Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 Feb 1922, p. 1

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LIBERTYV-I LLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT JUIMil LANDIS This is the Way H-ighway Commissioner Ernest D"vi CJIAItIE ALLEUE RESIONS JOB AS and Other LibertyvMle Folks are Spending the Winter NOMTMGfER MADE FEDERAL JUDNE -__ -- -.-TIREAT TO SHOOT Wil devote ail his time ta $50- 000 a year job as bàsebail comiselofer Ciricago. Fei. 8.-Juilge Kenestv Minîsin Iandis. probabiY tbe beât 1 =owr juriat lu tire nUitefi States. re- signeil bis post as judgeofo!tire United 13tates District court taday. He viii $ .Ieiqui.h bis juidetal office ou Marcir H s eignatian vast forwarded bt' * Pressident Harding lu tire mails iaday. Judge Landis retires frtam a Ite Pa- itian as a United States JuriBita de- voe is enire lrne ta organlzed base bal, aifviich ié r ireUsli harfnî-siar or. Tire Judi, -wa, 55 yvis-ar n <uNov 20 lasi. Filteen montIirý atm .lmigs accepted !h-ira pîssof baseirall tom v missianer at an annual saiary of $50. -' 000. Prats-ts againsi iis retirementt frontmfleb rnr'lrai thialimre tedlbite ta decid e tastrempt ta adminialer bath fils baiiebaii and lis Judicial du- ies and aF s restultIlirs contract vitir thre Iasebail magnaté-s was reviseid se tirai hi.- ludiciali salary af $7.500 per year wss deducted. leaving bas'ebaii Iota iralm an arrirral siips-nd oi $42. 500. Fifteen maintirs trial ai tire arduaus propo'sition rof holdkng dowu bath iis paceoarthrie ben-hadsnd rire baseirsl job iras tanaintpd ire judge tiratIf ta iao arduour an undertakint 'I"fjnd there are not enauglir iours li tirs- day ta continue tire iunr'tio flsbiof-n fices" s-rt- udgs lantils' ay aiftrut ring It. Judg- Landis was appointed ta tire bencli by Prettidpnt Rtoosevelt on Nlarcir 28, 1906. In s ]fie more tran Àa montir ie vould have completed bove.nteen years airsrvice ln thre ju- -tdlciary iranci of tire goverument. RHis vigorous methadsansd oui spoken- neas made hlm au outsanding charac- ter-almost a national Institution. Vigorous opposition ta Judge Landis 8prang up seanuts-rlire annoursced is acceptance af tire position of basebal commrssioner. A concerted move- ment appsreutly vast launched ta force hlm ta retire eliber frtamtire basebali jobr or tire bencb. Lai gely through tire instigation of Senator Diai ot Southr Carolina snd Reprettentative Welty, of Olo, ince reiired. an attempt vas made ta bring Imrpeachment proceedings agains i mm lu congress. Tire action lu tire Hanse vas started on tire liaisaofi bis hold- ing empioynrenv outaide oi bis judIcial capaclty. Senator Dial iook rimbrage because of Judge Landis' leniency lu tire cme of a 19-year-ald refaiattng bank-toiîer of Ottava,.11I. Judgo ton dis releaaed tire yautb on is ovu recognizance afier Iearning ai bis meager salary and condemned bamrk officiais for entrustirrg tire bandlhng of large aunas te anese olnadequately pald. Seutar Dlai vgorously criti- cized Judge Landis for viraiire re- garded as arr abuse cifiis judicial pre- ragatiutes. Atiempts ta force action an tire im- peachrment proceedings failed. boy- ever and attempts ta enaci legisia Ion makiug Ilu llegai fbrr s federal judge ta accepi autaide emploYment ' have nt been succesaeful. Rumors tirai Judge Landis would resign bave been current oser since ho accepteil the basebali post but the jurisi ai ail limes deuiod tirem. DEERFIELD MAN WANTS $871,200 FOR ONE ACRE Asks 20 a square loot for property county sees for road right-of-way 1 Chrarles E. Rurssell countY Supert Intendont of higirvays Frlday airnosi vas compeiisd ta reacir for iis sien- ogrspirer-'a smellilng salis, vhsn John Martin, represeuthng tire esiate of tours Martin. -iocatsd a mils vesi ai Hlgiriand Park ou Deertield-High- land Par-k Road. asked tiraitirse couar- iy gIve unr $20 a foot for a piece of land tire caunty vanta for tirs Pur-- pose af gettiug s r-gh-o-vay. An englusers lu Supi. Russel's Office gai ouitiis pendu sund igured It varti $871,200 an acre, ai Mr. Mrartins val- uaten!ý Jusitirs-n an empiaye lu the caunty treasurers office 1ropped la but qtjickiy started for tire tax extension departimenita i ook up tire vaiustlon fixs-d iy tire board of revlsv. 'Didn'i kna'a we irad sucir valuabie property lu tire coufty,", vas iis rapldly part- iug r-smark. l'Ill Inui is UV." Tire cortnty vante tise proporty ire- raad is ta be paVeli t*- vldtir Of24 lest. SKOKII3DRAINA6 DISTRICT MAI AWARDED .BY, Eleven property owni East Skokie district jr in awards A jury in tirs caurny cou] awar-ded damnages totsiling eleveu proPerty ovwisrs ha e'blci action vas takeis for pose ai drainiug and reclslm: al lirousand acres of land. Th, nation vas an adjustsd pr jUder tire verdict a large ni tr-operty ovuera vere shiro cieve benefits, tirs amounts fram s fov dollars ta tiree figures. Damages as fOliova vwer. John (Gasser, Chicago, 87.00. Chricago Titis & Trust Co Bob 0' Llnk Golf Club. Park. $177.00. Albert H. Vager. HighIri $97.00. Old l m Club, Fori Sierli Tiras. E. Lambr, Deerfld, Hannair M. Williams. Washi C.. $576. Mary E. Sf sers Brand, Park, $80. Ar-thur C. Thompson. Mass., 166.00. Mary J. Driscoil. Higirla $613. Minus C. Sirouerman, $76. HIGHWOOD WOMAN1 MEDAL 0F 1719 FU A pontifical medai bearir oi 1779 la for salie today. Ms ini, box 147. Hlgirvaad. .ias for saYR ber hi besu oui aiofwark for tir sud ibis la tire oniy tim loft. Vire modal la aald ta titose issueil by Napoloon to pay tira tan ire harampu Ipontifical state. E- District Engineers COMPREHENSIVE f ES Reject iload Plans pR«GRAM LciE Al the plans for tirs proposedl highi M PrN JU Y vys rn tris uounuy, wvicir vestaict- AR ERbASN en ta tire district state engrnesr ai El- YF R E SA S .B grn Tbursday by Robert Priesaioattire__ office af County Superintendent ofi ers in Higbways, vers rejecied irecause min Illinois Agricultural Assn. how-p rluded or changes vers recommsnded. Tire ever will reduce expenses 'd plas w ers for tire pavhng of Highlasud c Park-Deerfleîd rond, Higbvaod rond, $100,000 sud Rockland rond. Aitor they are ap- nr Friday pravedl by tire District Enginser. Supt. Vire largesi sud mast comnpreirsu- $25648 to Russell viii take thsm ta Springfield nive pragram of wark lu lis hirsory 'r tirai diat- for appraval iry tirs State Highvay de B taeire undereaken in 1922 by tire rtire pur- pariment.IliosArcluaascatn th$ .iig sever - liosArclus soito îi e coudemt Particular attention ta0ite pald ta N VOLVA UESAL marketing, transportation, sai fer_.- rnt raugig This nnouncemsnîta smade bi thetir a fiaBnJijEJ RassocIation today tageiber vitir then and our E'« ýUR ERS statement tirai dopsits tise plans, aB avsrded: 1100,00 will liemade lu the budgtWi exAKIes fortire non yeas' tae ouniy farm bureaus lu ther state. Vhils reduction la made pos- Highliand sible,.fi ha ezpiained, tirrugis theo âd Park, Names large number of Zion finisiing of tire vorlu ai somo depart- t $1menta. combning or ottersansd te- Ida, $97. youths inibill for $1000 duction aiOfsalaries ta tirs orient ai dan17. d amages 142,000. $179n, . Iu conurction viti tire planning ot lugia D. -tire budget, George A . Fox af Syca. Highland Wilbur G. Voiva 1 attorneys Fr1- more, vas appiontedl as ezeoutiva sec-E dayIll i th cicut curta sit orroter-y 0! thre association teMIii-tire dayftedlu ir crcut out asut orSocretary D. 0. Tirompion. Fox fla Brookine, $1,000 damages against a large nom- a tarmer sud banker or DeKalir coun. ber aofZMon youtirs viomire cirarges î aud Park, vîtir iaving set lire ota anumber a Hofd onadaiHroa pei siguoard su dosroyng tom. dent, yull take charge ai tire nov de- irvanston, Tire delindanis namod li tirebil parlament ta be kuavu as tire depart- are: ment ai c-aperative marketing. This -Peter B. Johnson. departutoat viii talcs up tire vork Harold Gmf'. ofthtirsarnier grain sud live stock de- OFFERS Vheo. Reuscir. parimenis, the principal vork of Louis âln whici wass ilnlired viren tire nation- DR SALE William C. Wiresiock. ai ceoperative cammodlty Organisa- Fred sud Rudoipir Paulsan. tieansvers orgsulzsd vitir thelr aid ta Josephr H. Silds. carry ou tirs vark on a commercial rg the date Ralpir McComsey. brsîs. The poultry sud sgg markst- r-a. A. Bed. Aiber-t McQueen. log investigations viilaisa ire carrlod srirte redrai Jeroine D. Matison, on by tire depariment ai coolerative sband iras Abert Christiansan. marketing. en montra James Woske. Durirhg 1922. mare empirasis ylire tg ai value Herber-t Jqnse. piaced upon traportation than ever )r ne etleof Jobahiberk, before lu tire hlstory af tire assoct 'a- LBonaParto Marilu eRuscL tian. Vire smoevefatiréphosphate Osed an tiselTire a3egd,outrage vasý cormtted1 sud Ilmestone vork iras aise basai ou- au tir e lt»-o1Augusi th af laut yem i arged. Ed. Bleimhel, Deerfïeld mer- chant arrested; seize siot machine andi booze Hd Blimbel, promineni poilticlan and former saloonkeoper, who nov couductsas grocery store snd soit drink parlor ai Deerflied, vas arresi- ed Wedneaday iry memirers af States Attorney A. V. Smith's dry squad vira cbarged lirai he threateued to shoot tiron. He did nai draw s gun, havever. Tire raiders seized s quautity ai booze. vine and s sloi machine. Bieim- eI&A spent the ulgbt lu the city jail. na one being admitteli ta tne county Jail vbile the smsllpox scars la an ai tire latter place. Bleimbhel vas arraignsd 3riday marn ing before Justice Chas. E. Mason state's attorney filied infor-mation agaluat hlm Friday afiernoon lu the cauuiy court. 1 RAN DISORDERLY HOUBE 1William Chelekas. viro canducts- a Greek boarding hause at Highrland Park. vas arrestsd Wedueaday on the Icompiaint to the States Attorney that ire vas conduciing a disordsrly bouse and thai girls vere kopt there ta en- tertain soldiers from Fort Sheridan. Hesvas arraignsd Friday morning be- fore Justice H. C. Coulson and flnsd '$200 and casts. Mrs. Olempia Fabri. a widow living n Higirvood vas arrested Wednssday aiternoon by tire dry squad, Prosecu- tor Smith haviug had complaluts that drunken persans had been seen Lom- iug front ber home. A qusuntity ai 'vwhite mule" and vine vas toumd at niglit before Justice Harry Hoyt vho fnoil ber $26 sud castaenouroau- mendatiau of tire State's Attorney ta glve bier a ligiri fine andl give ber an- airer chance ta moud ber vays. LOWI3R PRCE 0Fr CEMENT MEANS MORE ROADS IERE Difference in price wiIl give state 50 miles more of hard roatis Virose juterestsd in good roada vers jubilant today over a report tirai manu facturers bave cul the price af cement from $1.66 te 11.30 a barrel. As s re- suiît the goveruar la planning a big road-buidlng programn to start vitir ire opeulng of sprlug. Invesigaion of tire cement market lisclosed that one large concero iras eut its price ta $1.40 s barrel. vihr10 cents off for large deliveries, sud psy- mient under conditions that can be met by the state. Other companies, it vas raid, irad cut tirs price trom $1.65 ta $1.50 a irarrel, mssning a net ofi$1.40 to tir stsats. Lake couiy viii ire com- pelsd ta psy 10 cents a barrei mars on account af tire local conditions. Re- luction oi the price ha due ta vage cuis and other economies lu tirs man- ufiacture of ceMtier. Reductian of tire price ai cement. s reprablican close ta tire governor Point ed oui, not onty vhli mesu marseuand cbeaper roads for tire stats under tire $60,000,000 baid Issue scbeme, but wili materiaiiy Incresse building ai ail kinda. Wiii Buiid Fifty Miles ai Road "A difference of 26 cents a barrel ln tire pries aicemeut viii mean s lot more silos ou the farine of the state," said tire govornor's frieud. '«I rmder- stand tire differeuce lu price alone viii build fnrty or flitty miles ai roada." Gov. Smaill as tire lirsi aoftire ciis executives ofthtie stAtes In tirs coun- try taflight tire cemeni maufnaciurers sud lusisi tiraitirey lover tiroir prices. When ire vent inta office s lhttie aver s year ago tire price vas araund $2 a barrel. Other states joined lu tire ligiri sud elgiri oft iem, including Illinois, enter od au agreement ualtat purciras cem- eut for more tran $1.35 s barraI. Otir- or states in tire agreement vere Indi- ana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Mininesota,. lova. Southr Dakota sud Nebraska. Gives Jobs to Tirousands SesOral thousnd men viii ire put te work ontire Illinois rads just as soon as veatirer conditions permit, tirs gau eruor's fflends dsclared,' snd overy mils tirai can ire laid wullire put dovu irsiore tire nexi vinter sets in. Cansîderable vark le ta ire dans hn tire vlîinity af Ciricago. Lake caunty, rrccordhng ta reporta, viii bave ans of tire fansi raad systems In tire country. Gai $532,642 Refond $532,642 as s r-efuud ta Lake county for road building. Tisvas tire state' sirare af thre cast ai ralscausiructed by tire county.-q-blfee or four othez counties recelved more than dîid Lake VOWME XXXi NUWM 8. Cascareila forsae tîme tirai ir mhiriknov someting tirai vauld gise a ciov ta thre murdorer. Hait a doz(n Itallans"vore calod lu to day sud vere questloned. Up ta tire preseut tirere iras been noting viricir vouid irlp lu locatlng the elayer. Coroner Taylor aise iras tire setters fouud ln tire possession af Cascas-elia. Virose ltters vere read ta tire polce by an Italian ai tire lime af tire nr der but Sorgt. Goutlue thinks tirst somothiug Important may have bset omtiod viricir vould surov tirs mien tian ai samoone ta take tire vidtimas lIte. Dick MeMahan siipped a string ai tventy-four irorses 10 Indianapolis ibis veek. A numirer of tire herses have been kept aitishe Libertyvîlle fair gÉounds ibis vinter. In s fire ai ane ot tire large barris st thse statê fMir grotnds at Indianapolis MondaY. a rlarge numr ofaivaluable irorsea ver* ,. burneil tc, deatir. GOUNTY 4iUARD CRVYE DAN An army trucuk le blisst s caunty iigiay deartlrertu Ing a largo QUantity of c15455. are being piaCfi an tire st4 Ut Shreridan raad concrte beiveel kogan sud ZMon, go tirai vissA 0 mobiles lu rounding i curvOMi0 r-ui off tire Pavement tirrom legs danger ai accident. Chrarles E. RusseUl, couity aff tendent oai igb'isys W'4go te Mond-ay or Voeaday vitb is jjumber a.1jroposeiliiia approval of tise staie ment. iThe pIsa pets let Tiruna<ay <Iea". a e *wWiei1r UBFYV#~LEL LKE çotop'Y5r.L nOI, HUSAY, FFBRUARY 23. 1922. Lake Coanty 's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN elr ral Irmias ýock ai FI fi d fi d t' n n e t 1 EERFI ELD RESIDENC E STÀRT"'RIOT"' AT. DAMAGED BY FIRE At eleven o'clock Thuraday morn- OURNEE CiAME;2-; ng the roof of the Frank Kottrasch esidence in thre sauth end of Deer' feid caught fîre, Iflei thought byea o lefective chimney. The damage toý he house willi amount ta approxi- mate ly $600. Considerable damage by ietvl yuh4 nU: water was done ta tbe bouse furnish- for offering te 11whjpP tp ment responded tethe calli.and a"Int- Henfey ed the Deerfleld department. Tire prompt arrivai of the Deerfleld depart- Rowdyism at Gurnee bigliha mient maved the bouse from destru iat Wriday night, MondayoU - ien. heavy fines and severe lecture o, 4f3 -- IJbertyville young men cbaged.eD havlng created a dWlmmrbne, EL CT ICWIEbehind wblcb Justice:H. C.Quo ship'high school saw a plot to bt CASE BG LAE P the basketbail games and de, Gust Jensen, wiio works lu a ATC. IIOSPIAL tyville garage, and John Hasa. of this village, escaped trom oa Defective electrie vire Friday moru- Jullus Bratzke. whert he-and lng caused a $2,000 bae ln the Lak<e m em bers of the school boardtwS Conty General hospitai when lire ta preven t theni tramineavtug #I origluated fromt the wlrlng and spread hall, but R. B. Dixon. Gurue b throughout a building used as living loess man took the liceuse nun=ber-o quarters for the male help of the bas- iheir car after tbey bafi backod W ý pital. Beforý firemen received the ta tva automobiles and ver. e alsrmi the lire bad galned such ing mIntoite road, vhere they a* headway that it vas Impossible ta off their lights and dashed $"**y check ire damage, the darkness. Tire building vas completely de- Principal Henley af the achoei I stroyed but I dld flot endanger ather tified that during the pragreas ot bouses on the irospital grounde. lt game Haas camne davis the &* vas apart tram the main building. the balcony and told hlm that Male a tendants vere sleeping in it body wanted ta figlit and that bo ai tire time of the blaze and rusbed bis frleud and vould heip btcý - out oi tire building wltb their belong- told hlm I wasn't Iu that Ings as the ire swept the building. said Principal Hanley. "He Other attendants rusired fram thre me a uitile later and put hie haspitai and saved articles af their my abaulder, and put bis faee personal property. but fitvas Impos- ta mine. Hia brestb was vffl sible ta check tire blaze once it gain- tensive sud 'd say be bail ed headvay. Ths Ions vas estintated drlnkolng. at $2.000 on the building alone. "I toid hlma ne waa makidg a1,q of himself and a nuisance aiu Thelir a th Lae ouny Gn-btter go away and ait dows 'i Trih Ure at the Lyaounty se- yo'retrying to make a fot t eral ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 haîl moe rtmake a fo01 et you' UHo* loue titan ai tiraetSitticipatefi by -Dr. 'l'I l lck You. 1 sta.rted ftb A. E. Brown,. sia"flUM sdthe ar ihe balcdlsy wbjO ez'e1 l total loue today vaestIfited i $t0,- aittlug snd ep to* this Urne Ib M- 000. The bouse tirat vas completely a ilsl.CmeoJW destroyed w51 1the quarters for m Aa ave iael. ense oioven, J i employas. T2he hous. cotld net bé Uinto ti enenior." e U reiced for less titan tiye gr six ito heor t thousand dollars, and a large qu&ntiy Teete oejie y ai povisons i al kida, ndu Ias~'ood, Mr. DIXan.Motb of rovsins f cl indlu g jjscirool board and CntJI tire year's SuPply oftandgoe Bratzke tald Il&" as le or vere destroyed. Thre garage aise vas H" w seriously damaged sud severai hlm- -liewas iunder' arreat s«A dred dollars wiii be required la repair take hlm tu Waukegam IL. apoke trp wtb: You'ré e o - Tire Waukegan tire deparimeut take my trtend ta made a fast run, aud Chas. Crapo, wbo eau lick a"y -,- lu thgv vas working there at the time. today Jensen le declarefi te ba1% s-U prahsed tire dopartmont for thoir eral turnes durlng the argui»*s promptness. tollowed. The twa young men vere flot ta leave but Uxan,,gotixto WAfUPIIi1~ machine and calleit t ta JLA~& liÀND LEI came ou. They madethr a4 Constable Bratzke vas JJ p Mr. E'ýol a etified - tirai TERS KAY ELP theris ihey vere velcome,. but no profauliy or disturbance w » LOCATE SR AYER Ba8verai veeka ago there ivas» a "rookus" ai the scirool d'usfiugt irsaketirali gaine. Sergt Gentile asks coroner for 'I ara convinced tires. men *_W letters; may hold odue to there for tire trtrposeeof trouble," doclared Justice HeorvWr murder Cirulson. betore vborn Hau e h4 sen were arraiguefi ibis mornIblg M Tire Black Hand leitera rsceived by a charge af disorderly condu.t effi Nick Grana of Waukegan lant sum- if they belang ta a gang tirai M t$- mer may prove ta be an extremely ing ta croate trouble thefyre 7M Important dlue In solving the myster- business. Jensen apeare «t lous murder lest Novomber af Pas- of an offencler tran Has, but tnt quayle Cascarella. vira vas shot ar coming ta the aid of the 5t* daonftamarbush virile about ta ahould have beau the aone te= enter bis raaming bouse on 'Market of bis actions. "lins golns te sireet. tirs fine high enougir s tirai It Detective Ssrg. Anthony Gentile ai be a lesson ta tbem--41te ad Chicago who waa sent bers by litste's each, and If they ever coma InS» Attorney Crow au request of Siatesa court again or auy otirera 1 Attorney A. V. Smitb, thinka tire let- witir starting trouble atl, r=410 tors are Important, and hre bas re- achool, tirey. yul ho moree quested Coroner J. L. Taylor ta turn punlabod. them ovor ta hlm lun order ihat hoa ",Can you psy thre fiue nov?" may compare the irahdwritlng wîtir "No" replled the detobl#ktbll. - tirai oi sevoral mon vbo have bean "jail," coïciudedlJito examlned. Usas and Jeum s wère, Gulsoppo Nlanoie vira vas dtalu' ta thre custcof aiCQUUntaM ed for qneaiiouing at tire police sa.S' i>uîlateslatieats>c 1'U tion for ivo days, iras beau releaaed to lhefr ita andi Mb"e He vas unablo ta tell anytbing vbisrb montis for thse plymtat oc ti migirt tirrow light an tue tragedy. Gentile tirougiri that because Manai. vhereupou the y«« =tMon'*~ had bean a nartuor and roammateofa leased and rettiO4 te LUb«tyIU&. IL Ji 1

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