Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 9 Mar 1922, p. 5

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LffiUtYVEE DIRoef, T1UAY. MARCH 9.1922. DON'T FORGET YQUR INCOME TAX Returu of mncome for thi ea of 1921 mnst b. made by Mari iSdt t t. office of the. Colector of Internai Revemer.for titisdsrict. AI niarried perSon living witbh sband or wife wbo Lad a joint net income of $2.000 or a prou in- couse of $5.000 or noe for the year munitnait. a re- AM Ine persion mm arid pemsnsot living with hnsiaud or wife miutait.k a retoen if the. net ucore was $1.000 or more or the gpou incont $5000 or miore. a penaty for failwue ta make a return at the proper finie. Lake County National Bank LIBERTY VILLE. ILLINOIS I li ~Tuesday. 1 lTbumsday) for Joliet, wbere she wîll Nl P f~tlf ~ is. JaonLandîs vîsîîed i n ccv mont& witb ber bo - ~ZALL ~ ,~ ast Saturday.n sriy = hr tm fEpca ners oU evvlePol ENidently spring is lîiei. Li, tliotw, flic 'adies of St. Lawrences citurcli Shor Itms f Epecal nteret a Lberyvile eope i xiîsîa to a liie. iii mtîeei> oher Friday during il wl ýty fo a wilp.Lent 10 sew for- Si, Mar> s orpbanmîge. Albert Faulkner was In Chicago on ! Miss Harrlet Ruby and C. Zegnvi Xilliant Einsrnan of Dianiond Lakei Tii>- iiweeing next Friday w.îli be ai the E business Friday. wcrî' taChicago Sunday5visiting i i.xery iLI wîîb pneurnona, borne o!fNrs.John )bitney. A arge -. ,, atienulance ta requeied. M r ami Mis MiRe 1.1-on - jci r, p.= == = i i 'i 'i k - I = = iIiIIIUuhiIiHiiflhIInIuuItuhIIIIIuhIIIutItuIUhInIilhIufltNilflIrnunhIMI IReduction in Laundry Pie W. are nialing a substamtial reiludion in personl Iaundry bun- Ies and in famlly wash service te, fit thte needs of every bouse- LoId Look over lte levers] services we offer below, and select the one you prefer. Liter service is a distinct saving over any other way you eau possibly bave your laundry work donc. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 1. On ail bundies f romn 7 Ibs. ta 221bs. per pound..... 23 to 25 lbs. $2.50 Ilc Over 25 lbs.. lûOc per lb. AUl flatwork ironed and %vearîr.g apparel stirched where needed and dried. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2. Your entîre family wash finished complete. - .. 18C mdcuding sof t cuf f shirts, perlb........ ------------------ This serv ice mnost include aIl your flatwork. as well as wearing apparel. Damp Wash 25 pounds for FAMILY SERVICE No. 3. Over 25 lbs., 5c per IL $1.25 No articles marked, each bundle sorted as ta colors and wash- ed separately. One day service. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 4. Darnp wash with flatwork ironed $ 1.25 2 5 pou ds for . ------- --------- ------------ -- .Flatwork pieces ironed 5c per lb. extra. One day service. The Reliable Laundry LAUNDERERS DRY CLEANERS AMD DYER Hîghlandn Park and Libertyville Phono. Hghiandn Park 178.j Phone LibortyvilIe 67-R. n i a i n = = Advertise your saes sd have your ale blD, print.d et the Indepenu mi MR, FARMER Don't You Think it's About the Right Time to Give Your Seed W"nts a Good. Lot of Attention? Work le not very rushing now, and if you wiII go over yourIand make up your ist of what you are going to need, Jigit in ta us, we will subnit You samples and priceés that will surely save you mroey and trouble. Our seeris corne frorn Reliable Growkrs and are tested. WILL PASS Al11HE STATES SEWD LAWS, AND WE GUARANTEE YOU AGAINST A DECLINE OR HIOHER PRICES, whicI is worth while for thought. Corne, now, let's get busy, so we won't have to hurry wheri- you are busy. D)RAMNTILS GOING TO BE WAHTEDSOON. BUY NOW. TOU WULLSMONWANT FERTILZER. WE HAVE THEM Libertyvilie Lumber Co. TELEPHONE 47 H-ar rry and 1.onv felieî vere Wal anud Mro. nalpii rctrs. kegan v isitoris asi Sunilay.Miss Katberine Coleman sand dau -i kégan v"5's o >"'"""..en. 1o tsýer f Wbah*%..aeIiiîn iss Ada Miltintorenof Waukegan1 lMai1 Arthur Smith wss a Mlwaukee vi home of Dr. and MrS.*'. C. Martin. sas here Frîda> visitîîîg Mrs. b lBli itoro Isst Sunday eveming. A . c. sart returned las' rd 'f i, or. Mra Roy Klepper of Prairie Vew was ai f ro. Brook, lad.. where h.e assisted i ii Mr. and Mrs. Dean. Bennett isere 1 hu and1 LAbertyvilel visitor Monday. brother Byron, ia a musical progîiii.t guests of relatives at Zion City las! Mms. Sarah Ma»on, wbo bas been til Mrs. Henry igeert, Who is taking nd. he past week. la lnproving. treatment at the Maya Bros. saniiai1 Mr. and Mrs. B. 'teiler af Kenosha: Miss Marjorie Meaker and Hait> a iîî ng Rcher.I . Isrpii)til t ibe wek end with Ub.rtyVltlt Smlt spnt Snda in hicn'o. as oingalcly.rtlatives. Smih pet upayinChcao. Mrs. Hiram ]Barlet ofiliamoni noîsAuo Liverv-Taxi 5cr. Ms. Effie Holman and son Robert Lake, who bas been Qulte II the as! nws u 0- weeWaukegan visitors Friday. si weeks at the home of lber moth,, .l vice. Pio.LubetyVife36M Floyd Rittier speat lasi Sunday la Mrs. Fraak Johnson, 18 lowly 'ni Racine. Wis, vlsitîng bis parents. provtng- PUBLIC NOTICE IS HPIREBV GIVEN E_ A. 13îshop and daugbter, Miss Liuit Saturday MrS. James Maddî'nl1-hthescn salmtonS- Frances, spent Saturday la Waukegan. uaderwent a sertOus operation at the rhat thsesecnd narr at on 14Ve- 1Lake CoutyGeneral Hoepita .lier lai AssLiertm e, foWrranto.m4, VII W. F. Franzen recentiy purchaseaed 'ndtin a tis relarprîî slae ai Lîbryllle o tr ae tealof iedri omsfo elb.n mrvd and payable ai -be Collector's Office. Flo.The W. C. T. U. wlll hold a ci LYEYY H. MORRIS, lirs. Van Piew entertained Mr. and mmrtv meeting for Liiian 2f olco Mr. and Mrs. GeorKe .James of Wauke Stevens and Ne«I tDow atb nthe_____home______of_ gan Frtday. jMrs. Mare Wilo. 311 Broday n miss Vene Wheeler entertained ai Tuesday afteracon. Mari' bth number or friends ai lier home lais' 1Mis. C. Berelle and ch idre fP i II .Donald McKay bas taken a position tormers mother. Mrs. S.IVaTO RI+w. ,11 theOli'oieeto!fibp ('licago Herald They expect ta move io Rhinlne and Examiner. Wis, in the near fture, e' main in Libertyvîlle unti the-,ICT R H. N. Mazbam lias sold his piotîerty cated n the Waconsin tow. on Scbooi street and Newberry avenue________________ ta Thomas Cale. Mrs. Nelkle Kittoe. wborcriýSo lier larm and perni prpetysath Mmrs Marie Wilson, abo lias been of Libertvllle. left Wednesda3 toi [,. FRIDAY and SATURDAY conflned b bler borne for seierai days Angeles. California. where shic xd, i.- wiiti a severe cold. is mucb better. i i'(i For the pasi 1550 iini!i' Nîr. 'The Mysterlous Rider" Kîttoe bas been living in Lii' ix,1, AsoaChri Chaplin cm Miss Viola Wels of Aiea and Henr> îîavng roms ai the New <'asi -! , ,t, 1 loaChuem Engl,4,recbt seint the week end witii edy Mr. and Mrs. P. Elferlng ai Belvidere. Mr. and Mr,. Charles KIe îpî Scmie "The Police" Barker's Superfine îîax ors are given a surprise Saturdas i xcrin.. This is a Hummer non-alcobolîc Vi iliinoi baki' out and îhiri> six iltiniate iri,-nliL galAi- lare si riîu i l.d I icioii At ait gi ocery red atiieir borne tb lii ip c.. -brai __________________________ siîire' Mrs.. Klepper's blrtbday annîxî'rsary.UNA Thietesenine was pleasantLv. sVtn t'Iif " NI! liel sie' inir'iieda om ing pragressie cuchre. llri(ue "The Daughter Pays" ,i ,ends ;il a card îîarty at bier frehinents wcre served. dit, .ýencong: The Parent Teacli,-. jAssociation CmnThog teR " l:a.,ý,nin ii e Ai .I met ai the high sclioOl for "Fatb A 2-Reel Cornedy- .~ ~Dii.Sî uers Night-Fia ih ac 1.a lii ai Go to the Auditorium for - 8 o'clock. lDr.RaltîliTruitt of Uicagli INai.viha aiin.and 1ii ,s.ier. Miss., îîîek n h topic, 'Retatiofl Of the Best Pictures ,Sinien ,i Ocon, -,_ I'. Childbood Pemslaahties ta Difficulties _______________ Mmr. E. C.Morgan is confineil ta lier inl Later Lite." A male quartette wil bomne witb pneumonia. and a tralnedl fu.rnsh music, anld '% social boni and nuise isin b vtendance. Several seeksj refrèehnients wiU faIlow tbe prograin. ONY THlE HIGHET CLASS ago Mrs. Morgan suffcred a sligbi ai- Membems are reqcested ta, meet ai 7:30 PICTIJES MRE SHOWN tack of iniuenza, but apparently ret for an important bulaness meeting, Ift covered. Then Rev. Morgan was taken! la hoped that a large audience wiil AT THIS THEATER sîck witb la grippe. tiends af thel greet Dr. Truitt. wbo la se well1 QUal. ________________ 1Morgana hope or their esrly recovery.! fied ta speak on mental bygiene. fM 'llN Prices Reduced On Edison Records $1.35 Records now .. ........$1.00 $1.85 Records now .............$1.50 $2.25 Records now ............$09 Corne in and Iearn of oui proposition where a payment of $5.00 down' puts a Genuine Edison in your home. Deeker & Neville Phone 55 LIBERTY VILLE ICE. NOTICE Having ben sked by a great nuniber of ce. consmners in Lbertyvile to Lande the ice husi- husiness myseif, 1 Lae decided to do se. 1 have conducted the, ice business in the/VilIage of Libertyvile for the past five'years, and during that time have not misscd a trip. I wl» continue to give customers the same excellent service. On and after April 1, call 298-M-2 SIDNEY MEAKER - ,~A"1i, 25e. hudren 1Oc.I Deep in their hearts the fiowers know 1'hat Heaven gave them the right to grow. et ti lie tîrc'.. g ai iour things of life inter twine îyour Iteart Let floyers take their proper peacelin yourhe happnda place [n our 111iesd of each hour ups lun, io Mr. and Mis. Mike Boehb.u. reh Ist a daugbter. The new girl been nameti Dorothy Pearl. Mrs. im is at the home of lier parents, and Mrs. John Dryer. Both mother 1babe are doing nicely. Mr. Charles . 1DlCk«v . recited at the Communhty gtsu1 ment Course Tuesday nlgbt. Miss Jessie Thomas of DeKalb 1 ited over the week enld with ber in".f er. Mrs. Esther Thomsas. who le It» provlng auer lber recent serIoms f3 nesE5. in sending lier renewal t0 The 10% pendent, Mrs. S. N. Orgaard -cfYUMti North Dakota, asyB: "W.e eJOY ItW paper to se how tbe home fo1l axa 41 getting along. 1 se. by YOur IM you have had a fine Wluter. W. i walking over snow banks 1---"! LOST-- 448 Securities An estate recently settled in New York inven- toried 552 investrnents. of which 448 were found ta be worthless. Another estate. the supposed value of which was $900,000, încluded $2 10,000 in stocks and $62,000 in bonds that proved absolutely valueless. This bank discruninates between sound invesl-. ments and unsafe speculations. and offers its ) udgment. without cost or obligation, tea ailWho apply. Your lumber and building maei requirements can be filled here to your financial advantage.- In other words, we wiII save you money on these prices. Every price advantage that the markt affords wilI be yours if you trade with us, ECUýRTÀ. i For Spring Housecleaning Useful 36-mn. White Scrim O per yard .......... Crean and white Scrim . 0 per yard ............. 0 dream and white barred Marquisettes, per yard ..... 35e Lace, creamand.40c, 45c, 75c whper y Neat fine patteas in lace75$1l 40 and 45 in. peryd.. 5,11 White and cream Scrim40 45 in. per yard . . . . . . . . W. W. CARROLL &'SONS' COMPANY Phone 29 made f the there ic&ff. Argi' Satur- nkers, i com- la bu' >r elie Ion or thau es for M I z 1 Rev. and - ---------- Nit. and Mrs. Mike 1,ýon., ,Verý, M"au-i kéýzan visitors on qattj"daý çývenin9.: fin 1 Liberffle, lu.

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