Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Mar 1922, p. 9

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~V*V ,.r1 i ô owNr FI, fILL aind gms hmgleo CO. BOARD DEMAI4DS STEP 13 dit vw mw ad !I rame Oak w01d thx theu t a p. thatl 1 ile isa ut May ent CHIAUFFEUR lIELU UP AND ROBBUI) Dy AUTO BANDITS WaIOr oheber cauff eur for john rl e IIel d Up èI'd near Country Club CAR BLOCKED THE ROAD Walter Scbhei'e, c utsi for John W. B î theea o Uc urell osif meal fact.iT, hI vae"'lh= a-d nabbod leat aigt by ansncd auto bAnditS ýa fev nigbts aMO t 11:20 P. mniile divitig taithe borne af bis emploier an NorthShSieridant noad, It becaine inovi totdai. Scheub.i' vas drivinu fhis emploi' e'a Ford coupe borne and iiad reach ed a point ila Sheridans road opposite thi<GlinPlana Countr club viien be natcai,)uautomobile standing ecroas vise in the roud. Tic naad la rther nuv t that point and the presence got cliitaWInvestlgate. As he approac, ed the otlicicar t vo men teppe out or Uic dalscu. on. ofi hem pressed. a revalYen aai-lut hlm bodY and ard- eret hlm ta hold up hiu banda vhliib lie dd it vus licsity. The otici' man îroceeded'ta ueuarch hlm, and obtain- ed $220 li. sIlver, bùt mlaalng $90 lni currency aid a gld vutcb. ,i was araidthUey vere golng ta take my car alaO.'"5cheuber al&, 'Iu; tbey aid not. IlieY ardered uet t get t. ack inmy Oatii! . ni'vas tfut ai couvltb 'lgs.=ss idy~ eau. caetldidso dl 1 Lake CoXigrWeekly Wuklles lu Coondm w oeblae T IRSPRTYVfE., LAKE COUNTY, ILINDOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 2,1922. Y.LU (ilRM STAUL-W1TIiDRÂWS WMNS rWiNII N» AS A CANDDAE. SW1Mf MEUT FOR SIERIF? muu« Witfl M xP.woml aves E. i. Griffin te, "obria ré ugl* and Edw. Ahlsom as ol ark, irftthe ainal gin s mvlmùlagcandidates reskrs ca n almcb. rold4. STAHL MXAINS REASONS mordlua toa atelegram recved.hee >Ma y th tb ms oui WO i Blter, WIUi.. n noSmement today f rom ers. & IL De Celle < North Geusace T. 1. Utaht that b. bas wlthdravfl bis et, Wauk«gIn. Muni of the -but iamU g a candidate for the offie of hi swum .. ait part of, ahe serft, the. race îow narrows davis raube Sltaes net eatcr.dla th*e __ ta but two candidates-B. J. Grim wi.muî fw atib l peid nov a deputy aber if, and 3ldward igtettheChcao HMwreFoud1Ahltrom. Fýred Grabise wba et one yt Wbchiugo Kzd.rcliUre wamentlossed uas aprobable This3 la net thc flnut time thut Mis candidate, neyer reully entered thse y aua l o bai brand sbUl"" a . Stabl's formai vthdra vl. fronm aw Wet somerbgyrd avinifrmer. the.race came today in thc fallovini a- yen.omeatio» rntmn letten: The S.duwlcka alwuys Bpend their "I vlsh toa snmice ta the Totemi ai at*jft utpsi Beach aid it wus Wuuk.gaa, aid Luise cautnty that 1 e. se boecs..pro6dclct. Experts baye deeided ta formallivithdrav miY 0 amt kwutat. to say that If mi"a nome as a cau&iat for th» ofice of .dgwlek continues ta improve that aberif ut tise coanty primnts. tVSi net be long bel are the will b. "The constanit lacreuluf demIanide a sce*couteuder for varld, honoae. an my tinte, vbich our proucit broker, man peu"ii utr4uTn he the help 1 fuel ubliated to give ta aur Kenosba oweIe, giace the serious ac- cident ta sml brother, Mr A. F. Stabi of th&t Cty, bau forcedl me ta thua de- 1 test deeDp geetfulta ml many maili frlsds viso itd nml candld- uoy and for tibm1111à«Pltdges Of sUV port tisat bayre COM ~tO MO nasoltclted tram Aail Paot S« . oiti. but ln Justice ta mylf au =y business as sOclatel I1be I j*M d6t 4 011ta enter thse race, aItte tiM*te. VeuT rempetfully, T. J. Stahi U. a. TROOPS FOUNP 1IN0<4kV TWO PL.AÉ# IN4 GUBMANY Coblusu, MuCr. ~IZcitroopo or the0 vmi aor oM9ýstîoabave heem vlithdravn fia Ma"= n ad Aider- MWob. The oWy lî m in athe Shmne- laid ooeupled bi A#aiIcui trooPs to- day are Coblens i M Erea Breltatein. BUILDING 8TftlK IALTrs Dia CONrAoToS if CLESVELAND Clvean. .,Ve :b1-AIl ernploy tus of members a»seb*Uidijr trudea couacli vulked at tody, iien ern- ployoru poted saUm .reduclng vag- es 0f tWer euip1oyee trai 13 tu i6 1per Cent, followlig a biare ta agmee apon a new osie. Voptnat totalllng upwards of, tu lis ev con- etruction m fUM up. a»d additlnnal lettiagu ame balto&«lMding anuagree- ment upon a vag smel. WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN $1.0 FR YARIN duoNc RURAL SCIOOL LESS IIALTIIY Importance of lunches given stress ln Unversity Bulletin THE CONDITIONS ARE TOLO Declarlug thut children attentlig rural s*0lu are, an the atenue, lesa iieuîfhy than are Cbldren ln the. citles Including tih, ciudreftaoftts@ sluma, a Uniersity ar Illinois bule- in, laaud toduy treses the import- anc. of thé 80110ol lunch. Bette? uelecoeoiif 100dm for usd1' chool lunch are adyacatd "As mean= of ramIg the healub standard arnang coutry scisool cbldreii. 'Perbaps thc remander frous break- fat lu buatir liDsippd lita your clsld'a Ilunch p&ul." ays tise bulletin. Stîn. Uie cold lunich vilch a oild ha ta carry te acitoal ahould b. Pla*- ned vifS More, InStead af le"i, 051 ta Uic otiir tvo meula 0f Uihed"y, ai only a llmtd isumiier o!f cOdi n- MANY OF THESE WONDERFUL GARMENTS ARE DISPLÂYED IN OUJR GENESEE ST. WINDOWS They -Idia theii Remarkable Values Offered. tanheeizn chld dll ela bd tef mbould forfurlab Itaproplrtone f ttacldcaorIs mue ànd ceeyfor tii.l duigr isvt roprtio of td e toaSaorie s iugetd nMcssm fo th aiety need forthe. acifd. l USe m Seqleet aluhyvbcb ay no eclude auh bhellei et o staat Alanbhtutic a fooldes abt-e butn;ractae beead vihA, bard cl ooed, egghauorbeu lail raentg.hený & A he, ard ledeusub s obe u tar. rc rbedpdigo li cake. "Bread and meut and mince pie, on cambination af frlmd potatoe.. bread and pie la inadequate and con-. tribut.. ta faulty dletury conditions,' ht continues. "The. eyer preueut sand- wîic an b. made af gruham. viiole vieut, oulmeal, cornmeul, rye, stand- ard hrown hreud and raisin iretd, yurled in tbickneau vIth the aPPe Ut. or the cid. Sandwich flîlingl are la endless varltY, vith Meats, liced thln. fish, bnanad aeasoised. huins, nuts. eggs, ch«"u, pe-at but- ter. lettuce. celeri. cabbate, rawV or cooked. prunes, dates, 1193, upricots and raisins." PalIy Thosigbt 1 lave evcnitifg thats aid; 014 filon&m, ad tUme., Id manners,,Ott 1.0km. 'oa i ve.-Ooldomiitb. BRIDE DII3S 0F POIS OFUBN RUL) B POUICE f wrpriotoris victim of cyanide poisoning WEDDED HERE MONTH AGO Mnr. .ennie Gionaula Rouis, 24. Who wa marrled in Wankegafl «. actly a month ugo. la dead et cyaMilde of potaaalum polsoui luI Waahtng.' ton, D. C, and ber buaband. P?#W Koula. 24, a restaurant proprietar of that clty la belus held pendlng eom- piete inveatigation ito the manier ln wblch the poison vas adminili tered. Mrs. Koulu died under matenloua crcumotuiices in Washington laut 3sumday. according ta a telegram re- ceived by ber brother. George Fau- agutsol. aie 0f the proPrietanu Of the Commercia hotel, ioctsd ut the foot 01 Wast4ngton street, ad h. bastned at once ta the. capital ta In- Continued on page Pour. Dr. Abrt . Bravn, supented tt et the. ai. Count7 heupital for th*eUri lut ton or tvelve 70M e lta tendreri hie resignatlan mI th*e Jus. meetieg« Ofe Ii. Lae CousuBout r isuper'.Ul visors, amctdig te a persistend àMd apparctitly vonl toumdi rimerOtbt bas beec n-Mrrit for e-rl ldey& . me , tact th eme uulprlxttedeutif l" '] te ba» OMUM t1 iiit act tO a f cv01U" hiei tuate frds. t Thosa*ctMiatDr. jrv»hai bull h lanter aie ut néaily every mee"tlaet thcecousu board s"ce hofAret vwuP spointed totheUicpouilleadds'eephaswi to «.he Autocrattie midlag af tic basitil do jeccarding ta IMe e's of Uic counE ty board, bas broUgbt about ani aol i erable Onditlim TbeY assert t t'. an Bravi bai been, givesthe alternatiVe ettendeins bis ifdgistlbn or uSa0f ing stummr dIionl a t the. haRdu of tii. supciillors whei tLey meet tu tupervmnuaient that iBrown fra eosdscted the counti hoaptal au ---*ehit ver. bisi pin, even reterrns ta, It aus "iiihopital" rtiier taun as a caujtinsatitionl vherc the po« Cm gt tise Iettmict and cane vitcis vas lntiéd far ibem visen the 11.614 $ng v5 eç~4d, isat pon patientai 1*iY~4i~utli no a cre. this helng roerved for ti"epuy" patienta, la thse charge ireluoaYfl tiY ude ta the »5PM,- visons, OnIglsalIy lMt.4ed ta cure for the co>dnty'u poDmpailnts. it l le Chrg cd 11v eprvluorltha t Iis edaiset va tient* bayc extcne dufficulti lu gain, lssg udattaice t au. Il jlusagod liai the doorus eavursaopen tnDgo tient% wboarue able ta psY. t3upeiVlmaX »Y that for jean tisai baye touod a deaf er ta Uic mmii complsijts relatlng ta the maunser ta wlch Dr. Bravi huacoductd Uic lustttila. Tael su! tbat th"e c1 i- nore these empl5ftu no langer. curue ,»th"aiDr.e- Boc M mcbod of candisciUg;thse baspltsl hua entalleed Àau eserBoA w ta i l th aaera N *of Ls. eoalu. imdtsis aer t=Is o ub.' Mevué tte-be neeeMrui7,aimhe uselu boar m«ber lndecid lune t IDr. Brown Saui go for thse 'We iecosaty hourd dlacusue<l thc additionaofm» isolatiai haspitul lu cOnoctiad'ith tis e outi basptai * Dr. rai lifoflidthe board. h tla sasid. tist fhe cout would b. approal- matai! $Mffl00-On thse trength oraitbuf est imite thc board decided taadd thc depuni=lIet. The work In nov la Plrs res, but nmmOfaitiseboard baoe mast earned tiat h yul 008t niarty $100.000 belote h la Completsd Thits. seembeni ai the board say. la Uicelait 1 miaw that bus brokei tIhe carnel's b ark. uarec,ut diiuitnoug tre t the 'nosptal. eitailiig a losa of upproxim- tely $10,O 0aid the receul escape Ironm the isolatiOn yard of a amallpOX patient wbo vas under no restratnt whateyer. arc tb.r things whilcb do flot «et velll vus the. COuty board. krrag&ut*e, iscampetenci. misain- agement. grogsaneglect of chal! Pa- tientsaa i aiiof Judgmtet tare a te- o!lecargea place agalnat tiiboa ' piai tperintei5deit bY rae member. or tb. hord wboarue instrmentlis aartiug that the, tins.farnIa ChuiO tu management hba arive. LOVELY SILK DRESSES THIAT AIRE DIFFERENT A remarkable purchase'and sale of high type Silk Dresses. A charming array that fore- tells the wonderful new modes.- They*re de- veloped of the soft, clinging Canton CrcIucs, Crepe Baek Satins, Taffetas and Crepe de Chines. The colora are splendid blaek, navy. Mohawk, sand, eorn flower blue and Periwinkle. The slîades so popu- - lar for Spring. They're i the effective new bouffant or straightlille silhouettes presented in such a wide rangé of lovely styles that selection is a pleasure -and you'I find al sizes fromn 16 to 4.A elsst* t$2. $ A Price Much Loi4 NOWIS5THE TIME FOR SPRING SIJiT osn Usual for the Quality' MANN19H SPORT COATS These are the C6ats that have set the entire world ~ôf Fashion talking.- They're so swagger, sco appeal- ing iü their votithÏul loveliness that vou can't resist Mannislî Cloth, Camel's ilai', Tweeds anîd -Heriigb-oncs intan, rookie and gray. *There are loose Flare Back,Bo Coats and Beit- ,e. In îùodels %vith inve'rtccl and box pleated backs.- They are haf or fullilk iied and iun4e and 45-incil jengtius. Sizes Üie 16 to 44.- Think of it, only $Zj Of course you're going to have a new ,Spî'ing Suit-vour wardrobe would hardlY b. t.oniplete 'iithout it. We want you to sce these -anîd it's really a joy to see them they're se distinctive, so different and so charmaing. The materials are the mueli want- ed Twveeds in various colors, and Tri- c'otines and Poiret Twills ini plain and Enbroidercd effeets. iliity make these Suits exeptionally desir- ahie. Every mne is beautifvlly tailored and silk-iîied. The predominating colors are lUavy, tau, rookie and black aPd the sizes range tfxli 16~ to 46. Extraordinary 1ucd t* LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT Just Arrived- From New York Coats, Suits-, resses In, New Spring Modes Featuredfo lb Il Ili 1 . . à lit r Mid $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANC& 1 1

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