Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Feb 1922, p. 5

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You Must Sucéç'ed With What You -Have erty vin e r for cauh, "A lie lfsbtod.' e 1 uire ver, fiIten obtainable >, wfll Cern- o treat one toal.' Givet >t. Reves. !lfrlu nd IA hL ehelulcal ta lust ail mv minutés Bonzd us a it Win mot' lélImInai,- diréctions. ii formula rlime. Club dividé the municipali- nicai réady Prices onl, Dunu or emical Go., ed. 'sishes r or geiuéral 1. Addresa 4-2t rman NuiS, 4-st loutb Roc hree brood .Ibertyrlfle ssinheif, Pr. Prairie 5-4t ff>centm warp. lira ve, fil. 5-131 îr-d CaIie 3d3UNI 0 k.LNflOO 0 Olauuified Ails. in The Independent secure resits. ie tbern a tril md yon vii be covinced and vii never miss the coit. ,il Damp Wash The New Laundry Service is weil lîked by the large number of famailies who have tried it. It is being recommended ta îhei' friends and neighbors as a money, time and labor-saver. We want YOU to try our Wi MP WASH SERVICE. We kni,ý y wsIl Mcc it. You can also cut the cost of washing your DAMP WASH in hait by recoen.rending DAMP WASH ta your fiiends. For every newv pahm ofe ur DAUP WASH SERVICE receiveil through your rec- omuedtim ve villow you 56 per cent reduction on your meit DAM PWASII. Ille cost is $!.25 for 25 Ils. oi urider, and 5 cents per lb. for each adiiin;il j1ond cci 25 bs. No ar!i le is mai ked, and1 cach bundle is carefully sorted as ta colûrý_,1slks. wvoolens, eec., and washed separately in nets, ehimi- nating ï.ny chanice for shartage and danmage. It cornes back ta you in a DAMP, flot WET. condition, with near- ly everything ready ta iran. Try Oui Damp Wash Service We know you wiII lîke it. A large bag ta send your wash homne in wilI be sold for 50 cents, if you haven't one. The Reliable Laundry j LAUNDERERS, DRY CLEANERS AND) DYERS j Highland Park and LibertyvilleJ jPhone, Highland Park 178. Phone, Libertyville 67-R * Adlvertse yaur sales and have your sale bis printeil at the Independeni office. That kind of publicity brmngs buyers and poild pnces. MR. FARMER Don't You Think it's About the Right Time to Give1 Your Seed Wants a Good Lot of Attention? Work is flot very rushing now, and if you will go aver your land, make up your ist of wbat you are going ta need, brmng it 'n ta us, we will subrnst yau samples and prices that will sureîy save yau money and trouble, Our se"iscorne tram RefiaIble Growers and are tested. WILL PASS Al THE STATE'S SEED LAWS, AND WE GUARANTEE YOU AGAINST À DECW OR HICHER PRICES, whirh is worth while for thought. Corne, now, let's get busy, so we won t have ta hurry when you are busy. DRAIN TUAES COING TO BE WANTED S00H. BUY NOW. 1OU WIWU SOON WANT FERTILIZRS. MWEUHVE THEM Libertyvije Lumber Co. TELEPHONE 47 of the Chicago Northern District, wlli P. . Wright chorlater; Mm. Edward PU13LIC NOTICW Is preside. A full atteudance la deslred Sayre. organlet. fbthplaces. Preparatory Service at the church. ta h ecdlltS Rer.Esrit. Mrgaî l'ater Frlday evening, F'ebruary Zrd. The cdal ~smu atm _____Saibbath. February 5, Earl C. Mor- speaker Io the Rev. Batty. St Law- lage of Libertyville, for ff@Kýt ShrtItt f Espe-ial Interest ta Libertyville Peaple gn mintaiter. :4'. .~ rence's Eplocopai church. Ail those Sewers willl e due 14 Sabbatb achool 9:4 .m .G'wba expect ta take communion en and payable at lhe CO41éto*, Wei, superintendent.: Sabbath are urged to be present. LYý E L »M ** ** * ** **** ** * Miss Lillian Kohout aud Misa Flor Preaching Il s. m. Junior congre-__-__ 52-tf **ene Carollu of Everett wen'totaChi- ________Communinserviceand___ * Ou account of a cantaiikerous cago Saturday to see Frsnk Bacon inaetion ommunions.Ale r a m __IN______________ " maod of our linotype machine f0- *, Lghtni' " at the Bisekatone. cion o enbr Alar odily N MOIM " day <Thuray> we are compelled*ivte.. " t0 omi a great amoune of local * MmS. Ben J. Simen and daugber, Chmtîsn Endèavor 6:30 p nm Toplc 1l irng memory of aur dear son,! ANWWUPI UUW * ews. In order ta make the mails * dith, returned Saturday evening from 1 "Chrstiasn Endeavor Around thetI uecesar f0go t pras t* a feu days 'viait iu Lincoln, Ili, wtsWorId" Cdme aud celebrate this En land brother, Jake, wha died two years,* Iws 0anwc ia gfve tit. r.ago, prntM. n lf: h 'di'rmoe eb. 3, 1920. i rheurnitiamt, haahs * agivn tme.* lra.Slmfl5 prens, r. nd rs.Mi eaor ayfortheEndavo moe- A preclous one f rom us bas gone. :hecém n dné.oWdé* * * StoP. ~~~~~ment.I nitreoialnimv A vOice ive loved la stiiied; «"without the use of ma meut..Clb n cidrno Ci!A place lavacant Inour home, dj~ Lestend r. anh d ra J. P.tMaofanht Preaching 7:30 p. mu. Topic o! the Which neyer can be filied. r9.gdÏen = ______ _____ cgoau M. ndlis.J.P.Ma ad venting sermon: *'Why Accept Christ Mr fdlia h Ps, efqUest. A. C. smart was a Chicago vîsitor daughter Barbara, of Wsukegau, were as a Personal Savior?" l'au are invit SaMr. and rotnihe. ISA 1 E asat Friday. Sunday guests of lMr. nd Mrs. DYron ed. Our evening services are evange- * 200and Chapél EO'TréRE Miss Aivene Fry spent Saturday in Colby. liltlc. 20*hplSre Wauega. aulKohutaudGergeSpecof 8Frayer meeting. Wednsday, Feb * Phone 1lm' Waukean.Naul ohoam George Si penct the church. Topic: "Steadfast Snow's Auto Làverv-Taxi 5cr.. WAUKEGAN LF Make the Blue Dcvil usefu-iet hlm week end at thé home af Paul's par- ne I heFlh' vice. Phone Libertyvile 30 * wsa your dîshes. Boy Scouts at the church for regu- 36M 1* ents, Mr. sud lira. Joseph Kohnout,-cast PaulJohsonof aukganvisied r Lberyvile.lar meeting Tuesday, Feh. 7. Business PaiSJohsonot aukganvisieS ! Lberyvile.session sud tests. The Commiasionerý bis uncie R. Johnson Thiursday. The Misses Clara sud Rosabelle Hag- expects ta be ther. Wsukganttttttoo Mrs. M. Grahamu of Chicago vlsltcd guesta of lire. Van Patten In Chicago., expects ta 6e there. Waukegan trip' reltivs n LbetyvsudFrday ls eorgel te odr ne of kr. am Prd eG Irls.ttemns n 0 relativs in Liertyviandrlda ery eor geues s t the hom e M C au rd irls aithem pantenon Fred Morse a1tended to, business tan asat Sundsy. Tuesday, Pehrusry 7th. Important matters i WakeanT~sdy. The Womens Guild oi Str Law Choir practice each Frlday evenlng; Raiph Lltweier of Round Lake 'saa rence's church 'sut have a bakery sale; a, Libertyville business vsitor Prlday. o tatrdy.liébuay tb a W A fine baby boy 'sas baru ta Mr. and rond'a store. Specl orders will he ________________ lira. A. W. lundroth Priday, Jan. 27. fiiled If given te, the chairman, Mrs. fu IlU I Bcclb h rmnosrsucso h EEA Herrington. or phoned ta Brs. Meade BkedbythetrrEedos rsouce ofth FmuR Miss Cors GUss'iiier spetit the- af Walrond's store. 5tiII111 I(I U RESERVE BANK, this bank is in a position to tend financia -t." Pririî. - i. mmmi mu mliPrairie aid ta farmers. View. Mmr. sud Mms. George Kiepper o." Prairie Vlew were Libertyvilie 5is.tors Tuesday. Your hande deserve to gtIt that grease real y off once in a whle-use Blue DeviL. Mrs. Stephen Cudahy and Mtisa Tes, aie Cudahy were Waukegan visitais iTuesday. Miss Bernice tandali was Iu Wau- kegan severa' Sas last week visitin-t her uother. Mirs. Charles G. Elwelii cf lighiand Park was the guest of Lihertyvîle "el- a 'ives Sonda). MuI. and Mrs. W 1. ai in' ,l U tendîcu li, ui . il . I lay (Thtirsdaý) a- - ST. LAWRENCE'S Ei'IS(' O>lI Rev. Bafty, P5stor Fifth Sunday after Epipliany, Feb- ruary 5, 1922. Church Schooi, Wm. Wairond, Supt., a, 10 a. M. The Rev. Chester Hill wil iiiadi al the Hlgh Celebi-att on at 1i o'clo-k. Musical Program JOrganlt-lir. Russell Flagg. intrait-Love Divine.Lji Kyrie -Penfold. Sequence -On My Foi wld aiP J and Breasi; Richiardsoni. Offertory-We offer gifts lutic,,Hymn- The King of lo- a A.,nus and Inj Sînîli)el. l'oniiifion liyiïin J 'YXi Fbought; Rapliael. 0 Salutaris -Richardson. Nunc imiUis Tonuslfegiu-. Recessiofli- t) Sas jor, pi e"ýiouS H \. td,,il.:~ .u.i.. ~""'Savior; Mann. E. Churchi home. FIRST MÈTHODIST EPISCOPAL, Mrs Mary BaSer la confuned 'o lier'- Chare J. DickeY, Pastor. home on Brainard avenue with a se- Scnday Sciîool st 10 a. m. 1). A. vere attack o! pieurisy. Young, Supt. Pchltc worsbîp atIil a. m. Sermon Louis Gau-wood or South Bene]. md, hy the pastor on "The Genlus of AP- visited over Sunday with bis cousin. preciation." Good musc by the,chor. Mrs .D. Nelson. snd famsiy. "I was glad wben they said ula m,- The one tlisng we dontL recomnienîl Let us go ino the hocse of the Lord:« Blue Devii for is cleauing the teetli Epworth eagce devotianai service ut yet sme sy thy lie it6:30 t'. ni.- Misa Eva Williams, lîresi- yet omesaytheylîk iident; Stewart Smith, Leader. Barkers Superflue silavorsrtOV-il" ou'Ill hethere, we'lalc flot hake out; niake cakes simpiy deli - tere." cioca. At al grocery Ftoiî - Everybodysa service ai 7:30) pu ii Short, lis e'y, inspirationai; good con- Misses t.oroiliy Suydain kiid Balibt gregal:'lnal sioging and music by tbe Jolînson attended a haske-,hall game, choir SHORT seirmon by the pastoir et Waukegan Frxday esening. on "Na SHORT Cots.- Myrtle Dean, the eldeat Saughter ci1 A buc"sdafin Mr. sud Mrs. Dean, of School street, l8 ly welcome awaits you Ca. seriously iii with pneumania. Wednesdau r-sening ai 7:30 a nîert lotg for prayer. Bible suudy and Chri- Mrs Mary Carney and gianddaugli ilan fellowsbip' 'vcry member oui ter. Katbryn Guerin, were sseek end ai least once a iîonîlî" iguests of Mrs. Van Paiten of Chicago.-ce- i1A LNI AKE Mms. George Jarvis, cf Clîntoni, la., COMMUNITÏ ('iýURC1l. wuas in Lihertyville over Sunday v-ieil iaig hec brotbers, W. i. and E . . Preaching selsvice aI 2:30,folt Collina.I lowcd hy Scnday Schooi. lira. Caro, The adis' Ad Sciet ofthe . lne Mitchell, Supt., The adis' id ocit~ u ie M The Diamond Lake Commufity Club E. church will ho'd the regular mcci wiil hold its nîonthly meeting Thoný- ing ln the church parlai-s Tsesday att- day eveniug. tie th. at the home ot ernoon. Pceb. 7, af 2:30. P ari Kane. A large atendance ia de- sired. E. L. Dubois and W. 1. Colline af SPECIAI, NOTICE tendeS a smoker given by the Law The Fret Qoarteriy Conference will Tueiah club at the Masonic hall. Lake 1ehl nts l-tM .co-hl Forest, Moudsy ulght. ! Lihertyvile Friday eveulug, the Si-S. David W. Bilas le! t Prlday evenlng at 8 o'clock, and af Dlamaud Lake af for bis home lu TIlden, Néb., after the home or Mrs. Caroline Mitchell on speudlug several Says wlth Liberty- ISturday momning, Fehnuary 4, at 10. ville relatives' sud friends. BDr. Allison F. Clark, the District Supt. Yau mnust succeed with what you have, not with what yau hope to have. Yaur present position, your present talent or skiil, your present capital is the*foundation upon wich you must build your success. Seriousiy set about ta develop and increase what you naw have and success wiiI be yours. Ygîu wiii finit that a savingq-boak will hlp yau ta increase your capital. will aid you in erfecting yaur skill and in bet- tering your position. Cali for anc now. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS BOS] W.W CR L i1t It is in a position to extend liberal credit for current faren operations, and thraugh its FARM MORTGAGE LOAN de. partment is able ta suppiy capital in large aïhounits for, permanent investrnent. We Invite Yo.,-.ur Inquiry and Business Fi ~~~tffiw<esw Your lumnber- and building matçrih requiremnents can be filied here' your firiancil avvatntage. In other words, we will, save you mon on these prices. Every price advant that the marki affords will be youris *- you trade with [ON 'BAG $ 085 ROLL*& SONS' COMPA 12~9 .....................................................SUS ému. FRIDAY and SATURDAY J. Warren Kerrigan &(Tn "Me Lord Loves the Irish" Larry Semon, Comedy, "The Hick" SUNDAY Wanda Ilawley "Her Beloved Vill- ain" Also A 2-reel Comedy Good Pictures. Comfortable Seats ADMISSION: Aduits, 25c. Childreu l1oc. Smile away your troubie fea r Flowers always br g good cheer. FLO\\FR coi e Ioban Ish trouble andifochee¶ those wha are ansae Sheart Ther is ambition to b l ounin1contempla- tlng them and Inspiration Sin their fragrance. A nnouncement I HAVE PURCH-ASFD THE GENTS' FURNISHING STORE 0F E. W. PARKHURST, TAKING CHARGE FEBRUARY 15'. fIT WILL BE MY ENDEAVOR TO CARRY AN UP-TO-DATE UNE 0F THE BEST IN FURNISHINGS FOR MEN. MY POLICY WilL BE TO SELL FOR CASH, AND) AT THE LOWEST PRICES CONSISTENT WFf H GOOD MERCHAN- DISE. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICTF. Carl 0. Carlson N)EèDtRg, TWRMAY, FB«M 2,19Ui' LibertyvMe, IL '*nue

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