Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Feb 1922, p. 9

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LAECOUNTY IND4-EPEN4DENT LokdCouny "jB eekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY -SUN ir WOL,* XX- N TQ IBEAT DEATi! LêST TO TRI Thioe trký ohildren of Rus- 8.11 rrive Iln Czeeho-Slava- kia too late ORANOMOTHER 15 DEAO Mary, Chrles sud John Straits, re- aldbag lW' ltheRuisoiliueighbori.ood who z;ade thse burrieti transconticnt- aIti llpto Czecho-Siovakla vithbtheir * îtlier, Paul Straka. lu an effort ta »ee Iheu -grand intber olive, fafll.dla thic sttemspt, itvma lesruM todgy S visen tisir mollier recived word trou - tes lhat tlie ' ver. four days Tît Strlta ludren, lte eldeet o! vrhim ln M53y, ageti ten. liatineyer seeptilr gradmother, and Use !sth e- PRU JpqmI ntngo! ber serions lii- * è tïf for Luiýope, hoplug they voafo arrive lu lime tla"se ber aivae. .4 They arrivet inluMr. Strmaa native ,citr>eemUlbr th. ust for tisys a- ter Ibir grand mother's deah. but vere &hb* to attend lbe funenat. Thse Bts-kiebJidren bave be a a- teiftg thea Rusei - sciiaal. han mostbet- la staylug viii relatives dur- lutgthhir absence. WINTER 'UlmIES, t SUREINES ARE BAD FOR SEIN à. c*1i-&n Young mans vas feeling perfactiy lit: but a frend-wboalsis seMsed a huudred per cent beltiy- bavlag beau tld iy is physicin tiat bis lunga ver, toucheti up vîit T. B., bo decidedt tagel a toollg aver hmieit. ga ha vent toau an - stltutiaus thal maltes a business of piysicai examnallns sud had ibi eyeý a. tnose. Ibroal, longs, heart, liver sud aIl the rosi af hlm laaked nta Isitened ta. The mIci hlm viii a Ieetl, ta e ee iclot 0f 1bis bod. buzzeti au X-ray mahine ai ' hlm, snd finaly proaouac.d hlm me&d erstely nt ta continue tiis exitence 66 yearsor o longer. WVflb, opasq xut f.s.»b e '1 vsala ptOlu of t e sutU e Me es-ai sa= the patii.& kt,. Ba sous. o! Il came off. Thé. stbJeot et examinallan dldn'l Rik. cbapM edd roe gli n, viih vas a thing beoisad been bouared i vth aince chillhoati, and lie scittchlug reminded hlm te air the cake a! il, snd lue remedy. Case o "Dry Skin.Y le vas told that ho bad au osdl- uary case af dry akir. explaineti by techuical ressvhlcb ne didnt un- desstand. But h ii.tiireinemier the, resnedy vrescribed. "Stop vearing that very igit iit undervear you are accustomed ta." sadthle pyscls-vha le veli up lu bis profession. "'Alsu, us under- wear vti aieves and ai least three * quarter legs. if 1 vere 700 I1saoutt chose a medium veugut callosi gar- met or bitter yet, a lighlwelgbl suit of cofton snd vool. 'Tour ska la I dry, to put Il in easy ter-m, becauie you dan'l perspire treely enoogi. Everybody mut par- spire ta a certain extent ta keep their ska rlu gooti condtiou. By vearing sudus undervear ase 1menliouad you vIii aiways have a amatI finiv o! molstmu-e ich yl saiten the skUn and lteep t amoahb sud viirily."- Dry Goonds Economist. SNORTH PRAIRIE DISTRICT NEWS $y JANET FERRY George Couneli via vas inrI lat Tburatiay and vas taicen ta, Victor>' Memorisi bospitl la gratiuaily lmprov William Larsen anti Miss Gladys Mlvile apent Suntiîy vitb Mise Jan- et Moe lu Zian. Same retatives o! George Connell came tram Waukegau ta se, hlm lait BSatursday. They are slyiug a fev desys. Ms-. antiMs-. Roaci sud daugiten Doris anti M,. Sueft aud chitsen vis- itei ah Ms-. anti M-.L. Peles-sen'a on Sunda>'. Miss Susanna Flict aud Mins Agaes Gbsan spent Suda>' aI Glbson'a. Mn. Hays lîsteti cava at ibe Griffithi Wilby anti Csaford faruuis lait veet. Biliy Fans-y, Isabelle Larson. Ruth Crawford sud Roy anti Marjorue Grit- fin spent Sonda>' aflimnoon ili Mrs. Wlby.thbeis- Suda>' scboot teacier. Mub4I Pfleger spent Satuntiîy viti HISdel Harnus. . Lelanti Ferry anti John Reilly attendi e tb I1emilir meeting luni<enoslsa on SBalurday, Perfcrming Duty. Let us deoaur dut>' ln dur ahop on lu. %'Ur, lie striaI, lie omeie, lb, scbaol, the home, juil as falthtUfY s If vg Biot in lb. fs-ait rnnltof nome greit battis, anti v. 1ev lt t iclon>f' atuaSti04 e- pandeti upon aur.-bryry, , treiýg* ssut silîl. When we>dis lat, Use-humblest et al l llbe s'luls in cbtoI-gt army vi lcx bleveeu tb iOý et0 tise wculi.-T8edg.Ptie UBSERTY-VJLLE INDEPENDENT,FEBRUARY 2, 1922. Scld&alptress. Now a Dancer iAS CO. IS TO REDUCE RATES VOLUNTARILY Heads of company arready have asked Utdities Com- mission to act ACTION EXPECTED SOON Tot the North shore Gai îompany Som ilato maite & voluntary réductiona la tu rates vas the pieas4ut an. noceceotm ade tod&Y bir .Uçl4l 44,at MW«e e vi"e urelet of the. ompanrand la charget Ofpération, tisat the corn- PCUY haa taken lthe matter up wth the members or the public ltlitiea Commission lnlOrnallY wtiiregard te the. proper rate thi shouId bei charged the, Consumera of tu ln Wauk.gau and &long the znorth ohm.. RO Was assured also that thec.o- mission la toCalil a 'hearlng ln the verY ]near future relative to the pro- poesd réduction Ln rates. The tact that the' company bas taken u Mastep vluntarily despite the. tact that some other ctses ln this yicinlty Stijl are cbarglng more for gas than waukeg&Z is talion to Indicato that thm. company la trylng te plAY fir vti ts consumera. W11ien the. PreSent rate was put ln. te effet It vas understood that il wau 4 temPorar>- arrangement, tend. ed te give the company relief wben the, cost of producin-gas w&s atthi hghest point. Now that the. coet ef Production, bas drQpped la orna re- specta the vOmPany ls5elf bas pett- tioned to have the rata lovered. Just bow muen t a reduction vti be granted in flt knuwn but vili dépend upan the evidence liat te pre- sented before the. commsalon. ' This and That BY DaW.lTT IHUNTER Borne cross between a human being and a hybrd skunk MOStoe rom is celaRr about hait Of DeWitt Hunter's frit the other üIigbt. DeWitt bas Put strychnine in threB Cano of the remalMing fruit and Ir any recliless aneali thel! vanta to tilt. a chance b, vili find the cellar doar unloclted. Noting vould pes,. DeWtt more than te sethé. paller of dealli on the face ofthiis ciaesiot housebrealter. "Feed the Birds" advlaes a Sun éditorial., A lot of local men have bougt dinners for chicliens. Tbis bas Juat drifîrd in tram the Antiocb News: 13:45 lu the. iornlng la the. bour tbe Waukegan Sun announces the blrth of Ils first baty born'lu 1922. Suppose If they were twlus, Mohy vould malte a bargalut of lt, two for $549 P. M. -0, INDOÙR SPORTS-Llstening ta the isb vicracks of the office- vits vlth a hoo n the bacli of Your necli lu the, right Position tlatretcb every time you Smile. "Bubbles,' a young mnuoccpying .a désir adjacent ta liaI of lbe office groucli.sasys. "it toUt a tai chld te eling taels motiers alirta these days, .8s the fashion designers brought goulasiies into vogue.', nM0 ' WilI Accumuite. À Loldon.publaber bas bequetheil . t10Sr elp lW Ui.the production et literary 'WorIi otrea1 vlue." One Wa" Ï& do OW b. ,tao upprees tise the,-CrJelsd lanDelag. $59000 BOND IS FORFEMTD; SEEK. ALLEUEDBIRiLAR Frank McGee fugitive from justice; his bondeman is Phil Levandusky COURT ENTERS ORDER State's Altos-uey A. V. 8iti thie rnornlng splaered befos-. Judge <IIIs Gd*rdsIFtiste Circut tb-L t tb* 5000bond 0f F~k~'lmdltedfor sllesiM ftfibiry, lie tort.llad sud lt h bonisma MPI lLevsduakyr, be Ise responsible for Use returs, et Mc*@.. Judn eEtivards ardereti a benoi vas-- s-pt lsued for MlGe. Thle detenul- sut faile t t put la au appearance in court Mouday anti since Ihen efforts have besu matie ta locate MCGee, RIe vaa ludicted for lhe allegeti burglary of treight cars aoflthe Chicago Nortbvesteris railroad cosupsuy Judg. Etivardsiso he&M as-o mua on a motion tu quasi tudiet- ment& on a motion ha quasla an lu. dicrment &gain Ra>' Pregausir. o! Grass UI.c,. charged i wth lbe sale of Ilquor. The jutige took lb. mnalter undr adyiaement. Court vas adjoorneti at noon untîl Fnilday moraneng EXONIRAÀTE FARM- ER Of DISPOSINfi Of IMROPER MEAT Police scour city Mhen it le re- ported dead cow is being of - f ered for sale NO TRUTH TO REPORT Reports that s'ferines-living neas- Waakegau vas endeavonlug 10 sililbe meal tram a cov thal hat i tillioa!dis- suse, causetiaa durs-y LultheWankegau police deparimeut Tueaday asternoon. Thie cuit vas ricelved froM s source ilci the. poUice depas-mant cansîde- eti absoiutely reliabt,. Wttinlust>'Y seconds a lr lte cati had beau raeil et, tvoa utomobile boads o! fficer vere out sceurlng tie city s-r the fa-- mer. Oua of the, autos too lue veut anti north aides wvilla the othen ts- ersed the soutb aide. AssI. Chie! lys-el finslly tracedth le farmers- thle extreme south aideansd faundt lat he bad entes-a NanthiChi- cago. Ha than eulilsl.d tl'servIces o! tbe NostiiChicago police and the tas-- mer vas tacaltid. Dr. Redding. a veterinaian, then vs aummunedti hamak. su examina- lion o! lie carcass vilch lthe firmes- vas entieavorlug ta ell. A lhoraugb exixuinatian tîlledti tushow inythblg vrung vithitliameailandthle ovuer vas girtu a dean bill ai ieultu. The, police say liat lu tbe past et- forIs bave bien matie han. te, saitI m. propes- meuh sud tan liaI raison tiiy do net overiaok a hip tuat auci a tblug ,la beiug sttempted again, Viol Riches In Copistock Lode. Th5e Comsiaci lad, psodorat $3M4,- 000,000 a! gait anti shlver las the »0 yes- pas-led front 1804. ta 1890, lie langeetappual outpol baing 10,1.h vien sa8g0000 vas talten oýM Thé vein vas -feus-r mll Inleeshtu d great paclietla theli rcU 1wes-e ili vith are. 2h vas mifledto a 5ielth of S,300 feet, viai nfoving vater wus no bot urther deptie' coud oMl. be renchei LAMBLORD FINDS SIUE ~ eoes Te $REJ4JMm laka 8dagte a bld' s~gri papy btiuiess hoybetold w sgeCl tr C.U IL da tithere- la l.sid* ta tesadia -;; àare vwll1liàg 1. ent ta tii. Place thi urorngg' h. tld JudaaIlvarde &aId tound ill côeadva4 laId that ~ ail. WIsat eau1 do te Setth use o lete ljuil"I4 ï=0 9wif dsà, V an at veek sent M~tlowsli tp lait for four uoths for mvla ilatel sta la8uction of t.cort by seltaglii4uÔr In the placefollowldg the. Iseusuce of upý InJUnction, advifed Czégozewski to 'You're nel going ta reuit Iltinanay cansuit State's Attorney A. V. Smith. more bootleggers, are you,, question. ad the. judge, '*if you are prmitted to lasse the, building ta someý on- ".No, gir!" emphatlcally replled th- landlond. Wbere's tbe states dlor ney'& office?' Gozogzak sltayk Macloroski owps hlm tire, moths rent ad that the latter agreed ta par $30 a moulu for the use ofthIe building. "I lin' kflav loe as runnlng a jointli the, landlard tald a reporter SUYS CANATES SIIMUD PÂÀY FOR ABS IN AUVANCE printing ise eaier to Me, t~ than aftoer d4 mWystrade paper LIKE GAMBLING DEBT The, follovlng edilorLal appeared. lut the. cursent issue of the ftPubuers' Auxiiary, a trade paér devoted ta the, printlng ganes, snd laof interei nt ouly ta ail newspapera lu lhe ooutry but aise ta aIl vho aspire ta enterlng the, politicai ganes: Osmpaign Prlnting. This llule notice recenlly appeared lu the. Ulrsicana (Tex.) Dernocrat and Truth: NOTICE TO CANDIDATMI! We vii ta lulor yau that owingS la the small margin of profit lu candi- date warli we are forced ta charge cash on al orderg. STOKES & MORTON. REEVES THE PRINTEIt. PIERRCECOLQU'ITT. Týere la good sense in 1111. Net that candidates as ordinary citisens areausn more unreUuabi, about paylng their debts tian othier people. On tbe contrary, they are ordinary citizena tli tiiey gel lbe polilicai bug, then tbhy boy nuder dfferent conditions sud cotract obligations lnjutillcous- ly sud vithout though of the~ day of recltonlng. la the excitement of the camnpaga the candidate does flot use as genti judgmentinl bis expendtores as lie does lu bis other Unes et activlty, vbatever tiey may be. He la intox- tvated vlth the breatii of bath. sund uses every means ta vin the. covoted nomiination or election. 0C courseiii hope. te vin out. But for every on, Who wins hlier hone vho laies- ad sometiies severai Who lose. Tii. carnpaiguer's fonds are depleted. Tii. salar>- h. bad iiopend to receivefrein the, political office ua bsiug paid ta sane one sie. He canI tpsy, andtheii printer bolda lthe sacx. Durlug the. viiiriwind excilemelpt of the campalgn the, candidate viii malte ny sacrifice ta furtiier big cause-even ta lie morlgaglug of bis propef-ty, if necessary. lb. proceeda Seing for rsiivay fane, auto hure, gazoline, hall rent, bras band$; in tact, te those Who Inait upon cash vlth tise order. There la not a aplin- ter et resan wby the. printer ahould flot b. as much etitied ta bis mner sa the. ratircad company or the, pont- master for stamps ta carry polllical lettersansd circulea. À defeated candidate pilles hum- self snd nurses bils"bard lucit," sud bis enthusiasi reinhes the. vanàaiing point or, so soon, atter the, ballots Rive counteàhihm out. oh. Weil, vien he gets arousse ta IL Thé poîltical debt laesnuch lilte a gamablugidbt and given about as xuhcnideration. The ante shouid be put up lu cash. Outer Figures on Kamerun Huta. Tii. buta of the, Kemerun tribg of Atrca are decarated wth figures WlaIcii ImMe tetii.nmber of accu- »Min and their rplatiouaihip. A very large figureiluthue frenter stainds'fo)r thse mon -af the fauily and allier flg- î4'es for the vlveke rionsand dulugli- esas. TI" governrhent ln destroyng war MaterUjal lows the. pooé t.b ,rut up tsipane prop.lèisfrfreod f plap eum sa"e mo.ceL grpome waOda ofperNlct tan "DIVINE RIOiIT" NOT-FORiO>ITEN BY SMALL STAFF Kingly Prerogative to Be Made Much of at Govem.or's Trial HARK BACK< TO CEASAR1 BANDITS STEAL FIE SACKSof REGISTERED MAIL Daring robbery occured. today at Whiting, Ind., amount of loot flot yet known POLICE SEEK BANDITS Dy PETER 0. VROOM Dy International News Service Nalvltbatanding thue ridiulne tial Chicago, Feh. 1-Five bandits la- greetedth le contention liaI 'lie klng day beiti Up sud robîethetiimai ledr Cani do no vrong- advanced by sorne of lie Penu. raiiroad station At Whî- a! Gov. Lon Sisaltus lawyerra hortîy lng. Ind. Five mailt sanks vers seixeti atter is ludictuseut iy itheSangamon but theamount ubtalueti vii letha outy grand Jury, Il Io evident liaI irnowu untl ipostai authoiles, bave lie tlseory viii figure in hi& trial. DIan opporîunîîY t hcen the tCou- tie pralinanles ai Waukegau rela- tents of tihe baga, ait of the baga are tive ta tie allempts la have lie Ilu sud ta conlain reglatered mail. dicîmnents quashed and all subeequent Tiibeyocurdafe iue mores, the, argument vas permilled atraebenyvanie.rrdaeiaubles la trickie uuaitrusively thru thefr lbCPinag vanartan blloull pleas o! lhe counel for Ilhe defeuse. do ftra ha stati ortn ye. aipl That "tbe ltgcan do no wroe ne a t flies fatlan. i th lbecouiin« atraoger, and tis& ha bn robrs butvas de wby-oae..oS lIt moants »aw on for a sepRratia « the lue nesk, Joseph Schwartz. w8flStlued. trUaiso!rithe goveuor aud Vernion 8. Tie rolbs-s, la u su uOmObtie, liest Curtis, the, Grant Parki hanter. It ed for Ibis cily aud police aQuidt have 0'rouId nualbbl surprising If lia phrse beent sent ta searnh for hbem. tbat a fev monîha aga evoked both Tii baudits evldeutiy planned on eb denlalon sud serions caudemnation taining lie $200.000 Standard OU cea. voulti ffiure very largely lu the pany payroll. The pays-al vas due Lu trial, particutarly as regards 1he jury. at Whitlng on lie nexl train. A spec. Il la net improbable liaI attorneys lal police guard vas ta bave bien at for thie prosecullon Viti asic ventre- the station, as lie payroli bai hein meut If th.7 xossess a belle! ln lbthe avlly guardîti since a $200,000 puy- "divine igiit o! tingz" and tlius-ln roIl o! the nampany vas talien li.Mhlt abililly ta commit a wrongfol &ct. And ing a year sud s a)!ai ago. auy confessions of sunh Ideas wiii iae Schwartz vas taking lie mail la lie pernimpl(sruly chusitengeti. post office viien lie robbenaswsvopeti Lawysr Urgea State'a Houer dotnu upan hlm. They seizîdthelb aga Werner W. .9ciroeden. lie Yon anti isoheti for an automobile whInh. parsonsi lavyer for Mn. Smaili, as vith lie englue ruuuing, hati bien lef i disinterredth le inabiiity orf lb. rolg- standing nearby. The car noared thno Ing monarci la do wnong by continu- lie sîneels in lie direction of Chics- atly stressing that l'ibis case luvolvesgo the, bonar of the greltshah,,Ofut li- ~Chies- ai poliçaoClay C. Colina of nuis and tifis people," anti eliminal- Witinag Immedistety nolifieît he Chi- ing the peu soas aspect as fir as i- caga potine anti disptacird a aquad o! subie. Along thie Basie lin., "during his own motornynle affinera lu punsuit. lise lat ose anti one-isîf years Ili- Chicago police ver. sent ouI ta guard nais ban wilueaaed a snene of bitter. ail ronds, bridgea anti pointe a! ln- nos$ ati ferocity almosl vlthhul pri- gresa ieadlng trom Whiting ta tbia cetieul." Holding tiat variaous neya- City. papes-s, anti parlicuianly thuai in Chi-i-______ cago, hlltipréjutigetianti preJudiceti the, case againal lie gorernon, Mn. Schoeerdesriedilas the îittîle RU LES FOR FIL- poison liaIt a disilîleti andidroppeti Inla tie citizensblp." IÛ B Itvwas Kr. Seiroider. ln pealing iNi RIMARY ME. thtMn. Curtis vas enlihIedt a a sep- ametrial benause o!flise promiu.nce p~>ujat o! liii govarnon. via depinleti "a moi IIN A ES X coosing liru the counlnpam" anti "hostile spîctators glaring et tir jury." Ini bis tern lest thse jury sisauld Springfield, Ill., Feb. i The nulis vraug lils client. Curtis. 1he young aI- for filing primay petitions vîlI b, torney exluuned "Caeark vite siould tua same thil year as lu former yeara hi aiove suspicion," anti later mixiti ondes- lia atinistration, Secrelsny a metapiior os- nundane ant iaîne Of State Louis L. Emusenson an clsaraceletlno. n:uusced Iuday. Hia statemenl la as "Tiiey have sef on foot a vive of "The tirsI day ton fillng patillons1 pubtie mlsundersuandiug," saud ie. for lie priniary elention on April il "pt'buaily janred lbase iy lise hoafs 1iii be Feiraury Io andtihie last day et Neptunet tses hanses." vili be Marris 2. ln accordance vith Loses Crown iun Court estabiliiet custom petitiona reneiveti Thomuas Marsiall, on, o! tihe as- lu lie regular mail on lia mornnng o! sistants te hlotsaIeJuin E. W. Wsy. Febs-uany 10 viii be filatibaerarsy man vhan atate*s attoney o! Cook othens. ,No ativantage viii io galueti. éounty. promptly indinatedti h. atti theefiorý, iy bauding the, petilions ln. tvde o! the. state sa ta the 'divine by sendrng thema by mîgienger an by rugit" îîseory. special deiivery. NatutIl ail a! thej SBetone tir bar uf justice tie gavr. en- liionsa receireti lu the negular mail non of astate loas, is greal esfniebaye been dispaseti o! vilI any otiers anti bicornes lire unulie h ubmIlea be tileti." inan lualthe Commnonwealthu," Basithle Under lie lav the names o! candi- assistant attorney general. dates for atae offices anti for con- Mn.Manluai i stli rilingbe-gresamen-it-l&rge roate on the, bal- causeofaishaltuabii ta sping bvi- lot b>' districtsThe names ut candi- caus of is iabiity a sringa w ti ates for district offices appean ln liniam liaI has bren ln bis syalesforton eisou-ten un viuinbhbey are s-lied.The s fornigit. At tisat lime Chi-rles C. ups nfln eiin eevdl LeForgre uot Densior. th. literasythpe alu filingehlions eceliveti I chies- counqel for Gos-. Small, uphetti choailnces. agi- aleqa tie valliuity ufthle Grant Parkr bankrcacs by as3erting. lns es-et, that asie de' positon mlieu a boule. Mr, Marshall hhme Centuries of Cotton Culutre was prepas cd 1 argue-anti expacîs Thse culture.0f Cotton In lie United la befare lie trial la ovrn-tial If States dtaes batck juil 300 years, thé liat contention blue r.-ou. svalIovfdroi Cotton seti luving hean plenteti voult maire a surn merrnanti ane ayeîerin Vîrginia as an expeiment iiLa fJiM woulti canîtitute a slev." Jutige Etivirds decitieti furthen ar- gument waa flot necessar>' anti no de- layedth ie perpetration o! Iblis JeSt. tlu be dus ta tie allant o! ptomaine Governor Dînes SpsrnqIny , poisonlug liaI iie suffereti thereIsomae Tii, patrons, o! lhe Salvation Amy veka g r la bis natural hhrifti- liohel ai Waulcegan are daiiy diligbt- f,. no=cuv.As lb. gavernas-a ed, vils litsespectacle o! lhe goreruon sa'$"encisys lb, panIor car sud talte 0f Illinois passlng îiîru lhe csafeterils,,lIs da., Coin i.jouruyfug trainchi- ln&y lu bond, anti pici itsh culinary cago tàtWauteigis, 1h. latter laasus- nosiga>' wilb great cars, Whetier pecled. - "6SIIMYPARTIES" LANI> YEOMAN DE-' MORENAY Cflr¶ Idnwnd Hamilton O'Neil un-0 der ogrges folowlng corn'j plaint of girl's father CIVILIANS ALSO INVOLVEU WL a Umlaint of a Wei l tna t kanmnthat bis tva damgi tér hS baS hen utrtauned at Grea#- 14kes barrsuÂkz and that shimmy par- tis had'heen etagsd. Commuander M. M.- Fronýt, exeéutive officer at thie nul,.rtîulng statidtn started an la. t ;1 n t ttoday reeulteul lu db~paigt flbu lodge6d atainst E(t. !u Haisîlton ONeilUl, a chief yeo. n luhle ComrIla-departrnent. la charge of a varehoue uorth et 2ind street. wbo imorrow vili be talcen betore the masi on a charge of haiting entrlalnd vîsilors at bis quartera, preferred. The. father charged that at mnyu of thb. aUged shimmy parties uat only navy men but asea clylUalis par. t1ilpated lu them, andi that b. be- lleved s nomber et Waukegan girlsl hadti I nducei ta take part. The. music vas furuisbed * by taluifw machines, sud il lBalso nbargeti that grape Juice vith a klk vas serve4 ta a number of lie girls. O'Neill today denled that i. kneir auythlng about suci parties. The fatier la one of lhe hast inoi men o! the Northi side and on, of the daugiiters bas been employed ilu%; dova tovn retai store for a numbes- of years. The other daugiter la net emplayeti. Out of consideration fer the farnlly the Son vithholds Ibelr name* Commander Frucht ststed last nighl that he did flot believe th. shimmy parties had been carrieti oq exteusively andi that occasionajiy viien men et the station are founfftii entestaln vomen at their quartera the men are sent lu ses, If thse charges against ONeill are substan. tiated a 1ke course viii be taten'li bis case,. but untif the developmentst at the. hearing the. details of tba ai- leged parties are Iacking. TWO IMPIc1 -ca - EXTRA.- pouce lu Eransion are seeking Roy Moore and Thoinsa Waldgreen, bath living àl Coifax street snd Prairie avenue. Evanaton, vho are Wad te bave been rnentioned la'conuection witii themurder of rnotorcycle,.pe. liceman Petersen o! Wiutbrop Rar- bar, via vas shot sud killeti receato ly ville pursuiug speederi. According ta Chiot of Police Ch"& W. Leggetl, of Evanston, Jacob Stein., bock. 1524 Ciiurcb treet, 18vanston, arresied by county hlgbvay polie- men on lie Wsukegau roati, Motta Grave, said h. "bati aomethtag on»' lb. tva in lie Pelersen rnuder." Chief Legget asit! il vaq bla under- standing thsi Stlnbuck la trylng te Implicate lie two men l inte mur- der. RMarriggeLicenssr Joseph D. Downer. 25. Milvaukee% Wl,- Viola H. Schultz, 22. Milvajike. Elmer Xhury. 25. Green Bay. Win. Mlsa Asimore. 37, Boscobel, Wis. Join T. Giesson, 21, Chicaga, 111. Jean hMcCarty. 19, Chicago, Ill. John E. Lsvis, 24, Chicago, Ill. Loretta M. Whute, 2l, Chicago, 111. Howsrd A. Stein, 23, Chiico, 111. Vailire St. Cyr, 22, Chicaga, Wls.,.. Tony Ma"aege, 21, Milvaukee, Wls. 'AIma Blolidow. 18, Milwaukee, Wia. Adfred J. Slaokes, 45. Fond du Lac. Wis. Emma Roberts, 36, Fond du Lac, Wls. Joseph J. Iticir, 21, Miwauktee, Wis. Florence Fairchild, 18, Miivaultee Jas FP. Ciossey, 29, Redsberg. 'Wta. Maybelle Adams, 36, Milwaukee., SIIAKEN DOWN DY The slnuaus curves of lie ý'origlusaim LaBelle Fatlsuup, vho dancas the "sun my', lu a Soth Stale street tbeatM lu Chicago, playeti havoc vlth tlI heart, mind sud pocitethooli af WIlli- am Wittenberg, 27, s fariner of Pabwsu' tine. Mii He propaseti.,sud te biai tih* engagement gave ber a $150 diausOM4 ring, $176 lu casan d bis rnothêet M,* lavalliere. Tien Fatima met saoterý man. Yesterday Wittenberg s4q4 Jutige John K. Prindiville for a *»>' tsut faor bis Fatima, Mise Ruth La. Ble. lt vas refused sud IUa., veut bats home. Thse Absent-Mtsuded PI-efuser, ËRI, -ý-

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