Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Feb 1922, p. 8

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UB~fl FRARY 2Z 1922. bava, wuthl$iecousia. IG*eskOiaof Palatine spent 0. Zent returned hoüe est a Itwto Veeki' visit wth *1.w Murray or Chicago was N. Dbaffer and Mns. J. R. MfflOWaryvWsted t the homte *bd4 yrs. flefr1' Geary laut I urpblUXV returned home week bfront j %I& urray, John D. Murray., *art à. MrryofChicago a. 9 tbe funerai fMsaSrb 1 I& rhursday. 0I19lyth Oeary was a rcetChi- visiter. V auconda hlgh school baslýet ent= deteated the Des Plaines e Igat friday b>' a score ot 80 However, te Des PliMnes sec- Ma won b>' a score of 18 te 1V" !uconda boys ame playing their Wimt gàgme this aeason and are te cake a good showlng at the enmt- The>' pla>'te strong WMe team titis week. Frida>'. 717018-Ie and a faut gamne la pre- OSe sud 4rthur Strober, wbo 1een attending sohool at the Unfiversiiy. In Champalgn, are ag a week'sa vacation at home, !04000000*0000000 Ada Smit4 called on Mir. and LA. Sniith, Sunday aftez-noon. I red Monroe was a Chicago 4Sturday.- Mioses Harnet and Esthter Hodge ff*ukegazt %vitors Saturday. i EWen Hsrding of Wilmtte, dm week-end et brhm e. jind lira. Bert Chamberlin an& ad Mr. and Mns. C. G. SmalT B&da>' witb Mr. and Mrn. Peter i-sa" farnU>' of Aptaklii, snd W Mr*. Bert Smaili and fainily of god Mm. E. G. Nickoly and sons t9rove, apent Sunda>' with Mr. f. otUs Roder. &Ysi.%ele ofClvg, s-eMt tha M bis bore rs oq ntertehu- f tb* eç At a c«î4 SN. iloDonal and son, Arcble lîlcago viitors Saturday a! tsi- Timo. Ruail -aP dauhter, were Waukegan visitons Satur- 1 . W. Chandier left Tuesay k fe Colifornia where sh. wM péds and relatives. *M. Roder of Palatine, .spent e wti Ares relatives. =d ru, George Smnall and family Wdy with r. and nw George ud lira. Ra p h Rouie and sous- bd gmesof M r. and Mm. R. F. bi titmday. 'Md lis. Fred Weikining of MIlle, have moved into the Cr tly varated by Mr. and Mmr S: . Rouse, spent Friday with 14 Mr.tanilM s. E. H. Wells of Bdua Shvpter of Libertyviue, ig Mrs, M. R. Wells 0ne aften- àk weck. ,X W. Fenner was a Waukegan 0htenda' utternoon. M lira.-Wm. Tonne and f ail K Oeur>' Tonne of LongG yv W-04 atternOon with , ,o"rrand famnil>'. e. WiIox and son, Turnýý were Imd Mns. Marsall HuË-hinga WIter. were Lbertyviii.e v;sitors 0, evenmog. *d Mmra Fred Parep nf pikjatine,, ittained at the Herman Zersn ieone Srniùh and Nelie were 'VWstera Saturday. là lns. Tunan rhatcher an.1 id "Ver&] guestsaet dinnet on Md Vra. R. A. Sinith calied at " of Mr. and Mns. Frank 1 ý &daY afternoon. ýïflHastrich is on the siak lmra R. J. Lyons attended ~"Tuesde>' evening. 4&5hilnnskey, eluplo>'. clMonday had WWtel wtb a rooster which ber wben she remoyed; coo*p s l en. rTe chan- UfS eight Pounds o!f tury aùekey. striking lien whicli as badi>' lacerai- 1c"er seratched the young 44~ talons and pecked a Ten Days Only Febuary ito i hiclusive No Exteusion of Sale -Feb. llth is the last day ENTI KSTOCK THIROWU4 NTQ A *vv I To overpower the- buying bugaboo and turn $10,000 worth of merchandise froim our hands into your homes ini TEN DAYS of the most ter- rific selllng ever seen ini the city. Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Rats and Caps,, Underwear, Mackinaws, Sheep' Lined Coats, -Sweater Coats, Hosiery, Gloves and Mit- teps, Shoes and Rubber Footwear- at 40, 50 and 60 cenis on the dollar. SALE1 STARTS WED. MVORNING FEB. i1 wihvolcanic ivalues that n iii electrifv the countrvy. READ 1 READ! READI 1 READ 1 200 Overcoats For the past 18 rnonths the people of Ailericait ciluding Wauconda have been intoxicated with the thouglit that the American Dollar was a thing to h old onto.. The buying publie has held out against the most drastie reductions in the elothing iudustry. T[his (CLEARANCEJ SALE,.thliniost colossal au ti stiil)eldous iterehandise strok'e 'x ci-planned ini Waucouda is airned to break dowu the barrier betw ccii Inîvet-anîd seller and to turnitd least HALF 0F THIS STOCK INTO MONEY IN TEN DAYS. S Ail Faîl w'e tried to entiec voit back te inormial Ii-tyjît g withi ABNORXIAL valties, ln this sale to openî Yoiîi realizatieîî we are goîug te border ou the hysterieal and put before yen bargains that YOU CAN'ru ALIBI-Prives that you can't hold out ag ainst. Thlis is emiphatically a "Pre-luiveutoiur (learan ce." lin 15 years the people of Lake (iounty have not had bargains like these put before theým. If v ou are a believer ini sales or uîot, we beseeeh vnto take advantage of this big sale. Positively no goods sold to dealers. Ladies' Blaek Armor Plate Hosiery as low as 19C per pair ........ .... ....-....... Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords. One of the largest stocks carried in Lake Couuity. Bof h Mihitary and 29 Freneli heels as lowas -29 Childucu 's Kiiiekerbocker Suits, Some with 2 pairs ,of pants ages 4 to 18 as low as 3. ChildreiCss black Armeor Plate Hos- icr -v, sizes 6 to 10. Extra 29e -pecial value, pair ... Meii's and Young Meui's Ov cicoats in both coniservative and127 belted models as low as.. 27 Meut's and Young Men 's Suits in a varicty of Cloths and pat- 14.95 tertus, as low as ............ Mcii's lieavy blite Chaînbray or- klîaki work shiirts. Janesville make, $1.50 values, . 89C .. ..o. . . . . ... . .. . . Men's and Boy' C(aips. Valutes up to e). 0 0. oe 59 Voe ielo\- ...... 9 Mcusand Boys'i Tiek Mittens, 25e value noix- 4 aiiîas (1loi es and 12e (1Iildî-eîu's Shoes, A sizes fi-oni In- fants' te Youths' iiid Misses. Wou- derful assortmcut95 as low as, panr .........._ ..... 5 Men's Lcathci- \ests, heavy miole- skiu covered body. McKibbin rAake, Extra values, 69 as low*as ........ .............6 9 Boys* Mackiaws, lar-ge assortrneut of patternls. Ages 6 to 18 29 years, as low as......95 jMeui's Work Shocs, ail solid through- otaud made to w~eai. 29 aslow as .............. ..........2 9 Sweater Coats, Meii's, Boys', La- dies' and Chiîdren 's. Largei assortmneut as low- as, each *.0 Men's Mackinaws, variety otft 1 and patterns. Sizes 36 to 49 46, as Ion- as..........49 SMen's anud Boys' Wool anid Fleee Lined Underwear, union and 2-piec-e silits, -wonderful values ini Stephen- son and Munsiug ines, as low as- per garment 89C iMcn's fie Lress Shoes, black kid or Coco Calf. Values uîp to49 $8.50. Now -th î .... .- jLadies' arnd Children's Munsiug- jweau, botb -wool and fleece union andi 2-piee suifs. Exccptieuiil values is Iow as* 9 \Ieîî's lîcai >'v wighî bluc Deniiîn Overal s, 'IJancsville" make, $2.00 valuIe, uîOW ......... 9 MenIs hax-Lse'- oleskin Coats il belt, sheep skin collar anîd lîeavv llauket lîned. Regular $20.00 values $10,95 "6EVER YTHING TO WEip" (4lolhier and General Eurnislier.. Wauconda, Ilinmois Most Wonderful- 10 Days' Sale Ever Put on in Wauconda Feb. Tht to j1th6 Inclusive Don 't mniss this golden opportunIty. woJ I sidiai Who theS- theien t rom * too 4 h Th9y ,cittY wen.e Terms Strictly Cash At the prices we are qiiotiug during this sale ail -purchases nîust be cash. Our loss is your gain but we are determiued t1o reduce odr stock at aIl hazards. Your- Dollars îvill fl0wV(Io double ciity. am hai th"t T. 1 ove? phyl eyeg At a bloc, ers bem and ask il Blan ders iindi aaid la b wea quai chi men tel-n free se4 viS Dry HE~ e AIMAN ËRI, -ý-

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