Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Mar 1922, p. 5

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uBafRyvILI IMP3EINr TLIAY, MARCH Z, 1922. "'t I ----and'the WOMAN saves Man's natural instinct is to produce. to earn; woman's to conserve, to ave. Saving is a matter of what you DON'T SVEND. And who donsthe spending? The ife is the spender-the wise spendr--of those quarters of the average farnlly cibursrnent. And 'tis better so, for dSe Amercan wornn is a 'vise buycr and thse wiI1 bave money ef t if anyone. To à,joy tle pgreat good from what se saves, se sald regularly place thse remdut of ber thrift in a savmgs account at orne good bank like Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Redu:ton ini Laundry Prices W. are .alig a bubsaaare&ctio.m . rsonaI laudry bmn au main fmilywishservice t. fit thse neds of every bouse We.L Lak ove the several services we off er below, and. selec tieo oe you prefer. Eater service is a distinct saving over an] 0eewaY you eeu pouILly bave yurlmdry work doue. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 1. On ail bundies from 7 1». to 221is. per pMUnd.. .. ... ----- l 23 to 25 lba. $2.50 Over 25 Ibs.i 1Oc per IL Ail flatwork ironed and wearing apparel starched wher needed and dried. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2. Your entire family wash finished coiniplete, 1 including soft cuf f shirts. per l .....1....... .............. 8 This service most include ail your flatwork. as 'veil as 'veaie apparel. FAMILY SERVICE No. 3. Dap Wash 25 pounds for CI.55 Over 25 lbs.. 5c per IL. No articles marked, each bundie sorted as te colors and washi- ed separately. One day service. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 4. Damp wash with flatwork ironed $ .5 25 poSmds for .........- ------------... ............ Flatwork pieces roned 5c pet lb. extra. One day service. Phono. The R.liiable Laundry LAUNDEREISDRY CLEANERSANM OER H.ighlandn' Park and LibertyvillG H-ighisn4n Park 178. Phone Lili.rtyvilie,67.R. Advudise your alsW u d have your sae Lh&Sprined ag the Inepeanem MR. FARMER Don't You Tbink itfs About the Riht Time to Give Your Seed WiAnts a Good Lot of Attention? Work is not very rushing now. and if you 'viii go over your land. make up your ist of wbat you are going te need, brîng it in to us, we mvilisbnt you swmples and prices that wifI surely save you rnoney and trouble. Our seecis corne fromu Reiable Growers and are tested. VýIL PASS AIL THE STATE'S SEF]) LfWS. AND WE GUARANTEE YOU AGA1NS A DÉCLINE OR HIGHER PRCES, which is worth while for thougt. Corne, now, let's get busy, 'so we won't have to hurry when you are busy. DRAINTUI 15 GOING TO BE WAIUE1 SOON. BUT NOW.' WOU WUL SOON WANT FEKTILIZRS WE HAVE THM Libertyville Lumber CoO. TRI PJlI!A IIThse funeral of Dr. W. V. B. Amnes.: Walter A. Llgbtbody, %. fo i,, emplay - Mr. and lira. Welix iliWho died asat week lu Arizona, wis' î by the Chicago Tribune, wili ssii videre, anneuice tise1 ~ II~IbA~bRk ~held Iu Chicago Tuesday morning. The t' aras, France Mard,-i 111h. Ile goes Thse Elfebta Ormexly É% %Op "r 1 a n du P é .F ia i body was brought to Libertyville bi ef Libertyvîlle. ~i Undertaker Paul Ray, and inernient business couneeted with bis paper, i -- made in Lakeside ce-ietery. and 'il visit mosi ot the Huropean Max Kobasr, proprîî Sk.ho Iems.f EsedalInteres~t tri Lsbertývvîle Peosile enent, iee hefnre r,trning homne. store, bas Durebssed aia lei, >'es ia me &rd b ut ith NATIONAL Canned GoodPs Week March 1 -8 EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES OA ALL CANNED GOODS DURING THIS SALE. Corne in and Look Around. AUl Goods iVilI be Marked Wîth Plain Prxce Tags. We Give S. & H. Samis on AR Cash Purchase. TRIGGS and JOHNSON The Club House Quality Store 430 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE. Telephones 24 and 25. Libetyie Minis. IÇE NOTICE- Having becu asked by a grout amber of le. conumera in Libertyrifeto hanile the ice limei business mytelf, I bave dedided to do . I have conducted tIhe ice business in thse Vmlage of Libertyvifle for the past five years, ansd dutsg that tisse bave net nissed a trip. 1 wM IcSditie te give csZn=erD thse Uase e:celo* Mt !e,vie On and, after April 1~cl 9* Deep ln their heats the fiowers know Trhat Heaven gave themi the right to grow. et the pnetiy, gravious things of lite Inter tine- youn, heant. Lei Sfloyers tÂke their proper Place in your 111e sud teacli ,ou the bappineas ef eacb hour'a aurpoes 'erm m. Lake couisty dteý oset beantiful car ln M and lIra. Chas. D. NhieI sday lIste the Kezas7 vacated by thse Mi1 tiolis' parents, 1Mr. aMd s, sud Miss CharS URU ythe bouse vacated bIy1 lack mizer und all those dwMg blerns of rural f e are of the farmnrs. Dut yielda. rmarket raw-portation and rcti thse farinr.; section. whether a tet know that 've cwn and offerbirn et these cordtions. Your lumber and building mat requirements can be filled hoe your financial advantage.' In other words, we wiII save you o "on these prices. Every price advantage that the w affords will be yours if you trade wi U IFor Sprîng Housecleaning Usefu> 36-im. White Scrimtc per yard ............... c Crean and white Scrim 20c per yard Creans and white barred Marquisettes, "ir yar4 ...... 35e ate, craysd. 0 4 c Neat fine pattein hmlc 7 c 40 and 45 in. peryd .. % White and ereainScrins 45 in. per yad ........ W. W ARL & SONS' CO-MI Pk~m.29 UbmbtviM% fDL George F. Roberts. died i ber homel The,- ev' Fatner S. Luttrell, A. S. ef Area, SDonald McKay spent lass Friday iu Mr. and Mns. Leo Drury were ten- on Maple avenue, Libertyville, Monday J îouglierty and Otto Boelim were lu "the ma 1 Cicao. ere a urpisepary b a umbr OFebruary 27, at the advanced age i)f (Chicago Sunday, wbere at 3 o'clock in Mi% aind Mis. Rossa thewee i r redalitSau'dyevening'J84 years. Mm .Roberts came 10 Laltel ii, afternoon al h uioiu.te r ragi> iisitors 'tues.Tigs er Ciiprogressive eucbre was plsyed. nd county trom Pleasant Vaiiey nfear'atiended tbe testimonial meeting in ed Me> la.atter carda a ligisi luncb was servcd., Gioveraville, NeW York, in 1842. and hoflor cof Biahot> McGavick, wbo left centlyi Mrs. Fred Schley of Waukegan vis-j James Partridge leit toda) IThuin, setled near North Prairie. She adMonday to assume bis dulies as b ad Mlr. Nle -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ý teM.H.GeonTsd. da)orbsorelNrtorNw been a resideut 0f Libertyville f or h f the LaCrosse, Wia., dioes.Bho>Nioi Put nu livîllu yur atht>û York, after a visit o! two xonlisi.lth pnnine years. Tbe funeral was beld M~tvc safre ,aecut ~op bie wiil promptly steal the rings. ij litsdughtr, lira. John Weich. alli ibisa aternoon (Thursday> ai ibeë reeli man. bavIng been bum a Foet *e. master. family. dence, aud hurili as made ai Oak M isMIL 'ayime Hapke .s improving. IDale cemetery. near North Prairie aiter -an iliLeils of seveljaI ays. Fannie B. Linderma». author andl chureb. realer, a peslia ofo magnetic Person-____ Leltoy Helfen and Esrl Kiepper were aiity, w1iii b. thse attraction ait the lu WakegauSaturay evuiu1.Community Zatertalnmenî Course ai! Snw At ie#-aiSr 1 Ithe Metisodiachurois nexi Tuesday . So» 306 Lv--Tx -. You can't lbe an exptert on odors snd night, a 1:8:16. Ira. Linderm1. a- bas W e'I1 Eyv* 30- juse Blue Devil Cleanser in your berne. made a reputatfes as a reader cif ber W ' 1 I veLulu %.attox bas retumned fron, Own compositkon. Ber programs i Ul- CNTC IRD IE n vis!î't with relatives lu Antwerp. New' lugstetis e vratlltY Of the artiai.PBI OIE 8HRB IE York. sudashe bas SIenuuvarylug succesa ibat the second Installmeist on Spe-T hF a à i.atèlf0m ~~~ ~orsciW tiba "0 bas aPPearedcilAssnetWratN.1,V-ThF r Mrs. E. H. Wells bas been ilii thse frequently. %rois viii be the fourth cial sses eut faranto.m4. Vil -Past week witb a severe case ef ton- nuzuber of thse estertainment course, lage of Libertvle o tr ae siltis. vbich ie b.lag sponsored by the Ep- Sewers viii be due Jsssuary 1, 1922. flua banik standis squarely be" Miss Adb Nichoas vas 1e gise th Leafue of tise M. E. cburch. aud payable ai 'lbe Collectoi"5 Office.. bc ev oes h r of Mns. George Chard. ilýAÂusi astlu aaku in- iehLYBYY H. MOPIUS, hcsevtoaStepr lasunMrk Nevikans-fin.C Collector = Sunday.tercetiluthe.Deoker' Drugstore. and - .- and pi>mote the general 'velfi = lIr. J.S. Brvu vs hosau jbecame aftilated wvus the çirm last _________ EcrClba ehoelite Thus.1 Wednesday. IBeversi years ago Mr. _______________Wervtavcocndab da Jiluglr lu i e brn as hu Neville WUs elPOYed la the Decker * faciliti pr cecrnedts. t ~ day afiernoon. store. sad sne bis discharge from the II Ifh l M lr. sud lMra. Walter Jetly and son, U. S. Ârmy.«bshe beserve about two uiu mî lt ...L ...LL... ..U, tr Of Chicago. vere veek snd guests u, and one-haif years, be bas been em- f I *I * 1every s5mai 5mai rob<e i fe the Hermau Hlcier home. ployed In thse Pearce drug store in U ti Ii U Ifgra=udgt nopittç Waukegan. Ris home la ai Grayaiake. ~tff.fhiIfhf = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~r fgem codgeinoritty n.Nevlle la vell knovu In Liberty. IJU UU IU~W at - would attack Blue DevUl Cleauser fast- ville and la a youlg tuant of pep sud a muuiuui ri.iiiii.h farner in "uns E er than iye does Your bands. pleasing personliy. Thse Edison phe- i llVII I I I I utmr ftiMako e H. L. Bracher vas in Waukegau S, ho ahs iness, a hRobenteHelt onutmr fti an rn rdYvlsting bis brother, Counîy he »ondh oetHlon cethspolma U b.aurrL W. Bracher. yvas aloiseiulhided In the deal lun ad- FJA n A1RA u dition te bis rallxoad vork. Mr. Hlchn IA n AUD YOur help te satisfactorily mied - lra. Wilam Rudolph and son, Ver, bas taken tise local agency for the T Fae0Th Word - non, o! Highland Park visited bier ais. Studpbakfir automobile. TeFc fTeW d ter lIra C. Kiepper. 'rbursday. With an ail Star Cast For cakes, ice cream and Puddings, 66 " einngHsad n- arkrsSuperflue Flavora are simplyHA P D U ESnig ubad delitoous. At ail grocery stores.IDCoe : et Mn.sud Mn,. Fred Stone et Lake Rm l tile«sai st'.Sfr B SUNDA Vîjia have moved o 'te Cater tar. .vesy-iWam 6tboy or 1bela SNm iy 'u M.waike~at~îîe,&urU o~Lîbî ~"Souls 0f Men" '. ~ Kthryn iand j,5rïlha ptgEs aAU_______Star__________________ e i:e ..eek end in L.ientvilevi-"Torchy Turns Gupfid" a. ,,.euiiiMr auetis. e4Mr omedy, Featurng Johnny 1 Ar_ Aiex Erbîchiandi Mn, Wîilliam C. ARLON i 'fi litai of Lake- Foresi a.nd Nm. 1_..Z. C ALO 1 iuile vo Chicago apen' lasi Frîcsay w -th the latteras moiber, Ira. tC. NI. Fuiler, sud family. S YT fl f fl re The Ladies» Aid Society o! thse Mtb-- PICTURESAuE SHOW odst cburch wîi lsld the nexi busi- neas meeting in Ille parlors of the ArTù u church nexi 'rucsday afiernoo. March________________ I h, ai 2:30 o'cîock.AMSIN t -_- dulta, 2Sc. Chldcue . 111111V Imm- am 1

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