'pri ntirn e asnons New Fashions i endless array maie thefr'brilliant debut for your approval Mnd see- tion in our Ready-to-Wear Department at our SPRING OPENI 1NG OKAIXlG IMW NHJIMY Vil COWIS O? SPMOITUME Brime tabel a jaunI> turu in bats that captivate l]» Most capriclous tandles. IV&a sjauntiness wblcb cBoom, toebave tbe magie SIft of being unversilly becomint. Straiglu tfrou s tb grai 81>1. ceters corne the odoes, mou to b. iltrpretvd lu eur o*u workrooms witi a touch of orlgiuLlly, otheri are oocured read7 tri'umed lu dltinty Inalvidral styles. Thses. gar ~ the product.lc FASHIONS IN SPRING MILLINERY Grow Iovlier No mater wbat the costume ln wblcb the girl or Missa a> pears, lieseffectivenes s l greatlir eubanced by tbe sel- ection nt becomlng beidwear. We were fortunate ln tbe tact that we secured our stock of Misses' and Chldren' aa from a largo manufacturer down ou lover Broadway, New York-lu tact this concern ex- hblbte bundreds of styles trou' which we made our selectlons, and s0 for as we bave been ible to learn, there il fnt an- otlser conceru in New York via can compete wiLh lieus la Ibis lune upon wbicbh te> zpeialize. We have ber$ for your sel- ection almust * uer> con- celvable shape sud il desigu , tisat could b. lmagluod and y o u should, wltbout dIffl- eulty fit tbe Iotsanad tie grovlng titi witb hier- I~ Wear of wbci yo: and tisey tnjustly feel *proud. ~Styis h Stout IGarments W. aret requenti> accosted by the Pair $ex vise are of larger proportiona and yet *ho doine to appear becomlngly appareled, and lhe question la asbed. "Why do 7oL net tars'y Iu stock garmonts tuat I tan veart' por the information of tbese patrons, 'w. are DlaaMed W «aY. liaI v.bave Imdv ln stock Coais, Butts, Dresseand Blouaes ln aises 42% ta 52%k bust measurosfuà ntud sbould larger ganuents b. requIred va ca]' gecune any ite 10 68% bust. W. bave on our liat several ni tbe leediug 11e York firme vbe make a speialty ef liese extra sit4 sarments sud by forwandtng yonr measuroments w. ean secuto a garment tbat abotld f it ou equal ta an> tailor made gar- mont. i 'Wl COMMENCINQ.- FRIDAY, MARICH 17 B ~~*- t ~~.Won" ft W. ue a .I ly lâte bimorz.Prua ?bey comme .arly te Ibis store. Ne! icoded~t resi otmeateet .ery sort of morebaudlse dsily arrive proclaimlfli the cornng Or a Mo eVsson. Tok be Su readinoos 10 ve come th ii.C fuitarmer daFs. net far oML aotlon4 abould b. made »wv, -white vide varietr and usOder*te pulclug combine to 'bke chooing advsnitages. wooi Dresses Serge Tricotine. Yeour. Jersey, ete. aretea la UmTI1aTAU NIUT Aso IManniab Sport af- fects lu mais> nov modes lend a tnucb ef Interest and cbarra to our stock ot Sprlng Coats. Chinchilla, Bolivia, Cr- dora, Double-face and Plaid Back Materlale. Hrrlng- boue. Polo, Impotred Tweed. etc., aret the mont vantod Inaterials. Prices on Coats start a1 $8.00, aud range la prices up ta $67.50. Newest Style Spring Wrap SIIE N PROCKS WHOSE THEMrI 18"YOUTH"$ PROOC um ~ WYAPS That lead thi* val to a season of amartassa for every voman accerilfg 10 ber iudtvidual type. TO b. original and .tlll up. to the minute lu mode, tlatta the. deligbtful accoasplismOflt of omen -4ho choomebe. nXOM 701o m7ffeo"w fash- lon eaus fmu the upon vwiecbtber are 10 b. worn. à Iltie sblpmoent ea so Minutte et xiuýett* Dress- Scarfs, trous a man- ufacturer sua spe- etlizes ln ibis ma- tonial offors beverai color combînatiafll that are most at- tractive. "ThisWay" Saye Youth Ins the Matter of Sports Wear SlPip mb a K Mlddy Suit and out of doore. .- Wlist a de- ligbtful el- 0 perience at 7 this season 0 f tLb. pear. FUR CHOKERSAND SCAMF are rich lna apearance and are ner.es!ary for comfort on the cool. Spnling and Susii- mer eveningE. W. bave tbiem at $4 75 and upmard. AÂUEsimore4 Md.. manufacturer contribuiez bis Quota ln tbe linG Of Xlddies. Middy SUrtsa nd Gymn Bloomeru le our comprebeneire dia- play of garinenta for Swilng. lddien in ail white. alto witb removable flannel 'or serge collars. The" core ne aal tires from 6 Yeara 10 Ladie' size, 44.. or mld ta b. un- cominouly smart ,and Alvsys practical., là thede- ligilful purpoe ot tise Droes for Sprlng. White Dresses For Ut"i.Tot* Juat as tbe falr> floweru peop thongb the' luit ef 'Wlter's sUovOs. no do tises charming little trocks bloom trou tise darkor tones ef wînter isabltns. Every dainty ruffle and vee lace edging tells of summer not se far awaY. 23ON INSTITUTIONS & INDUSTRIES ZIN.DEP'T. STORE IL On* terme tbe»e amart frucks for girls. Eyes of yeuti ,.rnesal wti dellgbt- ed approyal ou snucb as 'th esa., lu samart Inter- pretation of the. Pavored Spnug rash- IODE. Tols, Inter- mediate, Chul- dren'.. liM: Pers, Juniors' M&sses - la tact Dresse for ail ages. and at varied prîtes upward irom i$100. THE SPIUG SONO O? FAMBON In tbe exqulsîto bar- mou> of New Modes lu Blousca aow assenîbed bore. A change la slways Posible la your apparel witb plenty of Illouses lu yonr vardrobe. We bave them la great voniety and trou' the popular prie gormon La. to the fluer richly em- belllsied ecre edo chines and Canton Crepes. Nothing çan be more chic for the younger Mies thon tbest flttine, wrappy effec ta. Rate Whose Gleamng Strawo Tell the Smnart Ways the MIodes of Fashion Blow, Many of these Hots purchased f rom the Eatr gEsater inakers are priced at a most reasonable figure and ail you Msy3F neS 0 assured are the aeasona newest produc- tIons. Tisea seasof'. favored shape [n a3traws. bratla san dcombina- tloas. Trimmings toaturo feather fandles,nvelty onnameats, beau- tuail flowers and dainty ribion. Ail the new styles, snlill and large shapes, Turbans, Sallors, Drooping Hats, Nov elties. I - ____________ seoprate aesirt t» e 1attractive f ablcU te exprees a trignes. et Une essetla! of the BPring. Vhtit »& t andar #trpes are ftiret aide to amarInes. la the afrts Bpriisg fashions bring. Spoota lots for ouf Opeusbxg at $3.75, 1479 aud $.068. iJ~ L ,i