5 MILLION MEN" This is the lob which the Y American Legîon has set out to do TAKES FORM OF CENSUS Compiilug Ithe vital farta, about the live million exservce Mea la the b'nlted State. la a lob the Ametou r Leglon la now underlaking InIi ts Xationai "service and compensation" d riescently approved by the L&- ans confrenre ln Indaapolis_ The drive la taking the.form of à, cumsi. with eaeh state depsrtmpnt determ- laing la owu dates for carrYlng out the Vork. To lay a fnundtion for the pro- fosed *rotatlng fîsnd.'ta lhe raib" by the Leglon for theboclât of ex- soldlers lu acute circumataces. le a priue purpose of tihe cengns. Each veteran viliibe saked teasPecifY vhether he favori the establishiment of sucli a fund and wliether ha vouid ho williug te contribute is compen- " gLion allotment, f ho e d fot need Il. vîll the passage of bonus legisia- t ion. The mouey thun aised would lie loaned to needy service men t a lev rate ot intereat snd wi;h no se- cority. A further aim ofthle census la la - record war dtsabilily cases, If a vet- oSun vas wounded or gassed, or vas aue, or suffered au n Jury In the ser- vice, If lhs has an aliment that can lie trared tathie service, lie viii regiteMhe fats on tbe questionaire anld assistance will be provided by tihe Legian in iitiflg compensation claIms. £very usa will ha urged la carry gve*iinft isuranms The tcnisus Laiters wtt! aiso sC- quain oaci man inlervteved wîit thse ils. provIsions of th. pendusg adjusted compensatin bhi ad vil ssk lm ta name is chire, ln IbIs Way au accurate forecat af tbe id. MSlutatiouof tl il i viilie se- csred. Ngu-Leoginuen viiiha.asked te became members, the aim of the a ragnization belng la evenlua liy have oser>- ex-sldier enrolied. Bay* .~sEben. a wli, 0' grallud,' sid Va(. Ebea, "dat dont neyer git praper expression, foh de ressas dat falîneags of de hert ls mightY lhable, te diprive ai mAuo f de paver et Tw ciCassesOfWtshers. Jud Tunkina asys every ssi Iboy' Vuihe% lie coid grun' up ta le Prest- 1 , but hé doesnl~sh iîii'mu-ch î;very Ire,*Ident liasns label h. FORE ÛISTERNQ "FLOATER" IS TABOO A botel that suggests that lits gusats take a Waret %Md a goe4 wsi'm bath befare rettittrlug and týàt assiduous- ly roula tbm mgot olied etibi7o'clock Inb the moraing wauid not hae an entire *succemesat Palu Beach. Butthe hast- Seiry tu Chlesa.. opera«efby Ahe Amer lem îi~Légsi o àw1he beseft thef s 0 employed exsoldiers, bas a good. non- The cou*msd "ftatet' Ik taboa et ~ '~' ;»' thus lnn.Z-ts avowed puepoee being n.fot ta aupply a home for the protes- - l n e'er-do-velis. but to provîde à temporary, comfortable ahelter for ex- service men whô are earnestiy seeli- firg a position. Army regulattons are ci beerved aonly vjvh regard ta heallli &M4 saniatlle. In the uornlng whea a gueift le "called,' lie la requestei by the management (wha never «was a toreergeant> la zake bis cvii b.d. )durel nâwH. lg thesgîven bits dli efdoughimta inth 5uIIIW "87 and coffee, and thus fortifted goea out sor.the sau n mcvi.d*sdt'eh*. oral o.H a» II lives t eck.N ., an~d la mtIajo.Hcaot'ffla 2, studnt t a privai. ShOd. &tainuuntit 6 'lock ln the evesjg. lor rsiasme Va» WIlam Czný The hatl!mainiainatnU I obby la nIgamDeane-Tanner Hoe «> empinyment bureau, w" is Ygit5ý arated ftrm the cire motheain & aill ex-service gueteand keois ISOS., tbem Infnrmed as ta InduStriat coWkl lIons and needa. backto he impa Lfe. There are accomodatiantICa Or1 Sscl b te $ipi~ fe. guesis, aud as soon as a man JflUba Lasdy Inst arrivod froin ngt 5M!atlsas'i yemployment, hoale Uc wlàlies to dispos" oC lier enitire v'.rd. lna' liii fr"as3tbt. rob.-AdvertIsietlt lu an Autralias lIhu makIng way fùr a lent§ fortunate palier. buddy wbo ina "51111 lookina." . The. Girl the Mon Admire Sm» e lra mmut tezw au ithe' auw=uS e1of the mai-it id mitalwsys besuaut fo r r he Ucatenotn ina £ who es o f a or e vt1iy thaie thui. oevy ofte Thei girl la whltoie= ftitéwtiüfuio uarean Iti wihinth eêe y evorvo atob. veilheallay nd .rm if a. wU t.e ~ e lorghh aice aMd cart taý4u vn Z Dr.PluIISF8TCit. Pm.Step«Loi..Bmut4y inhus1e. A beantiful 4.r aid ,iseityfo (Iisis ithe s afms 'wMSazs tome 1becmzo t A naeeaieyfroand herbe, with- ont alooL (1nÎ-ei-nton Lbel»tyPrecibed over 50yesrs aga bl DnýPLe(= ffé2mfasma..for i icoeuanltreatment o£ tl edifflm hMch amfit woxnsnkind, so ts "*neeriVtion" le 50 ymold and its agoe tfio to ita gaodneoe. k iedicina that han mm. idvumo wdl or ha" a etu ry iua.r!dy ood to u Send 10e ta Dr. Pierce, Bufalo> . V, foatrupcae 'wnite for free confidential màedical advsc. I a m SPECIAL FORD DAY wAUKEGAN Sat. Feb. 11le 1922 2 Regular 60c Dinners For. $1 Boston J. LACKNER, Pr.p. 215 Waahigton St. Cafe, Phone 315 e u-ild ) W You will ineyer -h able. to buy Ltýnber, Doors, Win- D w dows, Sereens, Roofing Paper, Wall Board, Pipe, Radiators, Kewanee Boilers, Ekèetrical Equipment, i @ýooo Valves, Fittings, and other Building Materi4l At such Iew prices as you get these from us toay. ,Why not etart.building, or making thoft imprêînents or additionqs to your propertyno1w -w'hile this extraordinary rnoney sa\-'ng op- portunity la here. .- WRECKING GOMERMENT BUILDINGS CAMP LAWIRENCE 22nd REGIMENÇT BLDCS. EVERYTR1ING FOR SALE . Byron E. Veatch, Trustee Phone: 1orth Cica-"o 2658 GREAT LAKES, ILL. Follow the YeUoýw antd Black Signs. Ginghams 27-ineh Gathame ln prettypli patteng yard Ialit attyarda . .....e .....i.y mn z2-loch Gfugbama' ut fine Zep yr quality. Ait nov Patterns,~f yard . --- Fir - -t .Fl.oor) -39,~C 'DieB Wton M e lors#g, m eje bien's Plainiel Shirts in grey'-orkbi. , Caps and Tains redurel ta Close ut. Large lot at chaire ....L..I2c Corsets Sampie lines.. Well made. Al new styles. 8 Choire .....--.....--... ..9 - ,Mercerized Sateen remuane6- 1Inchea vide ut Yarsl .,. .. u Boys' Heavy RHose B la c k e i y . .. A U s f e s , 9 pair . .... . .. .... .. Boyq 1 Sweaters of heavy yamns lungry or libaki. roS styîlýe 98C Men'i Sweaters et'« worffted yarus play Sute for clillîren, e tel ti4mou&-- .4 Outing Flaimef St Ir o Is,.itr~and Colore a D~ a 9 PRALE 26 luches wide. Ftrmly voven quall- ty' Dark or ligbt patterns.,f yard ....... .. ...- ..- 1 C Ford Day Specials Bring Unusual Values for Saturday DRAFERY SPECL4LS Quaker nets la Pretty design@. Soms have laces edge.7 Chaice yard .. ..... 79 St6-Incli Cretmane; alialtive color effectsf, -seat_.de-35 signe, yard îZ..--- (Second F100,Soth HOSIERY SPECIALS Baya' md girla' sturdy base, Chldrene Waal Hose; blark *nly. W&Mansd serleabie. pair .... 9 Women'5 5Onk andi vool bos Halotler mixture&. Chire of a&U aur botter gr&des 14 ai pair ...-.1--- Women 'sa eather vooliho"e. Combiaios rlbbed. - O Vg.Iueita 83 Ktai p.. 1.50 Men'aCéashmere Hose cf goal quallty. Speclal aI pair .......29 c ge's IMercerlaod Lisle Iloas, fige. qUaitT. Sefl colora. Chaire pair ----- 9 C ÙNÙERWEAR SPICQMJ wVomen'5 fleece-litel union vij &-ister styles - ChilLrn fleece-liried union suite; pure wbile.98 mewis hevy union sutavilli bOwFfeelining... ,9 2.0value u .a-. M en'a woot union suita ef med- lum velght, natural mottled. clsdcroîcli. 2 spectal ............. 2 6 <Flrat Fleur) SILKS A»D WOOLENS 36-incli ai-vool Storm Serge lu &il deirabie shades 1 very apeciai St yard-.. I79c Al-incli Satin Charmeuise lu a camplete uine et ahîdes for atreet or eveniug wear In yard ........... .........£ 1.98 3-inch Taffeta Silkln Isil seasombie shades includlng black.19 at yard . s.t..F. o.).19 a BOYS' 2 PANTS O'COATS $7.98 The Suite are or fineI woolensansd corduroy. They are parfectly talloredl n styles thalt boys Prefer ta vear. j7.ýji fer Ford Day. Thse Qýêrcoa(s matie cf heuvy woiens wlth large pockets. beit sud tam-up toliar. They are very spe- claliy priced at $7.98 for Saturday. RATS APCAPS Cruali Hala and golf style caps et aoolen falitrain mixel cuîorings. 79 Choire79 BOYS' BLOUSES Macle of fine shirtilugail strpe patensf li cul. SpecilaI. - sC (second Floar) Sale of C oats,$1 Suits, Dresses1 The Greatest Ford Day Surprise in stor-e for v'.,Nî e believe, is the values you will find in tlîis sale of ( ats, Suts and Dresses. They are thus season'is g'rments titat sold as higli as $49.75. The Suits and Coats are of tfie 'wooleiî materials, self and fur trimxned; the Dress'eq aie, of wool, silk and satin fabrics. New Taffeta and Spôrt Coats SPEClAL The charm of tbeae new Taffeta Dresses caun ot be told liere, for 031Y by seeing thom can their true beauly be reaiized. They are speriliy priced at $25 for Ford Day. The New Sport Coute are fashioned of Polo Coth in ways entirely new. it je indeed ,ldomn yeu cas flnd ts uch la demnand at a reduced pitr 82 Broghtabout oniy as a Ford Day Speclal. Plaid Skirts at $4.98 These Plaid Skirts are new styles, bast recelved for a apeclal Wl1110 Saturday. They are fashioned of yood materiSis and the celorings 9 unusuaily attractive. They are remarliable values a .... 49 (Second Floor> Remarkable Blanket Values for Ford Day WOOL FINISH PLAID la tb. fuil ol:. for double lieds these blaskets ame to b. had bn verY attractive color comblnatlons. They are Uuily a re- .8 mtarliable value at pair...-................................. ..... ..38 WOOL IXED BLANKES-VERY SPECI.èL AT *7.89 _RAM. These wool mlxed Biankets are In Pretîy plaid patterns. 'Tbey are 66 "x80 luches lu aize. A bigli grade hiauket cf a qualittyP7f 19eld am ta lie liaI et pair ................................. 7 Wool Na.p Cotton Cotton Blanketo Bllketa Blanketz (Ail cotton) A real These blaukets are Grey rotton btankets heavy wetgbt, yet seft t tnuabed vill deep, o*good veigltit n the lu finish, Iu grey, tan, aof tnamp. Tbey are l 70x80-lnch aise. They pinli sud bine strîpe. grey vîihliarder lu are maIe for varmth Exceptionai vaine - centrasting color. -and service, pair pair,, Speciai, paIr 4.69 2.48 3.79 Women's Shoes at $5.4.5 Black, brown and grey kid leathers, high. and low heels. Queen Quality and Our Own brand. Origin-. ally sold up to $16 at the low price, 545 for.F ord iD ay .. ........ ............ . ...... ..... WOMEN'S SHOES, OXFORDS AND) PUMPS WOXEN'S BROUSOXPORDS A" ]PIJX ln blackr caîf and kld lealiers la bigh aud l1 e ls aise; 3852 patent leathera. TNemr4y ail aises are In the lut. Spectal et ...- 1" PAYS' SHOIS 1 WOMEN'S RUBBME Black and brovn ealt lace style; Hlgb heel rulbers lui torman sd nd double soies. wbrth - 81.00 values at 69e ta $5. Choicelitair ..-2.981pair ...................... (Flrst.Floor*) HATS $5.98 This very spectai pricing la made on a grêflp et aev aud becomng lis for Vord Day. Tbey are the latent styles, haudearuely sud mtractiveliy made. Children's Rompers 79c Madeetofcbecked ging- hara.and plain celor chant braLya. Tbey are fuît eut aud veli made. MilkWaùUt For Women, $4.98 Inclilded are lblouses *t Gesorgette, Crepe de. Chine sud Miguette. Values that sold up te $16. Satisen Bloomers Special At 79è Mads of hlghly mercertzed sateeund nul l brIglit col- ors. Women's FIanel Nfght GOvUa 9& White or ecoorse pattern».- ail styles. cnt full aud care tnlly flulisd. Ohildren'a Sleeping Garments m9 A garment similar bo Dr. Deuton's. Mulde vli teet at- tached. (Second, Finor) Womnen's, Men's and Chfdren's Hee of gcudd qual4ty aI 11, pair .......... - Women'S Mena. Lisle Hose of flus quality. bimck.~ or broyai, pi .-----. SPECIAL $25 Ford Day in the Basement COQTS, SUITS Oq THOUSAEDS 0F'PR"MN"»T AlDRESSES 'lO.8c0 15e 19e 29è Large slctodesirablhe sty les . AU kîids afmaterlm sare ou these tablessie-fei~ue le r I ua~aislnîi Imm L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------