!arel eor lower. they dlscussed Dpre- jI TA the consensus that unlted effort should PICIISes m!aeoHtertadr e ris.r& teil ha ol b arunditr pz MÈ ORIAL IIIKIJ RIDYT0ent economnic conditions. h vas de 15 [ONS.ÀALoA !F idd Io hld, fr uent onfereces e - l'nlai nsinofficiais announced they 0oes u two m nths ater be lahd scept5d bide of $130 a bar- oesuptwomothsafer e-rel made by the Harquette Cernt Mrs. Dottie Etoheli, of thiS oity 9g retaileti at 14 andi 9 Centsi co1panY. receives beautifUl plaque for two months J..Dr.opufrom $1.55 a Barrel tri fo i aet Tlbe retaii PrIceo01 breal raîced a.;ý'ked evePry biddlng Comnpany sient in A large bronze mernorlai plaque 4a~ frm 1014cens aba, acodý th sanie qulotation Of $1556 a barrel ai at eevdtdyb r.Dti 4&Yfrm,9 I 1 cntsa ue acor Ile lan.,Thse er rjeThe Ltee wereelee reWtouecegaed.MtroLaterEtie t ide quotîn George or England, vill a flot of jm=Iredn'ni. iowas announced Frids>,lc-ed Fnlv" h , hMa priefo Hi Mjet frth ~lbo-ln th- noifiatin o bakrs i le impin niai I~ fie' ld. s-îendid s3ervices of ber son. Corporal Abou îwornoaie go ie i~e-Alfied Norton, wbo gave lisIlite Abou tw monhs go te wole hile tlghiing with teCa4adiaec Ex- riier eprice te 7T1-TFaAC peclîionaryFocs i>teretailers sellln a t St TFACCE> The plaque la about tive Inches là -cents. Whoenale bakera nov, diiireter and on it- la inscribed, "AI. esY,ý ci e t t on accouni t etlR hl Df I frsd Norton; He Died for Frsqom and ýte ad'.aac.e mi flour and lard prces P -0 PzN.., Hno ibey are compilied io go bacli ute e hnor" eacopaygte e ýtèmetmessage sceompanyhogeibeeme- Tie bncre lridy anoucig te 1ÇFM 3N Mraelplaque bears the coât fami> pcie.. i b 1-2 iid 12 12 cents. and address Buckingham Palace andl ý;iabake.es r'da annuneig tthis message: «'I Join willi my gratis- 1xCteatie inci 'de th e Federal. Bake-, fui people ln sendîng yen ibis me- Ze ScîinIze. Vý.,îrd, fankee and the l mmedale delivery o! 600,000 bar- morial of a brave Ilile given for otb- ,Worth Side, ail of Waukegan. ' rels of cernent for the construction of Prs b lute Gîcat War. -One bakcen deciared Friday that the hard coati. in Illinois this year le Cal Corporal Norton was borta ai pax iec otentfou bac geune u. 1t $9.305 aij d for ln a contraci let yeterday by Lake and ai the urne Great Britain -l.i wile lard lias Jumped te 13 1-2 lb.sat hs,, hwayc~ ommission. This entered the war was employed ln ets s pouind. reprecenle about one-sevenili of the Canada and enlisted wlih forces of ____ Jrmeni whicb yl l e needed In liii. aie Dominion before the Unied j545~l5g os if 'tie î.c.0!i Of con- States enlered the conflict. He vas MiED Ld UrLE'sciloi for the year !a crred oui. rnortally wounded laee1-,athie sum- 1R D C UPLEIS nThe ronlrsct vas lnt cter highway mer of 1918. o' )ficial5 o! five stale ad mpt in the His moiler le one o! tie rnst ac- IIEL w' iV Kiribail buildIng m(l given iheir of tive workers ln the Womnsn Auxil- 1ELD 11Pficnal approval o! the bld! of $1.30 a bar- lary te ihe American Legion of Wau- ~ _. mde by the Marquette Cernent kegan. « W !emayof La Salie. 111. The plaque aise bearq the figure Mci, IJE iBis of ail other companles. rn::t o! Brittania and the Britishi lion. ~ityis soure forthe ~ lof wnhidi ranged !rom 10 to 20 cents CRY isscoure for te tWOhgler, were rejected. Ilf a n yotfu anis;ecaein nunced. however, ibat ibere will lieN RIIS O yothulbadts ecae funaher negotiatione later. N R H H RE IS the daknessThree States Represonted X r. andi Mre. J. Macdones wbo con- Hîgbvay officiais from Indiana,.O ISU O D btI the lAke County Detention borne Michigan, 0hio and Wisconsin attend- ~.Jattsori St, Waakegan. vere held ecd hie meeting. 1. addition te reier- * sU roblied ai Washin.gton and ating iheir decision not te accept bida Springfield, Mar. 7-The Chicago, = sitgat, a short distance frottm e eetuIfs h rc a 13 North Shr n ilwaukee ratîroati bI orne. Battu-day night about ten Obtain any - trace of tbe robliers. Mr. corpawq wac toda yautborIzed by the EoD*loek bY Iwo youtbfj robliers.! Madonnes eays lie would lie able te Id Illilnois Cornmerce Commission te is- escaPed ith $100 inceash which, entify tbe robbers. He thinke ihey sue $18.,000 of firsi qiorigage bonde ai took avaSi' ram Mr. MacInnes. were beiveen 18 and 20 years ott. i. x per cent intiereat. rO4inte th e staternent of Mr« About tweive &clock the police re- e.be and lis a-ife vers on ceived a call from Nick Keller t' go vaY borne vlen ivo vouihe steV ta Belvidere street andi the elentrilC zirch ue'rvrce' of th ie dsrlmeias and stappeti railroad tracks. He reporteti baving 0Oece of the youihs, i; je chargeti, seen tva yaung tellova on the plat-- a revolver wbicls le presseti formn there and lie cansidereti thelr ac PIRST PRESBYTERIAN li.Macînnes' bohl. - rdering tiens as very suspicions. Thee youths Ftev. Earl C. Morgan, Pactor. he and hi ife n te make an succeedeti in rnaking ibeir escape ___ on'pain af being shut. The eth Ilirougli a hole In a tence and crosstng Sababîli Schooi ai 9:45 a. m. Wm. R-î f Cen searcheti is victie> a field. Tva police officers who were G. Wells. Supi. Don't forget the aduli etittailied the maney. Boili iben sent ta the scene vere unable to flnd classes. - Ubre . M adoanes le 70 yeare any trace alihaugli a thorougli aearch Preaching atiIl a. m. Junior con- e vas made. A elori -vas sient ta tle police and Ih le beUleved f rom the descriptions gregalion. Thouglit of the moraing 1 Metz. Cote and Warren snd circumatances tbai ihese yoimg message. "Why Did Jesus flic?' Gootia -*, ruabed to the sirie. They madie men vere thie anes wbo robbed Mr. muslc- sýOMI e arcl but vers unable te a ud ira. Maclnnes. Christii Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. Liq 4Tepic. "Il btsGoad andi Badi-" Ho- SHE WALKED 'WITH A CANE' L-P 1 1(Healti Talk Numnber 14). 'ir By Chas. 0. NLcan. D. C.. Ph. C. Just how a cild corne by dispiace.- ments of the spinal vertebrae is nat p*,zy thé, hard ta appreciate if you watch them 0/" at play. Thiey get some bard f alla andi jols and unless the spine is given VE2CI<S2ZII attention every now and then some 'chronic ailinent is apt to devale5e. it was thus witb Violet Watson. Somethxing tbrew the praperver- tebrae out of atigment and Rheumatism resulteti. For yearâ she walWed with cane. Rheumatismn is due ta pinchig of spinal nerves ta the. kitineys andi liver. This results in sluggish ac- tivty of these two elimninating organs. As the waste poisens accwnulate In the system the syrnptoas de- velope that warrant the physician in caling il rheum- a"ii. The chirapractor brings the patient back ta health by eliinating the cause-spinal nerve pres- sure-and wben tîit pressure is gane, Nature grati- ually clears the sysîe.'n of waste po sens and the suf- fQ-rb -.- ones weil. BEDFAST FOR SEVfI4 HEALÎIIFOLLM~ MONTHS-NOW WELL 0"ROPRCI0=5RCT PRESURE ON SPILp "My tiaugliter. violet Watson, vas 111 NERVESIN1<DISSEs oF ten years with rheuimaiiSM In lier 11 ~LOIGRAE -Iat attack she vas betifasi sevesi .- m&oiis. Her case was pronouncetiHEA bopelese anti vs.turnedt 10chiropractie. EP Atter a lime abs. îhrew awa>' a cane £AR ehe hati useti for ycars Tdy i l TIOE la perfect *healili. 1 cao sympathise -ARMS viii al euch sutterers anti recommenti HEMT chiropratc.' William R. Watson.W6 Chiropractie Reerci Bureau, State: IE ment Noý1. ll.-SO4LO * YOUR HEALTH SLE .You can malte an appaintment ýfor your health's sake by telephon- ir*26. Dis. NMON & DAVIS Omikopraeic Physicins peoalsts-Correction o! Detormites, ,Nervfss and Chronic Diseases. lueurs: 1 ta 6 and 6 W 8, Gunays and Holiday. b>' Appintment. Suite 1O1-Newcastle Hotel LISERTYVILLE, 'ILL. lie LOWER NERVE UNOERTH'E MAGNIFV' ,Na GLAUS IS PiNCIiE 8V A NlLIGNED JOINT. PINCIRD NERVES CANNOl TRANSMIT IIEALTIIFUL IMPULSE& CIIIROPRAC- TIC ADJUSTIIIG RE- NOVES TH$E PRESSURE. THE UPcEaca wec is Jelo . - ............... .................. -- 9 Argo Glos Starcli, 5-lb. package --...........34c 's v to o . 1/tins Fancy Cbinook25 -- - ... ----- - -25c«""«**" ' DNées, Dromedary, 21/2-ai! package...12 B. & M. Camn Chowder, large 29c; smiali 14c Câmiax Wall Piper Ciner................ j Oc Sniders 16-oz. large fin Toinato Soup -12t Perfet Oval Sardime in Ternt. sauce 23c A meal for four National tail tins Evaporated MIk 3 for 25c BreaiWast Cocoa, bulk, pr lb . ......... .16c Saline NO. 1 tail ins Apricots, in syrup ..7c B. &M. Ne. 2tins lima eans ........... lic Prune50/60Osize, Santa aara.....7c krgo Coin Starch, 1-Ab. package .... ....... 7c FltBan .. -......... - . - .........4c p-i _________________________________ EXAMINATION FOR TEACH ERG' CE RT I FlCATE3 A"t u 1, 1 ;1, i tea' ers ccrlilc:.t'1, :. i Waukegan. Thureday andi Friday, .March 16-17. Application blaeu. i, osi lie sent ina on or bet'o, c Ionday,1 March 13. as provicion musi Uc matie1 for ail] 'wo vish tb write. jppli- canis must lie nearel ibeir eighfteenih than tbelr %eventeenth libuthday andi Present evidence nol graduation tiom a recognIzed twIO vea, iligi :,M4ooi ,or an equlvaient P'cpcration. ('oifliyA. Moldeobaner, Lang Grave C..,sulerin1ii,(lent l)ly h WXI I WANTED TO RENT-F-ur ANNOUNCEMENI unfurnisiei bouse for six year. Inquir elndependeni. After being urget b>' several of m y frends ta becarne a candidate fo NOTICE CDemmlslaer of Highwaye of Liberi' J. B. Andierson, dealer bi ville TovnsiP, 1 have 'IecIdedto do bas 40 head of gondi vorkI s0. subJeci ttohae vil of the voter.a sale, frorntfour ta nine yeari Ot thc RePtabhlca cancus. ho lie heldi veigi tram 1200 to 1700 pot Saiurday, Marci 18, 1922. Tel#phhone 230-W-2 Siermer As ta MY ftass for thua office, 1I dence on Dundee Roadtiio WANT ADS DIED-At bier home an Map. Uibertyville, Fe.bruary 27, Florence A. Day vite o! Rtbere s. aged 84 years. Hei anti daugliter. Ol.ve, survive YVnosha. Walworib and La] papers please copy. 1 -will veave varpets forf a running yard and furnihli' I har Savi, leaer, jcao say inat I bave lat sveaiyer o f Wbeellng. Address Gleî, Preachlng ai 7:30P p. m. Thought for experience on raad vork, having wark- the evening message. '"Chistanticing cd under the Cotitty SnperintendesgrFO SLEA nal ne The CongRgtonal meeting vich ic m lser Of Highways of Llbertyvllle bouge. one Of the liesi tu A bas been twice pgtponeti. ilI be lelt Township, andIf nominateti and e)eet- vWater beat andi ail modem In tie chorcli parlors on Wednesday, e ai ttisaoffie,1 vil do my boat tc menus. Smal eau payment; liarce 16'. Supper vnI ble served at give yau OOOD ROADO, and vilI en- like rent. F. M. Harding, PIc 6:30 P. m. ProonPty. andthte business des-rer to malte ever> dallai' 1 spenti Area. 111. session vii lSwaiat7:15. Reports Ou ilhermadise bov god resulte. FR SL-i-om i Of ail deDartrnents o! the churci vîlî 102t IRVING HELFER. F O ati-frarne hause a ilsh be bea-tiandthle dra'wlng a! the buti LIBERYYVILLE TOWNsHip TAX cludfbraboonAticn yea rpoteIjl ho~ lot 100 fi. x 400 ts.t. Will seil ge onet hi brhhm r ADJUDICATION NOTICE onable price. Augusi Radlaiff who support the work o! the churnla ville. Illinis. n 81nY vay are cordially învîîed. Public notice e i ereby given thai the Subscriber, Admlnistratrix of the FOR SALE-Marquis wheat estale o! John Faust, deceasei, vill anti 1921. Very fine eboi ST. LAWItENCES EPISCOPAL. attend the Counuy Court o! Lake Caun- cleaneti anti freeti froîn fouilgai Rev. Batty, Pastor. ty, ai a termi thereof ta he holtien at per bushel. Also White Rolle Second Sunday in Lent. the Court Hause Ile Waukegan. ln saiti key' Galblers. Bergeron Stoc HOly Communian ln Grayelake at COunty, on tie tirst Monday ot May 2 miles vest of Libertyvll :30 a. m. next. 1922, when Md whvere ail per- phone 278-J-2. Churcli Sehool ai 10i a. m. sons iaving Mans againsi saiti estate MOrning Prayer sud Sermon on The are nOtifieti anti requestedti t preseni FOR SALE-9 ions tirnothy hI DOornilOns of the World"'at il a. m. thie same to salti Court fier atijudica- fc.rily cow. Emmet Gleai( Musical Program (Russell Flagg. or- tiieti. ELIZABETH WAus'I'Y Day. 111. ganisi): Atiministratrir. ,Processional. "Jesus, Lover o! My Waukegan. Illinois. Feb. 27, 1922. FOR SALE-I amn nov sellling Saul"-Dykee. 9 10 & Il.milking machine madie, Venute. Taluis, Benedicite-1arker. Lyeîl H. Morris, Attorney. 'Thc Bull" rnillting machine. Jienedctus-Hayes, "0O Lamb o! sorne *orklng close ho towr. COd"-Maker. VERNON TAX NOTICE Richarde, Aftioci. Il I. Jeaus. 1 MY' Cross Have Taken"-- Taxes are Payable ta me until Marci FOR SALE-Choice Marqui Hotige. 16, 1922. WIi li e ai lie places nameti, vheat. Victor DeMeyer, Gur during tcernornlng oni>', on île tollav- Phone Waukegan 941-Y-1. FIRST MgTHODST EPISCOPAL ing dates in March:_________ Chartes J. Dlckey, Pastor. Whëeling, Manda>', lîti. CLERKS, YOUNG MEN, W Sunday Schaol ai 10 a. mi. D. A. Firsi National Bank,. Libert>'vllle. over 17 deslrlng govcrnmei Young, General Supt. Wetinesday, l5th. tions. $125 montil>', write.forJ Public varshtp ai Il a. ta. Sermon MAUDE A. KNOLL, o! positions now open. B.aI'n by fie PaBtor on "Tic iStevardsîip o! 92t - Deputy Callector. ry (former Civil Service eiu Prayer.' Goot Musl ic y the choir._________________ Strangers especlal>' Inviteti. AucTrION SALE Epvortb League ai 6:30 P. m. miss I will seli on Thestia>' Mardi 14. on f Ea Williams, Preeldent. ust Hait Day road, 1 mile esat of Lake At 7:30 p. im. a brie!, 1l!ely. Iniereet- Zurich, an my farm. 5 roung harges, ilng sericeoSemon. "Set! Deniail'an -cave, hoge, chiekens, hay anti grain; lional singlng. Music b>' the choir. tioneers. ElemeandingaWorhi." 0001tcnrg-coubcii.Bac & eib oc- VU CA NIIN( Coneani rlg fiad ii yu. 10-Il HENRY PEPPER, Prop.- Wý%ednesday evening ai 7:30 tie miti- veek Prayer service, Bible stady> anti A POT LUCK 01NNER Drymetlvaing HaecetOyif bn outa h A spectal ant Iimportant meeting o! nretme aeng ecng ylIf nt, vyO he Ladies' Aid Society' of the Metho- ta? Weae xecg aae O d ilat. Eplcapal church vill be helti on lIre.amn wt h enrlpo Thurstiay, Mardi lti, ai 10 a. m. gr o hmantenaviiirtic genera 'GfthClady Io asked ta brio.g sanie District Meeting o! the Postors anti the adWesanso ,thrricef Commnitees on Aplportloniod Beneva- food. Caffte anti tes l libe serveti. lences of tic churchea ofthe .Chicgo mothing of vital intel'bt ta every Nrtiero District wilI be held Tues- memnber ofthe cSociety ia under va>' day. Marci I4ti. at 6 p. m., sharp antinesdthle preseuce a! every Oneml- Gracp churci, LaSale anti Locuat sis.. br ta carry lut troogh. For once let Chicago. Dr. ufsuatr aei> us ail gel togeiber. cammlttee. lisop N)cbolson and others wvili be CARO 0F 'rHANKS"/ hhe speakers,.lTtsalmporhant tuat aur Churci lie tul>' repres9enheti. We vîsi ta canvey ta the Publie our .a- feeltig of appreclatian for tlrnely anti DIAMOND LAKE lerole assistance of many> of aur nelgi- j COMMUNITY CHIURCIl. bore anti frientis la eaving aur property (ansJ. Dickey. Pa-Moi-, Llberiyville luat MOnda>' vian OUr bar vas sti'tclt Paille worshlp ai i2:2o1p. m. Ber, by lghinîng anti testr*ieti b> ith ii-e lon b>- the pastor. vilci flloveti. 1l Sunday Semai ai 3:11, 1). in. Mrs- 1011 ,M. C.WITZ A»DFAMILVe. Caeroline Mitchell, Supi. Al residents anti visitore In the coin- THE INDEPENDENt always put.i muuni>' are iniviteti Lflteityvilt firet. Most Up..To-Date Tire Shop In TheStt Every Job Unconditionally Guaranteed SPECIAL OFFER During Mardi Oel FREE TUBE With Every Fisk Red Top Lâe County Tire - 1Shop Plhons 34-J ROUND LAKE W rS COCOI4 2Ib can................... H ABroom Holder Free With each can HOneY SweO Coin, No. 2 cans ...........loc I.,lio fp b th .. ............. 1Z Raisins, 15-oz. pkg..seeded ........... .. 22e B- &EM- Z Lb#*oe-----.. . ................. Domine Golden Syup, I-lb. 2--az can lec LakWuid No. 2 Telepho»e--- 6 Muu&reOms, sýtal buttons, Deveau, 4-mz 35e Pkuents nported, 8-oz fns ..... 1 4c Carqui.p, No. l tal YdRow Cling S Pudm. in syrup ...-...... . ..17C Kippurd Hering, Scotch Lassie brand 12C Frazer No. 2 tins Tonlatoes.................13c Shrinp, Dry Pack, Novelty brand. . I......1Oc GraPe Fruit, ready ta serve, in heavy syrup, No. 2 tins ...................._......._26C I.oganbes"es, Far West, ini heavy syrup ..31c, 11399 Continental Bldg., Washington, FOR SALE-.-White Wyandotte cack- D. C. 10-àt rels, Pure bred. Lee Husan. Round FOR SALE-À six roorn bouse antid k i Poe14Wi 0l >2le avenue, tire acres af very fine land, 114W'ATED-- ici jast or self feeder 1922, Ms. miles tramt Area. $300 cash; balance beater. Write Geo. . IRaliets, LIi- George F. like ren*. Excellent openieig for mar- ertyvile. Ili. 10-lt er husbandi ke.t gardener or poultry. F. M. Hard-1 e. Racine.1 ing. Area, 111. Phane 184-J. (0-tf WANTED-Hat Blasi or self feeder ,ake cuntyleater. Write Geo. F. Roberts, Li- 1WANTED-Man ta deliver ice, using ertyville, Ii. 10-lt -1 Our wagons. Steady vork. Inter- fiy cents siate Sandi & Gravel Co., 133 West FOMR SALE-Potatoes by Jaoiw;oll.v warp. lira. 1XVazbngton St., Chicago. 10-21 piaklsic. Prairie Vlew pootafflce. FOR SALE-Seven-pi ece Oak dining ulebetid or: roam set. Chris Hapke, Liberty- .... NOTICE montha orp ville, . 10-t ill be at île Lake Comnty Nation- 8-11 _____________ aitk aci day until Monday, Mardi iFO-RSALE> A quantiiy af recleaned 201h, tram 9 a. m., until 4 p. e>. 0515, 1920 crop; ass spring vbeai. N. L. BRACE[gR. Live Stock.! Cal Ellis, Libg4yville, 111. 10-lt 10-lt Deputy Ceilecetor. har-ses for', ritold. Will __ ints eactî rville. Res-î )miles east ITI Il U If u m 7-roax i -arove To be given by the Voluateer bn e -i Fire Company r of Graysla e 9-tf. n Ave., le- FAiday, Mairch 17 boeuse, on M at reas- ILiberty-w J. 9-4. Grayslake Opera flouse Rememnber ti is he cregular Firfenn Dance Thie manos liai no one vilIl be permittedti i go away witioui iaving a gooti lime. Juet corne icre, tiere wilIlibe a prise vinning costunme heî-e for yau. your vraps wîi li e taken care ut free. ut chargu- your auto or horses vilI also lie taken cane o! tree o! ciage. More tian a dozen prise groups have been arnangeti axd aIl but a fev are Cash prises. Abovia al rernember that liere vil be a suPPersecrvd aI nildniit. ofm- g: lVOL2~ 's I A few mare items for your com- pariso n at aur "Every Day Prices. - Nat cut.prices, but uni- farmly low prices for good mer- chandise. Space do«s nat permit us ta bring to your attention the remarkably low prlotu exiuting on aiH our mer- chandîse, but a vicit ta Ith. abeve store w1ill deanoustrate ta you that telame savlng ln prices can b. had on ai other Items. AIl aur goods are plsinly marked wlth th. prices on ý>ach commod- ily, th.reby assinîînb you ini making comparisans. Give us astia-the saving in your weelufy gracery purchases will FRAM A rail vien F~ Ha rbor, an induit ta defrs liaving 4 ta colle vas Dot acteti u; toroey I andti ic or 5>011 Ise th ae la ai Il itenti.r defrauti Prosec son cou lie prou i0v. Ji Pd wiii o! L. 1 Bîsieht nlth c elle, la anti ga' of J!us * Wannke> Inveat Aithi bine bld oriai b tley il 15. Th, the C: date. 'J oui an urssqi Six Pieceê Orchestra Dance Tickets, 50e A Person WOMEN, . ent posi- anti Ter- za.nier)ya m T ols At Prices Y ou Can Af ford PiLOWS 14 Inch Walking 16 Inch Sulky 12 Inch Gang $16.50 53.50 85.00 - CORN -PLANTERS Janesvil.le, Shaft Drive $47.00 Jane8viIle, 4-Wheel 50.00 CULTIVATORS 6 Shovel, Seat Guide $36.00 12 Shovel, 2-Row 67.00 Schanck Hardware CO. Phone 39 - LUBRTYYVILE. NATIONAL TEA cOMPANY BUTTER ~EGG s Wecary'le fin-. IBE,TYVhIiLLE, ILLO Fre.Jand amul ed obtainl, atthe 612 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. theowsm- lowest narket priCe. ketpnce. kThose ao toroyote 10 A9~ liepuledat elayingo' ]Harborm Iialn pot%, the fatal à driver of t ici and pleadeti merder wla tie circuit C. Ml&ard Acoordifi Smnith. hlie ail tour ni enlOr bas mnan4 tb* sentei by batte for the pramhl talent to à gaIllow. A(nton Z a.ric. ROI ill deten of Chical Radici. Tbey v their case 2le. Four di G:eein ta1 to the Me they Wel taken 10 number C Flvn 3. ,chute sic lail 10 il sliould lbt 'MNsny Co intes ai cia sscait nificers a f'-derates Laag theni rooni. an kilieti." Sberif the cases "-s, and lie press vorthy d repay yole. m IMY-