LIBERTYVILLE NDFPFiTDN, TnUSlAY. MARCE 23,1922. ~iI'ITYIIuAWJrle v si u Sbdt~er, MmL EIJ i ~UL. chool. Mrs. Hank" ela belleved t0 U N IL LIW anr r.Earle Priest, a etter I!ILf PLANTI 11113have been th' îrtteacherN.E CE D N Of Mmre Bouner, le alto vistlng ber ebildng hail one large w~o I N AMERICA TO lnspChticego.v DAILY*CAPACITY %s oak puncheon. sawedlit ne of Of MONKEYS I The . M Bon er a ve y an he siea b s wak 4 hesalsfa e PE P E Frank Edwards ay famlly ad t F 25u u~~ lie nearifliOFa259N Oe>. . ZION SAYS VOLIVA EVE1 Y W',Tl, abll aroun remae iii wtb tlie fiu. 'oxbs.mdit, >"~Twothids - Pone hme rldy * B STwal îtur<'î çj~ ottin woks eco s th puîis culi ue tt' ei Mr.Woand's romW.B.Stewaret esurFa i;0ltheilli Theoui usetreî,ie TU Overrfires a hot shot Mi in heUnte Sats, where thWçallient the wint'r, nized as important institu- u iureri hemiddle of'he <nom wai a those who favor theory of in te UitedStaes, Mrs. El A.Martin bas fully recovei tion1gf this counTye 'îeteach sdesk , ievlutio Thayer Shows i d fro mpneumonta. ino hscut hs sdb te ppl,%aIevuin This la the etatement iof H. . Cfl n M .Rod fthe Salva- h im htig in eal oseuglmad bhe fi, uler y cr D D,- Thayer. presdent of the Xmerican te ri WuPa.filleil the' [pu 1pta ineTht'i trebolPlimgpora nt giust- rintlyandstde onafr tom br:ibyn a car B Il.:E-ou an i.I lng demanti for telephone service, bere Sunday. resln Lak- county, operated for the- front of the romi. r'îun i v n tho tis country ba% but onesixteentb r n Ae oer lne r ebenefit of the dalry larniprs in ihat lReligions and ther public meetings fiîIfr1 îont k, Telephofle & Telegrapb companywho jolcing over tbe arrivai of a son March'section, waii given a "rwite-up" last were beld n in bs sebol hom~e. ;t the' Zion fii.n- acbleved ln meeting Il. l6tli. George Robert is hiis name,. week ln the Gibtier .Sçhool News. a-ý About ùbe year 1860 thîs building XVIll .ý ier nalli nlo Atthe endi or 1921,' saltiNlr. A double weddlrig. daghters of, ollows 1 watorn do-wn andi a tramte building )" I lp iTýý1 o; Za ien T' b> Thayr. teewr rxinîately ?Mra. 0. Anderson o iiurMs 'h e adCapliBottiing was erected by Renben Botsford af the' II'ls îtrhtYieîrandnci-iTîT .,lil i T 10.300 separate telephone companese Beatrice ]L Anderson and George E.'Plant (now owned by the Bowman mepa.Thsw ieduwt f,':sido,&can l >1 ln the Untedi States. 0f them. 2 Obae ois f iWaukegan, and 1Miss Carre Dary1905an. The cao) wa b i andse bi a le pwt tisCT o' -an ' aeottdcompanles of the Bell sye- Ilnthe eyar 9i.Th rbtctas bikadmlbtov h al ni~hIetr Vl~ i-i. tefoiate ,6 reIdpndn o- Andersoni and MoCallter Irving were Mr' liauchier of Chicago. The contract IaLAtbed and, plaotered Imalle. If was liat Coi] creat(d ia i ii e tois whand 9,2l64 are dpnecorne marnaiedai the Methodlet cU in luor was El. Simonsen, aso from Chi- 1later Moel further soutb te the line image andi gave hilm v i"iu poles the llstaiste Wenkecte Tueelay, Mareb 1I. Mr.1cago. The machinery alorte le valueti betlween Avon and Treenont, where tflih dh ol aîc nlt 0'li "The number of telephoné stallons and Mr». Irvng vili lite on a farmlat many tbouaands of dollars. The' eresent buildng tlln tatcreplhîîonth' it et the end of 1921 owneti by andi con- usai Hickory Corniers, and Mlr. and'%ufldlng ile a veli built and coetly ai a,~ BItOti thp ha ree th ng thespmlrln the- aected wltb the Bell systeli lIb e MM re, WE Iiireilide ln WaukegtlE proveti durlng the ]sot several Yeats rn &neVIlteti col "hr anohn npiIgi h lted Statese as 13,380,219. Durlng congme±ulstoua. The farmers in and around Gilmer do vhen lie wsa about fftef Yeats oeti.Ieief thal yeutidescend(tieîlîî,ma 1#21 alone the net gain in ownel n rle vus, March 24th, a DatOd many thousandi of dollars te- He ves vorking -ce Goodelles at the iiionisey' continueil the O\erýeer. a n necte ee voe as 778,24 on ri. da .lh ae v î ' ard litsconstruction. fitwas tbrom8im re. on via e D ov thie Stseford "If a man believps lie desceiid f rom' 7%& expansion of the teleplione pa,--h ithrl4wl Ilbepe he progressive spirit of the peope t farte, He le nov living at OaylakeIT a mon ltey e vill e 1ive lighlan b"snetss intbe Unted States bas ontaI uflIer lthe auspices 0( 1the C .tis comniuty that tbt important en-' andi Je 78 yeeraof âges. mtailîfe. . * ff Issu * ouily Eseer tbau the SOClt. pre-sted go toward a undterprlse locatel bere. Prom twtvee t The presant &eh" b oute vas bil "This evolulion teachlng is larg' j #00tli of the populationi or of gen- te place electriot iglts ln the bch . îwenty-live thousand poilmids of m i e umr f116b ob a l es nîl orte1dEe"~i'a eýài bWsness, lu 20 Years the popu- Be sure andi coualreay e i 8 e receiveti dally. This bas been golngaiol tct130. ITeotde iealsne oîelndd'. I b*Wu bas' Increaed 45 Par dent, Mars13 2411. an for the lait seventeen yeare. Mot1oi oe , cg S Teot are tJh Awlexantes o te 'a ,'. nIf w* lIie enumber of telephones bas _________Iof te mUle bottled andtai hpod alcdi d omoftllellNarl3x3<ohCAexner5i5 .,,:0<hni keresseti about 900 par cent. ýday. Lfpwards of twenîy men are eni- felk Ilieas a halli the front witb thal kinti of leachîng. ,w iilti hTii <~ a~ iployed A. N. Larsn who le the su -'double dbon et end. The ehof tue same kn halln hef 0teil i JSFaUU erintendent la charge is recognîzed as roomtise2U23filest. Tt bas Beats for Zion City, anti a rity Ihat Is a ligl 000. 0 0 O00 0 0 0 ýa veryable superntendent." 30 pispils and ael W t40 feet of blacuk- tO the ahole worid. Keep the' Bible M ILLOURU 0 ,UKA1'T LAh1 PRi.i. board. There axe sevelt large viXl anti Jesua Christ out oF lte the '0 00 00 00 00 00 0 owu on the wvout aeeand two amait schools andi voTive pot s a n.g 0, o... 0000 000i The Nestles Foo compatiy, former-,O LONG GI OVE 0 double Windows on the souh tnacIse Roy 8s.S . Fbooke andifamily apét i lv known ai the WFeconln Condenseti o 9o ~o o o o o o a pe eo o o00The basemant la the saIne size as I "Of ToueIf etbe "*snu' wom t». »ut veekLu IDChicago andiRv ikCmen eode e ti thuf r ih s e fleve rey . 8"" hod mt Poee albi tliîl rmoet. ev l lAie a e coun>rcrde raa ai Th Mrtha Sauer callel on Wbeellng the e ahOol rom .Tt bas cenent floor mIOnkels ;tley are,.t libeürty 'I<o o0. Mr. andi Mrs. . H. Bonner anti Mr.À fice. transferring thelr Plant at Grays-i inids Tuestiay' nico m. Thera lea &large cblm- Ail îhey will have to do 1- To 1pnb aU is W A.Bane atenie Ie' ak l iarry Epstein. of Chicago. Miss Lilian Moneke of Chicago vio, ney tbrea feet by six feet. Itla divide in tht' glass for tl-0-in n re If lt- tersofMr anti Mmr. Thomas Finti- The lntilcated price la 860.000. itel with M. and Mrm. Frank Hotje hno trlandet-fu foul3 r the emhoe 'slro oiaf !h-T ii lr a ie Foret lait veek tnd 1 o i nt oIai rn heaho Geraldîne Boniner anti Margaret Tht Oriinafle. M-ssecs Lîi lon andti auene Rimere boom., Dmnlilsahave beeu sick for some time 1! Adami andi Utc vere the ftret pePl spant Fr114IleveIlig a i te A'bert The librr and cloak nedim are on BILLING AND COOING Mt~mr throats. lte put 100 mcl confidence ID tbdr Sauer home. swleroetth ekthe east aide co ftebele] lroera.Tht") Mss Tbae Oas. Mlh..' amîls~'aoMise Cora oeilr pn h ack m eabout ine b>' Ivelve. The liltary Il(!iet>a tair, maiden ai,'e:1 Mr&__________of______ aOti,,th her pnantemMr.and Mre.bas a case for books andt our large a.icîfg. en-b h e a en s M . an r . dra w res f r ichool m atera ll O n t' H e tolt iber h a loveti ber. th e' w ords Charles Gooswiller. fte pfrakthn otyefig Quite a number of Litemen attentidlai oek room l ls I upefr a kitcen aot mry co . se o caucue a; Hait Day Saurlay. Theme ta a pian~o andinumerous other, aa ted ieplan. aef~ o Sauer. andi lWptb MeyereeLbrt consîdemel amtong th3e beat of the dis- On the firi of the montb the blitig, AUCTION SALE MIsa-e n r e.rL'betIesapoaeeulmn e tt ln 1 ile aler Tedy vein.trict ochoole In thi' coln> There are begaa. lMisses MarTha ant ilie Saner calI 23 puplis atYcntilng the' echool at the l.lvig entil my farin i wlloeil ah public auction, on the5 premi&s @W'insa vening at tbe Hans borepntIme.-- known as fthe Sweeting tarin ocahed on Mlwukee Ave. onefourth 1 Mr. and] Mis. Fianit Holtie vers ArByFreeWgn. mile forth of Lbertyville, oppoiteth1e County FPenn on ;:ngiî n eghts rail 's Siia>after- Byreporce ner . e u et 9 2 Nir.Hn ndduhe -ae a Filday and ail vere please wilh tieis.e' Saturday W arch 25, I 192as2ni tîug."-rMhe"cl We bal Ivo vieitors lest week .7~~~~ ~et at the Chart"s .,r.;chberger Jr.RbtaBann connrcing ai 1 p. m., te fb 0wing deacribed p.oety me Saturday evenîng. We voulil b. glati if more of the pal-ý Mite Fr-ida Stelling spant Sunday tons visited us& ____________________________________________ afteronunai the Charte,, G(lsail et, Lillian Davis vas the guest of Eliza- à %Mise Goetz vas on thea iclcit lasi Mrn anti lrs. PhilpWagner nitorel qvH a fL v t c eek. 10 Waukegan Tbursday. 4 0 ~ a 0 L vesocr4 e . Charle HeactèeeJr., a!- Mr. Converse ondrel soulte cows 17 H4EADO0F CATTLE- 10 Sprngrs; 6 wth caf b>' elle; 1 Stock bul:. Miss Helen Tliorell anti Mr. Rode>' monr & Co, anti vbicb vas packel 0MORSES - nze n , yrs.,. 1t;. 1 , ngeng, 5yrs.. calletin elnLafrentz Thureda>'. I ith meat braite anti causal a vreck eS Wl 101.I bovugelilng 10yrs. v. 100;i blcitmar, g>'< 'tie Car-es erebeneConr.,antsem Covers 2ba 22cov anin 1 w . 150 0; 1 bro w n m e h , 1 y rs. Wr 1 200; i 1ig l a ckbo s. m r , 8vt . , r00a ls0. - -r J ., a d rl3 wt. 50o 1 row mae, 8yrs, w 140; ligt hoe, yrs, w. 100. dîugbter. Mr. anti Mm. Chas. Hsrach calves ln bis car. E*ght calves andti sx 17 HEAD 0F HOGS-t brood sow, 1 fat hog. Wl. 400; 10 ghetto, average berger, Sr.. anti Mrs. Albert Saul er1 cvaert' killed.-, wt. 85 lbe.; i full blool blackt Polanti China boat, wL 160 (Ibis boar verc Palatine caliera Thumdtay. - la reglterel); 2 Chester White brool save, vkth pig. lue te farov o-- HISTORV 0F THOMSON FARM in APril. LONG GROVE SCHOOL The Thomson Farm la one of the olti- MARNEMSFIEEO, MACHINERY- 2 sets lîeav> work harnt".s, 1ingle' Grace Ritzenthaler receiyed IîN) est in the commiunit>. Pive genema- harneas. 1lghi drlsîng harnes.s .16 tons timot.hy bylia'.tî tons'. îpelling for the montit. 1fions have lited on it 3 alacits of corn Iodler. 6 bons et mipairiine ay. 400l bu- barleý. Stnday an automobile 'sa- stock in George Thomsand ni]ls wife (tbe1 500 bu. oats. SI) bu. wlîca; 1 sulky Illows. I riding cuti aloi', 1 walkit, bhe <oui] near tlîe achool bouse andl granilfather of Chiat Thomîson) camel cultvator, 1 sulky Janesvili' t. a 1 ISure-tîrou Dais, crm lan' a result 'se art- minus a sho',.i front Scotland. andin 1837 bought 1361 er. with 110 rotis checking aire. i two'-s,ý. larrow, 1 5tt ' £l.sping 1hlî-frst. second ni] bhiîîl grades acres of landi [roni ht' goenmant a; tootb harrov. 1 fîve-foot 'MeConrnîck mover, 1 heavi' Turutabîr- box hae a border of their drawi ng acros$1.25 an acre. M'lieu th Pse IîaoPle ival wao,11-i a ak ikwagon. 1tibug.10ph 1ob T e front boari]. here the n(Carest fbans 'sera Wauke- t ig,16-lt. am, eract. I nI a on. 11% t. p. ga.s'ag.i bobr slagh.I ceai sparf o, narl nw; 1<'~ J1ga enin> ner. The fifth graers are beginnîng sontie ga% anti Wauconda Tlîev hll a post- nev; 1 cora cutter, 1 Garland heating stove, antiother mi'cel!ateou- hat otr.wihviaIT oofc unn ru ieetotvs toal 'to marnrousta enton.clieerfulnees of our achool. We have Ater îhey hati qîTb keeping if. Mr. neyer bl vali piturea. Combe took charge of lb, Tbe deait TERMSO0F SALE-Al asume of $20 andi uader, cash; ait sume clven that Those on the'bhonor moll for gool de- 'ebre the mail 'ses kept still stands In *amout, 6 montha', tinte viliiha given on a gSod apprvel note or portment are Mahal Hans, Elizabeth the home of Forresb Thomson.- It is bankable note licsrlng the rate of 7%' Interest. NO properf y te be Goeft, Pearl Heschbbrger, Friala a large lest with pigeîn boles., moret i setheti for. StellIng, Marvin lAseke. Catherine. William Thomson,. at the daath of 40Clara anti Clarence Mollechauer anti bis father, took chsange of litarin. TD ANRkT -1uI ' D.UNgi9op Mahe a lasea. About 25 years ago Chat Thoansoný UAI~I!,I i I jIeWe ara al tmyin.g 10 help keep our boilht the f arm f romein e father, ton P. . UNNNG Autinee. . W WGNE, ler- chool roma cloe anti beautif ni. $79 an acre. P. C OUNINi AutiossV E.W. WGNE, Csrk We are sure tlia sprlng la bers, not Thora have been three bouses built because vae lel lez>' abott 14. but that ga 1the tarte. The' finI v as bitit b>' our bird friands are nturning. Geol-e Thomson. Latar that vsas tarit We bal Ibras visitons lest veai, but lova anti a framebld 11118 as put tbere are others va voulti rather osec Up b>' Chat Thomson, vhich tili e- E An agent for charts interrupteti Our lhi. lu 1920 Mm. Thomnson erecteti bijator>' chaos, but ve onfly alloved tihm a-large modern bouse. about a tvo-mînuta tlsk. Chat Thomson solti one acre of landl A U C T O N ' A L È Our athen t'wo tieltore weere Ivo 1te111e Round Lake cbumcb in 1921 for travalens of the noal vbo 'qere*looWngI a carnIer>'. at $600 an acre, or laven fon the McHeury rolad, vhlh the>' brea Urnes vihat George Thomson paiti Were travellng on, andt 1ey ash<wed ton the vhole f arm. "rein ltelligence by sernnslng us ln 1 ilselîlsI et public auctlon, at 313 Est Churcli street Lbert>'vile chool lime anti b>'pling rocks la dha **.f 000000000090000 th entr. furnihure and houtehold pod of my houses on ir.d teabletir Ibeir ent>' for the luci>' -man wth a ord, 0o@.URR.OOOHILLoO Saturday, March 25, 1922 oOOO *..*~ Therfc OFRT HIILL SCHOOLO Paît montis are Agnes Daltz. Helen aoenmedîng t2p.ma0000000000000*00êOêê Bedeake, Carl PnIesa, Lena Prisse, coimencnq it p.m, s fllos:MISTORV 0F FORT HILL SCIIOOL Matie Datte, Anna Deltz. Viola BaIera- 3 steel ennmelle bals, vith bu- 1 EltceeaRange vith gas tom- BRuthE CURA e oha rssAlan eteat reauis antiomod inatban * The' Fort Hill11Schol ditrct les The' second tri-moynthl>' examlnations Al matterez8ele and batinîg 2 Mimrons lit the tovns o_* Avon, Grant, Waucon- bave been finished. Lawrence Frankt 1, leather davenport Diabes anti cooting uteneilt da and Flemneit. bam the blgbeat average. tn'ltables 1004 pounti scale F lort Ht! Ile the naone of a bil in the Sevaral tram this district attendati 5 chire1> hictnsSiler Secteti tovit o!r-armont, near tihe Trou' plane. tht' Basket Socialal, the BannaI 6 chars ttexceee an> othe bih a tht coun>A ec1111FKda'W Wm. J. Obee County Treasurer Subject to the decision of the Republican Primaries April 11, 1922 Contractor and Bulider. For 30 yeara a member of the Lake Cou,'ty Repdu6lican Central Conimittee and now Supervisor for Deerfield Township. Try a "Want Ad." in The INDEPENDEr. Ih wil brhflr SHERIF crviceM v. Ahlstrom ,es thie Peo at a Chur UtÈS APRIL 1, 1/I AN Candidaté for