Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 Mar 1922, p. 12

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MOItIMODIST IJRISS OF E61RL Kentucky Senator in .Imipas- ioned Plea for Legisiatlon Gets Down ta Bare Facts WO REGLILATION POSSIBLE * Mt-s of iodai are ieponzible for lbé var thi-iuhetore rsa, an awman lobhyists vho urges pro- xork more among thb. vainuthoin- selves,"' asrted Sonator Slailing rI. ,Maralall la tbm Kentucky sonate 1u a 'Zpeechio the Nelson autlbatbing suit .4111. "W. have bidtrlvoiti, pollUasn launi Polry during tbe ]aut fev days.-" etr .Marsbal sai. "andi nov vo are !Itling iavn ta haro tacts. lTie.ob- Jeci of Iis bill as 1oueo Il, la tii pro- ted Ibmheeyes of theolad mon uni tbe ioa-aeo! the ynung mou. IncidentaI- 1' voe are planning ta leglalate moi- et', lvuIto tbe bathoi-s thonaselves." Tho billunici- discussion ut the finie raviied fin1it l ebouli ho un- laifui for an>' persan toa pileai- ou public rouis lu unlnaarpcraled tnvns rlai anly in bathing sults. Accriing f. Rep. C. A. Nelson of White Mills, s litt1e summer resort, Itlu sinioi eti flie batblng saits of yaung vanien a-iitars. No Reguttion Possible Senator B. Hl. Harris, wbo chani plonei tbe bill, lu repiy ta a quoi-y as lai whether lhe lheught sanie af the modern evening gowni were "as lin- inolostas batllrg suits,"'rieplled thut j.eibaps tbey woro. But there vas ne way, hoe sai, te regulute the voir- Ing ot oveiing drosses. .Is a avtwully plîlful ight Ib ueo aun aId. gi-sy birei Toman wlih lier skirlu above ber knees." lho aidd. Mi-. Nelsan uppoàred betare the up- per baidy In bebaîf afis bill unidsi te nov 1ev vauli, hoe entorcei. He- eaidliehoIntoniei ta resigu as repre- f-entatIve, gel appointei as deput>, blieriffend ueo that*no tai- violators escape unpunishei. Coes Lm . oddard, preident of Statu. It's unique becamastWi thie Amarican druggist syndicate. jplan varks so ta i rtute botter known uaths AL.D. S., deu ganinc pavet. h claum tbot the. era of co-operation the. polici ai the raiui.a i just bginnlng. And be ougbt tothéeprualdent biniei knov - It va là1 yearm ega that be Mont co-operative efforts, 8buti launoLul on. of thie mont spectaca- buaineat and social, la th.é'"m lar adventurem in cc-operation in quarter century, bave failed bu.. moderatlzpes. cause of the lack of capable 4adru Novlthé oirganization of yhlch or becanso they vers feunded o«, ho la ti6 heu, built solidly on -the unsound piirnciplea. The. Goddrd- pclidtu of co-peration hum more idéa la on. of thé siZniSicant uue4 tb 5Mpi-tuera Rih.IiUnited ceaIes, teAstaurant French. Laniaed on a local bill or tarýe by T. i M. O.-'Brses doeuvre." This ne- nI.ds us Ofthe $' tory or 1the ycing manult NewYork %w110 was diuieg la s WVlhen l a -.LIMUîiniliteIlaiatrtca rsarnwthiebt the greulest and tie lel but like a beloiei. Sho aas pori-ig amer tbe toi-wri chIli, lthâ ueîtlie playedil menu wauderini wtat ta crier wbect wthIandm humored s 111110 ta keep it he put lu, "Whist you vent ta start quiet tilb It talira i.seep sud then thel wlth, demils ainoe of thase borse care i 1, r. 1 - -Idove&r-Bcm;toa Trins-ript, Damestia luf -oh, goodeess gracions mercy, IrS àost iitracteit 1'vo bookoi for it Ivei-ywbere uni 1 simpi>, cnt finditil ,vailed Mn,. Worrî latte. "-Why dantcha look wbere you-m sure yuh iidn't put l?" lnquirei Wor->lotte, ai-o knew bis womu"-. Labor Always Fîret iai- l a the parent af ait tbe lest- ing monuments af thit vorli. vbetue ln vers~e or lu utine; la poel-y or la pyrar'",- -Willium James Tilloy. T(o l-IV foi- 11111 STA D IS, Wauloegan Woman's club -lst- ons te an extremely in- .structive lecture MAKE ATTAGI( ON JAZZ The mombers a! the. W 9"ge vamUa'. Aclub ye siordedthe O riv- Ieecfheariug a epléitm eidxue P Ub~ n. Mai-rx urdig E~iy attemnoon aIthé Parlai wlie. -Tbu prograin vasla, ca4ar, Cthé. aumlc dePirtmnont uni, a ia Orbecedoer is a speaker 0f nation- Ai-.reuitatianL ber message fer loysiti tir Amertaun talent uni btter anume »v .ur Young people, vas uluci ap. undtbe club vonien ta vorn fr, higiier standards la inuala ".there neyer vas a tins vien seoh 'bAi mnusic vas papular-andIlifthé ws o-laa!mny oftheb.gongs vOi-e Pnuilshei as literatui-o Ibm>, ouli ual hoe llowei." We shouli ruait.. tie value.of aur sarI>' Amorican sang viters, the Negroaspirituals, the. folk gangs o!fauoter, the patriotla inusia of the Civil va.-. The evii influence of *'Jazz" muit ho rocogulod hi al aid gooi utusia tiiinishiig thenet- ée->,espirit uni rbythm uni bur. mon>' must tubefil place. The general PederaUion cf Wamena clubs, o! vhlcb Mrs. Obrniorter loae director o f muic, bau beau vorking foi- lvi Yens 10 mako ibre wvainurealix tbat vo must have botter music et the dance uni le aur ovn umies. theur motta belng, . "lme Good Munie Popilar, l'opulai- Music Goni ani huai- Ainérca Flrat.' It la ta o b oped vo niiy heur -%Ira. Oi-boi-uortei- ageln. The neit meeting of the club viii ho in cbarge af Mns. Harringlan, chairmnan of the ai-t sud litonaturo dé- partinen. It wlll ho a guosi day. .rabs Frown on Whlztllne' rrue Ai-abs hbave a proye-b liat, atm. or vhistliug. the mouth Is- purlfied foi 40 daim. They ri-ega-ilt as ther mit lunlucky aigu liaI eau emPu"ate frein human lips. ,eat Second Boat Fuel. t'telt to CORI, peat la the beat possi. bIc fuel. it bures longer Ihan wyod mai gives mare bout.1 ouxp «ects ta alla another f#pi Overer' Valva heddcled te e Muvattiie îlb 11>. tail la r2uci. of e Ohrltian Cethî eue' £Dàttolla aburc laZion lu->mll. yankeeta lu song hie roentmffeet Hard elij lng ila tii MUzaukee auditorium beho in eov int vwa s trdwUhfl oatU hibiku>'of the courtes>'îh*v- .mii.coni b*. Theb Brot «UahIe saete hiMad wui asigil>' ,ratlfied, lhe saisec ber mistMrus"be's Bot ut boh=e," vith the large audiolbe tuat, Ume ont vasthese fir. "Whuviio»ab b te huer hlm. . le becir atked the cletÉ I dont kneur 111 noyer pi-ecbed to a fluer lot oet*m.: UDL-e's net gang out 7e40 poehosai, "«Thi e Wwon er couroMs »nirellaed. adi lb* lla- nim ragqd tuteur.. lais Ittetus ue a," nve. joined quit. a Ub- of Thu ovm>,mr amintItO apoutilt t re u atolm" rewuar et Prms #Pieak tiere autour. A*ot l e. L" Comtoos Ict butIaet let tOMai Cire>. an *tinrean siio Ii aWakereune tatinenable aagrlculturltMl" hail of the Matoritm ut 8:10 P. in., awuéanUso «dt DoQUte Fred IElebort et 71;80 P i. tuta ekep pla ceai nete*- Âpotle Carey wuvat onu ém malabwo2. Wliat This -PhysicianHuasDome Forinaniy 9. Y, wast i amUo.Asa - ~ 'oug minDr. Pierce pra ii4m icie inpennyli"l wu knovu tir and wldu bfr hie gree t aucce n hullevle'- ing diaeaa& HM orly moved te Buhiffsend eùt uzj lu r«dyt r ~ ~ ~Q bte l nd. frot eormul which Dr. Pierce fo-nid moel It centaine ne oohol and ina n extract of native rmots w'th tii. ingredmita plainly et&Wedon to Moiliyon take thzs:eilai C e»upty lebat akin de ad good bood a beneath both,for abeatilm1ekhntfollowd godbood. Dr.-PWooce' Golden Medical Discover-y cderu tae piplu~, maoyisreuptione and tend& to keep the comnplexion w haiter. Thxis 'DiscovMry correcte the disordered conditions in a élck stomach, aida digestion, iota as a tanin unnd purifies the hlood. whSths s one, ewey go the diseees Unit ire ciuaed by à aioh etomach. If yeu n idgn your grive -with your tceth, slop todiy Correct your ate"M, ichdorderm right nov with Golden mem Dscveyan hece1 orh atfor your heekths cke. I a drsioeenittchargekDrgg th ole «DieaoeYM" ln bath liqu1ltamnd tablaIterni. S2zi4Dr. Piea 10o for amtril xkg.1 un4 ses for yourself how geodit i& DRýy t now 1 llerrngqWe and Imported Tweeds Wrap.vs Dozens of Distinctive Styles For Spring Advantageously Pri*ed At the Following film' $22.50 An event of supreine importance presents the community's greatealt collection of women's and misses' Coats and. Wraps we-have offered in years at renzarkably small prices. Here are swagger Sports Coats in chinchilas,.new mixtures, bolivias,' plaid-bàck materials'and'herringbones, -then of course, there are variotis other mod- els in wraps and coats with the new large looses leeves, unany ftffl 811k lineit. .Émont snme o! ths nov style fuetures iou wuviti fnilavortet plaste. raglan le, fiaesbocks, botei modela, set-la aleeves. nov iicckmta, coîburs and buton trlmmiug. lu. cluded are brave, tan, gray,, navy. i-ci, and nov beather mixtures. soven modela are pic- Ail Sizes for Women-Misses UJnir $14.75 Childs $11eO0 Play Suits .-»at 59c- Cbildrel'4 Oson"Pli>'suite lu ail aizes up ta 8. uic.- -ly zrlanoei, regalai $1.00 values at 59c. ~$25.00 $19.75 te.O Straw IfRats Children'a Coats$ Qa.e rack o! chidren'a New Sprlug Coats an l . aises up t0 14 i lsatei ciers sud materials et 01117 t 1 àA '-qUmw lMW61,e 'i' - Chinchilas-Bolitas-- IIN % Plaid Bacle Materiuls I IhkLLAMs.LRt u>U. Grat Sale of1,; Cot& 1. A- IV "ay OÀ Zoom bouse, uSrmAi w r ibanotyonewPXtlock a ole.cvui woD&I and idUqT- loarep -Voit SALII-1-acre 1poltry frl ar>- 0111 fetramWalikeffl; hbu pr tiolly new 74-nmarallane$, lui-ai boat, coinelete veter systeza, large »eV VoIltr hebu»e, 10001for 1,000"whearnfor 23 hornea, 'à «,ws larit implent 'e». bud- em* gofvarions fruits auch ad apples, puars, plusi e, ea, C-ral ralp- bei-nue, atrawern1we; lmo lacudai làa e- gaihorbe. Sw, t*baut 00 stick. eou Ail fur mplu eta and feLd Ovuer viii c0eafer Wankegenor North Chicago rumlen«e au part pay. ment balance nireat 1011 SaLp--ker tarin. on Grau SveeU, OUC mule train City limita;, s"o I 7om lbonse,-complets aet of onîbuilge, ont oc the choicet plecea of liaidla tek. canîy und locAtc 01% thi e ment rad; nov bu. 'nu aacwzied. l'or turtiier informa- tion so0 ne. , 1011 SÂLE-2S-acre fera ans Mlle ,rom toira; gomd Troom bouge. mode=, vlth olactrie lts, bot water heat, bath,' glasa iRn porcb, prectIcaily nov barn ani poultry bouse. This la Positively onc of ibe bout placés vo have bud to offer ila a long time und muet ho seen ta b. appreclated. FOR SAI.E-40-acre tarin 2 miues front town, ômaint bouse, barn. Pouttry bouse ahd illier outblulilnge. good veil, durk mail under a hfÊh state Oif éultivation, lneluding g6e*1q teain of borse, wagon end hameaus. fins cov, 100 extra fine chickens, au tarin tOOls.$1,000 Cash, balance au rentai, or vIIi oeil stock aud reut tarin to the rigbt party. F'OR SALE-45-acr oaim. Io miles tram tavn, goci 5-main boume, atone baement, new bei-n, nov silo, nov poultrY bouse, fine velU-undIin. cluded are the. failavrng peruanat ProPerty, 2 fine bai-se, il cholce cove, complete met of tern Iimpie. Ment$auni teod. ail black soli and uuder a bigb utte O! Cultivation. Theowover WvI icongldter a reaidenco or 2-apuriment building in Wsukegan or 1N4orîh Chicago Rn exeblange. FOR SAL-la0 acre terin, including ail Stock aid tuais, couaisttng or bai-ses, cettie, baga, chickens and diàduj; a-mer viii conalder a siuali ri-lince of 2 aPartlnent u part pay- ment, MOR SALE-M5ac-o tai-r, 6 mai trouse. pi-acticaily nov bai-nrmain tor- 20 hond of cottle and 6 horaca; lai-go silo mUlk bouse, large Poult-y bouse. inaiading the toilovlng peruonat pi-oPeitY, 3 fine borns. il oxceeding. ]y Hlistein Cattle, 125 full blond White Leghorn chickens, comsplets net of tarin pcbinerY, prascUcauiy new; aiu feed Liii malage; 1-2 Mile frOni tovn and 1-4 Mile tram uchool. This la pauftively a bai-gain n d cu glve Imméodiate posession. 15f. cash Inciudlng equipment, balance ai rentai.1, FOR SALE-8-acre ta-m vithîn 4 miles of lava and vithin a miles tof station, ba good B rooni bouse, volt kept and in gond condition. bai-n for 20 hea fd cte 5 bo-nes; la-go ia- Plement shed, gond veil and mli boume and other outbuildings; stock cintistf 4 gond bornes, 18 cholce heud of cattle, 2 Chester White brood soya, 5 Pige, 75 cbickeus. ail ta-n Implements uni fend. This. chalce fearn lavnoi by a non-remudent and viii meciice saume, alu, viicon. aider Wauikegan or Nao-th Chicago remidence oi- apei-tment building as Part payment; ImMediate possession. FOR SALE-100 acre farin vlth 7. i-oom bouse, atone toundalin. largo bai-n vith roooinft 6 boi-mes, 30 head ot cattle, goci vell. poult-y boume, coi-n crib and tber outhuni- lngs. 2 fine orchards; located ou atone roui, veet o . Waukegao, ut $150 pur acre. reasonable tei-meauni immodiete posseusion. For turtbor Information ueo us. FOR SATE-Àa ilstock and grain farin coneiating of 117 ici-ounieli loeatted uni vel equlppei. 7-roain bouse, practIcally nov huar for 25 cows, 6 bornes, nov canc-ete afto, uew- hog Don, nov poultry boune, nev mli boume, garage, anl black soni ani under a blgb satte of cuUIatl<j, Tis .choices tain !.ovuici b>'a non.~ remudent undinluboing saeMielet" $3,000 ta $5,000 cash, balance as reni- ai; can give Immédiate possession. F011 SALF-162 cargso aiFreemont tvp. 3 1-2 mules troin tova, il room bouse, complets set o ar ain building&, 90 acres under cuitivatilou ail block soai ut a price of $135 per acre. rousonable Dayment iovn, bal- ance au rentai. FOR SALE-A rosi stock fai-m of 192 acres, 7-mailn boute, mîrict>' maodem-n. itb eloctric Iighte, Ni-nace and bath, 6-main, tenant bouse, gar- age. bar-n fo- 0 bead of cattle, ce- ment floors, bacrse bai-n, room for 7 bors, large implomeut ushed, poul- try bouse, gi-anar>, ani coi-n cib. talit boumles und goodteil, large or. card iuctudlag the follaving lire stock, 5 bai-mes, '38 heu 0of Holstein cattie, oyer 100 Plymouth Rock cblck- ee, Aone hogus, complote set of trm machiner, practical>, and Iuclning tractor; aUl darn sali uni cmgsûre Immédiate Possession, $9,000 cash, balance as rentai. FOR SALF,--Real Stock uni Grain Fa-ni conslsling of 206 acres local- ed vithin 1 1-2 miles o! tovn; blAs atict>, modem 6-roua boume und ad- ditional tenant houge wih ample and Complets etotefribuildings. This « a e oi rai ni muet bu &eea ta i M p ti ICI toi sI lu nel ae au e ip mni th lei ap bui ou th thi ai as bn te lb o. iti l c al er

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