Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 Feb 1922, p. 7

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fira. Tise sisten vent to bis home at obtalietianatiser suit of clothfung. a!f er visicis be refurîtethome. About one o'clock lunlte aflernoon Joues drove b>' On hie way home. Watklns sitoppet irhlmanti engageti ii inconverealion. ralating bow bis clotising isatiburneti off. Wiseu Joues refurneti home bis chu dren told tisen of Wstkin's vielt. Jones rueat10tiese moke bouse sud foundti tiselse eIne Vere devourIng hie vife's ibody. (On. side of bar face anti ana of ber banda hati ieefl eaterî. Carrying hie wlte*isbotyin'ltoltae bouse Jons graibbed hie gun and startet i runlng for Walklne. Then ha figuredti iat Ibis woulti Se 100 easy a deatis. Higtiecitiedtit let tise lair take ite course, Joues Baya ha cannoI untienstanti the terrible crime beause tisera neyer hati Seen an>' iard feelinga s elveen hlm anti Watkins. Watkins ln allegadti 10have confais- eti an bour after he vas placeti unter arraîl. The authorities vîlI tiemandt tise deatis penalty andtihtia iuabanti a! tise vomân bas Sean pro>istilid 5 ha may witnesa tise executlan If Wat- kins gos tiste eiecta'ic chtair, «U OPSES TUE DARINAN TIIOY Voliva now is waitlng forrgreat commoner to loin his views on astronomny &Aé re etesof nog chotera are ireWilliam Jeuninge Bryao bas 001 viii " i ligt exception al cases yet laken o» tae ilgItIvils Wilbun o! W sck edare reporieti te, b. ln elGlenn VolIya agaînal niadern astrou- oelt condition. Tisera isu been plen amy, but he la iis itte Zion Over- ly or food anti alnalls are lu goo seer hi opposlug evolutian. Baya tise1 11«hà* a i me, Scisectati>'.N. Y.. Union: Faarsare smlolytng as 1111e la- "-Th.e iglnaalsre or Kentutcky Io ber ai pososible sud are dolng mnat f conslienlng a bill ta forbl* tise teacis- tisef omm work. Tise suppi>' o! fan îjpg of tise Darinian tiseon>' vitiin labor imone fbin ample. the bountis of tisabblle Grasse state. BRodi are sonievial rougis in nanitl WilSon Glenn Vlilva bas beau pro- e a" as ti estalcuntiai. mulgatlng a profoun ielnv te saeati ZIn Cty in vicis ha aays tise iinnrl~ ah' tea huge cellig 1k a iovl vilSlits etige rasting on a ri a! Ire. andt iat tisa ieavenl>' lumnnaries ara t~A~7ECsustintiet from te ceiiing like chan IUUW FOR dllera. LEAV S pqD"WOR rin see nao oujectlo to ta he I1~T nEîriin L.,aeiatir t fKetucky fcnactiog any çw ý-T T Fl O law il isits. Thi isl te pr-rnga- tive ni a sus'erigu alate. Tisera is no Waleonan rwin Iearns of oold- uîÎgrt tisea ecanations on tise blooded murder ne-ir his i ite point I tat t ul hnm'p in Oklishomna .01 tr ieatered b>' ail meihunianlaya _____ lýau lau Se enuitati . liei-r 'ht- Tkte détails 01ni smast brutal mur iDarwinien liseor>' o! evotrîin la true der magnabe, herin he iurere _.nul, belter te sky la.a.soliti dat ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ iignbelieei u triv -i g tort g vîtit chandeliers or not1 lefi te body a! is victini in Fs place - wtci a t sne]h a-isre Il vas attacked sud party de , u .. tîey aren fssdeit.-pro b voured ity a iart o! avine. rc-ti)r , h. ,are ouid ,o vimnceb tainet inl a ltter recelval liv C W %V -4,uri ai hacor>' luKentucky'; McMmelloo, 411 Ken- -i .-:-e* ,o'î . t .nion la irute. îî car. no is motter v-lo e -, in C("riY* ,. h adopta iedb)lsw thin nmuh kia. Thse critus r d t , l itn -. Af N11- Mei~llic-,' in- ~ca.' ('a re-, t. ticr." "lIte crime cails af a n Ph-" ti ai ta pa lise hsome o! Satu Wailns. is neRar- 3 3--4S J15 (,Pl nelgisbor. Sttorllv afIctonespa'sed t'.atkins field 10 attend tîa apila of urnlng U1~~L A U E loglt. Insteati o! doog -o. according ta tise confession be madie afierrsard. le, Interest to cease on war boan vent 1lte Jones' tomaevisera Mrs. Joues vas alone wîtitlier two chul- on that date; $400,000,000 dren, agedt tiras anti fise ieara. Ha of these sougit to10 tîack ber. Sisa fougist fiarcely anti wss knocket down wiib of cordwood. The blond tisaI vas spattareti ait ovar taeiouse show- Uncie Sama wll Pas- Off te VicturY ed lise terrifie truggle site bat matie. 3 3-4 par cent bonds on or before sae resiseat until se ha,] been bettt- lune 15, anti after Ibat date tbey wiUl an- ta deatis. cessa 10 bear intereet, Tisa> are Watkins tis-n draggad lier bodtI>in- about 3400,000.000 o! ilteebonds out- ta te yardi anti lefI il in a anioka- standing. Tissee banda to tise amount btoue. pf $497,915,100 vere isued May' 20. -ils clothing vas trencisati itit 1919. TIte> matuire Ma>' 20. 1923, bui U)ooti- Removing ibis lha Surua Il, lita -goerninent reservedtheIba ilis titsin esoilet tisa home of!hiesisalter ta caîl tem for redailiton ltai "à tobld ea tor>' o!fiow lis clotbilg ou Juue le or Dec, 16, Iis year. 1*d benu bunned o!fviten it caugit Thus tise govarnnient la exenclit Lione ou tes ia a s mdof Fiecti Washing M v the. hoa .um*Atut ga emb a " a' i Particulrsatc 1SAIO»QcbLbLl lis aIssue. But llea S is o lffeing t tale up tise bondsaia par anti accrueg iufarest an>'finie bafore June 15, c ' cas- fa accevt thani, If in coupon form. i at &C paymeut o!faderaI taxes due Marc] i& en-Sel in Market et 100.12. to bce Tise.bonds sli yeterdayhI n t miarket ai 100.12, anti recentt>' Il price vent aboya 10030. In Decen ber. 1920 tise>'solti at9492. Tise Vicoon> 3 3-4a asdthie Vicora 4 34a vera made itrciangeibl icçs but tfissexcisatge privlege Mease laatalght Tise Vicoon>'3S3-M av lmutB. vbolly exempt froni taxation. Tisei ~1n Ibis bondsania>' bepregentec for radant tion aIt the faderaI riserva banksa le falUiy sent ta tise United tBaIese treasurer1 -If belti until June ,15 the Son( tA L isoi hava the COU na payabe De tAL15, 19D, sant May 19nl23, attadis in luorder toobtain fcevaliue.,ft de bonds are registeredt ie>' shoulti1 properl>' assîgnadt 0tise secretar>' IacbinOe tise treasalr>. Tise bauds viti istni ~ hoiders isav ta matce out tise fansr lU First War ýLoin CalOd. et «oaomiC Tise Victor>'a 343rs are tisa fret .aa~iue iii tlie var ban Isses fone calleti t î «i vedemptioli. in nakiug tisa announ( ment asat nîgit, S eavof! I doesthr Treaaury Melion said titIs actin w fadent i connatioa with tise trei r-of aoo ur>'s prograin for renlnanciýg tise 1 r CtUIt. 500,000,000 o! short datddebt ûc standing. ie ed"Tisera are about $3,000,000,000 V~ [0"Ndtan>' 4 8-4s outstantilng, wvilcismai toila. Ma>' 20. 192, but wiicis ny iae ci et for redemption eltiser June 15 ouf' neareal Dec, 15. tis year. These bonds so nia> Se uset inlupaynient aofade ix tax utt i Ib n dtt0lV VO a &h à'n agrgate o! bot 3 00,0 wnitreasur>' cartificatea ia ~~~t DaesviICis mature itise nettlb FIJND IN STATEe - Federat Agricutural Statlsti-i f canleund damage flot heavy however lspriiigleld, Ill. PaS. 17 -Sanie Ileaviffi of th is Inter viseat lant bas8 rsUltnt froni variations ln tempera- turc cuslng fnaiing andt iaving o! the ground I n a fev areas but lis conditioni dooS not appean to b. exten gi,. or serions, aonordiult atise Si- Sport liate today by B. D =.fedenSl agricltraal statia tic1i" iiitise bureau o! miarketsansd cro=Za wb"tesains ln gpod con dloS à a nUte," tise report maYs. lan Dosa" Scaer in an«Y ec L* aeênét Vary .ittieof thse o «i*p t eI onmtise fams of tise state. th 5 ow ïï« lii 7e5t, M report gNm. Coin SieSon tise fanms ap- Pem to aboqt thse average aise for bis lime of tise visa. *y* ytwud lun xcellent condition, lIS iowoiit mw m vieabove noa-- »WAmsft lhe Aret veci of thse nintS mWsaiào» l"enbaYe b.." et norml or b.Io~~' yfa-m work bas Sean nt 14=ered vils b>' tise ohm. atàw ea.Mtfouu. Thé. movemelal o! ba>' fron tise farau a bm Pbenuextensive o! laIe,- Clevefli5nu ta Se lu fine siape ast- coittoulreports. or 8f Lde the be of uct o! fr Me- the was a- ut- Vic- tire ior SaI- raI and Iree mante andtihUtataklng o! Inventories aceonteai for ltae trop a! four per cent at tiieeanti o! tise >ear. tisade- Hgln ak t neti pa.rtutent Msai ' ltaepresent report. f ad Pr t neti tise significant point l tis taI cm- visitors f rom twe states ployans titi 001 replace bai! of tise sL numaier laid off dut:ng rlit pracedîng with0pecial program Tis asummaries for Ihis monthare  big conferenlia of Iliuais ant itnt- froni signet reports O! 844 firnaso! lana Comnitit>' ServicOe eecutives tise elata, vho employet 288,655 Par- vilI be helt i aItise iland PaI-r Cen- sons on Januar>' 7lst ant 281.267 per- fer on Wednesday anti Thurtsa' o! sone an December 31. 0f titesa Ibis veek. firme, 387 itat more amployes lu Jan- William Guot, apecial -committe uàry lisan in December, 329 fawer, man, la vorkig vîtis local marchante. anti 128 lte same numbai. anti cil>' autitorities wits the view o! Tise report ig firma ara grouped 1n- having stores sud strete dirsseti M 10 6E intustrligrottps, OS wisicb ,0St tieir 'Sonda>' Seat" for lte vialfors. show nef locreasesansd '-2 no Wè- A lefler froni Mayor Hastings ex- creae. Tise smtail] ntrreaýIn.- opera- presses hia keen regret tisat ha viii tione lu Januar>' a is e rstI itprove- Sa absent frof tise cit>', but atates ha ment ainca Saptemiser. Oparalion -W-ill appoint a Tapriientative o! tisa ln Illinois Indutstries are niov nearl>' cif>' 10 fonniali>' velcop.e the conferes, six par cent bait>' that on Septaniber A-part fron tise ragutlat' vork o! tbe i30, althnugh 5.5 Par cent aboya Ma>' canfenence, tise visilUgtielogatea ull I1921 lavai, te Iret nionîla for visicis attend Use lbig cobIIIiiuhtydance at 1reports vers rec.1eii't.Wlttmon lîWed* r*VtA, PaS tise industies employing h ags eveulug. An autotmobiltritp to, Font nuniben of vonkers. titae bas b«inSheriiaa anti Great IUkes yUl Se a no aubstantiat progresi 1aosa-d bit.fNature o!flte contOrence. rance O'Connor vili sali Ut public aoc- lion on hi ea on Telegrapis Ioati. 2 Miles nortis of Deenfial, 1% Miles south o! Everett, black hanse 12 yrs. wt. 1350; sa>' home 8 yrs., wt, 1460; Sa>' beain5yrs. Wl 2600; 8 yr. oitld drI er anti satitler, wl. 1000; 6 >'r. olti black wcrk borsa, Wl. 1600; ail tise aboyearn wel broke. COLTS-Team colts 3 ya's. wl. 2300; torse i yrs. Wl. 1100, horse 3 yrs. wt. 1200; gra>' colt 3 yrs. -et, 1500; black colt 3 yrs. wL 1350; aorrel colt 3yrs. wl. 2400; Sa>' colt 8 Yrs. w-l 1500; tiark ba>' coming 2Yrs; roan caning 2 yrs; gond ftop buggy; 2 sin- glE, iarnase; 2 Rat Du.roc Soya ln plg; Chester Wite Boar, 16-h. P. gasolina angine, sud other articles. Terme --Ovar $26. 1 year, 7%. John j. Wich, Auctionear. 1j. . XSeimiltka, Clark. lilvefit*e Wall ftwrmcd Tor bit Invention af babititt Metai, a soit, anti-frition allai usitifer Sean- logs. Isaac Bahisitt recalveti s revend of b,20t)fl 10front îse0 " Saturday, February 25th, Comnoninq ai 1 .'alock >p.. the olllowlng propirty: 1 SonnaI Hose, wt. 1100; 1 Spring Wagon; 1 Brown Mare, wt. 1100; 1 TropBu>; 3 C ove, on. givIng mil, tise 1 2 r Ib ske; alter tva ta fiasisen n 1 Sai HeavtI *l 2S -u. on eonts; 1 set Hea-yBn3*aui 85 Clsiedens. 1 Sl igist Harnifs; 1 Wlking Plo; 2 New Soa-aens 1 Culivator; 2 ToutsMixeti& 1 Deerlng MoNer; Qusult> o! Cor= "d " 1 Dag; soma Strav; 1 Single Cuittvator; 2 Busielâ Seet Coin 1 tva-boisa dise; - mn so moalete Jt cdam 1 Para Wagon; bolti Furniabing. TERMS 0F SALE: All aume o! $20 anti undan, oasis; aven Us amouai a moufta viIlba given on isankabia notes. beaa-ing4S pet ni frani date. No properl>' to Se e nuovat until settle ifor.- jChar1.e Fenerl Po: FRED GRASSE, Auotloeiec. Ltamma ouâNUfTW>AY1 FEBRUARY 23, 1922. ~s~is~ipusj»3T lrmet. Tilh NEthe gral froON xntladmachiliery Industries ad- ASK COM PERATION l:~~;JtCUt 1' EXCISE TAX MADE To sttOwesad arre .'The packers gained but a smal Il. DlUA iercentage of the drop in <Iw PicRDY 6OVERN"1UNT OF RURAIL PAT ONS vloue month' the labor teraimentB ,tate adds. "There was Pnnt a trac tinal gain in te imporant necd!e With repeal of socalled "llux- iI wish to announce that 1 bave secured the. Ageucy Rural Mail Dellvery Can be trades and tise mail order bouses re. tx omas ficm pae nya emali part of tee iri txv omeniofim nLake County for lmproved by HoIp of Those Iiioyes jeli OIdiring ut pv*eeding a i uple Served by Carriers rtîe lollowîng s3atement cent.,sued W ..Atlee Burpee Seed Compn yl.nv -However, tisera were no uithter re. rt olwn ttmn aise By direction (! ifa Post Office DE ports of mnet cloalng. Its lollector of Internai Revenue, John0fP il de p i partment, potmasters lbroughoUt tthrI 'While thia elght gain was reing C. (Cannon, of te Pirst Dlitict ort liifP fad l h s country have recently matie apt Inspec- madel nIlîlinois, the labor depatemnt noie: rpa v iervne c o o tion of thse rural routes from their of. o! New Yorki reports titat te 1648 With telrtl b hervnue t frailseeda required for the garde.. Pace y o rd elf fIces. Thse purpose was that they fim reportittu ayroi figures record- of 19921 o! the so called "iuxury taxi' ed adropi of 1.8 per cent in the nom- on articles of mens erd women's and Save express. tion and make repot whether tbe, 16hovier December 15th. tax legliltion te Bu-rau or Internai L £J~ Ina~, TWW ,ruw roads useti were iu gooti condition for, "Thse free .mploymefli offices of te Revenue bas assed new regulations LAjKJ, IL>!UEsI mS ELI> JIUIU travel. the routes well arra.nged, boxes glatis alsogir. evIdence of te ah. (47 aud 48)1 relatlng rasjtectlvely te properly erecteti se taise easily reach-1 senecleo!fSflY IMlirOvement lu the te exlso fax on sales bv the manu- A. BINIE, Proprietor. eti bylise ar without ditelultY! geneeal ssiStloici. Tlsenumber o! ap- facturer o! certain articles-automo- ana bylthou ieritn rvl ie car- pl1cats re itsringi a the offices for biles andi eccessorles, cameras. candir, Telephones:-Lake Forest 952; Residence L F. 762. and 1thut bstuctng ravl, blecar 1sacis 100 lObt avallabie increased fIre arma. cigar and cigarette itoldere. riers servlng their routes £U OffltiîY, rom 210 go 138.4. liverles. buntlng garments . carpetI, ' prescribeal, tise sclasduleo bIteived, anid .~~ tise ntion was 207.3 rna. tt'uuks. etc. and the exise tax on whethar thse familles seried W&O5set- andi ln Octobs It W"5 1699. HOw- works of art snd jewelry. isfled vils tise service rendered., or eaver.tise Surplus of workers apping Tibaprincpal changes in the latter ETM TSFRIHDFRRBIDN tisera vere improvemefts whlch conin for job*-aiet te fro. employment of- taxes are thef the tax on works of art Lý T URM O E U be Ssgested ln the Internet of the fices w»S IX angVent as iunJanuary, le reduceti feom 10 ta 5 lier cent and O M Z M LW patrons or thse De>artmlent~coeto 1911, wbe. tbe rat"on as 274.5 reg tisat the lax on jewelry and sîmlar0F AI J A )LWN - Itrants Jor eaci 100 lobe open. aril.wicsranss pecnt It bcam flCOUerY ~ s.nya "ulîisa ~eutt cotine maire no longer Includes golti or atirer or- Sued Catalleg wa Ule& ~efree, moueut. vils lise lipectimel, tw isuetma :afavorable âbil ftg in theweive Il n ranented Rasseft andi efctacles. The patron% tctake action te thseandt iat, noise cties from' ivblch reports have lai on works of art attaches on ail their boxe Bmight conform wlth tise:ieen recelved. Tie largest Increase sales except te original sale by te reguiations as 10 kin& .condition. lica. for a"» oetfie citiesl n .Ianuary w5.5 artist, a sale te an education lititu- tion, or beigist, andi ln iavlfl tise 'Lame la peoprla. Wl5me pérmîits autisorIzeti tion or public art muqpunt andi sales o ~ ~ W fieonrp Wnypinteti en thein. $11187972,. visicliwon; IV andi on-haîf by dealers for resale. AIma, têbrnr lta Ueatl±O tst ie i vallue o! the precedlng Wbile the !ax on musical inaîru- ov rsealS o te relB pe Iofmus oUet. visero. f uldftpe tents bas been repealed. certain In- Th.odor. H. Out.Prosîdent W. a. flutii,\îe oéwý tise neati for Improvelfent in roaidis or muitn vere ited. the5 superintendent struments sncb as cornets. clarinets, F. W. Churchill, S.rtary and Manger. repair or construction O! culverts or oftise fri employmnt office rpora etc.. If matie of or ornamnted wilh bridges, 1t hal addition% 0coeting $850.000 are be- silver or other preclous meta] are TEHRIONIE 8 1 fitla the demi-e of the department, lng madle 1 tise township hîgit Scebodtaxable. "l1 Mdn ifs puapose, te provide adequate and that voI* ou ttras large isuild- Founlaln pens entipT)ed wit gotti SECUR.ITY TI17LE &r TRUST C conenentsevie, 0 an s ay costlng 350,000 lIbe staited ln pan vomin t-ae lan taxable. and possie t serse, 0fre&fd tht ie early pnlng- %fonthly returnq anti paymente o! ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE - rrj>5GUARANTU rutal c<snmunitias, but tiis andicantot "Building Permits for taetweicletx ' .rko!rtaiiwlr Seataledviisti Ue ut ~ cilles are about double in nr5î - - l ' of te vendor. Capital:- $1 25.000.00 lion and alueiSoleo! î, '<m m~t Section 904 of lte revenue sct o!fIL tino he patrons in tise effortse o! lasî year. i<ý'1 b ,, .c venue acf of 1918 WAIJKEGAN potmaters anti carriers 10 serve thern ei-ndedt'-,, ,y on certain articleq prmglrfiryadsatinfactoriYiit f seR-nz app',-e!. pro-Ot" v t _________fi__________________ Wromtly. regalyami liseepwo LLR0: a tex of 5 tper cent of ttic snottt ___ "W ISKIEYFL O palti for th oltowing articles lu ______ carnier le of direct ienefttthe P cees o!f te following priceqs 7apets% troua, for thse greater the esse and 46 qaevr:re.$ n-r Tyai& V nIr E M U i MWb 9 îc - arrier May cover v$]Ivnt 11 rî hie route the ar-iet anti Setter the YnRKitttg battît Cci liai boxe. u4eti bv servce afordd -ub.j~rÎb~îj'unitrss'elet s st Çlt-irtlier cases, $25 suvicpatrnor urlddeedco Sýu~~u ' eacit; pu rqes, pockel books. Shopping tisatosofrrl ei e sua- à P U IN N ad hand baga, $65 asci; portable graaly tip isemcive ~ aîpie -llghring tixtureti. lampa o! ail kinda carrier. Beeelng te it, bat roatis are kept n apiae,$1 ah n as in good conditioni andi promptly opanetiIsdlm tds 1 ah u as Iler torme. isy kee.putg tise approsl le i lmos mre ta the purchasêr. but by the manufar- as te tieir boxes clea, ad by prompt-. $5,000,000 value in Iast t urci. pronlucer or Importer. sebo are AUCI 0 lyanti willngly correctilig afy rregu four months rectuiret Io nmake monthly reluin- antid vn eldm sm llsi IiulcAcin ntiP l nthrgra.assistance thal a New York, Fais. .-WisiskeY, ha hati on personal application a lis e known au the Lochhead Farm, located gne.fourth mile west of l AOnuts cnrnarg r ie rs office o! Colleclor o! Infernal Rave- le Villr, two miles nOrtiteast of Long Grave, on the Lakes Zurich r I roa eu rntir crrirsm b>- keeptng wine. alcohol anti tiambane valueti, nue, Room 426 Ferlerai Building anti insteati o! placing unstamped mail, have bean iliegally importet urc New Broadway, 1214 Nor h Asitîsot Ave, witis money for80WetMdsnSrt53Eat7b tse purchase of the re Y'ork turing taefour montita frotte 03 estMadsonStrl, A5 Uat47f quiretipsae in tise boxes. Tis de- ]ai Augusl 19 tnitmidle o!f De- Street, Î12 West 63rd streat, Chicago, commencing prompfiy et 12:30 9. m., the folflowing deacribd prisom Paoatis arrer, anti sometimtes im- cemtber, accortilng te a report furnIsit- ada h eea ulig uo hlayasteheofficiaIsln Wasblngto irugitsda iaFtea ulig uoe pose a reatharshi on.hi- es ed ffiiel n tro sisJolie(, Peoria Rockford, sud Rock Ila poss gea badsIPO te co-operalion of customs, afficionls and. pacially in cotti or tonni>' eatiser. If anti0, ne eri FderaI Prohibito -- 34--H ead of Live Stoc prfr .snampeti elpgelhrAgen, . -4 D. Appieisy. Tise report printet or plain. nia>' Se obtai~net in >~ase estimaled t liat tise Illea liquor 24 HEM) 0F HIGH GRADE HOL.STEIN CATTLIi-9 frrs tise carrier, are o! gooti qtallty, ant i mporte i ltoe othet ports o! entry o! ROBERT McWADE AUCTION ance apringers. ail liesi> niuîkers. 2 tree-year olti halfeni. coat but littie more titan tise value of tite Uniteti States tofalleti bai! as Fridsy, Match 3, 192,a,1 *ok 7 I. te stampa upon tisen. and are redeom, mucit more tItan tlîat imported ilIlo 2,a 0odc, TElA) 0F BAY HORSES-6 aud i8'.r'. old,. at. about 27001 New York. Robert McWýade will seil ait pub.ic auc- ab le ai tise va.ue ofthelitenampa Uopen "Thje failuitr 10 stop tisese imPor tion l inte vilage o! Derfieid, on FIVE BROOD SWS2Hamoishîvr-s lo tar"v. in Matchs; 3 thIai tamageti but returned inl a prac talions," the report says, "does flot Daaît:eid Ave., offlStte tha Dearfieid ter Wiites te farrow in April.. tcally visola conadition, If neceBsar>' lia soleiy lit the donc of tise customs vchOOi 2>' HEAD LI1VEST0cK 7- te place mouey in a box, il soud fna Officiais. whosv (tor t les 10 permit torses, wt. Itom 1100 nu 1700; 3 yî-. FOUR PURE BRED REID BOU RIION TURI<EY HENS. 50 Wli put tn a coin-bolding receptabie or becerI of ail gool- untier certain ragu-i ctr1 tilc taiiy. ycl, Legiorn Ciickens. nproperly arappeti se as te bha easily i tions o: their iejection visera im irtsli Guarnsey heiter witîhnaît; 3 r I MACHINEoratin I;no prmsIbl.AriNti- pIngrs 4milirs Aboutes JI. EtonsCINRYAN) seL - Aoi 9tosetclemM Moe o h ucaeo o erous instanc's aprohibition direclor .1lgr,4mSr, iieatiii. in barn; se'. ral ton.- 'oîr.tredded odder in batn, 8 feet of siltg«' Mouy o lie uicase0ffaue>'f!New Yovk iad O. K.ti tise Importa- old; buil 6 mos. oid. HOGiS DIuroe sets of double itarnass, t Superiv- Seeder. 2 suýky cuiivatora; $4 orders shouldti no halaIt lu -ha boxes I.o o! iligl orisanipaoitaiboar, ragistere-siDuroc 505 in pig, tion itarrow; 1 24 loch waiking plus; il>earing coin iinder; 1I1M, but should beha antiedthe mail carreier Ie witr-draivt of whiskey and wine Yorkshsire suas in pig. GRAIN -150 Cormick mower; 1 torse taire; 1 bay tetdaer; 2 spîing wagons; 11*% antis raceipt obtaineti- anti aicohol thent parti r mking ,rr,, timothy hiay. MACHINERY- mlk wagon. 1 3inchtlireteruck walgon; 1 14 Il. liay rtack; 2 gilis .y J. IR, Allemanl. Pustmaster. the witdraw,, hall only an import-.1J-sets doubla barnesa, 2 drivlng bar- angines (Il 21 h. p. on trucks anti1 I1 Ilt . tp.); 1 gtind Stone; 1 ae ras plC .' nessa 2 riding satdiaes. New Itieai Cr;l aao aeptte;se rlguiml aa nioie il wesxAtPiS"Grand lotas, ,tmount o! whi-,kev, cr;5 aso aeptte;sv rlgo -l as n te NO IKNAe &. aleco anti aine, purchaseti fronstidO (l)eeriiiR) grain blinder; Daaring corn iclea too numerous te mention. 1- NO SuDSTÀNTletic companies, on Importr let*- tinter-, Ioosier dise seetier witis ferti- it rntil. impur tel after lise expiratioîn of ýizer anti grajss àttacisment; Ideal seeti 0. 11PR VE ENiIsteir Parmit te ImPort bat expirati et witis grass attacisment; new Casa TERMS OF SAL-Ail usumao! $20 anti under, cashi. AI!e i P O EM N la sôwn as tcllow':corn planter anti 80 roda wire; Joisn over tisan amount Ç month ise ivl be given on a gooti approve d sitI rA 1ff W hsecss.-......-......3,0 er sulky plow. nenri>' new; 2 John o bankable note isaaring lise rate..o! 7% Intercat. No property ~ r ULYIEti yu01-brri D.eare walking ploya; 2 sulky cuitivat mvt nî sltt o ar vini NE ~~~Champagne, cases .........-.... 6,294 mvdutlstldfr -WIne. cases ...................... 11:684 ors; 1 new 20-dise pulvaizer; 2-sec- 'Ilios Department of Labor Wlne, barrais---------------1.. 4 sprtng toots iarrav; Inn, isay loader; ,1 dlvr>iay etir; a' iP I rDi' ti isesaedt o h wîne, quartera----------------........-538 rake; McCormick mower; paker; -ILIJ~ LI, in month of ianuary Wie, fifts........ ..-......... ....... 6 ols for fixing horse teetis; 4-inca ______________________________ ch SplgllIiFb 7oSb- Wtna, ixteeutiss----------........----..100 truck wagon; 3-spring wagon; 3 ton splnglel.III Fem in, 17e volume-Alcohol, Sarrels-------------------.. - ...... 1 osi box; grain box; iseayboi ssiigis; te o! cmpioymeflt ln lîlilai industries 2 ligisî bob sleigisa; top buggy; break- ________________________________ e vas sovn dîîing te mout of Jeu- nn >tif> ing cart; fannlng mill; 18-fl, latider; . matie toaa>'b>'tiseIlinois Depant- articles. lii * A t I r>' ment o! Lebor. JfUfJ Terme-Over $25. 6 mos., 7'à,. I le Janunir>'brougisl oniy an increcasa O Joh J Wck Actone N e n O f 1 ,6 pJ ohce nJ .iW ich e nA ubt i o n e a r , toe poa 1.5 p hr enditflie number o ai J. A. Scisuinke, Clerk. H HavieS s»Id my farm, 1 willl off* at public *ien%.OlUet fth*' re po3'i aItbeant o! aceber,'U~1W 7I~U7 ________ 55mile.'sit of LUh rty'llo, on 8t. Marym Road. jusit n@th e.1 ths, se _This sUgit lncraaeefollows tsre ~ . IiI E A~ lRlrîiB p.. THISntile oinoORcE SALE easu23..taaujada -

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