Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Apr 1922, p. 7

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11h clb - aremii~0otbSEEN IN ha" uted I74rpU3. i 4SO - I~LI> mt2CANAL PROJECT vp f iWonianWho t*- = w= =I t-2 'c ociloean w9uld cause rapid 'noe wti vreperec l apllnS strides in Waukegan ffor iii. woeynw., Que. and Howard A ner era ln the industriel and .4 IV,4r1 o1-nd 10 iteUblecommercial development of te d , 'Vy n atheiff. Screiasl of State Louis LU Emeran BSttes andi provinces of the Great ~OmtkbWdy "Ut t r o5(111&01 B or01>* ~Laktes regicu on both aides of the in- ai f itii.0- non' iIlues. iaBock fmi: 1921 Band 19V. ternationai boumdary line le sean hi Gianteti a charter b lit cuinùath iict*es o ail the state menibers of CongresIlin tbe propos- t 69? ateEmmn. heOtlO5iL ePdnew deepcbannei vstervay ta the. Blarg a n, vii diof W*ho" si ansses via the St. l,&wrence iver. the ctremen WHI ili Dy gbo Han costruction of wbicb bas Juat beaun aM i» w* wtl b prrtn, commendeti ln the report e h taioxdefne It prpoesu )r1&l ire. C aicg vill . joint International commission of the E Ceüisproea:lr at is. 1ZMGosIlr United States andi Canada. *Mo organize ail nonuanion wage HRes uen Bbls 01 Chics.. 5P*hi Not ouiy wold the canai mean re- ea~amt ta nvetgat living Wednesday t tbl bose newed expansio% andi growtb ln the Io .a.4 edusa.mln&a*.such la,- iummay<*a K . WI.AM611- great citlez on the lakea. snch as Buf- toataSmi vieb Mayiep the menu- Ing 8Md IR>j EtUbbW oeIIÙW enfalo. Chicaga. Mlwaukee and Cleveb là f rei.. tIti colt ef living;- o EBileUubbdeusto* Bandai att5OB land, but the grovili of new greaf tUMNte undrtakissl ar th e reduc- vas a lalUtia canler citiez ioomed, it vas pointeti ont. It tisa e« rent ovls t andard O0f 3rlday aftenOCIlàpolnted eut tbat the posstbilien of AI*# &"aa uplfft ithemorale fi Mç»_ %Mg Un a Ikiierennrcelretia Waukegan, an Important barber City b0T a", tfis omuwiiy; 1> ofl pe tie u Bneouie. on Lke Michigan,. are uilmiteti. rtgtcsandi ezemefs Anunir fu *ygWilhlits naturai faclitiez the canal WI~1II»Cfl tii .~ A ] nberne te =flk caffl project would be an important factor bu e. et Mag br;to pobliait I"a DorthyOttaf nn* npooi gravth. i$~ Q 55 IICh ii ratitla y M.,dt . zuou ys Senator Kellogg, (R). of Minneseta. lsèrogaesls cencj' o! the floflw85e- _______ polnted to the report of the joint com.- eeqr, >Aad t'Or Pdnt lecturesandi mission. ln wbicb rapid developuentt &et5*slfor pdUC&Uioai intrpomes.0069180666606600000 vas pre<iicîed for Duluth, Minnesata aa4 0 doany nti veryhiugnece0cV, L:Oandi the Ivin citiez of Fort William snul or cuvenient fer the aecomp- and Prt Arhur. on teCnda ilshment et1a»y e1 the parposea or 00 00 00 00 eI of Lake Superlor. objecte above mentloned or incident- The Vole Ladies Ad Socety wili "Forty thousanti miles o! rallway ai thereto'" give a basket social at the M. E. servlng the great Americafi West, are The ineorporators of te union are oburch Wednesday evenlng, Aprl 12. liibutar.,- to Duluth, while Canadas William Lionbeardt, GuF liegs , lEliz- A pia program la being prepared ir.în.sconii1î railwav syBtems abei Lioheari, Clia i-is-, M nd a mont cordial Invitation ls extend- .(,,v, Fort William andi Port Arthur," tielli onig andi Roe Sakis ed te each and ail, and It wlll alec gvle nt epot declared. 0you, a chance te sea how nicescIr 1 Mîght Rivai Twin Cities 0000 000O 000000000OO chnrch looks with lias interlor decora- Th. possibility that these two Ca- o LO G G OVE tins.-' 'flan citles might rivalith t wi 6oo.OoOOOooPoQooo Th(, Sunday Schoolisleplanning onui, t S aian inaptsa snding a gilt of eggs to the Lake ite r. ul' of the cons'ructIon of the Frieda Steling, Editor Blluff orphanage for Eslr.Ay u 'a ' was pointed oui by The sdlleel election wiii be beld a who would lîlte ta cotributete Jie mi-tc-o. Congress who -iand wek strier tlila yea?, as tihe law lias worhy offering can bnng donatin spon-or for thte project beau changeti. This 3ear the electin >to itif- curch Sunday afternoon. "Thep î'rorîosed nFw watrwa' 10 vil]ha eid APnl 11h. Ail should plan f-- ili e eafrom th(- tiiar' of iii. Xrn- ta caine out andi vote, as lvi ni-w di- Belated Justi r an Continntn wouttiltý-'n. e- nctars are to ha eiected. I a la sq-ý4 on;a niifo. onla 10ail' -atîii,~ The eighth giae'w-il soon ie dons t a eIv3se- eti iilIS fl l ,e,,rgin t'Tau:a' idW ir wih th i ir o tz h h w fne Jlett'i thla t Adam iri t,,l . elut t trii i ry i Ixi t s , fa-w -st wa rd a-.,ithe th e rbidloook!. oyfieail twIti îlrne for ',riiyi ttt'iitii'ina n-) it- \ 1.oiiil'" '-n dSenaic K.- Th Iz pupils who were pi-r- cri dii fi 'r th(l irti nI un. cii h tire i ni-n tolaY -il woulî a fIord a n o:i teat un the %onor Rolfer good de- n J Iv 'ii'1,i t i - r In iarkt.;-,of 'lie w o: hifoi lie pro,ioi-ts of 'li, ri-ioti 'T!if i-ýp,ýt? of hi comni -ion ini titi- h hraî"icahlý i i n h gl :.î j o, -t~ o0O0O0oo0O0O 0 n0 n V .(1 " 1)it0c0 o f ooo Oo A i*V ee ni Are You Going to Move This Spring? On accounit of the large number of telephone moves we are called * upon to make at this season we ask Thirty Days' Notice on ail removal orders that are to be completed between April 15th and May 15th * As soan as you dccidewhere yeu will move- Cati Commercial Office ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ADDISON M, SHELTON Canddah hf« at fthe Republican Pbmy Tuesdy, Aprfi llth - ~Véfte fW SPsimb.Ou Ï71 ddmq mfd m" n w" <aSai Re Pis foS beatsuchoos and a niooe eqi*bJe ctsi0> lion 4 "0ca MsWRoL T,à*q: SouihsNukN ns~Uia«À c Uhci(X. BWeff). ÇoeMtySupeiitcne. MHNkry County 19 10 t tPo m- dent bcisEducaioosl C«csuimoe1921 ta date. Save the Educationa ad FiriamciIW W tel Vft, for Stat. SupisrWdnt of Public Instrmcton i 'lMaritti s-i wîh Rt-s R. Rý i lxi ithan in 'hicago la-i week <W'ed, n(sisc a Tliç,i-'%w-ttt inse- The Niglit Cap-' in the esentng. Wonder If theY ni- saw a nlatcap befere? L'-t Satuntlay night tht commuait> congregated ai tht home of J. Grant (Cok and snrprlsed hlm, tht occaion hiina is birthday. A large crowd vas lresent and a fine tinte vas etiloyed b> ait MNr.Pete vas given t hon- ors for at-armag the cuti costumne. Announcelnent vas imde last Bat- urday oi the mara-lage of Mise in- lins Cook tot William McKinieX Maison, vhich occureti Mardi 21. Bell!Pan-les llelng veil kuevit neeti ne intrOductjc.ii We al tuite In congr tUlationi '&]Id wîs thtbm a long anti haPPY lUfe. We are gladt t report that GrendPa Kruager anti Grand-a Staciff are m- proving anti chances for' their recoverI- are nov very favorable. Last sunday occured the deatisof Paul Patrickt DeVIne, a son O! Mlle£ J. DeVIne, living non-b e f lova ln- terment ai Cavary. Our sympa-hhy is vith the, bertaveti !amily. Our tow'nship electien ef April 4 il as flbye. For Suparvisor, A. G. Mather 256,.GG Stancliff 61, JohnuER Barreit 17; For Tovn Clenit, C. J. Henschbergen 273; For Assesson, G-to M. Weitienea- 27(> For Commissioner. Franit U Holil' 184. Wm. Brockman 101, S. F. Foote 52; For Schoel Trintee, M. W. Kned- er 260; For Constable, Fred Priesa 230-anti Chas H. Koieger 85. Attend- ance. 244 men anti 97 vomen. No remarksannecessary. as figures tell the St itr>. Boy Scouts mieat aI Town Hall Sat urtiay 7:30P.m. Suniday Scltool 10:30 Lasi Snnday M rs GIman's Primai) w-pais von tht schooi banner for til lasI quarter. Last-Wednesday morning C. A. G:l man vas caitd to Milvauke t account of tetitataof tshiefatuer Chas. Hereclibenger teck charge eft t] Depot. -___ HISTORY 0F VERNON TO)WNSHI1 By Eari Suosching, of Millei Ohoot Vernon townabl la lu the seutheai arir part of Lake ceunty. Tise na- v ea-nen as taken !aom Mount VerR the banne o! George vas choeeu by tbgee CcomIeaiOa-5B. The firet tavu mseting wuas boin Hall Day on the tiret Tuesday ta Apui 1850. Jgxuee Moore vas electet a, viser; orange Brace Toua, don; PM antier Stewart, JUStUce Of the PMsE ElniaA'G>'idlie, aesor. Tme roé cocslslelers vers M. Havis, Jd Tri» andi Irwin Rut]>. J. AYrs VI oersesro of the pon. Th>e constable anti collecter waiRRt est BihIo.Thetiraet ia'wyr wa Iliranl Kenectt He triedth tirf lav sttandi marriedtheti, Bnt cou mas-h etles carne to titis tovu> wagons da-&Wa 4*yoxen. SOlue W" -fi-u Chilcago and ather neaitsy cii anti gettled Inthte seaPl&inea river à Indiau Creek bottotl luie 800 une le the only «NI that gots ibrougi> Vernon townsblx, va formtaly cailed thue Wiscoti Centrai. The fli-e bridge vas bult ai HI Day saceseIndiean Creek, buX il since been torntiowu anti a large0 vae bualt. At Hait Day the fluai chus-chw etarted lu 18U7. h vas clile t Mletl>otiut Epiacepal. Tne tinetmn ter vus w. Itnilion. Other churet Urnee ore. oberge 1111. hoie, »tas u~ th oitmrca eg ion may tender. iTmis ovfor it aiî solierfuneral with full they bad a OanlilbWy-We .1.111 havemitay on s mêe vd=me, 'mJt4Oh ld at ith le- oldestIt" i eqi- A 1ew or the Whai viii probabiY h. the lant mtil early; uvil 101M e 1101111l Uson, Bar- itary fuineval o! a var eteran in Wau- vey~ ~ ~~ ~n ConJMemvo n iJone Pike. kegait viii be that etrNVictor Bersinsit> formeerly or 1M Southl LissaI»avenue, 0 aIl 0 0 0 0 W suoff a , * oboe h "Jbas tta f et in aBrooklyni DM EqwIe batilO etL0 *. s ~* Q * e. g *I sa'i ill iaLarvibn bete ii paz ilnatly 4*0 vecis.T» local Anieri- Mm- si is.R . Smuit vere the cmGIS lgin viitOmeuCasotf the tuner guesta Ior roslttvfi t Prairie View ai arrangeents. - BUu4ar. Rergslfy vas oundeti Jane, 191t, Roeis. Hardla et Wlmette "pMt duriflg au engagement tm vhichl iaut tii. 'veek -.84 Ili blr parets, lMr- vision. 1th@ 471b lu'ail . oG part. Mdt lmra. .IL ff091l.lie ra% takantoa aboappmal here lie lire. Anfla ý asrivet Inl 1111- dieti July 81- 1918. MO e rmains wene nois, lter w inal~- binteti la jtance untiE arrangemeuta IlOifli. lir ,spoUdhlga ev cuilil be ma"ta Lter theO clou tu i. titys wviEilier te, ie ate iing iUmmnibai tte ylit~îec EaoOAI. h"la h. Statea Md lte bis 1home4tavn. setties lntb h1 Haa uvvri17tr lirs-n LMasSari 1:.k.if ai Bluff brouS>,4ail lvintg la Wsslkegaui. rley, oaet a'i.inOUb« sseaes iare M. Mary Mli lsandi Mm. lhi Druovdsr,ù*45i'.'ana Gedi andthe> brother Josephl ~i . â on, Ted, ofthte Beain Ha Meuntirwent hie armY Prairie Vlew mgbrodspent S> trllsim a t vciGrant, Rocuxord. andi day with Mr. a" -Ulra. Wili Ray and left ibis country from Franice on lMayj fsu.Iiy.15, 1918, atter belng in the servise Mmn, lye Eimm wuva aLibentyville nearly twt> yeara. visitor Suxul An exact account of bie deauli over- Mias Doroi Holooeab spent severai se". vas neyer learneti, the recardai tiny lai vaI ta hicao. eing lest in their reiunu te Unlteti days ut wek lnChicgo-ttes. A mllitry lunerai mi* lie ar- Deasn anti Rut]> Welis of Chicago rangeti by the local braanch of the Am- spsut ths wesk endi at Area. enican Legion viten the remaiile 01 Satua-day geelng Blanche andi Lee Berginelcy are shipped here fromi Shadlîs ntertaintati gverai friende at Brooklyn vhere they vîlilibe heid for' a five linatred party. Those who vers probably a week. awarded honora vere Mrs. Dwighit Dalpli and Water Simmons. Consola- It la belleved that tht returit o! Ber.' tionsouvnirsveregive MrsMon-! 'insky viii lie the last soldier 10 lie re- C'handler and Turner Wilcox. The re iurnpd Io Waukegan f ruîmFiancet maintien et the svening vaiim-tn înin dancing. Travel of Lîght and Sound. Mr. a nd Mrs. E. G. itickiîIt- oi Lùng soiiii i, wsildtît i ioset the raie Grove spent Tusstiay ithi relativs c-a2în f :9)tmiles s minute, sii,,ciipared Ares anti Libertyylle- Iciliglit. h lasitîwer than i citait. Fred Goswiller and si-4er mîoved If we s luiffll hear a claii ol tiunde, int their oew bomet on --4' ilouiîaN afamnt le is flg Wednesday. ba!a iutateaflh fih- Nirs. George Smith and uaughîer, u lng. w-e could calculate thai tbe dis- Miss Nellie, vers Wankegan visitore charge o! eleclrlcity w-es about six and r Satuiday. *(n bai! miles away. Mrs. B. H. Binhai vas a Chilcago via- il o rSaturday. George Prouty aud Mi. Rockensac î., Watilcntia spent Sunda,> vith Mr.' ind Mrs, Albiert Roder. R. A. Smithu was a II-i.j1(îî-sit- 0'. Tuesday- rýSi-erai freni Aresa ui-ndýi-liiilise t undreti party ai tht- Iiai> Weils home iaturday avening. t sister, Mrs. Clara Feller andI family Iai Walwortb Wis. -%ra. Kelly and tiaugliter of Racine, Wis..apent the past week ia Antiocli iith relatives andI friends. Miss , Edna Richards accompanlied Mrs. Geo Kelly homne Snnday evenlng E x S -anti expects te spend the waek wiii> 5 Jas Stearne îranaacted buainess lu .Chicago on Friday. 1Mu-. Jacoeb Drom spent tise pait wetkintaMlwaukee, gtting acquainteti 3'lwth ber new gaan-dughtti', vho arriveti ai the home of lMr. anti Mrs. yWilliam Prohl on Marc]> 261]. Mr. anti Mrs. A G. Neleon et Sand- ifvich>,111. arrived hlast Tuesday te spend &a few titys at the home of their ia.ugb- jter Mm-. Ben Van Duzer eu their iay b omne thse latter part of lte veek. They siapped off ai North CIilcagà te epauti aa fev daya viii> their son Wllilam Kavaiting and family. On Menday mornfi laut veek oc- Ir cura-etithe marrlage ôI Mi»e. le ý ifattendor! santiMr. tien. Golltaer it 1Wauksgn-Tht- cerefli0iY vaupeu-- fermeoi by Police Magtrate Water te congra;tulatIons- dý Dr. Caroline Hedgere etflicCorick 38 Memerial liuad il tiailver an ad- i-es hafore the Woiatfti Club on Io Mozeiy.Aprit ird. le Mrn. Loonard V an Deusen la enter- taining bier aiter Ms. LUme Smaith et L Gary, Inti. this wesir. lila MsVivian Rogers.,v*he la attend- ry ing echeol ai MilwaukteOepan)gt Sunda be wlth ber parents at Channel Lake. Mir. and lira. Will Evans o!Ta-aveu- .1spent laut Snnday aIt the m.eof Mr-. on antiMas. Clarence Crovly 'r. Mise Margaret Stephennsanand frlend ie of Lake Forest vers guesla of lin. Arthur Melaithorp lait wek. Mr. anti Mr. John Drus-y spent a P lev tisya at Ta-vor, Ylattng their >ol tia'tghter anti famnly. a Au eletton vIl ha held at the. Vii. nl tUe .bhllon next Tuesday. April llth, On for the purpose of eieci gthfee adtrusteeon. village aiea-k andtoe .Village treaiiirea-. st F=> Diffle vas ita Wukganon rtT]aiawy anmiFaitay for 31a7 duty. Ml" WAUKEGAN MAN L"A818 De;BIG KEMOSHAHOTEL r- By thé terme of a tiOli cloeti lato lut tia, atternec ain embolwats, ab-0'WaUkagau las tais. aa lne1 ,, e y r e ouibe Ma$Wcbd btl tint~ tiol h e considMtitlon being $1, -a 1 n Tb* yeaaly rentai l is»8.00.On top ,,of tie Ur. Schwartz ilatpay- tiie Wm. J. Obee Candidate for County Treasurer Subject to the decision of the Republican Primaries April 11, 1922 Contracter and Builder. F or 30 years a member of the Lake County Repu6lican Central Commnittee and noiv Superviser for Deerfield Township. Try a «"Want Ad." in The INDEPENDENT. It will brint risâ *SHERIFF ervicef v. AhlS'trom -s the People Want a Chau REI APRIL'I1, 'à' N en te la the R-m lar-et. Ms ny- here

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