Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 Feb 1922, p. 3

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LIDRJVILDWMEle(, THURSAY, FBRUARY23.1 "IM> iPJSTOL V~yASiumwaybof Waukegan 8hnc reputahe peopte W*aukfflaaIll., lteb. U, 1922. Dean Sir': Regarding your editarial besisi "Dsan on Qua Industry" 1 woulai rentind yon that there lsaIl Il ta true l.bat Lke count>' bas bat morne lth"ft# sbire of oeurter ith- lnathieput jean. but, l a My Opinion, thee crimes wÔuld have boom coas- -mitteti bat no pistols beuai lablo. 1 vouidti uyaur attention lu 1the tact that- u la isJat tvacases, abat guns anti fot pistole vere the woap on& useil. At short rnge th1e &bat Sui la more deadly than 1the pistols. ad 1venture» ta y there ane more shabt guns than pits libe Dosu-e alan 0f Lake county cltizens. Stop the manufacture snd sale of ptols, anti a big inereaae lu sïhot cum murtera viii b.e e euht.Do avay witb lire arme af evory descrip- tionand taurderors viilrosort ta .axea. canving knives anti clubs. Be- fore 1the Invention oif Irearms buman ite was hait mare cheapi> anti crimes af vialence were mare numer- Siadatclegisiation a-s yau pro pose would i llarm the iaw abiding citizen whô keeps a istalInb bis bouse for protection, and place him et the mercy of burgiars, other criai iuais. wlia would manage ta provide themnselves witli vespans in apite of the lav. To supply the demanil ut the eîim Mal clasa lire arma wauid ha amug sied l mb1the Unitedl States frotu for elgu couoîries as easti>' as whiskey and drugs are smuggled In nov. Woulil you take uvay th1e pistai vhicb, lu man>' cases, la the oni>' pro- tection of the woman farceti by ir- * cunstanees toaspend much lime alone ou farma or ranch? iven the hast po- liceil cities are noueto sale for the voman vha ilves alone. The man or vomnu vba itossessea a pistol la not necessaniiy a sijo>inal as your edilarial Implies. 1Us-d then 1fl511>'of the mo-tt pramineot andi re- specied cit iens of Waukegan ans criminais. i would lia} to yau as Weil as ta ail alliera, 111.1 advocate more tningeut laws as s solution Iota Iis prabiem. let us enforce the iawg we already> have. If vo cannaI do thal, vby make uew iawa' As a mtter nf ladt, va are staggering under th1e burden ai * tao man>' unluforcible lawa nov. Hover. If ve muai have mare 4legialatian. let Il be a ste iaw. not ta prabibît. but ta regulate 1the pas1 session anti use ofaI itaIs. FViada bas und soebi a liv for yosrs and il works ver>'veili. Mutilera are nmore nu iuerons Ibere thon ln state where the lawa are far more stringent. Under suchl awssas i have Ilu-Md any persous dealrlug to procure s pis loi wauld 1e obligedt taappiy la 11e caty cdem-k for a licenso. Licenses would belissîzet ta noue but Arner- ican citizens ai goot characteî aven elgbteen yesrs of age. Appicauts vauld b1e requireil mn take rn-tb Ihat tho>' voulil ual use a piâsiosôîomn mit crime. Djealers lu irearma wauid holilcaenzedandi vaulti haalloweti ta sailipistoleonul>' lu persans licensedt l ow ovthena. Tbe>' oulti turuishe the caunî>' clenk, andtinl a cil>'. the chiai ai police. vilb 1the lactar>' oumber an fdull descriptiou of ever>' plalot sold by hlm. as weil as the purclias er's name sud iceuse number Wouil not sncb a iav salve Ibis problona as s-el as If ever can be solved? At least it wauld not ileprivo th1e las- abidilg American citizen of bis canstitnîional rlght ta keep anti bear arme. Ver>' reepectfniiy, ROT A.SHUMWAY. W. 1. LYON RPORTS *SEEJNi ÀA qRA~CKE Il hardi>' seems passible thît in i les- veeks a mn>' ami>'sprlng binda s-il ha haro again. Speedth11e ilys ant ialp us some nice vanna voather, * Mi-, Woatherman! Lailt apriug moat * of Our eami>'birsuvoeebore by NMardi 10. W. I. Lyon oI Waukegan. Ill., ce- *- potet a broqze grackle an lob. 25, andtwotva ys liter robins, a licker -ait a rat vlng vos-e notai. B>' Mincis 2 bluebirtsand tgsng aparrova (gosb, but I il vlI hia et ta ear tina sing again) ven. vilis un. Moeadoaalansetklihîdors s-are pieu- tilul b>' Marob . As for the moîdas- *lerits, PinkIe> vs-Ites us tram Gibsan City' that ho sas- tva ai theno 'tns about tvelve dîys ago-aloo a robin. The meadaioîk vouit éeenM atrango vîthout 1the presonco and sang ai Ibis hantsome aud useful toi- 10v. Tisane ara tva sPecies. You tuas-, one lu tise veat aud anther lu the middlte veat anti eut. The>' tiRfetimuc in lusang, but resamble -«ech allier ciasel>' lu plumage aut habit#. To shoot tise meadaslant la a mis- tata as tan as tisetas-mer is concoru- et, ai Il la a most usetul and beuefiç- Jlibird. Our bird experts have provet titis b>' examiniug hundrets af stnem- ache, sud il vas taot dtht the hulk of the food the tsmeïdtiairk con- r Sitai of haraful luseets. such as gnasaboppena anti heetios, in1the South It goes afmilnthe hall s-eevii mut banco is a rnaîtfriands aif11e cat- ton gras-en. Moral: Take a Chance. Thse man s-ho tries is hast witi ual ~-&- asys s-m, bu e w-Is-Wit eflaner. thon tle mawh n st lisn't try except Iws-bn he kiowS-e ha'vilileBso Trins;Crlpt. AIT ViWf TFbd sUtk HENS Mdany Reaflons £mmrata Wy il Rather Than Corail. <Pr@uas.d Sa' the uaft.4 ftStoUaDP&ftiubt et Agriaitvre. Thse tmmu relable ant profitable nithat for curiag alck pouitry ilaii. ci commerial poultr>' raisons. The>' fni Ibat ah 4oent Day lt e t mucb limeacti nouel'Lau trypgta brin à siack fovIl lck ta heaiL. Ole ýM anla 11151 It tek..z cosderabi. lie,;4uring vbleh the bird viii net b. ayisyu, ant another leaIbal a .1.1k bird la alwas a menace ta tbe rosi et the flock.Hav- evor, lu apite of th1e effldlency of the batchet ns a cure, It lau nltgooti bos- amte -héeareless jusfboce e scb Profite Ara Smasher Whar HousesaAre l<apt lu s"atry Contilton. an efficient remaedtu Iai iband., Pro-1 venton lu masi cases la hiot Ctfficuit non caSh>', and pays big dlvidends, The poultry- teck WIsaubjeclt10aa number of tisasses,nme of whicb' apreati nipitil>'anti cause big lases. The bitta ma> siso lie infested i lt.b Varions parasiten, nomeao aI -blilve on t1e surface ofthte body ansd thers la t1e varions parts aif1the Intenint. Bacb parasites.,niiethen ilie> areonul- aide or mallde irkars, ara Injurions because tue> take a part of 11e nourlsîîmenl a 11db abouli ha usedt l put ou flash or tI praince eggs, andi alqo beause of Irritation anti ln tiainislof a!the parts 11e>' ttack. Theii i-intagloa diseuses cAused bY gerru snduth11e seakness anti ses of flesh iauet b>' the langer parasites are the mont Important conditions a hidi 1the poultryman muat cousillo n ortiPr ta keep bis hInds n lt ht. These germa and parasites cao 1e kept des-n b>' imitable pr_çvetxtahive measures, andi lthe satm et sudy ofthe diseases abouli be ta loarsi prea-ention nather than cure. %ledielnau may lie gironad- vantageousi>' 51 limas but as a anie. as han been snggested. it la better la k111 the aufferer. Thora le another reissmi not yet mentlenedt hat makes tbl kill Ing et sick bitta desirable. Brds that firt contt ilseases areaspt la 1e the veakest enes lun1the fiack anti TIse more hinds kepb ona a tara or1 plot ai grouriansuth11e mare 11e>'are crewdedthlie gpoier tle danger tram ionlaglon anti parasites, andth1e mare Important te measures fer exciuling. eradcatiog, anti provonling dev-amp- ment af these causes oai tisasse The hast aa>wa ta dûthha ha te gecure eggs tram a #ock ibai bas aias-n no Inication et anolaglossdisease iornta ieast a yesr. If precautians are titken la koep 11e eggsahasolîteiy dienn andl tho>' are hbclnhoa îhonaugbiy cleanai inculbeton 111e yaîmng chicka wil balve s much htter chance. Tse> s-lit alan gros- up s-lth a btter chance et escaplng tilsease If the>' are îalsed la dlean broaters sutdtoril upon grount s-bone paulîr>' bas net rnitfor soe Mime, S<setlmes these directionis cannel bu folloee expiclily. If al1the avail- able grotint bas beats nceitti>'usai for pooltr>'. tesashoitli e aten froua tisaI part s-hidi la 10 ie niait ionr1the oas- dock, a geai coattng et tre8bi>' miieke I lima appiedto10the suirface, anti a tew Idas laler lb shanit 1e pios-ot, Thon l sbauld bu coltivateti lisme on foortlimes sitb Itervaja of s s-eek. and hlnaîl>' as-ai toa a mali grain cnop. lns s tes moubîs the grealor part efthle germa s-li1e do- fetroy-eti,but Il hn btter tle bava tise groanti occupled.b>' poulîry until a s-Inter bas passai. It lW More tifficul oîten a a as dock tree frenaParasites If 1the egg ,are hatcheil b>'bons, for bans ma> carry lice sud mites anti varlous para- oiles. For tbis- rassoit il la a goot ides ta s»elect bons ton hroodiug trotu a dlock frt romna iséasse andpesta. To keep gaifis snd parasites fron develaping te a greal exteut, pouitfy hanses need ta 1e cleanati trequenliy andtihîe trlnking teuntaina anti teet trougbs neel a 'Neekl>' sasliing s-ith beiing s-star on athan disînfectanî, If 50>' lice or mites are fount aon the brda or lu tuit bouses, the roosts anti adjohniug parts aif1the -alis must ba painfeil witiî commîercial caihîolineutn o a mieboure ai 1 quart htrosene tauj 1 tenctipitl of cride Csrboîl- i-l% itu cs-u4e cresal, or thiebouse m I)- whlles-asted witllfrashl>' siacked liiîî and sprayed sitii kenosene eniubios Dusît fthes-I s ith sodium 4heé pas-ta,.- IIIQ'IYID V fli~ TIfl? I~PI II1 i~ A Mil V I li K 'V.Ng AUr 1A81 5LA A LA AAU.UsPLI Rudoli EpPker, andi early pioneer of two years, but there wua an old school Madden gbooI District No. 68, was bonne at the Intersection of St. Mary's barn lu Burpteinfurt, Oermany, Nov. andi Buckley roail8, wbich wu5 uaed for 15, 19», anti wbll, a ver yoyung man gatheilga by the Irish populace, sud met bILI future wife, Miss Cbrlstlna later soclle poor people llvedl there. Lintihof, who accompanied i hm ta this Thiers were enjoyable tances hiel here country. He vas 25 years old when, which th1e Rpker familles ufflaUy at- tlîey decidedta !clave for Amer$ca, lni tetideti. 1864. lt-took them four weeks ta cross The Union church lu Libertyvilie over ln a smi l bait. laning at New which they atteded, bad been built York, finally tiecidjug ta locate ai before they came beve. Later they as Wbeatland. Wiscomna ater havlng sisted lnl building the. German Congre atapped at many places along the way gational, of! wbJch't»îy are st111 very ftmNev Yok. heiptul parlshlqmsoes. . hartly ster reaching Whoeatland The neareat bueksmlth ahop was in they vote marrleti and Ilveil thore fer Waukefan, operaiet by Tom Drew's about six mantbs. Not being thorough- lurotbet' Tom tl llved on th1erires- îy coteted there, tbey lîved lu rented eut McKeOwn tassa. housés. sud finally bonght their preé. The fleivelt aippiig point was at eut farm frram John O'Neil. There vas Routant. about; throe miles distant. a 109 bouse and barn covereti wlth andthIis seemeti very convenient at sloisgb bay, which building servoil the that lime. Puçose of a home for seven years, andl Someof-UMr. lllker'a neighbois w.ere then they but the bouse lu whlch tey the Mofloy, Mole, Kelly, Grimes, Ward 110w reside (In 1874), andl the barn andlilcKeoan familias, andi the) Prov la 1876. et t abe aploudidi frIads. They were splendid farmers, andi A botjtiiig son came ta p1adden would taire their produce, suchbutb~- their hamInl 1868, who proved to le ter andi eggs, ta Waukegan la be ex. a splendid belp ta l.bem, andtiglathe joy changed for needeti things. Tboy man- af Ibeir well-spent livei. lHe mai ried ageil ta arrive about once a vook (nou- Chriatina Schnock, WbOi} hc wa. 31. ally an F'iday) and, since the road and tank ber ta tivo in the Lame oI(i were very poor. andi their conveyance home, wliere tbey lived very tîaîpity, was a liase andi wagon.,11. vas pianneti until the saddost of ail things hap- as an allda>' outing, andti 1e>' neyer i eneti, when Rudolph Epker. Jr diîed forgot ta stop at the postoffîce and In Septensber lust. cait for the mail, lnctudlng tbeir paper,! Since ilien Mr. Epker, Sr., has i ken th1e Illnois Zeitung. careve~f 1the yanstuother and lier Wbeu theEpker fauslly ca=e here tliree sons, doing the duty whî h lies the preseut achool bat been lu use for nearkehis beant. OMÂDDEN.SCHOOL 0 orle th meting.h 0000 000000000000OO Mr. and lins. Bent Cbambe-ltuîsi ed Waukegan relatives lest s-e k The August Gummerus faili>, vboj Mms. Heur>' Molohu vas a (hi ago bava lived th 11e Thomas Sage iarm veek endl visilor, for about a yean, bave moved tb Not lira. A. E. Ransoin andl sou.îtii-k.1 Chicago. ' Mn, Gummerus lian tradeti s-are llraysiake visitons Thursuia~ bis prape-ri> bore fon a two-stor>' bouse Mr. anti lis. Bent Lnsk ai Wauk-ea anti a store building at Thlnteentb sud visitdait a the home of Mr. an-t4 Victoria streets. The other participant Frank Doipli Wednosday. lu 111e deal la Chinles Bojnievlcz, Eanl Ritta vas a Chicago tus-ness s-hase famil>' le velcomedto 10 ldon cailer Tuesila>' dislrjcet. This Io 111e first change eof Imrn>' Payne viledin luCliii i, ai residents 11115 year. Mrs. Eliza Fr>' ai Kentucky visita Wohrd az e& ecie fi ,dai ber cousin. Ms iChrls olm ,l, d bsth. «na-elet f " l.- iN- week anti. Albert SchwautiJr., relurueti home Mania>', Feh I13, atar attening th1e Svaeny Automobile Tracter achool lu K<ansas Cil>'. Mo., since lat July. Ha va gladtet gel bick te Illinois, ual [ikIng1the lijuiaeaofMissouri as vaU as tht ai bis native stte. Mn. anti lis, Angust Scbvant anti M ilas Emil>' entertainedth11e eighth grade and Ibein friands on 1the evenlng ni Februan>' 16111. The>' piayed gimas Iuciuding bunco, The vinnens aI 111e latter vera huma Stoimman. Jeral Mii- ler anti Willam Nauman receivedthîe consolation avant. Tisa relresbments vere "fit ionr1the goda' ant inl greit abondance. Ail presont vene aspirants te the positions as balpere lun1the M-S Flaur MilIlng Company; William Zina- mers, Maria Ocbvanttand Aima Nau- mnuprovet themselves worthy ai ho- iug tle successful aspirants. The cock crovet more than th1e proverbial tbree limes before the merry thnnng dis- perseil. 000000000000000000 0 SAUGATUCK o 00000000000000 0001 Our i- illlmaubli dosai Manda>' s-hI the fehhoiug Perfect lu attenitînca: Adaîphine, Antres-, Louiseansoi Carnie Van Haecke, Robent and Shirley fouS- as. Wiliie ituesai>'. Lana>'Riebarit anti Herman liack. We celobrabel St. Vatentina's day b>' luvitlug 1the parents suit friands ta a short program na lthe ailternoon. The noorn asadiecoratet s-llh homel mite valantines. The prograra s-as as faliova: Recîttian b>' Evelyn Mioses. Recîtations b>' Doris Maos. "VaentLuea"ý-Au exorcise b>' tan ai the smiller chilitnu. Important Da"s in Fehruary"-Au exorcisa b>' nine chiltren. "The Valentino Man7"-A plaasiug pliay, vîihparts fon all. Riedtatian b>' Wilbun liact, A heant-ohapod boy fluetili valen- linos gave iii. The vlitop vere Mrs. Noyait,lira. Mick Mr. Floot, lins. Brogden, Mat- Schnock. lins.Dohoyer, Bertha De-' thi DeMeyer, RIciard Macit, Doris and Evalyn Maoss ad R'aymond Ptoa' 11111e sister. Mrndu lis. Hope sud tîmil> s-are ontetainet aItuiner il Mn. andi lra. R. Thamua'iTuesda>'evenlug. lis. andi lis. R. Gatgy ai Ai-ai visit- et li. ira. SuhUlng ait tamil' Sunda>'. rIia>' mornlng Albert Dolayen vas giving bis brother a ride ta achoal en bis bicycle anti met s-itb a seotac a- citent, s-heu Lea put is heel mb 1the spokes. Haevisknocet uncanucloos but soan recovered anti vas fortiiuato ta escape s-ith a brulset lice. 0 0 oc0 0 00000 0O O OOO 0 000 o ooo OSoo Mr, ansd lins. Wallen Stone lait ion WaltenrSStone laIt for Calioruta s-haro bbc>' axpodt ta locale same s-bore lu the- golden sate. The Womeu's Saoty' siii hal iis regular manîbi>' meeting ai 1the bame af Misa Emma Ratite Thursaastar- nou, F'eb. 23, atI I o'dlock. hveryone Chaerles Scbnider,oi Grayshaki NI rs. liclroater farmeni>' resided in iîanboe. Mr. and lins. William W agner anti chluiren visitet friendsi n Evanston Manda>'. Mm. WIII etlie is enîerîaîning ber sister. MiEs S mithi of Wiuconda, W. E, Dunn vsiteti a relative aut1the Great Lakes baspital PnIda>', Miss Edith Wlrtz la an thse sick liat tbis veek, Saverai tram bore alteniati the bas- ket baIl game ai Waukegau Salunia>' n.Igbt. Mr. Loamas la unabie ta wnnk an ac- cournt ai a spell th brancbitîs, Choir practice viii ha haI t at11el bomne ai Mn. anti Mmn. Frank Dolph Frida>' evanlug, Fehruary 24, et 7:30. A goot attendince ls urgat. uda>' Scisool at 10 ven>' Sun- ta>'. The Philaîbas. Champion anti Daracas ana staging an interestlng con- test, Th loisng cias vilii antentain the allier tva classes at an evaning lunebeon anti sociat. The Valentine social iu connection villi chair practica. at the Aogtlst Wirlz home, last Frîda>' nlght vas a unique succesa. Aiti s-reA mmensely enjayeti. tram heant making and break- ing, ta 1the peanut music pnize. Heniette Snyder iead a daundy En deaver meeting Sunday eveuing. If you dount helieve itappinesa pays. try it. Il pays bath waa s. Christian Enteavor ne-xt Sonda>' viii e il 111e home of Miss Emma Ratike, Raber Ratika viii iead 111e meeting. If you like 10 reati you s-lu anja>' the meeting. .A. t.. Rilla lias becsi on th1e sak liai A. L. Ritta lias beau oun1the sick liai th1e past veek. Miss Christine Andersonea ibIeat>' vile spent 1the seek eut vlth Etins Shnepherd. Tbe Ivanhoe bayas wil! play' basket tail aI Lake..villa Friitsy evenlug, lob. 24th. The score ai Waukegan Salut- day avenlng vas 12 ta 13 lu LaYon of rvanhae. Our boys hava doue fine sc far, oui>' iosing ana gaina 111e year. 2 DIVORCE SUITS ARE FBLED FRIDAY Attys hMiler & Herr Frida>'filet in th1e circuit court tva sella ton divorce ton a Waukegan client sut anathor lin Mon. lins, Jessia Gillavay Vasa, aofZVon, chargea that.Rohant H. Vassa hUnuabis to ponfonmtuh1e dtles af a huabanti They ws-re marnait lu Kebomba Oct. 13 ai leaI year. acoriing totah1e bill ant i ived together untili the fira af tise moulli, nrs, Eblel P. ff-tuges ai Wauke. g charges tht Nicliols G. Heutge tesertai Ian Sept. 15, 1918. The 1111 petition sates tisaI tha>' s-re marrlaî at Beatrice, Nali., Feli. 28, oi the 5ail year. Woish IWilnlng Supontitlan. jaong Welsis minera Itlai a super- itfflou thal s-heu a Oas- min la takan 6u aI a mine lie ta st-ver ta lie pet- usitled ta o o dotiwilhi -îe iraI ahlft. Bie nt-il gaols-i i'.ibth te laI shift, otele, t -is, mfitîe m-111,follas-. Y~~~1BADGER BRANDi) SEE SCËÔ«&GmL. *WfO* BIIJTY ad lo Suceasul With, Chlok. - am a nd Hol. <PP&fpfl S' b, .VaU»d 51.55.D.tmot 84 Agrseluan Elizabeth Fonley la-ssevanteeu->'ear.-E ce ti aid club girl, s senor ths the 111<1 achoal a1 Amhserat, Mass. About f uxmgwG t YemravagaBier eàperlmeuting vifli th1e 4-H garden andi Poulry cluibs i boueyFe o th1e Uitet Slaloes uMilutIy Fredo F Agriculture ton severe; yearu. 5thede& have M citedtot punchase a cow, Uer father, attouaPtedtetadiscourage bar, gyhni that abe bat no knowiedge o! mllk. & log andi no place te bouase an ain B d e B a Han-inther vent sway ton a veekal T e Ir«è mIà tr-l), bavever. sud wheu 11e reloThrnedtSele 11e faundt Iat Elizabeth vas 1the ovuel oi s registered Jersey( cow vhieh For Sl sbe bail learned le mllk, sot for nolghbon's barn. Profils from pro-R fi beDelr viens poltry worli supPledth11e fonds Sl it for Ibis venture,SoeDsi Elizabeth remainedta I club work L. TEWELES SEE[ sud because nif1the temant for mllk purchaseti other registerati caws andt calves, lFor two yaars t11e caIlle had - ___ ____ ta, be staketi eut evary day lu a pas ture 10 minutes',wIk from th1e haos she bail aise ta carry water taeIliena One cow nearl>' dieti ef slckness. Un. MARKS BI3QUI3ST tii ayear agaelsialietb tid ll e own work, lnclndtng delitiertng t11e iNastck'-ntne 1a s TO WAUKE4IAN MAN brati registereti Chester-Whlte 80w - This sew bat a litter etfl13 pigs. le Maurice Zelechower receives of whlc llîved, aitlîeugiî 11e sow 11e-. word today of father's death came stck and died ister. Tl'len Elizabeth purchaset 200 day-nid cblcks.j in Warsaw, Poland As tha>' grev she sedthl11e ceckenelm and ome f th pulets resrvin MariceZeleho ra rprietor af thd anesfrn t 1er llats, roAsean~i the Orpheum theatre -iluWaukegan, 111 oter fo wtitsr a>lng A>'asîraceivat word Fnida>' Ihat bis father, aigî site inundti Iai abe neetiet pas- G. Zalecho4arer, ageti 96, vbase deatb accuneti lu Waraaw, Palant, Januar>' 4, had lelat hlm a baquest ai lire mil- mien Pollih marks. Immedlateiy ait- - er recalving the goot word Mr. Zele- C cbawer hasteneci ta Chicagoate ask 111e Jewish Relief committea te took ailerc bis luteresta lu Polanti. A year age 1the Waukegau man'si mother was sîruck dowu anti kiiiet ai- L moat iustautty whie standing lu a braad Ueiu Warsaw. waltiug taebis>' lier daiiy ration of lireail. Since then lier ageil husaaui las maurneti con- linuali>' and lis dealli la attribubtid la a broken 1eart.For man>' years Mr. Zelechawer con- ductat a large sal-Ifactor>' lu War- Sas-. Wbeu 111e woniti van broke out th1e plant vas seizet b>' the laIe Czar Niebolas anti vas cauverted l mb an ammunîtion factar>'. The Zèlechovers nover veto able ta gol 1the plant ne- lurueti te tbem. The Waukegau man bas fîve 11maI11 ers anti a sîster resitilug lu Waraaw. Te them th1e fathor loftbis extensIve -I raI 051mbholdings sud aisea aportion ai bis cash. The bnlk of th1ecash havever came ta the son lu Wauke- gan s-ho bail sent thausanda af dol- lars ta hlm duriug 1the var s-heufil vas practicailly Impossible ta taise sny cash ln Warsav. Maurice Zelechaver has uat yet de- cideti vIeller 11e viii make a trip ta Migh School Girl snd Mer Jersey Wars&w tea ina bis bequest on Cow and Calf. vhethen 11e viii allas- il ta bu sent te b ina bore. ture sot hay landi se sbc bougbl 12 The Paliali mark lias deprecleteti tacres ai landi, for w-hich 1the cows ant cnnaiderably but nov appeara tah. 1paylng. oun1the upvard treuil anti soon ny bho r At th1e prasent lime Ibis higb-scbool back at par. At t11e prosent rate of -girl bas nîne purebreil Jersey ces-s andi exdhange the 6,000,000 marks are faulr pnlvpm vnl.uruuvj opVUajstOL Inth oh14.0.l AgrIculurai coiiagaent U3,00. Sise hIrea two boys tela îeip cane fth tlard and mt 111e cowa. 810 tielîvers 8C quarts ef îuiik dahi>' lu an oit miii wagon s-hidi abe bougli t is sommet tan $5 and repairai bereeIt. Bb gmwa h ler an-n foot on ban os-n landi. la addition ta lien tain>' bard s lias a lange flock of chlciteus, a nana- ber et purebred pigea, mot a hanse, Hon enire tudebtadugsasaioeenote for $80. Elizabeth la planning te go le 1the Massachusetts Agiciturai coliele lis 5000 as she lias finiabeti 11gb acheai. TROUBLE WITH POOR SILAGE Moidy Condition Not tho Resuit of Leaky Silo@, but Duo ta Lookt of Moisture. Man>' farmers havaet4euble s-Ils moiti>'siage. Nos-, moiti>' slagQ la usuali>' ual the rasait Of 105kY silos, sîthaugli air leaks ina1the 51)0 s-1 hning about maolt. Pnacticailly ail silos that are put up nowadAjp ara air-liglit; but molu t>'sligeslarequeut- [y' foundInl air.bight silos. Wbetiever malt la founit ln siiaga one ma>' h ammat certain that thora s-as s iaci of moisture s-heu it s-as put Ln. When th1e alka are somes-bat dry Itila Im- possible n packiug and lu settling th1e oliage te gel rit ofa!al the air, which imuai bc fontel out If moiti la ta be preventeti. CLEANLINESS 15 IMPORTANT Ulenalis MueI Be Kept Clean bX Steriliing, Net Simpiy Washod la Remove Impunlies. cleit.liiiaess It;gothinems, aspeciaihy ln Ith- itoiy busiliess, Al ibea tl- tan>' îi-l.cautionll tîteifor housing th1e lait>' ienti wil haeof noa val, If 1the utanilis usai ln hîaudiing tis almit are nat kepi cican, To ha sure such ulensIla are ciean, tih muaI ie star- IlizedtiuasImpi>' aahed ote mavo ImDurities Ibl a>' 110 eseen. RETURN FROM STATE CAPITOL Att>'. Lea l'armer anti Elam L. Clark returned Widay ftram Sprlngfieli, 111., wliere tbey attozideti the ConstItution. ai Convention. Atty. Farmear socured, bis liceuso admittiug hlm ta 1the Illini ais State Bar. White lu Springfield, Mr. l'armer attendodthte banqluet glv- en hy the Stato Bar association at wbich promîneut Jutiges lu the Su- preme Court vere speakers. Att>'. J. G. Welch ai Waukegan vas one af the speakers at the banquet. Atty. Clark lB a momber of 1the Canslitfftlon ai Convention Commitlee. FRED ~ORgAI3eÈ ALICTIONEERING FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. - WAUKEGAN PHONE 2441 Reversa Charges on Busines& Centa ~pauty 'om Noxious Weeds., ipd Seeds i the Nortwest le By - Everywhere ributors 1)GO. Milwaukee 'HOTEL* Good Meals 50 WAUKEGAN, fIL DO 00 00 00 000 SFOR ALL THE NEWS 0F LA< " COUNTV, S8CRIDE FOR YU " INDEPENDENT..41.s A YVA o o oo OSo 000000g j.! I i -i 1W! ELHANAN W. COLBY Attomey-at.Law Office at Home, au Cook Avou Telephone 163-J. LIBERTYVIILA, ILLINOIS. MAKflN C. DECKS Attorn.y-at-Lw. sis WasblnqtonStreet Office Pha»se zw Uo p4ffqum#Ù LYELL H. IMt ~ Res. Phono LIBEIRTYVILI, ILIOI& Toeopone 3". J. E WALTERS, PHYSXCIAN AND SU1WQIN. oiseases of Womnand Ciflt a Speciait>'.- WÂUKBGAN, ILLINOIS. W. W.'JOHMON, D. D. S. DEINIST 0Phone 841. 112 No. Qesan t WÂUKEGAN, ILLNOIS. D&. 0. F. BUTERR"t k-VITER1ARY aSUnrtIO IAssitant stat. vatinlnanlaa. tDR. J. L TAYÔ Office In Frist National Bk< Wý1 Resitenca an Broaday, oppoit LIBMTVII=U LWL':-~ CHàARLESR W I Publie Aceosantant and Audfter. Âocountlng ystxus, Aupls. aab. *postel Panodicmfly for PFi"Wb@, do not ueta Permazent Sob*lm phom 26 pus 3 44 Ui DU MNION & DAVES N@ry4iU ni Cmete suite 110-=. New Cal KMLEAMDGRAME Cemetery Wùik of Ey Ild; goR mg9kt 1 -o Markeet

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