Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Mar 1922, p. 1

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LIBE-RTYVI LL LAMECOUNTY Nd)EPENDE1f« INDEPENDENT LakeG bs Big Weekly AKGNWELSU Ckidcw'Ll WeekliR~ContyCoemud W UK G NW E YSN -Vaut* jcy jmimm 9.UBERIYVM£ ,LAU KE C VrY IINIS. THURAY. MRCHZ21922. $1.5OA YEAR IN MA FW~NlD, ACRS1WI(iPUT INT DRÀINA4iE 'Govt. report shows IntorestUng figures redathve to swamp "ad of Co. Ont of th1e total of 291>20 acres of land in Lake Oaunty there are 1500 lu drainage oterprises wbieb is swaampy. vet or subleet ta averflov. TIsas Itlams"en tbat 7 per cent ofthtIe -land la la drainage ezterprises. TIse cool of tIse drainage enterprisea up ta Deoember 31st. 1919 Ilu[LireCotin- ty vaS $140.660. These figures bave jùst been seur- ed frein the Department of CommIeree, Bureau ot Census, Washington, Sain- uel L. Rogers, Directar. Tbis depari ment hmbas ut isaued a loaflet giviug Prelimiaary figures for organlaed drainage enterprîmsail varlous couin lies of Illinois. Up ta Deceniber 3lst, 1919 It show- ed Mat thse ares lu organisaed drain- age enterpriqt-9. In Lake Caunty were as follows: Total acres, 20520; Iimproved acres, 18630; Timbered acres, 390: Othet unlmproved acres, 1600. Another Iu1erestng thing sent out by tis departmentlaI a leaflet glvlug ltse nlmber et farina by counnUes lu Illinois for thse vear of 1920. 1910 and 1900. These figures show that Lake CouutY In 1920 had nIfle farina ls thon It 'bad in 190n and had 30 Iota tIssu t had ln 1910 The figures on the toalI umb'r -of fana in Lake ('ountY for thesp veaie are as fnollows: 1920--_ 2220 1910-,.260 19W.0 2.229 Il la intêresting ta maite comparison with McHenry Cauuty vIsicIs gives the follos'iOg figues: 1920_ 2875 1910.......21840 .......... 2.774 Il la laterestlas tnixerte uie a lakke Ceunty buas iîce as MAny farinis as Kensoa Couuty. Thse figures for Kenosha are as follows: 1921 __ . ... ...... 1910-_.... ......1,428 1"0_0....---.-.----1,298 Thse pamphlet shows that there are net nearly se mauy farina operated lu Illinois nov as 20 years ago. TIse figures are as followa: 1620._ _ .237,153 1910 . .........2651872 1900. 264,151 ln the total In thse United States the nusnber of farna for thse dîfferent years follow: 1920 ...6447,998 1910 ..... ..6.363.502 1900 . 5,737,372 TIer are 2.125 acres out of Me- Henry couty's 396,800 acres vhIcb are swampy. vet and subjeet ta aver- fiow. aecordlftg ta the report. In McHenry couty there are 60.426 acres of land Ini organlzed drainage enterprises. 4r),650 acres lnsproved. 168 acres llmbered and 4007 other un- InxPraved. 0f thse total land ares lu the couuty 13.4 per cent is lu drain age enterprises. Up ta December 31, 1919, the cost af drainage enterprises lu the county vas $479.570. Bonne. couty's total land ares of 187520 lis- 194 acres lu drainage en- terprtses whicis la ewanpy. wet or subjeet ta overflow. Two and tva- tenths per cent ofthtie ares la lu drain- age enterprisea. $40600 was speot up te December 31 in drainage enter- prises. ATE TIIW lER CLOUS AT IER, - MVOR C HMRE ,Ase comipelled wife to watt for two hours fo gel Infant child, is dlaim Several suise for divorce vere fllid lu tIse circuit court Ptlday afteriioo snd tauoeeof therni lra. Olga Bellel af IliglioosI charges that Glua Bsllel -ordered ber out ofth11e bouse tbrev ber clothes at ber, sud then compelied ber te vait outalde for tva bours b.- fore ho would permit ber ta get ber Infant cild soese cauld go lteh home aif ber niother.* lira, Bellel aisa charges tisaI ber buaband lapped ber and thervise mitreated ber, lira. Anus Catbrine Luby of Round -Lake Ilied suit for divorce agaluat Michael F. Luby charglug crueity sud aise akatise court ta restralu hlm tram resideuce praperty, wbicb h. d caims le vas-Ils$1.000. Bshe aieas5ks-thse custody0-7isels- tous chilsIrta. The Lubys. sccardlug ta tht bill, ver. married ,priI 9, 1901. Mns. NellieBravu dIesI suit for div- arce frani Charles Erovis of Wauke- gan charging hiabituai drunkenuesa. She stales lu berbftl tIsat ise an property valied 5.4 $d,000 aaê ashe i court ta restralu 'hlm fronx disposini of t p ~edling WemO~ent of lim 4d1lerc Pair Weath er Means A Different Style 0f*Illinery ClID BURS TO IPLAN MARKERS FOR ENTIRE DEATII I STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM K ATH N R B Couvluced of tise value of rossI markersansd varuing aigus distrih- B U E uted alang t11e psved Sprlugfeld- AT iF 1n lO S Pearia hisgbway, ofliciais of th1e state d,islou at hlghways have ordered slntilar signa for th1e Chicana-St. la 17-months-old daughter of Louis route sud plan eventusll>ta -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Macken- mrtitwse eontiee tat hgay zie cfMc~ee oad Markers sud sigud for the highway betveeu Springfield sud St. Louis have been completed, Cliffard Older, Janet, aged 17 mouthe. of chief hlgbway engineer, sald. sud Mr. sud Mre, Frank Mackenzie, wa I wil be erected soon lsurued ta death test Tuesday lu ber! crib aet1.he resldence au MeAre road. TIse general plan for road mark- three miles uortbvest of Waukegau, iug vas warked out at a meeting of tIse mther fludlng tIse hed lu Iarntes thse highway advisary board sud de- sud thse baby burned ta a crlap vheO partmeut officiais asat fal. vheu it aIse~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 etretrmteyadveeh.wasudecided ta insguraté lb. plan had been looking atter saute chickens. anteSru0ed-erara u Over onue end af the crb s machkin- observe tise effeet betore lncurriug toshhadbeenplaed t sheId th 1e expense of marklng the eutire babys eyes frami the lght fromnt a d ytei wlndaw, the mother leavlng Janet Dealgned lu the shape nf the map asleep. lu tIhe mackintosh vere of Illinois, the markets resreal thse matches sud 11. la preauuaed that tise routes sud mîleage of the highways baby awakened sud ln soute manner et lftervjls struck one of th1e matches vbich set tire ta the eiderdown blauket vith S À EJ » O Th child though trighttullydburn-ST T R AD FO ed. apparently vas cousclaus vhen tIse hiother returued ta 1the bouse, andI vIsen ueighbors came ta their assist- ance. A Waukegan dactor vas cail-I ed. vho rushed the baby ta 1.1e Lake O D P OJ C dled an bout later. The accident oc- curred abouit 10 a. ni. The temalus Al plans far Route No,. 21 vhlch l ver. remaved ta 1the White & Tobin th1e Wheeliug-Au1.lacb road Improve luerai home vbere Coroner J. L. meut, are canipleted sud bave been re Taylor cauducted an luquest aetfour celved lu Springfield, sud are ready o'clock tisai afternoosi. for bide. accardiug ta word roceived to No ather theory as ta boy thse lire day by Ca. Supt. Chas, . . ussell froni etarted bas been advanced as th1e G. N. Lamb district eAigineer. The pro bouse la furnace beated sud thse cr111 jeet nov avaits -6nly the rghtofvsy vas nat near th1e register. Tise crib dedlcatlou rotra h11e raperty avuers vas l the bedrooni, far remaved front sud Stauley Fote of Vernou township th1e ktchen fire, sud th1e cblld appar- bas abtaîned these lu practically eve enîly had nat lbit ber bed. s-y Instance except vhere tise avuens are away andI no trouble la anticipai; The Mackeuales bave tva Qîber ed lu obtalnnug th1e rest. cilîdren. Thle faiher la eniployed a 1 iSp.Rselaobspanfr3 a Hihlad Prk lurtry.sections of rond lu Spriugfield aval; lug approval af th1e district engineer. These are for the Deerfield-Hlgblauî Par, HOOOd HatDAMMndiEk SUIT IS Ff LD POUITICS IWARM UP 1 Mra. Lena Melville, vldav sud adI- s inlis1ratar nof11e estate fa Benjamin II A EF R S 1Melville, today fied suit for $10,000 damages lun1the circuit court lhrough ber attorney, A. F. Beaublen agaluat Sprio .J oaa fLk aBenjamin -Sweeney af Zîonucbarglng PevsarE .Muh o a that 1e ves responslble for tise death Fare$...y bas beau marshai far two years, la up for re-elecîlon lu lb. ofwnbuer cnteatvIsîcs v---ta- 9, ýy It 3 It ,r. id le PAVU W1AND. "B8ARTENIKR" IN DRY SQUAD ME Charge booze was sotd over bar at Bein's Fox Lake plac Roxanna Hotel Samebody turned th1e boa. aon the 1 ftrem su's bail a I 1the R xagn a li olel ralders tramt State's AttorUey A. V. 9Smlth'a office it vas s very vet placet when tbey arrived a 2 s. m. Sunday 1morning, i beug cbarged tsat booe as beug sais over tbe ban ithout Paul (Duke) Bein, proprietar ai the batel sud bis bartender, ,Arthsur Chria tlanaeu ver. arrested and brougist ta Waukegan vbere îhey were-arraignqd snd gave bond for $2,000 escis. State 3 Attorney Smith Monday illed infar- mations agalusî 111cm lun1the cauuty court. Otisers agaluat wbom informiations vere filied Moniday ver. Daminick Bar- ber sud Frank Basana 1the latter belng the man vba intormed Justice'Coul. sou that Barber bad been artested is> mîstake and tliat 11e vas the aviser oaf-thse lquors-satise prosecutor miade 11011e ai tiseni defendauts. Frank Strelter aud his motiser lirs. Aile. Streiter ai Gien Flots avenue ver. nained lu informations as bavlng isoase lutisais-possession. James Hart, negro, ai NortIs Chics. gp hasI a galau af liquor on bsand vison tise officera arnived It la cismrged. John Qnick andI James Duff> are cisarged vilh having booze tu liseir pa session, Johnu Lanevich of aisrket sîreet ta- day pleaded gulity in caunty court and vas fned $200 sud coulas for violation ai tise proibiot> 15w. ~FILES ARRESTSUI r se Dr] ionna n ibs lg kand vI s wai cng up lu îic a wilu tiaI Beuj. Melville, who resided veat &r place ln Apil, sud t1sîngs arb ather- vas crusiseti vheuan automobile bc conmnity. 11. la planuedte lahave Ing drilven out of a garasge ai ZVon Isy layor- Henry. Rumsey sun again. Bveeuey jsmiued against the garage far Rumsey s administration bas $t ls chargeti. He diesI et Vlctary M em "ben progressive and mail> of the bs-l Ihooptal lu Waukegsn severa ubalantlal citizensoaithat City # j ' - ,for re-eleclion. Altys, Osvis & Pas-mer Manda> sites-- noon filesI suit fan $1.000 danuagea ,aaInt ira. Nelile Kennedy, Justice J.D. Da^l. Sd Police Chief OKgeie, ail of Lake BlufotrnBealy Ssugister, Lake Bluff clored man, visa daims b. vas falsel> àÏrrested ai the boni. -f lire, Kennedy sanie tume ega on th1e charge ai stealng cblckens. Blaugbter centenda Ihat hb. va. bumiiated sud placeti lu hasIreput. viten tise officera asrested imni a a 5.warrant lu- steati of a searc vaanul, aud thal ai ter belug helsI for several Itosrs sud tise case came up fn or eas befare, justice Doyle, Ms-s. Kennedy falled le chltre cIrcles ln Lake BÈIlb BEWARE 0F SCAR. LE3T FEVER', WARN- INfi 0F THE STÂTE State board says that Febru- ary and March arm the worst months February and Marcb are the twa moat dangerous months of th1e year for scÉiet fever, the atate depart- muent of public heaitb advises in a warning to the public ta avoid epi- demies sadd1tu prevent the spread of the disease. The warulugasaka parents, physi,- clans, teachers, public healtb nurses and bealth afficers to be especiallY aiert lu the danger at thls tune. The departrnt bas complled seven rules ta belp in the prevention and spread ot scarlet fever. They are. 1. Spend as much time as possible In the open air. Thisa mie applica to scboal children. 2. Keep bed b'orna w ell ventilated at nlgbt. 3. When a chiid la nont eli, even though hia condition douesflot seemn serions , cati a physician at once« 4. Strictly avoid close contact wIth üther persons who are sufferlng front caida or other respiratary dis- essea, This rule also applies es- tecally ta sebool cblidren. 5.Keep sick cblîdren (omîiletel5y away tram 1the well anes whether the illnegs seema serlous or not. This rule applies witb equal force to the famlly and ta the lechool. 6. Maintain the highe8t souitar> precautiaus In the sick room. shlow. Ing uothing to corne fram itl withaut tboraugh cleaustug or disinfectlon. 7, Carefully observe ail persoual bygiene rules. Clyde A. Mack faces charge of -obtaining monoy under false pretenses Clyde A. Mack, agt 27, resident of Fox Lake, but s former sailor nlutise navy ai Great Lakes vas placed un- der arreal lu Wssskegan Bat. night on a charge of isavlng obtained money under fais. preteuses. The warrant vas avoru aut ou camplalut ai G. Car roil Gridley, cashier of tise Firot Na- tional Bank af Libertyville. Mack'a bearn bas been cantlnued ta Marais 7th sud 11e la being held in bonds of 11. la cl4arged tisaI vhlle staylug at th1e Commercial 110.01lun'Waukegan, Mack malled four checks ta tise TireI National Bank ai Libentyville te aisen a checklug accaunt. Tise checks ver. ail of amall denomnatlan, mskiug a1 total of $42.33.1 Wilie al111e ebecas appareutly vere endorsed properly isy tise people1 bo vbani tbey ver. lssued, Mack bad1 neglected ta place bis ovu endors.-i meut au theni and tbey ver. returned ta hlm, He eudorsed 1em sund sent theni back 1.e 1the bsuk, receivlng a deposit book sud check boo0k. According ta tise police fn then is- oued a chseck far $10 sud casied itlat tise Flirt National Bank of Waukegsu Wheu tise Lîbestyvîlle baukseut tise checks tae1the clearng bouse tbey re- ceived vord tbat ail ai thens bad been stalen sud that Donnent an Ibeni had beeu stopped. Tise Waukega paolce then received a request f rom 1the Iàb- ertyvîlle bank officiais ta arreat Mack aud tiisvas doue Saturday nlgist. The police say tisat onue of the chsecks Ielanged te Erie Berg, driver for 111e Yellov Cab Comupany oi Chica- ga. Berg chsarges tisat tbe check vas stoieu fran i bs home, Mack deules suy culpabillty. lHe says he casbed the chsecks for a mian lu a pool roam n uChicago, paylug hlm $40 for theni. ROBERT BRAINIS DEAD AT UiURE Ilobènt Bralu, 67 yetra aid, veli knovu sud llfeloug resideul of Gur- uee, dled ai bis home luniliat 'vil- lage ibis mornlug et 10:80 a'clock. iolloving an illnesa af about tvar lears, death belflg due ta perniclousf anemia. Mr. Braiti vas a bachelor sud for many years couducted a 140-acre fanm north of Gurnee, movvlug ta tise village twelve years ega. visere. 311e ow ned a borne. Hie boudekoOs- r er, Mrs. Annie Hegman, lbad been 1 ln bis employ forty-two yeas, and 9looked afler hlm durlng bis long Illuese. HIe iad tise lite use oi tise tarin ,g'mho fqFmetly llved. Mn. Eraln's [nearest relâtlve tla boUeved la bo Robent Bralu, Jr.. of Waukegan, s cousin. SALSIJULER BRUS. D. T. andI C. S. Alabules- have purcb ased th1e J. J. Page tarn veat oI Rus- sel. the cousideratian belug $125. an acre. Tise tan consistea of246 acres. Tisey bought l for lu'lestmenî sud 11. is reported that negotiatiana bave been eompîeted tfs- Its sale b> Alahu- 1er Bras,.la alliera. NO MfEN iIIRWFS CMAN OE i&D13ý E. E. Ellsworth Succwêj Allenian as Postu»W of Ubortyville Offoe * ilii ov 4à * AA4 .£44i Wedueaday, Marcb lot, . & man aa s otinser ct il IN LAKI3COIJNTY, vyile f ice, elD nueee« eridtyle aflu fe.ld feixOcoe RJEME BIEARS to ne h adn County clerk says opinion ofgenial "Bud'ý Khuinabai a asis Atty General Brundage master, snd Miss Ada Nlobol'" makes matter plain main as chiot clerkt. Mr. PLlsvorth assumes hlm Unleas the Illinois statutes are with the well visItes af wrd changed St the caustitutlonal cou- every patron of th1e office. haisý vention no vonien jurors wlli be knowu snd popular vith thse ralled for service lu Lake cauuty, as th1e, village orI Lbe.rtp,,lIe. I opinion receved by Lew A. Hleudee. .1 ooealo fall eonunty clerk, trm Atre en- 11eiihsadr e >Kt eral Brudage, glven same time ago, g tadrdst ; r states that the vomen are flot eh- sud tu imprave th1e service la q gible ta jury service lu thîs cnunty. possible. Mr. Illlaworth WM dm ' Accardingly Clerk -llendee bas lu. Of bis ie tO the poStoff1*eý structed supervisora lun1the various change lu potanasters vas icil townships ta draw men only for jury out1 a Iitcb. Mr. Allemm as a.ui service ln Lake county. Ithee tranfer of ail thse varlou. The attorney general, lu substance, postal property. Thse Ile 4 holde 1151.Jury service la a burden gaverumeut on the prume and not a rlgbt af suffrage; that th1e Firet Natolc Ba4]3ý there la no satute la force lu Illinol isotvaersa s hft whicb places th1e burden of jury ser- 'bu w er ornbfr vice upou vomen, and wlibaut such tlon. state legislation that wamen caunot Mir. Allenian camse te L*«' 11e required ta perforni jury service ln 1900, vison bis brother, 14u As the ost tittin f /87 t l oa epoere riatnd ho U l lu tecnttuino 80 the shte./bo e patat,«a0Iisra . Inamnes of ten per ce»t aof1the legal begaa vorkissg for the M0wji,1 valetsa 01.he couty are ta be placed 'xa*j as teIsga* topert i lu tlis liaI o 9SPllMeafor jury> er- I ttpO4 tisat point, tise attorney goiers vas 0f11theopinionthlb.faal votera muet lbe maie ,vatera until sucb tinte as tIse constitution la changed. ALBER L. HALL RESJQN$ S. S SST STATE'S ATTORNEY Waukegan lawyer enters pri- vaite practice March 1; in office one year Âtty. Albert L. Hall bas risalgned a assistant slate's attorney, I wuasrt. uouuced Manday hie reslgisaion ta, be. came effective Marais 1, ezacily a a year aiter his appoiutmeut ta tual position by States Attorney A. V. Smith. Atty. Hall gave as th1e resson for h is reaignatIan tisat 11e deslred te en- ter a private practice,'sud Ihat tiselia. sitlon a-sltu State's Atiorney te quired bis tite. Whep ttas A ttoruey BSnitti mov- ed bis offices mb t te Leslie P. Hanua building, Atty. Hall took up bis offices un the samne floor occupied by Att>. Cooke, Tope & Pape, vbere 11e bas a suite lu the rear of tisebuildiongai 223 Washington street. Before comng ta Waukegan Atty. Hall practlced lav lu Chicaga elgbt years. Hia pa.ets sil recently re- sided u iWvaukegau. Stateas Attorney Smith stated today ne successar bas been appolutec! as 11e bas been unable ta gel a sultable lavyer for tise salary tise posiition paya-$2,40. tise vrk issviug ln- creaaed se that 11. takes ail ofai an - asisuî's ie. Far tise preseul Prose- cutor Smith vili have th1e vork dane b> varions attorneys. START FI(1T QN COLLECION O FIlE 1921 TAXS Seventy-six prolserty ovuers of Waii kegan IflaY tlsogs tisir attorneys, Coçk, Ppe & Pope, files a 1b111 tar la eJunion te rastralu Treasuter Bracs aer tronm colleaing 30 per cent aftie taxes amensait for 1931. which meas» rthat anatiser long legs! batt. is il en- e suad vili probabi> go la the sup 0renie epurt for decîsîna. The action 14 based upou 1the blan- eket rais. ai 30 per cent wics the board ai revlev placeei upan al] prup- ILerty. il The principal complaiuants iu thei g bill are Joseph BiaIsa. Niebolas Wottel, %WillIam iParler, William Wright, Outn IL& Beriu. aud there are mauy oIsela -named lun1the petition for lnjnnctl» Thisl111charges ,,tisaI the actWa «d tise board vas 1]eal eOIMt bralse vas nlot made lat te lait. Allusian, la iM7, f er 40 lurye eterd wte Nationalo tise. n Aills isre Pare wor z*.tsud 0 patertai east11c'0p4 try. He vas appolutousi isl ta register aitl se as»Md4% allons la this district.te - record of tiseir jmvepusea acted as on. ar theé .~i two draftrelrtc n1 the draft boud la tsf g vork; van rtoruttl»g ag,@1' ara> and navy am Ivus .mpq4 asthl. e pirMpat cf t« coveria at c4ioyt4, . preliending thse slt> Parti. idbertyvile e usyllaga mans vas haîsI responhfllx ~ th. quioa b> $8000. U b fica,ý bacto tioa On Baie aet isese sam'rsalem eer prallntely $1 MO O orth 4 value) belug dirposed 0f lr~ local pastaffice aince. tii. wu" on sale lu 19M18 Mr. Aleman also 1.00k Part- varlous LAberty bond An,~ drives sud oaleva balda several lotteaa tram th1e former - wpres ter general ansd thse seCX&t«AW treaur>aa4ote g4Wd0 cers lu cisaMgeof tise war a stamp gale drive. Mr. Alieman gave b* bI tire persana Ume g4d =ti states tisai ho h" eÏooavas timea te ,give the, pi~ tbý service posuSle 'M"t tât l'O stances, but tee" UOthM t if la0 Imxsole fer IsioSN ta please evmOm ext 1 w ze saure free mail delivY ef> f vle, sud fesls tisai ha e Vu suceed h" sad b. petroM tori" ureeu ted le front la la, the proposition. Ur. M1AU" a 1e peoffl ta asat sprie t t olto the *l turet. as1e85 Wilbu NadW vho eperato. là- WmoY 1 lIowa. But on a o flit he, depressliin. and .s -uli and allecou 5e843U11t omi retalued the office naftIl Mr.,llsworths. KogX t ueeded reat for & MOU*i 6i« May tisefiengagli h tut. businensslu lOWIW or % bus bsaIere vhere.b» ~In6peMet 4 that lia ail ies.. ver> at- BUy PAGE FARM 1H IN LOCAL ;tg ocd quai- ir Dollar rosii lut, diors *ut i a 1 1 -

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