Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 9 Mar 1922, p. 11

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ffifaigu dt r$ ta Atiah lie deîuaî't- plèeca lu? pthe. valuq -perti rie GameE %u ... uxiiary baU fie trouble defeatlng tic Yobafl, a churcti organization by a 20 te 2 score. Violet Barge,. i-gt torwcrd for te Yo bana, was une et the teatures oft he gam and determinad tn win. She bad thle prelimînari' crowd with ber al llrougb the game and helped the yo- bans wtli ber detensive work. Irene Kirchner led thc scorEs for the Leg Ion girls wth tour bacitliwlile Hel an Bidinger csged three. Tii. efforts et the Legleli team u e no t as ng- gresalve cter the firit twe quartera and the game became more et a joke &fter thc thîrd quarter. was eut ef the neaclio e bc Tbanq. itUa, nnvertbeleai, an inte:r.Sthng Rm,,nd nntertained Ibm tairiY large Watson cages goals ln- final that'takes game ut of reach o< f localsqad- Play clever GIRLS DÈFEAT THE YOBANS Waukegau let te thi WetBide Bnawslu ligbb by a 33 te 25 score but gave the ChîcèagO eams one efthIe l'est ganses lbey have expaienced in Many menthe. Tbey adnitted Il beini- belve.. Butzow sud Watas, Iwu eteran playere et bhe Chicago courts, teabor- .d bbe gaune mucb toe diadsîrcs0f tbc local tans. Watan cagtng lu tic lest quarter Uheis tth. Legi attempt- ed a comeback resulted Ila lic West Sida score leaPing uP natllb wus Out of reach ot Wankegan ln the feU Min- ut'es tet t lu;ia. Wit theiscore 24 te e lat quarter sartad wlîb a tat Play lni * which aur friand Schwartz delivered again. That brougit the. Lee-c score up somcwhat sud wiiin Shrlmp Ton q,"lt egothei.job vitis two baskets tfl ssbeg a t lok gond for lie local, mmlFve minutes or play rcsanlnd wihii Watson cagcd anther sud sent -hi@ score to X .whilp Seter toiiawad wîtii c long abt ingel. Htull Reaiiy Bacle ili feu into c personal Ublet aI- lowed Wason ta locale the goal wîbb ,Lcase and wbexi Butzow opeased anetb- eu r. bbc gamts belonged te tbc West Siders wîlbeut questiIn That test quartes was onaeofthle futset gamtes ever piaynd on the local liber. Tii. en tire ganm. was test If tbbc vOrds et ltyndbarg, reteree a cxi e taken. lI * ail parts et the gamte bath tesams were figiting nip sud bock ln au efort te Overceme the opponentsansd wbmn IHull took Up tbe Job at guard. the de fonsîve wenk of the local iqocd ho- gan hie a machine. Chicago g50 1 le lump Uil ilsuer star center drapped ln e goal foloed by a toes ram Burtsow. Schwartz tiien rang the basket and opened te Logien acerlng. TornQuit fellewed 1h15 UP sud gat c tage, but Walîon evadêd the danger ef a tie by rnging bis fint geai et bbc ovening. Schwartz Leeds Locale i scoring, Schwartz led the locals squad alter geting an itht a gaod %tari. Itloloked fer a wilc as tbuugb Shrimp TonQuist Uasa On an ait nigt bat- the mldget iarward gt bie eyc on the lest part et the ggnm. and rang up a counter or twraftram long distance. IEs a net as accurate ltu 5iy Part of the gain-eos uually la tb. cas, Viti Iis pîcymu. liuKs neturn gave tha legion c good linta o and is exhibitioni rltev ed sanie far tint ho weud b. sade atter being lu tisa coupe fer aoie veeka. Ois ClaeYssaea failled to ring a goal. but piayed a gent game on tise t défensive. lis leor Uork Ua une es son for tht- beru.out hue We^t Siders net K0111n'1 Thle ta-t4umdul John, ta <on. home at su boum, and 1 iley't know how yeaum expect me 10 bellevu iuwh :n ibeur'd excuse" The Hutband-Wî.'l. my dear. thaleli tle tale lie usade up and titatsh wahat I'm jolis' Weil ging to tîit to."-Calcuîîa L4okr <'. Popuiarlty. At I4tipopul:rity. lit bas meiny cour'- mnd no ent beeit 1tluusef; and uncertahnuy ta atiers. -William Penn. itîer' aiwais s chance that lb. world will survive li apte uft hoe wbu srlng Ibeir banda and wonder iwhy somebody daean't do sometiiing. -3alb1more $un. baily î holipht. Man ti;lis own staur; and tIsatiosul that ci ea ho-.eit 115thîe ouly perfect Man.-FletciQr. niav pay. e. aboya ie ut- Suits a nd V that New in a The "Off -the-FaCe" Line Leam ite forsake Ibat ebarmini f it taceUnes designers of thi meiw hati are mnoditylos t fr Ulis seasen' millnery I'mcticafly ever bat, enetal ciotti ilik or straw. eaiit lithy gwsy from the fame e oiyCheeku ~ oiielth .-Corne to You if You're We11 and Strong -, The secret of a beautiful compleion a lear, radiant, youthful face, in 0i brought alMut by good health, and il the orgaris eeeentlally femnne work like the rest ci the maehinery of the body, In erfect uimon the girl wiflb. weil and happy. Healtb la the ongia- tor cf chrm-the handmaid te beauty -the buais cf perunal attractiveneau. When à womazn gufferg with dul beadohebukaheain here or tbe d-own, 8slu h. ime L dzzdramde down, la th timeto turis lem rlght reedy, namnely, Dr. Piero.@s1a- \ vorite Preorptlan. Faded, Jaded, tired, over-werked, reak, nervoue, d"l icats womon ane heped te strength ad heuth by tbis "Favorite Presrlpton" cf D)r. Pierce. Il miakes weakvoe tti and nlck women iWIl. Dr. Pierce fireI gave it t te h=Azi pmubh'oover fi! ty YeaUN SV. It In now on "le -b ai druggs i iudPr tablet forrn, or @n Dr. Pierce Invalida Hotel, BiCOffoNY ten cent& for a trial pack- .g1c tablet., « write for ifee nsc lci vc. i.ere's What One Woman SaysAbout It. Springfield. 1l.-"Dr. Plerc's Favorite Prescription le an ex- cellent building toute for week wamen. i waa ail run down, waa veen weak and nervous, liait n apetite and my nerves weresBo bad 1 could net uleeoP. 1had 10 ambition, never .esmed to get reated or bave anir trength. 1 bcd been c4vised to take Dr. Plercc's Favorite, Prescriptioni se decided to gîTe It a trial and 1 wa completely, re- tored te health and strengtb. 1 fel i Bbcacnew wemnan citer taking the Prescriptioni'and 1I clways advocate the use of ibis medici ne, to those whomn I tlnd cln.-t.Aunn La nier, 1322 Eut, ~N. Grand,' Ave. Youn bah Je ml iost important ta you. It'à easily tmprovqd. Just aak Your nearent drogglet for ti. preaýnptti ot Dr. Pierceai. do 'do1 teÏs i CO. Premni and NO P The nightt 000 w<r bldderp nf Chic crued1 1,491. Sixb of H-ais silered some01 $400 un Th& necesa Reprt K jUanl up wlt suggest approej year.1 bnlp w bors et ils, bif *U4&M passed by bbe board Uds is .. a pèr- tion of which legally eould b.edProtection ine #leI for »laygrounds, l willl b. sed ai- themoth. Thcev moet excluçiveilyln the Dr omotIon o o rt <~wlti came.fromta tei Park building plans. In tact the ad- tuIsiadf-pàrtmeit. Thesachate Must mission was made that practl-cally ailiho seeure and tight liia v e pOit. ot the $70.00l.a pent already-at Since it tR the odor of the red cetuir vided for. be taken îte prevent tbe eesape of thw Members of the Kwanis club bad odor. This ta accompllahed l'y setinie heon hopeful that the park board thnt the joints are a&l tiatut, and whIPUi ,Would be able ta diNert a small por- lhere ta occftsion te open thec eest ihe tion otise avaliable fonds ta the pot- întericur mu!4t fot be exposod onY, 1 tîng lni et pîsygrounds lI varinsua lunpr îîn is iii,: el necesaars. p pirts ot the City, Regret la expresed 1_________ that sucti la flot the case. 1 -pope'* Love for Reading. t iginl Oklaoma l As mueli c(mpny as 1 bave kepf, OngntOk)oa"Bei. andi u muccl as I love Il. 1 love reaul- t d o le," tate riibedtl knv otIiog better, and woffld radier be eni- «boo arlecployeulin r'utding 'han lnthue %poeýt whîite bien lni Okîhinua in le~, beflore the territory h b h-n o àalo',eneî getbl uicsnln-'p fer settiameut. lie vnas arrested and - expetleul from the terrItury, sud 1ev- Yes, Witl Te@ Many of Us. eral ther aittempta aetusttlement wora "-lx dais pase ighty qniek," satd preved by govemomienit troopa. WIch- Unele Eben, '»but dey& more dan lime lia was hie etaqrtîng îsut i otinom ex- enongh te let us fobglt whut we learmb voditîgna. Be died et Wellington, Knni, a SD '. in J'A4.i EY, STUAIT .,II(Ii IDDI3RS FOR PARK BONDS1 Èrn of-$1,491 and par aocrued interest are terns of best bier PLAYGROUND MONEY? eWAukegan Park Board ist opaned hidi for the stle et $70.- 7rth et bonds, and the higbost wai Halsey, Stuart & Company cage wbu offored par sud ac- Interest and a. prenuium ut bide were submitted bot that aey, Stuart & Company la con- I the most liborat. The bids ot ofthbb othars ran as much as Lnder their otter. 1 firo i l vîl ho aw rded the pur- , f thc bonds as sean as the ary legal stepa are tsken. >rsentabivea ot the Wcukegan nia Club Uer. present ta tÀke it Park Board members their ntien that the board make su >rlaten for play grounds lis itie assurance wus given that would b. forthcoming for mein- EveryOie lIew -llice PashionTo AUl lob Jtdh OBE rya At G hOuerb fhe Globe L O We Announce An Important Selling of Superb Tailored Suits In Exclusive Models For Spring At $25 35-$5O Your New Spring Suit is here, Madani. It is very tiuagger; it is beau- tif ully tailored and it is ver 'ry moderately priced. 0f cour-se Nvith ,the first- breath of Spring yon naturally think of your Nèw Suit-the rnost essential , part of every woman 's SpDrig wardrobe. Now, right at the threshhold of the new scason, w-e bring you this wonderfail display. Thiese are ail strictly tai- lored Suits -with an individuality so charrnîng and attractive they'll w-m your enthîsiast je admiration. They're developed of Appealing New Tricotines, Stocko- inies, Twil Cords, etc., and ail are Silk liined amnd îerfect in1 tailoring.- A Remarkable Ar-ay of .Superior Tweed Suits In Two %g Grou At Tweeds are fa8hion's favorites this year-no doubt about that-and Wb4M a showing wc have for you in these two grcat groups. They are wonderU~ Suits brouglit te rare advantage and pr'iced very closely- indeed. Somne an i scnù-fitting and box coat styles with invcrtcd pleats and piueh-backs. Tlley'Ye sinartly beltcd and the jackets are silki-liued. Each model is surprizingly dis- tinctivec and the fabric is in an unusual vàiriety cf shadeg.. THIS EVENT AGAIN DEM ONSTRATE.S TIL4T T GLOBE 15 THE SUIT STRE F WAUK 4A Americans in constanty tuer. - wlmug recordai ClarmescePliit. the uual offerlng of seaside re- lux numbers are learnxng tsivi ~' tn bÏmplon high diver; Ger- sort--tii. lnterestlng social lit. enly two days' ride framthésuow- trude At.tcifPhiladelphia, and witl, the aydim jprti.esbrl. otar.liant bM., a ...stans t bound north te thée B-ioW Baed by the warmi Guf dansants, concert&ansd the i. u sout.h - forty-eight bouT r -i Slreoe, iami has the mot lite of ta fifty-five great batela and Jauuary to June. Mimi, >-vu- euabla climat. in the United winter homes, Mwiaini ail the Yecx .lone lien bis ra e.tand8tThe mean average temn- round bas more variety of enter- more than 10,0 torist.' perature lle 75 degrees, a winter taininent ta offer thman sy ther At tlis mont sautheru wnter r.- average ai 70 and only 80 In soin- cty inAnierica. sort, Dow at tihe e t ef its sea- mer. Its great attraction la flot Th semi-tropical climats foters son are found bathing beantias only lia woodernl hathing facili- wnynn aite fplli trmevery ci t fthe. north and ties lapalm.-frlnged beach, beau- çluding tUicuoly pe eau t the tat I their Istest tyles of .11k, tuai Btiscayue Bay, and swiminng coceanut sud royalPalois be. C ham or wool, an or two-peoce pools, but the. great varety of taund In the UnieStateu, fl es tfing uits.sports - golf, tennis, motoriug, ineapplesansd othar tropica xsake Miamni their 'winter head basehslsud othe'r attdoor pas- miles farther south than aifanu ~arters, includinXLNorman Roas, Urnes. -it la fartuier south than Italy i)r hakk of kblj Awelen This mneana fliat la addit;on ta Egypt, crowd tisaI c1-- o in, eWetSe Mon uho nasacboolbuya used te ree ne Luno Up cite "Thue Semtnule's BeptY'" wll i h gcU to hear liait tcePeopte Of Osce- Ameri..aI Legiun (25) B FIl' T cla who sayod ln Florida are gttInl Tornqutst, rn. ... .......4 00%o nlcely lieverythitisebot nom. schwartz. f and C .... .. ...6 i to1 Ctaeysaeuii. rg and If .oo-. o0 o()bers. The government bas be lst imd McShanie; c.... ........... 2 O 1 e a report troni the.Flolda Seminole I-Iull, rg .... .... .... .......O O 2 n sgency wbich shows diat wbile Only Kvndberg, A., Ig.. .. ....... 0 1 0 O mofetthe Indians romnain IcheEver- N'vet 1SideBrons (3): 1 2 I14 1 glades thes' make up in goodness what Stagg, TIf.. .... ........... 1 0 o n)ihey tackI n populatttun. Tbe Saei. KnewOi. f.............<~O o o mles have tlunr own unwritteui code, Waton. I f .. ..............4 OI bcbl0ct r0dhie0adm.The iscuer, ... .. ...3i0 3 O 15ws are 1just and inflexible and If iiurtsow. rg ........3041 Dueon la viloted the errteg one accepta SioeI<. lK.... .................O fi0 te penalty, asen thoughIt bcbedeuibh Lin 15, Grls5Ga 1 i tself, sithout c protest." The lacs ino Up Gils'G Il 13F 1P T ot thc state and natice ara nover br9. Burg, rn............. ......O 0 1 O ken excapt ttîrough Ignorance, and Harder, If .... .. .... ....... 1 O O 0 "jo second case ut violation bas aven rirec........ .. ........ 0 beeo recorded." The lawbreeker takes t'ainnne,.Tg...................... lb.therews et the 18w back tehB t rfIb 1 0 1 0 wbeu the w-tle judge -bas exPlained Legon Aluxliars' (20): tt to htm. lmdnger, rf . . . 3 0 10- Fendjek, If..........2 2 0 0 This lIte ot ours bas c US! Of aveul- Kien rg .. ..... .' ...g4000 lng up snpply and demcnd lxi muse x- Moeoan, lg.......... o 0 0 r 0 ry asblun. Varions wSe Nelsoni.... .... ..........0 O0 ggsbave beon shakhIng their heads 9 2 1 0 tnd"speakin g et the aubOmobli rcach- Iteferee: Kyndberg sg Its -sturatlon point" ~maning tuti se mati? people have automoubiles Veur....dfla. t onis' a lited "replacement" ImIM Do nt dean the goldtsb globe otten. l cib ed a bu b ln er thion once a week. fltter take out w. have thie aIl flgured ont, na uses a dipper et woler and add a dipper of for di auomuilte botin t» âappas. trou vwater une wemk and dean the Wlbb lb. comlng uf concrets r9ada btié globe the next week. Wbei5 ebuiugiflg automobile street car la created. li. the cater bave the fresb w ater as near mens.iosalbllltiea li Uic "caterplat" tbesainme teniperature ase Ibat ln tbbctype begin le show tbemielven (thc globe as possible. Gîve to' eacb ih c Franch bave Just satneil nang ibis place orftood oxe-quarter Inct square picpet estahlsb rnpott dally, Alwnys kaep ester plant and urn ce the B tras o rtBatIo= pebblesinlxiglobe. De not put globe Unescrosa lsnda adto.s abars li ere Sun wll stili. It and de nt deoet). T'Drenduo vmre;i keeL lai to c anm a place. dees net stand _still, sys Uiche ve News. And chîle lb Mavea It la & rash Mau wUhe prepheslesansueventitr'SUmit Another Good Reasoil. u anything. M'3 Xeid Froni WIto's Cookilg' redM.n ka yilyginda t Deadly gaajeg have attaîned suri te luuadline. "A"toitr wenian Whio posahbitUtt« ot wblmd.ihamaut de, never iearned te coi, 1 suppose." "Or structtulv that thc peaple ef bhc wonid eqe," retoted Ms. Jfl *lsn sother bQweVar; g je ieaq ~n sd bou moln w nqver ieaixed te stop «» lI,-obba, einelluaul ladraw li i - A a,-t - - -,uu o t* 0 - - 4-. B -. r' i Il jno ist uBIUIBlig liat can emanate 109 Southi en«eoStIl rom humus IPs. I111 N. Genase t. WaiukegaflitI. m- 1 m

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