Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Apr 1922, p. 1

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LIRYVILLENDPED T c oDurDEN La4 Gp~Wvs Ilg WeeId WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN LAIR COUNTY FÀIRl Staf8118onlLabor Day ibis year and runi for five days and nicgMa At aà meeting or officers, directors -and Patrons of the Laktecointy Fair, on Satutday iast. aIt the WarM Bureu beadlquarler.4, Lbertyvilie, stops vare taken and plaun formuated tovard Puttlug ver on September 4. 6 , 6 and 7 and 8 (day and nght show) the 69th annual Pageant of Agrlcultural r Progress. I is going 10 be the saule old Fair -R geA sblgger and botter ail the tirne, but the onliy change la iu the dress or the cuatomers. the horse$ go a litIle fanter; people grab tiec mre bras& rings on the mierry-go-round theY grabbed at flfty years &go, but the flYlng Jnney bas beau hnproved by a painted mechanlsrn vltlh makes the Panted horne$ actuaily race. The Fair starta off vith a thrili an Labor Day a.nd ail hhrUu heb. fin -ek Iu SePtenaher the fautent hameau raclag on the. fastent hait mang track, siutoffblie amd borne show$, big live stock anid agrlcuitaaral exhIbita, houge- bold dsplays, andl m--y firsî cas at- tractions vil be the.laat word la msk- i ng Lakte Countya Great Millon Dol- iar Exposition ala big community eu poaaly be made ta represeni. lir. W. i Woodin, preuldent and Wr. JOhn 0. Wirtz, aecretary, bath Lr3u- ears. are eut to give the public vbal theY are alwaYs iooking for- tebout to b. bad. They are coglzant of the city man'a regani of La"o CoUntya stop anm basa fot beaun over*lMedowetl la the Publie eye by the oyumspors of MichiganBouleard aad the woke eta-ksa oflsantlc factories. Thege Mm nare onIta attract 41e clty folks ta aMr fir MheaMme tirne our home foik are gefttla more for their maney t"tbey have pvrftrecelved before odaueuti vegOU la uoing ta «M 4the far rélaroçrnd 0 th. shyes and &rMe may change, the MarneCIO. de vo have aivaya had vili b. back iagalu for more Plans for th. but pr.nItum Uitand ha" bock are ua4er vaurlght nov vblle a MN5W ecamiaug for tveultY- iv. hundoed 5eviemberabh>s la ai- ready und-r vay and making rosit pro- grees. Bacat your fair, buy a membershlp, advertlse In the year book and cnhlb. if some of your fine stock and hoasê hold prise vflners thhreby making * the 69th 4unnvernary a reai Arnericar, * beauty BIR0 CITII3S TO BE ESTABLISIIED ON iREAT LÂKES Bird cities (etaûiehed ni t rejuent lntervals «Jong oue great rivera and êoaetlilnés. around the G reat Lakes * and an> lniand watere or swampa Where wild !Yiîds are wont 10 gather ai sny seasrn of the year, la the atm of the National Association of Auda- bon Societies. ln these reer@nÀs, the birds wouid be protected by-law and by Publie opinion f rom the gun et the hunter and the "suare of the towler.' A erles of such bird anctuaries ba" already ben astabllahed along the Gulf coast. Glbert Pearson, sec- retary for the Auduhon Association fauud lu a recent tour of thene reuer- vations mauy rare sPeclas unkuown tothe averaga hird-lover. Aong wili varietias native to t4e raglan, Ibere wdre large colonies ot birds native f0 other ragions but evldently encour- aged 10 establsb themacifvea lu this uew habitat because tbey were un- moiested. Intere8t lu the- preervation of bird 1f e Is more generalinl the United Statesa han If waa a ew yearsa go but tiera la much f0 be doue yet be- * fore American gamne aud sang hîrds vîli ha sate front huntan destructionl The sonîberu experlmeuts lu bird conservatilon are an exasupie of whal can be accèhmpisbed hy salnhar ef- fort lii ther -parlasutfie country. M1ýRS. IRWIN DIES IN ST. LOUIS, MO. Word vas recelved iu Waukagan tbis mornlug of the deati ef Mra. Wal. * ter Irwin ln Sf. Louis, Mo. Mrs. irvit waa formerly Misa Elizabeth Keller, siaugitar 0,,ftie lata John Keller or West Wasahlugton âtreet. a v eek:ag&OMrs. Irvlp sufai-cc had heen vemy seri"o Ince liat limeo The daceased vaswu 7j"rs01il Be aides 29 AitI flevs3 chidren. Richard, lroe-nSWt or I-yul. UBERtvulL[AXE C(m(Y ILUNIS, TD AY. APRq. 1 J.192 AWARD CO)NTRCTS FOR ROAD WORK (Spacial to tie Sun.) Springfield, April 10-The stata xieîarfmeut et publie vorks and buildings loday svarded tia con- tma!t'- far oaving section 1 aud 4 Of 'oule No. 21, state bond issue i akes cuoes for fis cola -id, lu Cookansd Lake coUnîlas 1 ite Whiite Construction conpu A mistake la takln.g soame uaicine 11 ('lx ego for $214,169. Roilno lass Mauday coat MIke Leginski'a tIf unis tram Wbeelilg, Cookcun, vien ha drank a ll4juld paluf removar> nrli for a distance of aevenutmiles. lnstead of the medilcine. Nelghboi-a, te NO. 4i-uns tram 'Lake Villa, beailg lis vite cream, nusbed mb .ak couuty. souti for a distance uis bouse sud fouud hbms trugglilg for o Iansd Ibrea-quartar miles. breath. Tiey oummoned a physician. wh uhdto the home, but arrivedA S R NC GI N tac, laie ta sava lie man's lite. Tie paint remover contaluad s poi- son vîich attectedbils beart sud Caus- ad death tan minutes aftta the dose, H TRO DW K sf1"jn <th~ e isaurt. Dr. Jos- Mieczyuski was, sumusoned by neighbors vho rrisled ito the WILL Gio AIEAD the dislracledA wife. 'fie iuaed irn- rnedialaly [rosu bis office ou 14flh 2,707,000 barrels of cernent street but arrived to fSud Leglnskl ob ucaç,awdn daad. He made an axamlualiou of the oeuchgd ccrin body butftaiied f0 detai-mine tbe char- to annouincement acter of the poison conlained in tie lilquild. Springfield, Ill., April 6.-As- Leginski vas employed by tisa North suranga cf c-rYlug out road pro- Chicago scioq board aud aise opar- gi-sm mapped out iy Gavernot- Smali ated a ceai . d expreslug bosiness. and afate hlghvay officiais smre t le heilaved liaI be reloruedtlabils f Ime ago vilch cailed for- lie build- home at Ilti sud LIncoin streets, ing of 1,000 miles of concret. North Cilago, af noontima otoieiapavement vas coufalued lu s state- purpose of Iaklng tha madicîna. EHa ment lssued !rom fie blgbvay de- bail net bean feeling valu sud dom- pariment laIe yeslerday. pliled trequantly of a cold sud heau- lu lia statese Issued jaintiy by scie. Col C. R. Mâei, dîrector of Public Physiciens questlonad Mns. Laginaki woiks ansd buildings sud Frank T. botftallad 10 coma la auy defluite, Sbaets, %tais supersutendant af knovledge a! iov tisa man died. iIt igbvays -fil was annouuced liat le hatieved fiat ie vas atfectadln uarawîhdba aed ha-- rnadiatly upen drinklag lia flold sud fween cement manufacturera and liaItiah man died vîfiu la minutes fia alale for tise purciase uf 2,707,- atter taking tie suppamed dose of nied- 000 baniielm of cameul. icifia. fa9000brase e Thbobdy, vas taken to the ,.i-0. Pet-m Addlug te9000breso e hosbuis uudartaklug establishmntul ent -or vbicb coulgacts already vt r iecrui-sihîetvs bv b eau .iued, lia stalemel ovar lie body tint afterinoon Il u tdntmaailaowilhab1 fart 10 deci. iov the death came and urlug. Iis year's prograsu. f irougi vint poisotilng lu tha Ilquid price agreed upon wltis the tie deati vas cased., manuufacturi-as as not defintaly - stales uam vare tisa details 01 lie contracta avsrdad made anown. In fils connactian liebilgiway depai-t- CHORUS fia TO meut made tisa brief expisuatton t Ilat tia bids vere svardad *'on SO .FOR A h. u e fthlie Marcb 24 hitda." PRIONT;hos bide rarcelved tram ne- merous, opne vailed. rangIjng Beilin, Aprii 6.-Mis Ccile Sciriiza from 1$.45 par barrai ripvard 10 mar chorus girl wvsasenlence4 10 oua yaar lisan $1150. Thene .#Sres v4aa If lmrplisoumeut for sIealing 15,000 frl l-u ibtIy biber tbitn bidk rOCeiv*d., an Amorcan citizen vIso gavae th. aia Rpi-ey-ions 0péning& Vblhcb veze dnaine 0f Julies Bramai-, a tai-mer living rectacl by the administration. L IDnyton. 0. lu court l vas bi-ougt 1. Ont tisat lie thettoccus-red atter Bsrn- a x . o-X0x o. xq x x e, or aiS the iri lad spent tIse nighl e 7118 t pw t 3 ton Plng bar.s ad oaftos. Bremes- laid t.I ý W * hboutlafeddnoîvsuhtîivl. 4 SLAYER POTZ QM À ALON$ilR 1*LEASE ON LIFE Arguments for new trial put over 2 weeks; can't hang before June 16' lgnatz Potz, rOnvlcted layer ofi Williamn Peler sen Wlnthi-op Hjaiho motorcycle policemasn. received a- uav loesao! lite Saturday vian Jridge Edwards grauted lia motian oethfeE state's attarney 'netthug be t-1 Ici-neya for the fda teus 0suimitj 1heur motion for a nav trial lu vrit- ing vhlcb bad nul beau doua up to, tisa Presentuie. The court entered sunas-dar for lie deuse ta .subralt hemr motion1 ln vritlug te tise State by nexf Sal-4 urday. The state tien vfa giveu an addlUaunal week. ta revlev the1 mattei, and preparean ausaes-. e The motion for a_1ev fili as to h0ave been argued tay but in- asmuch as il is Pracllcaiiy certain1 fiat case the court ovasruies lia motion for a new triailiah malteri viii heasppealed t10 àe Suprerna1 court. Tbe state's attô!uey prafer-1 i-ad to bhave the motiOn of lie de- fense lu wring for the sake* o! tiq records.1 As the mattes stands nov the1 eariiest date ou wiich Pela cauid1 ha bauged la June 16, as lia lsv providas than an ezecution muet uol coma vitinluees lianý ten days toilovlug tie opninng o! tie near- est Supreme court tai-m sud tie. uexf lai-m otpens Jutue 6.1 OLD VETS MAKE APPI3AL FOR FLMIÛS ON SCIIOOL1IOISES The Grand Arm' iaeld a meeting Saturday atternoon lu Waukeas, ut whlch fia tolnwing resoiritian vas ,sdoptad: «Havlug been infui-mad liaIt ther sîilli ai- about lweufy scioîs lu tusa coruty ovar wbich the fiag ofour- caitry dos ua loSat. We eamustiy ask th lischool offiiell lsaeedis- tricts to sea tiat a fiag Isa frimsiiebd as pi-ovtded l'y law. ' Be Ilt urtier provlded liaI oui- ibauke are glvau te eux ounty su>- erlteudeut o! schoois, T., Arth-ur Simpen, for ils effana lalnlrying to ses fbat Iii. iw av is "d. LUt Old M P~g 1l«o vex avery echool houa. ~Ii~ julin v~~*êDy a OUTOO0R SRICES FOMCtRGIS IN JULY A»D AUGUST Ministerial Assn. decide s on program of Sun. ove meet- ings during summer mos. Rnnday evanfng services lu the Wau- kegau churciies vili b. dlscoutlnried durlug fb-e montia of Juiy and Aliguat it *was decidad ai a meeting of lhe Irnlsteriliassociation last wveakwven tiey mat at lie Plaza holel. This pro- gr-arnvas filed asmt sommer sud prOv- ed successtui wian the services vare heid Lu the sîreef, or ilutha summar gai-dans at lie Salvation .Ai-my 111,0. il la piauued to use fia Summai- Gard-- eus lu lb. rear of lbe hotel axclusivaly Ibis yaear. Thse jrogram vas adoptad Thursday viien tia mlnislerliassociation b-ad anao aIs. lai-gest meetings since ils organlzatlon. Tii. problem of summer services vas taken rip and wviienIf as dacided that'beller atteudmuce could ha secured b-y holding tia services out 0f doors Lu lb. evouungs the. plan vaq adepte&. à, i-cgamarn yl b. arrauged se liai tie pastars of diRai-ont churches ofthfe clty wilI speak lu rotation durlug the. summai- months. This vill allov sorna pastoi-s taelaIte a vacation vhis their congregatlon viii b. ln lise banda of olier pastors of the. clty. Tise regaiar mrnrulg maivices of lie churches wIii ha coutinued under the. plan. ln consideriug lhe out of door servic- es Il vas poluted ont Ibat lb. evening voi-k vill cause smre via do net st- fend churcdIn lahe .ev.uiugs ovlug te tha heat, viialu eIciined te attend tha gatb-erIugm lu lie summner 5ardaiua. The vote adalpllb-e plan vas aimnt un' aululous.'Plans snd a pi-ognam for tie summor Montha viii b-e mode durina lb-e ubsequent meetinga orlte asaoe lalien. Dr. S. W. ObMiester vas tbe boit et the. meetin ai lgl Work of destruction was in charge of Constable C. A. Brune of sponge squad Lakte Couuly gambing devices mal theur Waterloo last Satarday at the bauds of States AUy. Amlhh's Spouge, Squsd. Elghtsy-seven aloI machinas sud ether gambing devices ver. de-- slroyed. Axes, sledge hammams, sud batciats vare ueed in the smasiug. Aftr tie machines varea msed f bey vare burnad dliamelal parla ware lakeu ta lie laite, vb-erethey ware cousigned lu a vas-y grave. The firaf blow of liaevi-eckiug prty vas sîruck hy lie Rav. T. R. Qoayia, Secy. ofeta ke Cuty Le-,~ aud Order Leagl&e. Tha olier mem- bers o!fiah squad foilovad ils ex- ample, sud soon tise air vas tilled vifi tlyiug cips e! gaInes O! chance. Tiese machines, aigily-seveu lu nomber wei-e vairied at more than $20,000. They vas-a mostly vbael siot machines of fie Mutas Manutacîture. Same of tia machinas vare vslued aI more than $1000 eaci. Ah fthe macinues ad beau eeizad lu tisa Fox Lakte reglau ou the or4ars ufthle prosecolor sud bad beau brougif te Waukegau. being storadinu lie Carman baru on North QountY St. Tha destruction lust Ssturday-WU ordered a taw days befolO bIi CIrchi Judge C. C. Edvards, Constahie C. A. Brune, -tad of lie lsv enforce- ment squad bad char-ge 0f the de- stiruction. A number of people gali. ered la watcb fia vork. $5OOO BEQUEST FOR SCItOOLBOY Doi-oliy Morris, 4237 East, Ravans- wood avenue, Cicago, aud Marris Fi-a- tsar. Lakte Bluff, sciool chiudreii, vilI raceiva about $5,00 esch undai- lb- wli o!fiais- grsnd!atie-, Han-y . Morris, admlîled te probata lu Chicago eby Paul Corkali, assistant te Judga Hornar. Mi-. Morris who vas a mataber o! lia Cicago bsoard eft fsada, dled Jau 120. Hie viii pravides a beqriestof $2.- 600 toi- sdarighte- Ms-s. Margaret Wil- rliams, 1858 Bertaau avenue, 'wltI -visom, he lved at the Urne oftis death rTiha i-est Of lus $50,000 estata ha os-dem- a d dlvlded luta tfour parts, one Part. 1 e- ie Ivo giaiidchIsidre. suolir 3pas-t ta., b-adivided betiveen l]S tvaO s3onsi Chai-les snd Warreu, Marris, MI8 t ast Ravenavoad avenue, an*tber* for rMrs. Wilnme aniS lie allier for u- allier daugsbter Ni-s. Sarahnis laiei om~e f ae it $1.50A WAUKEGAN CHAF~rg - VIT.LOCALMABTO RECWM Oë N aPII i 1'be Sedretary of ibterfyvila Ladge No. 492, A- P. & A. M, bas recel'vedl au Invitation requestinx members to attend a reception andS home brew (don't tell fia atate'a attorney) mes- quarade, te he given by Wa.ukegan Ciapter No. 41, R. AX M., I l ti. i. Masonlo Temple, Sheridan Raad, Wau- kagan, Wedkesday, April 19, 1922, from 8 fe 1a P. M. Atter I o'ciocdk thse masquerade and good old time dance vIll continue ln tie main audtorium on the tii-st flGor. Several prîses bave beau provîded and a gi-eut varleîy. of artistil aud c*ical characters have prornlsed te b-e lu attendance. InformalIty, a jolly good lime. vith quadrille. valtses aud tva- steps wlll preval fkrougboit the eve- nlug. This la pobably lie tntiUre liaI Master blasons of the countY have had au opportunlty te lusPect tbis beaut1fut temple, wieli as erect- ed b-y the waukegan fraterfity at an expense of uearly $200,00, and as the autartalumeut la free the frater- uity aud theit lmme4tge t#1=11100 an' luviled. 1 , ,J . ý jýj ]Nwat-d DriBols, 0f our village,* 19 thc presldIng off icer ot Waukgan ChaVter, and aise chai-in uaitichere- capUoll ônmlttee, snd promise& evemy oue of ils friands a' goad t1=0 il theY viii attend. -Smart's elght-PWeeOr- chestra vill furaish the munie.- "Wlsat aay y.. brethreui, viiiyo0% corne Up?" -1 - ùIl ST.?JLMf Drivip oa t nk breaks, terI~~1ow e i iIetymIie lied a close eso~p hi frmi denth Vnday viien lhe duiviug ro<i on tha locomotive iroke sud- deuly, tearing up ties sud partions of thse roadbed fotoi-mre distance. Il s0 happened Ihal the train, Cilcago houud, vas mast puillnig out ot lia Uhortyvilla depol vien the, accident iappened sud' Ifhad flot galnad sufllcient momentum tobeb darafled as a resuit of the accident, Trninmnen adintîed ta lah le acci- dent had oocurred vila the train va, runulug at a higi rate a!, speed fiat lie locomotive vauld have 1.11 lie rails sud plongeS lto hefi.dtch draggIug lia enfUi-e train of pais- entercachas ater il. As il turneS out lie enginear vas able to stop thse englue hafore mnch danmagaevas doue. The dis- ahlad locomotive vas placed on a aida traclt aud s nav englue ae rived fromRn oundout sud ptllled lhe train 10 Chicago. FOR I MNTIS, IS BACK, INSANE Brought baok from Detroit; husband alleged moonshiner,1 is in county iaiL Accompanied hy a pelîcavoman f rom Detroit, Mici., Ms. Beatrice Rîehber vas brougit 10 Waukega Vrlday sud turuad over 0tii.theèI= paievia promptIy caused ber ta be locked op lu fi. couuty Jail., g«1 casse bas heen retex-red tu lie att'i attornuey sud aiela t10 b. givan a iearIng on ber saulty. TIse biingaback 10 Waukegmn-*t M-s. Klehber solves a olx-onLtbs oldS mystèi-y. Six mouthsaugo Mi-s, iCieb- ber dlaappeai-ad mystemioaily troa ber home lu Waoiregsu. leavlug be buaad asix c4lidren. Sha left no message And gave no Intimation tisaI mie plauned ta go. Reports vere coi-ent aI fie lime that sis migil bave beau ltae vlctlm of fouI play sud a searci vau cou- ducîed for bar but vithoot socceas. Ifurors carne to the police 10 tie affect liatIf ! tbay veme 10 dlg- lu lie basemeul of ltae Kiebier boma fbay migil Sund the body of fiahe 'lu voman. il vas learnetiflday fiat alla bas beau lu DetMtit mu o f theii.lime1 sluce aie disappaared trom bere. Mtrch of tUeta remie vasil u su azyorn for the Insane., Ttlually' thej aritiorities learued liaI mie vas1 troa Waukegau sud carisad her te b-ebroUghtback thliea According tu the police the dihi4. i-en have been plaoed Inlutltutioni viere, Iiay ara heing cri-d for bY tia mlate. inveàtigatlon Frlsy i-ouht cul fie tact that Klebber, fie lulsbebd, do- cupIes s cellainthe connty Jall. vas airestedSmre limë a«O 'M 51 G u -nee and la à 'fl t# tr Gov. Smni wiII faS, M April 17; agrm - reaohed today' court flouse, Wabm - uer Lau SmaIivii wu . alleged couspmay tw enib fore Judge C. C. EdYardso county ounMeildaY, Apnil Il. Agreement te tie date triai was agreed ripaso ji ceniereuce held lu lthe co= bars this morhlng durinig wI& dg'fauae accepted tiie Pl" el Edwardt for tha selectlng ot Jury array. Thia plan oi the. selection of lie jury-ba every tourti usine on III coruty polling lisa. The. contnuance vau M#40 mil tha comnrntteto0f ltro ont the worx eo! awIn jury ai-ny.. ww. Jisdga lrdards sns1uço ment of dafense counW el posai star the eaafera.eetu lu session from 10 *oio*w lng. Auoceetof ment W34uma"a et 1>:0 A committee «ibrtle >.4t1 Ib6eu ffliuIW Y thse 44 who viii drav lb-e Mly the poliinsliasasu of te~ ii 1920, Inctuding aU ve« jury viii b-e drava troua el* usme. In Ibis manner the 0 ef DaVid' T. De rra d Ms tua - -lu téIhlimnfl charga l"or lie0 111vernor SAmsl - p"gtw "tlav lai inUi ve, i las leaSeS baoud bveret ail'09 chrvlges afit cii*ee lgvme lb. mant e erv o I reUs. fiat fb- opniMer* b-yul bei al-en gal * lamie mos o1I I tîbw- ,il lie ielholdingeve m »d conld hual mît a lrlm m lie hecisio o! fiai aes» Iahse ta . otlto by the Iattorne? gneaicit Inthoey raepreaeldbg mI nos-d snsgt o itat Jxls deIld ,caeséa." ulybor~ la meect panai e 3 sud snggested that lethe bo him dapulie. i. sent 0ou1t t tae i-est of the Panel fr<M body afthte couuiy. 0' Attor-neys for lie miafe s4 thus suggestion onle liey did nul cars toô lý. ltion of a jury la telie 4' affIcers. <Lafer neya 0etai isse fadi t em Justin oil4&anuetplu VonSla maaoMci clair of Wukegali. lug Irm ~ bi~ s S~, Who1 makintg 1wopa lie case vas ltee,<W t-avagant vouas j bgWY "I oecsaa&xttyb"p m Bo" àeholdtietou psy -dey aie rmeetfe *M puy~~a enimpa" shbow di the- tail- ýW e Suits. u two are ini ird in É, fat Làlity. l )f au- kattanl to<$4. M'I - T FOR MEDICINe; INSTANT DEATII North Chicago man mifstakest bottle of iquîd paint remover; t $1-50 A

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