EVOLVING TH!E AUTO- aldgansdwlt e3500armputed y u h retlsfifnateucahso iems lbrt ln rollAieeue asmctiucndedter< ity 1 4P Chiorans ofearnts ouoefheryegtet rtss faml en.Ts lao 3. In s etis r freB.dw cnuycmets ta-ranIoCCrng fBvrsfrIsac speedws a c ar once.wheasans gress bdutng tsedlocom- uryde Intise frly teeats centuris, & rnate te 5W croes ytîv£ otheOr itsislluiadsthed va's utbaiythe mot gbrtelqe%Y provde lmossists fo csr otisf eitence Thefliose OC w as ore rate iiWfele seen ttiserbeftr o emdaIem p. jAd t a .cr tyarod iev l m sno ts ttme. t vas baun d e arvcd & lCha1io96rcesno makes eda nd Eue"rlyfbithee rtly stetar. vts eaorate deas Test coera firt em carnageletsvar t at piatc inth moneserlcne aube part, enetent- te b ae dsgnBtut o - F tvý,is.i e ranch wtis e esnt u péal ot rtsugl troion a ingin consfly o rtal e vene befe gIdl*as muoot r nfl6 Cugntde st e na c r ar modem eriod EnaorpaedOfteats . Tivl-jie thamousine gras ant mm-ve W Ht seNCEcam iautmoie? Iuting Its pae. muir n esor four erlns BtUic dffictias 7.I S1 e v iseenyloedaa Tiese alteg e Ui thc ri t mory cf wllhe tspoe vnorkhs fot thaedeUisaer lf at aud umn transprahtioneudprerthatndonvgt i reto iedn aodissetatintnl-combatd - a"Homedlu ma sny carviiseutre, geatende antuonrch ask in on a ne. l8pln ftie oue dfrotablevehtîeglii, amothuly oue 1tis6cantemcarn àae= unti l<ieL verts ong aggdledges ee180 visen licardsirevet lck md Neiter o t tie surc. Nr l cUer peisstole nvetor msyyers Ig lx n rane. Itiwssraluea l soure les ack ags par, c eod cBtlfrec ielvemgsnorepgalfrd atisecctae mlgh e, tis jdau o cvil tat omo b~~i e carrying teut iurdest pee by u r per1824 h ut vrathe r mn-,utle olg Sl cend re luheUic dcloses plae, vlklsg le s lhe our lman or f ud u tcet thessInmendesîtu sppeafrts and thc ac aeoogst cisas te a fnd. nss trausu oa tionfuanabott-i o a eglar e d rin adthe a n-a a istbga tionos ma-rPe X-is, busdiness.ivlmd c er tenatuo aemcarn as dis- têls. ro etaend boksan h arido, tisewnlds e .stri vre, obawed Cisel tena isdG lucester, vidul, vso, ts'uglln te sov 9b. bids, vrs frmidble env yaes ove 4ugtisahedsteanceln iseIar pied feebzly for ofthe mmo-Andqurod abonat aità e nal-nag 8M wd L ichr rfthnZ iate miona . w lasça lrs ed osea ves btltcb- ed iBgl .T his riesan etur N lt es o the 'ourg o a ; rpreas flho t ramd en rmnac ram teie nvent teab ise ea mpcrae Italysystisfrwdrenob for the l te r, ess atiiithew eel tisr oide reaperste s detmiued lue sorc lesbck a b c, eynd Bt feorivher bad to bemnt dxtrti ci stotii 84 hu se a Uiey ere ma-e the awtef veepaîoisInÙsYhtac arbingorbre s plclie o oseneryl elltonwyhp sud o mf nleeort lnthedI vaur s unp mtin. bOcine of t the a idsrgnc e nat Eccsomy-he .~su.igw lsi tilesE tlns r abr ye n teasyct wd rWtis al ar tpea- Ofth rc-OOIs cnlt1) Ondcrken for tise aoumrt thejlontsnama a ecd I esl ihIIt o t h Idulsed u cait a xclce ierk * maobusielu.otIoen Cvus aa ~d lnorcester, and tleliavÏh Ind- C aritsthe woréi' Art ee e îtt t isa t hti e ma isuma elu ed, hld t anitihosstuat lsng thd n o r - ou camwe e fiablefor n rvine, fra ilses an eur, aid a t u ie 751£fe tlod ise tauclthF i tbth i se andln of a t t er obldu errt bo pisfe slvec i tieftotisa ol aira n 4i ed ntury, l IC.,Uyougitm a m- ta.gbsea sd datilea kgtbonai i aso esHsdbogtn aeta ,0 aln tisat h iourlan fure tuggedtatone-earln.sle Mic a iotnto te hrfid vbie h predefotoarmchuclrs1ota tise suifi~r' <,hout forcs es atdhblere tn roasats Te or cav terai eara. rr truck s te ii of 3eatgan w.lg sn perus ntat t I 85Btlentlandcllevemed ave Awase he e hax e eL_ . p e o hase e no o-cta e equipc 4ide'beltisepposto. vteben rcycle- paiedhaiedtie aatrla frue&s-ïcythe dlIelve bd on e'mtis e d n poeld ya ntra omuto strcton ros iseMidleÂgs fsteeto ep1 eti et ok e bis8ciot ve eue rina lgIstisesasue yeartie tiedav c omf t Tetwu Cntr L n-mtio ieptso n.s ter atacombustn angi n ust bud novtvel letisa 1ta.z.tlels d 4n te cad Unes opry le trekof-Te -terda pttentanB tieddo n s swp mare g etrlu il lent ed gine et over mo ivn cpabedMagnfrcepelo medivaf Te ion;tvhaandmstin ed t em of omos ueina il esu-mhioour'are anemo tak, i sir ntinchya a rotrd e xedll ie etth is l il@ ie ritauo oie tu- aatthemaetumsteidahoudi Limousintheestt fourvileslnentrTnd aattes lise vscels et timhecae à s fr udr proee orlde rert boac o Te t ruilcs otet cise atip oiemnth ildo at .InteM aionglatis fte hls Way. ti ni- 1t etrBCte ogtRm et.Ti a uhdatelg ousiInedbrugt e eut t280isain omI dssurge Ite loAbnaths ie l tse cisth naO %efot s sudhiia taýpr ta t »dtise elabae ato ýede 1cf alt uotéfedwlhprvd lnfrsvrlya t t 'is ie e t he pg t se lug afrea zeItbe h aeg I M tl ablevito ae velisseIr ain proagresa vas slow. 'Mo btt tis e pesOn0*up blt htisat. epcla-satrcyce- gre.Tielimosin e ivn fRg t heec it rr li li ea ue lcmuto Inte tise Oriennvsèsrondthe ordmor veld ehle th e mive or e uigtesiey h vas isebaraootd colieXie lm themptu nvo hTeni ntet icEstero n ibatepaho h hro pii a netd b fh a ucsdf toy laylws China, I wctacos eroer Japs vii h fond iselam buan - , th Ifanil. cie$Iiof!ian preofp we r, az -is lt aabo le Ma .n:ice 'i:of ,,i,,î,, .,, .'te be multipl,,e utkiprinciple, tise detacis- -bl 1 an sd tise 6 cylindr mator. The Geruisu produced tiseir Merce- des car visicis, for several ycara, vas tise recogulaed leader, sud Uie Frencha dcvelopad caverai types tisai vere ex- trenscly popular, bekng plonoes in thse introduction of cars 0f.tisa necessary Thse Firat Automnobile power but et compact design. Aithougis Uic Unied States ail ,ac of Uic Most interesting points rttis oreîgn competillon more or In conuecion vlihUicedevlopment Jesu succeaafully ever sînce ifof visen et tise automobile la aasodiated vIth automobiles became e reeognIsed A. M. Levassor, Uic firat desIgner. means cf transportation in tUic coun- ,lie vas amember ot tiefirm cf an- try, It; wasc mt untll tise var that lmyarsd Levassor, a Frenib bouse definite leadrhpwstki ruanulacturlng Wood workin dtpva tse. rbluery. During tise Perisla bbt si.Billionsle1U. S. lnvetmeut lu, 1887 botis Panhasrd and Levassor. Tilis bas grown to a point visere beanelnterested tu 5aniotor pro- tise United States la a recognlzed peled ouot exiultd by'pailer.leader k Ic heautomobile fild. Lai The boat rode dat»' Silngaorstise year tise value of experts ef Motor Saine sud attracted v+detattton.caansd parts vas 234;262,ll78asd Atter tise axhibit, Panhsard and Le- Uic capital lnvaaied lu tise lndustry valsor securad Uie Frends patents for was over $6,000,000,00. 1he e vee tise motor In lis application to tise approxImately 7,904,71 cars lu ope- bos4 sud Uiei It; vas tbat Levassor ation lu tise United States sud tisey- madie a design, uslng tise rmtor as Uiceousume4 about,2,178,729,00 gallons 'Prooeillng'power fer an automo- of gaoll. At tisa present tîme bileHa vorked, of course, vitis- ilere lsas car for every 14 pensons, out pracedent, but, curlously an- n bigiser proportion tissu lu any cuber ougis, tisera bas neyer hean any eSuntry. %Visat tise future liolds lu fundemessial change made ln Uic store, aven tise soet optImîstic dire designs vlulcl he first ouUlined. nt ventuea to guets. (Conti otherwlse news sent destined tg jsruhlbitioi) He rend hisses gsi tiares 0f V frosuperac th.e cae. coOJIOCtiOD ças" in Hl lug sent become a tisey t'un "Rsspid rie iiy, wealti eneeget woodîîsau cern me .ak ' l1quO îise>-ve K maire thie 1. Artis thse eVenir ard E. Gi jîrayer. f0 Rey. c by M.K W isereai Our iewap uire land n hibltory la the public 1. Boti. Pd but de ". Lead, i.-rit ilxatfi through t pif cri of E Only to b. business, 3. offici rharitable In repOrt) tue lsomb tng the d 4. Makil prez tlne listise nu: intoxicant irauts cor beyond tii .-angîlife. For rise Iralize ith ;AI etake1 and lawle lIoemPlUo ieacîs 10 and natic, tlibiqion Il tir lent ais Réesolve îîinmend for bis 'I ttilenat