Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Mar 1922, p. 3

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written, and If Yo" wieh te1 informed on this subject It l 5~Balley's Prufing Book t la W I M 9Uff 1 lu general the grgpe vines i eut back ta louve . tot mor Sthilrty buds on wood which gr âN1 ûft TRÈ sean. Tlheze bud wil se shoots this year and ai the - leuhsshoot wll be framt one Grape vines should be tnimmed ing prob&bly two bunches. at once; tlpç giVèn On the bunches Is consideredthni SUuICtte lai-geai anflount bo leate Uy JAMES H. BURDETI. sirvetselaorge ogos. (Directar at the National Garden wod wihareud A.eoiureau.) IrWUi oprune shrubs and fruit ***ogo « 0 ft 4 t. G" e vines at l *M a bel0 0 * pruned wîttouit excettive bleedlàt. I. tbough a few days* délai mal makÉ19000 0000000 0 00 this la untrue. These ap la begiining tg rue,.sadi varm, weather wlil brinS IL"e Boehmn la qulte 111 WÎ a great change ln the appearaîîce et mue. the. countryside. Mimeass e Hertl, IKath, Shrubbery which bhas been pianted Bertiha Kimtas Ment We for more thon three >eara ahould b.' lu waa,.ege* pruned annually. This la a reJuve- d -- iatlng pracetis. Old age linfnt beau- lir.milraGegeOé& tiful lu shi-uba as l la lu trees. p, thse .ter's brother. Nlck Ot majestic oak. gnarled aud gray, la a tueUflr at Waflkg5flWOdsia trSS.sUre. but an O>ulgi-wab aruti, Tie fin <Md thilge bh- ert ieggy. witis meager folage, ila sre- "Mdfplmnt .6gs tere la proach 1te e glctul avuer. amy bii hoa a otet1 Tise way ta keep ibrube young la y I te keep thein growlng train the roots meler ili with the diseese by euttlng out the ider stemsai tAbert ObeenI uf M u51l thoir base. Ib'ery shrub han a naturai Triday. habit ai gravist andth Ue modern way mn H<Hery Tekampe and1 of plantluS counts upan the %bruit graadd ghter. Viola Ulîriet growing natural>. This lo ane rea- .iriwth relatives "aon shy it should net be pruned J kg= thé oldfasisioned manDer by cutt in llrouinus Bas a off thie ends of ail the stemii. Such treatinent distarta lia shape aud does! cailler Mauday. flot prev5iit It growing old. m m i1 Obenasif recel' t-Zt C rAmiW h., eah o h Don't Cut AIl Stema. lasteati. cut ouI sacis ea . a bout tiis ime, ulrougis Februar>' aisa la s gondti iie. frram a quai les-t a stiird af ail lise aId stemsa. lke tiinnilse out vegtables lu your garden thîs may, beiard o do It mat asein 11e deetructlon. but Il is reali>' preserva- tiois Tise.aid stesa li ha îepiaced if "ou provis foodi enougis. vus vig- a-eus it-v siotus. Let tisasgraw natural>'. upright or droopiug as thle case ma>'lie, and you vilii harewa- ed I ws ha besutilniborder alwayà Tiscre are sarins exceptions flatise rule agalnst alapine sisuba by prun- Ing 1-etge plants. of course. and sismîsts suivis are usati in places wiere utl e desirabie la etrain their grautis, ma>' be saped. The Japanese tiarber>frequenîlIs -uti thisa vy and il may lie sisaped Itost iuycearuulî,;but even hise heme. shouili e an annuai thisinluout of tise ider stems isy pruuing f rom tise! base- TrentBert-y Bushes Saine WaY. Ri> tînaunes snould b prunet In tise sains va>. ThsIs 'leessentiai Il ayting lik a crop le ex pected .ItRed raspbers-> bualies sisoulti be thbîîtnP( ot it isre or toutr canes'Pari,.anît tissas canes aboutti b.'shitlned Iot flot exceeding tisea test. Blackbeiiy canes nia>'ha longer if support le provIded. Black, raspbsrr> canes sitittl seuctiOffit ltte point ai visici tut-y begîn ta eus-vs toward the- gioutîti. AIl suckers tronst ed itaspheri>' sud blackhsms-y istsisamuai tie uproot- Pd;. tise> uta>' ha.u5eti iornev Plan tatians if sesireti. Tise rooledti lps aiflise black raapberr> biases, w-hch st-e alvayt, foun Inlishlis prine vilii mals neg Pila. Thseu.îunnue(if grsie- vinesaIl, soiîi.thlng on wbîcis books ihavesSean Mi"s maie RttlOf Sb Ws. UMiseritel vas alxlemt and su InvaW dfor a nuantir vitis lisercisis eofftise hi causeti hem dcath. lier demi expected for souetinte. Audit-v Schsmit dted ah ot brother, George Scl Grayal.ake lst Thuraa>mg %10o'ciok. afftet-aun lint. usw8ofiaIsner of the sen Schmnitt vasl about 50 yeaa lt'unerat set-vices vere held a eph's eCatholic chut-chitaIRo BaIlliday ntorutug at 10 oCI 1ev. Berger ottlciatisig. Bur MrYs csnietery, htiseRvF belssg in charge ofthlie ser Schimt.t vas a maniber of Naine Society of St. Mary' tise ttssbert off viicis atte: body' and six off wisom acte beaemn Mn s.Agues f-fer. a piae dent of Freinant. died et lier' Sunda>' niamjssg aI 1:30.,5.11 of 78 yeans. Mm. DortIar ha for a nuuber of yearn vith b bis, but hem dealil vas ascr atlack of la grip>pe. Sse vas er of tht-esons, ail of visot They are Josenis. of Norths Frank of Grayâake anti Ct is aaWyBsade bhiehome mather. Hem isuabiid died sbc, ago. Mnz. Dortfer vas alta 1ber of Si. Manye chuncis vis services vere iselai Tuestia: ai 10 ochock. e. FI. W. Bey Neilt' ail the members o Waueu Bciekty oftvicise membes- atteuded ta show respect lo one. oft heir dece ibers. b . t u l y o c a lr o il d - len s th e ti e n s a r e th o sa boter E P lI " F I M B ~ EA T roughly sprayed. whicisense',r ipa f.t hie Ires above ground must b ?cellent. val. miust be dI. ygaigresudrosadts ad Théè hast lime ta apPly lime sultur ýre than Eie ygoigtesadcosadtu d rew . ast C. E. W H E E LO0C K, materially to thse veaitis of tise Blute. ta cOfttrai cale tg ln earry apring. JusaI Bnd out Lake County Farm Advlsor. besidea oatd*uttng 10 aur pleasatre as thse tiist Isudg ame aisoing green. Sbase ot by their brigit, plumage and sweet la large orcilards tise apUlcation must Bta tour FARM BUREAU songe. it la quit@ essontlai ibai aur ho beg'rn eariy enougis to maure 115 ýrage he- SlED OATS youtis tram dime telime be impressed wospletlosi before thse seaaon advances 3. Sixty Due ta thse untavoralile season at prtStise ecesatty of propagatlug and loe fir. 11axîmi'x Year the' esta cop was llght and the fotering these Important natural re-, W. 8. Brocis, Detiartment of Hort- tutti. i> 1 !ecd itse: ' of pour quaiity and ight sources * culti#e. e. Pre- i weiglit. -New, tileretfore. i Len Smali, W. P. Flut Natural fistory Sur- looking A large per cent of the aite are Governer of 101nohs. bY vîrtue ot tise »Y. unfit for seed unions they are put auîsortly ln me v'eted isy the. statntes, -o0 *hrough the fanlng mili sevdi5.l timesS doeiersby destgnate Frlday, April tise WI.OL FARMERS CO-OPERATE * 000 and thse ligist cisafty. seedâ blovu out. fo $@Isd Frlday, Octoiser tise WinIll inois farinera cofflteate? it viii be botter lu many cases ta tiWity4esils.othke Present Year. as Tise angwsm ta Ibis q0estion ta fOu]nd loed thse home grown este andI biy .Abor and MM1 days, talise abserved in the'resuits melved by thse fOlaow- sera of bostter qualit>'. There P% n-t th»-ugisout tise Blute by plaitiug sud lug cooperatlve comsnodIty marketing itis eat dittereuce in prîce between urcae af tfees.bruise, sud vines about assocIations of producers In the stae : effirg uais and sped ~ and thse » homaes, Sathti farina, aiang thse &II etrvilic have béena suported by hryn snd chances are much lu laver 0f a botter hIjhways. aud about Public gronda is e eonty tai-nsbu.reaut aud tise Itit euday yieid tramn good piutup seed. withln s.blstsu. sud as days on wiîcinais AgrlcutuIIAscito ta ibid appr-oprias exorcises lu tihe Thes.U. S. Grain Grave-ra. mnc.. bas xdvWod TREATINO FOR SMUT publIic scisool. aa4 elsaviere tae eD- plfed up a membership of 13,000 fti- LIbrad Smut f requeutly shows in, a croP isasse tbim iportance ta aur State of ers lu 14 couoties and 334*eeatuM 9a frot oe si that vias suppoeed ta be the proaeutiau of treens isubs sud liq ths stalle sIncse lent Augt suMd 'auyl-fr@efrtral ut diseasu. vines,sud> tise preservation ot aur plansa lu atart immediat.ely a Chicago tailn The expense of teating fisaut Ioi native ýbirds." slssec amre ie12 r9 eaioever asailisud la Fise hast klud of The-r Producers Live Stock CominISa- tatoeinsurauce for a good cr01>. SOY SEANS IN lon soc..iation, beglnnisig business Tise Agronamy Departmnent af tise CUI..TIVATED ROWS aur2-12,W ledfft0)[- gin caler University recommaude the tallowing For one visa bas never grawn say mJan r -a1922. e ladtiSt.>'LeOn treatinent: beans tis e clUvat.ed rov plan viii MiokoyrdsInthai ti35 t. ousis hier lutIle "The- dry-spriukte treatiuaut ut 0515 prollbliy ieMai-esstisffactary for aosyrsl h mut0 saus h. &pent for smut bas again sowgl Itacîf ta tise tinet yea r o v and may be don». sat Waltlalise ebest. Tila lis e tormaldeisyde roundi mare profits.bbe as a permanent Thse Sheithennon Couuîy Milk Mar- treatment whIch was tinet reconi- paketiug Campany' la now iocaised in its Meffenry mended by the minois Agrîculturai AvsIlo tctvaonc b ou300 pnt and le ecetvinfl Expernent Station lu tise sPriug Of doue on suy s...l>* before tise se! S6OOO0pounds of nl daliy, atter st sed word 1920. îî consiste off diiutlug anc plut >e<d ta p"ted, and tisisla irue off oy ing cuty last Stptember. er nieceof ommrcil trmaidehYde lu 10 gai- besus. Tise date Fet- pianting tth Tieilios Fruit Exchange. hegun helO7Y1 iJens of waler and sprisklung this saime as fer oMabe there s lrne for ta-t year atter lise &rrific treezes. no- LYiJ.i-a aid diluted solution over VsdI tte1. aeu !ts ed b u t a meinberi5hl. of 1.00 grovers t1 r of yearft rate of one plnt to eacis busisaIof piru g WIn arrw tg ndif f lunie theauniesadp.ittamres ýP. visicis graiu. Aller spriukliug on tiis mataiai le lgvi u iesi large ehare oftIlle 1922 soutserz Illi- ise beIIIg tis a OSI are tisarougisi>'asd quickly shape for on>.houris. n a fruit erata - ilzed uahIi ever>' grain la llgistiy A good vsy 10 plant them la ta piug 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 theihome moisi. They are tissu covered vit l "e*f0th00000Inth0'ea dil h inî i a biauket or tarpaulin for twa bour.g. stut sieav the s n oles f ise8vissai dxii koiislg at Athtie eud of tise perild y my eo3 aces apt. TP5he beansrough 06 0H00000D00006 me af six ie seeded immediateyrif thse see- e dtoQpucot6 bpart Theaabut tgh 0O@0000 ae.Mr. Iug las nt to be dons ai once, t dapau . tse yl at aou ta n Thursday of las'.veek tise mille rofage. siouiti hoa prtad out tealaiiw tise tce pr atedilrw t truck isegan its new route tismougit aSt off fradhd gst sae tare about oua-bal! bushel of beans ta Huit Day instJoad or Prairie View. This ssud Lake "This metilod off treatiug asta bas pant an acera. amait varieties of seed viliiDot us o na iteuai basis vit:, our loc. vush comt.ietely cantroiied ties muI duriug about one-thrd ot a husiset iatr twastise truck viii compare ýra tS.tesxyeal-5 Il bsbe sd with pa- emslowntvroe- itiste Soo Line very favorabi> F.M. Bay tise exception of a liglit trace in tva and ane-il i lches deep .Tise ekaP Watve vaut nov la a pasloenger bius vice. Mr. different seasans. Tise yieId li bulusela est va>' te cullivate iswitti a weeder betvecai Haîf Day and tise Loap, and tise Hai>'has tiseon tisegreateet ofs> tgI oaWcioaiao ierv Il.tseundoubteffly amer tuseavenue ta pavet 'S churcis ment for four yeems or six. Tise benai-ae tvoansd four incises higis some energeti cyoung Aineticali wiil nde lu~ veresyied cvelngtie entire pari- This ma-ytic folbowed hy a cultivtttioniudrsk ia proposttion. d sqasituOdt is a little more than ten per cent vils a coi- cultivator and if pats ftatue btter tian tise untreated chseck. 100 hW foliov vitis anoîller cross culil La* Sonda>' Mr- sud Mna. Petersot oucer Tm-i Anotiser important af usja vation vils a veeder. Tise eeder and Mr' sud Mrs. BEtt Cool motaredte borneitat metisod off treatmient latisaitishe oats keepa tise veeda oul orthtie rov anti Berwyn. Mns. HalI sud daugister, Ehl lie age of do net ueed drylng before govlug. leveis off tise grouud. Doris, <s<asing back homO viltisaisr ~ teeuii Tie uanit> o hluli ued a ufft- Boy besus should nutlibe disturtied How dia! you enjath ie tniP, Bais hsat"tru- cdent la facilitate tisoroqs isriution1 whenl iloomnr visen leayes are Lest Suadey Ms-. sud Mm. Cisarle beitanoff tise formaldeisyde t1hrouiltise vet witis ain or heavy dcv. Krueger lied thiait 111e dauglr, Ag tise moti grain, but net enougi ta val tiseoa Tise>' shonli b.ho ot for sesd wvienons ULIliais, chirsteined at .er hbae nM survive. beyond visatishe huila viii absortiec=- tise beans are lu tiseisard dougis stage Wilat a beautiti service ta God ai camtpletely.'--G.H. Dungan. Agron- and tietore tise podlsashovwiigus Of ourselvea to dedicaile aur cillaren t tiesisg:, m fepi. t.isusting open. HIns. W. oitl oearSI fI tolov baleswh-Teymaye> et' amwe ndeepe Carnaday, laler in th( ut 35 year WORM CORPOULES 1 raketi la a viudrov after curing ln tise smui apatdt ae h Lys a mem- Intestinal vorma cause a good nxeny saal until leaves tiegin ta gel brlttie. service for chretteulbg. Ly morina feed.or sufteriuug tram, tise effecta of vilS a grain tiluder sud adjusItihe ten- Coon to uaskegass caileon friend ..vaccination, lienon outise Ivine So lisebundles viil, oeslest Segtui'day. f St.Anna3 se vas ia lit- lest eseti mpm WIRE FENCE You are învited to corne to our factory for your fence requir- mets. You can select from our full stock of a large list of styles at the following prices - NMIM HEAVY 7STOCK FENCE 7 bars. 26 in. igh. 7 bars, 26 in. bigh, & bars, 32 in. hiih, 8 bars, 32 in. igh,. 9 bars, 42 in. high, 9 bats- 42 in. high, 10 bars, 50 in. high, 10 bars, 50 in.. high, 12 in. stays ..............23!/2c pet rod 7 in. stays. --------- ------29V c pet rod 12 in. stays ........262c perad 7 in. stays .............;......34/c pet rod 12 in. stays -- ....... 30c pet-ad 7 in. stays. .... .... . ....39c pt od 12 ini. stays- ......~. 33¼c petrod 7 in. stays ...... . -.........43/c pet tod MIM HEAVY POULTRY FENCE 14 bars, 46 i. high, 8 iù.stays - --.----------------374c per rod 16 bars, .58 in. igh, 8 'mi. ......... ..........4Y4c per rod BAHEED WIRE-80 moi spools STEEL LINE POSTS, 29c each 2-pt. Hog-...3.25 per spool 2-Mt. Cattie .$3.05 per spool END POSTS- $2.70 each 4-pt. Hog - .$3.86 per spool 4-pt., Caitle .-.$3.25 per spool' CORNER POSTS $3.90 each ADJUSTABLE STEEL DRIVEWAY GATES Painte-.. 10-ft. $7.85; 12-ft $-860; 14-ft. $ 9.15; 16-ft. $ 9.80 Galvanized- 10 ft. $9.30; 12 ft. $10.15; 14 ft. $10.85; 16 ft. $11.65 PLAIN STEEL DRI VEWAY GÂTES 1 Oft. wide, $5.65;, 12 Rt. wide, $6.25; i 4-ft. wide, $7.25 STEEL POULTRY GÂTES 48 in high, $2.10; 60 in. high. $2.55. WHEN YOU COME FOR FENCE, ASK FOR ONE 0F OUR CROW BAR& A USEFUL TOOL ON THE FARM. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO PRESENT YOU ONE FREE. AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. LIBERTYVILE, ILLINOIS Asitunteti pig viilnot mals a prof- 1tie loosel>' oud. Stand three antati, itabie hog. titudie togtherttise bat' lscuned. Tisas ackwsrd piga can lbe tresteti Tise suse>' b. bethrcsised vils su for about 10 cents a pisce sud have a ordiner>' grain scoaretar. but sisQulti fair chance ta deveiop ahane vitis tise have speeti of cyinder rteducedt taPre- tisrifty ones. vent Eliuting tisetissus. Guve eacis put, a dose as toliova: St.. boans are at essi equalinlu aed- -wo grausa sacS off santonin, calomel,. ing vaue to ail nies> sud Seme experi . loin anti sodium bicamrbonate. This atents ghow tisam to tbotter. treatasent heas a repuition for gettlug Pifieen Susels of beans perutr>- the Worms. la a fair yield. l'inpat-ed vith stie Your druggist ca put tisaul)itni present price of ail meai, i5 bUsheis capsule tarin wiid may lbe farcit»' af beans ais Worths $24 faor foed besides givea ta tise pies piacing tissus on tise tise bei straw vi Is la valuablel t-ar off tise tangue anti rinainit dovn ioughege. vitis water. Metihunt lLarly Yehovl Mongol sud Tise dose cen be mixeti vilS a sael 11 Ban are gooti vanieties for ha>' or amaunt of mnistumeti shorts sud tiesee . pigsalatovedti tavllov tise dose One wiîo lias neyer gravis ieass ahang witi tise shorts. Treat on' a shouiti not plant a big acreage the fev piga ai a tins or tietter stilli oiiIY it-sn s'es. Pleut tvo or tisre acres anc so tisat ai tise pigs iiigel tise antie - prec I adln h saine aminut. cr0,0. Piga sisouiti bave no food for la t10 S Boy been me>' saule day replace a 24 isuns efore treating. Byt ta lime large part or aia!flise higis piced pro- tise>' are isuagry enotigista talc tiseir ein feeduu, whIsch vouid mean a suis- medicine andth ie dose la more ettec- stantîi retitition ithtie coat of pro- tIve duclng tuflk Governor Len Smali bas iasued thse foiiowing proclamation for thse obeerv- ancé of Arisor and Bird days on April 14 and October 27. "Tise lavs of Ililinois provide that the Gavemnor shall, annually, In thse Spirng, designate a day or days te be known ARBOR AND IRD DAY. "Thse trees and thse birds of any land constituts a part off itsnaturai veaifil, and their aesthetic value la bighly as important te tise people as tiseir eco- notmle value. Tisey mainister to and de- ligiit the senseg. Our trees preserva our lands f rom eraai.on, they furnisil us witis the fruits of tise earth and 'witis lumber ta house us and witis fuel ta varni us, and their grateful ahade shieida us f rom the iiaziug sun orf Sommer. Our birds. subsiating iargely upon insect pesta, proteclt te BEWARE THE SCALE Tise seasoni of 1921 vas tise moal serloos tram tise statpoint off tise San Joas scahe infestationis tisaI graver. bai Inava for seves-al yeers. This con- dition bas eati t omucis discussions, anti aise efflcicncy off linsa-slfes ln tise con- t-oh of scale bas bean ueiationed. Not- witisetassding tbia bllet ou tise pas-t of af some lit lacestaini>' truc that lime- suifer solution proparl>' madie, psopsriy ffiluteti anti careolhy applied at 'ho rigisl seeson viii contrai acale, No one bas sisovu that e Ban Jase scale wvet vitS lIme-suiffer aItishe proper streugtis la ud&t îlisti. Tise factors whicis bave tirouigit abouthtie prssent situation ar-e dout ies tise mlld wintar of 1920-1921 toiiow ed b>' a favorable season for scelc development and aekh o f nqturel ene- mies, Tise faih of 1921 vas extrenel>' favorable tf» scals developties. VUa lesa i.omethlit ePxtraordinary' happent ffoloving tht. vriting of tlisa etter (2-21-22) very ew scale vili have ileen kil>od b>' iow tempes-attire dus-lit 1921- 1922. As a resuît, tise scale situation la 1922wih1 likela ha. varue than in 1921. l, t-hoous atise orcitardial, thiere fore. ta he extreitly çereffuh in Oie msuufactureof off insmadeIs lme-sulfut tîndtinthe tîLutiîn off ohiShome niade anti commercial. Tise correct dilution ffor dry lie- s*spises lu 15 itountis io 50 galions of wratar, Ilvcg% thoogi tise aboya directions are caffntd ouItishe scale -vii l ob. joseaSihards 0lae aissepass sion oue day st wvmS. Thea Vandervemt bas mast relu-ne tram hie trip ta Hoilauti sud callatia C. J. l2ýes-sbarget- <»e day lasI vs.l H-e says tise t rip vas eli'Woth tl niauey/ sud oit! hucil bealstgtul use eus are over lisere, ils says. Red l 10 have bt'ougist a fev along tomr5am of tise baîciselan lun our cammunVý blut tise "duty" vaLs to higS on s Si ffo expect vs vill bave ta mal over t] sea and Investigate for oseivae. LI Mm nt n P-u Rl3 0 O Gracnd omn.ran t Mn.fCIAm ruvesr adeednMa vnlue. Ca Kruexr SaIni-day v i av te IaNe atible caucav~1e aie al l Sfan sbemiSarce fithe asTram forl tSe oficerae 0 cinie aspiav s-fon heofficae. TfsemLu ao oppowi -1cmers ofascte. oTseeo tiseoapIse- ,'ncesvsch viini m-S e o asyther BADGER BR4ND s Excqeptýonal Jpêky High Germ"mai Absolutely Pre<édom Prom Noxious W have mede Badger Brand Seedâ The Largest Seller in the Northwest, F« Sae By Reliable Dea.lers Everywhere L. TEWELES SÊÉD &O. Milwauke so muci saiclues around us. If the------ P. T. A. iss dune natblug elbe It cer-------17M 11 a vl ould bave juatted Ita exist- W eceon til one couit claine. (W A RLIN G T a!cusmuxh la due to tise vondartis a coper tio ftise li<x»es yWitHO E 1-wi anth*% Scuid ha doue. LeVaH O EL 1 leep Up thae good w*ork and maIe oui- fhScisot~ Zet otiteslknd. MM Mr. ofCicago viaited vits hem moliser sud Mns. Knoll lest wack, j m&urning home Bahut-day.G M e Mn." Hansen la iagalis mach kbetter, aler hem recent ilmss. Wa h oetis i vii hSa permanent rscov- T1"< iiThe inveelmeut tiy tise P. T. A. li le of f tise hot air lampe vili uever be --------- Y. egretted. il dostise business, snd la makE,8 ordiuary iausps taise a back iseat.000000 ea e rMa. Roy>'Stauclif! lise isee iitise oFOR-AL. Tilql NEW ýi paat veel. theretore tise L-adies Aid 0 INOEPENOENT-41 Imet at tise home of Mns. G. Cooklast ,n Thursday. Mrs. Dawseonv acalaçed to as a membYs- of aur bus>' vorsera. We la wehcome hem smong us, sud knov tisaI ELHANA W. 0 ise la noliser va'uabhc asset la aur groug pgrniaiera, Attortiiy-5tLw tas friday evutng thea choir vill -Pracllce Office Kt. Home, ait Cook * gah tisehome of Mns. Cook et 7:30. Télepsofle p. -, kg Tise Boy Scouts meet Balrday ah IBUuYVnuA4 df D.7:30 p. M. La Sunday Scisool as usual a t10:30 a. MATNC te .. but front 9: 4, ta 10: 30 1the psat0i 1e mlcntiuct apre-Esaster close on t.e Lw, expected ho b. present. (lsnrCh ma- tiers and thss plannin for churi fiePsi ha mambershi pare espacialinlvited. te Corne sud hea-n amuehhlug about LYELL IL tisa reigion you ai-e trytpg to prachice. ,he Evenisig services laI 8 aoclock. Subject nr wx es "Jesu and tise Mulitudes." Last, but not la" liose visa 5gu.pisst a -ule. Led havis ua pald up itheir pledga ta tise on dhuch bid1lng tmd wviil lae <ado ek. et once, as thse labor a"sd materi a U se be Vaeld for, sud lise treasurer must LBaIoo4t* a!- Inalst u»On tisase ob>ligations belug BMTY IZW iU ke pald eat tisis iae.TOIOphou me Mr. anti Mr. Henry Scisreeder and y, uo f IJA-f Day; Mr. aud Mn$. George J. . WALT .' -,Lissîlinsu, Mn. sud Mim Paul Meyer ~îr&~.z u te and son, Mr. sud Mme. Alsent VoeI1*i Dîn..of Wemnn*"s'0 Ob, sud son off Lake ZurIch; Mr. and Ni-e. a4èla A. Schselling sud fally Mr-. sud Mr«.. :g J. Weibrailh sud faxnliy anti Mr-. Ve. I W UKUGÂN, UZ6&INS es Welhmath of Chl<Wgo, attended the* baby chistisîng at he is eo i gfMr-. W. W. JUfliWJKa. gu- anti Mn. Chartes Ki-ugler lait Simda-. DNU >wu Tise 1ev. Ms-. Keltiiors offlttlated. A Phone 841. 112 Ne. ssu mis bountiui dhnesr valeuJayed by thse WÂUKUGÂN. .uq ish guesta, after visici ail vere tsi-os-d . = of- piano solo b>' Mi-.Bd Manthie. eeliug meK-ing. Cons out and boOs t for yous- favorite candidate. 000000000000000000 On Satut-day, Mas-ch 251h, l us the o BR W E Suà'u n o plans lia bave a stereoptlcan lecture O UtJ1 ~U.515 5 onuiisslonasyorlîn Idia- Ouripas- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tas- la plannig ou gointg l0 India ta do Tise seventis anti eigth grade pupIls mîssionar>' vos-k lu vo Ycars, and lh are nevieving the histor>'ofaIlinouis. vIii be Intereeting ta learuaometiig of viiciltise>' vllh taire tieir f inal about hissdeetiualios. BvWTybody Io examinatiosi this niontis. invitîsti ta make 11515 a oomsiiIiIt>' Thase visa vene perfect In sPeliig- nleht. Ws vili bave commonnity ine- for tise veek are Lavrenca Amani lng viltisethe etore. A nominal duiuIs- Grace Broocksom. Agnes Nauta, AhbiBt - ï sion foc off 10 and 15 ceats will lie MitchellJoisu Kerpan, Cittard NaUta cisirged aItishe doon, viicis ylSa anti Cecle Amenas. given ta tisebtilding tond. rc odig.ascn rd u Lest Satusday ulgisî a nuibies-of GesHirag.ascn rd U frindsgaiseet atisehoe a Hs-otipi], vas absent Frida>' On account af hred;gtee ttehm fHrl eiag sicl, seveutteenuhsrtistd i t'. Tieyng eLouis Suisadohnk, a sixtis grade PU- vsever>n-b heasasti>'spenil iyteisg pli or Colt Groundis, lias ïnovei awaYF gaine. fam1ySe I lai from tise district. Ms-s. George Warti anti Mra. Ah Glant Tvwne ppisintfrtgaerTeiareoah isu off Wbeiing cellet ou Mn. Cishas elluftagadTyarls- Krtar eh peaaiici ur vtbsau- mnansd William Chandier. f-nts tifful hoquet at tloven as.a- toYzu 0f McAister haspitai Battisday Love fsoui lie BEktera Star lotige et R4ti Raidides speul Tuestiay attes-- thCcl ia. Tise P. T. A. met latis Frids>' ulgbt in Tno wo d eledasua yof r spile of thse relu anti tises-eweW, ilit ho e tybo s- 5ietiaîf a day offi -a f ew present, tisa vital inter- Rubis Hoidritige. Grae Brncksaîss, Ag- estloff tise parents ilise scisool ant ils,. fes Nauta, Ceeus Attan anti two -ws-k. Witbout dotib: tise :iost linaitisers. -Vossivt' icatura Off tisa neetspg-Wa-a A lt'w et tise piîiîi s ere ab&e'aî Ibisf tht' report matie by Pmoff. SinlS rea-1 ast-k Tiey vere: Margarîl lBonne. P lii-, t olîes stcces)f ti. thet uclit 'rhu1'sti-L: «. slwaid IngalS Znti Grace, r syliteus. Ht' reIorted sial the att.end-1,hîsî)tliige. Frittas, e iii ifii, year vau remarkahly goodiThte sîiîluii-sa i-çcivt'îi ilsir i-spart anti sickneaa among the childs-en vas cri wt'k loi- thiiioîîînîl off tt aI a minuma. He admits tat probe riar >f tihy thera were 015cr ceuses elho, bsutiAîr, Mitchsell ansi datigltt'r>.havs re- nievertiseless tisa hol lunch lias doue a' turnedti t HansmontI. ndiana, atter as grimtaal ei i,..eeplug"iie sealhofatise speadinit a veek vitti relatives at eihilin aboee 1dlie, especiaiiy titb Beach. LIBURTYVIILUe M Ofi i., lis Frist #flçtI.pI PuIlio Acoeeg siaa4 Loooatlu S »M Pusted Periodicsly t« IM le ual aieed saPet-eaaost, Phone 26 flt --- -- -- "F.IL Ceanetry Woek, De000 0 0000 prluing st-I Pohi- lSrn of sicis- Lobman abe ey- it-ay. and Ro- sptilag mark of l lu tise average ge a! 86i i

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