~'IDm* tback trmffK an- kdm-, ;wig sbmit written re àt tmorrow OAR!T ON Jbgy__ MQNDAY olmw t! or Len smail, governor <1W5*t5. via 1ta bha mimd April Ilf iWt ticcharge af conspiracy tu 'll sate terest funds. Ioday *emato Judgi Claire C. -Ed S,* u Laie Couny Circuit court - a~thte elliluatlou hy 'agree et Ymaremeut caliel. as pros- A A imlexadr P. Beaublen court, lu ordi ta gaslltauth At assied that naines ort Iose aetly rexempt tram serotvle* ho kMÏWt 4before subDanas vrelsed The frt P&A iof 380 nanesbas been drawu. kL».,flrookvgf, ier of court. vas lustrucwte Molobt f rom it the naines uof,* mmfor whomn, it v acale&±s4. ompae w111 bo issoed. t vas anneumeet lat*r btat be select.lon of jurera »r tise Oxil trial vii b. beffl on OMnY» H. C. .Bunicté, vice prsaldmet c rthe Waukeper National 0819n. r#- I turneil front Kakaite sudý,cz 9 ed tihe cont tisai is voug OU ya vnltten report. tOMOrrow. Bornat vas sclects< t tbe court luin = oe l bk > ad records of the ]tIraiTrit suil 1SaviniBank lu kana.akee to de termine vat o f the rcrsare a necoaeary la thse tiraf Is Sensation sr~ at Ri$ mhen youth on train ohm to e .,hel4up gbre0 lbay roil egr.0-17,abourt 'tAi mA charges that hkan o t'Airaover hIs goiMd tx A&ccorini te th« 1 to1wy 18 lut41 1That Matchtess, Semi-Annual Event You Ail Have Lesrned To Watch For And - DQuJly Imprtnt Right Before. Easter ~ e.Àraysoeo ot IL Iie=SBae havre been lausy days imdo.d in Waiukegan&Wf!mS t. i U ,g3o-!Brave shark in the Wonaderful Bayingand they've a.cur.d valum tby wo't tau eq=.IW ùtumanly a montit to cMmn.Wat BaO *rïmaking Clotbing Hitory. The Display bIcludes The Product of The World - Famous Boume of Kuppenheimer Campus Toes Michael Stern, rKox Uatis4 Manhattan Shits,. Kiniley Shits, Wilson Bros j WE FUATURE SMARTEST S UIT S WI 2 PAIRS 0F PANTS 2 Paî*s of Pants 2 Pairs ofPants 2 Pairs etPants 'iAirs are haisouse sults--spleuddly tallorefi froin excellent nov vorstedsansd fancles la' styles for the particular Young chapes ad the older feliava ioo. They're suis youli A1e proud ta veau The extra pair af pants p.tétcallY givms iou t-wa suite for tbe, price af ou.. s'. Trousers YovW e4 t dpe-ss vear. Therrs wel made. ef godilfabrica in varIous patterùs. Aul are noeet styles lin.9 ait âmes...... When ve say theme are clefrnt ste vaMeu luit liaI. They're all beautifully tailoret f&Mi sald vawrateds or faucha.L Tou'Ili lad atYlci for Ibme young chap aud marec ciseivLtlv modeis for the aider fellovi. The 2 Pairs Of pants really meaus practically 2 Butta, i7au Every colege man; every hilh8cbool man; e?- ery young cbap wbo can vegr a aird froin 22 ta 36 sbouid Set one of these clamai mit. They're well tatlored and style and ser- vie are boult right Jint them. The 2 pairs or' pente give you dduble wear. Top Coats Svagger new tbp coats 'In excellent gab- erdinesansd tweeds. Tans, dark bravas ad grays, lut the coats $25b for sprng diel............. Finest Spring Suit$ With 2 Pairiof Pants The muiti are lu hanilsome peuciled atriimi and cheçko la greys. browus, etc., aud are Ibm la*ir oud ln sprint styllng. Suu$s for short inMu taii mon, fat men or alia men- The 2 pair$ à( pants Baves >00 the price of suothelp suit. Kuox MadeIlats gvagger sprint hats irons the famous Kuat factony in bath soft aut stiff bloche. Tere's a shape to suit $ every face ......... $ m otetagt ,avay as thie yL am, to a stop bot Garrison ItoA15« orM PmJian d shoute.l for .Aiep, sk»lminand ta break âaY "51 asU ursued by a numbor ait tte vulai*rs. Ho took refuge lualde au ilj tank car but fhlaly vas dlûldged hrweà a.rmed ,vltbh motgffl Wvie tbueg$eed 10 shoot if le did net ot1 ut. He vas held 1mtis te mal sltor Sherltf Green and Âsst:~Chier %C Polnce Tyrrel ef WaukbMgl. Eatb vere brougbt 1back ta Wau- Skjul, vb Is laalend lta have si7dtva sentences Iii a retorM m' le inl CblCago, vas loclced ln- a baLGqrrison la belng detained as p visaivai!y Thought. liiiokTrust tilet iin u otllîng Who h as -. t-*e a',conscience aIn ryh]g in whioh- f t'me leminn w8s/aparty cRASti ObCWi; lit CHICAGO Ci De= c4IL a,çbCI$. l* Ithe Centrai. It m s4W"t. <cmpaai q 2 'lt *mraare Oi ao afot'*ae v.Il kZC tW*el in m w uuc arresi 1J bl achutge of as saui lth ait utomo'le. lae vas tsk- en Inta o0 ti,=fo aguttoio- bd*, etolatog i OauiqcLlW tiuils #d ffiÙusi ms mi"Sf$Aià nid MIs wae W 018ow YDekgsUg ln' aI cftebuis orIfW tagm b ut Olae a StfieVd 1W1orM "r - mbainla la à, 1osé Imam o' the, WgukaB- toregelo club vomIè, Imaes egeerdise laniembees. ofthei *swl ia"4k celat>. Tberutcrm ,st tbeir .110M meml1s.g, vhleist; Mt- for Âp#8l 214.t, thq vil petÈ thoir selel2tioIifor a v -Ut.< 1 imu s"Oypsy- tour" eou vii tbay wiii bave ibm ý one s %b Z a ix ui a str ia s vt Ai this A ,s u o# isaequal to tbm nord race. Tii. trst isovu n ailce et 3MrIngl tu thse couarus ai tAie ViJul lStes vas lua"4. bn UEePAUsIe. pareil a rx lotlein dciarftn tt viotedthtAe constitution. ,an exPres riue of -mAe house, eadmesdatima or botâ 'pue& e.TAi sktim -~l làa sexe? voted umn ld thc ps'acilcé e. 'vs eesten. Boys! Your New Easter Suit Is Here Specialiy Prced 'flecsnppy kind that you delight ta wear pn Easter day and afterward tooc tteal reacy f or you ta' jumnp right into them. Boys clothes from the Globe re deonstrated daily wherever real boys gath-. er in Waegan. Theyre buit to stad the hard kiocks they're ure t e Juvenile Suits and top coats of newest novelty fabrice. Sinat *tyIc for the littie fellows from 2!/ to10.yeaisold 69 sSeiay pticed at ............ Boy's Suts with 2 Pairs 'of Pants Splendid suitt for confirmnation or drets vear. Made ai fsncy cashmeres. ioMleo=în. a4mu. Mue sers, cotebave leated hacha sud penu are full ileil99 Sises 7 ta 18.............. . 98 Keyne blouses the AI that don't fade. Varlety ai nevest patterus and plain 9 c white. Have double yoke. Al size".98 Boy's Suits1 with Pairs, of Pants Coufirmation and dreos sumilu Wnov cash- meres, bIne serge#, homespwns anid mixtures The uewest modela vlth pleatof 11M coata flli lined pauts, 1 te 18 12.00J Dress Shit Kayuee dress shirts lu nevest Ipaterns auid shades. Ail fat colon. Callîr attached aud ueekbanàd styles, anue$s OQ Boy's. Suiti witli 2 Nars of -Pants Confirmation iud dresasnuits. our "Dee Mo" sciai. Strlctly baud tallorad. Pieated coats *zful11 Iluei pants villi double humes. Niewest ÈabrIcs, ln 8 ta 18 Ses, ut .ý.......... 65 , Boy's Caps Smart new caps lu patterns andl ahades to match any suit. The Ivery neweit of the seagon at 1.00 and .....'l Boys' Knee Pants- - 0f faucy dashmeres, homespuns vworsteds and b lue 1df serges. Sites 8 ta 18. Pull lUued ........... . .6 Boy&. Knited TiMu Ail the nov pattens and siades at.............................. 50C ---- - --- --- --- - - -AEON BMART FURNIBHINGB TUE NEIW KNIT 4UtES lu a-, MMN UNION SUITS lU r4bbed MENS SUIRTS AND DRAW- vide rage aofcolora.& style long or short sîmeve - RS-LKt el' tfr p' u Greàt barwalus OC nkle lengtba, s? MANHÂAW M ST A -'iuN'ý ATELETIC IUNION MIN'S SIHTS AND DRAW. specialIgToUu 4 ad âMIMr.ý BUITS."Ilade of g"od uiateilal. Eff8 cf gaod »Wbrlggau. '1'bey ptternh. Up té AU a il ses. very spec 65c ame u au mies at . ........................ .......aiat each . ..... -Nat! aber -'Il vrop lette cthi irite, thée1 elviii rï * educi the( luy fi lty t t hat ampl nion hom4 lastil jtin. set strat modi citle, nay and drap ail à W. 1 the le a stres the I ee tThe Glbe Men's Mats W. reature a muzppy sprlng bat lu bait tbe shape, and ahaden you vaut 12 Eatb softand stIff blocks..... <EXI T vat' sud l'itit ise E mot Sec, iox be 1 ber t0 hep Som go, E ert, fat sel bad Mai "sd app proi far moi thal Wh thei ý4 ave Ells sac Gaz vax E fat 015; ry deti offe tan- go L azz