UBERTY ILL Tomorrow lhorq. Ii-" FURS SFECIÂL Here are a lot of turc amoag whltb yot i wl fint maulIy 9tyles you yl l ike laaeis plces and Mtiff. $2 $5$10 $1 Waists Now Thie Wists have been silghtly soled but are novrer- thee-s. gOO4 values. 3 FOR. Wasts up to $4.0 Now rnes the bargLa-Walsts of tricole, 900585,e X-orgàtte and crepe de chine. Sleeveless, Buftoni & Tuxedo SWEÂTEnS t» $10. A t-elli vondartul sae Of Sweaters lIa ail styles and in>r values up to $10 ai itemtree Prices. $1 $~$ ,Lare BeadedGirles 1 Wornen'o aew beadet girdles la a >etrlety of styles. $1 $2 Sateen Bloomers Ie Regular $2 Sateen Bloomers la vent. $i sizes and colora. $2 S&1 & Wool Rose 'lWomeisn'a ilk-t-wool home la waat- bdi sites adcolora t1.00. S$i S&1 Waists to $5 Wornenmflins .11k valets ln the 4greatest Dollaray sale wv.lever bat st $. $2M50H. D. Âptohis Wren'$ regular '12.50 >uero iroala gooti clora . lluls Ç'$ oveira11Apro Womnsas coversi aproas fta Ssudcn dtk"ola la4IBizut. 79e Kitchen Apromf Woieaa kitchea apr* eni has. soute with pocketsa nd rick-iaçk brait. miera tre tresses 0f orgau- ties, lavas, 'voiles. etc.. in vaatet colorsa nt aséxe la Yel- lIem ap ta $1 $$ For Thrsday, F~23 niÇI -Up to $40 UIP to $30- This, beynt al doubt,. vi rovs lhe sention of tus great sala. day. Hers are ratiks upon rackm of coa, salis and tresses aceortlag bo prie. Dresse &t± $.00. $10.00, $15-00. Conts. st $10.00 and 115.00 and Suit. et $10.00 and $15.00. ~J 1~ $2 Flamnel Petticoats Womnen's'flannelette petticoats t.hat ordlnarily sel at $200 lu wanted col- crs and sizes. Tomorro-w at $5 SiIk Petticoats Women'a ilk 4rsey petticoats'la fancy flouacez. A realIý, wandertul bar- gain ln Il colora and sîzes. $2 Chfilds Coats Odds ant enta la chllrens coats. Values up to, #7.60 are offered at $3. Otter Cosaela Values UV tota$12.00 art offered-at $5.00. $3 ANI) $5, Cbfilds Fleece Veste- Chiltrena s arm f leece vests la&Ili elaee, wrth 60c Oltee for Dolar D",~ -3. FOR $1 .Oodic-Top Veste wontau 041. loppeltsvaw ortb Sb and 5StenlO for Dollar Dar et 3FOR $1 Lightwéegt U. Sitse le au strles. xcelent qnailty la a»I aIses. -Whlle they lest et $2 #Wce Vesta lierel's cbtir ha ltI ill, inlerist every veoma. -Romular 18.00 fleecet, vests la &H aîslefor'Dollar Day at j 1$2»5 Union Suite women'a regular $2.50 union suits ln the most wvea styles and veight. la thus senatlonel uvent st oaly $2 Fleeced Pants a"«ses, fleeet -pant. d. te 10 mii for $2.00 a"t a bargtin et that price wlill go Dollar -Day at 1oYs'. Wagh Suite ý4Smoaethlag thet Wli, intereat tic mptherfs maîl boys. itegular $1 vaIýltt ala 2 FOR $ 1 $2WashSite »0»1, regular $2.00 waah suite la goot iooklaglittle styles 'and vantet coloriage la Most' au Bsues on oaa it table. at 2 F01 W en'afecv 'luTests a r e.. valuem Excetfllentt qidalty i l ailIses. mille ýthy lest Dollar Day ai .001v Wornen's feecetgants, Madet en sl for 3.00. A geaulas hasgain et tuae wonderftl Dollar Day prîe of Cot J*érsé lomr in odi nWa mea's &-cottonT«&ra blooerlai a sensatloaal dallng for Dollar Day ai 3PnAM Good isised, t icglr P bath toýwelm i:,ey'll reate a lot of t^îkîng for=DllrDey at 6 for $L06. 5FOR $ 79e Bth Towels- 7pe Bath> Towql% jpztra be#vy a&U thJlek br tua ksa $1 Gingham Petticat Womcnas gins%= iPetile"octiutins regulat and ex. ra mises. Made to, »U for $1.0 Dollar Dar for $1.00. 2 FO 1 ChfildreWashg Serge, S&1 S Dresses up to $10-98 - Chlirea's tresse.la one of th* greatest salu t t iha *ver n.~, boit la or naWaukegia. Iacludiag ail sîcea, colora and maàarials and kiade. At these tour very at- tractive prieu S1$2 $ 5 Chiltrenns tarosin lavelvets, PtIlàhe set veogurs.Nov priet te. dosa'UV At vll tnp $3.00 UsI va art goins te un lDoluar Day At Boys'$2UunionSut Boys'$2.06 union "U» W 4od'url rrM; goot strolg. Br if t icgD*y .Girls $2 Union Sute Girls' 82.09 union sulis. Th eat-d or the sale. Wbils the! lat et ouly, Wemen'e Roése ,lome's 2se hasela blukendma brownataIthe xltieuloasly low prics et 7 PAIS $1J Merci Lis1k Rose Womaews lI. bho"*Ia a cki and browa. Qoot qualliy ant a -b*rgaîn at 3PAIR $ M5ele ]Rose Wornen's ant Misses mercrftM !hom la ail ite. MUSl they lest Dollar Day vit the konderftl price ef 5 PAffl $I~ 25c Ribbd Vestic Wornn'8ribbt ysiala a, senatIon- al aeliakfor thia tay aI 3 fpr 500. 3 FOR5O 511k Bloomers Womena 'and Misses 511k Bloomers. ýWortt up $3.98. A vouterful bar- galnata Woescn sregular 8toi unionsuits la c tek tyosapd tg ile lltheir 2 w t $2 $*H OsU War fne i ac*.00 Suitkboss. Extra qultilà blsok *bd' ait colors.Dollar lier, are Woata'u Silk Xouethat foan>crly col tu10 COO. iclatl*g faaoy am olors, la aIlgsues. -ri prie"a a $2k fs (oan 100 silk bos. la biset omos acludtlas tic tmous B.vervsu.s'brant ci 2FR Sleeeless Veste Women'sle evuleus Yetz. Oood quai- lîr an4 a reallY great buy for Dollar DRy et 6 FOR $1 $450 Union Siiit WomnilSA4.0 union suite la cSU tya cntsima. Nov a.nesatlonallyr r- tu~for Dollar Pay, to $2. Tie-IBack Sweaters noigies eettes ltin> hht WoWlest long. TIc-hacha la vautet colora and ses.ea Yer sweially prien t c $SikCamisoles omcnu lar $82OS0 " ücmisoes ,La» more ry bautal s tyles. lmb and White, Frit et 500 1Wish to 5* _ NOUI FIFfl Ad 'Govt. n figw~ ont of land i la draiS ewampy. STiius It i l a n d l a I coet of t to Deoent ty yms Tisse' md fromi t Bureau o Uel L Rx ment bus prelimine drainage lies ofIVll Up to et that ege entei as folow Total a 18,630; T utIimprov Anotite by this d lte nonil Illinois fi 1900. TI Couaty i than it i titan it h the total ('outity ft It la lui wiih mci foilowlug il la lr ýî empa1m Lake Cos as Kenog Kenosa Thte ps not nearl Illinois a rTe fil In lte the nuinl years fol There Henry e are ewan flow. aere ln Me> acres of enterpris 168 acres Improved the coun age ente 1919, the Slau te ci Bonne 4'187,520 i terprise subject lentiis pi age ente te Decete prises. MATI 'Ase cc two Severi la tite c ad ta, of Higir ,ordered clotes her te i fore ho Infant t home o. charges and ot l ira. Lake fi Michael also as f rom dl which s aise as bill, wc Mrs. orce Ir gan ch; Site ati propert court t 0fit p. $1.7e5.Sateeiiettic'ts Womens eais$s.7$;5 date« Pett. coats taaiff04:Stylm -lnctudiag blaok and Itguret effcis. $7~0 ati &Straw lats 'heo greatest hbat opportualty Ort tis season.Satin and straw llatp tel-WL>- ineat. niCely trimniet. Valnes ap to $7.5e. BolIer Day ai $1.00. Tailored Sailors And nbw cornes lte taldored muera la mgny becoxang shaDes ln wanteil colora. AdvantageoUml1y pricet Dollar Day at 11.00. New Satin. Rats to $10 The nov satin bats that Bell regu- larly UP 10 $10.00 il a asome estades andaornait trimminga are now 5505e- tionally priced. $2 liies 200 uenlla gowas vs are o felgaetii biggest bargains yott ev'er heart of at $1.00. eut ila Nil mz- es; g0oo mterlals.. S& Wool Sklrts Womns ai1k or wyod akirta. former. Ir *oMt up te $7.50 la many vantet pattersas nt colora. v"lue t e $3 Biue Serge Skirs T'ase blue merge akîrta vea't lest long et tb. prices vo -are goiag 10 sUi thein for. 1her soeilregularly et $3.98. Nov ptcet a $1sa&$1Is Women's regulai #Oi.00 ill* and vWoolslrts. flanisémi awv tribe f.. tacts and plain colora. RIb4uced for Dollar Day to $3 Middy Blouss àlîrs' It MSW sV 1144,blouse-. Wantet styles antt aIea.. Nicely t. sý- 'séda ntd woaterful bargain ai ~ 11 UCamisoles 190190eaSsIlk ceinesoes tai are a ,*enterful bargla ai 81.00. viii b. otfeset Dollar Day t t esesetional psleo f 2 fer 11.00.