Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 9 Mar 1922, p. 10

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EMAL GRT L&KEB BE GIYEN UP? H More men were traThed for the navy at Gr-eat Lak es during thle war than at ail other naval camps. It is the only real n4val training station for the whole Jake regionM -the whole central and midwestern part of the United States. These are the things to be considered whe 'n congress.î talks of giving up Grcat Lakes because of the reduction ti ef naval personnel due to limitation of waxaiipî3. Every- ï, .,one 2ealizes it will be impossible to keep.a groat'navy n personnel ready trained, but' anyone who bas thouglit YI *about our diffieulties in getting- started after we entered ac 'the war in 1917 must realize that the crowning folly ofS to unpreparedness is to bc without facilities for preparing. r The manhood of the great central region-of the United tý States bas been one of the great ams t l three wars. dt One naval training station on the Great Làakea la the zS least that comnion sense would suggest to realize onl til"'ab asset. re at The foreign proRagandists are very niueh eoncerned over the present plight of the Anierican farmer. The Mrmer was bit first and har4-by the inovitable deflation he fincident to the end of the war. When the econonije books t .gre balanced and closed it will be found that everybody rP -kas paid about the saine price for the joy rides that fea-or Itured the Democratie Party 's war poliey of stimüulattng profits and persuasive wages. In the meantiinc, the fariner is fertile soil for the foreiga propagandist who IL -lpes-t-onnyin-e-ýthe Amexiïtan fariner -thàt bis particu- t] lai salvation lies iu the cancellation of the American war fut ýoans to Europe, the minixizlng of the Arnerican tariff "! And the finaneîng -of busted Europe with fresh Anerican sO Before the Aineriean fariner leans towards the for- lgnl doctrines in a wild hope of bettering bis own con- m dItionsmay he stand up and survey the field st homoe .bnd abroad. Wall Street firns bave failed iu largé nuin- lme% but hardly auy farmers bave been forced înto bank- ha **ptey. Many factories are 1<11e and millions of me- Il 'ehanîés are walking the streets Iookiug for job. No farn- ha -çr la walking away from a closed farin. Seventy-two - roiof the Earth's murfacq le water and 28 percent In ba.Lesa than two percent of the land is European, lu -Ùd*~uding England. About one-quarter of the World's eui zia reRu25 5 percent an ud 6p ret 3 pernt; ota- h sud mutton eating country, and of course consumes much -wheat. fitermanv is a great potato diet Nation. -, France before the war was nearly self -sustaining aud in 80 pe- vered on the farina, lu pre-war d4a±s Englaud got ber mutton froin Australia and mucli <effrom Argentine. Considerable English 'wheat camne Irom Iussia where Lu.gland also got iuuch butter and ettýer foodstuffs. Austiana aud Argentine are low wage -.~,~uiescompared with the United States. Russia is out of the Europe'- rmarkets. The Genoa Economic Conferènee will attempt to get Russia into the Englisli markets witb wbeat and othêr foodstiffs. Just as fast as Russia'eomes baek, the Uriited States *wllJose the European markets because ît la economical- ly ipo ssible for the Ujnited States to meet the short ,-eea hulfrom Russia to the European miarkets and to Ineet th Ô Russiau and - European wage scales that are more fractions of the American. The, Aierican standard of living bas always beeni -twée that of anything iu Europe.11 gvery dollar Anierica puts into Europe for farm sand $tÉctory use, will ultiuiately lessen the chance for the AMerican farmer to export foodstuffs because just as fast as Europe recovers a 100 percent pre-war basis, the 'United States produets wifl h forced to a trade condi- l ion of thc pre-war peeiod lu whieh the cheaper wage countries supplied Europe with thle bulk of foodstuffs. The Southern cotton *planter ýis a bright target fop the foreigu propagandist. ýThe cotton goods silves of the Globe are slod out. The South oould make dollars bzy using American capital to build cottonm1118 in the outh. to f111 up the ahelves of the Globe. It is .penViy 'wlse and Pound foolish te oxport Aniericau capital to flnanee the Englieh cotton mnanufacturer lu, the hope that lie will buy American cotton and thus raîse the price. Our entire foreign trade does not exeeed eight percent otf oùr production aud relativeln it wil grot; leua, as Eu- rope gets te the 100 percentpre-war basis. Tho Amern- eau~t fanmer's best beti le the Anierican meebanie and the d',onrmtc market. Restore the purchaaing power, of the MArderican citien And the Amerîan far*er-wil.l1not. 1ook H. H. Kendall of here ifiaes appealin Kenosha; 1"happer won't do" he says NHAT 0F LOCAL GIRLS? A Mau Who signa bimseif'M.H.I. lieadall" cof Waukegan, la seehtog a wite ln Kenosis, accordlng t0aars- tici. IXipearing in a Kenosba news- paper. MEr. Kendall bas madelnsu ua tppeal inu Waukegun. Hure leovisaI the onouba paper says of bis pisa for. Attr globe-trotting for a dosen year, IL 17. Cendail of WankeÉak, la no* cîmluced 0frIthe trutb of the- adage, "A rolllng ston*Sgatilrs ne sous." and lodsg lu ýa onununtation t* Iipager delae t ha1 iho va ready o e tie dov u"d8"bodu 0obý eg Reuba for a "fasltlbg vi- 5v"» vho wonlid b. vfllng tW taie th Mstrlmonaw l«ispvtii hlm. Tue noepeUve-briUetrocut 0ai1s lu have a*M gcluicarne vicbh.ola VadY 10 sbar e vith thc Kenosha veOn vWho sectse ihoallenge snd viio la aise uady to selle daim lu "A love nuit" Ho hôpes 1hât big appes i viifinS ai leait tire. responses front Kt';- sica youug vomnnWhoilik. ho have UruS of thi utuai metiod of buccin- isg acqugateil aud betrotbed. Ne. Flapper Wantsd Renatl stlpulates ln bis lutter 1h51 eo doueaisot cire for a "social but- erfiy" orinluth. vernacuiar-"a Sq.ia iv. neuus .that b. vante an oldur person vWho viilbuorsa<ly to settie dévu vlh hbibI erhaDs ln Waukegan or maybî le Kenotba. This iuvotee of Capid promises 10 nsver any comniunIcatlofl Immedi- eely, deçlaring 1ha1 alter receivlug 1e tirat lutter from a possibulity ho wpl gnever vlth a picturu aud prob. ibly would maie a vtsit in lie na uture: "If Il meete approval," ho mys, "I vlU sund my r'ture; other- lus l'il returu the. girls letter vlth rood viabues W ail. Honest te CoodoeuePieu The plus lu specifle enough. "HoW lany of you dear ladies of Kenosba wil isten bte, . sboneat-lo-goodns mtrimonial plus?" l satatue."May 1 uik viether your dfty hu anY nîce retined 0enituruil yonng vidovi vho have everytinin lubîr lves except & moat klnd. loving *sudiuifel bus-1 bond. I aum a native 0f Montana.n bave a gocil uducationsam a mephaie and bave travelled .xtmavuly. 1 bave lo relation as my Un vers aU ifl ei ln the f3an Francisco .artituak. 1 an tbirty-tvo ;uaro old, an Irish- &muriemeft tmperate babils snd sam oguldlu th* piano binis RU declaru that ho admires br- nettes most but viii conater any type f beauty n long las ue le "a ruai le lutereted can iiu. ~ etea by viting 10 hlm *1 gurdelv ia Waukegan. [-,rUld,! v01"fls Fael," "Pools Gold." "Ai Fool sud Mie Paradise , 'Th Io - FQoUâh IAge" 1« chisteaius movies. desit."Ôl Ab'? emarks about "fotin .1 ofbbcPeople Ail of the. l<ow that WillRia*la rUn~ the zuovies eyar ltuer crrd vi hi ambWtIotbecomo "Poo Bah of the peture business. Asiccl te malte of his new motos car, Owen Voore replicd. «Love Neven Dies» beccux r t 13 Sansctimcs ioept alive b; lorced leed- It must be adrnitbeditaI fMm bath. lng girls kecp thuir beauby iu good shape. Film titica .uggest liat "The Man Whto Dared" marry "Io iusband' linuite"sgt «Jtaa Wifj" Extra vide suat§ have becs lW stalle i n mantxbtatru 10 bke, at men front boling oQYCi Ost t nighbors. "Socid$y swobe" viS *A Pae . 0 . eeln ofHire note ~,» th# #«#4&i siso toon bu relesseS.o ZnteW sigmasof l ise mres ; eHart t. Ltt. "Rot Frae. Aransas titeatre manager adyui' tiîed "A Do,,'4 Route" vbh the cx. ta Uine. "Brisâg he Kiildims" "Lavfnl Lrcer viiicorne teté screCISlo=g aller ve have bail "Lav- fui Lnua" lu meurder -trlitls Officials dedane that movieu have aluxost lirinated te ruant and de- liqetfrom Chtc' %.achools. thcy couafind thie ide. br >Ma~ *y MARY BROOKS PICKEN 1-à Eattractive drus, wuicape te match evidenees the de- slges appreciation of barmon; tbrougohout the coutouje. _trýdof tomato-red color doter-« 4bgthe. plaid cf et maký the cIr fI"is ouume. À Plait p~c rueliclng la useS fox the cape, anifli.malcyla a avil.d tut to. depth c.12%RucheLs te niak. the fringe. If clotii otb, tItan homespun la dedeid plaited gray crepe, luatead of ts aveleil bimming, mai b. useS as tutu. Ming for both dres aud Cope. Conibinations of bine and gray, of brown and tan, or biak aud White prov. umart snd attractive. Spring'& earllest fumbon Indica- tions are for a very long valet s trige longer skirt thsu lu thc vin- ter models. continuuil almplicit; lu uueck-llue finishes, asien.,cf ail luntbhe, but vitb à tundency t101he ilormai 4rm-b»lo sud the .et-la of- The bat buas acrovu of corded tuclced gray crepe aud bas tomato- riS grosgralu ribiion shlrred round snd round th. turban brim, mai- tug of this soift, jauty bat a type tbai la becomlug te maur fao&e Weild et aFair-l4alred Womnan. Wlà ilsitors from the Wust« are ». longer iooked on wltb anleseuxent and ave b; the Japanese, lieue iisoe occidental type that neyer tlle to ex. elle Interee. snd tliaIla the fair-iaircil voman. Plot loCsmie, a Young go dnIire& Sco çb .gir »ainoet re-ffl for et Tý se ulacc le er-agilImfse et lier. A lelWarnn. *Vd S ou Ce rld or that man, vie wue 80 âmxlous Io marry 7011, vthout hurling l ielnger - Tes," sald Miss CaFenne. oit waan't necuasry to ay an unkind Word. I1xaurely left a bundle of my dressmaker's bills acattered on the table wlxere Se couidn't fanIo1 sel The %»yologleal 'moment Itogilad vas Iresbllng, but ho 1mew the munemust be faced. "shah 1 axu ;otather for iii con- sen*t heilght dartlngr hoi nquirod. "Ton W dbgtter." spoie np th.esinahl brotther, uuefug.vctedhy frot behlnd C= Isofa. "i'a'o lnia, tociug feet."-Ex. Ichange. Aahdng Toi MAUCh Mr. Peeter-That Infernal littie mulI cfi Yours neyer cornes vien 1 camlft. Bit Wlfe--OertaWnl;mot I Hu bas a eYM dlutlIxg"lqId pedigree sud you csn't ixpect a siog witi bis breeding te subluIlt tebeing orbleruilaronnd b; ;7ou. -BostonPt *csuty S0octimis Mandloapsd. Sage-Masrylng a prot face won't lasue scbrnfort Witte--Ob. no, yaur vf fi ay bo a thIng of besnty sud a jam forever.- London Ansvers *bu Aoy*lne thmlle Worth wIs ilgle veiti werklq feu'. IliY*% bwt Ui quagiolel, Witt leur fau4* c IeUN t W- ittl I have won youl Wlee Sus; "Yi e t uamoU'suefel" niM Peu '. ineka""wibats &aicut sut aeàat Nuit tien eut" bouse a priationa cosmîittue touyi W retio *iv« &£atm btutY letWil Dbetugbbili is .aUrtlIViste fh rcemAtivo pal uJlav09 MkigfRn. nt »aal ettea et lb eummtu, n0" lii Ieadsxj~ a gnipaigu dt -ol~ el ut for sanasu"m- prla muit e ofhomue . bM to uia3fl SUis t lpO O,00 eWnfaa*aiS a l"t * lO,OOOr05 the devtait- unateil persionecf 9QO. MeRisaigu ment'$ beueîsts.1 UlOfil e re atmuar ftoe i d1aiIed Denby »roposdto 0plead for before thie bonse naval affairs.ommit- &a'Woiklfl guavy" ep asn sd deui tee. but tSi eeflon. toil; al W to db oustru±ngte thé. eosMi.tthel.vaiuq Prlrnarll>"lth tbe sotual moue; me-Of sscitypeet f blpVWilh the P qufteilte carrydüt the plus trerions requtres for ltsmpmea e Iasopua~tf<3I ----------- 3mB tOpu~ hJed6ww Women's Outer Apparel Moderately Priced When you coulc here for your New Spring Coat, Suit or Dress you may be sure oif selectiug Uic greatest value possible at the price you wigh to psy. ýAnd only by careful cousideration of quality cam true economy be possible. - Spring Suits In Chic Styles $297%5to $7f5 Tii flue vorkmanabip as viii as thi fine voolena one notes Lu tie"e nuits lift t hein forabova lb. rdlery anmu ua1aiy fonind wiMtixble p rie range. Tuey aie tllonid of Homespuns, Tveedsj Her nsd Tricotine ln bhe ieading colore and Iixture 'la n i snae7^ The. New iThree.Piece Suit $59.75 to $9 7.50 Tlhe Turee-plecu Sufi la meeting vi 1h great layon tor Spring. That lieue Suite assure the ut- tao asuevic yla Ifnstantiy apparent, ispeclahl; vien lie; mano se pincti; tafloneil as the Suits liat maie up tht. diepls;. Tue; are made of lis best quality Pcfirut Twill witi dre top and lilnlg of hcavy Canton Crepe fn conlraslfng coor. Taffeta and Canton Dresses $22-50 to $59g.75 "-. Dresses are unusually becomfng 1h18s $anon for lie>' are fulhioned ln vais no entily' new that onu tannot retlit heir ciartu. Fahifon bas hlected Taffeta and Cantcn Crêpe of i' ici ta duvelop tieue frocis Sund beocf aIl perhape fe tie tact tat lie values are far aioe. hou, o! many; goasons punt. Becoming Sport Coats $ 18.7 to $35 ' ÀSport Coul has becomu a necessity la lie complelfon of every w'oman's Bpring Sport Coat of Polo or Chincilaln ml gît colors as veil as ustunalà splendid sasortuent. The prices are extremely moderabe. vandu-obe. The Now ara sbown hure lu a I I I Il T A I- z P. s Tell Four Friends! j-'---- LOCA Watsonf that take of local GIRLS DI Waukegal but gave lb best garnis many molt belvek.. Butzov a playeru etf .4 the. ganz the. local la last quarter e4 a comel Bide score: of reacb of Utes left 10 With tie quarter %ta which our again. That Up somnevi quiet et os mm . Fve ie score t4 viti a long ktui ftell ;loud Wat canseand 'w Euer. the ga Eiders vît quarter vs ever playec tire garne Kyndiierg. ail parts or figbting ni overcotil Htull took fonsive W( 'ganlke a Chilcago s4tar center by a tos Ihen Mus Legion se tiIs up tu evadeil tii hie. brst g Sci squad stq 05tant. It lu Shxrimp TM bat- the ml the. luet pi a Counter lE vus n of the, 5M viti tis Hul&s good 1ile ed Borne f atter bel, s, veeke. 01 a goal, bu 4défensive. son for ti flot gflhrw trouble chxurch or Violet BU. bans. wai game sud tle pneul tfîrougb t bans vi Il Ki rchner Ion girls un Bidini eftihe I grenalvu andthbei afler thc reach of Il vas, gamns, an cnowdt Ameriat Tornquf e Schv5nt2 Ctaeysse MeuhanIE Hull. rg i ndbe Knowles Watson, <'Bauer. c Sioeii. t, Durs, r Harder, N Pierce, Doolittli Legon BidIngo Fenitiel MeLuar Deacon Nelson llefei Do r ei liai s dlpp f ,esi globe the we the E:- globe -r dnily. peuhl where keepJ Il

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