Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Apr 1922, p. 5

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L~&IV1UE ~ EK~- 1IMlAýY, IE6 62________ A THIG WE ALL DEMAND Wben we bave workcd had to tain mon« anidhe deid ourselves thiingt that we meglt save part of it. thee laone ftins we demand for dmco saved dollars and that i SAJtEY. With "din hminci a contantly increasing nsnr>er Of people a"e briuing dcisawigsto athsnk because of its wefl-known conservative management. You, toc. will finci 1bat it is a comfortale feeling to bave your dollars ere. The nextt une you have rnpney upon hanci, deposit it litre until you need it- even if i is just over niet. Lake County National Bank, LI1BERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Reduction in Laundry Prices - ~~~Richard, lb. oldegt &= of Lanibort XMiiLo1- £-&MB O d 0 ilwank0e Li hsa a J. Wertuler, la 111 witb, dlpltherla. vated lenal ietvleTbi Ohbrba ~ lr. -Ç - Mis. Thomu aof vs h card shoWer. She recétffl a n d .P e m ) ki l guest ot MWn Ada Reyer Thnreday. Mrs. Rose Alkofer vWsted a fev d a ds . _____________________Irecently at the hom.e of ber daughter, P. T. Hld#leaon, wbo bas been on Mrs. Josephb Dadainlu GXIee. The Wornen'îM =ial oo &ut Itums Of Eapecil Itmret te LUbertYVile e tepek ,l able to b. ont agaîn. the M. E. church *lmeut jMns. E. J. Kennedy spelt Su2iday aiternoos, Apnil lSth, at # Th iss rances Colo and lor- in Waukegan ber daugbter. Mm. Day on Mue oaveaue 1 Will'm Gordes vuainI Chlcagb Bu John Hay« lof North Chicago vas eneL vho ere WsUkýgaii visit- Mrs. Leo Aman ickey la tii. leader. ait le. urday and Sanda>'. a busineis visitai la Llbertyvillo lait ors Saturday. Mîsi Marion Preston of Chicago vis that ai ll berI ho preeEt. Mm M il Taz Wbceler vstd In ~fdY Oh, Boy! We are surs going to ubat lied Mm. John Van der Spool lu aulPDein, h Chicago SaturdaY. Mr. and Mns. EaIrry Gottf are the Amenleen Legion damce April 1Tth, at Thuraday. I.Rs r.ygm,'ln Bo ]a agrtFynwsaOghappy parents of a 4baby boy, boru on the hlgh school auditoriumn. M% . IsM d IMlt MnaArl3 ,the Chicago lynn asa mong . Tueue. arck Ut* Miss Hazel Moore lin fterlug with anston ver. se mW gueiti at abtut. m years ii Pete Moenavhitodreltiv. ~ Me. Golden Wai'd Ctels of Fort At- an aId faihloned Slon on bier lett home o!Mr. andUMn.8. P. Evll---. Vii CiE0Sa Skan. Wla., la be. vlsiting ber nie, band" Mmsn lr. Ai Schroetier of Chii- cago thia <Thundi>') itpg WaueanWediidy. er.lir. Gorg K0'er lra. E. A. Eiebop and daugher. cago, bave moved ta LuertyvWle, aid'Notre Dame chutai, Vii Frankin Llacm of Chicago apent Barker's SufU e PlavI&Ora for Mi" Trancea. vere lu Chicago luit are re«ing l0 th GeHinge bouse. &t C9aiv> cemeter>'. lb? week end lu Làbert>'IU. oaA... 10e crogs. sd puddings, impi>' Tnida>'. ýrs. Sobroeder and son, Albert, deliai. At OUl giscers' stores, Mis Ad&aHelfer apent the veek end ver ~C~O8..nrds'.0O E.Chutehi M 1101-8041hie home 14 Chicago vlalting 3Mr. and lra. Walk lirs. Louia Wehrenber g lhite Uit. nB5M dvay0 qioeiO Vincenzo, tr ely at the L@4e Connty General hoipial. who bai a ah« e dt4lg 5h09 lu the ]Ran Kepper and Art Smith wers Mr, and Mrs. Water Held spent lait Hanby builng. mingliU g iti, »> th S»d n sl Wauke- lubua>'in Deslaines. Mr..and MM .CW«er Wiicoz vere gai 85tuidi>' evesiige 0 given a surprio, pjity at their hoie ___a___ m Dr. 0. K IL flomp, la recoverlng Saturday eveniag. ûot fort>' of ther from an attack of quiay. frienda blnW peut Prgreuive PUBLIC NOTICE 18 54*REBY dIIVENS a e Ms Mis Geoge Stnr aid ~ uchrevslaapVl=4 a pleaient eve- S v V ie were guesta of relatives ln Aptaki i pet.clai Aspsament warrnt No; 14. Vil- Sunday. The boys et lubU«tYTlile PoOt Amer- lige of Llbertyvllle. for Stormn Water Rinssu A~v7 ~.. >.ca ___ ___ uinebrate "Bnddle s geWer.viiibe due .lanuay 1, 1#22, 0 t D 1--àaHd pad chldln adaor il.à 4 ,*' "rtvnir enORBt - e O f- S te-- s I = W. ve mahint a substati reduction in persoual lanndry bun- du a wash service t. fit the mneds of every bouse- halL Lnk over the several services w. off er below, and select tii eune yam prefer. ither service is a distict savmg over any .6ev way yon Cam possuhly bave yeur laudry work doue. FANILY SERVICE NO. i. On allbundes frorn7lDm. to 22Dxb lc per pomd - ----- 23 to 25 Iba. $2.50 Over 25 lbs., 10c per lb. AHl flatwork ironed and weaing apparel sîdrched where needed and died. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2. Your ent ire family wash finished complete, 18C iludinlg sof cuff shirts, per l.....-----.--------.......------ This service most include ail your f Iatwork, as well as weanung appamel. FAMILT SERVICE No. 3. Damp Wash 25 pcunds for .-..- -------------- - --- Over 25 lbs., 5c per IL. $125 No articles marked, ecd bundle sorted as to colors and wash- ed scparately. Ont day service. FAMY SERIC NO. 4. Damp wash with flatwork ironed 25Po fr..... ........ $1.25 Flatwork pieces ironed 5c per lb. extra. One day service. The Reliable Laundry LAMNERERSDRY CLEANERAMI>DY.E Highlandn Park and Librtyvîlle Phonc. Highandn Park 178. Phone LibertyVlle 67-R. M LOO San today eralo Job was mm afRose EobUnfl van ek end sunf 't Sendi at Wieaton. Ill. am Duba and f amlly are lu Chicago ay <Thurada>') toa sttend the u- a! ofeiscousin. Paul Devine. ,uclan Ellswvorth of Chicago was eover Bunhlay vislting hie parents, and Mns. F: E. Ellsworth, ohn Williams of Coudersport, Pa., s ei-e over Sunday visiting Mn. and s* Joseph Wilson. XT E XL e a i-n Mli W-k,- dauce and vaUd«rfle P-9g-, the proceds ta be Ume4ta, aid the vound- ed soidle at Reet Havern Sanitarium. The affeir wll! be held at the higli schoal audItarinlI%. The mneeting of lthe Lakeside Cerne- teny Association WUa postponed, on sc- day. April 7th. It le boped that al who po6sibly cen, wiii ho present. The meeting viil b. heid at [lie .ime ai Mrs. Byron Colhy, 526 Brainerd a% Enue again last Sanday. These trips rather LLi.ýt sunday Mr. andiAirs. W. F. reqUent, el) W. E.? Franzen entertained Mr. and Mrs. brn ltueg Mr. and Mis. Henry Geoine Eboor bas receîXed word o! laFnkho!.If. Mr and Mrs. John Knueg- the recent death of l'us hnother, Fran-1 r. Mrs. Mary Krueger, Mr. and ?Jrs. cis Ebner, at Wayisnd, Iowa. 1Wrn. G. Gaede and daughter, Hlelen, j, W. Hart returnned Pnday tram Misses Elsa and Ama Lanckholi, ani Lot, Angeles, Calif, w.a bre he bas =en Mesrs.cWalter Âtenherg and Fred viitlng relatives fon severai veeks. * Krueger, al o! Des Plaines. and Irv- ing Lesch om Artnîgln Heiglits and Mr. and Mis. Enneet Dav,,3snd George Prelsnen of Chilcago. daugl' ter, Miss Hazel, returned Frida? anadsl ntefr we frram a wlnte's sojourn as, St. Peters- A hamn and sein thefar im ond Florida.Lake, ase hunned ta the graund ait Mr. and Mn,. Joe Martin, vho have, Sunday mornung. NehghhorS formed been living with Herman Burmelater,J a voluteer fire fightiiig oanafy, but left ast Tuesday for their oid home their efforts could not save the bâm. in Ille state ci Mlaine. ilowever the>' eucceeded lu savlng othi- Mss Irnfe Nothope of Cleveland, or buildings. The cause of the ire la 0hio andFred Protine o! Chcaga,- .nknc>wn, and was probabi>' camSed spent the week-end with the latters b>' spontaneaus combustion, as smre grandimother, Mus. C. M. Fualler and 'neshi>' shredded coin vas receil> famîl>'. put lu the silo. A valuahie co-wvas coaumed, as was also a lot 01 MQs- Sclows Auto Livev-Taxi Ser-.ekîtaneous.Thlos5nY5fl rinand Cv 9L I mu Lervyde tOiýL ered iii' nsurance. -I LOOK OVER YOUR LAWN D ht wiflnmea sme new sedciand New life Fertiise OUR LAWN GRASS SEED la th~e Very Be. Sold in Package or Bah REPAIR TiM IS HERE W.eaum fnmiY« iây. with evyth m moued t. Buld New or Repai the. Old We have Sccen Stodc VALDURA Anl Ready To Use The pure Awhaltpeit stops leaks énd rust LIBERMYILLE Black, Red and Green LUMBER PRON 47. Auto Paint 3 --O$!~$L5YEAR SIDNEY MEAKER and aYa LYNYtthe le. M9rIs O ,l LU-IT Oiloto LU DITORIU I lutiN P~TURB3 FRIDAT anci SATURDAY PETE MORRISON -ln- 4'DANGEROUS LOVE" Comedy' "VICTOR POTE!." SIJNDAY HERBERT RAWLINON «THE WAKEFIELD CASE" "4FOOLS RUSIg OUi"' Comedy, Taken from the .Anierîcan Magazine COMING SOON "Robinson Crus. Serl" THLY11E IGNEST CLM FCTURES AUE SfOUW AT TM~THEATER I dt., 25c. (ICu le ME by Paying your W6ll by check. Youll neyer l>k in doulit then regarding the amounts or the pur- pose of any payment, for the stuba of .Your check book will be aul accurate record of every transaction. Furthermore, the cancelled checks will give yau a positive eceipt for every disbursement, bc- cause each check must be endorsed on the back before we pay out the money. Yau'il find a checkir'g accotint with this bank a great convefllerKe. Will Soon Be Here Straw Hats For Childr.çi $1.*50 BLACK mm $2.OO BLUE, W.W.CARROLL & SONS' CON M 1! iraoue iiipeirxyvm avu- VISIT The Free Demonstrations TRIGGS & JOHNSON'S-MOINDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY E. H. COR=ErS T HURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Go every day this week, enjoy the interesting lec- tmies by Miss A. Fritts. a noted demonstrator. Every woman intdis locafity s"oId avait herseif of of this opportunity-the privilege of learning from the teachings of an expert, the secrets of perfectly raised, properly baked and deliciously tempting bakings. Calumet Baking Powder Will Be Used Exclusively like imillions of other housewives, domestic scîie trachers and expert cooks, she bas been using C lu- met for rnany years. Allow ber to explain to you through a demonstration, why Calumet is a positive and1 indispensable aid to saisfactory bake-day resuilts. Cook Book Free The Ca.uxnet Cook Book, containlng 72 pages of beautiMuly ilustratea test. is the rnoet comprebensive book of its klad ever offered free to ail housewives. The slip in the pound anu briDge it to your address frnee o! charge- send It -ta the Cab.uynet Baklng Po'wder Company-your copy wîin be forwarded at once. Cajurnet flaking Powder cctalns full 16 oz. Borne Baklng Powderb corne in 12 oz. luteid o! 16 oz. dams. Be sure you get a fuil pouud when you want it. ICE NOTICE cr.« m nhw«tyv&.t. h& erni S bwte >i vUh3eýf*tI*0e1yw tYs, midWiq âtt"t'e haveMt a la wtsip.Iwii cS"Mu On and after APril 1, li 298-M-2 i. v 4 'r 0' Deep in the hearts the Iflowerlm know Tuht Heaven gave them th ti. ight ta grow. et the pretty, graviaus thhngS of lite Inter tw the your heart. Let floyers take their pioper place lu yeun lIfe -sud' teach yoa the bapplnef s SofS eaceh bouma gSpose Your lumber and building m&-flea requirements cari be filled helrê your financial advantage. In other words, we will save you Cm on these prices. Every price advantage that the mx affords will be yours if you trade'wt

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