W Al1~IftAM 10 uppi> sufficient pover fron1-igli -' is-practtcaliy unavolilabla. Man> vAK A ood. m -bInA si-y' aven more ridety. Ar- ___________!__ o*-Crglvlte retluiremlT"Oto! 145 de- P'~RON 2441 THE INPEPENDENT alwmys pult grees lise minimum tamperatura rué C&MIMa~m letyll frt , measo stsctlIsi Ri 14- hI149 ilagreeg F. LOSiCUZ1 B' 1~Ma~Ag LY 1g-. Misée. Usyme and Marthe, ]KArch f~ W~ von these es ef thoir auct, M18. Walerarels ut Irvlng Park suluday. The toUeving vas vritten by o»0 of Milsaisahello Bioersntatit of H194 the Pupils of Roascreus achool. Uudh land Park wvu tise guust oi *rparets eek a.a ioy e of se hool. tavu, Mcr. sud Mie. F. C. )iederatadt. Or the early blgtory of varions tavuas Mn R. E. Petts oautertained Mou- lu Lake county viii ha prluted in thse wetknown dy rt a litncheou in honor af!rg M n depeudaut, wrItten by pupils of h W% kjsff& at ~MYron G. Wrlglr' , vho, wils berr daugb ien hs SP & M er, Joy Louise, bave beau visiîîng j. Jonathasn Âmes setted in Ibis local- J. A. Reicheit, or. ity about 1868, foillwing ýhe vocation Hs ori agriculture ara Mus, F. HOroabergar aund son, "ip of a blacksmltb. fHe was succaeded rnt ûtel fe heralied by rmesadM.adMsGere>tad sg baMa mdNil ndae y -4r=& .Ttal vab the case. t leait, terDaria, and Mr. and Mis. (km Kiomp oiiLleit naLxed Rose. widtt the tiret. ele-lu theite d - Ameuloý fRimer te build a silolansdsud Mns. Marie Murphy of Chicago edhr,. hLwsTank as poe.- ta f604 611990 belongateFred I h Ia.matr Hatuis. tO te iponeer& farut lead- Six ladies of the Preabytorlan cburcb Pldward Ames kept a store sud post- eors of Illinois. saYs the Prairie Forte- avntWednesdy at thea Iorcas bomea» office lu thse atone bail wviih st111 -et. Ultsiwas balt in August,std. 'M **wihso alcb farti Rear spriug belpins vlth be samending. tns '14artve. Mcltanry county, Illilnois, tva Mcm. Aile. DeYOung of Chicago speut Durilihb civil war Gen. Rosecrans, .yearo belon any other silos appeared the waek Wil Mrs. R. H. Stryker, wbo had beau s private soidier, vas ta NorMis merica. Thot tact, boy. Mcm, Robert Pettls vas boutées ta promotod ta tise cauk et generailu the ever, etest hava beretotore es- ~ uu arus lbWansa Union army sud deteated Gen. Bragg, 4«epd th pattentiono! grcthoe. o afro Oncommander of tise Canfederate tcoops, eau ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a t-i rgeu0 giutr, atron tMurfreesbarougb. Tenu., lu Septemu- îlore early ilters say that Drî. Tise Dorcas Socety of tise Pceshy- ber 1863. Hias mottoaai Murtreashor- John M. Belley of Massachusettsuin- tes-lau chut-ch viiimaorvwith Mrs. W. ongb vas "The batle muet lho won." trodvoed tise ele 41110 the United fL i. <t Tisurs<lay atternoou, Pet. 9- About Ibis time the l1111e sattlernen-t igate Hai ta silo ta 1879. sud vretêagbook ties ane year about bis Thise vaHuudrad club vas enter- dasccubed aboya vas uamed Rosecrans «speries. Latar silo autlioclties tAined by Mr*. J. E. Woodmau laut by the goverument lu isttor of the generaljy state that Fracis Walker Tsuday aternoon. groat Union general Rasecrans. -of Msrl"d used aliae as early an Mr. and Mris. John Hueisl had as The tiret store wus hum ta 1866, bo- 1874. muid 1w la frequetîr glvdo the thelr Suuday guelte Mr. and Mrs. T. ing ovned by John Page. Some lime boor et belng AniitallOi811il pie- Dner, Mr, and Mns. R. Marshall. Mr. later the store cisanged haans snd nee'. ()Id records of tihe U. ,De part*ent et Agriculture indicate, ndMns. . Oll sud dausgter, Helen, Michael fiogan became thse proprietar. ho«,r tisai ne MaieyMi" of Miss P. inder, A& Ruoier. G. Sam:-Thtan tise postottice vas removod t0 uoisaaned ~asilo gS<e.ftllyin ~sou aud H.Linifader of Chicago. Hgastoe tis ere le no meut"laissy- Ms. LU C. ffoI. rocoveit word Tuas- lu those days severai stores, the la mue lteratur about Halch's day eftue dealk et her uopbew, P. R blacksmIth shop anid a cutibler' abops ,*o.t» tact that i wvasbhut in Basne, uof SumDiego. Calif., viere ha vere buay, but visonthe. Chicago, Mnl. own «Udefliu etal"oahd by und bis vite hait Ieon for severai vaukea & St. Paul rallroad vas buflt vs O ree*trh bPrairie lacmer mnhe o tsectcl R"o n ,*put yer. W. are unablt is- ol.hrug ia eUo.Wdvrl u 1 7 taeofayother American Mr.sud Mrs. KeIstad cbfldren u nsn gr up « te rl das~ j". srlier tisa Ibheonme ut by lsent Saturdsy aI Shermervillie vus stations, aU Eceecram blas beeautes ecoolusion làtatHt adbs17 Mran r..8.dâ ofWu snô are eauiîed totebdofb aanMran s.PdKmak las s.g a thie UnitedSStts. andsoSshrman of Ravensvoo were 00 0000000000000 o o Fifty VoIre of PrONsU the gueuts f Mrs.E, Srah Adamss lest 0 M1LLSSCHOO L 01 -Hhleialla vasbutitlo .8issu an49 Banday. ysars ago. There are nov u inte Sunday afternon a the manseWar- 0*000000000O0000000 .cou-d Sgta tate busait o tia ourenlttison of >r. sud Vrè. George Edtor LainBueschîng. 11 ordusus. L.mes b aIdoteuPetits sud Mr. sud Mrs.AIle" l!rrar -Mc. sud Mrs. Harris eoddadugbterl tri bu beau ceqaireit for American of Itavenavood, wece marcla.l by thse Dosotby vere visiton ast tise W. J,1 tas-mers te discver the soln and t0 e Uv.N. L. Thou'ss. Tu--i vwert> ai Eaescblug borne one day lest wt>ek.1 mnake it tisir "vwaeentower ot *iros tonded b> Miss A4nes Pet-tuon aunl Vineent Dusbek wa aBrrnin -perttY." Arthsur Joisnson. Tise youug couple % îsîtar on Wedneode,' Mr. Haicis la uow paht -.3 >eacs uf bave gîune an a sfur e- ida>s. We vlsb ta Ihaul Mr. Mason lori a&ge, sud Is living on bis Hllat'daii' The AIsarand l.iear>' Clu', w-rtoaun- brlnglug aur rosi Partm Oesr Sprint (Icove, twu mi e eraine-d Tues'l-y afternac-n sy Mc-A MnanaDusbak, Rari Buescbîug andi gr so tram visera the nov uee nir famous silo vas hut, lie recalse dis-Egn Ldr Miss Browning attended the> meeting! tinctîy thse construction Of tise aid Mr. t nd M"., E. E. Friteciî and bica. ai LbertyviUle Isat Saturds>, Tbey alto ~ ~ ~ t udteaens bcbldutaR. Kuai vere Ita Wukagan Manday. sil annde> afleruocu Fred Burbet- is peut a verv profitable amdpiasan1î yauug bun of Mr. sud Mca, Fred Bucli ay *...* ,, 0 0000000 r. vas acridept"y shot [t:-.'ugtî Ile Mr. snd Mca. Vincent l.usbek aud beact ;)y a cautrade wbile having car- famll- cailed ais tise Hickmn borne on -. DEEIFIELD Oget pr.vtice. TIc funerisi as beîd Sunday. ... 0..... 000 0 OWednebd.'y sfte;-'oou ai top iShermar- Mus. Judsou Mason vas iu Lîbeîy- PryILUgbil . ho dId the de- ville Laternu chuse ch, is l survivait ville aud Waukegan an business on I*V.rig ft the gtryker store. foil and by bis parents, fou - lIr ad tb:ee Saturday. ~gg'.~mg mor1ai He tiis As thora vas no achool at iigis ise l Prk11e- Taeeday alternonthe rem fmai col ,Prday, R. Del -Buascing via- -Wta Pioee utfhuse va" s-- Christian lMirtser voie laid te restItled aur scisool. lun ie Mouey cemstecy. Mr. Melatzer Mr. sud Mn,. Lewis Mille arc nov at Mr. redLaba va thagisat fotrmerly reslded ou a faitist o f home. Mrs, Lee Kane, a! Diamond Mis. V Laban aS thfe. snstofnttovu, but sinca tise bis hs ite Lake gavea a ception foc tha Young 1,abn, r.. f EanstD l haK hait made bis home vils bis chil- couple on Tuesday avenlug. dren. Ha died ai the home o! bis Frances Tovuer autertained sevaral Mi.Frank Peterson sud chilitren daugiter lu Des Plaines. of ber littIa friands Saturday afler. isent tise veek eud lu Chicago viÈh Tht> W, C. T. V. beld tisa cegular noon.': Mr. ait Mn. S. P. Hutchilason. monirt> meeting et ,bc borne of Mrs, Ethel Hickmnan bas cetuîoed a Miss Elizabeth Dty Of Hghlandt M. L Thomas Tuesdsy. Mca. Tibisetts acrool atter a weeks absence, visen Park vlaled Mns. J. fimicar Thui-edaY, o! Lake Forest vas preseut. site vas suffering front a savane attaclt Ur. ad Mn. Abert Clapper sud tva 00 f appeudicitîs. son et Chicago vece voek end guesîs Unitsed Evangelicsi Churcit Tisae was a pacty ai the James of Mr. and Mns. Hans-y Segert. i '-i vas gîad wbeu tisa> said uto uaTowueubnhe Tuesday eveui-9. MauY Mc- etenn ofRockford visitait bis lei us go 'a tht> bouse of ,sE Lr. ftisa ueigbbors sttended, Evacyou" .daghter-lu-Iavr. , p eterson, ise I-Ps. 122:1. bi afn it yast eek.The subjerts for tite services toc. Lusy Fray sud Haccy Mason bail Miss Eva Radar spent thé week aud nOext Sunday ara as follova:preclasninpligatwek -~~~~~~~ vintinisa oreDm, l Sunday Srbool the discussion O! Vernon Mason visiled school on las! Mfhfis.ndsyat Noream e taineil itecestiug chsactac of Elijait vili Wednesday atternoon.- Raymnd lavy eterain hab continuait, At ýhe praacising sec- A dance vas gîven lu the Prairie C!"vice, "Tisa Living Dealh." and lu tise Viaw baillIsat Thucaday evenlng, Jan. evaulug, "Chisltian Endeavor Arounil 26, linsanor of Mi. nd Mca Vncent -tise World." Dushek aud Mi. sud Mrs. Lewis Mills Tise services iu tise eveuing will ba iu the nature of s Christian Endeavor ral>. Tise Young peoples service vil PASTEURIZATION ha combined ittaona rousiug service ln tise intecests oatie C. E. yack. Yeu D C E S S TI ara Invitai tethis moat iutanesîbng andTH baîpfut Yoaung peopies meeting of tise yearn er, Tuesday ulgisi, hegtuuingCR M O IL ai Sevau p. M. Tisa cbildren o!fte Mission Baud meet Tuasita> afecnoaiatie cisurch. Nevertheless argricultural ex- Tise mld-veek prayer meeting vilii n satin o t hbe ld attht> ciurcis Weduasday pai ntsato S- 7:45 p. m.utsar ----------------------___ Tise choir viii meat for practîca on ihu tepsruzioofml ------------- Priday ulgisî. Atsui iapseuzto fm Blsiso HIal peaka avang l i mportant sud necessary, tht> vol- Bisyme vils ar t a ngl'a nte of ream on mllk begins mess- A RL N G O N liomn o r interemted lu tise ques- tral vo decresse when tisa tampera- tie ofè6uchunion, aith Kimbai tute i pasteuriza ion ises froun 140 Avenue U. E. chtumch Mouds> nigist degrees F ta 144 degrees F, accord- HO TEL-t eght 'clok.lug te s bulletin issued isy the Ag- ~* HO L ?* Tegisomeiactr. oar Socety miculturlExperims-nt Station oatis tise home ar Ma-a, Arthsur Marner. . "As tise temperatuce goas bigiser, _______________tise daccesse lu tisa volume O! creamu becames rapldIy more pronounceit: M eds soSt 145 dagrees F. It amaunts ta sllgbt- GôdM al5OéN.SUIR BUI S iv mare than ln perccentby colume; ,WAIJI ANtILL"Tisa layer of creamu on tise battis - -~ o! milk a delivarei ta tise consumer Tht NotisSisre lecrieRalva 9laImuporant becaisa tise consumer 1 --------aTyeoday puBlte Rak wa usadIlitas an index o! tise ricbness ot - - - o mn for t I os rti t angte ise nsd as a source of cream ~~ofv20men, frar Itse ottsir< o ? ' a Star.1900 a basting a! tise milk KA11.Blidr treet aiaugeieston ofta 140-14.1 dagrees F. for- tirty min- man n iibtovyaItsei te-aes bas beau ganerali> recognizait fS .f mtUt-l BmftI,'. eo ovdr tet s poprpaailalr.Rcul Took liquor to basketball gamne and became info-xicated; annoyedgirls Two %outil weie 5iiesteii lait Fi t day11g îitbîin te Gurnea lili: .cboui viie a baskethsstl ganse w>'. in pro- grass with tise Gurnea iigli scisoot team sund tae Waukegan Booster Corps, tise diy supiai fronthfli office i f State's Atorney A V. Srnti, mak- ing 1h. raid. Becausa of thec :egaîidftorîîîeînbeîs of the boys' famille- san e-fort vas made ta hualit îî11 t l it' T, tssh icit causad keet exitenuînh in ithenelgb- borisood. Word hait ceaclîcî l t l'-iily u01 tht> higili scitool ta; lite boys hait been taklug isooze toilits-gantes as] lisssing il sîound. 'Titi- boys aiso vace rapartad tb lias e suuayed girls attendiug tisa games. NMeniseraOfthtis scisoot boacil, it le undeistood. look tisa malte: up wîttîItle states attor- ney- Wbahn tise game gai unsier vay Fni day nlgist tise offIce:i inilite dry sqoad appearait suditent in the> various doocyays sud kept i-t eîynoly lunlte hall, A bal! emplis bol île of viss ke> vas faunil on two ofays. Tise youthss vere hînsîgliti ta Waul- kegan soit taken ta hIe county lau visera tisa> vece Itutu rcsavarai boucs until lhi aîr 11tl arrivait. Be- cause o! Ibair age, tue noya vece ce- leasait afler.bietg give:; a lecture b> Prosecutor Smith. vito agteed not ta prost>cuta upon te pi omise o! tisa boys to ha goal and ilii- promise af tisa parants ta keeP elosecr checkonu tisa activittes o! thsei" sons In the fu- ture. 90000000000 0000000 .0 MILLBURU o 000000000000000 000 Ms-.anid Mis. D. M. White spent tise veek-ensd la Chicago ultis Misa, Berthsa Whitead Ms-. nuit Mca. Leslie Leaupea J. H. Besiner vas a Chicago vieltor Friday. Sovegal trout thia vicinily attendeit tise fun"of o John Galagiser of Waits- vorth,termerly Oet tissvicinity. Ms. and Ms-s W. S. Demnan gaveaa Part-y Woitne.itay eveutag. Progreamive ganes yen playeit, tisrera vos-osven Mies Lottie Hoffmavenu ta the McAfister isoapital Monday and vms operateit on. She isitoing nacely. Tisai va no preaching Sunlay as We.F ok n s silsick, A ver>' gooi tlime vas repQrted et lue commisau>socIal-beld at the hall Saturday evening. Tme i a matter et tobacco quality Wc statcfit as Our houcat bciefthaî lihe tobaccos uscd iu Chesterfield arc of finer qum an(sd lsceccof bettes- lai)te thainlan> otiser cigarette aItihe piice. 4In tht eoum rse t re tha liDtOfice bwax diomtimied; people haid their t, ioresuhod ln Russell, Wadsworth, awhere tbey aise purcbaaed tbeir gro- ecerteqs and other marchandise, so 'bat ethe merobants bars were finally forced te tnrm te some other wotk to gain a llveaiood. 88o also vith the cobbler. The. cobbler's shop still stands, the> biachexith abop bas been removed and a wouderful garden Thrives there aci year. The store was sold by Michael Hogan te James Weich, wbo rauted It sa a town hall for some f ew years. Lust year Fred Leable purchas ea this building and lot and furnshed( a store which provad ta ha qulte a succ05s until the kerosene stove. Iu the resîdence portion of the store, ex iiloded one day st summer, setting IItire ta the building, whiclî was con- aumed by the flames. Shortly before this another house beiougiug ta Mrs. RoderIck Ames was burned ta the ground. Aclsurch was erected lu Rasecrans lthe course oft ime. During the last year a Comunuity House bas been erected. it bau served the. comatunit> iu many enterprises, aud would fur- ul*h more eujoymeut te a greater num- ber of people if tbey wouid corne te 3meet each otber In a social way, leav- 1 ng church quesious on theaside. The WIil.iams ischoul one mile nortb or Rosecrans, was kmilt for the educa- tion of the elîdren of -th ise Clty. It blhd te be tar om e"ad a uew rad >brick building wus erected Abut f iva years sgo, sud It bas been uamed atter Rosecrans. 1 The .ppis of aur achool try Io profit 1by the mottae ofGeneral Rosocrans, I"The. Batie Muse be Woa" Ilasny dl r ficuit task which conftonte tbema. 1 "Repeated, careful studios bý dit ferent scientists bave unifuitol> shown (ha t tbe most resistant dlsease, gerrns which may enter mllk are de- stroyed b>- a lifteeu-mlnlte beating 14-lt dfegees FI Under souch ci,curn s atsances pasteurlzatlon at 140-145 dr grees F. for lrty minutes pro, ide, s very cousiderabia MargIn af safetY. hoth In tbe matter of femnperatuip and of timue exPasure. -Thé proposition Io1-celliîie tourization at a minilm mOf 14.. (if Jgrec-s F. for tblrty minutes ii i so Ierg- a destruction of!1thri-anl 'l t -' wblch lm hlgbly este.-ni, t i til'e p.ublic, t at sucbe qurR woul;i probahly result in sde * mc cososmption of pasteurizý' mulk..Accordinil.,this Increa, e n the mrgln of mafety wot.ld bardi1 see(mjustilled in tbe absence f Rans evîdence tbat 142-145 degreee PFlm insuficient. and in the absence of any attempitat provide increased cafety lu other ways 2 ituiii SCHOOL dlVOUTIS PINCIIID KiON IMIOE CIARif .11 7 1) 1 23 16 19 29 -tsj i l THE kiE4 = BO ItD 13 17 18 9 12 19 9 14 202i41 5 W dF5W 7 2 614 6 9 22 25 23 19 17 22 19 15 14 18 14 23 30 26 CodqÇ bYWLLIA J VM0 2 6 16 19 27 24 25 30 Il 8 IAit communications Intendeit for Solution ta Prahlem No, 232. Dy Ibis column. should lho aditressei W . Wood. W ta Williasm J. Wood,. 202 Clark ave.,, lc 51 1 Whte-5 1426 29 32 7. oC Gama No. 164. 10-15 24-19. P-roin Black ta play and vin. h tise Ciselteuham <(Euglaud) Ciscouicle, 8 11 18 27 27 32 27 23 20 24 t Iu a sxbscibptiou match of tisirty 7 16 32 23 23 19 15 10 7 21 D gansplayait receutlyInluCiciago, L. 16 19 9 27 32 27 23 18 24 27 l C.amnergs tae i odn x 16 23 26 23 19 15 10 7 2 711a champion of Englanit aud Sectîsuil, b> Solution to Prohîem No, 233. B>i 3 vins te 1, vilS 25 gaaaes dravu. W, J, Wood. Tisa elgstis game of lue Jordan-Gins- Black-4 6 K 13. becg match, anzsotated by tise latter. Wite-15 Ka 5 19. Biaclc-Giisbem-g. Wht-Jordan. Black ta play sud visite la vin. 10 15 23 5 7 23 28 19 25 30 13 17 6 10 17 13 10 14 14 171 24 19 8 11 31 26 10 14 22 18 1511l 5 9 9 6 19 23 23 18i 15 24 25 22 2 7c 22 l7d 30 261 28 19 7 10 26 19 14 18, 18 15 TRAPPING AND BANOING BiIROS 9 14 26 23 711 80 26 26 23 22 18 1115 24120 113 14 9 Tisa fotiavlng accouaI af s talk mi S 9 27 24 4 8 26 22 28318 at the receutýmeetnget teacis nhll 18 15a 6 9 32 28 18 25 15 10 lu Libartyvilla la by Carolineue blaiék Il 18 23 18b Il 15 29 22 aiS 14 a pupil attisa Amass cisool: 21 17 3 7 20 16 21 25 -B. W. "Mn. Lyon o! Waukegau gave s short 14 21 18 il 15 4 17 14 lalk on thea trappiug sud hsudtug of a-Sate enaugis. bu. not played very birds. Mr. Lyon la oua o! tht> hast eften. kuovu warkars ta bird lare, fils spa- b-Tm-ying ta break tiscotgis, riait> la trapping ait handing birils. c-Loses, 30-26 dsavs, but no doubt Tise bauiting of birds la ual jus&, a leokeit bal St time of playlug. pleasue, but a means o! carrying aen a--A neal vi1L an important vock foc tise gavaenant te tind ou, the differeut routas of mi- Prohiaut No. 234. B> W. J. Wood. gration. Trap a raliho made ofîbrea- quarter lnch vire. 17la is ard ta take iirds out of tisese tcaps, sud thacefore 184DU VCD CI a vire box wltb a tunnel on tise end. E .E cU s t rn nsida tise tiap. The blîdsarae au enino it snd Canut escape. Eu- Il fu aglli sparrovasbouid ha killeilliha ~ pe5e~. cuse tbey do niaie harm tissu good. !,,gbm NÉ Z' er.Lyon said îiîat if a bandait bird la U *e~ ~S founil, th isatider should'nolîfy Was- ington. It tis ofttan ean- fouidthtia bcrds retuu ascii yesr ta -,bc saine U eU ~ li N Q p, ace foc a numisar a! yeacs." LUTHER SMALL. Black-3 8 13 15 19 23 27 Ks 1 20. Mi. Scbantz, piesideot of tise Audu- Wiit-5 11 26 28 29 30 32 Ks 9 10. hon Society of Illinois, gave a verv ln- Biack ta pIsanit van---- Probleut No. 235. B> W. J Wood, BBlack 138151719 2123 24. Wiste-S 9 101il25 26 28 30 32. Black ta pla> aud vin. Pcoblem Na. 236. B> W. J. Wood. Black-7 8 Il 18 Es 22 28 29 82. Wht"- 14 21 26 27 28 R 20. White ta play sud vin. Solution ta Problens No. 231.1 W. J. Wood- Black-5 9 12 13 14 16 20, Whitel-11 18 19 21 23 27 3?. White ta pia> sud vin. tecestin.g tai on ts migration or tise bicils. Ha ahovad savarai siapa illus- :catIng thse fligaisaof differaut bleds. Tise Golden Plover. f'or Instance, neats in Canada, lu tisa raglan o! Hudsonas Bsy durlng tha summer montiss, suit visen signa of vinter appeac makas a vooderful flîgis o! algbt sisousanil mlles ta Southt Amacîca. Tise Arctic Tero aIea oasIs in Canada, noris of tisa Amctic Cîrcle. It mîgrates ta tise Antaîctie ContinuaI, s distance o! alev- an tisausanil miles, tnaklng a round :rlp of vt> Ivo wethousanit miles. The> iapa auoveiltitat lise greater hart a! th isa lmtacommuas 10 the Miss- issippi Valley spanil the violer lu tise northwes.ecn part ot Sauth America, or lu Central Ami-iica. Most of tise hlils in maklug tise celuc trip in tise sprlng cross the Gui!fîor Mexico. Bisl neyer cross mounlatos lu thier fligisls, bu' always fl> aloug the vaterwsys. Bîrîs are vos-y benatlcial teaail people, epectally tise tarmms, No atificial davice bas avec beau inventeait w iii dastroy 50 msuy veel seeds sud In- sorts as birds do, The owîs, bsvks sud crova are generall> thougist ta ha a naisance, but tise> destrois man> gophans, skunksansd mies. Many hlm-iseant bal? Ibir veigist lb lusecis ln ana day, while sauta aven est tisaicr velgisl. Wisat vouidt h ie affect on tise food produeitan o! tisa vocli If these destroyers a! veel seedsansd Insects e o ethenssaives dastroyeit? ýThîs l8 a gouit Question la tblnk about visnonenala temptoit ta barre a bird. CAROLINE KUBLANX. y 20,000008mW "Sen HMr Duclug thse tventy-oue years that "Ben iuîr" vas belig producei ounlte sftn'. fIN laestlînnsîcil itai20.000,000) - - - -t- ,%t01 ' 1 FINISli3 WEKS, IIARVEST 0ff R4 The Bowman Dalry compauy ltut week finlsbed barvesting their -wlnter crap of tee aithree of tbe big l4e. of ibis couuty aflter tbree *eekal w'orkt having a sufficlent supply ta carry lhem through the summer. Tbey barvested tee et Bangs a" Dismond Lakas, sud Lake Zurich. Tlis cee was fine tbis winter, averaging about a foot lu tblckuess. ELHANA W. COLB Attorney-t-Law Office et Home, on Cook Avenne.- Telephono 16W-. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. MARTIN C. DFJXV 316 Wssbin$to. Itrt WAIIDAI. ILLNOI. Office Phone 848. les. Phe.iubêU LYELL H. MORRIS Attorney.atLaw LIBERTYVILLI, ILLINOIS. Luce Building. Res. Phoue 188-M. Omoe Ib=*s1M PAUL Mac GUWINl Attonney-atLaw LIBBRTYVIILLE, ILLINOI8. Telephono 83. J. E WALTFRS, PHYISICIAN AND BtJRGMOM Diseaseof Wommn and CMldreas- sa Speclalty. WÂUREGÂN, ILLINOIS. W. W. JOHNSN, D. D. S. - DENTIST Phone 841. 112 No. Qones» &t. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. DR 0. F. BUTERFMML VETERINAItY SURGECON Assistant 8tate Velerinalua. LIB8IRTYVILLE, ILLNOIS. DR. J. L TAYLOR Office ln PriaI National Bank SIW. Hours: -1 le8: 30and 7t 8p. M Roaldence ou Broadway. oppusita*, LIBEIITYVILLE. ILLINOS. CHARLES R. WICKEM Washingtou-Coauy Bts. Phass18WS' WAURIIAN, ILLIOMS Public Accountarit und AudtWt-. AcSointing System, AudIis. oMk POI[ted Perlodicay for flgmý Ib do not need a Permanent B3ooiqWk Phone 26 Hours t 8p DRS. NIXON & DAMI ch"rprac&fic lici,am Nervout and Chrosic lo Oseae Suite 10-11> New Casilo MoýJ LIMLyL. LLUjx4*. *eiciipIIo Chestéhki cTGARr&TTrS; f Tud*ùhand Dmagic .eo 11h51 -tise tisaI As- ta tbrfe ut limes i locastas of gria- reptle MU7r ta.- mao ts-y- beau 1.-- Mo0 Uan- mmat-l. iesoie vo baya rsey ms-e kg dova eh. vh- Olm ns. ses ait a houa- id ovis. m5 beloie s repeal 1 i mmý . . 1 -&ý ee-,