Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Mar 1922, p. 14

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ta.yb.o e et uatra- ýAPPLIES TO OTHER GRAINS t'u~ttretIv m~ret rlces for XiII a Umaked.iredution la tlie si1W - et te tate 0sf c«Op froul thatoe * 192 UalItli mt lIercqru 42 bariey draps and heiveveios tel lire stoek ha". -otnined -W, 1 *a tauxigber -tu n 1meta*t =1 Irn un4,accordung I4ib V -on 1 jesed 4. te 0Mce ofthté itat et*tal#.17afor the state. .Moderto viuet aud emto- rebaSer wtkb rqhher liberai tarot resemv if cornscM .berey over the. gretter part et1 thç-#tOe are given ln the. reporta :01 cr0» Correspondient$ Ibrueut 1111,. xiota. lThe corn reservesam areeti- ,ntated nt 12,606,000 huhels, wheat rPerea are esfiawted ai 6=2o0 huabhaihcota t I4662,00 buabela and barley £tt.1,502,0O buahlas. The .dtafled iitement for IliInoisaand th nité&n4e Batnn tlova: Il la eUat6date4 tt 4f' per cent of te 1921 corn Crop et 3520,9 hushels or 128,508,000 "bushela, re inaiaed en fam. la Uhipola liarch 1. 1922.t yuarM ite l"17841000 buoh. ela Match 1 1»21. 117381000 bushls Match l.18M0.anid 132,»1.M00bush- ela th~ e raptor the laa1 ten yemr. The pereentage or lut ytar's croit titat han beau or viiios aiped out ci the coatX vhere growu la cati- mateil at 37 Der cent, or 113,207,00. bushels, to ahipulents of 118.219,000 bushela froci the.1920 and D4.8.0,00 buaeis tram te 1919 !$he Illinois whcaî reservea re mnanZon fams Match 1, -1922, from ~ the 1lm1total .rùp» 0f4E,254.00< Itîsels, are, ntim&ted'at 14 per cent or 4,3,M00 buabela, pompared to »M*0,M0 buahels ayear afin>..7,71D,- 000l~uhel Mach1. 1>20 and the 10 ~'Tea a~ageof 5.14,000.buahela. It la etiiiktffl that fil per cent of tht 19.4 cri» or 26*8,000buahelavil b. akipped ot f tict» utfeg vere, -srev oila'Od te 27,295.000 huab- efae thf mti.0cr0p andi 41,400,000 beiialo! e 1911 crox. The margh 1, 1322 oata resorves remfatsiifion Ilibola tararefrOrn-the 1IR21 crop or 11.741,000 buahpla are paeiid st &S per cent or 48,262.000 buahela,.compared te 78,749.00q huait oh gMarch 1. 1921, 45.066,000 bushela Match 1, 1120 and 01,471,000 buabels the. a'erage for thie lst 10 yeardî & . boU Uagver cent or J4001,000 huai Pe ftbe ctrop vail' b. bipied out of ,4beý eOwitie2 viteegreva. compared te g* hlpats ,o 8%J178,060 buahikl jsM 1920, g&dl 5,208,00 buae trouthA te»P ' ""1* Reports Maiethat ii8 ver cent or »U19 larley cr0» ot 4,6600C 44 m <9fi8 e0h 1 lOlIt 00m001 1,SpW0 baliea >arch L '1#2, 8,i,0~ uahes Mrob 1, 1920, and g*O10ya vinate',tf »O,000bus] -a.About 34 pe cent of the 19V CrNor &1,M,0 bahei l ahii ehiwpdot offt. ecouies ahen et tais 1920 cri>, sd-a 57,0bush i-i>e t tha-1919 crW m-aipei The cie«W reportiitg board e0f i 3<iilre4 Stateureui iesm mtr00 .stiuiiatesmakhes the,. fOllQwàx] ,e,,tos_0tothefita oitry an a uhole bmaah 1 1922,..Eas about 1,8121 OOIajSb*15, or 4245 pet. cente1tht ttoa eÎXt«1,664.812,000 bug 1. 11234 and 1,04t,575.00 !bu taaL 7.5 per cent of the 1921 or xa>iO mreatiý qnosilti, co ý pr te 8&»,par cent: for 1920 M *tl.Pet *ut for 11». - marcb 1, 1»32 wheat resetTesC falm 5paoad af 181.126.000 bombA ,rý1 e per cent 0ft e 1921 cM àga7pf fl.?,00 bgei, Mrchi ~ s4~ 404000buehla Mait Si 4 lu k4 al IV" ti M AY f'ula an te Cw1a2m6wW, wt#ithe eo.dttr ihmbr<iat'ss nti wefildfou. X: 1 * *4 .hl$1l %m Coiyimeae poinsWbut te obbatateo*àMny soa WAor ot 4 bitiyluco. _ >no dd mdi iaaC p t uritg te jCeher cou aye, btom q bli 4 ý pfuw uia4t ttin part thtiseet j ~ hat n.toile amT lses' sirtcitIares, et>' 9ilo, iQU4124p 114s hem>. tiE alREt tii.J. -thrt ]lia" ebreaa"t14 14t4gqad t se l thcelut égviait tg Y ctitet-* - - 4 be$eêtb2' uime. ant!UTiebirg utellien" ar p egm vii b 9a effrt in li utI f Ainnglit e d luie a t ofmte l reuIe à' -)4« fo d o u*lm, acea io. >enfbefslý a'n a r e b -"ryIa 4JJ L U~ ,L Ag U 3 ~~ ~ptiay. itîci. Te Gi lt i rda, er a t e , n l erof n x p- t r incIlthit oi te ar attad tOn li Utai e re- ear.C tlgpica ad ay'e4p "Il oem'l astmuetle 0909 ac ett. e "brappaet> rep'fr aio b îfly cia lufuir utbleise. fo'r ley enasminn Nrttfledgu up- 1,rI uaI . s tea auch ltea tBrdl and d net p vstea or -nolsa htd, te C s ne f r ih d bout Wgnk lia e Vueapr forluea oiiellsaldeolafiland th e-n Wy hin u tuit- u a- usMd ualfoutare vitraý - i Milk. an u e qbave te toMs voulte dëeIvaconlàitnale utif m- R thae Sirdta ek fouM. 1.aCiff of0 te , ocîl amviervoas:I antrde d 4d-ià 9' t o su bur i t ch cap ereata-oe litearn.tati Saalre l1 NUÇthia otn, aou fteds e tmaiteprin is"i- hyareseon dtr arvteb' - .ata s. Tiet arn Ihe# -n ttiSbb aon a scsites h Tairsatenare diWtosan fres ha ,~~ animale on lite isiandt lebusieepsng cao, 191,4rlb to 2O1/2 tb aetuid _________*ol eiechsdr'l unIer Tae3edeara ni pradafor>' daqarLa laL utishî Gm-sow a eTh sandealaneit an tmeaitehmauflot Tttet, 8 on o ½EII II~W 138 ~ hantr a T12 ae negredatory * Gî a&nekstnar n i cn. ev fl1~fhi-f" ~s~ t 40 lacre @ f grwh0emswand 380 a *9I5ýII4wtli rolled béttom. AUl seamrs adrvt modre . .slder.d.Ma.lable ,iron hAn- TA»L30 x AK ain otit of Ce p C fe IN6 -STCÀR Northaid SouthBird Isamd area ' IUtas Us l1111e further Sout. 'we0',evt4a ie e .... . .. ~~ 29 * The"ta la elarge oumber df royal éiù upsakhng eyeNtft1dê-- Pieah.- flerma Buitk. yera, ~tara sud laughiig guils au Green le-, egtni hiaihfbwte iting at 420 Porter Street, vasar- land ad a cleey of brave pelice- lumitl (-o M~tue elose-out, -Ohio pattern for local deliv- reafed Baturda>' nlghtlfor pasn a o n-Sentit »ird hlant. accrn t'OjXt uWOIi~25lUl -ca etEdion oir Saurdy vsitrs.Othr brdson out T* 1» rit-Cl y, 16y2-lb Slightly ShOp-wom. i. Wile 4t16 ulghf.~~~ ~~~ luplc or amtlan le iciida Ward's baron.. Retidisit . 8d, anhcb -nesf h. vas lOued $740. The Polie. eretL mn trnanti Gmet roD$ a' tossenttStock.d4st4 celved a report Sattirda>' night liatITail flgakie. *m4e x 'm1i* E uh a iB 7 IU yJ O 0 e . "Lt1 a voru mar s n davu b>'au auto- On Nartht Bird Ilant, Mr. Pears n 8.oA tODý et Cisytonatmet. No vtaa.e" a te autuitan.socleties -wanedt 10cen- 'n, o fû WB&'S i I Wt u r t OPiO OVeS 88 DYfrG the affb1r couit ha founded vth ie $me aanti everal varleeen o a p~ag,îi"xs ainos i Mychopel lidtaavomanLhood 1i lave The CmnaYou $air at taTk oft 8r police arived. coas., viteit be ald irere feunt tDc iesu'foubied vith f IPteftnal4lstUnigut»sd taiatuaga"Mils a- a place elsavitare llute niteti States a.wdSn i pbybtlun'a 69ii. W, nt o madeem; e1 ëlc "Mm <> t m" T#0 -cKINE &SO Muore Mot; tPerfispa. Tbohe aslaca, resembiu1g a chilk- 4.geo-Afriand, vite "da4sone throeullite'hat eplece sasmymeli . M O Nf O 7,eo orae, are proueler oft Itelr an anti a mambar of te pheRsStit "ait alfeunti sucit l'ip b47 tRX'IAS Dr- Plame'sFavorite rffliPtlofl 0thCiag i cciiee degrees titan vomon; witeessa tBaniii'r, another - on 1t <b~lie nm a try t iaâ-uMrpt eltthg"cD t ac that ittili cIleg rduetate l'aioa tien brougitt about s'oa r«drtrl C14A1ng, aven e-94ufuuctlnmftor- oth asofWlktaak gerU Thte Islanseare leamidta thelb. tstitly. I eau aspeal' lu h»tilihamf pDr"ie eDr. Pience'. Pavorite ]Pr&-,hDS Or-unesafter Lt eutr ,an rationai Associationof tArrdtbOu iei oda-W Xot, i deno.-aso Tancnpt isa tar thé purpase of protectilS ant icrpl doetBotuTrncunservieg thlm-idms. Il '~<aareuferna ostamins Mlaith 112, v* Abolit 0446100 b"Ishel, st, p«1 pet eng0f m lut11cr0 osn-M s.a,5,#buahe IS xci t 29* ai 41,70,00 uéheifi Match lite amount o banle an afl bbelot. O17.1 pet cett otthe 1921 cre* atasat 5j,000 bushels 14I'I 1 11.and 3,8000buahe Ii~..,.U.; .dANS fAULT ltsitat en«Jolie Thàt Sficla AM. wnys Late for an Aplntment e fxplalned. "Tue Woa'a 514e of the story» tW«is houlsi be omiies. Prom Urne ln tIse bcgnuig te itugbti MaIe bas lii'sigod âent thlie once - Mrach master hai, and aboya ail'for ber babit .of being laIe. site vamnever laie occainnully or off and cen, or eea 1505fetc* Ubatie. lToucold livla deunt ifpon ber being Inta e- a e Il It &dended on te Promplnenaitit etîicit yen arrivati, hen tadine8s belDg proporttoned thereto.- o Buit tes. w«eesauders aver. - vle iras jats wlllwut exception. And i.à&anls naturel habtat," soYa Gene' ieyie. lIl taeSreet cornar', the Curb, »tfol cdat. Wenma' s ih ont.MAa tare. Wom e astaned a.0 Vu b;andisuee.WOeMnoblo2bm .A Man Cm ostadmS te catit£Or a ture al~ ~et, Idoe'f hiifnk itos b. quni i s as à&fte I3aLa d b - u julM M t l ea btt*d-hm 4'4t00 ii4 j)ozens of Distinctive'Styles,,ior-Spr A daitageously Priced At the IFollbt#ing ni An evettt of surM importance presents the comxrnit's greatest collectiont of wmenS ad mises Cots.and Wraps ý we 'have offered in -Yeê's at reniarkably. smaIl prices. Ur aemwger Sports Co0#8in eicil~nwnutrs oiiS pilaid-back materials .and jie*rinl8,then. of curs, there x are o other mo4- els.-ii wraps and cpats, -,eth the new large 1offl sleeve,;, mny i silk lined. AMOng somree t tbRUe uaw af gi etUM YU, Wivi flp er tt i pleati, rajafXL .04 tiare hacha, heitetid OMXset-tii aleev4 e*, wpocheta.o4 coane sud btatlp jïêwg 25In efudati,>are brown. ta*, gM rénaytd, a%& nav he&ther lmixtures BWIéL Modula , pic turatiabOyd. Ail Sizee for oMmn-MssUJm s \l , I $1475 Child's $1475_ Child's New - *~ Staw H ats- air-i Bp to 14 la wva tet ecors andi m atpllS S u>'- suaite elfe~ ~ ~ t 4..i iesu taise$- VOLIJY F~O are f After die avec ed a va natz pot puniahmi wau rea night. A ~. toie, Mi 1radaser soriës on the a viten Po killeti Pe torcycle Al uof lte str argumen Attorney and wam neya for Stateg A make' hie ninet 0!, reati hie vas near fliet injt, Itheir del Jutige be vauld a verdic not Cam, vould tE tire Min -nouncati The d, lte court hati not moned. go far wau unm no mIllet bowever, Ure St 1 banda vi broadly couart ro Attore ]Mtion f- get titis nlext dat o'ciock, sible mo- of te f lime of Attorn grotund ence to not kno himelf fer t 1 The powprtti hi, ra:e Illinlois le nonde crime, ture of sen beir sale ]aw * for a lir urged t handed lite ,ou ail he Il and sh( Lake ('( b e to l et, the Pet Thîom John .iosep John Fred <'lare C. <B. U.C. Eari * Clare c miME been r gratula cordant deep et tears t, In co Gent desires * the sel tortueil Mler. Il duty y perforr had tli andli: cordan aence- S ed. an, er pu congrn * -county courag Deai thera pie fn diet % -lie CI, In tac, cioseti room every vere

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