EAI.-Y 4 bwalaéamutawus held at touir VIij.E INDAY -o'cîock, thé préjidént, Mari Osinron, = tft youmg LUter- cor WIméetté, premidlng. 'Thé enter- - lt«ilestoig thé tainnient coasltd R mr s addréss- « sI £M scoossftl rafy at ès, a playlet by thi Wilmstte Y. P. S. les09 ftdFdUaahernoon and nda m nock trial, gkyen by mémbers 1As the ehurch &Wd parlors of the Highland Park tsocièty. Othér lage éouth. thé Town Hall Wzi gamet; were alsa piayed. !br thé moétiî, Thé auppèr was umdér thé auspices WI~EFENCE Ve ;Mtrt orne to bur factory for your feuce reqwir- r '4 Ycs de fremi our Wil stock of a large bast of rt &_fàwin Prims - XEVEU IIAVY STOCK FENCE on, 26 in. bih, 12 in. stays ..-.-23!2c per rod ans, 26 in. high, 7 in. stays. ..--.. -29!/c pet rod àm s32 . hW412 in. stays---...........-.,--26!/2cper rod wim32 in.high,7lin. stas. ............per rod on,42ia. high, 12 i. StaYs........ --.-... ......30c per rod uns42mà.hig 7 i. stays . .......--.- 39e per rod Ürs 50ni igh, 12 ix.sty. -- 3¼ per rod :<s,5OiàLIIi1in. stays-............ 3 2per rod IM M U IAVY POULTRY FENCE ï%iý46 0ie 8in. st'S - ----------_37.c pcr rod ý+'5-8 M. 'MeL 8 in. stays ...-------... .__.4334c per rod ~VIRE8S nd spq" "--~3.25 per spoal Cadte -$3.05 per spool1 Hog.-$3.86 per spool .Cate..25 per spool STEEL UNI1E POSTS, 29c eac-h END PQST-S---- ..-2.7Ocac-h CORNER POSTS-. $3.90 each ADJLJSTABLE STEEL DRIVEWAY GÂTES L '$7.85; 12-t. $ .8.60; 14-ft. $ 9.15; 16.ft. $ -98 dvauizod-- NÀiN STEELDRM EAY GÂTES wiàl, $5.6e 12 &t wide $6.25; I 4-ft. wide, $725 STEEL FOUTRY GÂTES 48 in. high. $2. 10; 60 in. high, $2.55. 0 TOUfCOME FOR FENCE ASK FOR ONE 0F OUR CROW UM* A UMMFU 1MOL ON TMf FARE. WESNAL BE GLAO TO PRESENT YOU ONE FREEP IRICAN WIRE FENCE CO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS 2Head Noises and Ringing In the Ears fThunaday H-ialth Taik No. il Dy Chas. D. Nixcon, D. , Ph. C. Head noises and rîhiggn he i cars jÇç arc the natural accompaniment- of catarrhal trouble. Ilic car passages are connected, andtheUi stappig up of itC the air passages by mucaus, as inia & wd cold, citentis ta Uic car passages andi causes trouble there. Deafness is quite frcquently an accompanying syniptoni. A xold that affects the hearing is usually quile severe ut chmracteri. and is usually so0 discomforting ta thc tuffeer that everything possble is donc ta get titi of it. However, Uic fact la that its cause is in Uic spine Sthat thc N"ikcstips le relief is usually ta be 7-,d fr-os chiropractie spial adjustments, is not gen- mJlfy inowni. The adjustmrints restore the full tide of spna nerve impulses into Uie air passage tissues ani-celi andi ith tFis aid Nature soon clears Uic troul)le. DEAFNESSOF 28 YEARS IS ENDED Arthur H. Thompson. propietor o!ftJ35Uff CU SoiNAL #te= n aundry. statue: "I wa aia-, UESw PISEsESO »lecid witi deafness ;or twenty-eigh it!14jMGW pus pror 10 my trial o! chiropractie Wilnai adjuinients. I muid flot bear téléphoné ringing on thé desk heside >a te came back and i oday lu coin- - A»8S lletel!y rèstorèd. This statement i ER Ïake under oathY -A. R. Thonipsan. UO UVER Ws'epmatic Research Bureau, State- TMX ~5ut o. 132-H.PAICIM SPLZLI V 1.1 IS APPIESS IDNEYS MUR S HAPM OWI.L5 1-acion for better heallth by -~AMN!OIX dwIbaning 26 for an appoint- igau l ume I*LMI TeLOWER NERVE Dis. MION & DAVIS ERHEMAONIi'V. SYAMiSALIGHED JOINT. 'PICHED N!RVES CANUT L~LME IN£DEIMMMi, TIUSAY, FSMRARY 16(j4 1 o! 0 theIé Adie' Society, and lte ladies! tOm 6iu. and shotdtherebe 1tnon*é, 1certaixtly did creditably. the BUft itOP wIll be the calllng for r- Miss-Alma TeIgtmeyer of' thé local hidi. which la expected 11> taire placé. B"eity, la aecretary of! the Zone. A about thé Middle- o! March. Actaj state convention et the Illinois Dis- construction on the new concrète road 'a ric ofthe'Wathe Leguewil bela expeeted to begin about April jet trict o! théalth ebruLague25wand be.Or flot later than the middle of May. heidat ecatr Fbruay 2 and26.The total cost of thé haif mile section Misa s tella Koiesant will represent Of road te estimated at $86,368.80. ýBthé Librtyv11e aociety. 2 At the ra'iy held here Sunday the following iocietiea weré reprèaénted, whieh compose the North Shoreéon WANT ADS. of thé Illinois Diatrict of the Walther LeAgué: Evanstofi. Wlmette, Glen- 1 W&ntad-Faw 10 oporate. Can i-un1 coe «two sacletiés), Highland Park anY ime 9*r15m regadicas of aize. Can (two aociétiès) Glenview, Waukegan:fUfll sP to run a good aixed tarrm. and 1libertyville. Hav ad llfatime experienoe on <iairy. tarnm. Alfred NOUiS. Box 176, Llhérty. Jvitte, Iîioe. Chu ch '<I. edj!F01R TENT-4,Qarage, electrie igbted. w-se, vces1 -al! block -froni business diatrict, on FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL M336auN.eMIve.ukesoAe 5ifi Charles J. Dtckéy, Paatar. i1__3___N. __Milwaukee ___A__e, Sunday School ai 10 a. mi. D. A. POR SAiLE-Pure bred Holate-in e-h. Young, Generkal Superintendent. i er na f. H. H. Scbroédér, Prairie Morning worahlp at il o'elock. The .Vies-, fil. 6-4t 11ev. H. H. 1lpod, Supt. or- the North- eastern District for the Anti-Saloon I yul WO&ve Vargéto for flfty vents Léa&gue o! Illinois. formerly a Metha- Aiiing gYard andtislh warp. !,ro. dist minister ln Paw Paw. la ihe)speak- A. Moldenhatter, LongGrové, nI. &S-xs er. Excellent muaic by thé choir. r 1oR Epwortb Léague at 6:30 p. mi. Misa R. ATE Thoroughbred CoUlé Eva illam ,preiden; Jhn WdeMale dot. 8 monthi o d. L. . Yuhose, leader.an. radet Jh 1Wd,209 La..S R. Waugégan. Good congregational slnging, excellent in PM es Bush a .Te muaie b ytlie choir; shortsemnbphe -I.62 the puaéor. 1ro ypoé27--. Fn éé Everybody. parUcuîarly strangers, YOIING ùiiWOMEN, OVER 17, de- Invltéd. "You ard a stranger Only iring, governinent positions, $180 once; try our hoapitality." IMOnthîY, WrIte for free liaI of poaitions Wedneeday évening at 7:30. Mid- nOw open. R. Terry (former Clvilf3ér- week meeting for prayer. Bible Studv vice Examiner) 1899 Continental Bldg., and gooti teliowshipD "Evéry member Washington 1 D. C. 64*t ont ai leait once a mantit." Tuesday evening et 8 o'clock, a sp-- FOR RENT-1 51 acre dalry !arm. good cial and very Important meeting c buildings, ane haif mlle north Of Sunday Sehool Board. Long Grave. about 12 miles aouth o! 0 ibertyvilie. $5.00 per acre, cash refit. DIAMOND LAKE Inquire ai Saur R aines store. Long COMMIJNITY CHIJRCH. Grave, or WriteF A. Ashling, Rock Church service at 2:30 p. nm. The ia . '.7,2t 11ey. H. H. Hood, Supt. of thé North- PA11M WM'iTED-Wanted t0 hear eastérn District .fbr the Anti-Salooni frOoit w2Ir 0f a fan for sale; give League o! Illinois, will hé the speaker. iowest prics and full particulars. L. Spécial music; everyhody lnvited. Jones, Box 96. Olney, Ill.1 7-1lt SuInday Sohool ai 3: 16 p. m. Mrs.1 Caroline Mitchell, Supi.,FO SALE-One used cOncrete mixer, Bring your chlldren to th eSundav ln 900d mechamical condition, and a School. QuaittY 0f second hand lumber. lien- -0-- dee Bros., Round Lake, Ill. Telephoné FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 23-W. 7-2t Rev. Rai-i C. Morgan, Pastor.î FOR RIENT-250 acre dairy tarin, new «Tbath School at 91:45 a. m. nla' 12--m bouse, arranged for two in apite of the epidemie o! coida and lai dividual familles; bard waad floors, grippe, our attendance ls dolng necely.1 electric lighta. 2 haths. strictly mod- W. G. Wel a, Supt.1 ern throu«Ihout; cow barn for 50 head Preaching at ila, n i. budrens ser- Of CattUe and complète set of other1 mon. Speaker of the morning i sMr. t builinga. This la a oholcé fanm andt O. G. Chrlatgan. éditor Illinois Issue,. iundèi'a high state Of cultivation. T. Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. J. StabI & Co., Waukegan. Ill. Tele- "Getting the Most Out of Lite" la thel phone 238 or 683. 7-3t topic. A héartY weicome toalal. Seson meeting at the manse Mon i day. Péb. 20. As we are néar ta the close of thé fiscal year, thé se..,.. WUl hé glad ta receivé reports train thé varions departments oif'the church. Boy Scouts and Camp Pire Girls J lTuesday, Feb. 21, at thé respective meigplacés. Wédnéaday, Feit. 22. ai 8 p. ni., wel shall havé thé unusual treat of thé St.!Cîao aah-oosporn.ImI Paul Preshyterian Quartet (coloréd) lD Thua lis under the auspices of thé Christian Endéavor I DION'S PÂVIN(i PROJECT NUARERt , Thé City of Zion took another im- portant atép last Saturday towards thé building of tIeu- hait mile of concrete raad througb thé business section of that city. Josepht L. Blahop, conflectedM wlth thé city atinrney's office Saturday filed a spécial asseasmént notice with thé clerk of thé county court for ap- praval. Thé hearing wiIl take placé on Fehruary 27th or as soon as thé court can convèné for thîs purpose. Any oh jections can thén hé filèd withln tif- Isn't it. Th&a. thé chéaper you ra your car thé bélIer? Theu vhy mun yaur tires until they bîaw ont. when you can gel tem rebuilt as good as a nev mie? New tires are cheaper nov, but -whén you cen ctt your tire bill ln bal£, lt's cheaper yetft Iitt l? Rave your tires retreadéti viit a treatithat von'; corné loosé. by a rébulldlng methoti that la ten years ahead at any otiter. TIREEUDNG A SPECIALT. Bst Referemaces Fruibed. Vukcarnzag - Retreading THE LIBERTYVILLE TIRE REJPAIR SHOP. 551 N. Nilwakee Ave. LIBERTYVILE, ILLMNIS '922. Announcement Having retired fromn studio work and made aur hoine near Highland Park and Libertyville, we take piceasure in announcing that we are devoting aur attention exdlusively ta high clai borne portraiture in these towns and vic-inty. Bringig the assurance of many years in advanced color work andi photography and a clientele among some of the best bornes on the North Sh6re, weý are mak- ing itting ini the home by new andi, in many ways. original methods, utilizing bath daYlight andi high-power clectric )Ights of special color andi design ta se- cure unusual andi artistic effects. The time-saving and- great convenience of sittings at home l s ually mucli appreciateti, as wcll as thc beauty andi atmnosphere of home pictures, as com- pareti with thc "stercotypeti" styles of studio work. Especially with the chil- tiren, there is a decitietiativantage i handibg thc subjcct i famiiar scenes anti surraundings. Our effort is ta produce at reasonabe prices, portraits with characteridi- vitiuality, refinenient and artistic meit-portraits that you c-an present ivithout apology ta thc most critical. Wc invite you ta inspéc-t aur work of local people IIow on displày in thc windows of thc Loveli Drug Ca. Appointments for sittinga can be made with Mr. Swan or Mr. Taylor, or by telcphoning us-Libertyville 285-W-2. Yours for conscienciaus service. Clayton A. Honeyweli M SAVE 30% ON YOUR COAL BIL- -. can bé mixéd at one lime te last aIl and iuntructions uit éaoéh formula Make your own Coal Baver. fiftet wlleir. Only requires a fév minutés Requirés no spécial work or Uime. Club cents worrh o! chamnicals, obtainablé tuée. Absolutely Sale. Sénd ns a vih your neighber and divide 1he at any first clais drug stoPe, vili coin- 82.00 money order or draft and we viiicont. Siste. Couaty and Munlcipail- pound enough Coal gaver ta treat one mail you thîs praven formula for thé tlens upplied vith t Iis chemicai ready ton of elther bard or saft coal. Gives maklng o fthia chemîcai compound for usé in barrel lots oniy. Prives on 30% more béat and lésa 5001. Revives known as "Kolé Save." if vili fia pplication. Référencés. Duan or ltéels coal. Réquires léssa firing arvi Fonly rave you dollars but wilI elimimate Bradotrééts. Hnuséhold Chemical Ce.. rédutees clinkéra. Enough chémicai 1yaur troubles. Complete di retiow ia 11E. frd Ott, st. pua, Milma. 2 sa Seliing Event You y Can't Afford to Miss ir-mtts .roe Iighian d Park, II F~ OL. XXXý 1101 Finds incefl bay wiid, Tuesdt, '- rIARPOONS. An atttft2> gsas made, acc aladé by lim a îunducted a r tos.n hall lait lai-y. Overseer p~as& meeting block awa >. Rev. Neioii the bomb gestf bWY window a was labeled "I by the lEammC ilev. Nelsoni d touad, iran b( fuse. le said ailiers explod- it haît aufficie sufficiefit mS bave burned tité incendLari flr bis home; 1ound. bis pin, tioyèd by ire llundreds of iîgthe 1 e--iand Re. N ia tthinga 5W a .ndit ndivi He took a i r.-ieDttié 9 L4 upérintelidei t sinpson. Shbe claffl dthat n,-îiréd front sittaî Attori lthe latter has we-ttera in W Sibini . . [,,eV. Neito niuu.bciansi ;, i Libert>' ýîI ije voliva liethéaudit .tod crowd. p.ut in ts s %vas continec îoncéruing t in.,tiitious1 ciseer Volte A quand!t VOTE 1 FOI s SALE-START$ SATIJROAY FEB. I 8, -AT8O'C LOOK A. M. Between $10,000 and $15,000 worth of Merchandise to be sold at From 1 Oc to 50c on the Dollar. Thousands of dollars', worth of Men's Furnishing Goods, Dry Goods, Under- wear, Hosiery. he. J. B. Garnett Co., Highland Park ---g The illai day voted I i-sué ta hé îng ini favoir éd 194. thos Among t fIhé buildin$ nasiutn and îlanned ta department. it la exuts siruction 'w iveather Wl havé it reat fal ferai b( Thé old theré heini miore pupil. THRZE oE FR Kan"s bodies ni t about 403 tien ttiîl n the c mothlinti heen ridini during thé ilite road2 lnuo the t front lte bile. tliéy ftrawuin,- Waters o! C-OUPL E t.anctrig Mis. Stan mobile in st-udt by panp miet- LI,,,, Soutl -Cuîflk wei tend lte toooco t AS j lie A71 the ltuge pt intlto 'wit estîn M: F 1