LIBERT-YVI-LLE IýNDJ LMAKE CQUNTY MVMEW La»e~ui' Big WeekAly EPE NDE NT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Nr 1à Mr Ul'vS/NUf LW t. Vtg£M J1UL AAA. l 7li2 MA DOAL ESSLEI or ZION HmAR OPERA HDY RADIO ferfects wreless telephone which permits iWim te hear talk in Pittsburgh Donald Keuler, reslicg t 3102 sEtklal averae, Zion, III.. bas a wire- legsatéléphone that putà lm in touch with large cties many miles distant. Thie entire machine, excepting the var laM. condenser, lisad phones, vaccum jtWWa and battery w"s conatxucted by .Kessier and it rellects great cred __y1tuibis Young Mau for- bie persever- sau s nd eûterprise. To sghow hem' Mr. galser Li entbused wlh lUs wireless télephone, ho woted ail une night on lis construction, andi on another occas lem worted until 2 a. m., not stopping Wul lhe mamies-ad certain detaila In the Noew le can ait ai bis instrumen tin the eveciag and bear a fine musical Program là Pittsburgh or Chicago or b. ean lune hia instrumentanoas10 catch messages or miunie from other cille.. A concert given by the Com- =ouwealth Edison Company o! Chi- cago W a ily beard hi tMr. Kes ler a few nights ago. A abor meeting at Pittsburgh mas also distlnctiy heard over the viraiess 'phone. The speaker could ha heard distinctry and Mir. Keuler can pick up messages anYWbere blu te United States. He- and ils wife, or his friends spand manY Piessant evenlaga liitening ta thebhast musical talent and to addrs e hi amineunt speakers. He expecta tu urne an amplifier an that several personas atbared in a room eau heal, JUat as pl&Wny as if receiving tubes were attaelied to the cars. Tc Show the anterprise of tMr. Kess ler and hem' ha ovescornes obstacles It la mortb rntuîouing Ibat hg con- st-ucteid a rhéostat for manient ad- * ESélirluespiëed aithlb oi-e lLAkes naval station. MAN IS KILLED INSTÂNTLY AT JII«ILAND PAR( Chares W. Brown on way to work today is struck by North Western train Chsarles W. Brown, agati 60, reaiti- ing on Michigan avenue ,about mld- maY belvean Highland Park anti I;hmood, m'as kiltet i nslantby this mesning aI 8:10 'clock m'itn ha s5teppet in the patb of a Nethi Western train nean Motraina Road, Juat souto! the ltigitm'ot tiepol. Mr, Brow'n. wbo 1la a carpeuber' hi trade. m'as laking a short-cul acroaathie railrnati cnmpanys pi- vate lght-of-way san litIha could tara a simeet car tb Wilmeîia mhera ha m'as enîpboyeti. Apparcîîîiy ha faibedt 1loo0k anutit ,~MgOnwhihdirection te train m'as Tnie lia"' waa stoppeti »nd te bOdY o!ftae victlut was pickati up. It m'as sean Ihat dealis hati been bn- tantaneous. Tita hodym'as remov- edto theliaPrier undertaking rooma m'iere the coronars Inquesî m'as ho b. baiti Ibis aflennoon aItfour o'. dcock, LAKE Ch. ONCE ..IN INDIAN TERR. fil eerna trange nov, yet once the roiling Acres upon m'hicb tbls City nom' standis, wame a part o! in- dian lter>'r. Backin la1800 btse greal Nrthvesî m'as dl.vlded loto tm't terrilores- Ohio anti indiana. The latter Includ- edthe lisersent stalea of!Iniiana, Michigan, Wisconsla and. Illinois. P4Jne years lala-in 1809-in 111- nets les-ilesy, ernbracing the present confines o! Wisconsin anti pentusu- las- Michigan, m'as organizet im'th tae Beat Of geve-rnent aI Kasitasitia. Tirea Yaars laten (1812) Illinois m'a saivancedtotle s second grade of tan- _etllO-a govanment anti 1818 mas adi- âdOtted witblils present hountianles ~lute Union as s state. -Tis's mankedtheltabegiuubug o! a 2nem' ara for Illinois. James McDonalti sud Ralph Mon- rison, arreateti aboultan dais ago on s charge o!titavlîgsg aolen cloth- lng ont of a ootis 51 lie Royal Cafe, Waàkeasi, mere araignet Inl court Saturday anti pleadied guit>' Io dsorderly conduct. Titai admilleti havbng stoleit a pair o! aboas anti e! itavittg soldtinemfor fiticents. Titay were fineti $100 and ces eascitant inbaddition wama satanceti la serve bau tisys In counI>' ail. -- * £A.A'JJ1I'. luI 7$1.S50 A YEÂR IN AIUVAM IlmA CO. MAUESOi LOOK WHAT CAME -11à UGH THE IVOLUNTARI'RE. H D[JCTION TUESDAY New scale is file today with Illinois Commerce Assn. for approval In lina wlth the recently annunoc ed Plan of tha North Shore Gas com- pany of gling 9Liertyville and teI north sbore s raduction ln gas rates, Evarett L. Mllard, president or thte companY. field Saturday with Iliifoi3 Commerce commission a vountary rate reduction, effective %larcli 1. The reduction and the date it becomes efý fecUive 18 subjeet 10 the aPproval nf the commission. The new rate, companred wilth t- brasent rate. fobiows: New Rate Oid Rate lFrst 400 ft -*."60 cia. Next 2000 ft ..$1.55 $160 Next 3000 fit...1.50 1.61) Next 5000 fR...1.45 .....1.55 Next 10,000 ft ...1.40 .....1.. Next 10000 ft ...1.15 ..... 1.4-5 Some changes are round in the- new scabe. For instance s minimum charge la Provided for those who use les hian 400 feet. Ijnder the present rate there la a groas charge of $160 per thousand for te firat 5,000 feet used. Under th1e naw scale there isi a reduction o!frive cents ite t tous- and for tbe first 2,000 teet used, and s reduction of ten cents per thnusand for the next I.000 feet. Ou1 al othpr éteps bin he naw scaie tera la a re- djiction of tan cents Per lhousandt ARRST IIUSBAND AND WIFE UPN 21MIM7J IAtE Three fait into net of dry raiders over week end; muoh hootofi seized Mc. anti lit- Jot- editus, o! Higit W'ood, just can't keep out o!flthe m'a> of t11e dry raiders fmom Slate's Atlor nty A. V. Smitit's oMdice-that la MrP. Betikus can't. ber itushantinom' play- ing hide-aud-seait wiitlte officars, wito expect t10 tag hlm itefore nigit. Mrs. Bedkus m'as hnoughî 10 Wau- kegan Sunday aflet-noon, arraigneti hefora Justice H. C. Coulson, placeti under $2,000 honda andti aien 10 the di Jail unlil ahe gol a hontisman. Site m'as taken 10 lite ciy jail ha- causa "vIsitons" at-e not being laken St lthe ceunI>' 1511 unil lthe aailpox st-are subsides titane. Tiiilt-e second li-jma bns ei Mi3. Baditusbas beau arrasteti on chtarges of vioisîing tht- proitihitor>' iaw. site antibehanushanti baing ar- rpsteti Feb. 10 on a charge o!fitaving s inoonsitine sîillinbuoparation at thisat honte In Hbgitwood. Sundsy titeo!- ficers founti s quantity e! t oolcit ai lthe Betikus place, andth ie itusitant bt-at il *wtt-n offic'rs sam' hlm com- bng. Cati Wagner, alto o! Higitwood. was arretteti Sonda>' ant isll inthe cblv jail awsitiug a itondaman. fi la ,cargetilthe officers founti s quantity of bonze atithis home ant i aso founti some bn lits rbg on thte rmati 'i t ita plat-ad hlm unden anrest. PUÂT BO6S fiRE MAI' BE DEVELOPED ON B16 SCALE Lake County interested over plans, being put into effeot near here Nortisama Illinois neyer boasteti ceal mines, but if te efforts o! Gil- haerts business men are succassful tbia section cf the state la alatedt l hacoma fameus for "peat fuel." wit tae organization o!fte Ilinois peal Preducla Co., O! Gilihats, ifSPrlng- fieldi aupouncement m'as .Matie ta tite manufacture cf he new fuel wibb ha stanteti1lu Juna. The lncorport-sar te John Remus, H-etanan L." SburnPf, Heur>' G. Miller anti Paet-r N. Miller. Thte capital stock e! the uam' compani la $1,000, Accordlng t1 thelt ncorporatora thaeearaeitundreda o! acres o! peat ln sud arounti Gilietrs. Work is 10 ha alarleti upon a maut'!actitriug1 plant la soon as Possible. Titare ar-a iundratis o1bacres nf val, ltable peal bn tha western part o! Lake count>' ant i Wle Ibis ha~s bt-t- useti as fuel hi a nutuber of pcople te proposition ut-ver itas bat-ntieval. opati on a commercial sala Titere ta tomne talk isowevet- of, 9ganizing a Company'sud maing ta p' roduc- io(n o! peat s vailable industî-y bu titis vciity, WANT fiREEN BAIY ROAD, IMPROVED TO STATE LE Ray Ferry obtains 75 sigi tures to petition for 4 mile pavement SevenlY-five residents on andr Green Bay road fromt Spauldij Corner te 1the Wisconsin state bave signed a petition aBklng1 Green Bay road bie paved fi Wadswnrtb road te the state1 a diqL.ance of four and one-] Miles, and Ray Ferry, reslding that nelghborhood was in Wau gan today te consult Charles E. E sali, county suparintendent of hi ways. The Petitionars expaci te t th1e malter before the county\,bo Of supervisera at the next meeti and it la aise planned te bring 10 the attention nf the Chamber Commerce itere for endorsement, lit wouid bie of benefit 10teitis ci munity. The coun.ty has the money av able for Pavlng tIbis road fi Grand avenue te Wadsworth rc and Ibis work will be done pr ahly next Year, and If the Impr Ment that the petîtioners want alan made i wili mean a continu pavement from Chicago te theesa line, where il will connect witi bard road constructed by Wlsc gin. OBITIqtRY TILe fines-ai of 16S.-Herma Wheeber, W'ho died of prieumennia, Thursday, m'as heid ait ber laie bh in Libertyville Monday aflen 1:30 o'clock, tise service belng( ducted by the Rev. Charles J. Dic: pastor of the Libertyville Metsoi Episcopal churcis. Mesdames'Hai and Davis sang Baverai selactions. tarment m'as madle in Oalcwoodg ce: tery In Wankagan. The followlngi read by the 11ev. Mr. Dlckey: AmaidaS. Callender mw"s hem March 12, 1848, Iu OWeh county. 1K tucky. Wisan sbe m'as about 5 ye Old tise familly moved te Henry cout Missouri. Tiare sbe grem toem'o bnod, and on Novainher 2, 1873, m'as United In marriage te Herma Wheeler. A year aiter thaîr marri tbey left Missouri and settled In L courty Illinois, having crossedl stale In a prairie schooner drawn a teamn of herses. and requiring ab four weelcs- te make tbe trip. Titey bougitt a faim In Lake cntx and raslded thera until lweIve-ye ago, when théy moved to Llbartyvi Whi'e living on the farim their th children were boro-Ida, Ar-thuri Hart-y-aud there Harry died thirt years ago. Mrs. Wheeier unlbed wit thletaB lMAIL TODAY1 *-r J iaI chut-ch m'ban sheem'as btah on girl. She mas an active in br of Prim T R3OC T teWbeeling Mission MChiai-ch tror n À liseto lime Ihat il mas bhotU unUil samoveti DES M NPLR V ta LubertYville. Sha m'as an eaneBlD Chistian ait er lifa. Whilîe aGods Iing, ltey bave te Savior's promieER 6URNEBRIDwE "My graca la sufficlent for thea."c na-2 eoManbutare Laaff lit f ia ougt-Seek to get township to aid in of ein a tl]." MLrs. ler knew county aid pro jeot to witl suffaring and afflictim neant straighten Grand Ave. For tisa Put six yeans aha bas never c__ near beau m'ebi. She had a vary Bavera op- E fforts are iteing ="a be y tise1 ing's eration andi on Mai 29- l919-naarly counti itbghm'ay departmant ta raie-c lUna tbrea îears ago-sbe fell and broka cale thte Deaplaines river bridge onC that ber bip. For trea montits, durag tha Grand Avenue aI Gurnea, whlchm'ouldr trmn m'aimandi teilous aummaer, sahe m'asmake possible te alralghtanlag of t bine. confinei to-ber boid, and bad flot fulilitIpr !lt ra 'eeltr ba rcvrdfot h ceta h nom' are aeverab sharp corners. Citas.0 in~~~~~~~~ reo&ei rmlt acdnRI i .ussell, county superintendenî of c site- tbmne of ber deatb. A fam' meeits ago highwy, bas drmn plans ta rebocata i Rus. tem'as atricken wit pnaumnnia, and ltae road providedthe tatow'nsip yle 1gb- nnlmilùstanding a hat-oic truggle on aid. and thte counby m'ouid titan ap- s ber part, anti ail tat siibful madical prove tae bridge as a county aid prop- aite aid and the tender mbnistrbea of boveti osilIon.G oard onea could do, site pasaed train ber At a rament townsitip meetbng ap ting. suffering on Thursday mornlng, Feb. committea m'as appoinled ta go int I i ta luttle more titan a month short temte fgtigtetwsi o!7.yaso!fge. toapîîrve te plan if possible. If 8 ýr o of 4 yers ae. tis Ib urneti dom'n Iil ilb iolti up ams Of ber Immediate famiy, site leavea taerosid building plan whIch te te meut-n er boss ber ituabanti and County nom' bas untiar may. t ai-daugitter, Ida, botof LiberlyvIlle, anti By building titis bridge ltae county trom ber son, Arthtur o! Belvidere, Ill; a can straightan theaslgnrmant witare oadt, siater bn Kansas City, anld a brother 110w the road ba croiteti and bad, m'et ýrb- in Kentuckty, hasides trea grandehIl. Of tae St. Paul railroad tracita mhere ove- drenM. lte highway cnt-vs as1 cross the river frtonu Itle present concreta m'est 1a t1t Mqs. Wheber m'as a Chxlatban m'OU1 conneel mitit Laite Villa, m'hich m'oulçi Losan mitb ramaritabla slrength of char- makae a concrata mati ail the m'a> le hfaît acter. During tha long summer ments Antioch ad Fox Laite. Tite inge 'a n eabe couil not aven change ber curva would tart about 200 feel east I)n positiou in bati. site dsPiaYed aIsiioat o!flte St. Paul tacits. Infinite patience. Site provedtihle- promise ta ha truc, titat Cod's grace ~ I M lf J In leflent. She m'as a devotedti m'fa SÀtLUUNu I4VMaDm last and mother. Like ber Master, m'o ton am n515 ot te ha minisleret i t, hut ON INJUNCTION p il at ta miniter, elle livati for liar famili con« an her f eseidf. Sit te es cou- rand er fIas a nd titougitî of otes a WRIT B E WA D dlist large place empt>', and yab. 1 feal aura, lahiyo wtil 'ot ctbring ber bacit If iou In. coulil, to the auffet-ing fron wich 00<1 iudge grants petition of States me- In Hia love bas graclousiy set ber troc. Attorney to close Leonard m'a ise bhm gona te tbat landi mhere thora la no suffes-ing, neo aorom' non crying, Jdg and Kroil places iOn. anti mhae ed. Himseif sha]I m' ip e Claire C. Edm'ands loday or- P Kan- teara frorn the aies. We MaY Say Of dat-ad taecloslng o e! atm'o placas ti eara ber, o! "business" o! Frank Patrickt andi B ut>', "Servant o! Goi, m'eu tdonal William ..Leonaxti, andi James Mot-an, i nan- Rast fýrom tit>' ovternpboIY; o! Spring Street, and Steve Kroll, o! et Bite The hattie !ought, tita victory m'on. Noth Chicago, on a writ o! injunc- 01 uce Enter thy Masters joy. lion filet b>' States Attorney iSmith. age Thte pains o! deati at-e past, Tite Prosecutor deciart-tIhat ltedt ,aire Lahor anti sorrow cesse, proitibitory lam' iati beau volated, in et lit Ani lfaslon m'rfse cosa ahbathIese places reMaeidiy anti ha wanlscg the Ad lif's log wa aace ' lu 5astop put to il. s i y HanBoul le tound In pb . Thte grantbng o! the t~enîporary in- i: tout - .trsclbon meaus titat If te law Ioaib Tite Libertyville Musical Society again vbolabtilte de.!andents mnay ha mi>' wbl givea s enafl concert ai tisa Math. citetiffir cootempt of court and sent c ans odiat Episcopal citurch next Monda>' 10 jail. or taeir places miosiet foc al In 11e. night, Fai. 2ti, te proceeda ta go 10tlime. tl rea ltae PpIlic Lîbran>'. Thea principal part Frankt Leoîsar4 m'as îacently con-.te and o! tita Program m'ilbcharendared by hiie vcted sud fineti $500 anti sentencei 0 aen Philitorrnonic Trio and Misa Violet la 120 dais lu jail. Slave K'noll abso Sommrasopanoof hicgo. fie m's convicleti. William Leonard m'as et Somet-, oprno o!flcao.A fneatrestas twice but rechly m'as In Bart- pnograrn la asiured. freetihi a jut-y. ONE 0F COUNT"S, FARLI' SE11?LER Ltevi Wait )f Ingleside died two days afier 88th birth- day; iii short time Levi Watt, One of the nidest and mot esteemed arly seliers of Lake county, died Salurday, Feit. 11. at the home of Ws naphew, Douglas Watt, of Ingleside. Death came twn days atler is 88th hirlbday. Nr. Watt was barni-n Oh1o, but a e o L ake ounty l1 849,bav ng resided bere avers-ilice. Ha m'ats One f the coutys moat successfui farm- ers In te couty up e tae ime of is raiement lm'enty years ago. His wfe ded about six ears ago. Mr. and Mrs. Watt reasded in Waukegan severai yeara foiiowing is relireý ment. ln polties Nir. Watt was highiy suc. cesul, e vng as supervisor. for msny yaars. befng citairmau niflte1 coun lY hord s veral erm s. iH e mas 1 igily reapeclad by ail and bis pop-1 uiarity m'as aîtestedl by the faci ltaI ha seidontiIf ever m'as OPPoaed aI litae poils.1 Besites is aster, Mrs. Saait iam- Mion of Rollins, lie teaves nepitaws1 and nieces In many parts noflte conr. ty. l)eathit ascrbbed 10 nid age furE white Mr. Watt waa Quite m'ai duringt recat years e liait been faiing or lai.à 11unerai Tuesday aftornoon at 2.001 ocock at teome of Douglas Watt o! Ingleside. boerment in Grant cemetet y. ChcS.ît. JACK IN rFOR COMPENSAUMI 1Says it is time the people of Lake County were acquaint. ed with tacts To the Editor. Believlng that the Urne lsa a lu whenL the e«-services man should ai> Quaint the people of Lake county *ft# bis grounda for adjuated compe. tion. 1 take the liberty o! submittiàg the following OM en bter with a me quest for ils pubication. The ex-service man la flot seekyl- to loot the traasurY or demand a f ln the form et a boM& . NI wants is partial cOmpengtlon fil*ue ftnancial bass he sustained while m ing bis contnry and You duringmth laIe war. The POwerful finanCial and buMnee intereste are oppoeing the passap ce the, bill and bY so doingsUrely bot- la themsaives 1n the eyes or the mes that protectei their industries aud themselvcesln 1917 and 1918. PropaMaor0fthbbittereattpei submitted 10 the members of ti. lui. leStasChambier of Con>mers Whto at Ibis Urne are reueated to î*(e bY ballot, their attitude for oýr aggsin* adjusted compensation. AUoW M êta qUote an excerpt from the bualleti. sent teail] Commerce bodys relattnc, to the bonus, whicb la as follews> "If leftifree to folow civilina. suits men baionglng 10 tuis great ezaa would flot during the war have as much as tbay Obtained incoa~ satIon for their servicesinla the ,M forces. By ne tretch of the tienl can ail]the men la the. bllltas OTn asroug Tht5isthaiy ef - day censt t wentyfour hus* celvad aone dollar as compezuta. Eight candidates .filed this Droviding ha mvasi alivea athaeni « morning when county clerk te r onlb to coeietl minuso*v4,ý uinlocked office ris nsne amountin toy Egt candidats for county offles a marriati man a ddUction of q$f early fiday fileti their petition 'itit as made for cmpulary abotonWij County Clexrk Lam' A. Hnde, tha fir8t AIlte bva dductiona lied to eig Aty. Charles E. Jack, town comntoul o!is lbrty doars. 2*ý clrk, attorney for Jutge o! ,1he pro- iig hm lirea dollars fo r rae@ tt aie court. Depuy Treasurr Ira B. and ncessitlis nol urnished h7 tk Pearsal. candidate for treasurar m'as govamnment. second, Undersheriff Elvin J. Griffn 1 cita the aboya as oly o». j>. candidata for aherif. hthird, Judga P. Stance whbase injustice ta dîme to tie L. Persen, candidate for re-election as elservice men and ask thlat a aa- counti Judge, fous-l, Deputy County deai ha giv n 10 tose m'o ses-edl u Clrk John R. Bullock candidate for 'el and ask se 1111e in retur. clark o! the probala court, fiftb. Coun Reeettfnly subralltea, ly Clerk Law A. Haudea up fer se-el-- j isaf. action, sixtb, Supervianr William J. Obea o! Highland Park candidate for conytesrer opiiosing PearsalU SE L F O S election as county auparintendant o! M R R . s À scitools, aigitt. Xt.MatnC. Decitar and JameswIEROu ' G. Walcit, candidate fer judge of the prebata court, did not fila Ibis morm- Jackt, Peansalb and Griffin have had subslitutes camping ln front o!f te Wder bhard roada eut of barge county clark's door alaca WednesdeCy centers" lathe prograrn favorad byp sc tey could get firat place on-lie Charles E. Russell, county superj- ickta. Tite last day for iing la Marcb bndnt of tigbas, andi ha bellera The primat-y m'libb hieitiApril Il &LL PRINCIPÂLS IN COP SLAYIN4i - CASE IN CUSTODI Prosecutor A. C. Smith pre- Paring case against four men held on murder charge AI) btae principals ln vîtveti iii bthe moder e! William Peersen. Win- trop Harbor motocycle Policeman, now are In custody, accordbng te Stae's AttomuaaY A. V. Smith, anti b. la Prparnlg is ceeagainsl Ignaz Poz. chargeti ith having fired le Lmo aos- tiaI iilleti the offIcer. John Barole, alegati driver f the death car, Michael Edici, txst Joe Bradas- trie. ahit eldte1 lthe grand jury m'itit- out bond on charges o! mutde. Thse Prosecutor will demandth ie leatit Penalty for Potz, il le tinde- stoot, itvig ln is Possession four confessions, siegati to aie beau tgneti 11 by the men la custoti>, admit- tlg tveryting conceaing the iot- ng o! Palersan. Thte four men bave rebainati a ('hi- cago lawYt,-, Auon Zeman, wlo mas ln Waukegati îstereap to vlabit em il tr jal, but m'o mas notpet mt- tet ta (Io so iecattsa ont- o!ftaepris- aers lthera bas smabbpox. Itla isiinlti btaIPotz wbll tuah-e an e f f o r t t e e s c a p e t e n o n s e 1 1 >- t i i n o w Ing bltimslf upon the mnercy of the 'ouirt, walibng ltiR. LiertivIle. Highland Pas-k, LeKê Foesta, anti varlous other teotW l te tSunty witera Iraffle la heavy, sitouiti have mitert-oenls, "I aitRs aQuestionm'heter 20flt-cIata or ltae Ibrea back, mbichit la27 t wlda, sitoolti, habubl" SupI t R ai decenei, "bIm'uld no et h. 4 acoisorny 1 huilti20fl. sods w1ý» 18-fi moud lç. I t9'ebev titt 80 Zànc 61f aIl tisa ,oads in the siate lha 18 feel m'iti." SupI. abtu Uatvisesa tbg Ulsbe~ land Nask-DeasrfI.î hti . feet mide, Ibis midtis h&abgwbq agneu uon.Ibetom'nship te~ * diffes-ance imidtlj, as lise state Mu hUild tham )nly 18 £,et m'ide. Man>'o e iaWiconin roas ame cnli 15 test m'lda. Work o! aumvaying Shisdan s-ed* halm'eenl North Chicago aad LAke Pr est, bas beau stat-ted andi Supt, lins sel hellevea titis stmeîch shoulti he 27 feet vide, due b lise gnormomj 5 age, andti ltItheta amnesip sd il laga hObulti psy for theeaxIs-a lme feel. He a ihioping tbaî wil »oper- aewtsthecOunîy bu Ibs respeçt Tbis road m'Ii bantile tie trahIe that Ln iiOw going even tva s-cai lA Li BbuIK, knem'n as Sheridan Road anti î2 .,fcKlnlay or Waukigsn roat Milwaukee Roat i StLibertyvliI - siteulti aIRO e Ie ider. Supt. ssI hbialves. NOTICE TO MILi< PROUU Ma Theamanual meeting o! lie r" pI> docars' Association viii behog Monda>', February 201h, lq& t Bal Room of the La Salle »ç9teLý cago. AIl mambers "a rftup y, qUest tu e praseiit. TV» viii ftart 81 10 a. ur4, ---------------- 1 OIS. THURSDAY- FMI ÏAPY if, i cà,)q LMBMVRIZ LAKE MUWY. d