TTVILLE IýN:DEP-ENýDE LakeCointy's ig Weekly Ciruldo Gcalr h.olerWéMuShI Gouety Coobiaod WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN LIEBERTYVILLE ThýDEPENDENT,FEBRUARY 9, 1922. >..4S...à.1 '.,. 'J* YTT .>.TCI R .5. I ~ charge they were vtodiéd' byfeItow HELD IN $2000 BAIL Carl Sayder( allas Fred EaUmAX. soiil36, a tasmd n th*émPlOY it r y vWeltcSiet Beach R"41. WU bpied un*ler ame.t hy the Wauke<if poIce tua mnmmeou"& Warrant charglug fooegm. ias isit - br.tght ab«op the. réuit of s-m- t t siguul betore Pouce liais eiaI Walteir 1'ayl by Dr. Perirai o the is Bon Ton. Dr. Pearce rsah.o eud a chiecks for $78 pe$4ttd by 9huyder and aftorward .tuIud St iii boeenforged.Th ni ~Ut Ocurdai Jiltiy 28. tho «» d" t..accordinh tn of- finis or thse Lcttrity Saini Bek. $oyder cmahud a $78 check. depoating $15 in a saning amount vhlch re- moved any Stmplcloflthe. bank migbt baye feit. On the -aieday. a min viobau Iêê* pa-rtllym.ntiled uaSBnyder. ue«red the. Cri *tterbery drugstore *"'ier itnakslîsa ev purchamet lu- boy Clark ta cath a chieck for the ls.clicii bore the. naie of WUMrW. a cernent contraetor for $1 Iydr vorissi a ev day luit iroi, Iqbgm ltvç montha Boy. de i t ae eaempl»yed on ti.w eltoUn l. got lid the poice taUabm Sela luSsidnowky. hie muornt&g Dr. Poire recolved a th tisi nder vau emploied on 4,bqeIton tarte and laformed the. ods witis tise reSustt 11auarret *We jd, ydardmfes anî knovi. un db o t * ck forger. it4~pIOdit m.Ana Cue oWaa1~ Îwth Ave, again In toffs of dry equail ENFORCEMENT DIFFICULT m "e Anna Cudeen piWadgwarth avenue, vho bai meehes of the lw before. lite Tueiday atter- noon via arreaied viien ber place vas raided by the. dry sqiiid frcm thse office of State' Attorney A. V. Smth. The oficrs aclzed a amal» quantity ut alcohol and a numier of "Whis- kef' glaises. lira. Cuden's activiies have kept the. 1mw enforcement officers iiusy. Information viii b. le againai ber é 1U* afierllon ln tiie County court. 1 t>ger inlA ke COUft are be- 'iWfuhtigary mter more thon a year'a coualeus activitIts by State's Atior- nojr Sithîsand h I ifficult;for thse riders lu obtaîn more ta a smal uititiy of ligur in most laitances. They oaly keep a botle or tvo on band and icut, for more a necded. and ifthiey are csuguti la biarder tu convict thera because many Jurors are opposed to conviction of perions who may b. keepr%i merely for ther own use. i.beriYvillie peaPle viii havi an gxcettent opporiiinlty an Tuesdîy Digisi ta aie soma unique pSctures at the Ciity of Zion. h 15a srprisitfg how many persoastiare arc ln Lake roue- 1>' via har. nover aveu. vtsitîd Mon, lei atone sain their Instiutions, in- dustries, or tiein tabernacle. Tisa pilures ware taken b>' Arthur B.- )fole, local piotagraisper, sud ube>' ara naid ta ha axcefleut rails of tisa mat)- phases cf ibis big ralhgiotis ,uol'esent. Thse choir alon. nimbera ego yoices and la oald ta b. oua, il uot- ha largest cures choir lu the world. Ihine uitta i. su ImPresslve ilgit ta ses liii chir lu tie pracas- sIoýal avar>' Suisa>' atternton, sud tise wvio have nover ataendait the satce ai Sui Tabernacle vili b. na dossit aurpriad taae tiiemagul- tbih 0f tii eccleelial.iaide aI Znon. The Industiel aide of tii rit>' a aisea susprising.CUnder tisa leader- oiip ai Wiliur Glenn Votiva, sucres- soi! te John Alexanider Dovh, tiesa f a*ries hava grave couslderaiily' fe a OS 1va the moving pictures vili eht' sossfe lesiàvlevs f tisa cant>'. pWnig, apran anld handlerchief, and fÇYothm industries controlled b>' teni. The pirtures vitt be siovu in Lirlyville ai the Auditorium on ada>' evening sud ail seate are A .mirot quartai. slected from 4.on chUir vilS sing for 10 min- prior ta the eh owing of thse Pic- BANDIT DuIS IN LEAP FROM SiXTH 8TORY WINDOW Chicago, Web. S.-Herbert Mllisu usday slter a ho24utipbapodteta ii L deathtramn ticeisi>ftocr 0of tiiaH. Clark street itatiosi today. Tii mau umuped frous tii. bondie cage la the bureau Of Identification. ~ s«ub ~hils tare, b-*sJlg _tl SAULLOX BREAKS1 OUTIN CO. IAIL AU VACCINATEI> John Raukowsky 'f Gumlee,1 the patien, removed to ioaon hospital A wo» developed case of smiilpoi la the. Liaeeountyj all miWaukegau ha. roaulted lintii. nacclnauglefauM aq of the .oty-six priiouers. John Rais-l kovsky of hume., thse m&Ui pox vict- i u h.been remeed tq b Itie ioge vard of h ti e kec O upine ah mallpom ayinptum pa ead ftuda a" a eau wui it te Dr. A. I. Broyn. count>' physcian Dr. Browa bai been LU a mi as.for àa veaUm sent Dr. A. E. Budde via mae a pos- tive diagnoala of susalpox. AUl prison ors la the Jail yen vaccinated Tuas- day aigut. Dr. Brown todiy vlated tii. JeU end coufrmad tii, diaguosis. The The patient vas removed imm.dliiily Dr. Brown îuggests that the. healti departineni of the. ciiy take charge of the. situation Immnedlsteiy asdtee to ht tIai any nev cases tuat mai break oui are Isolâted iusmediaiely. île al so reocumeuda that ail viiliing be bar red ai ithe Jail for at eut io yacks viich a the period af incubation. If precautiana are tiSon b. dao" not lok for au>' sertous recuits Irou thea ituatIon. Precautionis l preveut quarating of tie jail. TO STUDY ZION CITY OMIINOUCS gctts Bluff, Neb.. ti sending tire. vamon to Zian to stut>' their ety or- dinauces. according ta a diapalch frusu liai to. "Tbrea voipen,"sasys tie dispateis, "mambers f lthi Motiser'î club, one f thei n alderman, sre going ta ZMon Ciy. Ill., viiere they ' vuS tudy Oves- seers Voliva's metisod of keepiing peo- pie good. «'Scoti.'s Bluff recentl>' prailbited girls under 18 yeara of age from go- lag out mter supper. Thonse vi are single snd aver tis agae (no Droit le set) must be accompaniet iii a par- ent. Tiiemen-wgear their dresses ta tue ahoe tops. Hlgb icels and cor- sets are laboa. Mec do flot sinoke ssdticre are ia Sssnday shows, danr. Jng os' gasbhng..-- Ti. ;epl blong toalal secte, but u.uv~ beilve. V'ollva bas a great mysteu." . 114PHILIPPINES W JSmith, edItar of the Sun, le keaping le toucb viti .tisé ýbIg geffl evekts" happenin la Waslçegan, s"d yMile ai- Mauhla, P. 1. rend vithikotis Isterest a dlspatch under a Wauka- gan date lninl a M4,Isia navapaper about the isidiétmentf agît1nai 00v. Small upheld In- tie local court. Tii. item vas about a 111f conm= lu leegth and vas dated Dec, 29. Mrn., Smith sav tic paper on Jan. grd., irrlvlug thora four dais aller thé, neevpaper prnted the Item. It vas tihe frai Waukegaas dspalciha i ad sàean alace he loft Japau. ONE KILtLED; MANY HURT IN STRIKE RIOT TODAV Yorkvll, Chie, Feb. 8-Oe -n vas Sidlldand a number ljured dur. Ing a niai early ioda>' at tisa Vonbyllia plant et hecWlseeling Steal corPOt'x- thon. -1iseplt Idie since lasi .uly; duo Ith. 'ibîile. rosmat .operationsg îesterduy. 1 tbreaieulng mais ap. peired-beforo lthe plant-1 i oclock tisS _.0r and mutfr'ci..e gun TAX BOOKSREADY IN 2W3EKS9 BU&F CONMTD NOW Now is the time for a#l good prprt wwes teome to aid 0of the county The tai books for Lakoeoouiniy vi b. read>' la tve veoha &"treccopt cf pielst of taxes viii sisal about ligrci 1.hitvua aunnned Ioda>'. The lix bocks wlll h. la ucbanda %t ~ or$ stu tie uouil -Places b>y A.-k - ae wu8yand tixpaers dan Ma by ehecks or to hhoir local *col- lectors. vho viii bave the rnecpti. The payltg taxes inauskegn viii Malt. payment ai the aunty traastin- ers offie. Iu cases viiere taxpayers psy b>' check tihe treasurer viii eend re- oeipi laorithe Cheek. Due ta lh. big rush involve la get- tIng tue boouks moud> the treazurer and county cerS have apked the Sun ta anneauce vwhen tie op.ning date for the, paying of t"aes la de- tes-lncd, sa that thon vl ne les Inquiries ai l.lse eoffiff., vilci vould dois>' tiem lu getting tihe books rend>'. 4T1 HMNARSTIEI 1IN TIE MUI>1R said: " g tdhm" HELD TO ÛKAND JURY The. fousrth MAX la tâP Murder Of motorcycifi policesiia Wll"mm Peter- don eh WIulb.rop Marilôe v-i arrested on a. charge of compielti la thse ilay Sa; et the officer and wu abrousht ta Wiukcgsu liter this aftâ.rn5. He id joseph Bradaserlc, 1248 ThrOOP itreet Chicaigo, itep-brother taIo 4a4sPot% vho ja charged viii ba.T1D lired the tvoabsois that kllled. Perien la a mlgned coufeeâýGflnlith* bands ef Btate's Attorney A. V. smltb, Brad. aierie ha allegadteta 4*,e ivoru uhat he sav Peterien foUiovng th.m norti of Zion but tisit ho uhousht they had joat hi= south of Zioa; tisai Pots oud deuly itood up ln thse automobile and ehot tivce Over his head. axclatminff: s1 ot hlm.", Bridaserlc via tiaced 1w Deteot lys James licQueeuey. ho brougiii about the arreat of Pots, Bartole and Michael Radici Ilut veek. ta Sioux City, la.. and from thca4 ta Otsego. ich.. viier. ho viu looated op a fmrm. elght miles trom tuat lova.L cQueen el, arrested hlm at U0 o*clo*k Tuesday uight. obtaie th*ii. lleed confession and arrtved hors ilia ahterlwm., viere Bradaaeric vwu arrsjfed bl$ors Just te J. V. Bais andioli t tishe grand jury vithout bail on a chage of mur- der. Bradasied vv extadtion. A(> eordhng ta tise allited oufeeoon the fou.r mon ver. bang rabist iLii- ertyrille and came urusWauke- kegan, Jauuary 14h gota te Keno- eai vian uisey bat agrea drinks of vine, He dolared Polisvai the leasi intoxlcited a"d tisi &Uletfthein knev vbat they iver.doiag. Statesa Atti. Sultshaotishe 'death cal» i is cuitady. The four mmu bave rataiued a Ciii cago atiorney, vn o hiiad uhein at the cauuti Jall 1hit afternoon. MOTHER OF 10 CHIt-DREN SLAIN; HUSBANO HELO Cle'y')snd. OQ4 Pcb. 8.-lira. Mary = Mqiqý*qf ten chuldro. '*0e aid z~-.-oU%4 Xled la ber isom hem slortly befor. Doon Ioda?. lier isugbgnç, JswcezBretaaIoa hld by lbe police charget vtti. murder. "I bîd an argument viii mny vIte and ftred anc ahol, Brezina told the police afficere vbo bound hlm lnaa highly exrited state near hi. home viiere lie ibody of his vite vas liter fouusd. 109 South Gonesce St. 111 N. Gansa.. St. Waukegan, IIL FORD DAY BARGAIlINS ODiscount on ali Auto 20 Parts and Accessories FORD Tail Lighto, complet. with bulb .... $ .75 FOR.D'Âhumnim 17-îneh Bteering Wheel. 4.50 FORD Daah Laimps ................... .75 FORD Oork Inzert Break Linings ....... 2.75 -FORD Fan Belta, guaranteed 6 months.... 40 FORD Rubber Extension Pedals, pair..1.25. FOR» 0park Pluge, guaranteed. ....6 FO-, Btop Iglita ($3.50 value)......... 2.35 FOU-M.lickcle-plated Head Llght Rhn with glass, pair................. 1.75 FORD Spot Lights ($5.50 values) ........ 3.85 PORD Clinder Head Gaaikets........... .25 FORD .Aluminum Step Plates, each....... 1.65 FORD Mirrors, the thing for city drlving.. 1.25 FORD Freeze Meter Byringe ...........1.00 FORD LicefiBe Brackets .................... .90 FORD I!iwaukee TVinera ........... 2.) FORD Anti Gluce Adaptera, pair 2.50 Remember 20%7ochsecoit on the above print. ed priSo-FORD DAY OP(LY, FIRBRUARY 11. Save moey-Buy at theBig Hardware Store of the North Shore. Burke & -Wright 1Arm ndNavy Gooda- 500Brn e v .SN 1 SerZ' v ie CaA3d a00 pair Jerse le. Biankets ..................~.a 14000 Army Blankets,29 Reclaimed ..... .... -««.29 (Muet et these are brand nev.) X00 Double Commercial Reclaimed Blakots . ..... 2 50 Doublie Commercial 0fi Reclimed Blanisets . . V Blaes.....2.95 "04.96 3000 Commercial Blanket., ro ---....2*95 '0 14.95 41 olUndezehirts. Relamdo; ............. 75C 276 Draw ool,' Rftaimed -... .25C 416enOrfhirscotton,0 ieit a Ctton, 25 50 Shirts. vool, R.claimed .... 1.... . 50. 400 Cotton Brefehes if Ariy .................... 10 429 Wooi lreeches 20 .rmy .......... **"..---.. 148 Coate, Cotton 15 .4riy ....................1 5 iiCoats, vool, 22 Wooi Overcoats 50 Arasy.............-,... 10 Raincaata. Army ................ 140 Dcnim HÎte fAeh.............m35c Army ... ........... ..... 5 200 Navy Mattresee Bach..................... $4---- 300 Civillan Suite,$2t 240d ..a..t.r.....eStra o $ 240 nms Cal assA 75crap 200h Breapt 75 200. tream CollraBan iriew rom harnii . 200ler bouches@.....-25 200ch.........sS Bah0 .. Shle----- ....... ... 0.5 (Pup-tents) ... ...... 20 dozen Regai Caps, c New -- -- ....... 85C Sa pair Gymnasium . S iom ....... .... . 5... 100 Army ieid Tables35 Bach ------- . ----- 5 20 Barber Chairs ta At tram .. .. . 5 $8 250 Horse Brunhes. f black brieti.t. Clii. A .....5C se4 Curry Cornu 25 Caise A. Com moei al..... 5 16 Pada. feit sida ar3 ClnA.. ... bars,- -- --25c 20 Bridies,37 Harneu - ........ ..3 7 500 Haltei-.Bff Commercial grade ......1 0 200 Paitr AilWool Sorks, 1i1%0 New, 36c Pair, 3 Pairs.... V 50 Pair Costton Socs,. 25 548 pair Cotton and woi f1 Socks. reclaimed, pair. --- P 10#, pair ruber qtlto 1.5.0 Boots, par ri 10Ô Pair Leaiber Gloses8c New, pair ....... ..... 5 Nev, pair ........ .......... Vi 125 Nmvy sweaters.,~ ~ Brand New, ail yodL.-.9,5eî 120 Ail Wool I SID e ti 100 Pair Overals. New. wiii bib ... ....... ..... i5 60 pair M'.arine Truiseraq2.9 New ..... . .. 50" Lanterne . 5c -5 ai trom----.-.7 c'8 c 1000 iiona Colapsibi. 2.50 Steel Bedn.............. ~J 1 11 N e w 0O . 11. S h ir ts , W Wl-- ......... 3 4 50 Ne WoolShirts 100 New Jersey Ove r shirts . -...-O .....r ..... 95C coats, s 2 t 200 pair It"'lginied Arrny Shoes. pair .. ...ý2AA 60 pair New V. S. Mun- son lassi shoes . ..... ... .2 50 pair New Arnsy Service Sboes ($10 valuse) 45 per pair_ .. . ... . 125 Nayltanmocks 5 Bac Il 1.59 240 Gald Medai Foldsng 2.50 10 Dozen Arraw Cuitera .>f- lic. 2 for . .. ---- .... 200 Douglas Chairs Bach --. . . . : ...2.50 100 Barracks Bige 5 10h Dss......t.... $25 Ai. k $7. t oes. Arct ie, Pailm, Shovels . Axes. Mnamelvare. Urias Trousers, aut Marina Coats, et c.,* ai rduccd pricas. Mat, orieri filîsi prcm§tly-lien aeccmpanied b>' poitl or express mona>' orders. sufficlent &Mamut 1 cover parcel. pou or express chargez. Mouey rufuuded on &il usatisfactory purchui os.. IakgnAAm n Navy Store, Buick Sixea 22SU-44 TSi. Pau.. Rod.fet $1363 22Six-45 Pi,* PA"s. Toud*j 1395 22-sir-46 Thru. Pues. Coups 1885 22-S5.lT ivPPaSe« -2165 22-Six-M Fo..tPi..Coupe - 201 22.5iz-49 S.,..n Paue. Troi- 1585 22-Sie-SO Saon Posa Ssdan - Bulck Fours 22-Pbtt-34 7W# Pu.. leoaige f 80 2.F..-3S Pire Pu, Tousij 935 22-Four-R Th~ .P*"*.Coup. 1295 22-Fou,-21 ie Peua.Seadns - 139J AUl Pilon P. 0. a; Flint, mix hi .4.k Aboot i. 0.AM . . a.e and Convenient, This important feature of Buick design adds mate- rially to the car's appear- ance; makes for greater passenger convenience and increases immeasurably the sense of safety and security so essentiai to driving satisfaction.- C. G. WENB AN,& SON 125 Washington St., Waukegan Phone 728' Deerpath Ave., Lake Fore8t ~Phone 22 WHEN BEITE, NJrMOBRLES ARE BUILT. BUC WLLJ*> I) LAKECOUNTY INDEPENDENT j xéw âw«ter Coate. Jteketi, Trousers, Shirte, Bocks, Gloyes, Shi Pleast laclude 1