IBJECfY'IL M JEIN) Mr. MUAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1922. jr ______________ ihere ksome s f rou cover ---wand the WOMAN saves Mans natural instinct is to produce, to earn; Worans ta conserve, ta save. Saving is a matter of what you DON'T SPENI). And wbo does the spcading? The wife is the qmpee-the wise spetdr-of those quarters of the average larnily cisbursrnent. And 'tis better 80, for the American womsn is a wise buyer and she wil have mosey lef t if anyone. E6 To enjoy the greatest good from what she saves, sh. sbold.regulaly place tbe resuha of lier "hi in a savip acmout at smre good baiL lie Lake County National Bank LISERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS A&u~.d insThe ludpeadntsecare reuits. ivthez hW Mlam . wal b.coummed a»d valnevew miss IOLo Damp Wash Mie New Launclry Service is well liked by the large numnber o families who have tricd it. It is beihg recorrnended ta thel f riessds and neighbors as a money, tirne and labor-saver. We want YOU ta try aur DAM? WASH SERVICE. We know ya will like it. You can alsa cul the cost of washing your DAMP WASH in hall by recommecding DAMIP WASH ta your f riends. For every me pireou our DAM? WASH SERVICE received throiagh you ret o..gedatios we wifl alow yon 50 per cent reduction ou yoz atd DAM PWASH. The cos t is $1 .25 for 25 Ibs. or uuder. and 5 cents per IL.f ecd additional pound over 25f lbs. No article is marked. and ecd bundie is carcfully sorted as1 colorn. sils. woolens, ccc., and washcd separately in nets, cliii nating any chance for shortage and damage. i t cornes back ta you in a DAMIP, flot WET. condition, with nea ly everything ready ta iran. Try Our Damp Wash Service We knaw you wll like i. A large bag ta send your was41101o in wifl be Aod for 50 cents, if yau bavcn't anc. SThe Reliable 'Laundry LAUNDERM ,,DRY CLEAEI A»)DYEM Hlgidad Park and lieyll e Pb.., gbland Park 178. PMsoe, Libertyvife 61 Adveutioe yumr sales and hare your sale bils printedl at the Indepm dime That kind of pubficity brngs bayer, ad good prime MR. FARM.ER Don't You Think it's Abou the Right Ti me' to Givi Your Seed Wants a Gooi Lot of Attention? Work is not very rushlng now, and if you will go oi your land, make up your bast of what you are going ta ne fring it in ta us, we will subniit yau samples and prices tl wMI surely save yau rnoney and trouble. Our seeds co frarn Reliable Growcrs and are tested. WILL PASS AL'T STATEUEED LAWS. AND WE GUARANIEE YOU AGA»? A DEWLNE OR UIGHER PRICES, which is worth wliile tbought. Corne, noe.Iet's get busy, so we wan't have hurry when you are busy. DRAIN TILE IS GOING TO BE WANTED SOON. BUT NE TOU WRILMON WANT FM~1EM. WE HAVE TH Libertyvile Lumber Ccz TELEIPHONE 47. j-D. B. Scat0et Estherville, Iowa, lias'- GusILA«egOth% eli known Llberty 1 Robert am Eooert#4, i relurned ~huame, aler spending Sundayý ville contracter, was on1e of the iucky Mr*n1M.Cate .N -ith is son, Charles. Mrs. Scott and ies t,, lie paged" by a Chcago e's been very Ili for abwot L o c l n d P e so a l daughter wiii remalu for a longer' patier. He went to the cllýy ModyI bronebitis. They wen jnlà visil. and returned with flfty simoleons. lHe dition Saturday amidStmdsy _____________________________________________la planning on glvlng a party te bis are mucli better, and unto '1 ofEpca nee ta ibryv11-teol ev. Eari C. Morgan, pastor of the, friends. Cigare tree. on the road to reco'rery. Preabyterian church. ls about egain,, Mrs Kenet Loelispet Fida i AIertMeDrmot ad fmif ~after a tussie with something like la Fred H. Smrith received word Mon- B. fE. Ellsworthi laift week y" Mm Chicago. W pet riyln Auberan spenmttastSnd ainilytbe grippe. Mrm. Morgan vas ais,,111ii or day tliat bis granimother, Mrs. Anna bis commission as poatUasterdé home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mowe . a aeek or so but has recovered. Itobis, bas retnrned toelier home ln ertyvilie rfom President Mwdb4 Mrs. Cari Croonberg spent Tbursday Marshaltowti, Iowa, from a hospital, 80011 as tbe nocesssry cIiekung le ln hicgo Mr ad Ms.U H Witny isied Mies Vrgula Colins and ber room-! w ere ldbeen taklng treaimeult t» matie, Pontmater Afleaa the iatter's sister. Mrs. SPringate and mate, Miss Jean Kllker, who are at-1 for neuritis. Mrs. Robblns le know:u linquliheliti office ta Mr. U101n * Mms. C.ipring ls vlsitlng relatives nîamiL Cîag o v"te ,rik end. tending DeKaib Normal School, spent lu Liliertyville. baving vlilted ber son the change probably taking i * Appeton, Wisc. the week end at the home of the form-i. bere during the summer menthe. about March lot. * ar Ks&ro oitwgaLbe- Mr. andi Mn. Ralpli Peterson of Chi- 1 i-rn parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Colis. ay e se Sr JdI a s Iibîcago and Mr. andi Mms. avic Peterson Mrs. Claire Eberwine f Cbicago _______________________________ tyvllevîito Sauray.'vre week endi guesté of Miss Harriet7 Mr. nd rs. laue AKnige v. Rby.spent te week end in Libertyville. Mr at M. lud A nlg tva-Rny Mr. andi Mrs. James Clark attendeti Itet reaties hChiagoSatuday . s~. Rarl Coriett WhTo vas laken tethe wedding of Mns. Clark's niece,jrI o m th r o sv i e - MnO. Eti Schneider and Chas. Scott the Victory Memor'al hospital and Miss Florence Dkant e peha s ji5beIfs you 'rdith r t a e nfollw q ver. Waukegan visitera Tbursday. erated on lait week, Isa getting logMerquest. ofWilmette, teceremony Misaoec lrmna IOlwr tsking place et Waukegan Tbursday p ra si' ea s o 'effo was a guest at the Chas Cais cao.me.'mn . ut and daughter,ofltwe. ing a it or miss plan --- or no plan - Kise boneMary, and »on. Word, were members Josepb Keisier of Praire View was M r. andi Mr. Harry Divis spent Sun- of a thester psrty' ln Chicago last Set- ln Libestyville Saturday and cailedte t at ail. day with Mr. and Mm. Henry Davis.'urday afteriOLl have bis name addedte t the Indepeiti- Mias Jenni e Keni anti Miss Aice The Misses Virglina Collins and ent famlly. Mr. Keisier vili have a 'e w Locke spent Sunday wiîli friends in Jean KIlken attensiet a dancing Party public sale of live stock anti f&im IM- Decd e w at you should save in a Chicago.' et the Lake Porest University on plements on vhat la knovu ai the * Saurtiy vshng.Lochheati faim Tuestiay, February 28. M se Jnnie eri ani Mis Alli A tIsplay ativertisement listing the years time. Then plan to dePO*i * Locke vere guests of f iendtin 11Chii- Mr. andUn4E. D. I. L Oait and deugli- property te lie soid appears on siiOtheron fitysc d part of h t caen o,.ter, Esehel. ot fater'lle, Iowe, &M page of this Issue. o e ffy-eotp rt f ta 0- IL Miss liere oN IMr. a * aero lii a Vivii -daught bas be -. lier ITuesde recent M r. ilie lal Mr. funfera )U tIfI-r If te fi 'w - si :or ta ni- lir 7-R 8. t pe ýd >Ver -ed, âat xme NSr eta 3W. 4IW Florence Aras ot Wimette wu famiîy on Yl11h stret cver Sumday, a guesi et the C. r home. Walter T. M(aristt and tamily and Mr. and Mss. I.L Mariait of Kenoshe Kapple anti Mr. Ferry, 01 ver. herfi gundy, the guests or Mr. Lke visited Mr. and Ers. W. S- and Mns. ByrOn COlby. ron Suntiay. ..AM.i Ile nilti înd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r Manredr ashofMi oclf later.pD. t olsasd ite1 sn Ms 'vee ee et gnestset Mile blowers home. S's Superfine Fiavors are mimpiy us. At ai grocery stores. aer Hussmami underweflt an op- 1n et the Vlctory Memoriai h04 in Waukegan Saturday. an Morse, the two-year-oid hier of Mr. and Mrm. Tony Morse, nen vei'y Ili the past week. man Helr-r andi family mOved day m t te residence whlcb they it1y purchaseti on Lake street. .and Mis. L. H. Wbntiey vislted tier's siater. Mrs. Springate, and >in Chicago over the week end. 7and Mrs. A. Taylor attendeti the ra ai Mri. Jacobi Feeser Saturday naon S-he wss buried in the War- -merti-ry an Gurnee. Tie Misses tand lius Nlaisb also attendeti mareer'. now's Auto Liverv-Tami Ser- 1 P1.n à& l..,.ew& 306-K to be gaie for some Urne on a trip throughtheO sUten Msates. Thlertyvill yUl er f tentl Lad Liortyiers e e Woodi-lthallaon Tusday evenlig. leb. 2Dat. Mh eth s Churcli s n asshofl the met Fnlstiayarienon, Feruary 24 at the borne of Mns. Wrn. Wlîeler' Misses Hattie Boehm, Ada Helfer and Rena MPIler attended a masque valentille party given in Iloror of the girls employed inl the ofiices of the North Shore nalîroat, the party heing belti at the home of Mereella Deitmney- er in Waukegai Tueaday evenlng. Miss floebmvas awarded the prize for heing the most comlcally dresseti. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY CIV EN cial Asssment Warrant No. 14. Vilý lage of Libertyville, for Stormo Wateir Severs will be due January 1, 1922.' and pay able at 'ýhe Collectores Offire LYMYY H. MORRIS, 52-tf Collector I. a u,,~ .-'-.> .- Il I ADMISSION: SMoney Given Away For Ten Days i Men's Suits, Ladies Suits and Ladies' Dresses Dry Cléaned and Pressed From February 20âh to February 28tb inclusive 1$ One. Dollar 1$ FRED CROKER Tailor Telephone 147-R Tractor Prices Reduced International 8-16 With Plow $690 Titan 10-20 Samson With Plow $720 $465 Fitted with Pulley, Governor, Platform and Fenders $575 DELIVE1RED Schanck Hardware Co. IU~1TORIUU UDON R~1BRIS FIDAY and SATURDIAY "GOD'S COUNTRY AND) THE LAW" 2-Reel Conoedy Comedy: "THE IDEAL WORKER" SUNDAY 0F LIGUT" 2-Reel Comedy "TEA FOR TWO" ONLY THE HIGHEST CLAS PICTURFS ARESHOWN AT THIS THEATER Ms S. jAdst, 25c. Childen l oc Deep in iheir hesrts the flowers knOw That Heaven gave then, the righi to grow. et 1the retty, gîaiou- tbings of 'life itei twlnc- tour heart.Let Sfloyers take thir p -aper place in your lfe and teacinh ou the happiness -.of eacb hous trpe est-beariog account at this bank. It's a f act you'll get better results f rom this plan than fromocaio- al deposits of larger amounts. Vou will not greatly miss the smaller weekly deposits, cither. .Your lumber and building matd requirements can be filled'here I your financial advantage. lIn other words, we will save you mont on these prices. Every price advantesge that the miarki afforcla will be yours if you trade withi IC' UR T AIN I For Spring Housecleaning Useful 36-wn. White ScrimlO per yard................... c Crea an whte20ri per yard...................20 Cream and white barred35 Marquisettes, per yar ..........35 Lace, cream and white, per y... 41Oc,45ct Neat fine patterns in lace $1 40 and 45 in. peryd..1 e White and mrain Scrim 45 in. per yard ........ W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPA' Phone 39 LIBERTY VULE 1 am à LIBERTYVILLE Libertyvine, lu. phme 29 1 Phone 39 m