Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 9 Mar 1922, p. 12

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ATI SALARY Board of eulucatWo re-elected hlM at Same Salary as last year; refusesit JOHN CLARK RE-ELECTEO Paul 0. W. Kelier, principal of the Waukegan hgh sclool hiu declined ta igemain s head of the local institution tm libe salaiy orf$1000whlch ho vas Plid laut Year. Ho informed the Board lia tin btu eslt n1hleshouldbe 8.ven au increese. Whpeuva1 Mr eller came here as prIa trcut $4.500 a yeax. Ayerosa"g the b.oard of oducatlon recognaed hie aa> IltY anUI nereased bise alary to $5.000 Af th Meeting Tueoi30' ntght a mo tion vu asdue to ro-eloct Mfr. Keller for another year et the sane salai-y Le recelved laut Yen-. The. motion vaU carried hy a unanlmout vote. Mr. KelIer declined ta accept the contract hovover. liembers of the b0ard look the 'natter under adiIse- aIeut and wyul conider fiat a meeting to beh linexf Monda rnlghf.Af that time tho hourd viii decîde yhether or inot the saaary of the principal van be reies. John S. Clark yas reelected s3uper- intendent or the clty achoola et a sal ary of 14.000. the sam-e as hc recelved liRt roui-. Mr. Clark icceptod tht com tract. Under bis direction t15e echools have reached a hlgh ato of efficien- North Chicago Irving W. Akers of. Chicago visltod Iriends a lu iIs tty today. Attention làaui olled to the 'nom bers Of the Woman'a AuxrllIsry of the Amerea Legon of the important speclai meeting tu b. held at the Leg ton Home Ibis evenlng.Mm lr. ahi Gallaber. Pffldent of the organisa- t fou maireasa&splal appeal for' the YOungfer mezibers ospecially to attend thîs meeting. The -Okler membera are &IBO reqcested tu b. preient as sover ai IMPrtnt mattera of businesire te be tek-n up vbicn could not be1 kedoVer Unttithe regu1ar meelfu& Preabyterlen chiai-ch vil b. bolS if * the IMenu on South Lncon strest this eveniug. J. Leter Riemma resumed bis du fies et tht Dav-Watkns compeny tfise evebuia lter belng onflueS ta lis home on loth stret- for tht putI lw-t wkithaceaueof th@.'nu." Th. OPekt Ail Stars VIlhald their regular basket ban l roheui thi ays eulug uet the local sgranuaset 7 o, Ck; the Amerlos Leglon vWM meef la htiorre.glar cie et é: 30 P. M. BEuiaahttij ylttanor lSt.h treet la nuambaiag tu, Isprove tact day. liter Mi-saS lie. X.Blake Sr. And grand son »roiu=akeih.of Anfgo. Wbeuch. bava reurqed ta theïr hb-e-allr ePeading severl ldm , vILi t elatie sud Mreude lu this clty sud * streutar. l Mlie Joyce, housekeeper for - ey.1 CRy. M 8lasnl verY fil ut the Father's 1-hme vith double pneumonla. h. e Iseing attendeS by Dr. Joyce of Chies, go, vbo la ber brether. lirm.joyce'si Ilister fi-cm'Lus Angeles le expécted la arrive tadzy.9 Wm. Suars of Ifti st-eut vis a Chi eago visItor today. lira. Chas. Slad1k of Comm> . yreelth avenue. la qulte flu at bar home.i A. J. Kenntey cf the Davls-watkiue1 rompan yls apending severai vodka et the Davis branch office lu Derby on1 business. '-Mrs. ESvird Blake o! 22nd atreet1 tp abe 10 be urounid ou crutchas liter being couSueS ta ber Led with a baS ly spraiued anS brulsed 11mb for the liaitseveral veeks. J. Moorse ef Boston la vlsltlng et the home o!f.Jack Day of Sheridan rd. Sateeti, C-Y tatues. lcavaetona vatr!a-j, 'inthelb.01 t*-aterY Of Courcebotufa (Sarthe) lutv led to the dlecovery of tvo nat.t lmesof the sixttVpth cetury. ont repe rewtniraseigneur urned csa-pWic.t l*exeecuted ID atone anS ba susffered Ronue mutilation. The other sttue la min rrocetaeandIie-aise. If repre-1 secte a woman kneellng et prayer, her banSe JointS. evdentiy a casteîiau's lady. The head le mWaaln. la the Six- tentb rentury tht' csstelny of Courrceboeufs beonged to Diane de îteridor, countesi of MoulSOMeu. NOTICE 0F PUBLIC BRIDGE LETT IN Q Notice la hereiiy givon thaI seuleS proposais vil ho recelved at th> office of the County Superlutendent cI Rb. 'Viaya, in wuukegmnlit, 'at11:00 am- ck La-..L, Mah 2d, 1922, for fhe construction by County Aid cf a 20- fot spima reinforced conci-efe bridge, knovn ai thetDlimn Crack bridge, lu fthe PO*U cf Astocb, near theoaitii aide o! Lake Cathierine, about tva anS ont-blaItMle& notthyet01 the Village, lu uccordauce vith plans and $Peciftcatlorit propreS by fie Ccé SuPLo f Hghvayo, wbic, may ho som tf bis office or liae oi tLe underztgma e.. A certifteS vheck equai taut aim 10 per oeuf 0f tht amount o! bld shall eceampany oaci bid. Righi, lu rerved ta rejuct any ai #11 biSa4. lIs teS aunkegan. niI., Ibis eîii dai aih. 4irc. .D. 1»22. Br aider o! the Rontd andS*Bridge FEANK DUNN. Ilgthvîy Commsseloner ch"s . R us"nl, C. Spi. of R4glrrir Chat. P. lichai-is, aork et Te"ovfaiAutiocl nniai. i lyMr.316 IZIC&GO.-Dlwates i h t is fllettalua determtnluamof Preuldens agriultuval coafereuce4 la Waslangtôn "edmre fat vbl.flkflen &ltiPlmtio guierulcoopEtioOrecalva i 1b ltbm êa aa faver, fermera gierally an ai'-kOe legli pomte battahaf IdMmbno4 iebut e * ~cltie csh a em Bi It tote mdermin the ~ult1ê, Iet pICUeltabliaatdby tilo. a e~ela1aIg vlu faitoe pe 0 ruiret cosipelve bop ntte', sep.aet&centual asketa yh.r Times.Of tbe iv tokstatee us l sAbll«ahed fv, thu a. Inaflat pn thliguhte? ~chiome itu etri. dn le peemWsby usbmm 9iat produceum ofila oub. wbom eool eItnedePaul 5, sS emrvta a. oS oshtt 0 b0 ghet aial tIosis,'S o n tfrdte bi rimaIs. rm wubuelsesu debael ci- tIi.advanta« ce a __ . Tw eontd syactivecmuti ecAsh bb ctetfe Ckttw idaut fer *0 e " ioa o hl be develoecld edloitetee fie MuaMdnS rach WAUI<EÏAN LOCALS. Mies BOi-dIveRueenblum cutertsia ed at a bridge party lait ovenlug et lira. William LiAmbert eftretalned ber home ut 217 Franinl streef. the Weduwoday Aftennoan club ,hi l t guesta Vers prfes anid emaoyed aiternoon at'her home, 509 N. Gene- & P>fueat eventng., Daluty refrella- se atreet. mffetever, serveS. Misa Kublanyn Murphy enteaientlir- anSdliMs.George Kolz and 1fr. the Tuestdey eveulng club luet ilghtfa" md Slnuer cf Lake Vila ut bei- home, 515 Steele CourtrivereO entertainod lait evenlug ut the hundred vis tht fucturesaof te tgym- home 0fcirm C. G. Delcke ôan South log and honora avai-ded ta lilasmer- Blitrifk 5fi-t A maial finie and i-t- isa Chamibers, Mis Emfly Michels treebuemtB verIl iixulged lu. Ad lia.W. EL. Belova. Ml"eDiet- lira.Blanche Bobinsau anS childi-un nitrer, a niembar of the club viios have refui-n o t eair bame sa De. blrthday occurreé resterday recivedt fioit liter saneeS rIaWt it Iimlma a aumber et useful glit. Dainty re. Roblneaa' pareta, 1Ur. unSdlire fresimnetveeS iti-ved. J-mesTyr-eil et Waslalgtoastret. Sf. C&atlnle'a GuilîSet Christ lime Robinson undervent au opera- ciureh met luit evealng at the Par, flou t Uic VicIair liernorlaihoipital lah Rousetfor yack. À numberof ffhUse ber.and ber ieaith tl e y niembers -vetpreateut and a socil ach ttinuuovcd. boni- fülloved. lefe*mets ve"ITb$ F1id15 is luet ithteMethodiat serveS by Mm A. esi ee zM i" em clarçh viii s e ru 0» océock te Amr GrecaLse A4 Gieys A 'es. iretutoheti.poor et the hmofetMise vini roSSer upeclai fIr"ala llade »d 1 Mr. an-d Im-a.Jo»h Br'own, gr-, et songeuat St. Ptx'ickWî elftre hallSouth jeckeWgstreet vlsited thelr glvonanuder tht uusplcts of the Lake au ut the AexisaBrotheraspitalW COty Connce AM-ercinL09- .la Chicago ou Samday and n oaS hlm Poulset the Ai-moi-y WrIday oeonag, sigîtlyimproyed. Mai-ch 11h. CuPid baS a doitday rosterdur. flot fflther Berg of Lncoln streett vlanf a marrIage Ilteevas IssueS hene by ed relatives la Chicago Tuedar. the couaty clerk. BIse Muaeicla o? Sheridai-vuS The case of tht paving cf Sheridan vas a vsitor Tatdy. 'nid lu Zimn. vich ceame up reaferdar Mis Blanche Rubin of Giliette av lu th.ecouty court upou objection t0 saus bas recorered fi-os her iMiets. the nuoer ofsprlmdlag tht specie -lncrealun luiesa fouligt. Thurs esseeniet vas continueS hby .Iuge dey unstted. possibly rWor snw;p , e»o& oteediios Vp nOt sncb change lu temperaturo; 10v ertlj vflj included l hespecla est tonight lar freezing, Increaslng amusement southeft vindi. 1 Tbe Chas. Austin fimlly viiimore MMia.Nthan Fsher of Genèsets et. nMat veW fo thoirfem in uMechges la recvrnng raldUy f romt ber iBssThey viin ove ltir bhnshold god lira. Sas Elseeberg aofNorth Sher via truck. os cd iSsu roud vie a Chicago business vis Jtadge 1 Edvurdu today ordered a upe Itar Tuesday. ca uetric h I-utcutt The. children o! tiie Commonwealth ciegin thtemi-sthciayufit coub. svhool cf North Chicago are belng begl the er t Mildayleeterialne velgiied by tht Bai-vol Gaodfelliv. a nlumbqr of frienda lest erennget ship scettlenient hoalth comiihttes-thet&I bons la Gara,.lu houer of WU Childi-en underveiglat vl b. giveuln us i. 'lla, yhoft bhtbday occqat. structIon on Loy ta gain vWelght andI i- Ybàermur Aeskon eeaing those overweighf on boy ta regluve. Vas epeai la varioes gantee and dunt There vill b. sPecel vesfper ser- ing. Refreehama s er. serveS. The. vIc i iisevcnlug at Christ choama t tguocetaunihdh ue. 7:416o'vlock. -Amy menabers or the T.eht nf ca ;fanqushitee give choji ho eil-e tOa ss$la tu inglag br thet Houer DailrPofnl t tht~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Pr atgîevi ep-un lttP tgven next Manday eveua«, .Mai-ch 13 ish Rouse ut 7: 30 P. -m. ,'Th.ef-cOr-et the arinory. Thes Renilvort -play. vil deliver lb. iddrese anS tht s.r. «» aund hUWOitclub viiib. ithe t vice viii be beliltua-the chiaich pi-op- are entertatuers »I the tveanig.- or. The Pythieui Bltera vilbolS theli- There viii Le no prudtie for tht regulr meeting.tatelgl h A11811h1101club ut the Andrev Coche KM p. bs veiglnth IChIOol thias vening becatse cf-theUic h Pareuf-Teucher' meeting. . The ialI Sdepirtment of th» Mcthod Christ vhurcb la havlng apeclal »r- Ist SuasSa Svl l&Ive a trollc Oe each day Suring Lent t 7 anSdu-der the direction 0f 7 P. E Faiam a. e. Tomai-i-avthera u'i» b@ a foearrev evcning ift the chuach apelal oucarir ut 9:30 e.a. m t t -Maliure'tleu SaliS 09Christ vhlcb fthe risha luurgeS ta ait"e .cherch viJl lpiS Am->lI 55j'meeting A letter revelved from lia'.Goariey if the >itsi is s. lu ontoIlov. aunoumnce u wIi-taru ta Wauke- bLunceon v*19 i serveS et ules anS 9a" erf Seadir, aSd viii hi t bis I hii ibes ra .urgeSta aliaS&0" offie Monday 'norains. on lisit -.. R_.X riigloq o th# Bccuity tur fron Cli! cinia, about Marchaisf. a le KtIuniehomte on NoithiGen- Le stoppeS uti*-itochoter, lilas.. t Ot um't. viiere ho bas been studylng eut1h. Mr. uS 'MrSE. Csesldr. 216 0. Maya Cltnlc. - ,Genèses 1streeî Saent yeetauSy lu Chaptor A. P., P. E. O, lsterlaaod Chicffo. vîIet tef thfe homeofc! lra. C. 8. tls CellaWelcl bas reaued ber 1Ambras, on North Sheridan RouSsI position euthéb.Tephon. compuuy 1 o'clock Friday. liter a vcëes iu fate vth the ltin.s 8peolal Lenlen services yl b.o ensa. BboiS fil, évening it 7:45 o1clock at Tht odIeera oi the Eastern Star vil 1 fie ChristL iiscoal churvb. A vol- hôlS auanaI dey-uitla t -the home *unteer choir VyIl rentire the munie. 0f lr.Mm dVu*hl on N. Ufles a Tht West Ichool pupilsia v i g t CIitelTt4uriai. L- a carnia-lat the achoal building Fr1- The Watgaa ERviev no. 84, W. day ovenluVait 7:45 o'clock. .B.-AX helS fIair asguisr meeing this t Lav Hevfa vio laS been lit vllh, iffe-nou t f>ae 055 -5'eltosbail. I lifluensa pile home on, N. Geu-IFolloving fth@inetleu. tic monthly acte streef. lu ableo Toe. 011f egal. iilrlhday .irty vag heM ,ý. 'r Tht lAdies AIdS ocîeiy o! t hoe The Royalsoiighboha VIIbold flair SwtOleL Lufiieran churvb vtll 'neef regular aetl ý«ttht Wooilnaa$ ham loaori-ov uternoaan ai tbe churcha. tomorroveeninad. - xwlgl ,sg i Mesdames Levwis, Jobnson and H. M. business th.liarda ceitmIft W vIt a Janson viii entertaln. ontertain i aet bOW' is.AU B. R. Gobrecht. P. E. PietTaon and E. membors are requested fo b' preu,- B. Davis are apendlng the dey lna. Chi- eut, .. I--1r rcago. 1 Tiie condition 0f lira. 0. D. Taleo Tht ýAmîci Girls of Christ churvvi vlo bas beïà ry II flit ter houe in hiS a business meeting lust evenlng N. Shieridan 1oSMepu'ver~ ai tht houe of lMra. Arinold Rosfi-ona. mains abou t tfbpÏsan1404 L218, Hickory treeèt. A social hou, fol- Ste the junior Pfty "T«o Croche 1loveS und re!resh2naot e vesserveS anS a Lad1y" euthefi. bascueocThuna by fia. FMro~om end lilas luth l1ai1 day andS Frt&yay nghts. Admail a 3 I lovhi.cenfs. Thé olovn la taken trou Ehnual1 Cinnewispaperdte *'ïir of vsUgnevapaper id. liera*ni11b. guel tlils aiteenodu at ive7effl-oh bÉm 8404by th* Aaeq. Oto f Cies«e*ppes -fihiae aq5t the Y. M. C. *, BL e viait #av* e au apai - to th* bhs 0111008r ffiesla the otlg Tht Party Imoufte Mr, itU. ~ . lasMr. imdS Mre #iP. rJ. and r.XI'~ .~uu sud 584ovuer of àtErmoh~ go" o f Birmingham, ab a oerpresident QI th* Axmerti tbwpprPubilahere s. oCltln. unS chairinan of the ommittte 0f Ibot *wold'a PreassCongres fI, lveS- l~lethe foreigu neye services of C=ia Japan and Kores. -Mr. Glass, Jr. le assIstant forelgu editer o? the i;ew York World and Mr, Sinith la thtj propiletor and editor of the Dally BUa of Waukegan. DlaInos. on frlday the Party Win vieitln- dSatjVWlplante and yul bq enter- talaeg at tes lu the Shua Pao bond-. lng. A reception hieu eo beau pUh -net hi the Shanghai Naespapermenai Club. T) TtParty le expected 1tastay here @6yack aiter yblch they vill exil for Timhis and ThnÉatj ID. WJTT H UN TER ÙANQUaltS By Bufflée. Brigm . ho invented a lot of mcm. Ottes *bout vhen a telloy iittds a feteadI, oaght f0 include b gutiryWo tries toa, &t decout and respectable The beet part of a banquet are the. etta -The speeches iam the wvitaxi Arn ordluary banquet usually oite la tht nelthborhood of 12.00, plus tivo bite the diner sponde afterwarde fettlnç sometblng te est The beit dinner speech le 'Have *nother cigar. lVs on fthe club." -0- libturprlelng restaurant keepers ieek locations near banquet halls. MIlligns ln It If thet ~ilhe of Nieaa ver. fely Utdi if couWtedkat thpi vouid esc ut ovrk a Ixpete ite ~fuW*"0fc - Wi. abey R a4t% e iUtebrther Iud vawu i oI Wà hémaaiteri came ine~.but tt urse eplined there ve t omrbables bom a luthe boaptaCat ap£ Lth" ywqS an girl&.~j~n~ ey ho si,~a reconcIid Sa dtenu:pr, W ho'w et-e tbqeyutmnlug tmey 00pr Iedabime SOwspr .50J $4 O&W.xkow 2....50 $JWè* îbffl ...... .--48» 55.0 hes, 1le. & uîo_ ait 81 g1oo prm ça.... -. 85t $8.00 Nerchi4amee -410 Compile o. f Sm, lamm M0 Pr £bo 2mAussugPr-- .1.50 M0 pr Wukum Xapul'e, pr... M0 100pru. r LeIs. .3 lO pr Cvbi"b .......901 U5 Pr DqmçIwe it NaeD'au&e.9 10 0. ru .5 1900 .Alww ite S....1.00» 50 Amy molat Ois, *se» le U 100 Pr w9*_209*, £ Pr..-. n9 50 dom Au.# GUlm ».-......10ý 50 da . ....... 0O 100-4w~ssn. ote m lm tafs £j" raorhse.10 700 JeSyi M .... avedi$8.1 IOOi7oh. ........ 1.5, 50 3u~ worth 15 .00.5 10S Ir" G oum ~e............. 7003toy o8%.-50- ML Mli~!K ina~dWêsie tht beisemen laya. - Sp ler té?u.*tb 4Um à b te e sooma abà ~vil b#qfrdf StoPaa #n»*I . sevu-soaoht brd te atr a M~i~I.t7Y .-i*~, *iL$We- Waih Drosses 'à-eà great special eleanup sale of Chidren's Wasli ôn, of mont reirarkable value of the entire seaso. Dresses provides ~~-rn 'Olp -Your Bu.m.«s -Your Town -Youir Newspaper liatiqual adv.rtialngt là re- cogn*z.d as a grmttofrse.ini muk « bg.lm k.minffl o!fpor4j &aking Pow- dror oii , & arc î8yrup, Wrtgey~ hewlng Gçm3 um, Omor, uoky Striko 9»prett., 1« and a hun- dti4 <*Uier articles -to appre4 o1tq ti tact -that but-'for a uim md'tpersistent oa2npalgI of a<IV.rtâ g these articles would b. unkuown teday. And it la bec#ua.e of'"Li wWde okd persIsteiM ad#ertis-> i that ,'Ift. Jobber and m Xr-ý Mnercarry these natîoelaal advertiaed articles uaiLtd thAt tbey »I.l botter and fauter than those unad- vertiaed. Eut national advertising oonÙ#Wt4 Wnational magfa- zinet or te mîtreoitanà d&Ilies fails te telli the. con-. sumer that hee articles cazi b. lourd -in TOUR business estblibmet.It may .croate a depire for theii. miuao .Mt ttdomTOU no goëd Un- leu It tello tii.- coiaum.r the. article m nbe found. Bo in order that YOU =ay tie iup wlth ttbis natiouil ad- virttslug omppg, it oould b. plaoid, ikot in a natImMa magadin, »tt lu a MetrOpêli- tan n#napr ut TOUR When TOU are plaîlng - 4 ordet 14ir àna-tion fly-adv.rtiz- ed goodai, I. Joàbber o.'r . Beotafl, if ,y ou .,wm -mait that"&a'jmrt ot theaprpmria- tion * for ùn '&riu~ -a -plaoed In TOUEfl 0 LOCAL--NEWBPApEcRit .wfl lýelp TOUE buoiness YOUX > town ' ad TOUR newovppr - TOUE buoinms beuite Il a utefl the con-ý ntni e u9i atcle »can b. fý oIn4 l yur Store; TOUE tolmn '»US#Iolabeing addïgtloal moliey jute the- toate bo .Xpnded TOUR newsap.r b.cus thep bil4. un th. n.wsaper that Ir ýîâýadvertislng. TOur lnivappe- 44 .vo1J IDEI 3. F. wtt I 'hhe body il Otexerle ,surdeî J. y. M ttit Marie inquesi elde iy The eopeS Il -nnlanm as greal -er abe physici 'valks on ti Matey good-be vas ai rahore. home i tellang thbat it ber am Tht bu by the but no lopefu dered i banS fi Not tlai voman Whib practici body, t led vil land e W.aukeý Conti -action time th made 1 ognîze Tht home e lm. On nanie o the Ide hall pli vite Wv -r that -dlmNcui from ti Proie that M ciel wv haah( Lattis 1 wbo va ,short, -mlgh t lie! art anSab liembe thut th by tht M Tht alt Gra nlght von f) en --aT The lce ( -offIon *The Jock. *The for fIb ,held a PEI AI Pet or Rq aI hl years leave larese *Thi iiig i chiant Rohe, Misa kega

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