Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 Mar 1922, p. 5

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. UBRCYVILLF NDEPFENr. THMRSAY, MARH 23,1922. Mra. W. W. CarrolIl was le Chicag'o sat cdax - I~~,.tl ank ghtbody vas a vsî. L o a an d_____ Ilvigo Frlday -Peter Mowei-î stul'i Short Items of Especsal Interest to Libertyvile Peop'e sior Wednesdaî - Lincoln There wi neverle mtle" Lincoln. od de stroyed theiseshuldwheu He saWthse finsied work. Her ewas His masterpiece for al lime. Bd utay men before Lincoln and sauce have 'rie froin poverly to powrsMd place by thse pracice of ec«ouoy. I's tise pfivilege W"lis i iyen to every Poo personlutisese goodUted SuIes. No mler wbat yleprew efifiscilconditon ayb%, yu cms Tbii bak Misyhelp. CaIhfur tie saviagubuis we hae set aide fer ym. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILL is1 Reduction in Laundry Prices Ie aire pafii.g a ubstanial reduction ici personal Iasndry bun- dles aud ilu sny wash service to fit Use needs of every bouse-' Jded. Looh over tise several services we offer below, ansd select Use o«e you prefer. Elier service is a distinct saviag over any olher way you cmn p.ssibly have your lansdry work doue. FAM1LY SERVICE NO. 1. On aitbuncfes frn 7lbs. to 22lbs. lc per pomid .- ----------------. . 23 to 25 Ibs. $ 2.50 Over 25 lbs . 1 Oc per IL Ail flatwork ironed aç.d ','ciig apparel starched where needed and dried. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2. Your enie f arnly wsash fmished complete,18 'ne lud1;ng soft cuff !-hirts, peri lb .......----------..........- 18 Th: 'e-v-ce mlcst include al your flatwork, as well as wearîng apparel. IFAMIL SERVICE NO. 3. Damp Wash 25 pounds for $1.25 Over 25 Ibs., 5c per IL No articles marked, each bundle sorted as to colors and wash- ed separately. One day service. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 4. Damp wash wvith flatwork ironed $ 2 2 5 pound or -....... -**----------- ..... Flatwork pieces ironed 5c per IL. extra. One day service. The Reiable Laumdry LAUNDERERS DRY CLEANERS AM) DYMR Hi4ghlandn Park and LlbertyviIIe Phon& Highandn Park 178. Phone .Lbrtyvlll. 67-R. Adveieyew mIes and have yow aie Wb prlied ai 1thefrdepe.e. MR. FARMER, Don't, You Think it's About the Right 'Time to Give Your. Seed Wants a -Goôd Lot of Attention?' Work à mm, very nishlag nw, and if vou wil go over yossr l. iie p your list of wlxat you are goissg to sseed, brmng il in to ms we wl11 stit you smples and prices that wiR surely save you nmney ansd trouble. Our s"ed corne .froenRelale Growers and axe testd WILL PASS AiL THE STATE'S SEF]) LAWS. AND WE GUARANTEE YOU AGAINST A DECLINE OR HICHER PRICES, which is wortb while for thmegt. Corne. isow, let's get busy, so we won't have to hurry wheus you are busy. - DRAINTUL IS GOING TO BE WANTE SOON. BUY NOV. TOU WU MR 00 WANT FERTILIERS. VIE HAVE TME Libertyvilie Lumber Co. TEL EPHONE 47 Mn aind Mis, C. ('0001er v ci-cCliiý cgo %s itors Tiaegday. Edward Bradley iii now working for the Standard Oil Co. Mr. and ira. StePlien J. Xoung 1,-il Weilnesday for ElIÇndabe, No. l)akol. iwhere they expect .to remain loi aî i-ar oriio tion wltb Paul Allison. .li,. .Xaude Luak iiiiîi dI lic fi- lier. Lusk homue at Waukegan la.,t 'Sun day. Mrs.FredHaies bas bn 11 1hý aMelvîn, the 10-months'old son vi Mi. rsHo rd ors n% a Mr. resHîns ea lenI le nd Mî-s. Thomas Varney. vas.,lak.-î Mc ndEs.Hwcî lasiîoe past week wltb !a grpe. Monday lo the bospital in Waukegan, ibis week to the home of Mis, John Miss Jane Webb villed Iriendsatan euffering rinmpneurnfia. liii..m ler of Mnq. Morris. ~raysake rida eveing.Mrs. James Maddefl rett.WnedS'u Charles E. Jewell left lauil Fridîyý Max Koheer and daugliter. Jean, are day fcom the Lake County General, lor Calinville, Ill., v lere lie will visît u'stlng relatives in St. ILouis. hosptai, where site agent two weeksk aItlhe home of bis son, Fred, belte follOwing a seriona oparation. rîî-urning ro is home 'n Osborne, Mme. H. B. Eger vlsited Mms. L, . i r.Er ys~ b a enu Kanau. Protne n Cilcgo Iis eek thle Unversity hoOZita.l, In Chicago,! Mxs. Vern Corley returned Tuesdaý-, Mrs. Blanchea Patrie of Milwauikee taklng treatmea±as, returned to lier to lier horne in Mattoon, aftec stiending spent the week endi In Libertyvl.lle. horene l Lbertyvilie Tbursday. a wek in Libertyvîlle at the homen of lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Mms. C. F. Greenwood was amona The Wcmes a Uid Of SI. Li Evflsîzor. those wbo vlaited in Chicago Monday. rence's cburch wW in eet wltl Mi.J i %Groonberg, in the Kaiser apartiis. Mrs JohnWec blas been IIfor the Frlday, to do Lenten saaewlng toc the, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENI Pu.t week at lier home on Elm Court. 1 ciphans. ia i eodisalnn nSe Mrs. Maude Lusk went to Waukegan Mrs. Walter T. Martatt. of Kenoslia, clal Asseajýment Warrant No. 14, VII-i Monda>' to see lier little gî-undson, hWb is.. recMst1y bs ber band caughi lage of Lbertyvllle, for Storm Water l1il and badlty hurt on an electrlc clothes.1Swr Ilb ueJnay1 92 lirs. Louise Wilson of Chilcago spn ringer. Flortunat5Y no bontes wer' eeswi i u auri1 92 the week end aitbe Chiarles Kaiser broken. Mrs. MarIatla the daughte 1ý and payable at Ibe Colleetor's Office. homne. of Mr-. and Mrs. Byron Colby, of Lil- LYEYV 1-f. MORRIS, ertyville. 52-tf Collector Joseph 1P. May and daugliler, Bar- Mm. Joe Bond lait Tuesday evenihi ___ bat-a. called on L&bertyvllle relatives, aa o -i e- ic,, Sunday afternocn. for Elgin, MoBnat- 1 Ms, daEIg. rOm tat Plae of Grsyslake, vsited Mrs. C. M. Fuler Ellzabelib Dot .wliotie bs o and faielly Saturday. sees for twety-on Years Mrs Bon bis brotheir, Peter Alleman. Mrs. W. E. Decker was pa Tuaa>nlnln1ee1 i u '1' 1IT IRý OlriSU ,tItheLaceli aud i fn p rm R s Bàrker's Superfine Flavoîs make cakes and puddings slmply ileliclous. For sale aI ail grocery stores. Mr- and Mca. Thiomas Vacoiliaie îov-ed fi-cm Lake Forest 10 the Mcle Chesne), larm, nocîl of iOwný Mrs. M. Hoffman anîl son, Alfred of Naperville were guesis aItithe Josephl Kohout boime over tbh e ek end. Miss Min Ivo. t n'rî. niîMi. and Mrs. A.Ihoulilet and Mc. anud Mca. C.Gilbs QI lake Forest'.SunîlaN. ixilie- Ii tle dau.gliir o: Mr. .nd MiS. GîJ.- - as been tII for v',îi - .:ii a anld sOi-omas-hi iroulile, Nirc, laii! I-lu-k-- and Mr-. Merle Youing. "s"edil i rsi-t(. -Xin. S 1Z1in LaI'.- Zeic i lieh.- icat of 1q, eek' b>' stemnsfi-cm a presanr cooker. IL seems Mrs. Dechier opeiked the- apna- ratus before the staewas exhausied. and the resuit vau that sbe gor Ih- ful force of the live ateam ln bei tac.. Sýhe is improved no-w. and no -iiotis resuts are anttclpated. Mies Clara Ehinagciwlîo loi a nUin- Lf~" lias been e.npoyed in the Leck&r Drug Store.,lias resign.ed lier pottion.' The place docos not lolk fa- imlar w ithout Mijss Ehringer'as smîl- ioc greeting. S.ewsAuto Lverv--Taxi S-r vim .PLWN jListyv& e306-ML Prices Reduced On Edison Records $1.35 Records now .... ........ $1.00 $1.85 Records now .. . .. . . - 50 $2.25 Records now.,........... $2.00 Corne in and Iearn of our proposition wherè a payment of $5.OO down puts a. Genuine Edison in your home. Decker & Nevilie Phone 55 LIBERTY VILL ICE NO TICE VImam 6..a" 4 hya 0gr almr of ioe in Lbtyvlete à hitse ice Lui- business myueif, 1I have .dddteIdo m.. 1 have comidced thse ice business in te ViRage cf libertyvfe for the past five years, and durug that tins. have netI misued a trip. 1 wiâ continue bo give custommera tise sane excelent service. On and after April 1, çalI 298-M-2 SIDNÈ"Y -MEAKER Ilul luIl I lui uilIU FRIDAY end SATURDAY CAMERON 0F THE ROYAL MOUNTFD P Ail Star Cast. CHARLIE CHAPLIN -In- POLICE Cornedy Sirnday ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN -in 1y REMORSELESS LOVE MR. FATIMA PICT VIES ARE SHO VI AT 1THIS THEATER ADMION: Admit,,25c. Cd0dre1 Oc.1 Deep in their hearts the flowers know That Ileaven gave themn Pthe right to grow. [et the prett>'. gravîcus thîngs of life Inter 'j Stwlnc- Your heurt. Lei floyers take tbeur proper Place in Your lfte and ,teacli You the bappileua of eacli bour's wvg ht Mrs. F. A. Hudson and eh i di ýi-'- The W. C. T. V. wl,53ixw à id in Chicago Satîîrday.- home of Mr-s. Lew Flag oàdO1 t avenue. Tuesday aflernooxi, ueh Mca. Peter Mowers was theic 1iii at 2:30 o'clock. WVîukegan relativesWn s Misa Virg:nia Collins, a stuadew se Nli- aindl l.l'auit eîi.ill .Rfa.- lettalli University, ja spending a w« eu,-wîsil 0.-. o' end -iw. il ire îinL bertyville wlth ber parents, lr bone ot Dr. J. L. Tayýor. and Mrs. W. 1. Collins. Gceorge . Rob certs moveil Mondgp. Miss Eleatuîî Do s o f Cî 'g sSto Lake For-est, wntere bis danigtei ting aI rihe home of lier irandjî,îients. Miss Olive, is employed. Mfr. RobéerU- Nir. andMIrs Hermnîs- e's wll retaln bis nursery buaens boe,. and wll be liere during the day, goliý9 George Clouse Is liack on Ithe Joli toi Lake For-est via elertric rallros,4 at the Cole liarness shol after beingi aid up for ses oral ulays vîilli flness. 1Mi% and 'Ars. Bert Hall were grna a surprise Saturday evening, the 6ok- Mns. Ed Schneider and ulauglicer, A,-- sion being Mrs. Hali's birtWay. . n,-i fleien; NIrs. Chart-es Scott and, number or their fitends gatbered at, Mrs. lied Il. Smith ivere in hicago tbeic home and speLL thie even'ng fi Wednesday. playlng progressive euchre. Reward Offered It wdll be easier to accumulate money if you have some worth while objet in view, a»d always fix the date when you mean to pass t'ne next hundred dollar mark. We know of the self denial of maey who at last have obtained their reward- and can witness the fact that their present resources are due to rplucl- -ot luck; and (o a bank account-not a pull. Every day brings opportunity to reward the marn who*has ready money. Your lumber kknd building mat"ra requiremetits can be filled here to' your financial advantage. In other words, we wilI savre you money on these prices. Every price advantage that the market' affords wilI be yours if you trade withus s, ~ A S T EUIIIIUIN IIIII Wil Soon Be Here Straw' Hats For Children $1.5K000, mm$2.OO --$2.25- & BACK BLUE RED EW. W.- CARROLL & SONS' COMPANY ph..» 9 Lam"MvilI y 1 :Q -- - ý --- - - mý"- m- 1 1 :1

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