t1~YV1Z 1)EFffi, TMAY, F !¶aMY 23, 1922. gueste ortheii.latteea parents, lMr. and lira. George Ture ut 'Ilverett, Sund&Y., Mir and lir. George Srnlth apeent Paul RougRof o chllea pent BS FIF&RN ORÀRD r and Unr. Wm. Nlckoley et Long Grove epent Saturday afternooin withý * FrmrsIbi Un talte Meye w a hicgo viitor IM fut treewii mon Satdy. tl'0e« as wetI as fruit Mr. and Mms.. Fed Zersen entertalfl- - .4 the folluwlug guesta gnnday: M. brI»g I 'unfortunately la true and lira. Henry Wulf< and tamnly o!ý Mýièt fkrmfers take the attitude Quinteu'a Co;ziers; Mr. and lis. RIcb- M.- sa fnot tinte enougb ta ard Herman of Diemond Laite, and Pr'of W. S Brock, of the de- Mr.an lra. Herman Zersen and su .£6 Màoriîtur e the. Uni- an 6 1 4 J I lI» UI . q l d M a t a t e - d w a r d . ý ýë*j' thi a"$aei-eau1t the fart Duidley Chander of Chicagooapent jâ -,pîiBt . daffl ring off the week end wltb lMr. a"id lra. Mor- theZdrtb". - ris Chaendier. fflt lie Xprayed not Mir. and lira. Charles Kueblier, Jr tbte fruit, but ln order of Graystake apent Sunday wlth thse s. te tatentent saad. latter'. parents, lMr. and lirs. Fred "saelon woricre trem the uni- Vekr rlcu!turýal ocilege have de- VoMr.an s.RVoleadsn tai cu-operation In apraylng M- m ia .Voie i hast aolution of the farm or, have nîoyed to their ncw home on the oblem. because it permit& the H. C. W. Mieyer tarn. ,a gaeulîne driven out:1t wlth C. G. Small wae a Chicago vIsiter l*ls su many -oae entbualaern londay. before the seeson le over. Power lir. andi lri. Morris Chandler and emalte î'ossee xtrenely Dudley Citandier were Waukegan via- spl-aying In thse corn hit thie Itors Saturd.ay evefling. abWout.e essential, becatseIn.l DiantUg tinte or In wbeat bar- lir. and lira. R. F. Rouae spent Suný ,tckwork laneeer if spay day atteratoon wth Mr. and lira. Raipis gd tarin operationa anre lisb.Rougeanadaofla. id ou at the aarne Uie. mise Loretta Dorfier attendectia Sspray "Rinuge" sucea.e. blrthtiay party at the homre of Ellsa- tr consmunltiea in two Illinois betis Newbore at St. Mary'e Sunday Ma trieti thesepray ring methoti afterncon. -eaof o 1921 wlth entire aat- lop. Thse cost of epraylng eacb tnè rom rit cents to $1.M. (Cf idial upou the location ofthtie JLIIHJ(.L lAS RE3AL r& watet stippIy and weather loua. This sum incloided labor, f lailq. an'1d dp;ecrsllon on equiji- OLD i3SlIONI3D il, retutu., t :11a r ront noting S EIII I ce" oft those orchttrds where j ELLI3VVI N Ib.lttyse f t-.Waabhad-ly___ ed. f Il 11.4t returnofo!$67-40 a ,ý.o neC.. dom Frnor ail treesGOr Vaentine Party 4it'l. ire ilng ws $6.04 a free, ThreeL days before St. VslentIne's ý4hruI ot lu nwn tie. w day ail the children's names at thse e< frlie tnitulattiant se. Wilson achuol were wrltteflon slipa L9=1 t of ntofev madie or otà palier, ecri chilti drew a naine. ý tý iovninihoeve, savet i gving ta tise chilti whose name they fleiint oft mociey mie or saveti recelveti a Valentino, and any other 01111,r Ucar~ tit te tact tisai person tbey wlsbed. titrq sri, 't c<e dFot Tise teacber bilat dvlsed tise chlti iýýf'rl of?!, mi,.nf 'o enabieci ren tisat only the heat Iinti of valen- t)see mac.c Lu, a nud btter fines; were tuolbe given away. meaning ýgef4iu is" iinitial croli not the iighst prlced ones but tise q:1 t' twr e r.sre due to oneos that contalned tise béatl Unes .0! !:,. 'f'; ectiF is- a.poetry tand contrastlng colors In pic- -Àî lb famer .met spray tures. orC voerativetv. if lie la to Tuesday momning a box was matie * çn' t -nit for tue"ii consump- by the, seventis grade. It w. of red construction, paper with red andi white - ieartes on It. Baked potatoes and cocoa werc serv *foOe OSOO OOOOed for dicineThe chiltiren who were ARIE A fo ibwacawct outaidean playedth ie gante tisat w. on tise liai et 0 0 êci 0 0,0O for tisat day. H. A Watsn an son who Tuestiay atternoon was given to thse IL I A. atso andsoî,whochidren for their party. -2envisting relativea at Antioch Tise tiret part ofthtie atternoon pro- aya. retorne to, 0thir gramt wasa a peli down la whicb Billy ? Pertety, a eeventii grade pupil, won. lieder w.. a Chicego vie- lIarD pupil wae requetedti ta t or rette s story or puent. alao ta pro lire. Ray Wells apent Sun- pare s jokre or ritdie to tel] the reat. 1fr.aid lira, W. I. stark. Intereating aotes of St. Vaentine ý',ýE vYpeiker spent Mautiay were i'cited, also a tew ofthtie Inter- 4rk daughter, Mrs. Pisil Morse, eting anti patrlotic anecdotes of Ab- Mer. rahani Lîncoîn'slilfe. J. L. and lira.The Tseventis grade pupita passeti out 4Roderan r.AbtRe the valentînea. Matty pretty une were e«ý lus libertyville Baturday. received by tise chiltiren.Ponte receiv 4*1iera. J. C. Dortier wcre the Ad as mauy as six. aït, -You tan select f rom our full stock of a large Est of Ves at the follOWing prices. - MEO»U HEAVY STOCK FENCE 1 j .a26 in.high, 7 in.ataYs .. ........... . .. . 23l4c pet rod 3ua2in.bieh12 in. stys .. ..... ..........2 c Per rc 32 in. high, 7 in. stays .......... . .... cper rod b " " , 2 i . J i i g> 1 2 i n . s t a Y s . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . 3 1/ 2 c p e r r ud bim 42 in. bigla, 12 in. stays ..................30c pr rod PIes4? in.h. 7in. tays. ... ............... ...39îc per rod 50 .h2h in. stays.............. ... ....33/c per rod iberanm, 50 in. bigl, 7 in. stays ----....... . . ... ... .... .43/c per rod - IFI)IU EVY A)ULTRY PENCE *bas, 46 in. hie,8 i.stas--- -----.-------..374c per rod Ibs.,SiL igh, 8 in. a.. .43 pe, rod û& 3 Ô5 per apool C M M D . 3.0 5 p r...........ST S _ $ 2 .7 0 each J~s.~.$3$6per sp=1 Catde...$3,25 per spopi CORNER.POST.-.$3.90 each *78;12-fi $-.8.60; t4-ft. $ q. 15; 16-ft. $ 9.60 ~r~,5.5; 12 ft. wide, $6 .25; 14-ft. wide, $7.25 ÀUTOISTS WITil* OUJT III3DLIiTS TO BR PROSECUTED oertr f State Emerson says vioIation8 cause most of accidents Springfield, Ill., Dec. 8.--Declarlng that fsiione ta comply wlti sate au- tomobile headlight regulations is me aponaîble for a large eprcentag or the accidents ýon tbe pubi cigiways, Secretary or Plate Loula L Emnerson today .Iaunehed 9 campeigu ta Serure enforetOcut o! thse law. lie lae cnt phaelzing parttculsrly the provision% regardlng dlntming. 1 Automobile inveatizators appoinîci 1 by hlm bave been Instructeti ta use the power given thent by tise lest leg- isiature and make arreats wherever they fiud violationa of tise laW. H. bas also sent a letter Io siseriffa andi police ollirnatisroughout the Plate cailing their attention ta the provis luns of tise law and aaklng their o loperation lu Its strict enforcement. "Thse tate law provides." SecF tary Emmerson saiti today, "tisai every automobile must be equippeti with two lîgista ln front and a mcd Llighis th ie rpar, wiic must be ligst- cd when the car la lu uperat ion any L tne atter s..naet t0 suntrise. Thse iseadllght imu3t be atrong enottgh t0 be visible for a distancee ot at teast 200 teet and unlese eqt..ppCd with iiia anti-glare detIce or lerîses ~rhich pte- vent a glarlng of dazzling lilht, they muat be dimmeti or extinguished wiseu within 250 feet ot an automo-ý bile approarhing front tise opposite direction. No car must be parked at nigisi wlthout a ltglta li front anti une lu tise rear, except wh(>re permit ted by provision of city ordlnanea. -"StatIstics show thtn hundreda of aetlous saccidents happeu every yest ibrougs falîre lu observû ibis law.1 Thse most commun offense la failure ta dlmt glsring ligisis on approaching anotiser automobile. lu maup cont munîties ibis provision of the iaw la nîntoat totally Ignored anti practicaily novherelale t cunsisteuitly observed. "I amn determineti. now that tIlisve i)eent given power ta enforce laws, ta do everything t can with the limited nutuber of Inspectots ai mv corn mn aluremedy this eond;',ior)e -:d i believe local authoritin., wlll ..o-opei, aie heartily lu tht. effort." lu the tetier tý, aher;ïTh andtipolice olflcers, Secrei.ry Emnierson says: 'A strict !nforcement ot the ira ! tic lawa Ir. the State il reduce se- cidents on the islghways at. teaEit 90 per cent. 0 QIJEPTINS CORNERS o oooo00000000000000 Misa Ha.sriet Kapert, Ruths Haus- mai anti John Pobîntan viaited at Mr. Gruff'a, Tuesday nigbt. Fred C. Berlin was given a birthday psrty Tuesday evcning. Albert andi Altred Grever bati their toueils rentoveti Wcdnesday ntorning. Fred C. Berlin will have a sale on Friday, February 24. lira. Stookel and lira. Scheity atten- tiet a finerai at Long Grave, Wednea- dey. Maiy front here atteniet the funeral of Wm.IWieisrdt et Palatine luetFriday. Charlee Ruffing waa aick seversi daya Edward Grever was absent aeveral tisys tues week. We finisheo five monts of achool Friday. ,ý lira. Quentin i. visiting ot the honte of Eti 'W îeirdt. John Quentin and Auna Marije Preil- iserg of Park Ridige, visiteti at the Fred Feddeler home Tuesay nigist. Lucille andi Charles Ruffing went ta Palatine Fritiay afternoun. Mir. aid lir- Henry Raper of Pals- tine, vipited ait tise bote of lMr. and lire. Theo Stemaberg, Friday. Leo Brontmelkazup aid Misa Marie Flenty of Palatine, visiteti et tbe honte of Mir. anti Mnr. Theo Sternberg, Sun- day eveniug. John Sternberg, Henry Reper anti faily of Palatine, vietteti r. and Mira. Tis- Sternberg, Sunday after- 000000000000000000 0 ANTIOCH o OO O Oo OBO O,ftonnoO O Oo Min Gladys Panowski bau returnei tu bar work at AtÇy. E. M. Runl'ard'à , #Mot WWkàai, aflap bçg- bpntp severaldayalust week on acotat or lirs. Spanggard apent the paut week lu Chaicago., Frank Spangg"d returnet bomse tise tiret of thse WM f rom a Chicago holi- tel wb heh. nderwent an operat on for appendtiei. Dr. and lirm H. F. Beebe wre. on 1%'esde aed lu Geneva. II., hy tise serions ilnes ufthse former'& aunt, Nia Sarah Rtc. Berthaa Gilbert asalhote fron the city over Suaday. At Iniaapol lit, Satua-day, Wr.. Rus1 eaa atLktaIwons the tirt rie i erclieluh.American cat how id aterah.waà ul~for I~Crmlby Us d L" J(tT(h moearr. Mr. end D MM- Vankegau, Saturd.y mornlug. FROM A MINE, Tiser. arn a meeting uf tke S"ta achol iboard et the liethodusten hrcn on liohday evettlng, - Mr. and lira. O. G. Oeleon ot Sand-. ais, Ill, apent a few daya the. put areek wntis. their daugiter, lire.Ben VanDuzer. Umi Viola Kuhaupt apent Friday in Cicao. _ mmr.WillIimZelrsetover Son-' day at R?*e, W& w M.andi Mrs. Raera fiont hère were atteni lun attqtucat -the county meeting of the tmdW rhurch Minitera andi Lày:en st Wsukqran1- Wednesday mat mrit a opWdid meeting wth a large Chas. L. Jsa, repreaentative of tise An jâre spoke at 'tise Me unda morning, lira. Iertb".,amea Gilbsert sang et tise ibornlng-esrvjoe at the IMethodiet rburch Sunday. Mmra. PetiCribis attendedtihietuerai ot ber unole, Levi Waite et Ingleaide Tuedday. On nerf Sunday aftemnoon tiser. wil ise a sacibd concert et tise Ep'tecpal cisurc i u 4 o'clock, Evcryone inviteti.î ITALI AN MARES NEW KI1N D 0f AN k.IRSlllRR Suction pumps devised to njive craft stability and air pres- sure is overcome London, Fez. 18. An airsiit'wlticis, il ]s declaneti, wiii revolutionize flot ontl ."wsr lu thse air" butsarirsras- pari geflerally i. to ise cotatrveceti anti tesfet inluItaly. The ship la thisention of Signor 'Naugean, Who, Insteat o!fîtsiug a gas- filIled containertotamake is alrsisip lise. createa by mesus o! suction pumipa a vaZum inside tise envelope whicis consequently becomes lighter than air. For hutudmeda o! years extierimeut ors sud ecleuuists have been working ou tlise.Ulnea,' but always wisen auc- ceas ha.s semeti uer ai baud their models have collapseti owing to tisa ellurmous pressure o! tise atmosphere amouuuiig. wiiis a perfect vacuum, tu as mucti as 15 pountis ta tise square loch, on tise outalde o!fiscesiip. Signor Vaugean, isuwever. dlaims f0 have overrome tis dltflduity by huilt- lng lis iarasip, one bull InelIde ai- otiser. Tiese pace hetareen tise out- aide of tise alrahip andthie fit-et interi- or hîtl ls parttl emptieti of air still more air la exisaustet f ronthtie next space, whlle In tise centre cempart- meut o! these ip tise vacum ia matie as perfect as possible. Pt-ssure le Distrîbuted Bu this means thç pressure ofthtie outalde aimosphere l a diatnîbuteti over three aitriaces anti la reducedti t less than tive pounda per square inchs on anv portion of tise ahlp. . he airsip uow te be boill la tu be equippeti with tour englnu'es,, acis o! ihree hudreti horaepower, of a type Iuventeti hy Protessor Gamuttla. Tisese englues, insteati of burulut gasolene. use iseavy oil, tispa, anitise absence o! isydregen lu tiseaslip Ita.lt, opili- uatIug ta a certain extent tise rlek of tire. Tise engines serve tise duel purpos o! driving tise airaislp tismougi tise air anti workiug tise pompa whicis oreate tise vacuum Iusitie tise sisip, sa, that tise, vacuum cati be tncreased or dl- miuiised a i lîl Iu ortier lu malte tise shlp ise or talI. If Io clalmedti tisi wiug te the pe- culiar construction of tise hu andti t Its ability fo rlae to great height.i twisere tise air is more rarafleti anti etherefore offera lesa reaistanre speedi as great as 215 miles an hour shouiti be po&sible. and tisai tise joerney llront1 Lotion ta New York couid be ar complishet Inluelgiteen isou'e. Isn't it True? TisaI tis cheaper you rois your car the. botter? Thon wby min Wur tirea uatii they blow out, when you cmn get tisentrohufit _u.a good as a new mete Newr tires are chepr noar, but viten you cen ce. your tire hill la hait, n'la oh«er yetft ien't it? Rave your tire. retreaded alth a tread tisat woet ccsno loma. by a rohuilding method that l ton yearsahaeati uf an>' uher. TIREREBUILDNGA SMEIALT. Best References Fw"ised. Vuicanizing -Retreading THE LIBERTY VILE TIRE REPAIR 5110F:- 551 N. uIwamkeAvre. - Miner fiflds relie Wjiioh may be petrified man' or merely freak of naiture . o4thg es elgaa npee an tdnluklag uanderan.nee tisecois ettlicin. Tise rite. terracea in the Phu lflhum *l rebave ail »meeic lturea ot arre huRt *b>'tise.Igorote but lifty par cet of the rti.ntisey rais. gues f0 niat. liquor. 1 jusft iti a Utile prearis- If wamafor fise Igorota ibat Repre- seniative Santos .Smfroduced Intu tise Philippine Leglaature a bill aorne montisa agu ta force-fb. Igorote bo areai'trousera Insfeati uf thaîr G- stringa. lHe sald that plctumes of the1 Igarofe areobelng aisoan lu tiseUn-I lied States t a aie public tisink t tat1 aomae o! tise Plipinoa ver. artid.lHe' saiti this lirejutilithe Independence cause. He piauned tuaitishe Philippine govemnusent boy lotilg for tise Igur ot and Ikeep fiton tisent as many years ai lt wannereaeary foi- tisenta10gel usedt tI. BANDITS SCARE IOiILAND PARK A camolageti llivvei-, a hi-are ot "six guna" anti a pair ot young bandit. in tise cembînation that ta causing worry lu tise police cirolea o! HighliandiFat-k tisas. days. Tise rohisera heen arorktng for tise pnt week. dlaying a finessel tbat etampas en t antsa"matie lu Chiscago'* iratie mark. Victime say tisey are oaing a llivver wiib a hishpowered englue concealeti uoLdem the booti. Scoday ulgiitishe taro sioppeti Hamry S:. Peter anti relievet i hmo!of 56 anti lita watrb. Laler Axel Larson gave up $7 anti a aatris. Ha bat dprésence o! mn utienoogis. ioarever fo droit a port cAiook on tise grounti whicis containeti John Hart sud Raymond .Sisealian, itigis scisool atodents contibuteti $3 80 f0 tise cauae anti Nathsan Comaluiila i said te have lB a elarge tilanonti stick pin. Il. la reportedthtia aleasti t a tiozen olisers have been iubeti. Parsons, Kan.,' Feb. 10.-Dug outi of a coal mine, 200 feet belaw tiseà surface, a strange atone image resta1 tqday lu tise home o! Sat Jenkina. a9 miner lIving between Weioh anti1 Blue ,larket, arrosa tise Oklahomna9 tae fi tue potrianearentmasof apre-1 islmîtman-tho likeneas o! htise -t Ainerican caveman? Or la Ih merely -a strange ft oak o! tiature ln mouliing tise huiman image doring tise toriatlon o! tise coal stra- 'isne image ta of oaick rock. Jen- ains, digglng coal la tise endi of a drift mine, ucovered i . It la a tri! le more than tise'average isonan aise. rucetiatm. anti legs anti s blg well-ouided liseait, i.ttuflatteneti foreiseati and teatures and powertul wlie jaws. Tise ncek la fick anti short, tise heati aimuat ucatlua be- ,wcen tise iuge shoulder,. Tise Image la impertect. for tîtere t.c ne bandsansd test. Before dilaeoverlng thse image Jeta kîns, workiîîg aloug tise velu 01 ceai, uni-artisedthetiti' tPinta O! ame hoge, preistorie animal. Tise pt-lut. wexe pcrfec-tly fomme inlutise Manie anti were lu tuie sanie location wisorE remains of a prehlatorlo animalt a cr unearthed a fear years ago. -iuntireds ci penons hitaît cfl»eked te tise miner. csblno l1-k>it tise strange Image. MORNTS TOLU - BY fiENERAL WOOD NOT TO EAT DO Manila, Feis. 18.--Ooveruor Genetît Wood oft fne Philippines, beilevea tisat a former major genemal in tise Unitedi Statea army ntay be nt ieaat a mission amy if ise ae deaires. At leasi b. gave tise Igomotes, untili a tew years aga, heati boutera anti now consumera o! considerable dog fiesis, a talk intendeti ta elevate tbem. His upu! t womkwasa near Bagulo. a moontain resort. The Igorot dog umarket la une o!fte leadlug sigisis ofthtie Islandi of Luzon. Dogesinlu imbers are broogisi into tise Igorot towns isy tise black natives, hait a tiozen canines tieti by a string. Tiseir oaruerl are quick to resent any idea that tisetioge are flot quite edible. Tise sunmaIsare starveti severat tisys isetore an expecteti teast. tisen1 given rire, on arbIcis hey stuif utul tiseir skias is ahbad no more. Thse doge, once tully safuffeti, are kilieti. But tisey are not killeti qulekly. Rath- er tiscy are iseaten with sticks tise idea being ta break tise houe. lu tieir legs anti otiser large ea k l thefr boti- les. Tisey tisen are cooketi. Wisat Wood 'raId Them Thse Governor. meeting representa- tives o! tise press at lialacanang Pal ace, tise Execulve's home lu Menusa, Ilaidi "I arent out anti gave tisent a talk. - r -- TIRES VULCANIING Most Up-To-Date Tire Shop In The. State Every Job Unconditi"nly Guaranteed SPECIAL OFFER During March Omiy FREE TUBE With Every Fisk Red Top Lake County Tire Shop Ph... 34-J ROUNDLAICE Announcement i-avîng retired frous studio work and made our homue near Highland Park. and Lbertyvilie, we takç pleasure in announcing that we are devoting our attention exclusively to bigh lasns home portraiture in duese towns and vicinity. Bnlnging the assurance of many years in advanced colot' work and pbotography and a ciientele among somie of thse best bouses on tise North Shore, we are mak- ing sittinga in tise home by new and, in many ways, original n'ethods, utiiizlng both'dayligbt and high-power electric ligisis of special color and desig-s lu se-' cure unusual and gptistic effects. The tiuse-saving and great convenience of sittng ata home la usually mucla appreçigedaç-wtal as the beauty and atusophiere of home picturt»,. au-coul- pared with thse "stereotypecr styles of studio work Especialiy with tde chi- dren, there là a decided advantage in hancling the subject in familiar scenes and swrmomdùwg. Oreffort la to produce at reasonable prices' portraits with character, indi- vacisallty. refinement and artistic meit-portraits tbat you can present without apoiogy to thse most critical. We invite yuu taminspect our work of local people now on display in thse windows of thse Loveil Drug Co. Appointuients for sittings can be msade with Mr. Swan or Mr. Taylor, or by telephousing us--Lbertyville 285-W-2. Yours for consciencious service. Clayton A. Hôoneywel IV'OL xx YOUM mmi WOMiEN1ovni 17, de- dlragsg ovemmgent ptiosa> 123u mntniyirrite for fieé IW to! poumm noar open. R. Tent (former Cvil O«> vices limuier) -U1399Continenital Md., Washingto, D. C. -"6t FtOR RIDNT--Garýge, eioctrleigistest. bailfhlock trou husinens district. un Milwrauklee-ive. Remenahie. laquire e886 N. ilwaukee Ave. 45-tf 1FOX R3INT-260 acre dairy tara, ulea 13-rouaihoule, arran"et for tro lin- dîvidual fomlla; isard 'arool fleure. electria ilIghs, 2 bath., atsltiY itOti eru tiss'ughout; Swoarn tufor 50 bead o! miltle aid comupletessot of otbe'r buildings. Tis ua achuetearnianti coder a isig satate ot cuMtvatoi.Tl. J. Stahi & Co., Waukegan, 111- Tele p>hone 38or 683. 7-31 ma R RU-Flat on Scond street. Llbertyvtite.e "lira. W. MtIf. BAT ~ MffNWÂNTED-TO scicit or- dere fo ubr inatinggcils. greaes and peints. Saiary or commnisio. AÀWdreae The'Has-vey 011 Co., Cluvelaad, 0hi. 8-lt WANTED TO RZNT-Furnahed or r unfurniabet houa. for six motithsor year inquir eindependent. 8-3t NOTICE r J, B. Anderson, dealer in Live Stock. b as 40 beati a! gond w0rk hom-es for sale, fron tfour lt, Dine Yanlid. Wll ywelgs froin 1200 ta1700 POUnda eacb. 1TelèDhone 230-W-2 Sisermerville Res- idence on lxunde. Roati. tar milcez east ot Wisee'ing. Atitrceu Glenvilew, 111 8-6t ANNcOIJNCEMENT ,Schsotti5chaelder, Independent pisa- tgrapiser o! Zion Clty, Ill.. bas opencti a Photo Studio over Deeker'a Drug Store, anti wilt ha open every Thurs Iday. 8-2t Tweivefil in%have bf thse Wlinots t Applications arlei upola tehiowina lMt eu stars 1lut Fra&neba W. U. Udeli. S. hou, A. E. W. E. Beeki Haak. lieder à titre a body eucouti iaLst tuse t holding tise comentabnlar Ithe fletai 4ieaIon fer 'S. & M. rail tas aeveral as tembeti fflo, Nor railroad, si Illinots col pCintise à mette dei rallroad i airant trùc Chicago s rat ier th Greenleaf the ne I accordint toritis.horai led le bol cBaut End ,;'te rase 'Washin for galle A ul rine ý arn mel Wftisa othebr tan are, Morton 1 rasa. At tielo . Caln. - smter *Été r on da 8n Belle MOI of runn'mg inI IIAD TO Ter.-vas nlgist wisen tis Attor-ney A. 1 lise place of 1 Lake bîreet n lte offIcers a a êtif bartte place befure 1 e.. iandciafe kegau police Tise woene îluotlsg 'a bot t éqtr menis. hI Mil. KMie, 1« laslquor. Tony Sybo Kiem. Mikelistti al'coaduti Tise>' ere Hferve>' C. C ar ise luth@s. Kiemu ad 0 Retti and LUI Audrear la MLOO fan lita stdever t] Conia nwaa nigst vison Whrio veuf hie vau sîgned t ~I4 4-ÀWO 1 i WATADS. Wanted-Fîrm. to epenlie. Cati tun any six* fat-m regadien of sixe. Cati furnish h.Ip te t-un a good sized fît-m. Have had ilfatime experienoe on dait-y f...,n Alfred Nelle. Box 176, Ltberty. ville, lîlionis. 7.tf. FOR SAL-Pure breti Holstein iseïf- er caf. H. H. Sobroctier, Prairie Vtew. III.' 1 5-4t 1 'nil weave vampets e ~r fiy cents a running Yard andi turnis arx. lira. A. Muldenlaauer, Long Grove, Ii. 5-13t FOR SALE - Thoroughhred Coule- maie dog, 8 months o à. L. . Yuiosoe i209 Lake Si.. Waugegan. FOR SALE-Ou. uaed concret. mixer, ln gooti mechaniral condition, anti a quantity o! second banti lunther. Heu-; dee Brus.. Round Lake, 111. Telephone 23-W. 7-2t FOR RENT -15ty acre dairy tant. gooti building., one-haîf mile nantis ot Long Grove. about 12 mlles Sauts o! thertyville. $5.00 per acre. rashs rent. Inqutre at Saur & Haines store. Long Grove, or write F. A. Ashlng, Rock ralse.Ili. 7-2t