~Rf, n<MsAY. FFBRUARY 9,1922. uldeal, andti slDavis, as uSUal, WOUi tended the auto show lu Chicago lasi Thurada>. Mi»s Jeunie Wileil apent a ýes days last week lu Cicago. The Gavin ischoel, of whlch ehe i., teacher, Ias been quarautineti on accounit of %car let fever. The achool wll opien aain neat Vonday. The bakii ocial vlîch vas ta have been helti ai the Gavin tchool this week ba been posîponeti ou accouri of the scarlet fever scart'. Georgla Bacon apeut t(,.'ekndl at lUngwood with ber grandpai*en's mi"a Aneta Hucher '-fi iaiîriiay n&ornlng for Urbana. wher. she Px- pets to taée a four year course iti Mmr..Vida Moone>' and (amil,> nioN, Saturday t0 Ibeir feirmsauiilw'-i Mr. anti Mrs.a. în'eN . ','" -movei libis w, ek ie", t e , N lîosle an Jonnoil i- t Nirs. Mumftidt îî" . I la> . and' N'Irsi n.ce hiea puecakfdnte' ns'iteon ch S. sor and \lîs. Mu,,and bla atbout MerchIt lt. Lest Wedncsslay ce'enin,. 4 sJ people were confirrmed ai l'a, Fi î-.îo pal cburch., A large erowd N'a luw' "cd the cerenouy. 00000000000000000O0 o WAUCONDA o 0 00 00 00 a0 00 0a0 0 00 )Ars. John Ford andi son of Chicago are spendi pg the week ai the honte of Mr. and Mrs.P. H. Murpîl>' The ihorse recluS on the take last Satnrday drew an lnýincns'ý crOwl ta town, i beng estimaied 1000) peopile wltnessed the racing. The track was Each one of our ais- tomera as a credifb ac- comi with us wicli en- ahies pmrcases to be madie of Electical Appliances extemive f amily ja the FEDERAL Washing Machine ~aadditon to the househlt ~mote -agr cnethat t sover tL. hardesi worlc je th ome antido., thu,- .mhI t a cot of about 5 eta a'W*ek for Oweet Yowi i bçy the Fetierul atr o nads 11K, Mn'! iiiyqibiii4~ I 0 PRAIRIE VIEW 0U R and Mr. anti Mrs. S. fichai, and son of Libertyville vislled ai îh4 Wolf honte flunda>' afternoon __________________ Tbe Ciasa lu ipe Coner hai te BETTER COWS HELP PROFITS banner clasa iu collection ai Sun- day. Thair attantiance was io %'Cr>,Hh.rucn Osr'Aias ak good, il belevan being pîeei but Best Market for Different Mns. Maetber's dace beai ilîeîîî Home-Grown Feeds. Roy Sftabl. wbo has been continu-i to thea bouse the pas? week, il ag-sm ahI>l Hundreda îOf inllIioril ,'f lollarB' to be out. il i i f feed I 1'csiiied innittlly 1<> M. r and Mm.. C. Gilnei ant i lteiniiOurtilry cows a.'The liI iicciîii.la wera out vîsiting Sunday. large or sînîtîl, îtcirdillg 10 thic wti M.adMms. C. A. Ko , n *N i Iou t 1t fei la tîuse(LNIl. lîîlinroduction iIs calliug Mouday afiernoon Inger ttei tir,ugli f4iliie' andîs.ei Graud a fica r atI i; îî~ il, i fewtrettl st'rîi-als u> i. t ir>' frIi spenduga fewd>ar a"hi arWol svr ulîae le oni"iîv,Y îî". fr borne, a fw a %a ii .W l 'arm dIIttera if 1)11 '> ill'e iot' f hom . Fc i 'C)I i i enl tai e fecî l l ie fi r 2;litates <lfIr- MSet L.mdey atlircl11,,f,,n sfemo w.ei id i susfor -îi'îiliîcmî iryow alpb H afereb re wah îî Ute e g' n tii eut)Is w i. aloualylaat hrad- a nîchil u lý iteWetlîliil ,'\l'i '.t I i'l sIetlo weay rne f ro achool onlhJîrulîîlî!Ou I,. li ilîtot wayhoe f.lh <tias vhs .. ,, i, u oh duci l, iii, l,,i. i, sh vitit i tlyk Keaneti ark bp oit s iîli l OIer.fif 1x ; l1 PHASES OF POULTRY RAISINQ Poultryman Can Save Hîmef TUrne and Money by Applylng to Gai'- ernment fer Information. iF,-.par.d Dl'the Unilted titu-tiei .1etAgricultur.) Poultry raisers. wbel.her engaging ln the business on a large seule or owning only a small dock, wIll llnd It to their Interest ta gel ln touch wltb the United States Departinent of Agri- methods ta follow. -Vlglto-a; ln Washtington wlshing ta consitt uicp. iparimeits poultry spe- diallais are inaitodto Wea e lt thelr of- lice andi alsa lao vitît itheir expert- mental farro. The work ln poultry feedlug andi breedling la conducteti by tbe animal lîuishandry division and Exporimental Farmn Wher. Unele Sm Worka Out Probleme for the Benefit of American Poultry Raisers. MlR. 17L.¶& ».M E5 bis ra ce. liedrove bis ow'u herse- Blaze Dret-s<aiilat Charle>' Dean, DE , RSDN T O o i4tne driviug Our Evalyn. I ~UNTY 10 V bti two beats tà decide thte race ffl ~ andthie tirne was 1:06. COUNT 70 EARS Tbe second race hati four entrants anti waa ona b>'Charle>' Dean iu thel time of 2:12.F Mther of former editor of An- M. and Mms. H. J. ScitaffEr cuti son tiooh news, dies ai home of Staeye of Mceury, visiteti ettlita daughter here today borne of Mrt and Mme. H E. Maimuan Mrs. Eliza Burke, 88 yeers of ae, ta Waucouda Monda>' after an extan-I and who hati heun a esident of Lakte eti visît witb friends and relatives In couniy for mure than 70 years, dimi, the wesi. Monda>' rnring t 10 oclocit at the r..N.Zme.M.H.JSct- borna of!ber tiaugbter. Mrs. C. F. fer s. JdN ZMrrs.J.R.. J.xof chenry Walker. 713 S. Utica street, Waultegan. fradMs .R nxo cer followblg an Ilneas o! nearl>' a yaar. were receut visitors et the bomne of Mn. ber deaib beiug caused b>' a general ae dMme. H. E. Mamen. breakdown ln beaà.tb. Mr. andi Mn,. Harry Geamy anti sonsi Slip resitiet t Anilocbutil abonutt anti Mr. and Mrs. HerrusiiSmritht of iighi yeers ega wbeu site cae aak ee Sta 4 vsilors Waukegan ta be witb ber daugbter. y Mrs Walke-r a i asurviveti by four Mr. andi Mrs. Frankt Meyer of Mc- sons, John.,utf('ameron. Win., Mich- Heury' Sunda>' et the borne of Mrs ael, of Aniioclu, anti Anthonyanti Pet- AlIce Gear>'. eç Bourke, of Weukegau. John Wal- M. and Mrs. Heury' lobuer, wbo item formemi> wss edItor of the An- bave been spentltng the paet weelf, tlocb 'News. Fueral i f m teborne of ber wltbm elatIves lu the village ant i- granddtaugtter. Mr.. Leo Smnit,44)6 cînIt>'. ret.urned ta their bouse lu Ne- OakSittreet, Tburstay noruiug. at braskta Tuesday. liaculate Concepltincbuct et 9 Hart>' Klrwan, wh lisataiendlng o'ciock. Inerment lu MiII Creait sehool et Nortbwestc'in Universty, at cenlelery. Evaneston. la seadîtr ue wek et bis 0000 0000 0 00 000 boute bere. .*OO O000 0000 000 A litlie daughtý- was born to M. 0 AN TI10C H 0 anti Mrs. George Jepdon Fride>' 004000000n00O00000 Wok o theDow "wer myHlie i Joseph Wille returued Saf urday altt pragressing slowl.' Lu, surel>'. aati ai er spending the past week 8t Wesley tue anti of the weei thie outlet con- bospitai. not mocb Improvet Inl heltit. r.ec-tlng ou tite west ro.d will ba com- Ms. .Joseph Filllweber bas beau plate. qultesic~uta eet eek.At thte conihi>' meeting of the vil.- The benefit dance for Fraunk Chinu lage board Monda>' eveniug arrange- et the opera bhome lest Thureday was manewr atettmrta rl a suceas.nauce compe'lîug ail properu>' owuers Ut. andi Mrs. John Ceark eci'ttiflei<n Main street to put lu sawer anti relatives from Chicago Sonda>' waee connections as soon as weather Miss Viola Kithaupu open the pali permits lu the sprini. If thasa con. week visltlng witb Mrs. .loînnott sud nections are not put lu the cernent Marie, as weli as cîher girl friende. rondi wili be beld up. Petîtique wilI James Stearns nd Ray Pregenzer fir&t ha ctrc'ulated taee If ail willlvol- untear lat put linbo aonuectIofls andti t at ing ta (liseuses b>' thepetit- Dont fongel thSe it.>queiails'ancl lt if sol lu w'l sava considarable expeuse. ciogical divi'sion of the bureau utf ani- wich wlll be gI s 51urdI. nîglît, r fon if iîle necessar>' îo put lu b>' spa- mal Industmy. Fabruery 111h. aIl the l.i,iii.iie hait u tial agesssamaut it wili pobably lu-- Man>' bulletins arc avalluible îlealing Messrs Frank I-liiljsu.îViei Goan- itn creuse te cost 25 par cent. wtb vanios phatsof poutr> raislng. willerarnut Georguet iiiîl, i'ick eit l eny of wilcb ina se bail frac upaon tendedthe lite oo iii. it 't '-agît las 1 n 00 0 0 00 0 0 000 a pplicaionuîluthe divs lin of pîthilweek. T 0 H A L F D A Y cations, unitécIl States Dklaanmeni of Miss Esiber G ,i.î Istlinîeek- 00 00 0 00 0 000 0o ooo o~oAgrcuîltuire-. Ila mlliîinttîe reu-Pi ansd the KaIk. iii.i crhlilien vis-, A itait', o> tîrrve t tte home oti tr' tilo.s i% tis il tlis Sunilai Mr. anti Nr.Chaeu-a lci' Lul-,- 'ri t i i' iia i'. t ,'ttiiiic te N s' 'Ma!Ia ,' ii t i uer ea i i' t i ntz- A rctier ntieiter o i iî) u'.'i i i',s' irî îu îit ' hi" tuahe io îîî.Fi' s' roI ý lu seeu-uns .' itocgli )î ' '.'- .5i I iifday uvnînc i!iucito or nu-w nemnuhi-ratabe il's' i;; le-c ' ' Mise Eiii I aîttit nnem aI im' t weeu it andthebaAdul 'lasa. si 1( 1us R-'îî"i iidge spu-itl tus> 'eu tu-er I Ilcri guIj bus> anti nct b" a,îu.toue blu1 ils. .iii' iii is's liin Rasanti 'is. Kaikbrennu-r.g h. i C'(ongratulat ttu- ne,-relen0-deri nu t;I %Ial Ltlils ritî Anumber o!fteyoung 'otks celled e il ,I le lutug fe'sI i.> liitns 10 su us, in ' NMr, BueniIr<i>t.eu-c le. lu t u - aulic Rimer lbonite Tuestia> 'vettinIl, iiIi'Foule l-:. MoudaynmI>' usîiu'u's iiastlthie lien lulanIe'bei, osn Ail auJayet iebu-limu- sers'runci t ~ _ 'i. ido ,r'u. St S'ibul alt;lteuîa utîue alcni Mmc 'William t'mbtiensîock anti sou '1muent au it'- ýWOo>dwatcnIi- cu; Iru nuthiler no iea utIoun ahast Hem clled ailte Maitl tmhdu-nslock -iitoand sac hope ha vilt fat h rt- urodcts aea iset:%N'fille cotton-seclhome Sehorda>' evaniug.(f iiitls ailment anti ciuetaib.ck inuasl replauces a part if tlie beef semaist Mn. anti Mrs. Fred Stelluan, antifallu tîntsiuud. euutber Conpansî'ius ru-;0somatis'il>'cpu-ni Sunda> afientoon milute Han ili iiiua tencîif .sand Gtinpa of te affamA of tha saine ratiuns au r>' SIullmng brime. l 't a ,ý, av ae beaui sontewau unlerý liants of te egg treet'- as compared Rober anti lus-lus Kaîkitreuner cu ti I'i. - v -tttur taepaat aîe k. vi-th thase of the geteral-porposu-'Samuel Ilimili ken. a achoîlte el*u- tu 'ltr-as a goal turmui , cit a htilmeeti. OuI> simple i-nions of wldely Eimhurai 'ols sent thu-e ek enîd zaaer anti antetaium'-ut last Fruda>'. aalaH esansttcit.uurliiednnmi.'s an- hehoeb. i nnucis Iak t1 Tha ladies ntte,) iaot $65. Thte ma- esi osdrbe iný4aeh ni l gicien titi spendid Anti waa unjoyeti belng tap-neeted, ant i natiîugs miie ltî'uîmîtîn Kierlen asas a LihurîsuI ll by al. Tite winsm, -tut lit -e bunco tInietermnth ie pusslbiltlaa of tiRfer- caiiu-tSaturtia>' gaines asena Mît-s Lyuia NMeer antiett intii0b of bret<ittg ln crcasluk Mn and ili Valten Gto su iler or ixng IIprodiuioini. !taings l1<> hnisn- il,-k tinluChica2o. Prof. Smitb, wil" NMiss Rockeahaci dx certain typses t'r t'ltracter"î de XiMradi Xl i 'licm uSauu'r umul sonil anti Normntussu lss n s-,'gis eni i' e s-ir it nueIl,-docks ml ciu are imaied. No \î icti f XX .îi '-rI uaspeni Sîmnîltu s i au consolla' on awamtie. hlrda ie etaitteilnl te- lI,,k ssicthC e N. cli s h onte. M r. anti Mm. Hini[sn o u'r vin ss litiea (ilhsuittltîtîs it tssould A ntaît. , i i'lie > aung t-p>Ii. 'are iteti friands antirula' ta"', elîc 5ItiSAI-liar ihem unouai tîe rtmtu-s uf lina'kalina iit.w Peres pondt îuits urday anti Sonda>'. Anterlcari Stadard of t'onfciboi. Lasi Monda>' beng Miss jmalune Tîme recuits bclug olîtnintu-ul Indiete' Coutots irttiat-, c huaI o!fientis and ti tuIr la Possible 10 to unth)ima unilitv 000 O 0OO O0OO0O00O0O O0OO O0 nigihors îook possession of tae bouse aîndu standard lreeullu to btit practîcel o G R I DL EY S CH O OL o for.bu t'u-nng.lit tita ein pl e grec An>- o! this inîformationan 0 oo o co c0 o o0o00 o0o0 oo0o0 afol-'hepu-ut icylute gnes ant ident- mvalnlalufîîr te pers-uiis rcuuesting0 ring,'after whitet a hountifttulunch wa .finil tue ueplamentisla cgen la bavaeI A.1,li iiiPoits. Etilton. servuti. încludinugangel foodu cake anti Il ncisal wdla'. Xi'iltiit Býli'kianan sd RaIP'lils t ai th,'sgoo. Te gest deartd Hua s' and .7gis' poîltry tlubs avemnse '-e siSiIOt.i long Grovu- S'suntlay i ai tisa'nflenceingoteti. Tite gMarhallshashedu-paterbefor et tte heglnning utft- n"ýxt dil-t iat aaieIdac l nîrelgua Nlihtl l.titrht t us chlldren la ralalng ciuken.aiî nul Itnluns' iii fait liii ugh tae ice aiuaebo.s ng Mis 's "iu-ilnc mati>' aone '.tu' or- lent-ing thu-nuanuit hei parents tae Fnilti> les ha)--bst inutîtods of itantilite poulir>' for MiN il, a ua Nîek Potu' ant il-î The Ladlies Aid wlth utuet Febroan>' the-production o! cggs- in mnta. uren, tltîhîanti Stella wu-ra vieluars thathte tonte of Mrsý E. ýSebrueder. 'leitearetmeuut la guing speelal at-t i lie -tenu> Polis tomae on Stînta>. The P. T. A. wilh meal au the echool teohion ta lmprosing the u- nlty of Mu anilNMis' tL. Tinus andtïiauily bouse next Frida> evanlng. Fab. lt, it. ueket et-as wiut ua s vtuî uuerct>n a-mu- ýjýs -umstIte Ernnsîl Hoffruier et 8 ocIock, wiiheelIte choir will basa lng laisses astimaleul ut nuuuuîîy matiflidi home cr un 'tuiti a short rehearsel let 7 o'clock, joat o! dollars annanhy. Tlese stodica Wilianm hoRatien anti Louis Stock"ý before Isba P. T. A. meeting,.t-user te productions of egge; on tite acre visitonslitb taeErnest Hoffiaui Suda>' St-boulce usual at 10:30 a. tarmsud them bentlint fom thtei lomnne 'uniaa' m., anti avaning service et 8 oclock. tarai tate couintîry store. Tbe pro- M Nr anul Mrs-. W. St-bar anul fainmî;t E'eer>'one wa.come la boit Meetings. îlot-ionaofifnlfertile agt-s. 'aîhiiare, wpe a situii' tite Mn. F. Sauîtr fur 5uperlur iieuplng quallîles tn toma Suitî o o o o o .,o oo oo oo ofertile etgas, if balug adrotcteti. We bati a tundrati word bus' o! speil 0 MILL URN 0ing Frida. lelen Brockmn was final 000 M0I0L0L0BU 0R0N 00 CURE COLD IN HEALTHIY FOWL anti Arlthur Pdg'oi was second. *OOOOOGO OOOOOO OTitane wa'. many cases of absent-e- Blg removal sale at thte Rexail Store Application of Three an Four Drapse at-boul bucause otfte coiti weatbet'. -Druce Dug Ca.. Waukegan. 111. 6-lt of Coat 011 ln Nestrils of Bird But comae hase kapt up the attend- J. A. Thein, preeltent ofthut Mill- le Effective, eut-a. hum Insurance Ca., ttandadthelInl _____ surance Convention et ftreator. Ili., as A celui t-u an e uilet In ho eaeltit>' Millions Hava Lsprosy. a delegate, thea pat week. fowî by an application of titrea or' If le estimaeu[ te t it ere are 3,000,. 1 Mrs. E. A. Mal-tin bas pruoaemouia four drops of karostîne luttlite fowil' 000 laper-'Ilu thme usonl. o! witow but le gttlug along as welî as ton't ha nostrila. Neyer gat hluti the eyee. 2000X,000mluire u 'tuit ainecteti. Site bas a nurse. Put enoungi permanganate of potasit___ Mns. George Edwartis of Waukegatiblnte drluklng weler La eolor a brightl _______________ la wth Mrs. Martin. plot. This l u for tbnoat lnfec--------------------- Choir practice eit Mm. Floyd Wetzel tions of auh kinuts anti vilI nsually home Wadnasday aveutug. prevant lIme aPread the trouble 0 tdi o Mrs. ýS. A. Ftutk le stilîl among tae sick. GOOD ROOSTS FOR C o! Mme, George Foster, of Wads'sortb, Points te, Be Consiclencd Are Esse cf m enth ol,~' vas belli Monde>' aftarnoont. witb lu- CIeanIîg aud ta Prienart Lurkln% n e tn tarnnent t Mil hur cemaler>'. Places for Mites. n,..u*k J..... The Miii hum aschool viii givea a e- ,ough &uiipý citai et thea schilbouse Fnitia>'Rave- Gooti naosts are ta Nie hellens 'iug FIb. ltb. A 40-minuta pie>' anti whIlt n gotut bcd l e thbumas. Antout l!i J'te et6 a up enviiih ervetil, AEv- rooeis. 'sit pinte a totact unthe d«tr entIluer iut be tisepupl. A bejX sthe powlsinta s spetit ou ldit erybod yvwecorne. lu puttlng luntae roosts are easie o! fMiss Lot!e Hoffmeul o! McAlster j cleaniug, spaclug frorn te bak wsI lthjIC )iOeDtal la gettiilg adng nicel>' t the anti frcm the lion ant i sootbnue el prelleut tUr nsd Ina>' ha able in cone lombes' t0 prevent iuuking pisem. for 3. :jihome lu anothen veeai. moei Mr. aud Mrs. S. fichai and sou anti Graudma, icher anti Gerliilanti Rut Wolf were vaisitors ait liEîi:ril Gisei borne Sunda>'. Sunda>' fcitool nexi 'îila ai 10 c'clock. Praacblng serna cc ai 7:30. A numubar of frientis ail nemghbors surprised Miss8 Erelin- Cook>1< ouday evening. h belug hbe iiulîis The aveuing was gspentin lu îli ng carda andi d=n. Refreshmu-nis weýre .-iev- eti. tawhlcb aIl iid utre. and wlsb- ing Miss Emelue alan> lhapuy' i doms cf be day. 000000000000000000 0 LONG GROVE o ooooooooo coroccoo Titose who were lient ýci 'n suîelling for the weitware La-tieuisciher gar. frieda fitailing. Han' Kalkhreîî uer andi JameB Hanslotîl 0 MURRAY HILL 0o 000000000000000 000' Minnia HlapIte anti Agnas Ijeitz re- ý s' i edl l'ut in the ' it>' word test in .plling. Th., 7eventb anti aigbtb gretes fin- ishedth ie study of Illinois itistor>' Fnî day,.and hegan reviewing Mande>'. Tite third grade pupils are.makiug a ptoster It illusliale the stor>' of theaý Sleeping Beaul>'. Mfarjanle anti Katherine Moore left 'iiisi -ihouîl Vi'duesday. A arewell par- iy was given Tuesday atternoon et the t-houL Tht ,afiernoon wa, aDent iu ils> ing ganres, aud we aIl hati an su- joyable time. The îtîir'l grade lias finisheti the lmIlii 'i ".analaie now lising the Elsous primer>'. Ttîe Kine ' ,Moore famil> mî,î cd t iheir uew homte in Grayalake last 1 week. 00000000000O000000O oVASEY SCHOO L ,000000000000000000î Chester Wbim Breeders Assoi dion to e e6m ut W. J. AmaimN ROUND LAU, U MONDÂT, February, 27, 1ý 4O Head 0f 4Sows and Gilts - The cigittitgrade las fmistcd thes' At MI id ae "ie . vil s!ud> of ihe- Civil Wer. Tteo. Glofis ant illy ii>'Mstin biv' i e offereti the Mostatsalinte star contesi Fuit De"ii of Sae]in] fhcelghtit grade wrole compositions Ise fTeId~ on bh' icd lîedetiwoodpeckcrr mso h mp Auvin Dostaîl matie a ra>' on whilbu wa have plareti seeds 10 ai trmtct lte _____________ Ibirds tri oui' scitool yard. mic. timuon lbas kintil>'loantid ber' Heada, I Win;-Tailla, Vou fieldi gua ses io us la use lunte stnd> 1'"Wbit 11111. iublî 'inu api of bird'. loige. If lit' s Il g'lo. FlirsI inLakt' County --THE INDEPEN- bllieri. I iii. If il%,, lline ch DENT. Soi til "ran- Fln PUBLIC SALE of Lindenhurst Farim Durocs at the farrn FEBRUARY Il, 1922 at 1 p. in. sharp 40 Head of Big Duroc- Sow mated to two of the best Duroc Boars in service in fllinos- GREAT ORION SENSATION 4th, a wuinner at Illinois and i consin this year. and Grand Champion Boar of ail breeck the Lake County Fair; and JACK'S GREAT FRIEN1D, a wiuv thiàr fall Nih no fitting, and one of the best senior piga ini d State of Illinois. EVERY ANIMAL IN THIS SALE WAS DEVELOPED AT14 DENHURST; Al HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE D"U TREATMENT FOR CHOLERA, AND WE BELIEVE TlU IMMUNE. Lindenhurst Farn Lake Villa, Illinois aller; and thte faîrincr %'ah -keepa aucb Gws eldilbas lies usli>an>' incuni Lîku- a fit'i.is leItîir>a -,wv. uns- ronvnciile--iii' lt'e iii -liprimlI u-t îîîll'. Ili t 1 -i, %a> i- iiirîiilia' aîmarket for i11fwî'iV. X'l,'llieýrfliti markt iasil libe ci,"i-i r tii lcîi'iii i piarît ile ic l.%ii i".'vla fi-l nul iililtpar it ile i,'îss lerseîf: 'lati' la iii'tu-lier ssii ii iii I cifile it-ila grtii i 'mfite fai>n iliii ii fi)feulil iu55<j l, "" u ii îk,'- " n i i i l r - >1,1e for 0 llich tIwirs' I. uINis sii*î"ilI% îi lie. I is runer I luis i tt 'l.11il'fli r lîiu.gu iii o i îl uer> lli~l. FUs ý2iiici glscraiiiliii n iIliiiirt 'iiug itIlieus e- Ilri ,.lictig îu lîîlu'litîdr* tutu tthe mari'eros i'el s hie îu liul 'tt ifti us ittl hsu> markt-rs.lit)f a icut pul m ore tie gets flesi. Butl If one casa' ne- unrils $3 fr, 'iii a dlutra aa'orib of fecîl tit cuoill is'riil * V $2. Il t scttrcely fiii ltie . 'il ri' is it illlt'rvmtuî- oft a dil- tir liti if li'il is' iscii I ite iii h t>f fell4 ýor w a-i viio Aciruliîtc 1'fi'ittmt' f tîl'itlit(i Slaia'.. I ieliti-iti if Agricuiltuire, tiie "f, -i ( (it 1 ii i -v il,'iiatl- l'filt .]u t te f s 'iroillîtg1"lttSuabtetut mi uIl tî> s.-.lllk ' ju jcil's i, lii', 7 bu<, t ut fui. t-.vli pl'ts , "ît îr illitirt u 'y heit. I suf iiill ciii> litii'u *:g oliticîlifmt Ii - u.'s'îlii if lîtlîs idîtl etîr(' ccc' 3i rîl pla etu- of. iilu- 1t1i.luit2f 5.0'1) mîm111ls (if îîltk i*fatr itm tgr fatie- qît Ies aîîuîl it)forait lar.. eit. l île Ilk, seiliii îthîîg tue scaîglîti o! rTho ktie il ss ulgltitg ie 'iiiu.'eit I.d us ruamr. Tlitestilhi'lte fît'- suavis 'a iiik tiiii for hiut'ti tls îîl - fileg llun eistih fiiriifle ws îte it uru frouinasîiclHuiti ci i îlecluîrc ordtts ce u iîîlîut l. it>' inca. 'oîtu- patent tu, cane for damjjj bIl feauh aaal>icenît l fri'iit, iltîe butter fatk teisce u ikech us eaii nîttileîîfiureso records. WINTER FEEDS FOR HEIFERS Young Animais $hould Not Be Comt. pelled ta "Rlough Ut" During Cald Weather Perlod. Youîng balfere eltoulti not be axpact- ed ta '"rougit it" tlurng tbe wlntar, but sutouiti baaefeed anti shelter. The feedt;s4soulti of course luclude buflky feetis, sucit as siltuge, etovar, 1-..>, fmI- dan, etc., autdictinceatrates. Thte >oung animalse sioulti have anougu socit con- centmetes as cotiouiseat i aeal, asîteat liran, shorts, rie floar. aifalfa. uea baey, pumanut ta>' to dea-eiop botiy. Practice of Testlng Caws. The pret-tice of testing cowe to, de- térnulae thita i uiatil butter fat pro- duction anti feat caumption bY maos of eow-tastlng associations bas becotua wldespree<l. Titane are now 452 ssociations of ibis kinti Unte lUniteti States. CraCkIng VoUvet Benn& Valvet b)egsu, as a daims' filed, are Inuproved b)y cracking, .osklng and grindlug. Creackialnone doa not pDU fun the womk of doîng If. but grindins 0.14. lu e feeting test Ili Taxas. Like a Factor>', the Daîr>' Cow Tr forma Raw Materlala Inia the lshed Product-Milk. PUB3LIC -AUCTION. Having leased rny farm. I will sel at Public Auctiori en t6e ises known as the A. H. Meyer place, 2 miles east of WaUct 6 miles west of Area and 1 mile south of Meyer's Creamei, Monday, February 13, 1922 Commenclng at 10 o'elock a. m., sharp, 46-4EAD 0F LIVESTOCK-46 20 rnilkers snd springers, some fresb; 3 1-year.old helfers. 1Bc stock bull; stock bull 1 year old. Thte cattle are ail my oweir and most i oisteins. 6 HIA0OP HORSES--Bay gelding, 5 years old, wt. 1300;, ai Wil. 1000. black coacht mare, wt. 1250; bey geldiug, wt. 1100, b#4 ing. t' l. 300 IIOGS--13 fallI shoats. wl. 80 Ibs. escb; 4 broc,) sowe, lire& HAY, CORN, GRAIN-12 toua upleild andi 8 toula clover alaAy ý stack of cno alis; about 8 toua shredded coon todder e p bu. cala; 75 bu. barley; 20 bu. rye; 20 bu. wbeet. 400 bi>u. eg PARM MCRINEIY--Corf and grain bindere, dl-lU tMar, roller, 2 aa1s harrow.'î, corn planter, mower, liay rake. 3t 8 aulky cultivators, 1 horse weeder, 2 truck wagons, aarrw and box, rnllk wagon, surrcy, 2 top buggies, open lflgr,ý corn sheller. 2 bob aleighba. Ugbt bob, cutter, 1 sulky «*, piows, ridiug bridle and saddle, plauker, chinken coope, f power fsruuing mili, seles bug rack, grass seedar. lWf grain bags, large asuaeil canvas, 6 rnllk eus, touriatca, ble barness, 2 single bernasses. R1OUSEHOLD GOODS--Oo<od 6-grlddl~ e aiel ,1 self feeder beate', 1 amai snd 1 combizied wood or eaaW a lot et othes' housebold 80045s ad rmail othel' artiA HOU8SEOLD GOODS-BSlx mont2is tme vil W' bankable notes, bearfng 6 pet' cett ineroét. ta