Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Feb 1922, p. 6

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-Mr 's at Chati MANTru r. r Cd oa'it f h W ElE IC. A.Neomb r. to Mc land Matida Sboedets. lot 35 block b. No. r 'icgD81O. a $250, s$400&O . r AV rpifif 1'T Fow r advifs to J. W. Kor sieedqIte Gri,tand ife lot 22.olé'sCea any deals saoSc t1o)avid Aiken-s and i wfe to Jacob efS.r.tary a .Goldrmd .ai ife. lot 2. Schwa,.tz 4Trust, Co. North aveonue aub, Waukegan, Wl) RcrésOffice $1, stamli $2. 3i Jausary 28, 1922. Marie E. Clristensen and* hli*band er.aes uto Sam and Ben Eisenberg, S 1-2 tel M frtgages, 28 lot 7, block 31, original Waul.vgan. t deds andi Mort Wl) $10,. stanmil $10. JIacob Golitachtmidt and wI$e to Instruments fileti, Da,.111 Ai1.en., andi wzze, 16 4ots lu, Wainwlîiglît's West aide addt, Wau- b lans. $140.285.22. ke,, t. %Wl) $10. r-n fair wlth leans 'NVa ini..o Nieni and wife to John Niemin and wife, lot 3. blockil , Ladd the more Impor- and Gmoge'sadadt, Waukegan, WD $10, statnp $350. ý9 ut Leon G. MaryH. Norton to T. M. Telander. lie Wilson hniîge <on 105 it N 1-10 fIilots 6 andi 7, block1 North Sheridan Road just 0GilîttIe Ave, for indlcated ROdîro sud vite bougbtth11e iktxpn nI-na on north side re for $8.000. IL Chrlstensan bouglt the lot at Stewat Ave. and Olan suRnd for $4.000. . D"rIn bought the Toblas *ce en south aide Messina Of I-irknsry St. for Indilcat- tarleks'-n hougbtthIe Jud- games in ie on West ide 04b of Porter Sit or $1.500. W'i Slyke bought the eOtozen place on oeut sida m. jus? oth of Forest Ave. !l consderatlon. ý:0FRE3T lfftis Jr. bougbt the Agues Jetlo on Bast aide Oakvood sate Summit Place for lu- "son VOOD Mertutiattîand i vie bouglit , ulîdinsn south east cor- kgan sind Clay Avenues 1al Sehiwartz for lndicated 1 xv- hqck trust deeti for ILAND PARK J.Sl -n îght1the FHer- kplace oin side Glenco th or LirnAve, for indu- .1. Bloeti l'ugbt the C. C. T. 4ace nu stath aide Roger SAve. beiween Kincaid anti sits fori, nducated $7.500 and k trust dee't foi $490V. 1, Herbert Johnson buh »es Lloyd estHne 100 acres in tarfielti west of R. R. at Fort for Indicateti $40.000. WIELD VILLAGE i.-KQIer and i vie bought the X4breUd4 place on west aide * .for Indicateti $4,500. T OWNHIP'O NS m ad wit boubt the property lu Flters alis Soih division for Indu- iVILLA TOWNSHIP 1 Iuot bought 40 acres of M ate on east "ide of Fox ,"*,est of the F"yt Laike Roati Stise sommer home of the Busse ior $40.000. T'OWNSHIP A. ÈagecI1ti1tý toughîtue 6tsM of IIl" acres In Sec. 21 Yr $2.000 szubjeci to encum- '.*000 O OO OO LMAkTE TRANFERSo 'IÏ) A. 5M. SOWES 0 -Jan. 24, 1922. Prost ant i f 1<, R. Y Vant t fide Linotn Ave.,i)eer d' $1.00. Umtbi to Sate Leonard W ÏNil. S 1-2 bltoclt, 4 Pat "C" t w. 1). $200. Stamp Sc :arlson to Elizabeth Jcîinin rttnýE 1-4. Sec, ?6 W. qap$1. À61r and i-ife bH, t1. t' Z0. block. 2 Fowli, Sub. ~,W._D. $1i. Stamp ' .Marvin 't ai to L1ii, .M '16 (Except M 160 fit bock e ub. Fox L.ake, QtD. LJoyd et ail10t. XIl1.John- inres lu W 1-2 sec. ifIleer- 4 Deeti $10. Stamis $40. Jin. 25, J922 ' ~.Nielsen ta Jolin Griffith1 Green Bay Addti Lakr' 0Fr :0.Statop $1.50., pber Bebumnapher and i wfe L*Sesehuitet lact of tand In eo M .Cuba Twp. W . D NWeb.Jr..ta lhn Nel- 13W~iok 60 North Chcago, 4I.,Mlson to H. J. McKean Brackett lot 1 anti. N. part 1.L Rogers Addt. Wauitagan sud vite tii J. E. Kol- LIots 57 sud 58. blocit 5 W.D . $10. Stamp snd vIte to Obrla Lar- 1450 t) sud N 26 ft lot r'a sub of Lake For- .&ee3lo and vite ta Nua- part lots 31 snd 32 sud vifete 19 . J. ioa13. biedk 4. Io Fred Wîdmanu 115 ud16, block 22, J4rb hc.Ào, Wi) 43, 111phiînd Park WD $640. stamp Jan. 23, 192à. J. L. Tobins andtifeite 1 C. R. ilai sen , lots :1 anti 4 Toblas suh, Grays- laite. Wl) $10, stamp $1. Pauline Prince and hIushanti to .1. L. Axen...ýd wlte. lot 4 anti undividel1 1-2 lot 5, Këelir's Lake Catherine sub, Wl) $10. stamp $4. E. E. Grave andi vife to. L. N. Ber- ube. lot 145, Ravina, WD $10, stamlp $2. Joseph Marzec ant i wfe to Mlkolal Beres and wite. lot 4, blockt 10. Drey- er's sub. North Chicago, 'WD $10 stamp $2E0O Oluf Henriksen anti lvUe to. Marius Itotbro and vIte, lot 25 (ex s 59 ft) anti ail lot 26, bldck 2, Webb & Jen- sensa North Sideadatdi Wauicagan. W-D $8000. Samuel Schwartz andti vie to Frank Portunato ant i vIe, part bile 14, plat tD" 1iig-wood. Wl) $10, stmP $8.o Niellolas Scholzen and vife to E. N. Van 'Slyke. lot 3, blockt 7, Kirk & Powelî's atiti Waukegan. Wil) $1. Sam Eisenberg ana vIte to Marie E. Clristeasen. pat lot 18. achool sec 'lub, Waikegan, Wl) $10,. amp $400. OatTUARY STATE ATTY. II>T Marshal fintimfates state may not press oIiartea If' sepa- rate triaIt.are graited* tteclarin g that the tact tllat ha la governor of. Illnois aati that there- fore bis eu.e la of 'nppermuit fimport- ance to the people of the utate, Atty. Vermer I. Sobreeder, câtmsal fer bot déense, afttmasii a m 4 avits' ln tUse sircuit comM for a separate tçWa for Governor Smal, andi for Vernon; 'Curtiz, Grant Park bauker, charged with conspiracy te detrauti the state of $52.000 publie funds. Atty. Schroeder arguad tbat Curtis shoulti be given a separate trial 1e- cause of the tact that many of the big newspapero have maode sUch a bit- ter attacit upon Governor Small both ln opposing his candidacy and contîn- ulng aflar bie elee1oon, and tbat since hée was Indloted the press for fIve montha bas been cfrculting propa- ganda te Influnce public opinon agiant hlm, sud that bocause of Ibis high possition lu the state thIs pro- Paganda lias been attache tet Curtis. vhere othervise it would flot hava been so vldeiy circniateti. Atty. Schroeder argueti that four big Chcago nevaapars hare btterly oplioeti GOv. Sussil anti that their circulation in Lake Couuty ls more than 8,00>psipers & day sud that the. Propaganda agaîuat, Go. 5111511 lu those pbpffl, usuaily dspay.d Iu big headlisiiue Iecs ofth11e priuel»alde- fend&Wi *position. lhin e no ame of Curtis lth thàt ot the Gorernor snd Iliums sread thse Pri3udlLe e t oiY agraluat PSail but CurtisausevelI, snd tbat 4i4 If uàot beau for 1th* t#«»k upon the gevarnor, Curtis vould have playeti oWlY a small part ln thse new&- Paper pnblicity. Tuese tislas, Âtty. Seliroeder con- tendati subJected Curtis to the hias that attached 10 00v. Smaii as a reý Nult of thse attacks. In the arguments for a separate tri- ai for (GOY. 1mai!, Atty Schroeder de- ciareti that lnasmuch as thse lsspe vas of mrater importance to the people 0f ibis state than that concernilug Cur- tis il should nfot ha cloudeti bacause of th1e other case pendlng ln this court agaînst 1the banker. Miss Sarah Geary. anotiser of Wau- Curts va flt in court, due te conda's lite long reBldents. passeti tio quarantine restrictions upon bis ber eternal home Tuesday Morulug, home, but vas represeuteti by At- aUnuary 24, at j O'clock. at the age of torney Schroeder. Schroeder de- 69 years. 8 montheanauti7 days. ai 1the clared that the constitutional rights home of Mr. antiMru. H. J. Schaffer of his client are Involveti. lu McHenry, where she hati made hber Attorney Scbroeder stresseti the home for the past year. point that Lieut. Go,. Fred Ster- Sh. vau of a cheeritul disposition. ling, indicteti witb Smaii and Cur. and lthughhadnetbea inrobst is, bas been grauteti a separate ast alboglihat fot eanlurobattrial anti therefore the other de- heal!.b for lt.epDut fev montha. WD.5 tendants aboule! be giye na like ucSMPlaiulng sud fnt until 811e vas privilege. taken sariously 111 tast tis sProviens t10 (1*1er newa of 111e Small case yl her degth isd b ler relatives know of ha tounti on page oua.) thesbgou a WSUof ber bolne lP prie bacomes known te us. But va M" . 1852, Ms u asthse Yougest J(I N INT D«T eld tb*t localpOeeare lu- oisid of a famlly et tive cisUtrea . u4.4a1¶I4KV45.Iterested lu local prives snd that lel N PRICE viat va are golug te give tiheus as brothers anti ona sister havIug preceti- wu Zlr . rcia b nfraio ru et in ludeath. te - In duelime, of course. Aller site hati finisheti scbool atih Whole Country Atixious to Leurn these local prIces wili ha publisheti, age ot 18 years, ahe vent to Waukegan Ameount 0f Dodge Brothers but lu ordar .10 leamu 1the amounts on vhera site oIt a tbree years' training Reduction. thet day ofthIe announcement it yull coure I dresmiaklng. leamntng everY 1te neessary ,o eaU at Our salesrooma step lu the art untier Mrs. Griffith, one 1 aI he os prticen drasmltrs nDeaer tiare Tella of Elaborate Prepa- or leava their telephone nmnber so ve Lake eoitnty. afler which abe vorketi rations for Big Business; News maeatem wit Iislad fr igit eaa.wbn OuI February 1. 'It la flot dilficult te ses that vo are she relurnedte1 ber mother's bomne on Solug te have a 11ig year, as a great thelr farmn north of Wauconda. after What la th1e purchase Srict? porcentage of tbese ptple vho vaut visich (bey movedte1th1e village. where This alîglit but Important alteration 10 itflov about 1the price aire lu the Miss Geary openeti a tiressmaleing esý seema '0 have been mateie n1the tam- WXl~et for a car. Il becamne kuovu at tabIlsbment in the MeCabe building on Oua slogan spreati broaticast by Dodge ~Our annual tneeting-4u New York thIat the corner of Main ant ilIII treets, Brothers a few mnenthe ago. The Dodge Brothers themselves antIipateti luter moving ta the flat above the trug change vas brought about by the mdos an excertional year anti matie prepara- store, anti luter te 14e Jenits building, persistent epidemie of public curiosity lions for IL. They exhibiteti-a maoo after vhleh abe purchaset ber home sunce the lime vben Dotige Brothers picture in vhicb some of Ibese prepa. on the corner of MiII anti Church Ss., first announcedt ha1 they were about rations vert revealeti. They bave been where abe resîdeti for several years te markt a car anti then refusedtie10 orking ateatiily al vinter, you itnov, until deatb called 1 Graudma Gear> 1 te tl! vhat iînt of a car it vas going anti yul be fully prepareti vben tbe ber etemnal home elgbt years ago, at te 1e. That vas eigbt'yaar ago. bl15 rush comes-and the rush la only 11e adivancedi age of 93 years. Dotige Brothers' latet'bld for a com- M !6Pw UaYS istant nov. This means She vas a mont offectionate tiaugh- ple'Ze anti exclusive monopoly on put- Itae Dotige Brothers vili soon 11e shlp- ter, giving ber mober every cure anti lic attention, se fer as It pertaing te plug more cars per day than'ever De- comtort In bar decllnlug yaara, anti ît the automotive Industry, came.on Jan- fore in their bIstory. can ha tmuly sai ber Ilite bat been one uary 1bIb. aben they announ cedt batl "I bas laIton millions of dollars 10 of real sacrifice, but she anti ber motb- they vers about te malte a subst.antial finance Ibis tremendous program of et, ereknon fr thir indgenr-oi eduction In 1the price of their cars anti IncrOet production, but, everyone tyan velp taon fr er ittinerosi- . then tieclinsdte,10tell vbat 1the Prices vili soon ses the, it vas an excellenit Sh1e*nunhereti her friands by the olbe score anti ber loving vays wili be The mare tact Ibhat they vilI fnot tell blel as gentmalty expectet Iin taissei by ail, especially by ber 11maI1- until February 1 maltes everyone vant, the IntiUstry that Dotige 'Brothers er anti is famlly, some of wbom vere te knov Immedlately. voutId maite a substantlal cut, the un- witb ber ail of 1the lime durlng ber lutI J. N. Bernard,, Use Dotige Brothers1 usual form of th1e announcelueut prov- 4llness, who gave ber evtry care anti dealer lnu Lbertyv'llIe, vas comment-: edte1 1e a veritable bombaheli. At comfort that love coulti prompt. AI- ing on the subjeet today. somewbat on firaI glance it appearedteta h a some- thogh verthig pssile as one te order of 11he foragoing paragrapb,,l at mysterieus procetinra, but as t11e th ado touetbightossilvsd ot, vhen a volet on the telephoue inquIreti full algnîficance of th1e announcamentý sthte and 1: he wAlmrigyeod lt 1e Ifthera vasn't a chance ta gel a littie t davned on other manufacturera il vas ber Maker, saylng If i a ot' i!atvance information on those prices." i eOoucedad that it vasan exeeptIonally abe-i vaweti atgo1se etena l There vere goot resons, tht vocet' strategic move. 5-lt shoe. Hs erdtotevas ereacel tisaîi.vwhy the "thp" shoulti 1e gven oe.'! hap ho e bti wupea. luand ibis particular case, *"sud il vouldti: happ, a sh ha lied.ý11e sure te turn ont te your stivantage."i VOITII SlOT TO 811e leaves ta meurs ber loua one But thie expresset ibis'mgretsi brother. Henry Gearl'. vho resides 0n andt he soice reiuctantly ile. hienefa s an tennlpie ve, b f asîties ".That la the vay It bas beau goingJE sevn nece an tn nphes, eale;on since Jauuary 11." Mr. BernardtiH TRé M N a bost ef friands. 84îtd. "I neyer apprecialeti wbat auin l- Tht funeral vau heiti from 6t. Pal- terest thare vas In DotigaeBrothers 1 Fred Bucher. 17, vhoeparents. rlcIts chucli a McHery T1t 1ayMr. anti Mrs. John Bucisor, roule on lb R hrc t cev. Fafi KrÀoy Motor Carsutil thls eccurretiTat. fr baîveen Deereld snd Plier- aI 10 a. m., th eO ate .l"o fellov abo just calleti probably wated arvMMe, va sbsht to death Suaday readung the requlaus a d ad alvar- tise Information for snome business es- I vies an "unloadot!" rei'olvee vils in.g an eloquent sermon full of conso- sn rmyefrsercroly a.vil m nilscuiJb cre latin for the berftved relatives, lips ieor atmaybatr e U vls semeoPe- wde, 8and vers ousiain, Johnasebefdl- The reunains vers taken, by* 'tae eoadaally til omon.,de, c5,hareti by lie latr s e bis- - uoAnybow, ha refusedte 10give biseflnome. al icagdb teltetebl heare 1 thtCatoliec4setar aIlet penatratlng Buchem's jugiar valu. Weauconti hers tble voer lai Tbe'.tret maority of those vho cal, The boys vers plsylni lu tIse yard estond wlu thtfally lot haid berhowvear, leave Ueir names andi tele-, at theBucher, home, vberea ifamiIy estin he amly ot asde er hoesa nbera, andi on er>uary 1 va reunion vas bing b11.4, obrWe'oade' moter. are going 10 bave a special s«s busy a son of Mr. and Mr%.Ilenry Schroa-, calling aIl Ibose people anti givng der, vho esitie on a near that 11taFt rein Niikwoed Fib.p. tbem the real neya. , ai the Bucliers. Botb' familles are MW ÏW Of SOMre pOdfi of nillk. "We preier thîs melbedofetmaklug j vlI knovn in that neigbborhoa'I. weed bus b* raise I n matking rep8e, be*nov prices Itnovn hacause il' Thes. lisit fowntIn the laids. while fine avoltis the Pessible confusion rtsulting Gartlon Note. sud sIl<v. lru. tivit î il 'sinnot he troni publication of 'F. 04 B. Detroit* Tbe "ulet vay te emove wWrd atd for spinninic. ljt j, i.lia, hen pricas. Tbore ls netiuaPsio non our Rebeçt, la te msrry a vldaw-Eb« Ilseti for tululi'iI.w . par1te iaIt. a mystery of Il, once 1the ton Trecript *1 Twef aflflOURice a substantbaI reduction intha, pri'ces of their cars effective Jénuury là, IM2 LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE J. N. BERNARD, Prop. Phone 202 TOp Chilcago On The NorthS hore Une The speed, the comlort, and the reliability of the North Shore Li.ue render it the logical route for ail who deniand the best in transportation serwice. The large, sniooth-running elec- trios and the alert, attentive em- ployes off or you the ultixuate in comforùtable travel. YOU cm be sure of a promt arrivai. Acquant yourself with this con- venient route. Trains Icave Libertyvle at thirty-"iute inter- vals frozoý 5:48 A. R. to 10.-48 -AR, thea at 11 :48,A. fl u eeyh tfiUr hreafter ubntil -8.481f. MR; then 9.48&P. M.and every hou t dater untit 124. M fs tr" ains nueConnections ma ale NBlUffr Chi- caïo. ChWm4gm North Shore & 1gEh*&!..R LR1YV-IMM amEf FFC PUMIO um -R s- ~-' 74. lu'l mfase-b authisa %ey by. cr< tempt pré"]i No, for tà 11e a, rata t et mb et AI ber el eta r Mr. Duan la %MI Mrs My. Satu] enez Ha hie pi BC, week toi ) Mr ut ' ture Mes longe Ara home Mr ber bk W, thse d' vonc Mr bar b on robbe tise il up ti of t failer Wo the. wicl Park, is5au Chats mars Il

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