LBERIIL LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDEt( INDEPENDENT LakeB'9 Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKILY SUN. LIBERTxVnJ£,T LAKE COSTrY. 4XLnOIs, THURSDAY, FER13ARY 23, 1922. $1 .50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCIz. -- -~ -~ - - 17, do- ICI. on ffuire vo in- rmod- otisr m anti »L. T. Tels- 7-31 etreet. udf. 8-lt toit or- me anti Adreu 8-11 Wths or 8-3t Stock, ses for d. WIlI aS eaci. e. R..g- 8-6t t Pho- opened 5 Drug Thurs- 8.2t Blatlservlck'.tub, ing LaIte, W'> ;i' stansp 82.50. Mary Ceilaiesita J. J. anti John Calla han. Iots 5 10 9, ParIter'a norli mide sub, Wanicgezn leti$10, ataahip R. W. Blaard 10 JosephiBandera. loti 1 ta 4. ihaci 1. Wrlgbte atit, Libethyvllle, Wl M10, aap $8. M. J. Canvas and vite ta Geste, Anderson, lot 89, Green Bay addition. LIber&rlil. W'> $10, etunnp $5. W. A. Beuiionandti vie ta H. L. Clevelanti anti vite, lat 9. Benson'd tub, Higivooti.W» $260, slamp &Oc. J. EL lisez anti i t o G. F. iCantz; lot S. bloci 2, MylitiPart. Weuco0n-- da, WI) It emrp SOC. Mary IL 1. q09hUabanti ta Jas- @pi Busater, lot If. Jalecret Oub, FOI Laie, W»I8) ,gtap OC. Foi, 17,.1M .1 Haraony Flvit *adiHuntiniclub to, C. u.faa tract o!tenmd on r«o laie la e.,3,w Antioch tvp. lt d., i 8, mratditilglanti CL _<ewNcamb Jr. la Ratheonne P.abl'and inaent, lot# 2. 8. anti 6, bli 3a. 'Noth cicao. [fle 300 met. o! 8Amw i vl (td&) te Kathlt-la Nublilt4, boi8 NorthOhooW $3. Rtie n 1WauA huabanté t Bel. M. lieni ad niwu*., lou i8 atiti44, bloc 81, asutilot* 2 taO, bfloc3 2, Nathr Chicagow'> ,? J.8. 0Ciler Iyanti vite et agîta P. t. oom' ant i vie, iot&a. iant21, bloci 1 Nerbr.e un" on LOng LiW'$, tami $lit ILH., c4gvev loa.R J. Clavcy, lot 7, W» $i, gteernie*. L.~ ~ ~~~l' Keeltah .1felot a, blBGW-.8, -ake NI Wl> , ULECIRIC LINE ASKS MEW ROUTE joe a . Hygt.engin-ero!ftmainte- ffl c tivaya, and C. IL1TouîPROa, a"*a te t ticprecîdato! lie ciii- faga. Nrti h oeand tiMlvanie rafiroad, ppam dSaturd&y before the Illinois Commerce eoamiillm 10 e«- plinthe rlgit 0a! vq tirougi WUi- mette deslreti by lie rallnoai. Io raftinosti baappied for a crtfflccte a! convealenfe ant i ticceei ho ccii- structtràck parmiietl to ee a!the Chicago anti Nrtivecteiti nilraad. rtier lien continue runsOUe Grecuflear avent u e it y. .*txty per omt ef te property fdt the nov tracli bus bees puncine& acoria 0te alph tdley, attomiV for lie rlront. Opposition 10 taeflge Joct la beins offeret by the Evaut Bu E natld Improvement asaoUatio ,;'the case vag conttiueict til Mar. 17, YAUKE(iN MAN IS 1MARINE IJERO 'Wasington, Pcb. 0.-Certiflcateal for galiants7 villeetvina viiticthe lafirital corpe o! the TYilteti Statua 4 9aart e tsrpedtonari farces havoe - Bieenavartied la John H. Baich, ReY~ 'tN. Huit andi George 1. Peareon ti G%3icage anti nias olier midle '«et- Uta t lnem by lie commanding genkenat tf he Second division. Olior Dahnose mon cted for hora laare Tony Blmer, .Waukegaft, Moron R. Bennett, anti R&Yiont I l xaga. Acoolai Matn CV-on, 1<Os liceilo anti Frncis IL Pielaf o! Lin- mee SOLVE MYS13RY ,Oneftmaywfels medium r an~~f w isle mysteryfor $5 ee iJIIIl 2 OFFER TO COAEý HERE The= aor !Waukeuasu nov fa- MM :hnntti ioua b ohd the oente artia4 f e u.bong re- BOOzjj r.:: ttey T" uc:lt lice departmnt. Belle Morris fned on charge > ltte'rom"> from 1. . Brotwn of runng lsorduly OUSe police tint hie viteIauriultc in Wautegan mei. For a co vi g to ta oft $C utga i fin i te la p oplngthe aghost' iHAD TO USÉ HANDCIJFFS lu hmatlng tii. local houa.. He eug- iPecter MaY be due to the tact that Waukegafl, ?eh. 20 - lla vorrieti about something-per- There waa a YOUng riot Saturcay haps the tact that treaure lu hIdden alght when the dry squad from States abot Lehs. He silageste that Attorney A. V. Smth'& offIce raimdb ou i so heS n the place of 'Belle Morris, Negre55 <On aolvlng the mystery. Lakte btreet near thl«' tracks, andi the, officera ver copipelledtu toPut uP Another Lutter. a tiff baille with four men lu the A>bther letter ls receiveti trotu>tie place beore tliey were fnaiiiy iubdu- men. who aigu themselvea: Abrt ed. handcnile andi taken to the Wau- A. Hawins Ia"ti red Lo>ebeck, 3142 kegan police station. South Second treet. Omahia, Neb. The w voueu ver, charged wth cou They &&y tn theïr letter that they ductln.a a bouseor Ii fume. andi the h, rend about Waukegan'a gimt fégr men,. viltes. arrestei On tlf'ê fol in the Omahapapers a»tibave e- tiotateg barý* , cideti th"y villirluk comnlng here igiks Kjemél, barterin uand PO-sei- anti uoivlng the my»ery. They In- las Ilquor. out,. hovever. tint the Police pay TOIÎY SYbOrSkY, 00,31,0chargeas nuther tranportation tuaund firos KIem. Waukegan. Tlsey uay they are pre- Rococo l aro1.uel luik. Rtti anti John LÀtoul, dsor pertd 40 coule on a timuentue notice ?~Mpgw of Bet~iutc4unpoe ftly coaduel. andi arctoOig aUaltngtilutructiona te Vithdrawufm M hm ulu Tbay vere arraimacti before Juzice ma"e Iha trip. . stwun60st zautfcmia Hercvey C. Couea= Suntay mniiihi - Ast.Chict Thoma. Tyrreli bac W or-nt pmme via flnedetiti man $150 Anti 0001à. placed a hat ou the, nlghtly *"about MNeIrko*@0 à Kien &andiyborskY $100 e-Il aMdihunUar 'Peati- te lMllkowich 1 ekb* Retti andi Ltoui $50 ouh. home »t Senti avenue. Tva South Allege UeeIlgger Takeli aide policemnen have been etatiedt Adrav ameralco!r iai etstreet in hc.p the. bouse u-der ObeWryaton Mine tel tain the clutchee of the dry anti provent the nlgbtly "valci" par- fJo amoud over the.week anti andi Juu~tiUen. ThitsOrler vasluttaid fOlow- b~o, Conieon wu, cli"out or bed ti& i nga risit tu the bouse by the. ae- nigit viion Lanariegot bondm-tas luat chie! Saturia.Y atterOon. L E. Simr -WIL who wen$ ibail elfor $2,000. The bond Watcheru vere chuaa rainfrmthe lors %1919M cnkii wau lgueti by John Meahek. houa., on ~unday nlght andth te rsàai- ue e à ____________denta of the bottae have been la- iip' structadt 10ltor m outsidier li igt t 14 AWBSWORN IN muet_______Ay "'ye tld Mntla i lk abouVt. ý- ACCA lIC bak 10 b6eludforpt aè AS TJ ITIE POUR Mlr. Tyrreil a"i n. - r~ ildtei AJE A O peope ho are wlUing tu giee crei- O Twelve Highland Park business ence ta auch vilti reporta." IVE Jfh in have beau named for places on ON______ IIR J U U the Ilinois tate constabulary force. Applications o! four ther are tu b artei upoIn La the nuar future. The 6 H N SS À foliowing men Were sworflin andi gir. eu stars lut veek: John H. 81101i611M OFFICM L UT OL1 F n t&e ole..W.HbiPeiUdeil, . A. St. Peter. Drink Sica- T? s Gerald Randail In leadingPa bou, A, F_ Smith.,AX G. McPhscnon. rurahatiby the * in French production at Bel, w. E. Becker, Han-y Paul, Auignât G. LA K U ~NTY TITLE ANDi mont Theater on Broadwa' Haak. TRUST COUPANT. tjnder a recert act Of tbhi egisla- Abaltrate a! Title, Tîtîe ttre a body of PrOminlent cllluens luGaanteeti. FATHER RECEIVES LETTE euch cenmunity vilii haorgnanieilto' 20 Wain>gton SI. ait lie regular authoritie Inb1UP Waakega4nIL Word has heen recelved bY Mr.9 bolding tle.tmv. The moe- a ofthe' Telephméa 4 iro. E. O. Randail. 1086 Hickory1 :k conabulary have fuan Polce pavrl i tae hyrcl o en e! i ueto!their son Geraid rcation for tl4ow serêleu. Tiié C. N. Badiv1l ovvt iPa 8.&M. ralrod ta contempiatlit bar- FP*. le. 192Z Auesnbly Co., toc. aPPearlug at lng eveai ! It emloy. evra a LBelonont Theater. 48t _SI..New Yt tas eveil r li emloys SWM i 1.A. Mairie anti vite to Anna City, in lb. play *,Monmartre." s members othelistABUZ iot 8lot 4 i 3 7, Ravine siope. Young Randa nl euin onBru Area 10. $l* tanip 60ver but a short vblle anti bas ril r&pldly ta thoatrical circlea. Wlthta font- monîhi b. ban secuneti a ladina part lu a Wlrccplay that critica praizoe iigiiy ant isie orn lu drect- Ana attention o! lie Gothsm theater patrons. In addition tu filma a prtuainet part ta the casat, io $1s0 set-ueoau anssaistant 10to theStage Maager o! lie Belmont Theater. Clark Sîlverrnal, a veit inovo pro- duoer direcletilich production o! the play ta vici Randailla sappearlng. Rantaîl, until a short Unie &ga, matie h4ghome ta Waukean vltibis fatier anti motier. but felt- the cati tu lie coloreatiurlog lie var anti serv- cd 18 moothu overseae. Tis exper- lauce later eerved hlm ln tic French production. Accordînti to Mt. Rantiall. hWs fatier. young Randail's tiret Job vas viI oollîlie andi Wblte bora. vian, ho vOrked[ up 'ontil bts lime o! enterithe ticanmy- After ebabteen montha overseas. ie returned t bWau- keçan anti vorketifor avile ta lic dio«ntg dopartmeot of .the Marai- aU [Ieldsteore ta Cicago. but lter lefi for Nev Yari tut tate a part ln the production 'Wantierlng 1ev" jvhlch vas laler produeed as a motion pilure anti tlleti. Recehlsganauoffer froni lie Ptayers AsaemDlyCo., luc., he accepteb their part sa'ithe n viite monocle'. la lie play "Monîmartre- and bai be#n maiing a sticceseshlce lie-OPen- &n t'the Beimotit Theater. 400CTIZNS. SK MAYOR TO.RUN Ma'Xyor Ment-y A. Ruuey vili k. aiketi tu ruý fer yor o! Laie For- et for tli e fotr - thn ime ohg& Maïre han lqur ihuat~~a~h a1netdy - es t«led 4lli 4MOea iielti cierk in the .Jaua tate. Armu. Il took a IsPecii 01 Ccgnes t0 make her taI. me seecliy ls v transterrati tr" SCii mm go tii, prltio. San FraoC00C. Unomacaili uhe la asergeat4.tuJ HIOSPITAL PLANS SOUIilT BY MÀNY CONTRACTORS Seven specitications out-, ax- peot keen,-competition for $300,000 lob WILL MEAN A BIG SAVIRff Contractoru appear ta bW gager ho get a chance-to construct the 8800,000 Victory Memorlal hospitel. for iblh Plans ant -i pCtitons have béai been conýVleteti andi bide are to b, opened, Mxch & Le. MoDonougb, of tic bulig commlttoi, elateti totiay that a#% Qpetfloatlone are out aud te" beba lnquWrbea for more. l U t$11 ptobably viU i. moreth=a s " eoonpetititv bitduere, vloh >ra*ogmi aaaureaa rooaoalylow W i5U8 wu slumber ladicatea ti*c cotrck"> inca for the. von. Judgiig fron.t bOuo ZCf" bti.Peoplee miii. vl&h liaq2le liii cotriet for 1a 5000015p ê . ,Éà iikamt,.hm t oa,- a. OFFER SOME SUGGESTIOM The Passale. N. J. Neysa li liaI If Voliva vouiti compile a boc on astrooomy, an that fil ouit b. ferra-it t as a standard classla, vouiti make lire vorth living. Tt papor uays: «WUbur Oison Votive. Oversecr1 ZMon CityIll, ainounts to somelihin atter ait. Ho lu tevehoptag itl a m personage, ual unvortiy ta mal respecta 10 vear lie mantie O! - greal preteceasor, John Alexan, Dovle, vio lu reinembereti forb bolti altemplto tecouvert Nov Tui lato a New Jeruaim o! vile-roiq sants. Voliva's conceptions are no ie pretentionu. lHe la a tiaring, origin tlmier along maoy Unes vira or] talty la sedom. roundi ta thoo, da: oft sterolyped iearnhng. doms lit lime ago ToUts conlemptuously cs guide the, curreot notion o! i darli'a rotundtily, and deciaredth itlal fiat. Wien "the cildtren ai their teachers lu the Mion Ci achxoole asked for furlier dotal Voliva gracetuliy obligeti them,.ai after profounti medîlatian revesl - hoe.supplemental Initia: That lb. sarti la rimmet by huihvaillo! les, ta teep travele and marinera froni faling overt ,!dae; Tiet the eky la a soliti domo re tag on Ibis iee-wall, - - Tint lie sun anti stars ara hu in the Sty lite eiadellers; Tintthle #un Ie fortp mlles Ln &alter. Here la colorful Information,p seselng a sveep anti vigor anti p diuion that puie an ortinery stin orner toabornme. A graleful pub sfates voliva anti yearns for M( .Iilfort-aioIi. If h. vouiti oniy wv T'book about lieerti anti ukY0 evarthina litevuliivrt InaS MAIDS PLUCKED 1EBROWS FIRST Parnhaud is Pretty Little Sing Song Girls B II IO ia u Were Dsing It Before Co- lumbus Discovered America I LISTCKALO USEIJ Jury fIIIA Did lhe Amerîcan andi Frenchî girls recelve the idea o! piucking their eve- I s E brows fram te Chînese mai O! chien B~ IIf A translation of an ancient Clunesel poem descrlbedth li eroine of the bal- lad as havlng blarkened eyebrows arclied "ta resemble a nascent wil- loy teat of a moon jus l borni - Carl Snyder seeks to prove, an Today te ieautl litle sing S0119 alibi, but court disbelievact girls, ln thelr gaiiy catarei brocadeti him sa tin coats and trousers, titeir dlartiond rings and peari. jade anîd dianiouti hair ornamenta, are folowing te ru- rom o! vears ago and pluckingie tl' lOETIF'ED PY VICTIMS eyebrows. Betorê coluimbu-i dlscov ____ ereti Am@eîca-i! tlite Chîoe poetýPrY (iCi Snyier (alias Fred Bauman> of titat day si% rtie-t ('hinese ý ra boun t 1lte grand jury ln bonds wree doing their« eyebî'ow.s. o! $5ot on a charge orflorgery vheia Lite Butterflies lie was arrigned bt-fore Police Magla- At a (ineïe reding we suiendeti trate Walter Taylor tn Police Court recenily a number ot pre(Iîr utile sing titis mornlng. Sniyder la chargeti viti song girls. lîke a bevy of gayly liaint- haviog pessei forgeti checha for ;73 ed butterles. came imb hie rooni cachaon the Bon Ton and on the Se- wiere te forelgo anti Chinese guetta8 were enjoylng a sumpluaui (itinese cirity Savings Bank. A thirti check' banquet. for 128 vas passed at Atterburys drug Tic girls are hapîty littie tings store. Ail checks purportedti i have who laugh anti chat togelter. tait shy- been aigneti by Juohn Darrov. ly to the men wio speak Chînese. sing At the hearing Dr. Perchvai Peeroe lyrles in ilgi, shril volces and e ven ait dawn at the varlaus tables wben O! the Bon Ton anti a young mana Cdon hoviteti and play the popular Chines@ from Atterburys drug store tld a! tînger games. wiich are comme il iavlnig caeied checks. They itientfleti faut at fefauts. Snyder as the man wio preaete& One tialnty sing song girl et our tiem for payment. table caried a vanlty bag. andi dur- Snyder wbo vas representeti iy At- Ia a luitlnb tie merriment she btoo torney Loo. Fermer. testifiedti tnn out ber povder purt!, li tic anti jan. 28, tic day ho va. euppoeed te rouge box from an importeti Ameni have cashedthle cche, ho matie a trip cao vanity ba. It vas fascinatina 10 Milwaukee. stopplng et the Dela- 10 watci ber. UnconechOus of her ware halel. He mati ho titi ual roglat- surroundinas. s concentre.ted ail ber et- but occupieti a Chair lntaheii.101> thoughts upon beautifying ber face. because be vas ill. On th. foltowing ,AietoLLpftck and Rouge afernoon ho says bu mae other Aller applytag lie liPatick, rouge îrlp tai Milwraukee andi on this occas- anti povder 10 ber satisfaction abs Ion registereti at the hotel. sxgnnlned ber delcasteiy archet oye- Ho saldhevntb uvakc t bravu, wvilci ould have bi-ugit cnvysece a Young vomin witui vian hoh a& tc, many o! ber'Ainerican aisters, antipn, aei ir - npluiet Iv orthie bluM p ai r. When ho got trlJ lver tveezrs ln order ttibare tile ha tithle young voman theni even* fluer. ha married anti he dit flot titink It Accodîn (oChteae iieatu. ati is. t. vliIlber. 900mBs, the Chinese belle "bat checks Harr etn amrlvn u uIck an almonti flover, lips 111<. a acr>Wetnafitrlvngo uvpeacha bloomi, a waist 1ke a villow eah t-astlestifiedt laI Snytier lid leïf, eye brlghl as dancing ripples ln vorketi for hlm about Ove montiu. 'Y Womsn Witneea Scuplit the suri ant ilnsteps liuetlite lotus t-ýot very long ago a woinan Cafl" flower." Maybe American girls do flot thmnk aSt1h. Security Savtaas BanIr5n tab uch poettc anti flowery phrases, teoitvaw checks wvilcisic uald smia buin vodrt tcries u oundi. The checks vere aigneti vitit (e forelgn girls are s0 very dîfferent lhe oRme o! George Pas lit. Tbe polico after ail. lhink these ciecite vere forget in Anod we dont belleve that trienti that passlbly tiey may be connetei Kiplilng had the vomen In mid wieu vlth Sutyder. The police today mati.a Y S bo vraIe about ltse ssî anti vest request ihalhite roman vho fonni neyer meeting, tic checks communicate viti tieca anti helli tibm 10 gel addtitoae eviti fit- ence If possible. Tbey assure ber that 20L dlg Truc as NeecruvIîr. ie viii nont be brought loto lthe Case re- tu central Africa tie giganîle bao- ln any wAy. * bai tret, vhose truck uonettmei et-________ hetains a tilameter o! 40 fed, oflen e iez as a naturel chtera. retatoîna TlI ratarater ta' large quenîilea lu a SUN À SCIIOOL O! cavlty formeti et lie top ofthte broad lcl a ic îlot int tusaffordeti y EETINfi 1R DL1 an nature, the Arabi arthficlly botiov bis out lte trunks o! large haobqbi antiTd OOySniyaho oTs der IUI hem vlth vater turIng tc prera- Th on aeti Suaday sai Laime Buf ork lneo an sapouhnaata Metiotiut church. a large akumber of bed lhc dry oeasaoas. teaciersanSd Suntay schoal varkere These clsternu are lnsaome cas betnq ta attentance. leu Iventy feet lu helgit anti elght or hen it wva aChildren'u Dibo4 litit- nai feet t lan icler. Tic vater ia uset ieu.. anti plans wvesmatie ta provide ira- bath 'for tinklng anti for irrIgalins more sytemallc vork la the S=ntia Àys ;elon patcltes. scboole o!' tie conntY. lie Lbal andi LIls, and iled lers tie tung di- os5- pre- tron- aors 'rite anti SERQUSOPERATION ,red inr, ro! Ir e Ve, aget 0 er, u'n".rv nt a cm 11a wergtion ait lie Victeri MMsO"le ~i.eaI Sud*ymorahi :ZZMaliM, iM hie Iâi.l1 *lM 4=eý - laè eBea Sel n Sand. An Infant ta Guinea le ususily. hurteti lnusnti up to lils aist vien- cvrth le mother in busy, aud Ibis la tic cnly cradie Il ever Ituows. The little Lapp. on tie olier baud, fare mont uxuritsaly lu ts molbeea &boe. Thcae Lapp shoe. are big affaire of skia etutfeti it l'Oft moue, anti cun b. humgoa lCpugor tre. brancit safly ont o! lie vay. The Chneses ic iledtu10the isck of an older chilît, via 50e. about il play poile gnotng Ils bundmn-Lon- don T1-BIts. "Thirty tinys Ln the workiuouse. That oughl la cure you o! spetedîng.". you lutc te use my _car wvile Fmin durance vile?" "No, thania., l'v, seen yon ridîna la tial oIt bus o! jours. Jt eouldn't do over fort7 miles au iour."-Brmlng- bai Age-Henalti. The paipeet Zane. Chrlstopher Morley reniart-s met Ttlu fat mon la his sbn. enemy." Ap- parently, lien, ho olleytelic buwictiun ,at'e oe's eltelne.-Bo@ton Traus- When the agit be"a il utc ï,iac >atellgait*#~ tendeti. AuVANTAGE IN "AUBURN" HAIR' According te Thie, It Glec e îleFie acceer a Oltteet Stin e MwatrlmeflaI Race% If you ara a girl anti bave reti hait, lu e uaattention tetahae vhe ici- name Yeu "CarroWIt. I '11 cl otb a aigu o!litht ilaepoct. but et their jolouihi, assena. V"Onae Ais Aun enlt iecto heu juil a«- preme thle opinion liaI th* neti-areti j voman bas a ditinct ulAstaQge e*Ve' &Il aiheni An lihesuatiuieelmacM Mau la attracted by the 11*11e siadml o! copper anti radtul a gri's bain, andtil tus aialnis vby 'liensad7» ln su> popular. Tic girl WbO celle ye18 IlCarroIe" lie loudeat yul be lie iril te iry thc ef oct -o! "ie i' uiooW- Ta complets tiéc colnmt. &btter- miii couplexion muat be ;dded. If yen do net poaness on. natursily, tbare may l>e hope fon you If Yeu gIve up ilesi food anti iccome a 1veetraso !iIng on fruits, creamx, salade. mintima, anti ioaey. But. reanetwt h*entlI-* ontaiua-~ grea stre theie n , r he ,b- wctrespéeutnt mWl fllieM feel liatI hua0lo0ebali bec grce muee a auti . t i-e and. it _ _ne _ý l,( oL XL1z.8 7ER anti St-, d à jer. the, aor rsad- !usA IH mmuemmufflo à..6ý $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE -r- j