Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 Feb 1922, p. 12

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drn-lmt forie rs lnNew Yorichmvebutohange survive STATISTiOS ARE GIVEN >ev York1 Pcb. 20-Morsi chitren Ims-m bora ebeslutI year te iqrelgu- bm le-a othesra tisouto.- Arican houes-s. aocrdbug te M b4tlYsiâ 0f -Ptalsatios by Hoahis Commis- hnr Dr. Royal S. Copélsud. T0= salyuia alt owsbeva aithe 4@ath rate fer chilis-o bor» cf nativt uie-cn .othora-as blaSer th-s fie d«tlhirite mong chxldren of for din-bom o mthers, lu Upu. Of the bit iai sursouudlugs la tise Amer> hua bhorns vesusually botttio lath ibmurnsOf foeignem Nl'o babies vers found te ha a.gleotod. lu119 04.7 Pe«cent O e hibm h *oabo b orm e -mu fOrelgu-boru omoibers. 1mAi yos'records shov &bout itheam. gopotiona. "Tie demI rie for chldrou ndor coea 5f5lfa 90 per .000 smong : =sn~sOf native-boram oibers' sal Cs. (opeland'a analysis, "vishile ib* "t10e fInfants or Sv.dlch bore n Q4b masbla58, Scothch 43, Ru*lau 04. V'uaoi 79. Austr-Eungrleu 6t,.DO- eain75. ýTorolgn bore meibers genel'ail jas-me their eidron. This la account- *ble. for tholoy deatb rat e lu cou- getisdisftricts cf Ibm cty vises-o h Uilght ho e xpecte* thiere vould ha MMr* Infant deaiba. "Thon lac another reasen for the ttOiy teld by iboso fgures. Americta snolie- are lts lnclned te maIe lmuse Ucbaby boltb stations o thse depirtrnont of bealtbi snd public ismeNi ducaton preralgatod by the 'Wo bavea anatura, Prido la3eu- * 'oeutry and our Amrlcanism. but Wm hve Ih teuo"r fersigu-boru te iiisla conintiod thrgugh a. score or -»wo e yas-a out a-ealoed fisat f sux * iion vibstelluecge ge-sbac tu, the M'lovés-. viii dymudie unhil the-s ,'uuU ha othor aud mers recent firEt "lu ibe faceorc thote figures It lu -tnme iht s-ry serons atention ïboold ha glveu te ti$se ubJoci Of Ixrbcontrol." SCIENTISTS CUN BUT GUESS 14. Abomue Prool Cn le Brought ail te How Long an Mai Exhi -en Ub larth. Xi la psovedijitman-tru. Mai- existod on iis oarth Many, ms tbouftnd yeara &go. Dcv ms-Y me *de epcecrtaway asY, but crainly tinger.thau lb. period acceptod as s #9ict idogm aby Bi* ble wtthhn-vltb. la U'ishq ue.oers (u alibiimno sOumm sr thon. la i.Mt pro"&m -but Ile ubiixy probable that thef. laJ genete concctim fbolvoamm sia ire knoy blu sud tisea e-Inlnterlol types et visci evidosice srmas.. If a vo bmw hlm rsee addely ire. ÀWM lmypetnet ytfeoxd for tise s-ny fragmotary 5"d _XlWbt>, k oWot e t trmdtlag aeo.ttsiaodtact; o0e b cairs-, ho bas on bs aide tishealy .etfto cla"s iumd lu sppreaily vMs-ycssiy atrais. ail thai deparistout uile ssifte&d TisaI man svo knov bhlm v- a -v ixlngblU ot ceintim sgon- os-sUibe ud.- graitueliy rsea te psac- tliontibmhursn vistues and lateli. l ancesla 1mot ps-ovd et mi. 1'bosotl m*t an atout rproof. Even t&a vaguo *ulty tron oltit ag mees tals. lua,. «vu areet mcb hacie. àscrneoftanoiber; Il as old lh doscet as curseives, The excessive esil at- trnedor t rue an von fis-t ho could l0z I a sbeer -uaaupipesra- *as-nation procdmding mttfrainesi- decc-tor ve have noe-but f rom a uiood, a desire that thinge abould bo eo-Eiiiare iielloc, bn the Tale Re- vrlew. VIVIDLY BRUGHT BACK PAST, Lberty Loin Pesteri Séenod Vary *Obd, Theugh Only ThroYearar - Rmlby ave Eiapiem. A laiior':a ncompletsd vo- greeted levstcd line patronsa e t. of the dovatovu stations the cIbor evemnn. Ho abau ireming adver ttgpostera frmein "bm odmetau adJact building. TIe i fs-at mmmed aIItS oe Uc ail. Tbey cou. clisted of a sesles et postera for tbc thIrd Libcs-iy ot. Oume oet tmo. bore the peuetar afalles-, a ohdm a l a CaMrngX labat sud a 51paNd -vSer, Tii maiolewuas 'mplg tbi vomi »eun" teUic ues- via"baidbhl mg rsi te gerI1aMd itl mblp-yeN » j»Mf* kep mcea-gins; tb.y'uu iglst for y0eu."ugod tise artsa. S Tie iaded postera seed te s d=ste tise covd. Toeibme vhs gsyMet aiborne h s-mlnded iIi.crnoh Ow imes ther vertm "grioau tII %W en sd to thbm Vetorauslt rocailot libaf d" f th Rtflhisi drive sud ** 5prlalge smshesla the Argocne *t. t CrW. s- pussapete soin.tis *Octw bl M boU. ventâ« y e capimu - ct euete"la parsl. uko a 00àeet etble pu% thie potff iioed vW»i uisor nsesagm They veri o ld 111h *tr s- tIre iao 7u-llso osal 1Lors, thm Loyals. AlM fieuBcom Md laww hieti is *be hamiif «hm tis7failla l.s- PM lao ~psla I.i-Ordiom A1 tise poo Ibm Do Po Senators Assert Bonus BDH WilIPas Washington. Feb. 2.-Ropubllcan thrMgh a bonus rlght ave,;' ho, Md, Senatorial ]cadets are confi4et tàat on the floor. "Itt a sa04 by our ce a sldiera' bonus aet vili shortly bc l esd bonus g he paniiaRs meeaur pase. "If It dons h ' i0 be becauso a Rq Demrei leaders are equally con. public= Socretary ef the Treasur fident that no lejlalation b.nefitlng bas fougt the mener. frofl is 12 the ormr srvie mn wll e pss.coptioti snd hacause a Ropubllca thef.rmer eric mo viiho >a~-presidout ordered thebW ~Uback t cd for months. probably Dotkuftll committee hearlng at the roqesi. Just before the. mectiona next NI4em netflthibmcommnand, of hi. Repuhilci ber. Scretary of ihe Treasury. It vili b Thes ar theconlicing lew ofbecause there are flot enough Dom4 Thes ar tii cofliclngvlew ofcratic voes, plus the eight or ton R the members of the. Senate. pobicans Who have been votIlg tse Senaiex' lcCumber ôf North Da- convictions upon this Question(frr kota, 4POkecinan for the Reiiubilîan gardiens of Party action or *part aide on ail inauclal qu@gtud(,ia s whlp, te force the measure througb. openly declAred bis Party viii onact Whst Pittman Thinke. noiier bonus I991lsltion "vory Senator Pitiman, Democci of Ni sbortly."1 vade, ban similar convictions. 'I arn absoluely certain that a soi- 11 bayethibm nmosi respect fu dires' compensation bill vil Vas those Senators wbeo >i>0tOd thse so snd paus very eun," )Ie eald. .., t ul diers' bonus on principle; thatJ thse recident expe4ets but te i t ps their rlgbi. but 1 bave a difféec snd à think h lin verY Proper for me sentiment towards thosre Soatoi te BAY that ho expects tiret prvia 'rixe cringo lu iheirsesas evory iUn ion viii be made for iUn payment." the otldler bonus bill la mentlont SegatOr Simmons of Northii r becauso uhey bave promised tbe ~1 tina, thse Domocrati nclal leader crs for.oe-r threO ye5r5 iLey z flediltie Repubicans bai adopi- ioiig te Waabonus." sasi ittJUx éd a "vatchfol valing'polley t le deb~avmdcevd i mbl yard the bonus. «hyby etvdtesli b "Muei Wait Lengor.- every hueur. snd 1h07 haow It hIn 'The ORePUbIcon Party bua ab bearis. ,TlxOy hlbai boom erell a lit wie oner orpou ibo- heSecretari of tbe Trosse Rls ho decae, sites- IbmSonate bai s-ý- the greati nirete ef ibis oountr Wffl te bunI te t»c forelg.n debt vblch are cntatoulstie te paylngou fundlug bill. sny money except to the barons SenatOr "Jlrn "Reed. cfrIfissouri, Wall Street. th Dur.tis *à"firmrd." cbaxged ."If it takes six long te pass the ne] ltePIibIIiu ib "'Open delay."- bonus bill as It did te pa4» the 1a M te a year and abalf stucsve one tisai camefroontheBou"015 beard the Republican injority la the viii not ha pessod u»UW a veol b sento s -Ytbcy vere going ta put fore ibm nexi Presidenti5.l lecil lo~i; w5 mciel1. bed teho ca«r-le 'I «d w 11 08« oo.FîrSit omtt 51 1O, led&* wb s»rocaty bécms i ie O c<b" lô£ j&P 1À111 IlS N'NwUIn An Engijiom teflrlau l cOde mi as wuaburiO in a s-dlnM .CidOefli a r 90- it . inot bis frit tooib nt th* "' of ne bundred and twe. IAt suchlo I You will nevus be able to, buy Luinber, Doors, Win- dows, Sereens, Roofing Paper, Wall Board, Pipe, Radiators, Kewanee Boilers, Eleetrieal, Equipment, Valves, ?ittings, and other Building Material w prices as youget these at front us todpy ,Why not start building, or maklng thosè hnprovemnents or additions to your property now wihile tbis extraordinary money saving op- portunity is here. WRECfING GOVERNMMENBUILDINGS CAMP LAWIRFNCE 22nd REGDifflN BLJY3S. EVEÀRYTINIG FOR 84LE Byron E. Veatch, Trustéee Phone: North Chicago 2658 MRAT LAKES II. - olow 4h. Yellow and BIIet ,S0190. TOISEE SOLDIERS4 PLENY 0F, REALBATTL.E S2t" mier, lox Uwr. et u Fu«LthéutlkWd tie a.u t Vau-qdo. rib ΫM t beutiure s pout ti 1= » mio. *0vaet" Ibm otbut -~ ' De a fidr ivsltow>e *p4 he by im cvilia agtera vis tâas ta ib«Art berov. 4he they vmi:um=t vthe t5uiuame«thibmstato m i ohas, *mim 4 hu ila le ren t 4 thnte et ms-m'y o hval bs 1ev on tideite ppeal 'on- so t ForvaSeidavnseix ibola -«tour »amatetiis nator eras ad ed bzywibmth 1tino lgIarteorat-4 thsatut thvisoilies Who,Atthn ne dofaed Se-t.Jba son f Fthorîédthasdeso-ts-a Mte lis-, vlsieFrt Sbridaul la lieadlasi ti t soldivisand fioe li ure dei . 4t id a loeUai uIs. tougisi tu tie vlad-up I. and vas thse oRby oeeocfthe civilan te Regters vbe disphsyed auy s-al abil.- re iiy as a pug. Thxe othera 've. no- peoDrlenced, snd for that raison tixels 1 ort$ $ ub te soldiera vee t tb W, ot the punch necessary for a seuil4 onflnbt /4 tg Ms±cing ibe soldier aganat tise if cafflOs- viibrlng s good. llvely tile n vbirlvid oetblovre vbotber ibm hW' flgiters; ke-w cnythhng but the vbbîr. te. vintstyle or not. And. sbould ibIS t' atli. nutwejimiiy i6iurry baok» is 1r gobe te vlilp every soldier lu the fort re- ring. y 0 The NsvY Coach. I., As a coachis lmmuy la On0etfthe hast naval station eau gel. Ho for- e- morly held a lgtwelght crovu In tise Atlautic fleet ai ihe Urne vwxeu 'or crevas vos-e bard te Set aud É0151 l- barder te kep. Ho vhippod tiebm bo la of thc navy's flghiers te get loto the ab liinohlghi of the boit, sud vhen ho )r entmsmd on. cf thote "happy hmus" ce cossions as a Challenger ef thc boit.4 Bd lîo.came out itthe Uic blg belouglnkg Id- te hlm. He held ht a short vbilo ré and tbçn it vent the vay a&l boits tui go-.ta .* youggmr sud btte'mU.M jaut that lutilé,e oxpos-l8flOOped * Stise dock cf a b&UWtlOvag tis-s'Mur' Ris s-ay a good lino te bgftd Ont te bis I<d Y«xuLùfigbters, sud se bas pro- by duced tome excellent talent wbilc Rd sorvlng As a Coachs ef ibe Great XY Lakos ring b»ees Mt . Wben tise locaI l alationa 4e Of fcated tibRm EupicilRoMada.Jlmn badInlathe ring Msy Of the' Cham'- mi pions ibai ho nov ca-les on01 5l ai citrlu nsd viii md them AgAInst h ithm soldiors ebould tibYm mcmInu ib$ im- psopocod iexrnaut. el" Who WilI Wln-Jimnmy Aakmd wvohe b.thougisi tisehst mon for tii. soldiorS, J0minl repltmid: "Nidk Carter viilwhip lustabouit Auytbiig tue have ait Fort Sheridanl. Tommy - te k &l aprottyi& g 1 mm nssd Lou, Mourmau lCaR iUd bis Oym Pretiy veil. Dec Bedsla gt ting up lu years, but h. dOeu'i.drS the lino on auy flgbtes- tu the WOth ai bis volgbt, abov or blow. Thon tises- are "oMm youngoters comiig rlzbt &loug sud a fop freoloova ve cerne lu from tc heot yi hoso wing a pre- fair pair ef Icathes- ba-"" yana tobacdo la thc Most delî- cale and sensitjive of amy tobacco grvwn. Tou cen test -bis b, subjeci- xxg A box of Hava-ecigarte x. troncs of best or coid, nboolaure or drynesa. Tise besi tempOraicrofor i Desana cigare la 60 degreot P'ahren- bit. Teu may get a b-o f a good ibrand sdcnd md haefallur". But bé- fore yen cendesun thse bx'nd bo sure tit it la net tefoui et thedelr 1> Roel-OuQr 2e le 11.114, "& &J la-s. caule. s ade, mach..... Worl Bocks. DrumS ocks- reclalxad Âs-iy Soos 1lussl, Mas-obla, nand DrmesS.hoos, for Dey only 3 Ârmy Caxupalgu $ .......-Wm -rge- o ai- te-e----shppng-ar---se s$ 'feus- iurmtriciciedo"ce cf any reclalmed Blane u Our s entire stook -<1.000 th bmius trop)vaineff up 10 cites- 140 double eotion ilanketl, rocbtmoi, ai per pals-t t t4,to q uctpm ltreemived fsou lise -'mgot Quartiermaster, Si. touis, No,, 600 Note lé&gs, Chas A. tbat voW vii flr for Dollas-Dar à fus-r. £5 lies- Th, mmr bo foc *...-S 100 Crb«. mm- $ 01*5 A. 4 for $ ffl Pooemt Asn .»g savy Rlaitmi a"e et boat rubbrismdf *" s-sait 0*O mmv, »w ______ Betvo ean sd Il IL M, Ne-w As-scvColla $1 per doe ...$ Army Beits 25c Maur cuber bargains tee uum- trous te mention. guard agaînci dIsappointmeit-s. Waukegan Amny fandi M04 S. Gîsn.soeS&trt Vollar Day, pairs-.... b0 ~ A reeh ee ii. ne Pbec-l neaoreFILM bibk 41d adcots. erfect 411 Co.95 te. suit AmyOvrca..... $1 Ne ................ 4 garments, shirt or dvii Coton Army Shirts. 2 for----.......-------------. 1 Glos-os and MitU. 85 Army Iokera .5 ai esecb...............25 Insure à bettes- slecilon sd Navy Store, - ý AL A.dè. AL WEHAVE! Loat Our Lease and Mlut Seil Out at Once Our entire stock of high grade Men's Suits and Overcoats must be sold before workmen start to tear down and remodel the second floor in «the Schwartz Building. Oer 220 Suits to be sold, some as kow as $9.75 Over 65 Overcoats must. besoIliat $9. 75 and p Men' Mackinaws at $5.0 *Sale S tats Tlurday 9:30 A. M. Waukegaýn- Clothès Shop Rooma 201-202 second Floor 'l106 N. Genesee St., Wauikegan, Iii- t -i CHA cm CEB - ------------ ------------------ -------------------- MmIlt vlth bIs 1'WooI ff 3 Speir-... Cotton i 8 pair . Coton 4 Spair .. 60 BOpairI - -P'eld. (larrison Dollar IN »trggei -for Doll

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