s b. beca,.-ue grountetiu(ho es- Mn. Clark has pncbeseti anoher JsI tct that lay et the battoni car. l»e bat rt'ad conditions efth(at jCîiffrd Hogan bas been fil. o&, Nia tow.'uiip became e pie-' Mary, Charlat' anti Jobunie Straka , a tb. cons riciion of peranent lantietilu Czecho-Abevakla the l7th of e sut .ibe se-y r-lemeniary venk Doceinhen, four tisys tee late la 500 enumeultrainage. His succeas their grand fathor alîve. elbi umponment as cherman Mn. Atiams hat' tack hnrnet Tues- hoGodttads connitteeofe the day, havîng ceughttfine frein an on- tIi Bank ea" association. gine. ai Banker' AId ,'hm bis efforts vi(h tIIs cominit- R VE C O L %ustupalgu of etucation was start- ff(u he bankersonI lîlinois. I CH O luarnpaigii vas basoti upon (ho sur ad agnculturai econoni JJCJ -w»uld coe frein construction ofDIT CT N W maitedu tio he(h temporsry cher MisesBI ove andt.three girls attend- ro. Hfd orkte eaergnzoi t ln dt 1he teachers' imeeting ai Liberty- Mor-tAie- r ms,.r,,,.... ,.,., *rI't -it rrue? & ttàe ceeper yt'eu n youi' 'a.(b btter? Then wby rmn Or dmresuntil (bey low eut. Wa yen cen gt hem rebulît moot us a nov one? OW tî rem cheapen nov, but WMy« cen tir- your tire bill ImW, Ifs ciiosper yetfi an't Çm your tireretreadeti vith a od tbat vea' -,come oue, by bAbgOd8n mietbodt bat la leD, el *atdo! sut' .ehr. *RI M0JLDGA ia~ s ~ Mg - bIrosImg 4-s A lu- turne from itls t--ps. Ho believes hoe bas caugbt evoI"ulng voaring fur. Helen Yaung Dorothy Leeble, Les- ter Lucas, Evereyt Clark. Ernest Leabie sud Cynil Dietunoyer vere per- fect lu atteudance lest menth. six others vemo absent onit' one day. The Rîgbttu grades are reating aiendt(he songs o! th. Civii van andi Plan io sinig tebni'when boarse velces cesse. The population cf District 16 hlu . creaseti by ona. Mn., anti Mrs. Frank Clark anti fanlit' are rejolclug over a fue baby girl. Aies Marie. SPeaking of the Ciarks, Chartes, Lurais anti Keunetb Clark attsnded ,lic farmarai' Instituts et Rosecrans anti Keuneth vaîked evey wvlli tue firai Prize ln Judgiog hoga, whicb vas a plg, anti Second In Jutig cave, vhicb vas 1$2. Ne aIse recaiveti a e utton vith c blue anti red inb- bon. The Elghth grade are learuiug " Barbare Frîtchie." the Fiftb grade "The CbUren's Rour"' anti iho Sec- anti anti Thîrd "Niavaîbe.1 FOR fT. SIIIRIDAN Washilngton, Jan. 31.-The appoint- tuent of Bnlg. Geur Fred W. ]Mlade, ee* on duly et Fort Sheridanu, Iii, as %uperflnut o e b.UnuitdStates milliary Academy at West Point, et. lective July 1. vas anneunoed todat' ýby the. war duprtmaent. laden suc- coeds Bzna. Gei. Douglas MacArthur, vio tas beuiorderedt te Mnil itresanti- linis that -mot of- Z' e Nexit-F-ri-ay,-Feb. 3rti. our learn play roms are registering considerabie Wauoontia here. We- hope that the feyer. team can mun the score up as bigh as1 The American bistory clasa has been at Gurnee. This la the first game St! greatly lnterested lu the George Wash- home in severai weeks. Let's have ington contest carried on by the Chi- gooti turnout full of pep for the tqam cago Tribune. A goodly number of ex- Mrs. Moyer, our domeatic science cellenit eseays were bantied lu to Miss expert. la 111 andi ber classes dIti net Rlussell, tho teacher. The two which meet Monday. Cafeteria was serveti' were selecteti by ber as the best wyul just as good as always, tbanks to Mrs. be publIsheti in (bese columus. Mtole anti the girls lu the cooklngI THE SPIRIT 0F 0 lase. -- GEORGE WASHFNGTON Diti you kno-w Ibat the ambition to Goti bas chosen people. To (hem He play basket hall batio' ruck the teach- gives ,bc requisites of a superman ers'i Weil, It bas snd accordlnigt~o thel George Washington wa& thus enOoweti. coach tbey are progreslng very rapid- But mors (ban tbat, He placed In bis ly. The followlng teachers bave been breast Spirit, that intangible some- comlng out for regular practice on thlng wbich maires a man tower above Tuesday evening. Misses Flynn el- others lut. a glant. A Spirrt vbicb- son, Cropley andi Misses Eanderg, gave hlm unsurtiassable courage, faltb Bryant, Ruland, Wilder andi Russell. lu those wbom b. led and the Powerj We hce to ses (hem soon lu action. to pray, the misfrrtune andi disaster.---C. R. B.. '22 000000000000000000 Alice Brya and Lueila Metc.f had, o STFFOD SHOOL~ Prfet aelling lessons lest week. 0 S________IR _ef t f 000000000000000000 OBITUARY POUTING Josephi E. Garwood vas boru in the tevu of Âvmp Illinois, Aprit 22, 1860. Wheni littho folks pout Ne vas the sou of Joseph and CW.ber- Andi their lips' stick out, lue Garwooti, vbo passed away many Tbey spoil the 1oosf0 h o ir faces, Yeae aga. Being left an orpbsn when Fmor ddn't 7011 knOfw lAinile 0Mn grOwen]Y five years et ose. his aunt, Mns. on lips the. ane ont of (hein PIsOSS John Porter, took biju into her beart Nexi time 7011 try viieliyou wBlit to anti home. H.evas reareti andi lovet cry, as on.e ofhem r il chidren. MUn. 1). To turn up the c=rOfO4jilojt 80) Nelson of I4bertyvile la the only sur- A mile lll.erase a tear droD fmem VlIVflg member of the Porter famahy -11 ICO. . te mouru the logo of ber rousln-broth- That la 4utte true, you muât kiow. er. In the year 1881 ho vas married W. flnd ln vritng that vo. seins- te Rose Beak ef Ayeon township. Âtter ines have trouble lu reanembering to their marriage- they Uved on tih. Gsi' fnish eur letters as v. aheulti. We Woodi tari ne~r Round Lake for a have change theii verse te tihl: nuinher of ye&rs, titrvardo movlng WbenUttile verîla frein 'cause their to Grayalelce, wherS be verked at the curvea turii dors,, carpenter trade. Te thus union vas They apeil the 100h eot (heur faces; boea on. son, Louis A. Garwood, nov. For didn't 70u kno'w Mr. Fanat ve't of South fleni. lI&, vhe roinains tu let go incua the loga ef bis fatiier. Tii. ourvea that are oui of .heir Re.vas lntat.Jy killed Inkanauto, placel? - mobile accident neet' Ingiste Janu- Neit Urne 70' Ufry vien you vent te aM7 20, 1911,belng il70015, 9 uiontba vrlte t the Umeie oh is d»U. Re lebvea te To turu op the ourves juat se. nmourft bis Ioua besides bis son, many À rlght curve VIII oraë reltives and Mfrenîls. À Dmoeo-nefroua place, 1j funeral servies ver. beltiai Grays Mr. Pauat bas tolti us, yeu knov. laite Jan. 24, bSlral being at Aven Cen- *itjWÎvflleIndependetl!AROON A! IIT ugj -W.ukqoen JYek1y .SM nEdlto.n.Chef-Eionear Waldo Anatant tditorm-4Iavls Calloway- jBuides» Manager-John listes. ira wseoe, StUbottyvifuD. 8 S C 10M afl MattO. Dock Editore-Oaroli nButter! leld, Kathrysi Mor. and ituai Hanuon. MO fhO ..1S PER YM fte TflC 1tY FM ADVAN E. Th i felo vlg tud ens are on the came thlckt anti fart. A Spirit which 0flee Tul or 4WI*oI 1, UbryIlle Ruba* houer roll.; atie him put lise, tblody andi seul Into fl ___Editor 1 I aclgtpo Mytie !Hubbardti heamont fùrmmitabIe task of hlstery. ri .- - ... Manager Edward Blner John Kerry j Hetild net seek for persenal glery or NALLEY -_______ . ____ Local Managet C. Buitield Winlfred Moore fine. Ho untiorstooti the »sesslty of Richard Casa Everette Neville Plantlng te eo«s ef his courîtry in Gladys Egers Mahel Schley .1 the soU e1 demecracy. H. eaccomnplieu- rdads work çzmng the. bauters lunLLucilie Geldlng Ruasell Shepherti edtei i nt vthout effort, for 1h la au ,e no sncb an effective uanner thai, vheu Ambon Grabhe Afredi Snyder easy (bing te ;mas a set of nUles but the Illinois Highvey Imprevement Cecetia Rasa John Thies It la a bard tbing to maktbeor appli- oN association was farmeti lu 1912 Mr. Abert Hagerty Tony Tracts cable. WST D U N Bradt as limediptetl' ecoguizeti as kits Hall Bleanor Waldo Why, bua merlce developeot a m the man wbeso tatîstica on the sub- Eitel Hanson itily. Wbay are bier Ideals and prin- A~!IhINT1ject vere matie tb. basscf the de- Tbree of these are seniors, five are CîPles thue envy or forelgu nations? r> AUIII~duLTURE nanti for legislation.Juorsxaeoponraadsvn ecseteprte! asltubs "Wben lb-a socalleti lice la-w vas Jnos i r ohmroadsvnBmt h pto ahntnb enacteti Mr. Bradt wsa apointeti by are Freshunen. Myrtie Hubberd, of the came tiewn througb the years evsî Bishop and his farmn Goveinor Dunn- as the republican SOPhOmoro lauX,,anks bigbast. growsIng brighter. Becauso bis ideals mtedonharg of mber cf the state blgbway coin- Those of the Near Honor Roll are: are firuzly- establis3het Inl eveny truc msi n. e was centinued lu Iis Marie Fincagl2er Raymnond I Lndroth Aineri*sns heart.' ing stili pfanted office by Governor Lowden andi later Mavi: Gatlîavay Gladys Lyon Wlthoul. Wasbington our country artnet ! Arl~utur by îGete (or $60l .0000bontf1 d Is essa emngton Harolti Odeli woult.bave inokecilte Impetus of spîr- urtentOf griultre uwuntier vblch the main truns. linos of Irene Lantils Eillon Reuse itual gre-wth wblch muet keep step vise t li t oth Oe klnd of: the gIcle are being improvoti. Ne buasFrank Tracts vith tbe, material if a country la tc pled t(o:M1 b oil Anexgaineti e national reputation. Pro- Four neya classes bave been organ- become a uilg power. tii cluicugo, Stley B - quontly hie bas been caileti to Wash- Izeti fer the second semesier. These Washington hevers lu lb. concU th CbIQU% i iser4ing aIington for consultation ou got rmades, are: A Boys' Physical Training Cises, roojus e t he national capital. Ne l ma-at Xcgffl ed owy matiers by fetioîal officiais sud bas CommerciaTheorphy, Pbysiograpny guitiing ang advising lu ibis criticai 0the UZOlMel unTMIU' been aloughi out by the blghvay de anti econonulos. Mr. Teet i viihave heur. Hiespsiuit cannet tii.. It vil: tt bis 7eai S m" tQ pariments of other siates looking for and tate's Attorney A. V. state infomation on tb. subjeet. charge o! the former clasa, iile Miss liv, forever andti . iink Gedt (at 7y squad get 'inde! of1h o "When Mr. Bradi took office the- Bryant ill bave ubarge of tue tbree ls so. -Carolyn Butterfielti. atterom'l0i state hati fever than ive mles cf latter classes. --t. B., '23. 1 -o >eta In anifarsnung remov- htghways which coutti ho regartieti--- - PERSONALITY 0F GEORGE Igatien apparatus, consistlng untier preseni, day standards as per- L T. H. S. STOOPS TO DEFEAT-j WAZHINGTON stiR, lavebarrels, contalnlng nmanent construction.- At the present Saturtiay ulgbi our basket bail ag- Jus: a feu' Worde on tihe personaliQy z et masb, sud a Ilv. galion lime tue state bas over 1.000 miles o! gregation me their Waterloo lun bhe f the greaesi of the vorid's greai ful of moonsblue, lu aii- hlgbvays lu tige anti neanly as many Maineo ihSho ynstm mn bottle of coioring. amore miles untier contraci, andti HgbS b loo yunaing lon ,m, according (o Prosecutor al nf this hoe hat i at officiai cons- Maine vas eut for "boi' vn e Wasbington vas slte- o sot. Pru- longs to Bibop, anti neltb- iin No on' manî nor a eut sw indu. (boir (vo defeats lu football ai thoetdence vas oeo e e .strongesi factors Pliait wei-e ou the promises r-insa 'ay &a!.inl sut' mapor portion balids of L. T. H. S. leut fait. Ourin lu1bi charecter. Consitiering ev en> ,raid vas matie. Waratsoftî redit Thtee itimaisit' con- teamt laciedt ho pop (bat (bey bati dis. clreuftistance anti thon taking ilie n~ ~ ~ ~ r eut fe1(embeee ua nctt with the novement, hovaver. lytil b poincgie ourseofo!action vbich vas bust, matie iaiz. State's Atorney' Smth realzo that mr. lradt's services un The inst bal! entist Maine 19, L. T. bi me grealuti annfelling soltier. No Iformations agaînsi nishnp tbis great puhl'c work bave beau ex- H S. 8. Iu tb. second bll ihet' pIayý motive et love, beireti. or frientishir lu h. ouny curt cbrg-couetiperhatia by those et ne ther In theu nt as cotae antipe-, en.deta very gooti tefensive geme anti removet him from bisetecisien. 1Hia intexiering luquen. - soed u the sconeing o Maine. Par- intogrit>' vas mosi pure, bis justice bia beau convicteii ses oral tenus playet a fest gaine anti kept bis inoet Inflexible. sinilear charges.BID CO guarti lest most onIt(ho tue. Bath Netnrally bis temper vas Irritable :BID LEC M 1 ookanti Porteone playeti "bardi ick" anti bigu ioued. but by habituel prac- -~ SCIIOO Torttas h al voulti roll aroundt ho rlitice anti resotution hoe esily overcaen JTJ~LORT~ ~ I3~j5of ~ho basket anti thon fait ont. Hook it. Hie stature vas exactlyviiet oue matie six of (he ion points, vbou ho one eouil visi. His person vas fine. DDA.IT tj'y~was taken out on a record of ton po When emong tbe circie of bis frlonds LOREIT RIORDAN was taken ont on a record of four per- ho becaine unreserveti anti took an eu R1IUI M Assistant Editor sonal fonts. The game ondet-Maeseuhuai share clu conversation. Ho pos- i'n Au Those wbo vers net absent at 30; L. H. S. 10. aessied uelther a wlde scope of Ideas uriuwAýy TW i>V veok vero Arthur ant eiekAe .T .S AN o lec fwrs hncle [I I J I !elle and t eine Riortan. P rteous-.......R F-.......--Hoffuan upon for e sutden opinion hoe as un- Thene were quite a number ot pu- Nook ------------L F ....... Bollinger reetiy anti embarressoti. Ne vrote Man subject of Muoh plis absent Montiay anti Tnestiay on Englebrecht ....... C---------......Hansen reatuly, Ilu au easy anti correct style. for Long and Faithful account eft(ho sovere colt, Olentior! .....- R G .......Harrlage Agriculture sud Engtish anti History Mexine KnIgge bas been ui. Parker.. .......... L G -------- Kieniz ver. tho only subjecta upon which hi îbe in Good Roads Those vbo vers pertectInl attend- Substitutes for L. T. H. S.: Autun reeti extenAively. - suce turing (ho puet mnnth vere Ar- fon Hock, Togtzneyer for Oleunt. Bariy lu litee ho as doing the work r ne oibar man In Illinois. thur Aines, Rotierick Aunes, Amnie Pot bstue foMan:SbfrBl-oifittopeaeMmortoig =Mtorsias a prIva i sn;ock, Lirtnonoes anti Rutialpb Wid Iuting e inofrMien i or betabte o pr o!bis m fodo ever - i'atia movemnont anti tismu nom. lneSmnfrKet.e aoso i nnod ee ,eto Vitibthe ew ou- ~The. schntelbu purcbaseti a ne-w The L. T. H. S. llgbtvoigh(s lbat toi galueti a reputation for sobioty and iffrk as $-gMtW, alett o tve andi 'lllhave lot lunches. Maine ligbtwdélgbts on tho same ulgbt.1 prudence azueng the indiens. de -(lun te gauiate Cles»Ît Riortian bas put up a teeti- iWe plat' WAhlonda anti Des Plaines 1H. vas, lu every sens o fthe vend, out of theo sud tînm 8M- big ~ Wthe i birdl. lathe mnar future anti we urge evsry- viwse, a god n -tMan. ~'t >e~~. IL,~~Mg CtitbItielOrdl*i aoeebundreti >aty teornoe anti sos(hase gaines. -Albert i-agerty. W. . tie.s obir ~In 0lna# . ail lt Weot. Tiietare (theuatgamas et thesason.jo- *0- oie oemualtîee r, ThnMreay Uetemneon the pupils matie - -Etivart Bixier, Gibert Voeeker Har- ol U racni' Mrolti assupr-' ngchaeofainr e etin ,aniFeue0(h 1.T.A.vhiboea ltshow- etPlro Lve 4»furo ,t Baeu,à' sositîn aupe r- s ! the teetin e cmue c andshv- On Fb 0-h .A iIhl l 'eladFoec oel,ïro of tate blghvays. tSe (h patp nerve, andthte other sbov- meeting at (ha higb achool et Which our distingtilsheti seniors, accoppanieti ls l'eport continues: lng ho-w tecay neaches the nerve andtimae studtents viii fnrnisb a painiollo by Mies Wildier, journye to1 Chicago td left ibis office atier an protinces sensitive teeth anti tooth- pregrani. The yerlc bas been put lu Friday evening anti sav Macbeth. Gît- eer wblch began Iu 1913 ache, charge et Miss Sandbèrg, Mrs. Pinker-It' enjoyedth(e play imansnsely, ai- a connection wiib (ho goot AUl (ho pupils anti teachers vont ton anti Miss Wiltier. Thoso ybo ne- theugb ho vas riber afrali oft(ho funont which ruas back for litilug ou Shea's pond turing (hoefloon member tb. Armistice pagesut kuow vitches, gbosts. etc. Vears. %Ir. Bradttappreclat bhoum lest sieek. (bat (ho stutents yl givoe aprogIvam Saturday afiemnoon Miss Wilder1 lue of gooti noatis to (ho Miss Plagge is reeting the,.Boy- par excellence. guitet somes o! her Froshanen students ad Industriel lite af tho hooti of Lincolu" bp Hezekiah Butter- Mnlenosvabrsainbsto(oOnpcbrebys-wTh ibis led tb hlm (o accepi I vetb, ote opupils. M.Ryod a eeaanti oteOypc hr hysw"h as a member ot the tovu- Philo Amas froni Washington ls vis- week te inspeci eux "perfect" boea(lng Mechani et Venic.' This strennon. s rat' commission. Iu ibis lting Heury' Aies anti Iamlv systein. H. la bnay taking tempera- lite viii soon tell. vlthe achin, udriven lby a fara ot rive Point&. "Boxcar" ZNeÀbltt a colored man., vas arr"ated by Sate's Attoinet' A. V. Bmiiu's dry sguad Saturtiat nlght, 'on bis Place at 711 Market streot vas rae eTwebottles eor booze ver. seizeti, it la chargeti. Neabt vas amaigneti befome Just- log Harvet C. Coulson but wuvasleble te turni»sh $2.000 bonds and vag saut "Bexcar" Nembit, wbo was boeked as Robert, manage t t glve bond late Buntiat'nigbl. Four 841z»d at Gurne. Tii. dry iquati visiteti Guru.. aggin oA;'suaa td9paîseuupu ap !them women, on the McOa Zplace Thoe arrested ver. Mrg. Heieu av-c ent'. Mits MarY Roukovike, John Rau- kovîki anti John H. Kleber, 'l'he (vo vemenD caIm te b. sisies or0fJohn Roukoveki. A large quantiy of moon ablu, vas seizeti. The twa m-n went t lai]e, bain g un- ahi. te gîva bonds for $2.000 -eacc. Informations villho fIlet totiay agaînsi the vomen. MIER(ETS 40 DOYS IN JAIL AdlaGareck plaoed in Jail on complaint of Miss Ange- .Une Merlack Abdulliabhtareck5 13b7 MAiar avenue, vas hrestet ffltiay nigbt on complalut of %Miss Angeline Merscet. 38 Teuth atreet, Nortb Chicago, vie saîti be bais een annoying ber wvus bis attentions. Gareck, accortiing to the police. iormerly vonkedati itise tannery wbere Miss Meniack also 15 employ- eti. Accerdlng te Miss Merleck sha bas beeu audoyeti persistenly. Stue -nRys Garack lbas folloeeti er about, lias waiteti for ber-,.ven ahe got off '.treet cars anti aven ban calleti et ber homo. The latter occurrence tank place lant nigbi. eccertiing 10 the police vho say that Ganeck placet a man ai the rear doneoft(ha Mertack home se Miss 'Merlack coulti net escape andi thon vith hbscap uîsti titiv ever bis eyes vont te tb. frout dean , anti inqulreti fon han. Ho vas iold shevas net et bonis. A cati then vas sent ta the police anti alter some difficult' he vas le- caltdanti placet under arrept. In police court ibis morning h. vas fiuet $200 anti coita anti upon bIs in- ebiluty to psy vas sont te lb. county jail whare he vil ho oblIgeti teose fout' deys. Thse police sayt (at "cave ins stufr" does't go lu Waukga. CON VICTED DOUZE LAW VIOLATORS BEOiIN SENTENCESI AVCTLON-ýWednesdWrab. I& L # tet omandLake, DL, et 1f89, Dvhat Ir" formerykuovaes woI. mmanhall and Personsal prperty vil be, sol t tethe hIghs bMdder for cah, t Mr and uMovs *8,000 mrtlgage. Rou Lake Fr-agernal Assoolatimo. S34t FOR ItENT-Garage, eleotrir lUgbtc4,ý balf block tram busIness district,**~ Mlvaulcee ave. Reanonable. 1 inQue $86 N. Mllwaukef Ave. i5-f SAVE 80% ON YOtm OCALBL-- Make yeitr ova-Gùo gaver, fifluen cents werth of ehenucals, oblainable et sut' tiret clas drng atore, ulil coin- peuntieneugh Goal Baver to treat one ton of ei(her bard or sont ceai.' Givet 30% more tueat anti lesa soot. Revives. Ufeleas coul. Requin. s ufilln andi rodtntees tikemi. Enougb chemical can b. nuixot et oneU tme te lt &UI vinier. eOaiy requireas e evminutes tUme. Absoliuta8y a.. Omdutnusa $L200 m o' nter or 4rst matiw. 'II mail t'eu this proves, formuw.t1t msking eotPbis cenulical cosupmui' kuovu as "le SBave." Il wlfl net' Lt ws W Io ýe it ýv it bavi ho Inn i t* b be mmo I. WC me ln KWiAs atse l lots havalu dng ai, tn*lndt mmim la Thursday Health TaIk No. 9 By Chal D. Nixon, D. C., Ph. D. It stited as a cold and developed inte pneumonia. The Pope refused te give up and rest and this failure to appreciate the senjous- ness of a so-called "mere cold" gave the disease ils chance te, develop. Air is the most important of the life elements. If it is withheld for five minutes deatit ensues. A celd that seules on the hings startes in to de that very tling--shut eut the air f rom the lungs. Iu pneu- monia the congestion or filling up of hung cele, unless chccked, grad- ually spreads until the lungs ceaie to fwanction and death resuits. flc newspapers said "aIl that science ceuld do had been donc." Iu Italy the science of chiropractic is comparatively unknewn. There are less than a dozen chiropractors there. The record of chiropractic in influenza and pueumnonia is the best of any health mnethod. It is possible that chiropractic might have tiurncd the Pope toward health liad an administration of idis efficient method beeir possible. -I feel that I have given chiropractic a thorough test. Net enly have 1 been cured of iciatic rhumtism, but my itte girl was cured of a severe case of pueumonia. Her fever was nnng103 and 104 and she was hav- ing hernorrhages. There was a terrible congestion mn in her throaandhmugi. Onthe second day after chiropractic spinal adjustuients were stared, the fever was reduced. In four days site was eut of danger. lu a week she was able te go to the ahiropraceor's office and after a course of adjustments aie ia now as souud and well as ever."--H. C. Money. Sworn statement before J. B. Atkinson. Chiropractic Research%1ureau Statemeut No. 1301-. Dr. CHAS. D. NIXON Dr. A. JANE DAVIS CHIROPRACTORS Newcatle, Hotel Homrs'1to-.P. M. Phone -26 Evenings 6 to 8 P. W t - Frank Leonard begin O AE WiePlymouth Rock day servitude ad Mik12 DIVORCES FILED; oses$ec;as he Schmolz 10 days CIR F T VW Tq ITeehole 2 65-J1. 4-2et1; Twoconvicted violators of the pro--'FOR SALE-Pure bred HoIstein helf, hlbltorp iaw began serving sentences Two suifa for divorce were fiet i n; er ca f. H1. H. Schropder. Prairie in the county jail Satul'day night. an" the circuit court Monday, both charg View. il1. 5-4t another man went to jail Sunday Ilng desertion, andi the marital blissain night foiiowing his arrest on a boot-rani in.'îance dfniort iv il, aiecordin.- 1 wiiî veave varpets for ftl cents iegging charge, because he was unabie' o ý!p a running yard andi furnish werp. MrB to furnish $2.000 bonda. (artl Putting of tHighland P'ark A. MoIdenhauer. Long Orove, ilI. 5-131 Frank Leonard who recentty sai seeks P, eparaimo fro10 Gladys Iti ___________________ convected in the county court on a tin£r, formýrly Gladys Quinn. ahoi ý i FOR SALE- Thoroughbred Collie charge of seliing liquor at is la< e> daim ýhe mai led lai( Chicago, F--brfî maie dog, 8 monîha o d. 1- . Yuhlosp in Spring street, Saturday night, ary '-8Il, ami«htosi f 11 ý 209 Lake SZ. Waugegan. started serving his 120 day sentence. tth, following Apil f. he ]-argt,. - Mke Smotz of North Cilcago who, Jameîs B. Tribblte . r oNoi!h Chf co o o o o o 0O 0 O 0O 0 O0O0 was convicteti on the chage of driving 1 eago seeks, a divorce froni Gerirudti 'i AV O s' t gt-.Âp3pN3d3ioNi O an automobile while ln an intoxîcaied i rnsnTribbip. ciaiminge u' t ,3 H± aOiU 0j 9IUSnS ANfloo condition. hegan a 10 day sentence at hlm juiy 20. 1918, tiîree days atîcK Ii V-o z> Mjo î U H. L iV 11-4 the same time. Sinoize car coilideti they were married lu Chicago. o 0o0e0o0O a 'a O O0O0O0O0O0 Disease That KilIed Pope Benedi*ct XV trial m Advezd le C- ie Le e. Is m S. is ýd n- le e. 'Y le id d, i lsnwy - n uera lestviii el... as±e Captain Waito Evans, vbo rellevez s rtobe.Copeedrci» Capisîn Wurtabaugh as the con fYu mebe.CopoedIet, mandent ot lb. Great Lekes naval anti instructions wîth eu formula training station haro, vss fenmerîy Requirea ne speciai vanlj or line. Club exacutive ofilcer eft ho station wbeus vLlb youm neigliber eut divitie the. Great Lekes vas unter tb. command cost. 'Stalle, Couuty anti Municipeli- of Rear Admirai Rosa. vbo precedel îles suppliedt 1h (is chesuucal eatit Captain Molftt. Captain Evans, al for use in barrte lots enly. Prices 01), ttua lime of bis tuty at Great Laktes, application. Refenencea, Dunln or vas *Itb the rank o! UÀeuteuant-Com- Bratatreets. NueusoltiCliemical Go, mander, ativancing 10 CaptaID-aller 180 E. Zrd Bt. Bt. Paul, Minu. 2~ leavîng the Great Lakc.. station. During the van, Captain Evans vas lu commanti et the U. S. S. Wyomîng. YOUNG MANexponlouicet. vustues anti Isier vas matie goveruor ef Sa- yeer round place o atint'on genoral mec. a former Geriuun possession farm; gooti home essentiel. Attrouss that was8 iaken oser at the c"loue 0o' K-23, tutiepentient. 4-2t the Wonit van. Ho bas been onu uty1 In Samoa since leaviug the Wt'omlng FOR SALE-Several Buf! OrptngtenD Iu 1919. cockerets, $2 eacb. Hemman NoiR- - - !sen, Libertyville, 111. 4-st CAPtANE VANS A FORMER EXECUTIVE